Resveratrol Sentence Examples
Grapes contain resveratrol, found to inhibit cancer initiation, promotion and progression.
The researchers think that resveratrol may protect the prostate and be responsible for decreasing the risk of prostate cancer.
The latest study from the Harvard Medical School and National Institute of Aging looked at the effect of the resveratrol in red wine on a diet high in calories.
Remarkably, early findings indicate that resveratrol contributed to overweight lab mice living a healthy life.
The skins in red grapes contain resveratrol which helps reduce bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol in the body.
With all the latest news stories about the antioxidant resveratrol, you may be wondering, "Is red wine good for your health?"
The specific flavenoid present in red wine and the skins of red grapes that is attributed to these health benefits is resveratrol.
Resveratrol protects grapes and grape vines from fungus and bacteria growth.
One of the biggest questions people have is how much red wine do you have to drink in order to reap the benefits of resveratrol.
Physicians will advise against beginning to drink wine just to benefit from resveratrol.
AdvertisementPeople can reap the benefits of resveratrol without drinking red wine.
In addition, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that resveratrol is present in grape juice.
At the University of California at Davis, researchers found that resveratrol was also present in non-alcoholic red wine.
Since resveratrol can be found in other sources, there is no need for people to begin drinking alcohol in order to reap the benefits.
While there appear to be benefits to ingesting resveratrol, how much is too much?
AdvertisementAccording to Xi-Zhao Wilson, PhD, each ounce of red wine contains 90 micrograms of resveratrol.
Therefore, a four-ounce glass of red wine would contain 360 micrograms of resveratrol.
There is concern over people taking the resveratrol supplement, however.
These capsules contain approximately 220 times the amount of resveratrol found in a glass of red wine.
The good news is that there don't appear to be any negative side effects to ingesting larger quantities of the resveratrol in supplement form.
AdvertisementResearch is currently underway to determine whether white wine skins may also include a healthy amount of resveratrol.
The University of Connecticut School of Medicine, in conjunction with the University of Milan, has been studying the skin and pulp of both red and white grapes to determine the levels of resveratrol present in each.
Early research findings indicate that the flesh of the grapes may have equal quantities of the antioxidant resveratrol.
Alternatively, individuals may choose to take a resveratrol supplement, drink grape juice or non-alcoholic red wine and reap the same benefits.
The discussion about the antioxidant resveratrol has prompted many people to wonder "Is red wine good for the heart?"
AdvertisementSince you can find resveratrol in other sources, there is no need for people to begin drinking alcohol in order to reap the benefits.
These antioxidants, especially resveratrol, fight the free radicals that cause cell damage and cancerous tumor growth.
Many health experts believe that wine conveys certain health benefits thanks to resveratrol, a chemical grapes produce to ward off microorganisms that transfer health benefits to people when they drink wine.
Resveratrol is found in red wine and red grapes.
Have you ever wondered where can I buy resveratrol?
Resveratrol supplements can be purchased at many online vitamin retailers, as well as in brick-and-mortar stores.
The following are just some of the resveratrol brands available for purchase.
In addition to online retailers, many vitamin retailers, such as GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe, offer various brands of resveratrol in their stores.
Research into resveratrol has been encouraging, though much is yet to be learned about the benefits of the polyphenols and anthocyanadins found in red grapes.
Some studies suggest resveratrol has anti-inflammatory benefits.
Some believe resveratrol can partially help explain what is referred to as "the French paradox," in which French individuals consume a diet higher in fat, but experience less cardiovascular problems.
Many have pointed to the French penchant of consuming high amounts of red wine, which contains resveratrol.
Resveratrol is available most often in capsules of varying dosages.
If you are taking any medications that could interact with resveratrol, consult your doctor before consuming supplements.
For those asking where can I buy resveratrol, it is simply a matter of visiting your local vitamin supplement supply retailer or searching for online vitamin shops.
Dr. David Sinclair was interviewed on Walters' special regarding an interesting antioxidant called resveratrol, which has proven in clinical studies to have a remarkable effect on health and the aging process.
Though the full "Live to 150" special is available for purchase on the official ABC website, a specific clip devoted to the segment on resveratrol can be found on YouTube and viewed below at no charge.
Within this segment, Dr. Sinclair describes resveratrol as nothing short of a breakthrough.
Despite the seemingly glowing feats of resveratrol as demonstrated by Dr. Sinclair, quite a bit of controversy now surrounds the efficacy of this wondrous product.
Barbara Walters seemed very impressed with the antioxidant's potential in her ABC special; nevertheless, in June of 2009 she released a statement on ABC that she does not endorse resveratrol.
In fact, her response to the numerous resveratrol products unlawfully affiliated with her image included a proclamation that she had "no idea if any of these products work and I rather doubt that they do".
However, what does Walters' current opinion imply in reference to the efficacy of resveratrol?
Resveratrol is an antioxidant compound found in red wine.
Many of these benefits are attributed to the antioxidant activity of resveratrol.
Therefore, it has been determined that resveratrol might play a role in anti-aging.
However, in reference to the aforementioned clip of Walters' interview with Dr. Sinclair, research indicates that in order to experience resveratrol's actual benefit, one would need to drink more than a glass of red wine a day.
Hence, isolated resveratrol supplements are necessary for individuals to obtain a high enough dosage of this antioxidant.
As far as verdicts go, when it comes down to resveratrol's effectiveness, there really isn't any definitely proven as yet.
The substance lacks long term studies, and resveratrol supplements still await FDA approval.
Further testing will be necessary to determine resveratrol's dosages, efficacy and potential safety.
Resveratrol supplements are still sold widely.
If you are thinking of adding resveratrol to your supplement regime, talk to your doctor.