Retain Sentence Examples
It was amazing how Alex could retain his composure.
At the bottom she staggered to retain her balance.
Dean gritted his teeth to retain his good mood.
Her only hope was to retain his friendship.
Where I took on this assignment, hoping you'd retain the part of you that makes you human?
She had to retain her composure.
It is an interesting question how far men would retain their relative rank if they were divested of their clothes.
The French artists still retain FIG ' 4.
Maybe there's some way to have both; retain our privacy and have an escape identity in case the need ever arises.
Under the constitution, the provinces retain all the powers not delegated to the federal government.
AdvertisementSometimes, however, he will run upon a wall many rods, and then leap off far to one side, and he appears to know that water will not retain his scent.
As long as these states were to share a currency, a military, provide for interstate trade, and have a single foreign policy, they could retain the economic advantages of being a large nation while maximizing individual liberty and self-determination.
Again, where a person has received money under circumstances which disentitle him to retain it, such as receiving payment of an account twice over, it can generally be recovered as a debt.
At four or five months they are lovely, as generally they retain their baby whiteness, which contrasts well with their almost black ears, deep-brown markings, and blue eyes."
It follows that new groups of Ratitae can no longer be developed since there are no Carinatae living which still retain so many low characters, e.g.
AdvertisementHe had always opposed the American War, and on the accession of Lord Shelburne to power in 1782 was made bishop of Llandaff, being permitted to retain his other preferments on account of the poverty of the see.
Morse showed, by experiments made in 1842 on a canal at Washington, that it was possible to interrupt the metallic electric circuit in two places and yet retain power of electric Morse.
So proficient did he become that he was able to retain the equivalent of sixty pages of printed matter in his memory, turning and returning them as he walked or drove.
Aguilar "of the Frontier" was so named in the middle ages from its position on the border of the Moorish territories, which were defended by the castle of Anzur, now a ruin; but the spacious squares and modern houses of the existing town retain few vestiges of Moorish dominion.
Perceiving further, that in order to understand these relations I should sometimes have to consider them one by one, and sometimes only to bear them in mind or embrace them in the aggregate, I thought that, in order the better to consider them individually, I should view them as subsisting between straight lines, than which I could find no objects more simple, or capable of being more distinctly represented to my imagination and senses; and on the other hand that, in order to retain them in the memory or embrace an aggregate of many, I should express them by certain characters, the briefest possible."
AdvertisementAn effort to encourage the development of the mercantile marine was made in the same year, and a convention was concluded with the chief lines of passenger steamers to retain their fastest vessels as auxiliaries to the fleet in case of war.
In consequence of the complaints of certain Galatian princes, DeIotarus was deprived of part of his dominions, but allowed to retain the title of king.
It seems as if a child who could see and hear until her nineteenth month must retain some of her first impressions, though ever so faintly.
Let him who has work to do recollect that the object of clothing is, first, to retain the vital heat, and secondly, in this state of society, to cover nakedness, and he may judge how much of any necessary or important work may be accomplished without adding to his wardrobe.
Under different conditions it can retain it more strongly or allow it to escape more freely.
AdvertisementIt should then be thrown together in ridges and frequently turned, so as to be kept in an incipient state of fermentation, a little dryish friable loam being mixed with it to retain the ammonia given off by the dung.
This, except historically, is a misnomer, for, though descended from the old English Presbyterians, they retain nothing of their distinctive doctrine of polity - nothing of Presbyterianism, indeed, but the name.
Finally, as regards structure,S the tentacles may retain their primitive hollow nature, or become solid by obliteration of the axial cavity.
As usual with him, however, he failed to retain the confidence of his coadjutors to the end.
The greater part of the territory was formally incorporated into the empire, and the petty potentates, such as the khan of Khiva and the amir of Bokhara, who were allowed to retain a semblance of their former sovereignty, became obsequious vassals of the White Tsar.
Rodrigues set out at once for Lisbon to confer with the king, who ultimately decided to retain him in Portugal.
Only by the inner purification of myself can I retain in some degree of purity the liquid I receive.
But the once proud and shrewd rulers of France, feeling that their part is played out, are even more bewildered than he, and do not say the words they should have said to destroy him and retain their power.
But we'd always remained a step away, like Martha once said, to retain our perfect friendship.
In the frequent wars between Austria and Turkey during the i 7th and 18th centuries the Austrians captured Naissus twice (in 1689 and 1737), but were not able to retain it long.
Southern Italy indeed has in general a very different climate from the northern portion of the kingdom; and, though large tracts are still occupied by rugged mountains of sufficient elevation to retain the snow for a considerable part of the year, the districts adjoining the sea enjoy a climate similar to that of Greece and the southern provinces of Spain.
Pressure from all sides of the House, however, induced the ministry to retain office until after the debate on the application to Rome and the Papal States of the Religious Orders Bill (originally passed in 1866)a measure which, with the help of Ricasoli, was carried at the end of May.
Crispi, whose strong anti-clerical convictions did not prevent him from regarding the papacy as preeminently an Italian institution, was determined both to prove to the Catholic world the practical independence of the government of the Church and to retain for Rome so potent a centre of universal attraction as the presence of the future pope.
The men of the Left believed themselves subtle enough to retain the confidence and esteem of all foreign powers while coquetting at home with elements which some of these powers had reason to regard with suspicion.
More important than all was the interest of the Roman curia, composed almost exclusively of Italians, to retain in its own hands the choice of the pontiff and to maintain the predominance 01 the Italian element and the Italian spirit in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
On the other hand Valdemar, by prudent diplomacy, contrived to retain the greater portion of Danish Esthonia (compact of Stensby, 1238).
A few Euthyneura in which the shell is not much reduced retain an operculum in the adult state, e.g.
Some lands were granted in particular to natives of Alsace-Lorraine, who preferred to retain French nationality after the war.
Mexican citizenship includes all persons born of Mexican parents, all naturalized aliens, and all foreigners owning real estate in the republic or having children by Mexican mothers unless formal declaration is made of an intention to retain the citizenship of another country.
Originally the superior judges were in most states appointed for life and held office during good behaviour, but only three states now retain this system.
They have become^mainly Protestants, Catholics or Mormons, but retain many superstitions connected with their native religion.
In other Entoprocta the buds on a horseshoe retain a high degree of individuality, a shaped l o p h o - thread-like stolon giving off the cylindrical phore; stalks, each of which dilates at its end i, Ectocyst; into the body of a zooid.
He was deeply interested in politics, was a follower of Mr Gladstone, and approved the Home Rule Bill of 1886, but objected to the later proposal to retain the Irish members at Westminster.
The custom of suttee, or widow-burning, has long been abolished in the state, but the people retain all their superstitions regarding witches and sorcery; and as late as 1870, a Bhil woman, about eighty years old, was swung to death at Kushalgarh on an accusation of witchcraft.
On the other hand, the precipitation on the Tibetan plateau is so copious, and so uniformly distributed, that it is able to retain the loosened material in situ, and causes it to heap itself up in rounded masses on the flanks of the mountains that are its primitive source of origin, these projecting in great part like skeletons from the midst of their own ruins."
As Daunou shrewdly observes in his Memoires, they were too cultivated and too polished to retain their popularity long in times of disturbance, and were therefore the more inclined to work for the establishment of order, which would mean the guarantee of their own power.'
They were thus enabled to retain the belief in his Messiahship which his death had threatened to destroy permanently.
At the council of Chalcedon in 451 it was declared that in the person of Christ are united two complete natures, divine and human,which retain after the union all their properties unchanged.
The individual colonies, however, were to retain control over their strictly internal affairs.
For some purposes it is preferable to retain the circular measure, i radians, as being undistinguishable from sin i and tan i when i is small as in direct fire.
The French, not yet certain whether or not they would retain Algeria, remained on the defensive.
But the limbs show with regard to development great variation, and an uninterrupted transition from the most perfect condition of two pairs with five separate clawed toes to their total disappearance; yet even limbless lizards retain bony vestiges beneath the skin.
Many lizards, however, retain the eggs in the oviducts until the embryo is fully developed; these species then bring forth living young and are called ovo-viviparous by purists.
It contemplated a restoration of all the religions of antiquity, by allowing each to retain its traditional forms, and at the same time making each a vehicle for the religious attitude and the religious truth embraced in Neoplatonism; while every form of ritual was to become a stepping-stone to a high morality worthy of mankind.
He showed that from each individual shell of an ammonite the entire ancestral series may be reconstructed, and that, while the earlier shell-whorls retain the characters of the adults of preceding members of the series, a shell in its own adult stage adds a new character, which in turn becomes the pre-adult character of the types which will succeed it; finally, that this comparison between the revolutions of the life of an individual and the life of the entire order of ammonites is wonderfully harmonious and precise.
But with all these drawbacks he conquered and will retain a place in what is perhaps the highest, as it is certainly the smallest, class of statesmen - the class of those to whom their country has had recourse in a great disaster, who have shown in bringing her through that disaster the utmost constancy, courage, devotion and skill, and who have been rewarded by as much success as the occasion permitted.
His desire to retain French confidence was the chief motive of his refusal in July 1882 to share in the British expedition to Egypt, but, finding.
On the 25th of June 1903, the issue of bank-notes without a guarantee was restricted; and thenceforward all banks were compelled to retain gold or silver to the value of 10% of the notes issued in 1904, 20% in 1905 and 30% in 1906.
He holds office for five years, and his powers are strictly limited, as in the case of the sovereign, all executive acts being done on the advice of his cabinet, the members of which hold office only so long as they retain the confidence of the people as expressed by their representatives in parliament.
In them the foot has a flat ventral surface used for creeping, as in Gastropods, the byssus gland is but slightly developed, the pleural ganglia are distinct, there is a relic of the pharyngeal cavity, in some forms with a pair of glandular sacs, the gonads retain their primitive connexion with the renal cavities, and the otocysts are open.
The Ancient Roman Year Commenced With March, As Is Indicated By The Names September, October, November, December, Which The Last Four Months Still Retain.
From the above description it will be seen that all the parts of the male external genital organs are represented in the female, though usually in a less developed condition, and that, owing to the orifice of the vagina, they retain their original bi-lateral form.
Most remarkable is its resemblance to the adult form of the Wheel animalcules, or Rotifera, which retain the prae-oral ciliated band as their chief organ of locomotion and prehension throughout life.
In this connexion he established the very important practical conclusion that worms which contract the disease during their own life-cycle retain sufficient vitality to feed, develop and spin their cocoon, although the next generation is invariably infected and shows the disease in its most virulent and fatal form.
Hurd's Letters on Chivalry and Romance (1762) retain a certain interest for their importance in the history of the romantic movement, which they did something to stimulate.
There are few Egyptian women over forty who retain either good looks or good figures.
Retain any packaging or certification information for high-value items you may wish to sell after baby has outgrown them.
These teeth retain a certain proportion of shorter fibre and rough places and tangled portions of silk, which are taken off the combs in a book-board or wrapped round a stick and again presented to the combs.
Clouds, mountains, landscapes, towers, churches, trees, flowers and herbs were drawn with wonderful precision, minuteness of detail and delicacy of hand, solely to recall some specific aspect of nature or art, of which he wished to retain a record.
In these early days Peter would very willingly have made peace with his formidable rival if he had been allowed to retain these comparatively modest conquests.
The streets are for the most part narrow and irregular, and, although most of the houses are comparatively modern, some of them retain the picturesque gables characteristic of earlier times.
Low down on the leeward side it is dark red and fertile, but still too pervious to retain moisture well.
On the overthrow of the empire, de Gerando was allowed to retain this office; but having been sent during the hundred days into the department of the Moselle to organize the defence of that district, he was punished at the second Restoration by a few months of neglect.
It reverted to the Crown in 15Jo, and had various owners until the close of the 18th century, when it came to Sir Thomas Spencer Wilson, whose descendants retain it.
In general the dead were believed to retain their faculties to a certain extent in or near the place where they were buried, and stories are told of the resistance offered by them to tomb-robbers.
Those manufacturers who act as merchants aim to retain the merchant profit and must employ a merchant capital in stocks.
They retain their Armenian liturgies and rites, pruned to suit the Vatican standards of orthodoxy, and they recognize the pope as head of the church.
Certain districts, indeed, in which a layer of heavy loam underlies the porous and friable surface, are able to retain the moisture which elsewhere is absorbed.
Her thorough understanding of the king's character enabled her to retain her hold on him to the end.
In 1764 he was made secretary to General Johnstone at Pensacola, West Florida, and when he returned, two years later, to England, after a quarrel with Johnstone, he was allowed to retain his salary as a pension.
The condition of albinism thus assumed as a seasonal variation is never complete, for the eyes at least retain their pigmented state.
In some cases, as in all the varying hares, in addition to the eyes retaining their normal pigmentation, areas similar in extent and situation to those on the Himalayan rabbits also retain their pigmentation; and in the ptarmigan there is a black band on each side of the head stretching forwards and backwards from the eyeball, and the outer tail feathers are black.
But some time before the middle of the 12th century they had acquired the meaning they still retain of the French chevalier and chevalerie.
From their supposed aptitude to imbibe and retain odours, their powder was the basis of various perfumes, such as the celebrated " Poudre de Cypre " of the hairdressers, but their employment in this respect has long since been abandoned.
The two kingdoms were to be perpetually allied, but each of them was to retain its own laws and customs. Sweden was also to enjoy her religion subject to such changes as a general council might make.
Although the outbreak of war had been preceded by years of angry diplomatic dispute, the United States were absolutely unready, while Great Britain was still hard pressed by the hostility of Napoleon, and was compelled to retain the greater part of her forces and her best crews in European waters, till the ruin of the Grande Armee in Russia and the rising of Germany left her free to send an overwhelming force of ships to American waters.
The fall of Napoleon having now freed the British government from the obligation to retain its army in Europe, troops from Spain began to pour in.
They are forbidden to carry out a sentence of death passed on a criminal without the sanction of the superintendent of the southern Shan states, but otherwise retain nearly all their customary law.
The name appears to have been derived from the Yussuf ben-Serragh, the head of the tribe in the time of Mahommed VII., who did that sovereign good service in his struggles to retain the crown of which he was three times deprived.
It is clear, nevertheless, from examination that as a rule the wood of the stock and the wood of the scion retain their external characters year by year without change.
For winter use the tops of the most useful kinds of herbs should be cut when in flower or full leaf and quite dry, and spread out in an airy but shady place so as to part slowly with the moisture they contain and at the same time retain their aromatic properties.
The upper house of the Bavarian parliament (Kammer der Reichsrdte) is composed of (I) the princes of the blood royal (being of full age), (2) the ministers of the crown, (3) the archbishops of Munich, Freising and Bamberg, (4) the heads of such noble families as were formerly "immediate" so long as they retain their ancient possessions in Bavaria, (5) of a Roman Catholic bishop appointed by the king for life, and of the president for the time being of the Protestant consistory, (6) of hereditary counsellors (Reichsreite) appointed by the king, and (7) of other counsellors appointed by the king for life.
Groningen is the most important town in the north of Holland, with its fine shops and houses and wide clean streets, while brick houses of the 16th and 17th centuries help it to retain a certain old-world air.
The StatesGeneral in the disbanding of the forces wished to tion of retain the cadres of the regiments complete in case of a renewal of the war.
A natural classification on these lines would obviously be very complicated, so that in the present state of our knowledge it will be best to retain the three main groups mentioned above,.
It has since been shown by Buchner and Albert that yeast-cells which have been killed by alcohol and ether, or with acetone, still retain the enzyme.
The slag, in order that it may have such an excess of base that this will retain the phosphoric acid as fast as it is formed by the oxidation of the phosphorus of the pig iron, and prevent it from being re-deoxidized and re-absorbed by the iron, should, according to von Ehrenwerth's rule which is generally followed, contain enough lime to form approximately a tetra-calcic silicate, 4CaO,S10 2 with the silica which results from the oxidation of the silicon of the pig iron and tri-calcic phosphate, 3CaO,P205, with the phosphoric acid which forms. The danger of this " rephosphorization " is greatest at the end of the blow, when the recarburizing additions are made.
These additions seem to act in part by deoxidizing the minute quantity of iron oxide and carbonic oxide present, in part by increasing the solvent power of the metal for gas, so that even after freezing it can retain in solution the gas which it had dissolved when molten.
Satricum, on the other hand, was certainly south of the Alban Hills, between Velitrae and Antium; while Cora, Norba and Setia (all of which retain their ancient names with little modification) crowned the rocky heights which form advanced posts from the Volscian mountains towards the Pontine Marshes.
He laboured for the attainment of a united Nonconformist body, which should retain the cultured element without alienating the uneducated.
The history of furs can be read in Marco Polo, as he grows eloquent with the description of the rich skins of the khan of Tatary; in the early fathers of the church, who lament their introduction into Rome and Byzantium as an evidence of barbaric and debasing luxury; in the political history of Russia, stretching out a powerful arm over Siberia to secure her rich treasures; in the story of the French occupation of Canada, and the ascent of the St Lawrence to Lake Superior, and the subsequent contest to retain possession against England; in the history of early settlements of New England, New York and Virginia; in Irving's Astoria; in the records of the Hudson's Bay Company; and in the annals of the fairs held at Nizhniy Novgorod and Leipzig.
It is the most useful fur for use in America or Russia, having a full quantity of fur which will retain heat.
These acid esters retain some of the characteristic properties of the acids, forming, for example, salts, with basic oxides.
They might retain at least one unsectarian or adopt one Catholic school, where 25 heads of families demanded it.
He was as anxious as Flood had been to retain the legislative power in the hands of men of property, for "he had through the whole of his life a strong conviction that while Ireland could_ best be governed by Irish hands, democracy in Ireland would inevitably turn to plunder and anarchy."
His last political achievement was to draw still closer to Russia by the treaty of the 13th of December 1769, the most important paragraph of which stipulated that any change in the Swedish constitution should be regarded by Denmark and Russia as a cases belli against Sweden, and that in the event of such a war Denmark should retain all the territory conquered from Sweden.
As perhaps the first clear exposition and defence of the psychological doctrine of determinism, Hobbes's own two pieces must ever retain a classical importance in the history of the free-will controversy; while Bramhall's are still worth study as specimens of scholastic fence.
Having been refused the command of the imperial troops in Piedmont, he tried in vain to negotiate a separate peace with France; but in 1556 France and Spain concluded a five years' truce, by which each was to retain what it then occupied.
Besides these political divisions there are certain parts of Germany which, not conterminous with political boundaries, retain appellations derived either from former tribal settlements or from divisions of the old Holy Roman Empire.
For some time he resisted, but at length the emperor in person marched against him and he was forced to submit; the only favor he could secure when peace was made at Erfurt in November 1181 was permission to retain Brunswick and Lneburg, which have remained in the possession of his descendants until our own day.
The vexed and difficult question of the ownership of the ecclesiastical lands was settled by fixing November 1627 as the deciding date; those who were in possession then were to retain them for forty years, during which time it was hoped a satisfactory arrangement would be reached.
When,onthe istof April 1902,a new stamp,withthe superscription Deutsches Reich, was issued for the Empire, including Wurttemberg, Bavaria refused to accept it, retaining the stamp with the Bavarian lion, thus emphasizing her determination to retain her separate postal establishment.
The newer quarters, situated near the river, are laid out in the fashion of French cities, but the eastern parts of the town retain, almost unimpaired, their Oriental aspect, and in scores of narrow, tortuous streets, and busy bazaars it is easy to forget that there has been any change from the Cairo of medieval times.
Men who have otherwise adopted European costume retain the tarbush.
Excavations and explorations are also conducted annually by the agents of universities and museums in England, America and Germany, and by private explorers, concessions being granted generally on the terms that the Egyptian government shall retain half of the antiquities discovered, while the other half remains for the finders.
In a later battle he was himself defeated by the Ikshid, when an arrangement was made permitting Saif addaula to retain most of Syria, while a prefect appointed by the Ikshid was to remain in Damascus.
Although, unlike so many other cells, thus early sterile for reproduction of their kind, they retain for longer than most cells a high power of individual growth.
Her population was double that of the two other kingdoms combined, and neither Margaret nor her successors observed the stipulations that each country should retain its own laws and customs and be ruled by natives only.
His various works still retain their freshness and vital attraction.
Some vitality seeds retain vita for period of many years, though s e e of Y P Y Y ?
The details are not quite clear, but it seems tolerably certain that the prince and the bishop, anxious to retain their power, sought to induce Henry IV.
Its gardens, however, with their clipped hedges, grottos, fountains, and cypress avenues, are said to retain their original Moorish character.
For parliamentary purposes some counties have been united, as Clackmannan and Kinross, Elgin and Nairn, Orkney and Shetland, and Peebles and Selkirk, and others divided, as Aberdeen, Ayr, Lanark, Perth and Renfrew, while others retain in certain respects their old subdivision, Lanarkshire for assessment purposes being still partitioned into the upper, middle and lower wards.
The interesting philological tractate Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue by Alexander Hume (not the verse writer, u.s.) is in its language a medley; and William Lithgow had travelled too widely to retain his native speech in purity, even in his indifferent verse.
Accordingly Whitelocke was not excepted from the Act of Indemnity, and after the payment of various sums to the king and others he was allowed to retain the bulk of his property.
Moreover, no two summits seem to retain the snow permanently at the same altitude.
The inhabitants of this tract are Persians or Arabs who by domicile and intermarriage with Persians have lost nearly all their racial and most of their social characteristics, but retain a dialect of Arabic as their mother tongue.
It may be said generally that while Luther insisted on a service in the vernacular, including the singing of German hymns, he considered it best to retain most of the ceremonies, the vestments and the uses of lights on the altar, which had existed in the unreformed church, while he was careful to explain that their retention might be dispensed with if thought necessary.
But Menelaus managed to retain his position, and his accusers were put to death.
The older parts of the town retain their narrow and crooked streets.
Many Berbers still retain certain Christian and Jewish usages, relics of the pre-Islamitic days in North Africa, but of their primitive religion there is no trace.
These spurs retain a considerable altitude, for they are marked by peaks exceeding 11,000 ft.
The area under cotton increased enormously, and the growers managed to retain in their own hands a fair share of the profit.
From the first he laid down as his guiding principle that the British must be the one paramount power in the peninsula, and that the native princes could only retain the insignia of sovereignty by surrendering the substance of independence.
All Short's telescopes were of the Gregorian form, and some of them retain even to the present day their original high polish and sharp definition.
It is not a little curious that the obvious improvement of trans ferring the declination axis as well as the declination-clamp to the telescope end of the declination axis was so long delayed; we can explain the delay only by the desire to retain the declination circle as a part of the counterpoise.
The Mushi-Kongo and other divisions of the Ba-Kongo retain curious traces of the Christianity professed by them in the 16th and 17th centuries and possibly later.
By the eighth article of capitulation it was agreed that the inhabitants should retain their own laws, customs, and religion; and thus the island is still largely French in language, habits, and predilections; but its name has again been changed to that given by the Dutch.
Jujube fruits when carefully dried will keep for a long time, and retain their refreshing acid flavour, on account of which they are much valued in the countries of the Mediterranean region as a winter dessert fruit; and, 1 The med.
The unified German Empire has not as yet adopted one system of prison treatment, and its various component kingdoms still retain independence in views and practice.
The abolition of the Holy Empire in 1806 removed even the shadow of vassalage from the German reigning dukes, who retain their sovereign status under the new empire.
Over the greater part of the country the native princes retain their sovereignty under the superintendence of French officials.
Even there one of his kinsmen and chief enemies, Usibepu, was allowed to retain the territory allotted to him in 1879.
Were it in the hands of an enemy the Chinese colonies in Central Asia would be completely severed from the mother country, hence the eagerness evinced by the government throughout all history to retain possession of the region.
The sole question now was whether he should be allowed to retain Egypt itself.
So far as concerns the residue of powers unallotted to the central or federal authority, the separate states retain unimpaired their individual sovereignty, and the citizens of a federation consequently owe a double allegiance, one to the state, and the other to the federal government.
No Roman colony started without the sanction and direction of the public authority; and while the Colonia Romana differed from the Colonia Latina in that the former permitted its members to retain their political rights intact, the colony, whether planted within the bounds of Italy or in provinces such as Gaul or Britain, remained an integral part of the Roman state.
In some regions, notably in the Baltic province and in parts of the United States, the rocks still retain their original horizontality of deposition, the muds are scarcely indurated and the sands are still incoherent; but in most parts of the world they bear abundant evidence of the many movements and stresses to which they have been exposed through so enormous a period of time.
Now the poison is contained, as we have already seen, in the discharges from patients, and in such infected localities the standing conditions and the habits of the people combine to retain the discharges on the premises.
Except Great Britain and Germany, they all retain quarantine in a more or less stringent form at seaports.
The practical application of mechanics may be divided into two classes, according as the assemblages of material In view of the great authority of the author, the late Professor Macquorn Rankine, it has been thought desirable to retain the greater part of this article as it appeared in the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia.
The development of Amphioxus possesses many features of interest, and cannot fail to retain its importance as an introduction to the study of embryology.
We find it needful to retain both terms, Renaissance and Revival of Learning, and 1 For a somewhat different view of the parcelling out into such periods, see the article Middle Ages.
It is argued that there must be in the mind an enduring, primary faculty whereby we retain, compare and group the presentations of sense.
He also made many experiments with the tourmaline when cut into thin slices, and reduced to the finest powder, in which state each particle preserved its pyro-electricity; and he showed that scolezite and mesolite, even when deprived of their water of crystallization and reduced to powder, retain their property of becoming electrical by heat.
At the present day the whole plain of the Mesaoria is naturally bare and treeless, and it is only the loftiest and central summits of Mount Olympus that still retain their covering of pine woods.
Of these two Puritan divines, Vicar Prichard, who was essentially orthodox in his behaviour, forms an interesting connecting link between the learned Elizabethan translators of the Bible and the great revivalists of the 18th century, and his moral rhymes in the vernacular, collected and printed after his death under the title of The Welshman's Candle (Canwyll y Cymry), still retain some degree of popularity amongst his countrymen.
In the boys' school the two highest classes retain their ancient names of Grecians and Deputy Grecians.
This was done, and, recognizing the difficulties of the situation, the king gave him leave to travel abroad, and allowed him still to retain his revenues as dean of Exeter.
The great gods of Greece, in their functions as "saviours " and city-guardians, acquire new moral characters, and become really different gods, though they retain the old names.
The idealist position Kant seemed at first sight to retain with an even stronger force than ever.
Anxious to retain so promising an adherent, and probably desirous at the same time to avoid public scandal, the chiefs of the community offered him a yearly pension of r000 florins if he would outwardly conform and appear now and then in the synagogue.
He was either the founder or the formulator of the doctrine of indifference, according to which genus and species retain their identity in the individual apart altogether from particular idiosyncrasies.
The Lapps moreover retain their distinctive dress.
The two kingdoms were to be in perpetual alliance, but each of them was to retain its own laws and customs.
By this truce Sweden was, for six years, to retain possession of her Livonian conquests, besides holding Elbing, the Vistula delta, Braunsberg in West, and Pillau and Memel in East Prussia, with the right to levy tolls at Pillau, Memel, Danzig, Labiau and Windau.
He affected to believe that only by force of arms could Sweden retain the dominion which by force of arms she had won; but he also grasped the fact that there must be no disunion at home if she were to continue powerful abroad.
The king emerged from Charles and the the war convinced that if Sweden were to retain her Swedish position as a great power she must radically reform Constitu- her whole economical system, and, above all, cir tion.
He knew that Russia would never voluntarily relinquish the grand duchy, while Sweden could not hope to retain it permanently, even if she reconquered it.
Under the treaty of Ancon (20th October 1883) Chile was to retain possession of the provinces of Tacna and Arica belonging to the Peruvian department of Moquegua for a period of ten years, and then submit " to popular vote whether those territories are to belong to Chile or Peru."
The relations between President Erthzuriz and congress became rather strained, owing to the former's inclination to retain in office a ministry on which congress had passed a vote of censure; but Errazuriz had been in ill-health for more than a year, and on the 1st of May he resigned, and died in July.
The soil is thin and porous and does not retain moisture, consequently the long, dry season turns the country into a barren desert, relieved only by vegetation along the river courses and mountain ranges, and by the hardy, widelydistributed carnahuba palm (Copernicia cerifera),which in places forms groves of considerable extent.
In spite of his successes he concluded peace with both kingdoms, rightly considering that it would be impossible to retain these remote frontier provinces permanently.
Hormizd had not the ability to retain the authority of his father, and he further affronted the Magian priesthood by declining to proceed against the Christians and by requiring that, in his empire, both religions should dwell together in peace.
In inflammation of the stomach also such continuous vomiting occasionally occurs that the patient's life is in danger by his inability to retain food; and similar danger also occurs from inflammation of the intestines and consequent diarrhoea.
General Botha decided to retain office, and seats for him and Mr Hull were found by means of by-elections.
The naval and military forces were disbanded, but Charles managed to retain under the name of guards three regiments, which remained the nucleus of a standing army.
The two active elements interpenetrate the two lower or more relaxed, winding through all parts of matter and so pervading the greater masses that there is no mechanical mixture, nor yet a chemical combination, since both " force " and " matter " retain their relative characters as.
The Moors introduced many improvements, especially in the system of irrigation; the characteristic Portuguese wells with their perpetual chains or buckets are of Moorish invention, and retain their Moorish name of noras.
Though committed to the Tower he was soon released, and was allowed to retain the property he possessed before 1718, including his country estate, to which he retired to pass the rest of his days.
He is practically free from the multifarious duties which the English consul has to discharge in connexion with the mercantile marine, nor has he to perform marriage ceremonies; and financially he is much better off, being allowed to retain as personal all fees obtained from his notarial duties.
According to the rule, water, which has the lower surface-tension, should spread upon the surface of mercury; whereas the universal experience of the laboratory is that drops of water standing upon mercury retain their compact form without the least tendency to spread.
The detached masses into which a jet is resolved do not at once assume and retain a spherical form, but execute a series of vibrations, being alternately compressed and elongated in the direction of the axis of symmetry.
The Pimas and Papagoes were early converted by the Spaniards, and retain to-day a smattering of Christianity plentifully alloyed with paganism.
In Gram's method, however, only some bacteria retain the stain, while others lose it.
These toxins may become free in the culture fluid, and the living bacteria may then be got rid of by filtering the fluid through a filter of unglazed porcelain, whose pores are sufficiently small to retain them.
Prolonged desultory warfare continued up to 1478, when a treaty concluded at Olmi tz secured Bohemia to Vladislav; Matthias was to retain the so-called " lands of the Bohemian crown " - Moravia, Silesia and Lusatia - during his lifetime, and they were to be restored to Bohemia after his death.
Henceforth, Ptolemy seems to have mingled as little as possible in the broils of Asia Minor and Greece; his possessions in Greece he did not retain, but Cyprus he reconquered in 295-4.
The thrower, in the ordinary form of the game, was expected to retain the recumbent position that was usual at table, and, in flinging the cottabus, to make use of his right hand only.
The silver in this case is obtained as a yellowish grey heavy powder, which is easily washed by decantation; but it' tends to retain unreduced chloride, which can be removed only by fusion with carbonate of soda.
The peasants of Dithmarschen in the south-west also retain many of their ancient peculiarities.
But the attempt of this party to retain control by a " gerrymandering " process was unsuccessful.
Walsall (Waleshales, Walshall, Walsaler) is included in the list of lands given in 996 to the church of Wolverhampton, which, however, did not retain it long.
It is most typically developed in the most specialized Decapoda, the Brachyura, while the more primitive groups of Malacostraca, the Euphausiidae, Penaeidea and Stomatopoda, retain the primitive order of appearance C FIG.
In those Copepods in which the palps of the mandibles as well as the antennae are biramous and natatory, the first three pairs of appendages retain throughout life, with little modification, the shape and function which they have in the nauplius stage, and must, in all likelihood, be regarded as approximating to those of the primitive Crustacea.
The Ostracoda might have been derived from the same stock were it not that they retain the mandibular palp which all the Phyllopods have lost.
It is derived from springs which burst through the beds below sea-level with such force as to retain their freshness in the midst of the surrounding salt water.
Even where, as in the Pennine region and the Lake District, the people have been completely assimilated with the Teutonic stock, they retain a typical character, marked by independence of opinion approaching stubbornness, and by great determination and enterprise.
Attention has been called to the fact that the bare rocks and steep gradients which are common in the Western Division allow of the heavy rainfall running off the surface rapidly, while the flat and often clayey lands of the Eastern Division retain the scantier rainfall in the soil for a longer time, so that for agricultural purposes the effect of the rainfall is not very dissimilar throughout the country.
From all other large Carnivora except the African hunting-dog, hyenas are distinguished by having only four toes on each foot, and are further characterized by the length of the fore-legs as compared with the hind pair, the non-retractile claws, and the enormous strength of the jaws and teeth, which enables them to break the hardest bones and to retain what they have seized with unrelaxing grip.
Soon he settled in Haarlem, as engraver on copper, and produced works which retain high values.
He accepted the substantial aid of his disciples; but he rejected none who could give him even the smallest fee, and he would retain none who did not show earnestness and capacity.
This definition will include the living and also most of the extinct forms, although in some of the latter the lateral metacarpal bones not only retain their lower ends, but are complete in their entire length.
The pronunciation as hospodar of a word written gospodar in all but one of the Slavonic languages which retain the Cyrillic alphabet is not, as is sometimes alleged, due to the influence of Little Russian, but to that of Church Slavonic. In both of these g is frequently pronounced h.
Grafting, however, has not been found to answer the purpose, since the stock and the graft have been found to retain their respective alkaloids in the natural proportion just as if growing separately.
But those who, like the positivists, agnostics and sceptics, deny the possibility of metaphysics as a theory of the ultimate nature of things, are still obliged to retain philosophy as a theory of knowledge, in order to justify the asserted limitation or impotence of human reason.
A pair of small strapshaped leaves succeed the two cotyledons of the seedling, and persist as the only leaves during the life of the plant; they retain the power of growth in their basal portion, which is sunk in a narrow groove near the edge of the crown, and the tough lamina, 6 ft.
By this time the rainy season has thoroughly set in, and the field is dammed up so as to retain the water.
These retained, and retain, many preReformation features elsewhere fallen obsolete.
The Lords, or such of them as did not purposely stay away from the House, admitted that his claim was unimpeachable, but suggested as a compromise that Henry should retain the crown for life, and the duke and his heirs succeed after his death.
The peasants retain their distinctive dress, long discarded, except on festivals and at court, by the wealthier classes.
Subsequently, in order to retain a hold on the loyalty of the Walachian voivode, the king of Hungary invested him with the title of duke of Fogaras and Omlas,.
Despite this admirable measure, he was unable to retain office, and three changes of ministry followed.
Some words indeed 2 - such as laudare, to praise, ducere, to lead - retain unaltered the forms under which they were used by Virgil and Cicero.
Many of the civilized Indian communities have not become wholly Hispanicized and still retain their own dialects and customs, their attitude being that of a conquered race submitting to the customs and demands of a social organization of which they form no part.
He was much indebted to an uncommon memory, which seemed to retain every idea that was conveyed to it, either from reading or meditation.
Numbers of them retain their own language.
In 1884 Mr Hofmeyr led the Bond in strongly supporting the Transvaal Boers who had invaded Bechuanaland (q.v.), proclaiming that if the Bechuanaland freebooters were not permitted to retain the territories they had seized, in total disregard of the terms of the conventions of 1881 and 1884, there would be rebellion among the Dutch of Cape Colony.
On the other hand, the partial or total failure of smaller dams of this description, to retain the reservoir water, has been much more common in the past than is generally supposed.
He denied that the Vedas warranted the caste system, but wished to retain the four grades as orders of learning to which admission should be won by examination.
In general interests members must subordinate themselves to the good of others; in personal interests they should retain independence.
Near the end of the century persistent stories of a North-west Passage caused the Spanish rulers to plan further explorations of the Pacific coast, so as to forestall other nations in the discovery of the alleged new route and thus retain their monopoly of the South Sea (Pacific Ocean).
This gas is now passed through the Gay-Lussac tower, which somewhat resembles the Glover tower, but is usually filled with coke, over which sulphuric acid of about 80% H2504 trickles down in sufficient quantity to retain the nitrous vapours.
The sentence was not carried out, but by the capitulation of Wittenberg (Ma .y 1547) he renounced the electoral dignity and a part of his lands in favour of Maurice, steadfastly refusing however to make any concessions on religious matters, and remained in captivity until May 1552, when he returned to the Thuringian lands which his sons had been allowed to retain, his return being hailed with wild enthusiasm.
When pulleys are mounted on shafts which are parallel to one another, the band will retain its position, provided that its central line advances towards each pulley in the diametral plane of this latter.
With some fears and misgivings -the senate permitted him to retain the command of his victorious.
With regard to form, the decisions of councils, even when dogmatic, are called canons; thus the definitions of the council of Trent or of the Vatican, which generally begin with the words " Si quis dixerit," and end with the anathema, are canons; while the long chapters, even when dealing with matters of discipline, retain the name of chapters or decrees.
In 1785 he was invited to Padua, but to retain his services his sovereign doubled his salary and allowed him leave of absence for a visit to Turkey, where he remained nearly a year, and made many observations, among which may be noted those of a copper mine in Chalki and of an iron mine at Principi.
Most frequently they occur lying on the bedding planes of black shales; less commonly they are met with in many other kinds of sediment, and when in limestone they may retain much of their original relief and admit of a detailed microscopic study.
It is true that the loss to his income which this would have caused was obviated by a patent from the crown in April 1675, allowing him as Lucasian professor to retain his fellowship without the obligation of taking holy orders.
He therefore was led to inquire whether, if the earth's attraction extended to the moon, the force at that distance would be of the exact magnitude necessary to retain the moon in its orbit.
But, upon second thoughts, I retain the former title.
Poole is first mentioned in a writ of 1224, addressed to the bailiffs and good men of La Pole, ordering them to retain all ships within their port.
After its liberation in 479 Chios joined the Delian League and long remained a firm ally of the Athenians, who allowed it to retain full autonomy.
This mercantile brotherhood, formerly a privileged class, alone exploited the mastic trade; at the same time the Greeks were allowed to retain their rights of self-government and continued to exercise their industries.
If we retain the unit, the arithmetic is concrete; if we ignore it, the arithmetic is abstract.
It would therefore be better, in some ways, to retain the unit throughout, and to describe - 4A as a negative quantity, in order to avoid confusion with the " negative numbers " with which operations are performed in formal algebra.
It is best in such cases to retain the 2; thus we can write 4=37*% - =.371 - .
The metric system is now in use in the greater part of the civilized world, but some of the measures retain the names of old disused measures.
The genital organs in both Asteroidea and Echinoidea would retain the interradial position they first assumed in Edrioaster; and in Echinoidea their primitive temporary openings to the exterior were converted into definite pores, correlated with five interradially placed plates at the aboral pole.
When the queen was dead, and some rumours of the kings intentions got abroad, the public indignation was so great that Henry of Richards councillors had to warn him to disavow the Richmond projected marriage, if he wished to retain a single lands at adherenf.
Enjoying a liberal allowance, he now lived in Paris in comfort and independence, and he published his early novels, none of which is quite of sufficient value to retain the modern reader.
Among the too-numerous writings of Feuillet, the novels have lasted longer than the dramas; of the former three or four seem destined to retain their charm as classics.
He was forced to retain Talleyrand and Fouche in his first ministry, but took the first opportunity of ridding himself of them when the elections of 1815 assured him of a strong royalist majority in the chamber (the chambre introuvable, a name given it by Louis himself).
Anxious to retain the support of the pope, Frederick promulgated a bull at Eger on the 12th of July 1213, by which he renounced all lands claimed by the pope since the death of the emperor Henry VI.
The ancient town walls survive almost intact on the north and west sides, and retain the fine St George's gateway, locally called the "Five Arches."
Since the methods of preparing the vegetable and animal fats are comparatively crude ones, they usually contain certain impurities of one kind or another, such as colouring and mucilaginous matter, remnants of vegetable and animal tissues, &c. For the most part these foreign substances can be removed by processes of refining, but even after this purification they still retain small quantities of foreign substances, such as traces of colouring matters, albuminoid and (or) resinous substances, and other foreign substances, which remain dissolved in the oils and fats, and can only be isolated after saponification of the fat.
All these reactions take place concurrently, so that one molecule of a diglyceride may still retain its ephemeral existence, whilst another molecule is already broken up completely into free fatty acids and glycerin.
In the case of those seeds amongst which are found pieces of iron (hammer heads amongst palm kernels, &c.), the seeds are passed over magnetic separators, which retain the pieces of iron.
The edges of the cakes invariably retain a considerable portion of oil; hence the soft edges are pared off, in the case of the oblong cake in a cakeparing machine, and the parings are returned to edge-runners, to be ground up and again pressed with fresh meal.
It must have been all Brandon could do to retain his own composure, let alone make small talk.
After all, Jackson was a member of the law enforcement community and perhaps he would be amenable to letting us retain our anonymity, realizing the greater benefit to goals.
The Black God ignored Talon as the vamp snatched his arm to retain his balance, instead wrapping his free arm around her and clamping a hand around her forearm.
I plan well what I will say when we are together, but dread of so burdening this dear and gentle man with the troubled future before us causes me to only hold him close and retain my silence.
While he'd failed to save Annie from her moribund actions, he now labored to retain the phantom vision of her final memory.
Maybe places retain all of the past, every antecedent happening, not just the bad but the good too.
Oundle School didn't want to incur costly update costs and so required a solution that enabled them to retain autonomy of their website.
The shareholders do not retain much control of the day-to-day administration of the company's affairs.
The first are truly aquatic and retain the method of respiration of their marine ancestors, gills.
People who are overweight are at greater risk of heat sickness because they have a greater tendency to retain body heat.
And it seems that affluent, liberal baby boomers, like you Prospect readers, retain a disproportionate influence over the country's affairs.
Yet the determination of Ulster's Loyalists to retain their British birthright has never diminished.
Skin can be topped with a gel cream blusher to retain the nice effect of your foundation.
The rapid cooling associated with continuous casting means that it is possible to retain lead as finely divided globules giving good bearing properties.
Great care has been taken to retain the original character of this beautiful Art Nouveau hotel.
We must be very careful to retain that charm.
They retain much of the olde world charm you would expect from that era.
Outsource, which will retain editorial independence, will address all areas of the outsourcing conundrum.
Dover Castle Kentish Oast House Kent, tho close to the expanding conurbation of Greater London has managed to retain its individuality.
Make your check or P.O. 's payable to Your Choice, cross P.O. 's and retain the counterfoils.
If approved, the CVA binds all creditors irrespective of how they voted and allows the directors to retain control of their company.
Bures withdrew from league cricket in early 2003 because of lack of players, but retain some members who wish to play league cricket.
We can then subsequently place single crowns, bridgework, or attachments to retain dentures on top of the implants.
In our recent policy document we state that we will retain the British nuclear deterrent, Trident.
In our view, the UK should make a clear decision on whether to retain the strategic nuclear deterrent.
Nonetheless the proteins retain sufficient mobility to allow the organization into crystalline two-dimensional arrays by lateral diffusion.
There is evidence that the 21st century will retain elements of the Edo cultural past, although somewhat diluted.
Here too, Smith exposes the ironies of the politically correct do-gooders of the world, whilst managing to retain the dramatic interest.
Despite the remains being at best fragmentary, they retain the capacity to evoke forcefully an echo of the power of ancient Rome.
We have made every effort to retain many of the original features.
The room displayed a faded elegance which I vowed to retain.
Employers need to see them as tools to attract and retain key employees.
The meadows, untouched by peat extraction, are grazed by cattle to retain their variety of wild flowers.
All exhausts are supplied complete with fitting kits and high level kits include the full spacer kit to retain the original passenger footrests.
The aero club winning 3 races in 5 years would retain the cup and the winning pilot would receive 75,000 francs.
Still no effort to retain the frontage or the Station House building.
It is recognized that a charity may need to retain some reserve of income in order to ensure the continued furtherance of its objects.
The ideal tool is index-linked gilts, which guarantee to retain their value in real terms.
If you want to retain goodwill, you will probably want to purchase the business as soon after insolvency as possible.
This has serious implications for local residents and there is a real groundswell of opinion to retain the service.
All that remained was for David Reynolds to act as tail gunner and retain 5th place to the end.
Following the award winning success of the original, the MkII version boasts a whole host of improvements to retain its market leading status.
The set up here was eye-catching, but still managed to retain an informality that typified the day for me.
Fuel poverty can only be cured if households live in adequately insulated dwellings that can both retain heat and be heated at modest cost.
The pressure to retain and grow market share is huge even tho the barriers to actually doing so are becoming ever more insurmountable.
The stalls retain an original manger and water troughs.
Specialized groups of cells, called meristems, retain the ability to generate new cells throughout the lifetime of the plant.
A way to help retain moisture in the basket is to use water gel crystals.
They are the only pelagic forms that have a notochord and they retain it throughout their lives.
Equally, schools appeared keen to retain the objectivity of a multi-agency team that was not employed directly by the school.
There is already a move within academia for authors to retain their copyright, assigning only one-time print rights to publishers.
The buildings on the north side of Eastgate are good enough to retain, tho they could be made more permeable at ground level.
The wood was originally polychrome (painted in several colors ), but the image does not retain the original color scheme.
The campaign has paid for billboard posters throughout Scotland calling on the government to retain Section 28 of the Local Government Act.
Training Research proves that good quality training helps retain and motivate staff as well as making businesses more productive.
Other agents, and unrepresented ratepayers, would retain the same access to the system as now.
The CSCI can make statutory requirements, which the home must meet in order to retain its registration for care.
Toms warned that residents would fight tooth and nail to retain their school.
Why do text-based games still retain the enormous appeal they have?
Major trophy winners retain the appropriate trophy for one year and also receive a commemorative plaque to retain permanently.
Retardex materials can be recycled and the PP compounds containing phosphorus flame retardants retain their flame retardant properties.
To retain maximum resale value of diecast, never retouch paint chips.
Heavy insulation and standing seam aluminum roofing help retain heat to keep heating bills low.
Text at the end of each line to identify the interaction is to retain sanity.
And developing nations that emphasize greater food self-reliance can retain precious foreign exchange and avoid the instability of international markets.
The pale background colors retain the beautiful satin sheen.
The black plastic sheeting helps to retain moisture in the summer heat.
The interactive pieces in Clauss's Flying Puppet gallery become chronologically more complex, yet retain their deceptive simplicity.
These allow the sloth to retain the little warmth it creates through its metabolic processes.
How long might anthrax spores left in the ground retain their viability?
Working conditions must allow for flexibility and career advancement to retain highly motivated staff and reduce staff turnover and absence rates.
That both choose to remain as Ogres rather than retain their human forms avoided a happy but somewhat staid and expected ending.
Options include offering shareholder fans the chance to retain a small stake in the club.
Voice of the for forward-looking statements retain the standard.
Destination Scotland Scotland's first priority is to nurture and retain home-grown talent by striving to meet hopes and aspirations.
No; all Bank of England notes whether legal tender or not retain their face value for all time.
Cells can be stored indefinitely in the chilled gas above the liquid phase and still retain their function if properly thawed.
Whose sins thou dost forgive, they are forgiven; and whose sins thou dost retain, they are retained.
Retain the contents of the roasting tray for the gravy.
Neville Smyth, 2005 winner, will be back to try to retain the trophy.