Restoring Sentence Examples
I plan on restoring its life as well.
Herod again raised the city to the position of an important capital, restoring the fortifications, and rebuilding the Temple from its foundations.
He was not released until the accession of Mary, parliament restoring his dukedom on his petition for reversal of the attainder.
In restoring this church curious mural paintings were discovered.
Restoring law and order to Ouray County.
Actually, I've been thinking of restoring it — and your old truck.
If that authority falls to nothing,"he said," nothing can follow but confusion."The Presbyterians, however, now engaged in a plan for restoring the king under their own control, and by the means of a Scottish army, forced on their policy, and on the 27th of May ordered the immediate disbandment of the army, without any guarantee for the payment of arrears.
A beautiful woman, it is said, by name Phya, was disguised as Athena and drove into the Agora with Peisistratus at her side, while proclamations were made that the goddess herself was restoring Peisistratus to Athens.
In view of the French refusal, Lord Granville on the 27th of July invited Italy to join in restoring order in Egypt; but Mancini and Depretis, in spite of the efforts of Crispi, then in London, declined the offer.
Italy, for her part, could not go back upon the achievements of the Risorgimento by restoring Rome or any portion of Italian territory to the pope.
AdvertisementThe authorities, however, by arresting a number of the more prominent leaders succeeded in restoring order.
After the close of the war for the Union Mrs Stowe bought an estate in Florida, chiefly in hope of restoring the health of her son, Captain Frederick Beecher Stowe, who had been wounded in the war, and in this southern home she spent many winters.
That in the work of restoring its military position the Russian government had the support of the Russian parliament was proved by a subsidy of Li 1,000,000 voted by the Duma, on the 30th of December 1909, for the special service of the reorganization and redistribution of the army.
The restoring force exerted by gravity acts in a vertical line from the centre of gravity; and the length of its lever arm is the horizontal distance between this vertical line and the outer rail.
If therefore the outer rail is laid at a level above that of the inner rail at the curve, overturning will be resisted more than would be the case if both rails were in the same horizontal plane, since the tilting of the vehicle due to this " superelevation " diminishes the overturning moment, and also increases the restoring moment, by shortening in the one case and lengthening in the other the lever arms at which the respective forces act.
AdvertisementFor instance, it is not very uncommon to find persons who can make loud sounds by partially dislocating and restoring the toe, knee, or other joints, and some experiments made with the Fox girls in 1851 supported the view that they made raps by this method.
With the apparent intention of restoring order in Jerusalem, he assembled the Sanhedrin, and being, as a Sadducee, cruel in the matter of penalties, secured the condemnation of certain lawbreakers to death by stoning.
The rulers, who desired peace, and upon whom Florus had laid the duty of restoring peace, asked him for troops; but the civil war ended in their complete discomfiture.
It was he who, in 1776, sketched the plan for the conquest of the Crimea which was subsequently realized; and about the same period he was busy with the socalled "Greek project," which aimed at restoring the Byzantine Empire under one of Catherine's grandsons.
The fall in prices was aggravated, first by the unpropitious weather and deficient harvest of the years 1816, 1817, and still more by the passing in 181 9 of the bill restoring cash payments, which, coming into operation in 1821, caused serious embarrassment to all persons who had entered into engagements at a depreciated currency, which had now to be met with the lower prices of an enhanced one.
AdvertisementThis tendency can be resisted by giving a twist to the torsion head and so applying to the movable coil through the spring a restoring torque, which opposes the torque due to the dynamic action of the currents.
As minister he carried through an important judicial reform which had been prepared by his predecessor, but had to retire from office because he was opposed to the reactionary measures for restoring the influence and privileges of the nobility.
Meanwhile, and throughout his long episcopate of thirty-two years, he foreshadowed the zeal and the enlightened policy later to be displayed in the prolonged period of his pontificate, building and restoring many churches, striving to elevate the intellectual as well as the spiritual tone of his clergy, and showing in his pastoral letters an unusual regard for learning and for social reform.
Pope Damasus himself displayed great zeal in adapting the catacombs to their new purpose, restoring the works of art on the walls, and renewing the epitaphs over the graves of the martyrs.
Mustafa, delivered up by treachery, was hanged (1424); but Murad remained in Asia, restoring order in the provinces, while his lieutenants continued the war against the Greeks, Albanians and Walachians.
AdvertisementOn the 24th the sultan yielded, and issued an irade, restoring the constitution of 1876, and ordering the election of a chamber of deputies.
So urgent was the need of restoring union at any cost that even prelates who had taken an active part in the work of the council of Pisa, such as Pierre d'Ailly, cardinal bishop of Cambrai, were forced to admit, in view of the fact that the decisions of that council had been and were still contested, that the only possible course was to reconsider the question of the union de novo, entirely disregarding all previous deliberations on the subject, and treating the claims of John and his two competitors with the strictest impartiality.
Seven years after he was elected prior of the convent of Scala Caeli in the mountains of Cordova, which after eight years he succeeded in restoring from its ruinous state, and there he began his work as a zealous reformer.
After the abolition of the police-censorship in 1848 he published a new edition, completed in 1876, restoring the original form of the work.
Hussein Hilmi, he, with Niazi Bey, imported the flag of revolution in the Macedonian moun - tains, originally with the object of restoring the constitution of 1876, which had been disregarded by 'Abdul Hamid, but also to save himself from a threatened arrest.
In 1881 the convention restoring self-government to the Transvaal was signed at Pretoria.
His chief temple at Nippur was known as E-Kur, signifying "mountain house," and such was the sanctity acquired by this edifice that Babylonian and Assyrian rulers, down to the latest days, vied with one another in embellishing and restoring Bel's seat of worship, and the name itself became the designation of a temple in general.
He went back to Sicily, warred with Carthage on his own account, and brought back the bones of the unburied Syracusans from Himera, but was still so dreaded that the people banished Diodes without restoring him.
Upper Burma was formally annexed on the 1st of January 1886, and the work of restoring the country to order and introducing settled government commenced.
The church of All Saints has Norman portions, and a cross and other remains of pre-Norman date were discovered in restoring the building.
Eridu, on the other hand, was the home of the culture-god Ea, the god of light and beneficence, who employed his divine wisdom in healing the sick and restoring the dead to life.
He was still reigning in Babylonia in his seventh year, as a contract dated in that year has been discovered at Erech, and an inscription of his, in which he speaks of restoring the ruined temples and their priests, couples Merodach of Babylon with Assur of Nineveh.
In 845-846 the lawless raids of Bedouin tribes compelled the caliph Wathiq to send his Turkish general Bogha, who was more successful in the north than in the centre and south of Arabia in restoring peace.
He was fanatically devoted to the Constitution as he understood that document, and in his course during the war he was not, as his enemies asserted, trying to aid the Confederates, but merely desirous of restoring "the Union as it was."
His first tutor was his grandfather, the physician; and, in the hope of restoring their fallen fortunes, his parents intended him for the same profession.
Otto's brother Bruno, archbishop of Cologne, was successful in restoring the royal authority in Lorraine, so that when Conrad and Frederick soon afterwards submitted to Otto, the struggle was confined to Bavaria.
Both Oxford 1 and Bolingbroke had maintained for some time secret communications with James, and promised their help in restoring him at the queen's death.
He was barely fifteen when he came forth to do a man's work by restoring his kingdom to order.
In 1742 Anand Rao received Dhar as a fief from Bail Rao, the peshwa, the victory of the Mahrattas thus restoring the sovereign power to the family which seven centuries before had been expelled from this very city and country.
On the other hand, if the effects arose from balanced stresses set up inside the globe by the radiation, the effects on the vanes and on the case would be of the nature of action and reaction, so that the establishment of motion of the vanes in one direction would involve impulsion of the case in the opposite direction; but when the motion became steady there would no longer be any torque either on the vanes or on the case, and the latter would therefore come back to its previous position of equilibrium; finally, when the light was turned off, the decay of the motion of the vanes would involve impulsion of the case in the direction of their motion until the moment of the restoring torque arising from the suspension of the case had absorbed the angular momentum in the system.
One explanation has been sought in the legend of St Nicholas miraculously restoring to life three rich youths, who had been murdered, cut up and concealed in a salting tub by a thievish innkeeper or butcher, in whose house they had taken lodging.
Taking the same journey himself shortly afterwards, the king reached Rome in Boo for the purpose (as he declared) of restoring discipline in the church.
English exiles were welcomed at his court; he was mainly instrumental in restoring Eardwulf to the throne of Northumbria in 80 9; and Einhard includes the Scots within the sphere of his influence.
He was successful in restoring the authority of Maximilian in Holland, Flanders and Brabant, but failed to obtain any repayment of the large sums of money which he had spent in these campaigns.
In 1 534 the Schmalkaldic League succeeded in restoring the banished duke of Wurttemberg, who declared himself in favour of the Lutheran reformation, and thus added another to the list of German Protestant states.
The regent displayed her religious zeal by restoring image-worship (842) and persecuting the Paulician heretics, but she entirely neglected the education of her son.
In July of the following year he died at Madrid, whither he had gone to urge (and with success) the necessity of restoring a court of justice which had been suppressed in Guatemala.
He took part in the voyage of the Argonauts and in the chase of the Calydonian boar; but his chief fame is in connexion with the expedition of the Seven against Thebes, organized by Adrastus, the brother of his wife Eriphyle, for the purpose of restoring Polyneices to the throne.
Crawford, was engaged to reorganize the customs; a number of German officers, selected by General von der Goltz, were brought in to reform the army; and the work of restoring the navy to efficiency was entrusted to a British adviser, Rear-Admiral Gamble, and a small British staff.
Bulgaria herself was helpless; the Powers would not assist her; her late allies - now her enemies - were not opposed to the Turkish aggression; and in the end Bulgaria executed a treaty restoring the province to the Ottoman Empire.
In 33 he was chosen aedile and signalized his tenure of office by effecting great improvements in the city of Rome, restoring and building aqueducts, enlarging and cleansing the sewers, and constructing baths and porticos, and laying out gardens.
Suppose that a mass M is controlled by some sort of spring, so that moving freely it executes harmonic vibrations given by -µx, where µx is the restoring force to the centre of vibration.
Thus if a pendulum always receives a slight impulse in the direction of motion just about the lowest point, this is equivalent to an increase of the restoring force if received before passage through the lowest point, and to a decrease if received after that passage, and in either case it tends to maintain the swing.
It depends on the restoring force due to the displacement of the receiver not being accurately proportional to the displacement.
We may see how this occurs by supposing that the restoring force of the receiving mechanism is represented by Ax- f-µx 2, where x is the displacement and µx 2 is very small.
Let an external force F act on the system, and for simplicity suppose its period is so great compared with that of the mechanism that we may take it as practically in equilibrium with the restoring force.
This rising, which lwas probably caused by the exaction of tithes and the oppression of Frankish officials, aimed also at restoring the heathen religion, and was put down in 842 by king Louis the German, who claimed authority over this part of the Carolingian empire.
Briefly, Griffenfeldt aimed at restoring Denmark to the rank of a great power.
But the papacy signalized its reinstation by restoring the Society of Jesus (1814) and re-establishing the index.
The nearest equivalent in the ancient Church was the local and temporary African practice of restoring lapsed Christians to communion at the intercession of confessors and prospective martyrs in prison.
The dangers of conjectural emendation are well known and apparent; large numbers of such emendations have been ill-advised; but in the case of many passages the only alternative for the textual critic who is at once competent and honest is to offer such emendations or to indicate that such passages are corrupt and the means of restoring them lacking.
Similarly, among vertebrates the method of restoring past centres of origin, largely originating with Edward Forbes, has developed into a most distinct and important branch of historical work.
Basel was slow to accept the Reformation; the news of the Peasants' War and the inroads of Anabaptists prevented progress; but at last, in 1525, it seemed as if the authorities were resolved to listen to schemes for restoring the purity of worship and teaching.
By a species of inspiration this man, hitherto a ne'er-dowell, conceived the notion of restoring the place to order.
Parodies may prove of service in restoring the form of what is parodied or this in restoring the parody.
Recovering the crown lands, he abolished the principle of ministerial responsibility, the legislative power of the two chambers, and other reforms, virtually restoring affairs to their condition before 1833.
Several of them thought of restoring the lost empire by force, and thus giving a pendant to the fourth crusade; but the Curia finally realized the enormous difficulties of such a project, and convinced themselves that the only practical solution of the difficulty was to come to an understanding with the Palaeologi and realize pacifically the long-dreamed Church.
The energy of a system is the measure of its capacity for doing work, on the assumption of suitable connexions with other systems. When the motion of a body is checked by a spring, its kinetic energy being destroyed, the spring, if perfectly elastic, is capable of restoring the motion; but if it is checked by friction no such restoration can be immediately effected.
In the older rituals we find a rite of exhomologesis, for restoring those who had sinned after baptism.
The first years of the reign were largely spent in restoring the public peace and recovering for the crown the lands and prerogatives which Stephen had bartered away.
It is often resorted to as a means of restoring fertility in plants which have become over rank from an excess of nourishment in the soil, or sterile from want of it.
After the suppression of a military revolt the war with Persia was continued with varying success, and terminated in 1736 by a treaty of peace restoring the status quo ante bellum.
Maximilian's son, Ferdinand Maria (1651-1679), who was a minor when he succeeded, did much indeed to repair the wounds caused by the Thirty Years' War, encouraging agriculture and industries, and building or restoring numerous churches and monasteries.
At any given moment one pair of regenerators is storing heat, while the other is restoring it.
In 1269 Charles of Sicily, aided by John of Thessaly, made war with the alleged purpose of restoring Baldwin to the throne of Constantinople, and pressed Michael so hard that he consented to send deputies to the council of Lyons (1274) and there accept the papal supremacy.
Although the Scheldt was still closed, Charles endeavoured by a large extension of the canal system to facilitate commercial intercourse, he encouraged agriculture, and was successful in restoring the prosperity of the country.
Although he really directed the policy of the various ministries, he evidently thought that the time was not ripe for asserting openly his own claims to direct the policy of the Republic, and seemed inclined to observe a neutral attitude as far as possible; but events hurried him on, and early in 1881 he placed himself at the head of a movement for restoring scrutin de lisle, or the system by which deputies are returned by the entire department which they represent, so that each elector votes for several representatives at once, in place of scrutin d'arrondissement, the system of small constituencies, giving one member to each district and one vote to each elector.
The work of restoring true Hebrew readings may proceed with more confidence now that we have considerable portions of the Hebrew text to serve as a model.
From the existing remains it is clear that the inhabitants were still actively engaged in repairing and restoring the ruined edifices when the whole city was overwhelmed by the great eruption of A.D.
In Ceylon, and to some extent in India, the careful and systematic application of chemical manures, compounded on scientific lines, has been found to increase largely the yield of leaf, and much interplanting of nitrogen-producing growths has been done with a view to restoring to the soil the most necessary constituents.
He was arrested, tried at the Old Bailey, and after being acquitted on a charge of stealing lace, found guilty of taking a reward for restoring it to the owner without informing the police.
For we are not dealing in these grass lands with a semi-aquatic plant like rice, nor are we supplying any lack of water in the soil, nor are we restoring the moisture which the earth cannot retain under a burning sun.
In his message to Congress on the 1st of December following, he again urged his plan of gradual, compensated emancipation (to be completed on the 1st of December 1900) "as a means, not in exclusion of, but additional to, all others for restoring and preserving the national authority throughout the Union."
By the policy of his later years Otto did much to prepare the way for the process of disintegration which he rendered inevitable by restoring the Empire.
Having thus settled this momentous dispute Henry spent his later years in restoring order in Germany, and in planning to assist his father-in-law, Henry I.
He was fully occupied in restoring order in Saxony, in the diocese of Salzburg and elsewhere; in adding to his hereditary lands; in negotiating for a better understanding with France and England; and in reminding the vassal states, Hungary, Poland and Bohemia, of their duties towards the Empire.
Thus these quarrels terminated in victories for the Roman Catholics, who were successful about thil time in restoring their faith in the bishoprics of WUrzburg, Salzburg, Bamberg, Paderborn, Minden and Osnabruck.
Giorgio, with its large possessions, mainly in Corsica, formed during this period the most stable element in the state, until in 1528 the national spirit appeared to regain its ancient vigour when Andrea Doria succeeded in throwing off the French domination and restoring the old form of government.
He did something to improve the condition of the duchies by restoring order, introducing German colonists into the eastern districts, and seeking to benefit the inhabitants of the towns.
In March 1803 the British evacuated Alexandria, and Mahommed Bey al-AlfI accompanied them to England to consult respecting the means to be adopted for restoring the former power of the Mamelukes, who meanwhile took Minia and interrupted communication between Upper and Lower Egypt.
Any attempt, therefore, at restoring the actual course of history must be preceded by an inquiry into the source of the various contents of the book.
As an " Engager " he had seen his country conquered by English arms. His policy was to keep Scotland in good humour by restoring presbytery; to raise in the country a militia strong enough to support Charles against the English parliament, and thus, in both countries, to make the royal prerogative absolute.
At this time a fresh outlet for his energy was furnished by his foundation in 1877 of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, which sprang into being as a practical protest against a scheme for restoring and reviving Tewkesbury Abbey.
But on his arrival there he ascertained that a part of the pope's plan for restoring a diocesan hierarchy in England was that he himself should return to England as cardinal and archbishop of Westminster.
At first he made a good use of this, counselling economy, decreasing taxation, disbanding 25,000 soldiers and restoring liberty to the persecuted Jansenists.
The duke of Bourbon was won over by the gift of the government of the centre of France, and Dunois and Chabannes by restoring them their estates.
In 1804 he began to prepare his return to France by a well-turned letter to Napoleon, congratulating him on restoring religion to France once more.
The earl spent large sums on restoring the castle and grounds, and here in July 1575 he entertained Queen Elizabeth at "excessive cost," as described in Scott's Kenilworth.
He was asked to edit the Univers, and to take a chair in the university of Louvain, but he declined both appointments, and in 1838 set out for Rome, revolving a great scheme for christianizing France by restoring the old order of St Dominic. At Rome he donned the habit of the preaching friar and joined the monastery 'of Minerva.
Early in the 10th century the monastery was reformed by introducing monks from Scotland, who were responsible for restoring in its old strictness the Benedictine rule.
In 1807, during the war between France and Prussia, it was bombarded and captured by Marshal Lefebvre, who was rewarded with the title of duke of Danzig; and at the peace of Tilsit Napoleon declared it a free town, under the protection of France, Prussia and Saxony, restoring to it its ancient territory.
But if the effort and the resistance be alternately in excess, the uniformity of speed may still be preserved by so adjusting some moving weight in the mechanism that when the effort is in excess it may be lifted, and so balance and employ the excess of effort, and that when the resistance is in excess it may fall, and so balance and overcome the excess of resistancethus storing the periodical excess of energy and restoring that energy to perform the periodical excess of work.
Other forces besides gravity may be used as reciprocating forces for storing and restoring energyfor example, the elasticity of a spring or of a mass of air.
Between the Brachyura and Macrura some authors uphold an order Anomura, though in a much restricted sense, the labours of Huxley, Boas, Alcock and conjointly Alphonse Milne-Edwards and Bouvier, having resulted in restoring the Dromiidea and Raninidae to the Brachyura, among which de Haan long ago placed them.
The men who followed it knew that they were restoring humanity to its birthright after the expatriation of ten centuries.
This done, the home government set to work to organize the royal domain which should be known as New England, or the Dominion of New England, and its plan for this provided for the annulment of the charters of Rhode Island and Connecticut, and the inclusion in the Dominion of these colonies, and New Hampshire, Maine, New York and the Jerseys, thereby restoring to New England all the territory, with the exception of Pennsylvania, that was included in the grant to the New England Council in 1620.
Since the electrical repulsion of the balls is equal to C 2V2 4 12 sin 2 0 dynes, where C = r is the capacity of either ball, and this force is balanced by the restoring force due to their weight, Wg dynes, where g is the acceleration of gravity, it is easy to show that we have _ 21sin 0 r " tan V 8 r as an expression for their common potential V, provided that the balls are small and their distance sufficiently great not sensibly to disturb the uniformity of electric charge upon them.
They aimed at restoring Sweden to her former position as a great power.
A council of war, before which he was tried, condemned him to pay the cost of restoring the column, 300,000 francs (12,000).
His successor, Artaxerxes Ochus, succeeded yet again in restoring the empire in its full extent.
He removed his capital from Samarkand to Herat, of which place he rebuilt the citadel, restoring and improving the town.
This reformation was to deliver Christendom from false Jewish doctrines by restoring the Pauline conception of the gospel, - Paul being, according to Marcion, the only apostle who had.
This he did by setting aside the spurious gospels, purging the real gospel (the Gospel of Luke) from supposed judaizing interpolations, and restoring the true text of 2 On the relation of matter to the Creator, Marcion himself seems not to have speculated, though his followers may have done so.
His elder brother, the chief of the Barakzai, Fatteh Khan, took an important part in raising Mahmud to the sovereignty of Afghanistan in 1800 and in restoring him to the throne in 1809.
The task of purifying and enriching the language and restoring the cult of the Quinhentistas was perseveringly carried out by Francisco Manoel de Nascimento (q.v.) in numerous compositions in prose and verse, both original and translated.
He gained some notoriety in 1650 by restoring to life a woman who had been hanged for infanticide.
He spent two years in England, assisting Archbishop Oswald of York in restoring the monastic system, and was abbot of Romsey.
By his will the archbishop was a benefactor to St John's College, where he was buried; he also aided the work of restoring St Paul's Cathedral and rebuilt the great hall at Lambeth Palace.
Much as he effected by restoring to the world a sound conception of learning, and by rousing that genuine love and curiosity which led to the revival, he did even more by impressing on the age his own full-formed and striking personality.
The victory of Marengo restoring his freedom, he received the command of the southern part of the kingdom of Naples, and in 1802 he was appointed one of the four generals commanding the consular guard.
Guizot inaugurated a different policy; by mutual confidence and friendly offices they entirely succeeded in restoring the most cordial understanding between the two governments, and the irritation which Lord Palmerston had inflamed gradually subsided.
Filcher in England improved somewhat on Lilienthal's apparatus, but used the same general method of restoring the balance, when endangered, by shifting the weight of the operator's body.
In 1050 he was largely instrumental in restoring Sweyn, the son of Earl Godwin, to his earldom, and about the same time went to Rome "on the king's errand."
In spite of his military prowess Manuel achieved but in a slight degree his object of restoring the East Roman empire.
On these grounds Huxley, restoring in principle the Linnean classification, desired to include man in the order of Primates.
Thus, Ishtar descends to the kingdom of Ilat the queen of the dead, to find the means of restoring her favourite Tammuz (Adon, Adonis) to life.
Sir Hugh marched against Gwalior at once, captured the Morar cantonments on the 16th of June, and carried the whole of the Gwalior positions by assault on the 19th, thus restoring his state to Sindhia within ten days of taking the field.
Called to the Irish bar in 1822, he vigorously administered the Insurrection Act in Limerick for two years, effectually restoring order in the district.
In 1866 and 1872 laws were passed for still further improving the position of these small proprietors; and in 1879 a measure was carried for allotting lands to 48,000 recently married couples, and for restoring to many peasant families lands which had been alienated.
The Divan seemed intent on restoring the old system of government in its entirety, but in 1783 the Russian representative extracted from the sultan a decree (hattisherif) defining more precisely the liberties of the principalities and fixing the amount of the annual tribute - for Walachia 619 purses exclusive of various "presents" amounting to 130,000 piasters, and for Moldavia 1 3 5 purses and further gifts to the extent of 115,000 piasters.
Some of the members even cherished the fantastic hope of restoring the ancient Byzantine empire.
He opened negotiations with the exiled Queen Margaret, and offered to place his sword at her disposition for the purpose of overthrowing King Edward and restoring King Henry.
That step, enabling the directors of the Bank of England to issue notes unsecured by bullion, had the effect of gradually restoring confidence.
In spite of many difficulties, and especially the ambitious conduct of the Maronite Jussuf Karam, he succeeded in restoring order; and by the formation of a military force from the inhabitants of the Lebanon he rendered unnecessary the presence of the Turkish soldiery.
Narbonne trusted to find in it the means of restoring a certain authority to the crown and limiting the Revolution.
The sultan was forced to conclude peace, restoring to George all the countries previously taken from him.
Winckler may be right in restoring a mutilated passage in the annals of this king so as to make it mean that Babylon owed its name to Sargon, who made it the capital of his empire.
From the Romans the town passed to the Vandals and afterwards to Byzantium, the emperor Justinian restoring its fortifications in 535.
Two companies brought suit for moneys owed for liquor sold to the state dispensary; the commission resisted the suit on the ground that as a court and as a representative of the state it could not be sued; the circuit court and the circuit court of appeals overruled this plea and put the funds into the hands of a receiver; but in April 1909 this famous cause was closed by the decision of the Federal Supreme Court, upholding the commission and restoring to it the fund.
The duke of Brunswick and the banker Ferrere interested themselves in his future, and gave him money, as did also Miss Howard, whom he later made comtesse de Beauregard, after restoring to her several millions.
In contrast to Cavaignac he was the candidate of the advanced parties, but also of the monarchists, who reckoned on doing what they liked with him, and of the Catholics, who gave him their votes on condition of his restoring the temporal power to Rome and handing over education to the Church.
In this office he distinguished himself by careful management of the estates, by restoring the discipline of the chapter, and by building at his own expense a deanery-house.
Charlemagne had created the kingdom ofAquitaine especially to defend Septimania, and William, duke of Toulouse, from 790 to 806, succeeded in restoring Frankish authority down to the Ebro, thus founding the Spanish March with Barcelona as its capital.
But though the heads of the goyernment wanted to put an end to the Revolution they had no thought of restoring the monarchy in favor of the Comte de Provence, who had taken the title of Louis XVIII.
When he recognized his error in having raised the papacy from decadence by restoring its power over all the churches, he tried in vain to correct it by the Articles Organiques wanting, like Charlemagne, to be the legal protector of the pope, and eventually master of the Church.
Malus that the interposition of a doubly refracting plate between a polarizer and an analyser regulated for extinction has the effect of partially restoring the light, and he used this property to discover double refraction in cases in which the separation of the two refracted streams was too slight to be directly detected.
He constantly harps upon accusations brought against bishops and the way they were judged; his wish is to prevent them from being unjustly accused, deposed or deprived of their sees; to this end he multiplies the safeguards of procedure, and secures the right of appeal to the pope and the possibility of restoring bishops to their sees.
In Spain itself, tutored by misfortune, the efforts of the kings ministers, in the latter part of his reign, were directed to restoring order in the finances and reviving agriculture Reactionary and industry in.
Alexander the Great conceived the idea of restoring the Greek city; the two Nemeses who were worshipped at Smyrna are said to have suggested the idea to him in a dream.
Neglecting his promise to lead a crusade, Frederick was occupied until 1225 in restoring order in Sicily.
France was to guarantee the integrity of Persia, to recognize that Georgia (then being invaded by the Russians) belonged to the shah, and was to make all possible efforts for restoring that territory to him.
The years from 1850 to 1859 were devoted to restoring the shattered finances of Sardinia, reorganizing the army and modernizing the antiquated institutions of the kingdom.
Actually, I've been thinking of restoring it — and your old truck.
Restoring calm, Morgan Freeman steps up to announce the best supporting actress Oscar.
His aim of restoring an Islamic caliphate whose capital would be in Baghdad is in ideological conflict with present day Iraq.
However, there are those in ROCOR who are against restoring communion with the Patriarchal Church.
Now why would anybody imagine that men whose main interest is restoring vintage military bicycles would be short on female companionship?
I need info on restoring a mk1 lotus cortina doreen -AT- the
The Orthodox Church is discussing the possibility of restoring the order of women deacons, who once ministered in the early church.
Have spent much of the last 16 years restoring an old farmhouse in France which has improved my building skills.
Since 1991 Sarah and Jim have worked at West Dean Gardens restoring the walled kitchen garden including 16 glasshouses and frames.
Transplantation of pancreatic islets is arguably the most logical approach to restoring metabolic homeostasis in people with diabetes.
No restoring of dammaged hymen is possible in small towns or villages.
Phase II restoring the interior looms ahead with the need to raise more finance.
Major investment was committed to rehabilitating school buildings, restoring water supplies and installing latrines.
So is ending misrule and its manifestation in corruption the central task and panacea for restoring development, as the Commission claim?
A Roman by birth, he is remembered for opposing Nestorianism and Pelagianism and restoring several Roman basilicas.
This is effective in restoring an optimistic outlook about the future.
I have just overheard my wife comparing notes with a girl- friend about their experiences of restoring old houses.
In 1847 Pope Pius IX was responsible for restoring the Latin patriarchate in Jerusalem, with Mgr Valerga being appointed the first Patriarch.
Pictures, text and a video give a good overview of the processes involved in restoring a pipe organ.
Within the United States, cattle ranchers are restoring the prairies destroyed by overgrazing with the help of the cattle themselves.
This is all about restoring the pride of the Romanian people in their country.
Restoring damaged areas by constructing revetments and erosion barriers, filling, grading, reseeding and transplanting.
Restoring trust in politics British politics remains far too secretive.
A particular need is to begin restoring a semblance of civil society among the refugees.
In production, the nation is restoring its capacity to produce nuclear weapons components to replace aging parts in the enduring nuclear stockpile.
God creating, God restoring, bringing peace and ending strife.
It can also be used diluted for cleaning and restoring wooden surfaces.
Lake Cayor on the right side of the lower Senegal and Lake Panieful (Guier) on the left constitute reserve basins, receiving the surplus waters of the river during flood and restoring them in the dry season.
In July in a sonorous decree he proclaimed the sovereignty of the Roman people over the empire, but before this he had set to work upon his task of restoring the authority of Rome over the cities and provinces of Italy, of making the city again caput mundi.
Leo was deemed fortunate by his contemporaries, but an incurable malady, wars, enemies, a conspiracy of cardinals, and the loss of all his nearest relations darkened his days; and he failed entirely in his general policy of expelling foreigners from Italy, of restoring peace throughout Europe, and of prosecuting war against the Turks.
After Baldwin's death the prosperity of Trier was checked by wars and disputes between rival claimants to the see, and in 1456 the estates united for the purpose of restoring order, and secured the right of electing their archbishops.
Resigning office, he was in May 1898 sent as royal commissioner to Bari, where, without recourse to martial law, he succeeded in restoring public order.
He points out that under this benevolent despotism, though men might be happy, their happiness was unstable, because it depended on the character of a single man; and the highest praise he can give to those virtuous princes is that they " deserved the honour of restoring the republic, had the Romans of their days been capable of a rational freedom."
Restoring v will make the path of the cylinder a trochoid; and so the swerve can be explained of the ball in tennis, cricket, baseball, or golf.
In order that the vibration may be maintained, a periodic force must be applied either to aid the internal restoring force on the return journey, or weaken it on the outgoing journey, or both.
He took some part in the political complications of the Scandinavian kingdoms, but the early years of his reign were mainly spent in the administration of his electorate, where by stern and cruel measures he succeeded in restoring some degree of order (see Brandenburg).
All who had any pretensions to enlightenment declared loudly that the country had been exhausted and humiliated by the war, and that the only way of restoring it to its proper position in Europe was to develop its natural resources and to reform thoroughly all branches of the administration.
No attempt was, indeed, made to restore the deposed duke of Brunswick, who by universal consent had richly deserved his fate; but the elector of Hesse could reckon on the sympathy of the diet in his struggle with the chambers (see HESSE-CASSEL), and when, in 1837,, King Ernest Augustus of Hanover inaugurated his reign by restoring the old illiberal constitution abolished in 1831, the diet refused to interfere.
The capitulation of Vilagos, which ended the Hungarian insurrection, gave Schwarzenberg a free hand for completing the work of restoring the status quo ante and the influence of Austria in Germany.
Largely through the influence of Petrarch, whom he called to Avignon, he released Cola di Rienzo, who had been sent a prisoner in August 1352 from Prague to Avignon, and used the latter to assist Cardinal Albornoz, vicargeneral of the States of the Church, in tranquillizing Italy and restoring the papal power at Rome.
It was and still is held by many that the criminal may be best and most effectually weaned from his evil ways by shutting him up for lengthy periods between four walls, and subjecting him, when most susceptible, to curative processes, to constant exhortation and searching introspection, changing his nature and restoring him to society a reformed man.
He secured its frontiers by inviting Slavonic settlers into the depopulated districts and by restoring the army to efficiency; when the Arabs renewed their invasions in 726 and 739 they were decisively beaten.
Without considering the impossibility of restoring the majesty of ancient Rome, or the absurdity of dignifying the medieval Roman rabble by the name of Populus Romanus, he threw himself with passion into the republican movement, and sacrificed his old friends of the Colonna family to what he judged a patriotic duty.
Rory O'Donnell was attainted by the Irish parliament in 1614, but his son Hugh, who lived at the Spanish Court, assumed the title of earl; and the last titular earl of Tyrconnel was this Hugh's son Hugh Albert, who died without heirs in 1642, and who by his will appointed Hugh Balldearg O'Donnell (see above) his heir, thus restoring the chieftainship to the elder branch of the family.
After that it 's probably a matter of reinstallation and restoring from backups.
The plan has been created with the aims of preventing further decline and restoring vast tracts of heathland back to their former glory.
Woods fares far better two-putting for a birdie and restoring his two-shot advantage on -13.
If Sandy absolves her brother of the wrongs he's committed against her, they might finally begin to move towards restoring their relationship.
In cases where identity theft goes on for years, the victim may face a difficult task of restoring his or her good name.
Lapp started restoring carriages, coaches and sleighs in 1944.
Bach Flower Remedies work by restoring harmony to the emotional underpinnings of mental, physical or spiritual imbalances.
If you're lucky enough to own a house with beadboard paneling, most likely it needs some restoring.
The estate sat idle for over 70 years under it was turned over to the Thousands Islands Bridge Authority, who spent millions restoring the property.
There is an increased interest in restoring Craftsman homes.
Restoring the face to its original coloring can be a more painful and daunting experience than the original makeup application itself, causing more distress and emotional anxiety for the patient.
Under the right circumstances, brain cells may be able to form new connections, essentially restoring some lost functionality.
This will provide some direction for your vet as he searches for a diagnosis, and a possible course of action for restoring your pet to health.
Besides increasing the value of your home, installing or restoring hardwood floors offers benefits to you as a homeowner.
They have complete information on the process for restoring those old windows and why it is important to do so whenever possible.
Plus, you can also use the square button to knee and rest, restoring HP without needing to travel to an inn or save point.
Finding the exact antique glass shade that you are looking for is a satisfying way to end an afternoon of antiquing or to finish a lamp you are restoring.
There is even a broad selection of interviews with camping experts, covering topics ranging from restoring and Airstream to outdoor survival techniques.
There are also companies that specialize in restoring Airstream trailers.
While some community members own new motor homes, others take pleasure in restoring and caring for older models, sharing their passion with others on the Internet.
For an ischemic stroke, initial emergent treatment focuses on restoring blood flow to the brain.
Specific treatment goals will vary from one child to the next but will focus on restoring maximum function and independence, helping the child return to normal activities, and improving the child's quality of life.
Acupuncture can help support the healing process by restoring the energy flow in the meridians that have been affected by the wound.
In some cases, early treatment is important in restoring the hair.
This medication, which must be taken for four to eight weeks, is very effective in curing the infection and restoring the hair.
For limbs that have "fallen asleep," restoring circulation by stretching, exercising, or massaging the affected limb can quickly dissipate the numbness and tingling.
The prognosis for restoring the function or appearance of a hand, ear, or other body part following a severe bite depends on the location of the bite, the promptness of treatment, and the availability of specialized surgical repair.
Treatment of a perforated eardrum is aimed at relieving pain or pressure behind the eardrum, treating any infection of the ear itself or of the upper respiratory tract, and restoring hearing.
Controlling inflammation as well as restoring normal use and mobility are the goals of treatment for overuse injuries.
They have more frequent periods and begin ovulating during their menstrual cycle, restoring their fertility.
Increased fluid intake and replacement of lost electrolytes are extremely important for restoring fluid balances in infants and children who are dehydrated.
The prognosis for restoring the function or appearance of a hand or other body part following a severe bite depends on the location of the bite, the promptness of treatment, and the availability of specialized surgical repair.
In the practice of the art of feng shui the five elements symbols play an essential role in restoring and keeping the balance of energy in your home.
By restoring the energy balance, chi is able to flow freely throughout your home.
However, are those advertised hair restoring products any good?
Regardless of your style needs, Bed Head can provide the way to achieve the perfect look, from restoring damaged hair to creating the ultimate in sculpted styles.
Gigi Hair Removal Cream can be used on the legs and bikini area and includes a separate Calming Balm that soothes and hydrates your new, fuzz-free skin and restoring chemical balance.
This, and any damage-preventing conditioner will be especially helpful in restoring normal hair growth in black women.
Some women also drink green tea as a form of restoring hair growth, although there are no studies available to back these claims.
In addition, it may not always be effective at restoring fertility.
This keeps a damp suit from rubbing and causing skin irritation, and also allows the spandex to fully contract during drying, restoring that "like new" fit.
Finding and restoring used power wheels will save you a lot of money and still give your kids all the benefits of a brand new set of wheels.
Probiotics can help counter this effect by restoring your levels of IgA.
Full, thick, and healthy hair can help you feel renewed, restoring confidence and self image.
Sweater shavers are small appliances designed specifically to safely snip away pilling from various types of fabric and yarn, restoring garments and other items that develop pills to like-new condition when used correctly.
The American Red Cross continues to lead the way in restoring health and prosperity in the lives of countless individuals.
One of craziest parts of the ride was when Scott and I got caught up in the fun of restoring Victorian Homes in Boston and our work was featured in The Boston Globe.
From custom modifications, to pimping your ride, to restoring an antique car to like-new factory condition, the genre of car magazine writing is as diverse as the car market.
Cream is also useful for restoring the color to a degree.
With a detailed plan in place beforehand, you will know what needs to be done and what role your staff members will play in restoring normal operations.
Collecting and restoring antique cars is a popular hobby, and often, the vehicles are considered investments.
Even with a high price tag, picking up a Boxster S 550 is going to be a lot cheaper than hunting down an original and restoring it.
Disinfecting the carpet and the floors, restoring them to a cleaner state and preventing future accidents (particularly in the case of pet stains), is the benefit of using a professional service.
Retraining the instincts, and restoring balance and healthful attitudes towards food takes patience.
Again, this is just a general guideline of where you might want to be; if you're far from it, a sample diabetic diet 2000 calories can inspire you toward restoring balance to your weight and your health.
However, if the boning or fabric is worn, the amount of effort involved in restoring it will likely not be worth your while.
The infant integrated itself into Odo's physical body, restoring his shapeshifting abilities.
In scrubs, it serves the dual purpose of making the skin soft while restoring vitality and a youthful, healthy glow.
It also works under the skin restoring moisture and encouraging collagen production.
Really, Really Clean Facial Cleanser gently cleanses while restoring the skin's natural balance.
Whether it's simply remembering a password, or as critical an issue as restoring your site from a backup, a good support system is probably the primary reason to put out the cash necessary for quality website hosting.
She grabbed more hay and stepped around the buggy Alex was restoring for her - a surrey with a fringe on top? exactly like she had always wanted.
Having devoted much time to the study of the Latin writers, historians, orators and poets, and filled his mind with stories of the glories and the power of ancient Rome, he turned his thoughts to the task of restoring his native city to its pristine greatness, his zeal for this work being quickened by the desire to avenge his brother, who had been killed by a noble, a member of the ruling class.
Rudolph was not very successful in restoring internal peace to Germany.
There the nineteen bishops and twenty-four presbyters, from all parts of Spain, but chiefly from the south, assembled, probably at the instigation of Hosius of Cordova, but under the presidency of Felix of Accis, with a view to restoring order and discipline in the church.
In May they seized Bologna, Venkeby and Ancona in June, restoring order in those towns Austria.
He conformed to the Church of England and spent a vast sum in restoring Arundel Castle.
But Napoleon's actions, especially the annexation of Genoa, at last brought the three powers to accord, with the general aim of re-establishing the status quo ante in Germany, Holland, Switzerland and Italy, or, in short, of restoring the balance of power which Napoleon had completely upset.
After restoring some degree of peace and prosperity in his principality, Galen had to contend with a formidable insurrection on the part of the citizens of Munster; but at length this was crushed, and the bellicose bishop, who maintained a strong army, became an important personage in Europe.
It was with the hope of restoring my self-confidence that she persuaded me to write for the Youth's Companion a brief account of my life.
Restoring the essential condition of relation between those who command and those who execute, we find that by the very nature of the case those who command take the smallest part in the action itself and that their activity is exclusively directed to commanding.
If you're restoring an old helmet, you can even get a classic two-bar or U-shaped facemask.
His first tract on the subject, Reasons for Restoring some Prayers (1717), was followed by others.
While restoring the principle of universal suffrage, which had been partially abrogated in 1795, Sieyes rendered this system of election practically a nullity.
Stolypin indeed defended the coup d'etat in the Duma on the ground that the autocrat had merely altered what the autocrat had originally granted; but, while laying stress on the necessity for restoring order in the body politic, he announced a long programme of reforms, including agrarian measures, reform of local government and its extension in the frontier provinces, and state insurance of workmen.
When asked what he was doing when he was arrested, Pierre replied in a rather tragic manner that he was restoring to its parents a child he had saved from the flames.