Restricting Sentence Examples
The green plant, however, always keeps the upper hand, restricting the development of the bacteria to the nodules and later absorbing them for its own use.
I 'm sure dad 's had enough of me restricting his television viewing !
Howie remained intransigent in restricting his gift to the rescue children.
Thus in1877-1878efforts were made to minimize contamination by segregating the worst criminals and restricting conversation at exercise.
The social context clearly constrains the teacher's freedom of choice and action, restricting the ambit of the teacher's autonomy.
Managers may seek to redress the power balance by restricting access to the Internet.
There is no law restricting when you can and can't have a domestic bonfire.
Such clashing of interests was sure to produce alienation, but the king remained apparently blind to the signs of the times, and the severe enforcement of a harsh law restricting freedom of the press led suddenly in 1830 to a revolt (see Belgium), which, beginning at Brussels at the end of August, rapidly spread over the whole country.
Finding places online to play Taiwanese Mah Jong, for example, is more difficult, especially if you are restricting yourself to English-language websites.
Standard word of mouth and restricting yourself to local customers only will limit the amount of money you can make.
AdvertisementA soft collar can relieve pain by restricting movement of the head and neck.
A fetus whose liver has moved into its chest, seriously restricting lung development, whose lung-to-head ratio is less than one in four, and whose chance of survival through delivery is less than 50 percent may be a candidate for surgery.
Although no results have been reported for children, the issue of restricting iron intake should be discussed with the treating physician.
In his league match for Oxford at the Abbey, he was very unlucky with mechanical breakdowns restricting his score.
Put on the shoulder pads that you would normally wear onto the field before trying on the jersey to make sure it will fit properly and not be too restricting.
AdvertisementWith more laws restricting greenhouse gasses and other forms of air pollution, many cities, states, and countries are on the right path towards cleaning up our air.
Cholesterol can build up in the arteries, restricting or blocking blood flow which can lead to a heart attack.
Instead, go for body-skimming styles that accentuate your curves without restricting movement.
By carefully considering additional costs, passengers can keep a great bargain without restricting their vacation plans.
Parents can reduce the risk of a lisp developing because of tongue thrusting by restricting pacifier use or choosing to breastfeed their babies.
AdvertisementZonisamide may work in a manner similar to the hydantoins, by restricting sodium flow, but some studies contradict this theory.
But physicians typically apply a narrower definition, restricting the diagnosis of oligomenorrhea to women whose periods were regularly established before they developed problems with infrequent flow.
A PKU diet helps patients maintain very low blood levels of phenylalanine by restricting the intake of natural foods that contain this amino acid.
Restricting lactose (milk and milk products) is usually not necessary but may be helpful in a child with a severe intestinal disease or diarrhea in a malnourished child.
It is a genetic condition that cannot be cured; treatment may involve restricting activity to minimize stress on bones and joints.
AdvertisementNew laws restricting immigration based on quotas were emerging.
Clearly the least committal, asymmetrical cuts can help define a punk style without sacrificing basic length, nor restricting versatility outside of the punk scene.
Restricting physical activity helps alleviate stress on the heart, kidneys, circulatory system, and other vital organs.
The phone is restricting whereas the Internet is freedom.
Furthermore, in recent years right hand diamond rings have become popular, giving women an additional outlet for diamonds rather than restricting the beautiful gems to engagement and wedding jewelry.
Furthermore, the raised arches present the illusion of setting the diamond deeper into the ring band while not restricting the light that can enter the stone and enhance its brilliance.
More carefree individuals may find this protective nature stifling or restricting, but those who appreciate reliability won't feel smothered and will recognize this trait as a definite advantage.
Once your toddler has been walking well for about two months, you can increase the amount of time he spends in shoes without restricting development.
Not keeping the area clean and restricting fresh air to the site result in conditions that promote bacterial growth.
Demand for flights to China is high, driving up prices and severely restricting availability, especially on nonstop flights.
According to Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, the Atkins dieter should eat ample protein and fats, while restricting certain carbohydrates.
Some are perfectionists who reason that if they can't diet long enough to get to their desired weight, why bother restricting themselves in any way.
Dr. Atkins taught a philosophy on nutrition that includes restricting processed foods and includes nutrient-rich whole foods and nutritional supplements.
Restricting your diet to raw vegetables is also known as vegetable fasting or a juice fast.
Low-carbohydrate dieting is a way to lose weight by restricting the carbohydrates in your diet.
Dr. Atkins' theory was that by restricting carbs in your diet, your body would be forced to tap your stored body fat as a source of energy in a process called ketosis.
In theory, it worked, however, doctors and scientists soon identified risks from severely restricting carbs.
While restricting carbohydrates will help you lose weight, your body cannot function in the long term without carbs.
The tried-and-true method of restricting calories can be slow but delivers permanent results.
Detoxification fasts can take a number of forms, ranging from simply switching to a raw diet to severely restricting calories.
Severely restricting your diet or "Master Cleansing" yourself down a dress size may affect your metabolism negatively in the long run.
As machines such as Universal Gym and Nautilus stepped into the grandstand of the fitness industry, gym owners were seduced by the idea of equipment that isolates specific muscle groups, while restricting other ones.
In most cases, people with a bona fide disability restricting their ability to work are eligible to receive benefits.
And they're designed to move with your body, holding your breasts in place without restricting your activity in any way.
These garments of old were typically too restricting and uncomfortable for women to wear with any kind of ease.
Today, thanks in large part to advances in technology; these suits are now much more comfortable and natural-feeling to your body; instead of restricting your movements, these suits now move with you.
Today's corset is generally much less restricting and worn more for fashion and sensuality than true whittling of the shape.
Because the Gnutella network is decentralized, it is very difficult to shut down completely without restricting access to every node in the network.
Biking was usually Dean's thinking time, but his brain felt overused lately and had opted for a day off, restricting his thoughts to nothing more pressing than the next hill.
Foote (1780-1846) of Connecticut of a resolution of inquiry into the expediency of restricting the sales of the Western lands.
The stronger current of modern authority is in favour of the landlords and not in favour of restricting the meaning of covenants of this class.
Restricting ourselves to compounds resulting from the fusion of benzene rings, we have first to consider naphthalene, C10H8, which consists of two benzene rings having a pair of carbon atoms in common.
In 1906 municipal disabilities were imposed upon Asiatics, and in 1907 a Dealers' Licences Act was passed with the object, and effect, of restricting the trading operations of Indians.
If there are more B corners than one, either on xA or x'A', the expression for i is the product of corresponding factors, such as in (5) Restricting the attention to a single corner B, a = n(cos no +i sin 110) _ (b-a'.0-a) +1!
As a verb, the word means to stifle or check; hence damped vibrations or oscillations are those which have been reduced or stopped, instead of being allowed to die out naturally; the "dampers" of the piano are small pieces of feltcovered wood which fall upon the strings and stop their vibrations as the keys are allowed to rise; and the "damper" of a chimney or flue, by restricting the draught, lessens the rate of combustion.
The Good Parliament of 1376 declared that, in spite of the laws restricting papal provisions, the popes at Avignon received five times as much revenue from England as the English kings themselves.
The " Truce of God " was established by the clergy (originally in Guyenne in 1031) to take advantage of holy days and festivals for the purpose of restricting the time available for bloodshed.
Various regulations restricting Chinese immigration were enacted from time to time, until in 1886 the landing of any Chinese passenger without a passport was prohibited.
Writing v for I/a, the specific volume of the vapour at the pressure p, and V for I/p, the specific volume of the liquid at the pressure P, and restricting the result to small changes, we get vdp =VdP.
But while the wisdom of one age thus succeeded in restricting within bounds the tidal water of the river, it was left to the greater wisdom of a succeeding age to improve upon' this arrangement by admitting these muddy waters to lay a fresh coat of rich silt on the exhausted soils.
The Zolltarifgesetz of the 15th of July 1879, while restricting the former free import, imposed considerable duties.
In the new parliament, as in the previous session, he opposed legislation restricting the hours of labour, and, as a Nonconformist, spoke against clerical control of national education.
The eastern part of this territory is also claimed by Peru, which would have the effect, if allowed, of restricting Ecuador to a comparatively small area covered by the Andes and western Cordillera and the narrow plain on the Pacific coast.
But meanwhile, a convention of delegates chosen mainly at polls opened at the army posts, assembled in January 1864, abolished slavery, repudiated secession and the secession war debt, and revised in minor details the constitution of 1836, restricting the suffrage to whites.
At a later date the republic sought to stimulate its home industry by prohibiting the importation of wine, and by restricting its cultivation in the colonies, thus preserving the latter as a useful market for Italian wines.
In accordance with this view in 1819 he voted against Tallmadge's amendment (restricting the extension of slavery) to the enabling act for the admission of Missouri.
An act for restricting the sale of such liquors was passed in 1846; the first prohibitory act was passed, largely through the influence of Neal Dow, in 1851; this was frequently amended; and in 1884 an amendment 1 An unincorporated township containing less than 200 inhabitants may, on the application of three resident voters, be organized as a plantation, but does not pay state or county taxes unless by special legislative order.
If, on the contrary, we must hold that man is essentially related to what the same writer calls "a common nature," then it is a legitimate corollary that in man as intelligence we ought to find the key of the whole fabric. At all events, this method of approach must be truer than any which, by restricting itself to the external aspect of phenomena as presented in space, leaves no scope for inwardness and life and all that, in Lotze's language, gives "value" to the world.
But there is no warrant for restricting the term to any special mode of approaching the problems indicated; and as these form the central subject of metaphysical inquiry, no valid distinction can be drawn between natural theology and general metaphysics.
It had passed, since the war, two measures of importance - one (1902) restricting alien immigration, the other (1903) ratifying the first customs convention between all the South African colonies.
Yet since the 5th century they had been restricting their operations to their own shores, and are barely heard of in the chronicles of their southern.
For the French always followed him at a cautious distance, cutting off his stragglers, and restricting the area of his ravages by keeping flying columns all around his path.
Their provisions by restricting competition naturally tended to raise freights, and by restricting employment made it difficult for shipowners to man their vessels.
Tobacco, which was first grown here between 1640 and 1660, because of a law restricting the use of tobacco to that grown in the colony, was in the decade 1890-1900 the only crop raised for consumption.
However is this not restricting the individuals freedom to interact with the work?
Coastal Orissa is a highly patriarchal society, restricting the physical movement of women, resulting in low levels of literacy.
By restricting its range of application it can be made simpler and cheaper than a fully configured personal computer.
This included slaughtering the progeny of affected animals and restricting breeding from the progeny of affected animals.
Read more Human Rights Watch also noted that the Afghan government should immediately revoke a recently promulgated directive restricting the freedom of the press.
The shareholders of Galaxy View agreed to a lock- up provision restricting the resale of the shares for a period of five years.
The issue of removing watchtowers and restricting helicopter flights is a clear sop to the IRA of South Armagh.
In the United States the years from 1870 to 1875 witnessed sweeping and generally ill-considered legislation (" Granger " Acts) concerning railway charges throughout the Mississippi valley; while the years from 1884 to 1887 were marked by more conservative, and for that reason more enforceable, acts, which culminated in the Interstate Commerce Act, prohibiting personal discrimination and gradually restricting discrimination between places, and providing for a National Commission of very considerable power - not to speak of the pooling clause, which was extraneous to the general purpose of the act, and has tended to defeat rather than strengthen its operation.
There is very limited access to the site restricting the area the scaffolding contractors have to work in.
Presumably restricting you is to stop them going skint !
Protection - A firewall will protect you from hackers by restricting the amount of traffic that goes through your network.
Control behaviors range from overeating to restricting food intake and even partaking in excessive dieting.
All states have an age constraint restricting minors.
Restricting it makes her desire it more.
The Partial Differential Equations.--It will be shown later that covariants may be studied by restricting attention to the leading coefficient, viz.
The governor of the city, Colonel Luttrell, at the same time issued a proclamation ordering all Protestants not housekeepers, excepting those following some trade, to depart from the city within 24 hours, under pain of death or imprisonment, and in various ways restricting those who were allowed.
Presumably restricting you is to stop them going skint!
Poets for about the last 20-30 years in the UK have produced word sonnets and it has proved to be a very restricting form.
I'm sure dad's had enough of me restricting his television viewing!
In 1907 the royal assent was given to bills restricting the immigration of Asiatics and providing for the registration of all Asiatics in the country.