Responsibility Sentence Examples
I take my responsibility to you and our children seriously.
He also had a sense of responsibility about it.
Lori didn't want the responsibility of a baby.
In truth, Alex felt the full responsibility of being a role model.
Your responsibility cannot always be to your people.
Cade should accept the responsibility of his actions as well.
He was certainly a hard worker, but why did he consider it his responsibility to clear the fallen tree?
It was her responsibility now and having a job would give her the opportunity for a more modern approach to being a wife and mother.
I know you think he was high handed about it, but as your guardian, it was his responsibility to encourage you to get a good education.
What is man's responsibility to society, the conception of which results from the conception of freedom?
AdvertisementWe have a responsibility to him.
Each of the three armies had its own commander-in-chief, but there was no supreme commander of all the forces, and the Emperor did not assume that responsibility himself.
I realized that no matter how much two people love each other, they need time to adjust to each other before they complicate their lives with the responsibility of children.
To be honest, thinking about the responsibility of making those decisions was overwhelming at times.
The responsibility of Death weighed heavily on his shoulders.
AdvertisementCarmen had accepted the full responsibility of all the animals, the children and the house.
Carmen assigned responsibility for that to herself because she didn't notice early enough that Destiny was sick.
If he had not taken upon himself the responsibility of Laura Bridgman's education and led her out of the pit of Acheron back to her human inheritance, should I be a sophomore at Radcliffe College to-day--who can say?
It's not your personal responsibility to make this right.
When war was actually begun, Hastings officially recorded his previous resolution to have resigned, in order to repudiate responsibility for measures which he had always opposed.
AdvertisementIt is not Napoleon who prepares himself for the accomplishment of his role, so much as all those round him who prepare him to take on himself the whole responsibility for what is happening and has to happen.
I borrowed it on my responsibility so I feel obligated to get it back to them first.
He'd betrayed his own sense of responsibility, not to mention his promise to Tim.
It isn't your doing... or your responsibility to change it.
It was hardly fair to shift that responsibility solely to him.
AdvertisementWhen Mom & Dad died, she had been plunged into responsibility up to her neck.
You owe a responsibility to Mrs. Wassermann!
If you told him that such a one was coming, he did as if he thought that anything so grand would expect nothing of himself, but take all the responsibility on itself, and let him be forgotten still.
Kutuzov, without looking at Wolzogen, gave directions for the order to be written out which the former commander-in-chief, to avoid personal responsibility, very judiciously wished to receive.
It's my responsibility to monitor and deter them in the mortal world, Rhyn said.
He was taking on a lot of responsibility – maybe more than he could handle.
It was his responsibility and, Alex being the person he was, could do nothing but step up to it.
Alright, I accept responsibility for killing your horse, but it was an accident.
He must be overwhelmed by responsibility at this point and she had done nothing to help.
A man who simply wished to retain his lucrative post would today agree with Pfuel, tomorrow with his opponent, and the day after, merely to avoid responsibility or to please the Emperor, would declare that he had no opinion at all on the matter.
He had his job at the clinic as well as the responsibility of two properties.
The safari was as much his responsibility as hers.
The exact share of Gramont in this responsibility has been the subject of much controversy.
Self-reflection gradually reveals to us human capacity, human function, with, consequently, human responsibility.
At the close of the campaign of 1814 he shared with Joseph Bonaparte the responsibility for some of the actions which zealous Bonapartists have deemed injurious to the fortunes of the emperor.
Among these the provision of public libraries in the United States and United Kingdom (and similarly in other English-speaking countries) was especially prominent, and "Carnegie libraries" gradually sprang up on all sides, his method being to build and equip, but only on condition that the local authority provided site and maintenance, and thus to secure local interest and responsibility.
I'm trying to relieve him of some responsibility.
Next, were the light and heavy cruisers, which had the responsibility of silencing the larger gun emplacements, situated further inland.
The ultimate responsibility of the position is to drive sustainable digital molecular imaging instrumentation growth within the European continent.
On the other hand, maybe he was hiding from something besides the responsibility of the ranch.
I don't want her to be stuck with the responsibility of my child.
I can't believe Russ would shirk the responsibility of his own child.
He's taken on the responsibility of raising her child, if she chooses not to mate with another.
He pushed the door further but hesitated entering, as if remaining outside would absolve him of responsibility from what lay beyond.
Jackson fixed his eyes on the ceiling, bracing for the lecture about responsibility that was sure to come from Sarah.
In the presence of these awful truths which Ezekiel preached of individual freedom and of impending judgment, the prophet is weighted with a heavy responsibility.
In the ordinary course the fleet would have been demobilized at the close of the week; but with the outlook so disturbed, the First Lord and the First Sea Lord (Prince Louis of Battenberg, afterwards Lord Milford Haven) took the responsibility of keeping it on a war footing, ready for action.
Another danger may come when minuteness of direction takes away the wholesome sense of responsibility.
The appointment of one man to preach, to the exclusion of others, whether he feels a divine call so to do or not, is regarded as a limitation of the work of the Spirit and an undue concentration of that responsibility which ought to be shared by a wider circle.
Special instructions and regulations determined the latitude left to each department in the distribution of the credits accorded to it among its various heads of expenditure, the degree of responsibility of the functionaries within each department and the relations regarding finance and accounts between each department and its dependencies.
The "orphan of the Temple," as the princess was called, was in prison for three years, ' The responsibility of Marie Antoinette for the policy of the king before and during the Revolution has been the subject of much controversy.
A cry now arose in Holland for a revision of the fundamental law and for more liberal institutions; ministerial responsibility was introduced, and the royal control over finance diminished.
As such, they were eagerly welcomed by the clergy; for a single magistrate, sitting in secret without appeal, necessarily grasps at whatever will lighten his burden of responsibility.
It secured uniformity in the confessional, and thereby protected the penitent from the caprices of individual priests; and by depriving these of responsibility, it forced the penitent back on himself.
His brilliant career, both as a civilian and as a soldier, drew all eyes to him as best fitted to guide the fortunes of the new Confederacy, and with a deep sense of the responsibility he obeyed the call.
But though he declined to share the responsibility of Lord Palmerston's administration, he was willing to act as its representative in promoting freer commercial intercourse between England and France.
The prime minister was not, however, as yet to be relieved of an impossible responsibility.
He was tribune elect in 63, and it had been arranged that, after entering upon his office, he should publicly accuse Cicero of responsibility for the impending war.
He lost heart, and actually suggested to White the surrender of Ladysmith, believing this to be inevitable and desiring to cover White's responsibility in that event with his own authority; but White replied that he did not propose to surrender, and the cabinet at home, aware of Buller's despondency, appointed Field Marshal Lord Roberts to the supreme command, with MajorGeneral Lord Kitchener as his chief of staff.
The enemy invariably dispersed before superior forces, and the removal of the women and children from the farms did not have the effect of disheartening the burghers as had been anticipated - it rather mended their vitality by relieving them of responsibility for their families' welfare.
The system was soon adapted to police methods, as the immense value of being able to fix a person's identity was fully realized, both in preventing false personation and in bringing home to any one charged with an offence his responsibility for previous wrongdoing.
The financial situation in Venezuela was for a long time extremely complicated and discreditable, owing to defaults in the payment of public debts, complications arising from the guarantee of interest on railways and other public works, responsibility for damages to private property during civil wars and bad administration.
He now obtained a settled home for many years, and, taught by his numerous brushes with the authorities, he began and successfully carried out that system of keeping out of personal harm's way, and of at once denying any awkward responsibility, which made him for nearly half a century at once the chief and the most prosperous of European heretics in regard to all established ideas.
In spite of his youth and his reluctance to assume the responsibility, he was chosen as commander-in-chief after the defeat of the Vendeans by the republicans at Cholet.
The training of a mining engineer merely begins in the schools, and mining graduates should serve an apprenticeship before they accept responsibility for important mining operations.
In the arrangements of the commonwealth the clauses treating of royal privileges are more or less evenly distributed over all reigns, but the systematic development of police functions, especially in regard to responsibility for crimes, the catching of thieves, the suppression of lawlessness, is mainly the object of 10th and 11th century legislation.
What began as a natural alliance was used later as a means of enforcing responsibility and keeping lawless individuals in order.
The township and the hundred came also in for certain forms of collective responsibility, because they presented groups of people associated in their economic and legal interests.
This is especially the case with district nursing, which is the highest and most exacting branchof the profession, because it imposes the greatest responsibility with the fewest resources and demands the most varied qualifications, while affording none of the attractions incidental to hospital work or private nursing among the rich.
In 1848 the Grondwet, or fundamental law of the Netherlands, recognized for the first time the responsibility of the Dutch nation for its colonial dependencies.
Beatty of any responsibility for the somewhat misleading version originally issued by the Admiralty of his own dispatch after the battle.
That the agent was acting entirely on his own responsibility may be doubted; for within a few months Erasmus had decided to betake himself to Basel, bearing with him Seneca and Jerome, the latter to be incorporated in the great edition which Johannes Amerbach and Froben had had in hand since 15ro.
It was with the sense of this responsibility that they gathered again in Jerusalem, the political and religious metropolis of Judaism.
The collective responsibility of this Cabinet of ministers is expressly laid down in the charter of the constitution.
The idea underlying these councils was to create, as it were, a certain constitution for factories by which the workman who had hitherto been a mere machine should become a creative factor, closely identified with the organization of the undertaking, conscious of responsibility, and thus making of democracy the same reality in economic life as it had already become in political life.
Recovering the crown lands, he abolished the principle of ministerial responsibility, the legislative power of the two chambers, and other reforms, virtually restoring affairs to their condition before 1833.
I want to abdicate the responsibility to deal with these acts in the correct manner.
They would remain answerable to a supervisor or manager who would take overall responsibility for an area or policy or even the whole business.
We seek a change so that responsibility is more fairly apportioned.
It is the responsibility of the organizers of a meeting, to inform attendees that a recording is being made.
It is not the responsibility of the physician to inform the regulatory authority of the diagnosis, except in exceptional circumstances.
I was almost overwhelmed by the massive responsibility of a new born babe in my charge.
A contractual bailee for reward cannot avoid responsibility for the performance of his duties by delegation to servants or agents.
Think about your bike It is your responsibility to arrive at the training session with a roadworthy bicycle.
Once again, in God's design for mankind, the State has the responsibility for the judicial death penalty, not the family.
Vision Internet Limited explicitly disclaim responsibility for this script including any damages that might result from the use or misuse of the script.
Adults must sign a disclaimer acknowledging responsibility for the safety of their group.
Always the ultimate responsibility for appointing elders was a part of the function of church leadership.
You get given such an amazing amount of responsibility, which is incredibly empowering.
The responsibility entrusted to all of us at our baptism is to live a God centered life.
The maternal grandparents have obtained parental responsibility under a court order in the United Kingdom.
If leaders must take responsibility for these terrible failures, then so must those who always urge inaction.
To be entitled to parental leave, an employe must have responsibility for a child.
No matter who actually perpetrates the pre-announced crime, the responsibility will fall on the would-be owner of the land and of the thought.
In the discharge or that responsibility it exercises the full plenitude of judicial power.
The pipe from the property boundary to the internal plumbing is the responsibility of the property owner.
Of course he thought her sense of responsibility was lacking.
I've pretty much left you with all the responsibility for our business.
The demands of the Liberals were as in 1868; those for personal and property rights were much more definitely stated, and among explicit reforms demanded were the separation of civil and military power, general recognition of administrative responsibility under a colonial autonomous constitutional regime; also among economic matters, customs reforms and reciprocity with the United States were demanded.
Its most extraordinary feature consisted in the provision for lodging the executive authority in the hands of a president for life, without responsibility and with power to nominate his successor, a proposal which alarmed the friends of liberty, and excited lively apprehensions amongst the republicans of Buenos Aires and Chile; whilst in Peru, Bolivar was accused of a design to unite into one state Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, and to render himself perpetual dictator of the confederacy.
The names of thirty-nine others were included in the final acte d'accusation, accepted by the Convention on the 24th of October, which stated the crimes for which they were to be tried as their perfidious ambition, their hatred of Paris, their "federalism" and, above all, their responsibility for the attempt of their escaped colleagues to provoke civil war.
In 1664 he accepted the responsibility for the care of the sick and wounded and the prisoners in the Dutch war.
This renewed popularity of herbal medicine is all part of a movement toward taking greater responsibility for our health.
Staff, however, are also expected to take responsibility for their own self-development.
Since 1965 the islands have had full internal self-government; matters of defense and external affairs remain the responsibility of the New Zealand government.
A TERRIBLE shambles 29 June 2006 MINISTERS must take responsibility for the latest terror law shambles.
The responsibility of closing the night fell to Captain Kate (left ), a local three piece ska punk band.
All public sewers are the responsibility of the relevant sewerage undertaker.
A previously unknown group calling itself the Military Liberation Union claimed responsibility.
Estimate a similar hlthaffw v dpf quot expanding coverage physician's responsibility to.
The key watchwords in these changes will be partnership, leadership and responsibility.
They have taken responsibility for their own health; make it a priority and are focused on lifetime family wellness.
Modern theories date from the 18th century, when the humanitarian movement began to teach the dignity of the individual and to emphasize his rationality and responsibility.
In resolutions 44 to 53 the conference deals with the duty of the Church towards modern democratic ideals and social problems; affirms the responsibility of investors for the character and conditions of the concerns in which their money is placed (49); "while frankly acknowledging the moral gains sometimes won by war" strongly supports the extension of international arbitration (52); and emphasizes the duty of a stricter observance of Sunday (53).
In1892-1893there was an open break between the General Assembly and Union Seminary, which repudiated the agreement of 18701 between the seminaries and the assembly; the assembly disclaimed responsibility for the Seminary's teachings and withheld financial aid from its students.
By the preliminary peace of San Stefano the Slavophil aspirations seemed to be realized, but the stipulations of that peace were considerably modified by the congress of Berlin (13th June to 13th July 1878), at which the aged chancellor held nominally the post of first plenipotentiary, but left to the second plenipotentiary, Count Shuvalov, not only the task of defending Russian interests, but also the responsibility and odium for the concessions which Russia had to make to Great Britain and Austria.
The great differences between the records of the United States and the United Kingdom seem to afford justification for the view, which has often been expressed, that in America the spirit of hurry and recklessness manifest in many of the activities of the people prevails even among the men on whom rests the grave responsibility of running trains in safety.
Why has he taken on himself such a responsibility?
He would make that foxy old courtier feel that the responsibility for all the calamities that would follow the abandonment of the city and the ruin of Russia (as Rostopchin regarded it) would fall upon his doting old head.
They disappeared into the forest, and Count Orlov-Denisov, having seen Grekov off, returned, shivering from the freshness of the early dawn and excited by what he had undertaken on his own responsibility, and began looking at the enemy camp, now just visible in the deceptive light of dawn and the dying campfires.
Prevention of trespass is the responsibility of the landowner, not the Council or Police Are n't all Gypsies/Travellers just roving criminals?
Once strategic and business plans are in place the governing body will have a continuing responsibility to ensure that the organization follows them.
Many shelters, pet stores and breeders will have already started a kitten on his or her first set of shots, but it is the responsibility of the owner to follow up.
A cat owner's responsibility is to ensure the cat's health and comfort during this final stage of life.
Using a product such as Yesterday's News is a good way for you to take your responsibility as a pet owner one step further by reducing your environmental impact.
With government involvement and increased public awareness, pet food manufacturers are reminded of the responsibility they have to pets and pet owners.
Publicly, as one example, the current government has demonstrated a bad tone of fiscal responsibility - one of the worst in this nation's history.
Elementary school students can begin planning for college expenses by establishing a savings account, and many banks offer great student plans to encourage such financial responsibility.
Most bank issued debit cards have zero fraud liability or a cap on the amount of consumer responsibility of around $50.
It also means you should protect the card and sign it immediately upon receipt, as failure to take these usual safeguards may limit the issuing card company's responsibility.
In other words, if the teenager fails to make a payment the responsibility legally falls onto the parents, even though they did not make purchases on the cards.
A debt relief, or debt settlement, company has the responsibility of working with your creditors to try to get them to lower your interest rate, lower your payments, or both.
You can obtain additional cards for others to use, but this does not mean those individuals gain responsibility for repaying the borrowed funds.
Depending on the way the account is set up, individual employees may receive account statements, but the financial responsibility for ensuring the account is paid in a timely manner rests on the company.
This stops the theft and releases you from responsibility.
It's your responsibility to be punctual and dependable.
When the parents share joint custody they must work together and share in the right and responsibility to decide health, education, religious, and daily welfare issues.
It used to be the law that child support payments and responsibility ended when the child reached the age of 18, but now that has changed in most states.
Being young does not absolve parents from the responsibility to support their child or children.
Being young does not absolve them of their legal responsibility to support their child.
Keeping every child safe in science classrooms and laboratories is a joint responsibility shared by everyone including teachers, administrators, parents and the students themselves.
The wrong person, however well meaning, will have difficulty overseeing your estate and may wind up feeling burdened by the responsibility.
One appealing factor in many retirement communities is that many landscaping and maintenance issues are the responsibility of the community, or of the owner in situations where you are renting.
After all, some seniors have active lifestyles but no longer want the responsibility of caring for their own home.
Central funding has now ceased and the responsibility for the scheme has now been devolved from NHS professionals to SHAs.
The project manager will also have direct line management responsibility for a small project management team... .
He was diagnosed as a grossly perverted sexual psychopath and that this condition had substantially impaired his mental responsibility.
Women should not attempt to absolve themselves of any responsibility for war by hiding behind a notion of male psychopathology.
While every care is taken in compiling this publication, the publishers cannot assume responsibility for any effects arising therefrom.
There they will meet the Ira quartermaster who holds responsibility for the arms.
To work only for self, to cloister oneself in the seeking of spiritual rapture, is to run from this responsibility.
Her major responsibility was the annual training program for the company's graduate recruits.
She would also have told another pediatric registrar, who was about to take over responsibility when she went off duty.
Ultimately, the responsibility for restoration of unsafe memorials lies with surviving relatives.
Jeff detailed the changes in responsibility that had taken place following the recent ministerial reshuffle.
User accepts full responsibility for any use of the product.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia assumed responsibility for the survey in 1990.
Which teacher will take responsibility for which aspect of ICT?
The Council has no responsibility for the Coastal Defense of private property.
These activities bear the responsibility for developing intellectual skills vital to any educational process.
Another good idea is to delegate responsibility for your trip or day out to your children.
Their website has general information about corporate social responsibility.
Some of the key team members Steve Eagle - General Manager I am based in the Richmond campus with overall responsibility for both campuses.
The project panel has the sole responsibility for assigning projects.
Our new cluster based approach establishes the cluster of schools in each community who adopt a collective responsibility for every child.
Ask your broker insured's responsibility to which included ordering.
Cleaning It is the hirer's responsibility to leave the gallery in a clean and orderly state at the end of the hire period.
An IVA reflects favorably on an individual's financial responsibility by endeavoring to maximize the return to the creditors.
The partnership between Garrison and Lundy was then dissolved by mutual consent, and the former resolved to establish a paper of his own, in which, upon his sole responsibility, he could advocate the doctrine of immediate emancipation and oppose the scheme of African colonization.
It maintained the simplicity of Apostolic Christianity against the elaborate system of a corrupt Philp t hierarchy, the teaching of Scripture alone against the commentaries of the fathers and the traditions of the church, the right of private judgment against the dictation of ecclesiastical authority, the individual responsibility of every human soul before God in opposition to the papal control over purgatorial punishments, which had led to the revolting degradation of venal indulgences.
It may be left to future historians to attempt a considered judgment on the English tariff reform movement, and on Mr Chamberlain's responsibility for the Unionist debacle of 1906.
Now her eyes are troubling her a great deal, and we all think she ought to be relieved, for a while, of every care and responsibility.
I will take the responsibility.
And believe me on my honour that to me personally it would be a pleasure to hand over the supreme command of the army into the hands of a better informed and more skillful general--of whom Austria has so many--and to lay down all this heavy responsibility.
These justifications release those who produce the events from moral responsibility.
There they will meet the IRA quartermaster who holds responsibility for the arms.
Sanctuary Housing had taken on responsibility for management of the residences in readiness for the commencement of the new academic session.
I would much rather take full responsibility for what I 'm doing myself, than have to put up with reams of compliance paperwork.
Her major responsibility was the annual training program for the company 's graduate recruits.
Responsibility for this task has now been redistributed in order to avoid further delays.
Jeff detailed the changes in responsibility that had taken place following the recent Ministerial reshuffle.
D. Financial implications There are no costs directly related to this report as lead member appointments do not attract a special responsibility allowance.
Cleaning It is the hirer 's responsibility to leave the gallery in a clean and orderly state at the end of the hire period.
The School will not accept responsibility for the loss of any personal possessions.
The British Chambers of Commerce takes no responsibility for the content of external internet sites.
An IVA reflects favorably on an individual 's financial responsibility by endeavoring to maximize the return to the creditors.
A number of the gullies drain into roadside ditches which, in general, are not our responsibility to maintain.
Also that all copyright royalties are the entire responsibility of the person or persons placing the order.
When its transposition in most EU countries is finally rubber-stamped, the Directive will be the most wide-ranging producer responsibility legislation in the world.
Some argue that the responsibility of the International Court of Justice is even greater now that Milo s evi ć is dead.
The larvae, along with some sawfly larvae, share some responsibility for ' leaf roll ' damage to rose bushes.
They will also be used to taking responsibility and managing others from an early stage in their seagoing careers.
This must continue to include responsibility for the regulation and licensing of the commercial fishery for salmon and sea trout in tidal waters.
We must show, for example, that personal responsibility does not mean selfish individualism.
A TERRIBLE SHAMBLES 29 June 2006 MINISTERS must take responsibility for the latest terror law shambles.
The sincere lover of God is not looking for excuses to shirk the responsibility to do what God would have them do.
This bad faith, however, is a cowardly shirking of responsibility.
Here, the Islamic governments shoulder a heavy burden of responsibility.
Religion is only a salve we use to shuck off moral responsibility.
The responsibility of closing the night fell to Captain Kate (left), a local three piece ska punk band.
However it was the User Support Group 's responsibility to provide the framework and solicit missing documentation from the teams/individuals responsible.
Learndirect have responsibility for the Career Development Loans Helpline, and they are able to provide Welsh speakers to answer Welsh speaking callers.
It is their responsibility to present a stage-managed event that is free from scandal.
Step-in rights The rights of the institution to rectify a problem by taking over responsibility for provision of the service.
When acting on the findings in the report one approach is to subdivide Units on the basis of functional or managerial responsibility.
It 's no good talking about personal responsibility when more and more of our people are being driven into means-tested dependency.
He has direct responsibility for Territorial Policing within the force.
In Christian theology, God is even relieved of the responsibility for death.
However, any typo error or mistake will be the author 's sole responsibility.
It is your responsibility to ensure your CD is readable before submission, and unreadable disks will not be marked.
Ministers then discussed the importance of parental responsibility in tackling unruly youngsters.
Estimate a similar hlthaffw v dpf quot expanding coverage physician 's responsibility to.
Volunteering opportunities can be short or long term with varying levels of responsibility.
Maintenance of genetic identity of locally adapted races is a responsibility of agencies which plan to reintroduce wolves into the wild.
Schools and universities work in partnership and share responsibility for training and assessing trainee teachers.
The baritone soloist expresses the yearning of the Jews to return to Jerusalem and their responsibility to remember and cherish it.
How can I avoid being bound to this responsibility for another year?
It is the responsibility of the professor to articulate the course requirements to the students.
If the court absolves someone of a crime, they are formally set free from any guilt or responsibility regarding the incident.
Not all angel investors want to take on this mentoring role, of course, and prefer to drop off the check and have limited additional responsibility.
It will be your responsibility to look at all of the facts before you make your decision, keeping in mind that many things can go wrong along the way.
It is your responsibility to teach your child to treat your pet with kindness and respect.
While it's great to know that a daycare is licensed, your responsibility as a parent doesn't stop there.
If you are a single parent, then you know just how much responsibility parenting entails.
All that responsibility can be overwhelming at times, though.
Let your child help with some of the responsibility of day to day chores.
Parents can take this responsibility on themselves or hire a payroll service that specializes in domestic workers.
However, making a start on the practice cannot come too soon, and parents should take responsibility for feeding virtually as soon as the infant is born.
Even younger children should be expected to share the responsibility of pet ownership.
Once you bring your newborn home, however, the reality of the huge responsibility of taking care of a newborn sets in.
Responsibility-Your child is old enough to take responsibility for himself.
Taking your toddler outside each day to water the plants can introduce a child to the concepts of natural life and growth, and, moreover, the daily necessary task of watering a garden will hone a child's sense of responsibility.
This will introduce your child to concepts such as responsibility while making ordinary tasks into fun little adventures!
Never sign an "As Is" agreement, because this means you're relieving the dealer of responsibility should the car fall apart two miles down the road.
It is a large responsibility and because of this you should never buy a pet as a gift for another person unless she's with you to choose the animal that she bonds with.
A buyer's agent responsibility is to work for you and you alone.
Small animals like hamsters and mice are ideal for young children who are not yet ready for the responsibility of taking care of a cat or dog.
You can guide your child in taking care of one of these pets, and if the child successfully cares for the animal, you can then consider purchasing an animal that requires more in the way of responsibility.
It is your responsibility to make sure any and all mistakes get cleared up.
Under the provisions of Utah state law, both parents have a legal responsibility to provide financial support to their children.
This includes distributing assets and joint financial property as well as deciding who will assume responsibility for each liability.
Like their parents, they may take responsibility for the deterioration of their home lives and often feel anger, loneliness, fear, guilt and depression.
Parents have a legal responsibility to financially support their children until they reach the age of majority in most cases, and it may not end at that point.
Consider alternating the responsibility for choosing an activity among each member of the family.
While desks need to have the right amount of storage space, surface space, and they need to look good, chairs have the added responsibility of needing to be comfortable.
It's an acceptance of your household's responsibility to contribute to the greater good in order to ensure a cleaner planet for all of our children.
Global warming affects everyone on the planet, and global warming prevention is both a personal and global responsibility.
Human activities bear the most responsibility for non-point pollution sources.
Preventing air pollution is an important responsibility for future generations as well as for the people and animals who are now living.
These natural dyes are important in keeping with the Three Pillars ideology of sustainability and environmental responsibility because they are not toxic to the environment or to humans.
It is the company's goal to conduct their business not only organically, but with an eye on responsibility towards their customers and employees.
The other great thing about talking to your roommate up front is that you can find out what she can contribute to the room and split up purchasing responsibility.
Chase Bank does not assume responsibility for information sent through other means, such as a personal email account.
Our lives get too busy to take care of a real pet, so many of us have taken on the responsibility to adopt a cyber pet.
Virtual pets replicate the fun and challenge of pet ownership without the responsibility of caring for a living animal.
In the end the decision is yours and, under most circumstances, you can just delete the pet if the responsibility becomes too much for you.
If you are looking for gifts or tools to teach your children about financial responsibility, utilize their prepaid cards.
This makes it the responsibility of the cook to make sure the food is palatable.
The Renu ski boot is manufactured with minimal fossil-based raw materials and has received the Eco Responsibility Award from the International Trade Fair for Sports Equipment and Fashion.
Experts like Andrea Kay insist that some jobs "will be less demanding, have less responsibility, or will demand less in terms of precision or stamina" but won't be stress-free.
Responsibility is limited, hours are good, and there is not much conflict.
When you lose your job, the responsibility for sticking it out for good or for bad is taken away from you.
If you prefer having decision making responsibility, jobs in these types of environments can be good choices for you.
The key to managing workplace anger is organization and planning to prevent unnecessary conflicts, taking full responsibility for actions, and working through disagreements to reach common ground.
Anger management programs teach respect, manners, compassion, forgiveness, responsibility, and foster positive character development.
Each of you has the responsibility to communicate clearly and show consideration for the other.
If you can't remember a grocery list you could have trouble in these sports; part of a player's responsibility is memorizing the playbook.
High school teachers expect a much higher level of maturity and responsibility than teachers at the lower grade levels.
These include a craving for more responsibility, a more realistic approach toward life and their future endeavors, taking interest in the opposite sex, and a larger formation of personal identity such as religious and social beliefs.
This gives all students a feeling of ownership and responsibility toward subjects they obviously would not care anything about.
Adults have a responsibility to the adolescents in their lives talk not only about it, but to also watch out for warning signs.
The biggest affect that peer pressure--good or bad--has on teenagers is that it forces them to begin taking responsibility for their actions in ways they never have before.
Parents, teachers and others in close contact with teens have the responsibility of dealing with this issue.
If you're hoping to go out with friends, but your mom announces she'd like to use your "take the dog for a walk" coupon, it's your responsibility to uphold the coupon.
In addition, it's expected teens will complete chores, set up camp and clean up after meals to develop responsibility.
Finding a local job for a teen is a great way to learn responsibility and make some extra cash at the same time.
Babysitting is a big responsibility that can help prepare you for life, as long as it is taken seriously.
Babysitting is a popular job choice for teenagers because it is easy for them to do, helps build responsibility, and is affordable for parents who need someone to watch their child for an evening, or maybe over the summer.
Working as a teenager is a great way to build social skills, responsibility, and it looks great on college applications.
Rather than relying on parents or guidance counselors to share scholarship opportunities with you, taking this responsibility for yourself can make a big difference.
Having a job is a great way for teenagers to gain many skills that will help them later in life, such as responsibility and perseverance, and it's a good way for a teenager to make some extra money.
By participating as a student council member, you have the responsibility not only to present your own ideas, but also listen to the ideas of your classmates.
Remember that once you leave the bridal boutique, the dress is now your responsibility.
Wedding speeches can be a daunting responsibility.
If your children are invited, it's your responsibility to look after them.
Rings-It is traditionally his responsibility to safeguard the rings until the ceremony.
Nominate someone who won't be tempted to drink too much and stress the importance of this responsibility.
As part of the responsibility for being in the bridal party, members are expected to pay for their own attire.
As the groom, part of your responsibility is to choose personalized groomsmen gifts.
I believe that the second I step out of my door or out of an AA meeting, it is my personal responsibility to represent AA in the best light possible.
Once recovery starts to take hold, though, the increasing positive changes in the alcoholic's attitude, health, and ability to handle life and responsibility is truly surprising.
At the time, I was hungry for more opportunity, but with a mentor who would give me the responsibility and resources to excel, like Donald Trump.
It is a responsibility of board-certified plastic surgeons to "know when to say no" to patients who have had too much plastic surgery.
She seems to recognize the responsibility of being in the position she is in, as evidenced by her words when she accepted her Golden Globe award.
Federline is pushing for the pop star to bear financial responsibility for his legal expenses.
This begs the question of whether Brown was truly taking responsibility for his actions or simply trying to avoid jail time.
A barrage of rumors hit the press, some blaming Lopez for the split with others placing responsibility squarely on the shoulders of Anthony.
If you need to take any introductory courses, it's your responsibility to fit them into your schedule before your study abroad experience.
Parties can be great fun, but hosting one is also a responsibility.
An emergency management specialist has a large amount of responsibility.
They may experience pressure from fellow employees and employers to complete large amounts of work in short periods of time or shoulder responsibility for big projects and potential problems.
It is your responsibility to respond to the contact within 24 hours.
It is your responsibility to be sure your dog will respond properly when you meet up with another dog along the trail.
Be sure to investigate the background of the dog as much as you can before you accept responsibility for it.
A dog is a lifetime responsibility, and it is important that you make the best choice for your family.
This fact places even more responsibility on the part of dog buyers to ensure they are purchasing their Cavachon from someone who breeds only healthy, top quality dogs.
Ucko points out that in some groups the youth wear penis sheaths at a time in their lives when virility is alluring and the elders are freed from the responsibility of this signal.
After numerous attempts to report the incident and the subsequent damage, Carroll was transferred from one staff member to another, each one claiming no responsibility for the incident.
Their environmental responsibility extends to their manufacturing facilities where proprietary processing methods eliminate smokestacks, and factory run-off is recycled back into the manufacturing line.
It is your responsibility to install the foundation or hire a contractor to do so before erecting your prefab structure.
Now may be the first time to give her a family heirloom piece to show her that you recognize that she is now a young lady who can handle the responsibility of a special piece of jewelry.
However, those behind the philosophy of sustainable agricultural and organic seed companies place the responsibility on humans to use what the earth provides naturally.
Surya products are enriched with exotic plants native to the Amazon forest which, in addition to their benefits, are associated with environmental conservation and social responsibility.
Organic Life Vitamins are made by Peter Gilham's Natural Vitality, a company with a mission of social responsibility in the realm of consumer health.
Organic children's clothing are yet another way you can help your family become more conscious of the needs of this planet and the social responsibility of its citizens.
We have a responsibility to educate ourselves about safety issues and to take some responsibility for our own safety by making good choices about the way we will behave.
They offer insurance billing services, but note that it is the patient's responsibility to work with their insurance company to obtain any prior authorization for services or referral forms.
For those who are used to this process, this is not a big deal, but for those who aren't, this can be a little time consuming and added responsibility.
It is your responsibility as the parent to understand that children's eyes are susceptible to UV damage, which can lead to everything from painful yet easily healed surface burns to irreversible cataracts.
Maui Jim will not take responsibility for your lost eyewear if it does not make it to the repair facility.
You can place further value and healthy responsibility on your children by providing them with a Disney gift card or their set amount of spending money in cash before entering the park.
At first, the responsibility for maneuvering your men around may seem daunting, but this game does an excellent job of pacing your transition from going it alone to commanding up to six other soldiers.
When will parents take more responsibility for their children's gaming choices?
Take responsibility for yourself and for your fellow campers who come camping after you.
What does not change is the responsibility parents have to provide a safe, trusting environment in which their children can thrive.
Although low in both social responsibility and independence, they are usually more cheerful than the conflicted and irritable children of authoritarian parents.
Childhood lying has many causes, including the need to maintain parental approval, to gain attention, to avoid disappointing others, to evade the consequences of misbehavior, or to avoid responsibility.
Children who use lying as a primary means of avoiding personal responsibility, particularly in adolescence, may be attempting to cover up more serious problems with substance abuse.
These stresses include the unclear role and authority of the stepparent, financial responsibility for stepchildren, conflict between custodial and noncustodial parents, and emotional tensions.
Some lastborns develop self-esteem problems if older siblings or parents take power away from these lastborns so that they cannot make decisions or take responsibility.
Parents can foster responsibility and self-reliance by giving even the youngest child some responsibility, such as setting the table or putting clean clothing in their dresser drawers.
All health professionals with responsibility for an asthmatic's drug therapy should have an up-to-date list of the drugs and doses being used by the child.
Piaget called this "moral realism with objective responsibility."
If rules for behavior have been consistently modeled and expected by the parents, children should exhibit an increased sense of responsibility and self-control when they become school age.
As children continue to mature and desire more responsibility and independence, teaching them to deal with the consequences of their behavior is an effective method of discipline.
However, placing the responsibility of making such a decision on the child can cause internal co