Resulting in Sentence Examples
It was an infuriating conversation, resulting in a big, fat zero.
Even though some of the destinations might have been more efficiently visited by plane, Byrne always took a company car, often resulting in very long workdays.
A great and widespread revival marked the opening years of the century, resulting in marvellous increase of zeal and numbers.
Some small expeditions were made from Bathurst, resulting in the discovery of the Lachlan, and in 1816 the first of the great exploration expeditions of Australia was fitted out under Lieutenant Oxley, R.N.
The exhibition of 1844, which was attended by more than a million pilgrims, aroused protests, resulting in the formation of the sect of German Catholics.
This wood is in great part already dead substance, but the mycelium gradually invades the vessels occupied with the transmission of water up the trunk, cuts off the current, and so kills the tree; in other cases such Fungi attack the roots, and so induce rot and starvation of oxygen, resulting in fouling.
From all centres the leading motives of exploration were probably the same - commercial intercourse, warlike operations, whether resulting in conquest or in flight, religious zeal expressed in pilgrimages or missionary journeys, or, from the other side, the avoidance of persecution, and, more particularly in later years, the advancement of knowledge for its own sake.
The classification of the land surface into areas inhabited by distinctive groups of plants has been attempted by many phytogeographers, but without resulting in any scheme of general acceptance.
Hantzsch (Ber., 1901, 34, p. 3337) has shown that in the action of alcohols on diazonium salts an increase in the molecular weight of the alcohol and an accumulation of negative groups in the aromatic nucleus lead to a diminution in the yield of the ether produced and to the production of a secondary reaction, resulting in the formation of a certain amount of an aromatic hydrocarbon.
During the periods the cottons have been cultivated, selection, conscious or unconscious, has been carried on, resulting in the raising, from the same stock probably, in different places, of well-marked forms, which, in the absence of the history of their origin, might be regarded as different species.
AdvertisementAt a very early period - as early probably as the 16th century B.C.- Syria became the meeting-place of Egyptian and Babylonian elements, resulting in a type of western Asiatic culture peculiar to itself, which through the commerce of the Phoenicians was carried to the western lands of the Mediterranean basin.
At the same time it renders more intelligible the extreme sensitiveness of the bodywall of the Nemertines, a local and instantaneous irritation often resulting in spasmodic rupture of the animal at the point touched.
Later, however, as in the Commentary on this work written by Synesius to Dioscorus, priest of Serapis at Alexandria, which probably dates from the end of the 4th century, a changed attitude becomes apparent; the more practical parts of the receipts are obscured or omitted, and the processes for preparing alloys and colouring metals, described in the older treatise, are by a mystical interpretation represented as resulting in real transmutation.
After a mutiny of soldiers there in 1881, the town was greatly excited by the arrival of an Anglo-French fleet in May 1882, and on the 11th of June a terrible riot and massacre took place, resulting in the death of four hundred Europeans.
In Albania serious discontent, resulting in an insurrection (May-September 1909), was caused by the political rivalry between Greeks and Albanians and the unwillingness of the Moslem tribesmen to pay taxes or to keep the peace with their neighbours, the Macedonian Serbs.
AdvertisementHence from the 10th to the 12th centuries there was great intercourse with Iceland and Greenland on the part of the English, Swedish and Danish, but at the end of the 13th century some change occurred, resulting in the southerly emigration of the Eskimos and the extinction of European civilization in Greenland.
During the final stages of the German treaty the Adriatic problem was once more shelved, until on June 29 and July 6 armed conflicts took place in the streets of Fiume between Italian and French soldiers, resulting in several deaths.
A wave of military enthusiasm arose throughout the empire, and as the formation of a seventh division practically drained the mother-country of trained men, a scheme for the employment of amateur soldiers was formulated, resulting in the despatch of Imperial Yeomanry and Volunteer contingents, which proved one of the most striking features of the South African campaign.
In coal-mines we have to deal with " fire-damp " or marsh gas, and with inflammable coal dust, which form explosive mixtures with air and frequently lead to disastrous explosions resulting in great loss of life.
In 1839 it became the centre of the "Anti-Rent War," which was precipitated by the death of Stephen van Rensselaer (1764-1839), the last of the patroons; the attempt of his heirs to collect overdue rents resulting in disturbances which necessitated the calling out of the militia, spread into several counties where there were large landed estates, and were not entirely settled until 1847.
AdvertisementCorso Donati, who for some time was the most powerful man in Florence, made himself many enemies by his arrogance, and was obliged to rely on the popolo grasso, the irritation against him resulting in a rising in which he was killed (1308).
The process resulting in the formation of nitrates in the soil is spoken of as nitrification.
This bid for popularity failed, the general election resulting in a Tory majority of forty-six.
The term is applied article of the Christian faith,"due to the introduction of" foreign elements "and resulting in a perversion of Christianity, and an amalgamation with it of ideas discordant with its nature (Fisher's History of Christian Doctrine, p. 9).
This V Olkerwanderung, as it is called by German historians, again transformed the face of Europe, resulting in the establishment of independent kingdoms and a great mixture of races and institutions.
AdvertisementFrom 1756 to 1764 he was one of the town's tax-collectors, but in this office he was unsuccessful, his easy business methods resulting in heavy arrears.
These can, however, only be used advantageously where there are fixed pumps, the fall of water generating the power resulting in a load to be removed by the expenditure of an equivalent amount of power in the pumping engine above that necessary for keeping down the mine water.
In 1911 he became Democratic leader in the Assembly and was appointed vice-chairman of the Factory Investigating Committee which made a searching inquiry into industrial conditions in the state, resulting in remedial legislation.
This was far from resulting in any cooperation of the nationalities in realizing their former ideal; on the contrary, they felt themselves free from all constraint, and formed Governments having no connexion with the old state.
The new arrangement, which is strictly territorial, was enforced in eight montons by the year 1909, resulting in a standing peace army of 20,000 of all ranks,.
But towards the end of 1868 Shere Ali's return, and a general rising in his favour, resulting in their defeat at Tinah Khan on the 3rd of January 1869, forced them both to seek refuge in Persia, whence Abdur Rahman proceeded afterwards to place himself under Russian protection at Samarkand.
The reign of Theodore began with a rebellion in favour of the infant tsarevich Demetrius, the son of Ivan's fifth wife Marie Nagaya, a rebellion resulting in the banishment of Demetrius, with his mother and her relations, to their appanage at Uglich.
The 11 th century, with its political convulsions, resulting in the establishment of an alien rule and the partial suppression of the language of the conquered race, was unfavourable to literary efforts of any kind in the vernacular.
A parallel case to Automatic Writing is the action of the speech centres, resulting in the production of all kinds of utterances from trance speeches in the ordinary language of the speaker to mere unintelligible babblings.
This mature weathering, resulting in the relatively complete separation of the quartz from the kaolin, and both from the calcium carbonate and other basic materials, implies conditions of rock decay comparable to those of the present time.
Deformative movements resulting in close folding were not common at this time, but such movements affected some of the coast ranges of California.
On the prairies and the foot-hills of the Rocky Mountains a great variety of grasses are found, several years' collection resulting in 42 genera and 156 species.
But with the substitution of Ottoman for Arab empire, resulting in the virtual independence of both Egypt and Tripoli, the district lying between them relapsed to anarchy.
The war which lasted from May 1722 to September 1723 was altogether successful, resulting in the acquisition of the towns of Baku and Derbent.
There were several other skirmishes during the following week, resulting in the capture of the leading conspirators, with most of their followers.
A difficulty with Venezuela, resulting in British and German co-operation to coerce that refractory republic, caused an explosion of antiGerman feeling in England and some restlessness in the United States, but the government brought the crisis to an end by tactful handling and by an ultimate recourse to arbitration.
It is a confusion, resulting in loss, not in gain, as regards spiritual power, to try to combine the two types of piety, as his readers were more and more apt to do.
In 1855 the Liverpool Compass Committee began its work of investigating the magnetism of ships of the mercantile marine, resulting in three reports to the Board of Trade, all of great value, the last being presented in 1861.
Early The invitation was accepted by all; and, the consultation resulting in favour of the Roman usage, Victor thought fit to exclude the recalcitrant Churches of Asia from the Catholic communion.
The number of farms increased from 127,577 in 1850 to 224,248 in 1900, the increase resulting in part from a reduction of their size but more largely from the appropriation of new lands for farming purposes.
Cold north-west winds prevail from October to March, while in July and August torrential rains fall, resulting in a sudden and very considerable rise in the Amur and its right-bank tributaries.
The steadily increasing number of visitors has induced the opening of first-class hotels, and necessitated extensive building operations, resulting in the immigration of some thousands of artisans, chiefly Spanish.
The latter may in certain cases attain large dimensions, and even undergo cell-divisions in their interior, resulting in the development of true tissues.
Since that time active investigation into the action of radium on diseased tissues has been carried on, resulting in the establishment in Paris in 1906 of the "Laboratoire biologique du Radium."
Telingana and Carnata speedily reverted to their former masters; and this defection on the part of the Hindu states was followed by a general revolt of the Mussulman governors, resulting in the establishment in 1347 of the independent Mahommedan dynasty of Bahmani, and the consequent withdrawal of the power of Delhi from the territory south of the Nerbudda.
In 1731 Great Britain and Holland agreed to respect it, in return for the cession of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla to Don Carlos; but the hostility of the Bourbon powers continued, resulting in 1733 in the War of Polish Succession, the outcome of which was the acquisition of Lorraine by France, and of Naples, Sicily and the Tuscan ports by Don Carlos, while the power of the Habsburg monarchy in northern Italy was strengthened by the acquisition of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla.
An initial demonstration, resulting in some bloodshed, was organized in Vienna at the beginning of November.
In the fibrils existing in the cell a sudden alteration of elasticity occurs, resulting in an increased tension on the points of attachment of the cell to the neighbouring elements of the tissue in which the cell is placed.
Dissensions resulting in interminable civil wars had, even before the Union, exhausted the resources of the poorest of the three northern realms; and her ruin was completed by the ravages of the Black Death, which wiped out two-thirds of her population.
First, Socrates, whilst he conceived that the physicists had mistaken the field of inquiry, absolute truth being unattainable, maintained, as has been seen, that one opinion was better than another, and that consistency of opinion, resulting in consistency of action, was the end which the human intellect properly proposes to itself.
Most of the island had now been evacuated by the Bourbonists, but Messina and a few other points still held out, and when the Garibaldians advanced eastward they encountered a force of 4000 of the enemy under Colonel Bosco at Milazzo; on the 20th of July a desperate battle took place resulting in a hard-won Garibaldian victory.
He played a slight part in the War of Independence, and was taken prisoner in 1781, her treatment resulting in a lifelong dislike of Great Britain.
Meanwhile the tendency towards self-government spread even to the lower ranks of town society, resulting in the establishment of craft-gilds.
Lawton's expedition against the Apaches in the southwest, resulting in the capture of Geronimo.
The ratio in France was low throughout the r 9th century, and during the last half fell only from 273 to 261, raising the proportion of the old above that resulting in northern Europe and Italy from emigration.
Following the repeal of the Sherman Law and other acts and tendencies unfavourable to silver coinage in 1893 and thereafter, the silver question became the dominant issue in politics, resulting in the success of the Populist-Democratic fusion party in three successive elections, and permanently and greatly altering prior party organizations.
Kolb, is that a peculiar fermentation is set up under the influence of heat and moisture, resulting in a change of the intercellular substance - pectose or an analogue of that body - into pectin and pectic acid.
Here he advocated an improved ritual in the Scottish church, his action resulting in the appointment by the general assembly of a committee, with Boyd as convener, to prepare a new hymnal.
There is ample proof throughout the country of alterations of level within recent geologic periods; and there have even been compressions, resulting in a relative rise of the ground, over the crests of anticlinal folds, within historic record.
This caused various lateral and contrary movements, resulting in a whirling movement (Slvn) resembling the rotation of Anaxagoras, whereby similar atoms were brought together (as in the winnowing of grain) and united to form larger bodies and worlds.
A state court of mediation and arbitration, consisting of three members appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate, was created in 1889 to inquire into the cause of grievances threatening or resulting in any strike or lock-out and to endeavour to effect a settlement.
The principal event of his government was the first Burmese war of 1824, resulting in the cession of Arakan and Tenasserim to Great Britain.
Lastly, there is usually to be discerned amongst such lower races a belief in unseen powers pervading the universe, this belief shaping itself into an animistic or spiritualistic theology, mostly resulting in some kind of worship. If, again, high savage or low barbaric types be selected, as among the North American Indians, Polynesians, and Kaffirs of South Africa, the same elements of culture appear, but at a more advanced stage, namely, a more full and accurate language, more knowledge of the laws of nature, more serviceable implements, more perfect industrial processes, more definite and fixed social order and frame of government, more systematic and philosophic schemes of religion and a more elaborate and ceremonial worship. At intervals new arts and ideas appear, such as agriculture and pasturage, the manufacture of pottery, the use of metal implements and the device of record and communication by picture writing.
They consist chiefly of a reconciliation between reason and religion, resulting in a generally tolerant spirit.
A deadlock of more than three months ensued, finally resulting in the election (April 24) of Sumner by a majority of a single vote.
In assuming a demand at the beginning of the year below the mean, resulting in an overflow equal in this case to b e at the end of February and increasing our reservoir to meet it, we assume also that some additional supply to that reservoir beyond the 11% of the streamflow from the driest year can be obtained from the previous year.
After his defeat he suffered from failing health, gradually resulting in almost total paralysis, but though in 1880 he resigned the leadership of the opposition, he retained a seat in parliament till his death at Toronto on the 17th of April 1892.
It would merely have added another collection to the previous ones, which were already too voluminous, without resulting in any useful abrogations.
Zephaniah's prophecies are characterized by the denunciation of Judah and Jerusalem and the promise of a peaceful future, and these are interwoven with the idea of a world-wide judgment resulting in the sovereignty of a universally recognized Yahweh.
When in 1908 the Turkish Revolution occurred, resulting in the deposition of the Sultan and the victory of Enver Bey's Young Turk party, Kurdistan remained generally loyal to the old regime, and Ibrahim Pasha Milli and Sheikh Said of Sulaimani both declared themselves loyalists.
The decomposition of steam by passing it through a red-hot gunbarrel, resulting in the liberation of hydrogen and the production of magnetic iron oxide, Fe 3 0 4, is a familiar laboratory method for preparing hydrogen (q.v.).
Such views were marked as heretical by the Council of Ephesus (431), the decision resulting in a profound and lasting schism.
Controversy respecting the Trinity was excited in Ireland by the prosecution at Dublin (1703) of Thomas Emlyn (see above), resulting in fine and imprisonment, for rejecting the deity of Christ.
Plans of further conquest in Morocco, resulting in 1437 in the disastrous attack upon Tangier, and followed in 1438 by the death of King Edward (Duarte) and the domestic troubles of the earlier minority of Affonso V., now interrupted Atlantic and African exploration down to 1441, except only in the Azores.
Gomez' second voyage, resulting in another "discovery" of the Cape Verde Islands, was probably in 1462, after the death of Prince Henry; it is likely that among the infante's last occupations were the necessary measures for the equipment and despatch of this venture, as well as of Pedro de Sintra's important expedition of 1461.
So long as Mr. Lloyd George was Minister, Dr. Addison was his right-hand man in the strenuous labours of the office, resulting in the enormous multiplication of engines of war, and in the redeeming of many vital industries, fertilizers, tungsten and potash from German control; and when Mr. Lloyd George formed a Government himself in December 1916, he placed him at the head of the department.
The reason for this change lay partly in the fact that the ephors, chosen by popular election from the whole body of citizens, represented a democratic element in the constitution without violating those oligarchical methods which seemed necessary for its satisfactory administration; partly in the weakness of the kingship, the dual character of which inevitably gave rise to jealousy and discord between the two holders of the office, often resulting in a practical deadlock; partly in the loss of prestige suffered by the kingship, especially during the 5th century, owing to these quarrels, to the frequency with which kings ascended the throne as minors and a regency was necessary, and to the many cases in which a king was, rightly or wrongly, suspected of having accepted bribes from the enemies of the state and was condemned and banished.
Another southerly airflow on 12th brought warm and overcast conditions resulting in a good count of 21 species.
Androgenic alopecia is a condition that affects about 2% of the population, resulting in total hair loss all over the body.
During testing I personally witnessed anglers who had never fished PVA before successfully mastering the technique in minutes resulting in bigger and better catches.
Rolle Street then bisected this route in 1866, resulting in the creation of High Street.
As they fall in love, she begins to outgrow him emotionally, resulting in a hysterical yet ultimately bittersweet romantic comedy.
Before I rebuilt my engine, it was burning a lot of oil, resulting in plenty of carbon buildup.
Damage can occur to the deep flexor tendon, navicular bursa, or navicular ligaments all resulting in pain and lameness.
Soft metal prevented a satisfactory repair resulting in it breaking again together with the front changer.
The enediyne chromophores are interesting because of their ability to bind and cleave nucleic acids resulting in potent anti-cancer activity.
This precipitated a profound hypoglycaemic coma resulting in irreversible brain damage.
His natural talent threw the crowd into a frenzy, resulting in a night of laugh-out-loud comedy.
However the electrolyte is potassium hydroxide, which is very conductive, resulting in low internal impedance for the cell.
It is always associated with significant pulmonary contusion resulting in hypoxia.
These communities have been affected by the decline of the deep mining industry, resulting in environmental dereliction, unemployment, and depopulation.
Thus, recent changes are resulting in increasingly diversified arrangements.
Unfortunately, with tragic results, the other mirror image enantiomer causes genetic damage in the fetus resulting in physical deformities of the limbs.
The reduced evapotranspiration means low humidity, resulting in a climate which has similarities with the Mediterranean.
The proposed expressway will pass through South Staffordshire resulting in significant social, environmental and economic impacts.
A sparkling wine is also available, produced by the traditional method of bottle fermentation, resulting in a dry, yet full-flavoured fizz.
One example was electronically operated indicator flasher systems being RF susceptible, resulting in 50-100% increase in flash rate when transmitting.
Very early into these workouts, an ever-increasing amount of energy needs to be fuelled without oxygen, resulting in oxygen-independent glycolysis.
He had successfully foiled a plot to con him previously by old-time grifter Harry Holmes, resulting in his imprisonment.
He is calling us to a closer walk with Him resulting in personal holiness.
Plasma events resulting in redistribution of magnetic energy also impart energy to the ions.
The 60 Ã… gain regions of these devices typically contains 9% indium and 34% aluminum resulting in a high affinity for oxygen.
More infrared radiation reaches the detector resulting in crisp infrared radiation reaches the detector resulting in crisp infrared images.
Confidence in the market is making conditions intense with competitive bidding often resulting in multiple offers on the same property.
Furthermore, jejunal interposition can influence the motility of the entire intestinal tract resulting in a better functional outcome.
Finally, in c1960, Sebastian Comper supervised a further overall enlargement resulting in a church of quite major proportions.
The uniquely designed silencer and large diameter mandrel bent piping reduce all unnecessary back pressure, resulting in unparalleled power gains.
Hence, strong inhibitors of this enzyme may inhibit the metabolism of clarithromycin, resulting in increased plasma concentrations of clarithromycin.
These trends are resulting in a severe mismatch of households to house types across large Council estates, particularly in Sunderland North.
Unfortunately, the land within Johnson's Field itself has been recently, regularly mown resulting in much of the interest there being lost.
They have few mitochondria and little myoglobin, resulting in a white color (e.g. chicken breast ).
Damage can occur to the deep flexor tendon, navicular bursa, or navicular bursa, or navicular ligaments all resulting in pain and lameness.
These are combined with Shea butter and palm oil, resulting in a formula that intensely nourishes and rehydrates the skin.
We shall see the effects of the Caledonian orogeny and the Variscan orogeny resulting in the Craven Faults and the Askrigg Block.
This increases osmotic pressure in astrocytes, resulting in cerebral edema.
Control of production is intended to avoid an oversupply in the world market, resulting in price wars and reduced profits.
The researchers concluded that saw palmetto significantly decreased BPH symptoms, resulting in increased urinary flow.
Coastal Orissa is a highly patriarchal society, restricting the physical movement of women, resulting in low levels of literacy.
The peaks arise because the denominator will approach zero at sinusoidal frequencies, resulting in exceedingly sharp spectral peaks.
Abstract When weaned early, piglets commonly take some time to accept solid food, resulting in a growth check and reduced welfare.
Solid food causes immediate airway obstruction resulting in hypoxia, whilst liquid gastric contents cause an acid pneumonitis (inflammation of lung tissue ).
Differences in the constitution of the liposome can greatly affect the pharmacokinetic profile resulting in different patterns of toxicity.
More infrared radiation reaches the detector resulting in crisp infrared images.
This is due to a neoliberal consensus that stifles opportunity for change, resulting in growing radicalism.
These data were then used for iterative refinement, resulting in the improved class averages.
A crowded ringside not evident at Whitebred sales for a number of years produced animated bidding resulting in a total clearance.
This allowed the Atlantic Ocean to become more salty, resulting in more deep water being formed in the Nordic Seas.
This gives a pleasant sheen to the surface which enhances the darker tones without resulting in too shiny a surface.
This differential shrinkage can lead to a shearing action building up between the two materials, resulting in failure.
This makes recirculation of unreacted sorbent easier, resulting in improved sorbent utilization.
Unfortunatly, some drivers got a little too eager, resulting in 2 pit lane speeding penalties being handed out.
Instead we invited stakeholders in the Materials Chemistry area to the MGP workshop, resulting in a " science " workshop.
The undigested fat also traps water in the feces, resulting in pale, bulky, greasy stools which are difficult to flush away.
Due to the vertical stratification of salinity the sun's heat is stored in this layer, resulting in high summer surface temperatures.
Sadly, removing tariffs without eliminating subsidy will continue to distort world prices resulting in food surpluses from highly mechanized farms in industrialized countries.
These signals directly trigger and control the Sirius lights, resulting in perfectly synchronized audio-visual experiences.
These drugs reduce blood pressure, resulting in a reflex tachycardia that may exacerbate angina.
This will directly benefit users of radiation thermometry resulting in tighter process control with the associated environmental benefits.
Tort [20] Behavior resulting in harm or loss to another person is likely to constitute a tort [20] Behavior resulting in harm or loss to another person is likely to constitute a tort.
This high MOI keeps the clubhead extremely stable at impact, resulting in straighter flight and optimum trajectory, even on mishits.
Dead specimens may not show this feature resulting in a rather truncated appearance.
On sections of the route new underpasses are resulting in new overhead for the trolleys.
As such, their online presence is practically unknown to internet users resulting in lost revenue.
I still drink copious amounts of £ 8.50 cocktails, resulting in pink projectile vomit the next morning.
The spinning can is also given a slight wobble resulting in a whirlpool effect inside.
Bloggers regulate themselves resulting in sometimes exaggerated and even wrongful information.
The injury which initiates them may be very slight in the first placea mere abrasion, puncture or Fungus infectionbut the minute wound or other disturbance, instead of healing over normally, is frequently maintained as a perennial source of irritation, and the regenerative tissues grow on month after month or year after year, resulting in extraordinary outgrowths often of large size and remarkable shape.
The response to the action of light in diatropic leaves is, according to Haberlandt, due to the presence of epidermal cells which are shaped like a lens, or with lens-shaped thickenings of the cuticle, through which convergence of the light rays takes place and causes a differential illumination of the lining layer of protoplasm on the basal walls of the epidermal cells, by which the stimulus resulting in the orientation of the leaf is brought about.
In 1765 he was elected a member of the Virginia legislature, where he became in the same year the author of the "Virginia Resolutions," which were no less than a declaration of resistance to the Stamp Act and an assertion of the right of the colonies to legislate for themselves independently of the control of the British parliament, and gave a most powerful impetus to the movement resulting in the War of Independence.
The two meteorological events of the decade which will probably live longest in the recollection were, however, the terrible drought of 1893, resulting in a fodder famine in the succeeding winter, and the severe frost of ten weeks' duration at the beginning of 1895.
It speaks of their defiance of their own constitution, expressly revived by Paul V., forbidding them to meddle in politics; of the great ruin to souls caused by their quarrels with local ordinaries and the other religious orders, their condescension to heathen usages in the East, and the disturbances, resulting in persecutions of the Church, which they had stirred up even in Catholic countries, so that several popes had been obliged to punish them.
The global DD movement also develops various types of strategy, hopefully resulting in the realization of these visions.
A significant rebound flare in disease activity as the dose is tapered may prevent steroid withdrawal, resulting in concerns about long-term toxicity.
In 1733 the second heaviest bell was badly damaged resulting in it having to be recast once again.
The five Central American governments each responded very differently, resulting in varied levels of CSO participation.
Conclusion Unless there is a revival of Biblical Christianity in the West resulting in new public moral restraints, the prognosis is not good.
Shannon is credited with leading a revival in fortunes for the restaurant brands, resulting in a substantial increase in shareholder value.
An attempt was made to check the safety valve pressure by blanking the unloader off, resulting in the unloader giving up completely !
The expected sea-level rise will cause shortage of sediment in the coastal area, resulting in shoreline retreat.
Now more than ever people are working on the go, resulting in skyrocketing sales of notebook PCs and notebook accessories.
It is principally found in roof timbers where it attacks the sapwood of exclusively softwood timbers often resulting in structural weakness.
It was also his rationality that allowed him to solve the Sphinx 's riddle resulting in his marriage with his mother Jocasta.
Normal squelch circuits would lift, resulting in the controller hearing loud bursts of static noise.
Due to the vertical stratification of salinity the sun 's heat is stored in this layer, resulting in high summer surface temperatures.
Taxon sampling affects the relative rate estimate, with comparisons involving more closely related taxa resulting in a higher estimate.
This image was combined with archival data, resulting in a complete HST WFPC2 three-color image of the cluster.
On average, farmers will sequester about 60 tons of carbon per hectare, resulting in $ 480 per hectare.
In China there were often torrents of rain, sometimes resulting in a flood.
Tort [20] Behavior resulting in harm or loss to another person is likely to constitute a tort.
A grand jury voted to indict the parents of the murdered toddler oncharges of child abuse resulting in death.
Their costs of manufacture and shipping are low, and they also up-sell you to fancier blades, resulting in even more profit.
The increasing number of buyers that the site attracts makes it more useful for sellers, who in turn list more goods resulting in more variety.
The first successful IVF took place in the UK resulting in the birth of Louise Brown in 1978.
The yeast quickly spreads, resulting in redness, inflammation, and small spots that may be scattered throughout the area.
On a conventional TV, an electron beam scans the picture from top to bottom, resulting in horizontal lines going across.
While not completing hindering the water flow, this continuance can get restricted, resulting in low water pressure.
By the fourth generation, that goal had been achieved, resulting in the breed we know and love today.
In all, over ninety-five different brand name cat food products were also mentioned on the list, resulting in the recall of approximately sixty-million cans of pet food.
I love him, but this behavior is driving me crazy and resulting in lack of sleep.
These cents add over time, resulting in significant savings.
These consumers report that their statements consistently arrived late, causing them to pay their charges late, resulting in overcharge fees.
Many people take out these types of loans as a last resort, thinking they will only use them once; but the one time can turn into many times, resulting in a worse cycle of debt than before.
Companies can sometimes purchase these cards in bulk at a discount, resulting in potentially substantial savings.
Like mediation, divorce by collaboration occurs outside of a courtroom resulting in reduced costs.
Prove that the requesting spouse supported the other spouse through school or other form of professional development, resulting in a higher earning potential for the spouse who would have to pay support.
Although accidental strangulation is probably the most serious accident that can happen on a bunk bed, it's rare; falls resulting in sprains and broken bones are much more common.
When logs are hand peeled, a large amount of the inner bark is left on the wood resulting in a very rugged look and the style is often called rough rustic.
Most of us are well aware of the human impacts on the carbon cycle, resulting in more carbon being released into the atmosphere, thus causing global climate change.
As the average temperature on Earth continues to rise due to global warming, increased carbon emissions will reach the atmosphere, resulting in a cycle that will significantly affect the planet.
It can also have a positive impact on the environment overall by resulting in less of a strain on existing water and sewage treatment facilities and cutting down on avoidable water pollution problems.
Frito-Lay reduced the amount of plastic used in the manufacturing of their bags by 10 percent resulting in 12 million pounds of plastic kept out of landfills.
Since that time, cultural, technological and spiritual influences from neighboring systems have shaped and enriched the core elements of herbal medicine in the region, resulting in a complex and intricate medical system.
They found that cinnamon tended to slow the rate at which foods moves through digestion, possibly resulting in a less dramatic rise in blood sugar levels.
The wrong furniture placement will block positive Chi, resulting in stagnation or worse, invite Sha, also known as negative Chi, into your space.
Not only do you have many materials from which to choose, but the beads that make the curtains come in many sizes, colors and shapes, resulting in a range of effects.
This will help keep your hand steadier, resulting in a better line that doesn't wobble unevenly.
The mirror is designed to amplify light across the mirror's surface, resulting in improved lighting even from a distance or an awkward angle.
It is known to lighten the eye area considerably, resulting in a refreshed, awakened look.
Brighter hues can easily be mixed with lighter ones, resulting in a subdued hue.
The 70s inspired a new wave in the field of skincare, resulting in women's attention to face creams that included ingredients like avocado oil and various natural moisturizers.
Enhancing the arch, even minimally, opens up the eye area, resulting in a cleaner look.
This tool is designed to simulate the look of real hair by creating extremely fine lines, resulting in a soft, natural look (as opposed to the often harsh look associated with tattooing methods).
The notes in Bath are not as pronounced as those in Beach; here, they all seem to meld into one, resulting in a rather linear fragrance that smells primarily of Ivory soap.
Overall, it's a relatively quick and simple process resulting in important financial knowledge.
As just one example of the many online programs available, Penn State has an accredited program resulting in a diploma from Penn State University.
More specifically, some of the best nighttime cityscape photographs are those that make use of this "long exposure" method, resulting in long red and orange streaks along the highways and other roads.
Optics offer Lens Peripheral Illumination Correction, which automatically compensates to prevent vignetting and lens shading, resulting in evenly balanced exposures.
There are many different types of meditation, each one resulting in a release from stress.
The holiday season is a very stressful time of year for many people, resulting in irritability, insomnia, muscles aches and tension, and feelings of anxiety.
The histamine causes the tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, to leak fluid resulting in an eruption of hives.
Anxiety and stress left uncontrolled continues to build often resulting in emotional and mental problems, physical illnesses and anxiety attacks.
Learning to use efficient and effective time management makes the most of your time resulting in increased productivity, reduced stress and more free time.
Therefore, instead of shedding fat, your brain will take the food you do eat and store it, resulting in increased fat gain.
You don't want to give too little and have the graduate think you are frugal, but you don't want to give too much resulting in financial hardship.
The increase in hormones causes more oil production, particularly on the face, resulting in acne.
Cooked foods are acidic, creating a pH imbalance in the body and resulting in unhealthy environments that may encourage disease.
Technology has advanced the design of the functional curtain to new heights resulting in a ton of options.
The stars who have been dubbed the sexiest combine natural good looks with their own personal styles and attitudes, resulting in their statuses as sex symbols.
On July 20, Haley Joel Osment's A.I. failed him when he crashed his car, resulting in his car landing right-side down.
When Jackman dipped Beyonce, her sequined bodice slipped ever so slightly, resulting in a quick nip slip.
Mel Gibson - Gibson was arrested for drunk driving in July 2006, resulting in a variety of inappropriate comments by the actor.
While he won the ruling, resulting in $1.28 million, he eventually filed for bankruptcy in 1999.
As a result of hospital staff error, the six pound twelve ounce twin Thomas and his five pound nine ounce sister Zoe, were give not 10 units, but 10,000 units of Heparin, resulting in an accidental overdose.
His career was a success, but his personal life was failing as his drug addiction resurfaced - resulting in three drug related arrests in 1996.
Words soon escalated into violence, resulting in the arrest of Carl, Nikki and Bianca.
Why she hooked up with the then married man, one can only guess, but the "relationship" fizzled almost as quickly as it heated up, resulting in Brit's camp filing a restraining order against the man.
His condition continued to worsen, resulting in his passing.
Since fashion trends have infiltrated the world of children's clothing resulting in designs that may be too adult-like to meet the approval of some parents, there has been some backlash, particularly in more religious communities.
If students focus on night life, they often focus less on their studies, resulting in failing grades and longer periods of time (not to mention more money) spent in college.
Terrorists could release viruses to disable government infrastructure, resulting in serious consequences for the economy and other aspects of American life.
Luggage handling may be more cumbersome on large ships, resulting in longer waits to receive baggage and a greater risk of lost or misdirected bags.
A passenger who pays the lower guarantee rate may only have the lowest of those cabins, but they may also be assigned to the highest category of those cabins, resulting in significant savings.
This gives the advantage of being able to check what the customer wants, resulting in a customized groom.
Along with these physical characteristics, only dogs with the most dominant personalities have been selected for breeding, eventually resulting in animals with die-hard aggressive qualities who are willing to fight on command.
While often resulting in the loss of teeth, the infection caused by periodontal disease can also enter the bloodstream and infect internal organs, such as the heart, lungs and kidneys, causing serious complications.
There have been a few reports of dogs having trouble digesting this brand of chew treats, mainly resulting in bowel obstructions that required surgical intervention.
The company guarantees its products and claims its Digestool studies ensure that more nutrients stay in the body resulting in reduced stool volume.
Tattoos have become part of fashion trends, resulting in the need for effective tattoo removal.
These tattoos use plant-derived inks that are deposited in the superficial skin layer, resulting in a tattoo that lasts up to five years.
The plant is a bad one to divide-division often resulting in failure-and if attempted must be carried out in May, when the growth has just commenced.
The resulting ice crystals draw moisture out of the plant's leaves, flowers or buds, resulting in wilting, brown spots, or permanent damage.
If a laminate floor gets too wet it could cause the edges of the laminate boards to expand, resulting in a buckled floor.
Since the top of the fireplace is exposed to the cold air, heat is conducted away from the room and up toward the opening of the chimney, resulting in major heat loss.
This causes a chemical reaction resulting in the spray foam you see.
Today Chanel jewelry designs continue to be inspired by and reflect her classic style, but pieces are interlaced with contemporary and futuristic touches, resulting in wonderfully unique jewelry.
Fair Trade business practices focus, as much as possible, on eliminating middlemen to broker transactions, resulting in higher margins for farmers.
These synthetic substances actually rob natural moisture from skin, resulting in increased drying, flaking, and itching rather than miniaturization.
Organic oil takes additional labor to produce and the flowers must adhere to stricter standards, resulting in a higher price.
A very large percentage of women do not wear the proper size to begin with, resulting in discomfort, pinching, irritation of the skin and more problems that can easily be avoided.
A total of 204 active mines were in operation, resulting in more than 100 million tons of coal being brought to the surface.
Recognizing that seniors often don't require large amounts of food, portions are scaled back, resulting in savings for the customer.
There are minimal incremental start-up expenses, resulting in a relatively low total investment when compared with other senior care franchise opportunities.
Many started families, resulting in a record number of new babies being born in the years that followed.
While mini-strokes can do silent damage to the brain, resulting in MID, larger strokes can also lead to multi-infarct dementia.
The need to find a new job can be a difficult time, resulting in drastic mood swings.
Of those, nearly half snore on a regular basis, resulting in un-refreshing, fragmented sleep and daytime sleepiness.
When this information contradicts the established rhythm of the body's internal clock, the hypothalamus attempts to adjust by triggering activities and functions that the body is not yet ready for, resulting in the symptoms of jet lag.
In addition, brain chemistry resulting in abnormal levels of principal neurotransmitters in the brain can cause unusual reactions to situations.
Any of these conditions can cause vibrating in the walls of the throat or nose, resulting in rumbling sounds.
You still get a full rim with these but the lenses are not as wide as the frame, resulting in an off-beat look.
Retinal macular degeneration (dry type) on the other hand is irreversible, resulting in loss of central vision while the eye retains peripheral vision.
Gas permeable lenses are rigid and hold their shape when blinking, resulting in crisp vision.
Lasting comfort is made possible since the molecules used in the lenses attract and hold in moisture, resulting in lenses less prone to drying out and causing discomfort.
Polarized lenses redirect light waves, resulting in a reduction of glare.
Manipulate the varied shaped blocks to form solid lines that would disappear, resulting in points.
You received higher scores for creating multiple lines (4 are considered a Tetris) , while trying to prevent the blocks from going too close to the top, resulting in losing the game.
There are five target words in all, resulting in a total score based on your total time.
By the time the units arrived in the US the interest in video games had almost completely faded, resulting in Radar Scope being a horrible flop.
Tawny port is usually aged through a solera, resulting in golden colored wines with light sweetness and warm flavors.
It is aged in stainless steel vats and the bottle, resulting in slightly sweet, and often has mild tannins and bright fruit flavors.
Sipping the port through the "pipe" that runs from the bottom of the glass to the lip of the glass was said to enhance its flavors, resulting in a more fulfilling port wine tasting experience.
Waiting until the end of the season allows the grapes to ripen further, resulting in a higher sugar content.
Brawny wines are aged to help soften the tannins and mellow the alcohol content, resulting in a more elegant, well rounded wine.
Many winemakers cask their Cabernet's in oak casks, resulting in an oaky, flavorful blend.
The longer the skin ferments, the more color and intense flavors it will infuse, resulting in a drier and less sweet wine.
This allowed increased hangtime, resulting in wines with loads of fruit and textural finesse.
Even though such units are not perfect, they may provide an excellent value, resulting in a significant cost savings over purchasing a new unit.
Doing this can help keep the roof from becoming stained, resulting in a more attractive appearance and easier periodic cleanings.
The other party involves rates the transaction as positive, negative, or neutral, resulting in a +1, -1, and no change to the feedback score.
Each of these carriers had subsidiary brands such as Fido, Koodo, and Solo, but some have said that the competition was still lacking, resulting in comparatively higher prices for cell phone service in Canada.
With modern cellular phones, the connection can be "passed" from a cell to the next, resulting in no noticeable switch between access locations.
Aneurysms may be fatal if these weak areas burst, resulting in uncontrollable bleeding.
In fact, it prevents diseases and has protective factors resulting in healthier babies and decreased healthcare costs.
Acids and alkalis can burn the esophagus if they are vomited, and petroleum products can be inhaled into the lungs during vomiting, resulting in pneumonia.
This test is not administered to infants and very young children because of the risk of dehydration from drinking the lactose-containing liquid, which can cause diarrhea in those who are lactose intolerant, resulting in dehydration.
In both types of NF, a genetic defect causes these neural crest cells to develop abnormally, resulting in numerous tumors and malformations of the nerves, bones, and skin.
The procedure is performed in the United States on nearly one in every four women resulting in more than 900,000 babies each year being delivered by c-section.
Heat exhaustion is caused by exposure to high heat and humidity for many hours, resulting in excessive loss of fluids and salts through heavy perspiration.
Heat stroke is caused by overexposure to extreme heat, resulting in a breakdown of the body's heat regulating mechanisms.
It also removes about 60 percent of bilirubin from the plasma, resulting in a clearance of about 30 percent to 40 percent of the total bilirubin.
Syphilis can cause early delivery, miscarriage, and is a potentially life-threatening infection for an affected fetus, often resulting in stillbirth.
Metabolism-The sum of all chemical reactions that occur in the body resulting in growth, transformation of foodstuffs into energy, waste elimination, and other bodily functions.
It also is more common in infants who are not breastfeeding efficiently, resulting in low fluid intake.
Rarely, a Wilms' tumor is diagnosed after there has been bleeding into the tumor, resulting in sudden swelling of the abdomen and a low red blood cell count (anemia).
This scratching is painful, and it scars the cornea, eventually resulting in the cornea becoming opaque.
The digestive system rebels, resulting in gas, bloating, upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
Shaking an infant can cause bleeding in the brain (subdural hematoma), resulting in permanent brain damage or death.
Untreated, the tumor eventually destroys the pituitary gland, resulting in death during early adulthood.
Astigmatism-An eye condition in which the cornea doesn't focus light properly on the retina, resulting in a blurred image.
Constriction of the aorta, as in COA, produces resistance to the flow of blood, resulting in raising the blood pressure above the narrowing and reducing blood pressure below or downstream from the narrowing.
Dwarfism is a condition in which the growth of the individual is very slow or delayed, resulting in less than normal adult stature.
Neurologic abnormalities resulting in poor coordination and an unsteady gait (ataxia).
Variable immunodeficiency resulting in increased vulnerability to infections.
Thymic aplasia-A lack of T lymphocytes, due to failure of the thymus to develop, resulting in very reduced immunity.
This enlargement increases pressure inside the skull and can compress the brain, possibly resulting in permanent brain damage or death if the blood is not drained away and the pressure relieved through surgical intervention.
Dwarfism is a term applied broadly to a number of conditions resulting in unusually short stature.
Achondroplasia (short-limbed dwarfism) is a genetic disorder that impairs embryonic development, resulting in abnormalities in bone growth and cartilage development.
Toxic levels of iodine inhibit the secretion of thyroid hormone, resulting in lower levels of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream.
Copper accumulates in the liver, kidney, and brain, resulting in damage to the liver and nervous system.
Menkes disease-A genetic disease caused by a mutation on the X chromosome and resulting in impaired transport of copper from the digestive tract.
Physical trauma to an infant or child resulting in brain injury, such as from abuse, accidents, or near drowning/suffocation, might cause CP.
Spasticity in the thighs causes them to turn in and cross at the knees, resulting in an unusual method of walking known as scissors gait.
As a rule, the nerves below the level of the abnormality develop in a faulty manner and fail to function, resulting in paralysis and loss of sensation below the level of the spine malformation.
Swimmer's itch-An allergic skin inflammation caused by a sensitivity to flatworms that die under the skin, resulting in an itchy rash.
Rarely, there are so many cysts that the kidneys functioning is impaired, or the cysts bleed, resulting in anemia.
Several types of brain tumors can grow, resulting in blockage of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, fluid backup, headaches, and visual disturbances.
Changes in the normal mechanism of bone formation occur in Paget's disease and can cause bones to weaken, resulting in bone pain, arthritis, deformities, and fractures.
Overexertion without enough time between exercise sessions to recuperate also can lead to muscle strains, resulting in inactivity due to pain.
An outbreak of hand-foot-mouth disease occurred in Singapore in 2000, with more than 1,000 diagnosed cases, all in children, resulting in four deaths.
In each case, the channel is not be sufficiently developed at birth or sufficiently open to allow the passage of food and liquid, resulting in poor digestion and poor nutrition.
Without prompt and proper care, a fingertip injury can disrupt the complex function of the hand, resulting in permanent deformity and disability.
Although red cell destruction and replacement is an ongoing process in the body, hereditary disorders and certain diseases can accelerate blood cell destruction, resulting in anemia.
Uteroplacental insufficiency-Designates the lack of blood flow from the uterus to the placenta, resulting in decreased nourishment and oxygen to the fetus.
One potential negative effect of resistance is that the child can hold back bowel movements, resulting in constipation.
The liver may become sufficiently inflamed to interfere with its functioning, resulting in a yellowish color to the whites of the eyes and the skin (jaundice).
There are problems with the child holding food or fluids in the affected side of the mouth, resulting in drooling or difficulty swallowing.
Intestinal obstructions are a partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine, resulting in failure of the contents of the intestine to pass through the bowel normally.
At the beginning and end of a woman's reproductive life, some of these hormone messages may not be synchronized, resulting in menstrual irregularities.
Celiac disease is a disease of the digestive system in which the inside lining of the small intestine (mucosa) is damaged after eating wheat, rye, oats, or barley, resulting in interference with the absorption of nutrients from food.
Anencephaly-A genetic defect resulting in the partial to complete absence of the brain and malformation of the brainstem.
Before the varicella vaccine (Varivax) was released for use in 1995, nearly all of the 4 million children born each year in the United States contracted chickenpox, resulting in hospitalization in five of every 1,000 cases and 100 deaths.
Nutritional concerns for children with XHIM are related to infections of the digestive tract resulting in chronic diarrhea.