Response Sentence Examples
Getting no response from Alex, he shrugged and turned to his desk.
He yelled a response and blinked his light.
Dusty's response was quick.
In the same way her response to music is in part sympathetic, although she enjoys it for its own sake.
It was written out of my heart, and perhaps that is why it met a sympathetic response in other hearts.
His response was a warm smile.
I was pleased with the overall response and I think we collectively felt a modicum of relief.
The light in his eyes was response enough.
He locked one arm around her in response, the other holding her head.
If I expected a warm response, I was mistaken.
AdvertisementHis kiss was no more out of line than her response.
The response was sharp.
He grimaced in response.
Evelyn's happy response was lost as she faded into sleep.
He faced her when she said nothing in response and didn't leave his bedroom.
AdvertisementIn response to questions she points out prettily her nose, mouth, eye, chin, cheek, ear.
She nodded in response.
A'Ran made no response, unable to quell the tremor deep within him.
Dean couldn't think of a polite response so for once he kept his mouth shut.
Rhyn growled in response but switched to his human form as well.
AdvertisementAt Kris.s angry response, Rhyn shoved his brother out of his path.
A knock at the door distracted his response, which wouldn.t bode well for either of them.
Sasha sneered in response.
She frowned in response.
He nodded curtly, as if expecting the response.
AdvertisementStone-faced, he stared at it, and her face grew warm at his lack of response.
She rose quickly in response from her place kneeling at the small table.
Fred snarled his response with an uncustomary growl.
She said nothing, barely nodding in response to the various greetings.
Dean stared at him, but was lost for a snippy response.
She inhaled deeply and waited for some response or acknowledgement from Jackson.
A microscopic voice inside warned her to stop, but desire put uncontrolled passion into her response.
The response was instant.
His response was a soft groan that vibrated delightfully against her lips.
Uncertain how to interpret the response, Deidre shook her head and faced the portal.
His body relaxed in response.
Gabriel snorted in response.
Romas snorted in response.
Romas's response was abrupt and sharp enough to be hostile.
Ne'Rin's response was garbled.
At his lack of response, she continued, Ne'Rin disagrees.
Worse, she could think of nothing to say in response that wouldn't get her in more trouble.
Mansr awaited a response.
She searched his face, unable to read him or his response.
A'Ran lifted his chin to his uncle, who bowed in response to the dismissal and left.
He spun and strode away before she could formulate a response.
That sounded general enough, but her strange response set him back a beat.
The only response was the echo of an unanswered ring.
He worded his response with caution.
No woman had ever elicited a response like that from him.
There was no response.
A shout brought no response.
He was silent and she glanced around to gage his response.
He seemed to be waiting for a response, so she shrugged.
That wasn't the response he wanted.
Startled by his response, she mumbled an apology.
He stopped, awaiting her response.
The woman named Elise grimaced but made no response.
When she said nothing in response, Brady opened the channel.
Brady grunted in response and dug into the steak on the plate before him.
Melissa smiled in response, her hands full with a toddler trying to steal another's oranges.
From their years together, he knew the cryptic response was the best he'd get.
She squeezed her eyes closed at his response.
He hung up before Fred had to think up a response.
Many farmers abandoned their sterile farms and made new homes in the West, where soil yielded larger returns for labour, and a foreign-born population, consisting largely of French Canadians, came to the cities in response to the demand for labour in the mills and factories.
She swallowed a sob as Sarah's response came.
His lips found hers, warm and searching for a response.
A moment of silence preceded Mary's response.
She glanced up again and realized he was waiting for some kind of response.
There was no hesitation in the vamp's response.
He typed a response.
Damian smiled, waiting for Dusty's response.
He gazed at the message, puzzled, before he realized who it was and typed a response.
She sighed in response.
She glared at him in response.
It was irritating most of the time, like now when he wanted to get a quick response out of one.
You might as well come in, was the surly response.
She grinned and typed a response.
She searched his face, uncertain how to take his response.
He growled in response.
They turned colors in response.
He nuzzled her neck in response.
A crackle on the radio interrupted any response.
Dean leaned over his stepfather's shoulder to read the terse response.
Deidre ignored the grunt the death dealer gave her in response.
Cora grunted in response.
What I did to both Deidres cannot be undone was the unsettling response.
She waited quietly for his response.
Brutus followed her, whining in response to her misery.
Physically, he was improving, but not in the conversation or response area.
Glancing up sharply, she studied his response as she spoke.
He drew back and looked down at her with troubled eyes, seeking the cause for her lack of response.
He was quiet a moment, and finally she looked up to determine his response.
He deserved an honest answer about her response.
His response was hungrier, deeper.
Deidre couldn't manage a response to such a ridiculous statement.
Surprised by the response, Gabriel followed Darkyn's eyes around the apartment.
Deidre nodded, unable to think of a response that didn't involve crying or fleeing.
Gabriel lifted his chin in response.
She hadn't put much weight into Wynn's response, but she considered it now.
Instead, he gave a more neutral response.
She swallowed a bitter response.
Landon's response was chipper despite his severe features.
You'll pay for it later, Death, came the deity's amused response.
She did, waiting for his response as he sat.
She rolled her eyes at the vague response.
His eyes flickered to her, his response clear on his face.
His response came after a lengthy pause.
But he waited for her response.
She opened her eyes at his response.
This response was more guarded, less amused, enough to tip off Deidre that there was more to the story.
She heard a mumbled response.
One of the portals flickered as if in response.
The woman curtseyed deeply in response and stepped aside.
There was some satisfaction in his response, the first shred of positivity she'd heard from him yet.
Her gaze settled on Rhyn, who was waiting as tensely for her response as Kris.
One arm looped around her and she braced herself against his chest, vaguely realizing that --by not refusing him the day before --he'd taken her response as a blank check.
She paused mid-stride and threw a response over her shoulder without looking at him.
Brady straightened and winked at Dan, who rolled his eyes in response.
His factual response chilled her.
She squirmed in objection, and his body adjusted around hers in response.
She straightened finally with an angry look at Dan, who smiled in response.
She groaned softly in response.
His declaration was unhesitant, like his response to killing people.
Brady grunted in response.
Kiki snapped in response.
Instead of the supportive response he expected, Kiki was quiet.
Jared bared his teeth in response.
Toby rolled his eyes in response and crossed his arms. Katie shook her head. The angel was visibly upset and completely disheveled. She softened, sensing his distress.
Kris's confident response rankled Rhyn. He leaned his back against a tree and faced his eldest surviving brother. "I promised Kiki I'd tell you something," he started.
Fred ignored Dean's response and began to scratch his head in thought.
Lieutenant Anderson's response sounded more like an apology for being unable to locate two pillars of the community than a proper description of the two as a couple of leg-breaking punks.
Dean pushed each of the four buzzers, with zero response.
Before leaving, he rapped on Fred's door and yelled the message, not waiting for a response.
Fred's response was surprising, a few grunts and a brief comment that it figured.
Dean was surprised by the FBI's prompt response to what he'd described to Winston as an unimportant matter.
He couldn't tell from the tone of her response if she was offended.
A symphony of chuckles was the only response.
Joan laughed and her response was sarcastic.
She shook her head, searching his face for some explanation of the chill in his response to her.
The reason for his lack of response tonight was suddenly clear.
Josh remained sitting in the hay, staring at her as if confused by her response.
This time his kiss was warm and gentle - her response more controlled.
Possibly he was searching for a response.
Quelling the desire to repeat her earlier response, she lay still in his arms, waiting for him to make the next move.
She gazed up at him, silently questioning his response, but he merely reached down and lifted her into his arms.
Encouraged by his response, she glanced up at his face.
She moved into his embrace in a non-verbal response that pushed all but one thought from her mind.
For a minute after the patio door slid shut she stood in stunned silence, too shocked by his outburst to think of a response.
When she received no response, she swung her head to Carmen and nickered.
Again she screamed for Alex, but there was no response.
He took a bite of the toast and she was certain he was waiting for a response.
His response was a strike hard enough to jar her to the bone when she blocked it.
Jenn felt warmth bloom in her body in response to his stare.
Last night had brought him no closer to figuring out why she was pushing him away, though he'd begun to realize his body's response to her was endangering his own resolve not to be involved with anyone else ever again.
He winked in response, saying, "No more secrets."
Her body's aching response to his direct stare and nearness took her by surprise, and she inched back.
Darian's response was instant, his passion and need matching her own.
A knock at the door prevented her response.
His response made her turn, and he stared.
Taran strained to hear his response.
He nodded as if expecting the response and seated himself at a small table near the fire.
The burly man grunted in response.
Taran stilled his response as the older man bristled.
She half laughed, half sobbed in response.
Gray eyes studied him, waiting for a response.
He guided her closer, his lips seeking hers in hungry response.
Alex had been embarrassed, but Morino's response was basically "boys will be boys."
Later, when they were alone, Carmen challenged Alex about his response.
She choked down a sharp response and met his gaze.
Even so, she was ill-prepared for Ed's response.
Alex broke in with a stern response.
Whatever the case, her response was reassuring.
Without waiting for a response, he turned and walked away, leaving Carmen staring after him.
If he had a response, it was lost when she threw the phone.
It didn't require a response so she gave her attention to the skillet and said nothing.
It reminded Carmen of what Katie said about her response to Alex making an impression on the children.
He shifted in his chair, obviously giving his response full consideration.
Evidently it wasn't at all the response he expected and his planned route was foiled.
Without waiting for a response, she turned and headed to their room.
Dad's response had been that they had lots of birds outside and they had chickens.
She forced a wry smile and each word of her response dripped with sarcasm.
Something about his faltering response gave her strength.
With such a passionate response, what could he think?
He gave a strangled cry of rage and pain in response.
His teeth grew in response.
Xander reached down in response and gripped the Guardian by her neck.
Xander grunted in response.
He tilted his head towards one cabinet in response.
She was beginning to think it was five years since she'd seen a naked man, judging by her body's hungry response to the sight of his exposed upper body.
April Madera, was her instant response.
Jessi paused, not expecting a response.
Jessi smiled in response.
She twisted her head to study his strong profile, not expecting the philosophical response.
Super close – should have it soon, she lied in response.
She bit back her response, aware she was playing into his hands at every turn.
He waited for her response.
She pushed him away in response.
Jonny's response was quick.
After a moment, she texted a quick response and set it down again.
She raised an eyebrow at him, and he growled in response.
The response chilled her.
His simple, earnest response and the conviction on his face floored her.
In 1640 Henderson, Baillie, Blair and Gillespie came to London as commissioners from the General Assembly in Scotland, in response to a request from ministers in London who desired to see the Church of England more closely modelled after the Reformed type.
The Protestant response was not long in coming.
This attracted the attention of the attendant, who in response to the call inserted a plug into the spring-jack and connected the speaking apparatus to the circuit by means of the key.
The movements of the shaft are controlled by relays and electro-magnets which operate in response to the action of the subscriber whose telephone is fitted with a 'calling mechanism which, when the subscriber calls, earths the line a certain number of times for each figure in the number of the wanted subscriber.
Being intended for the Hotri's use, both these works treat exclusively of the hymns and verses recited by that priest and his assistants, either in the form of connected litanies or in detached verses invoking the deities to whom oblations are made, or uttered in response to the.
They are the power Of receiving impressions or stimuli from the exterior, and of communicating with each other, with the view of co-ordinating a suitable response.
Many instances might be given of appreciation of and response to other changes in the environment by the growing parts of plants; among them we may mention the opening and closing of flowers during the days of their expansion.
The power of response is seen most easily in the case of young growing organs, and the parts which show the motor mechanism are mainly the young growing cells.
The response to the stimulus takes the form of increasing the permeability of particular cells of the growing structures, and so modifying the degree of the turgidity that is the precursor of growth in them.
The response made by the adult parts of plants, to which reference has been made, is brought about by a mechanism similar in nature though rather differently applied.
As Darwin has pointed out, this response may be direct or indirect.
In illustration of the indirect response, the evolution of the Bryophyta and of more highly organized plants may be briefly considered.
There is no conclusive ground for regarding the action of this change as having been direct, it is more reasonable to regard it as indirect, having acted as a general stimulus to which the ever-increasing complexity of the sporophyte was the response.
In response to the imperial summons, five to six hundred bishops, all Eastern, except the Roman legates and two Africans, assembled in Chalcedon on the Sth of October 451.
In response the Moravians, at the General Synod (1909), welcomed the offer, but also declared their wish (a) to preserve their independence as a "Protestant Episcopal Church"; (b) to co-operate freely as heretofore with other Evangelical Churches.
In response to this call some Russian princes formed a league and went out eastward to meet the foe, but they were utterly defeated in a great battle on the banks of the Kalka (1224), which has remained to this day in the memory of the Russian common people.
As railway building increased in response to traffic needs, and as the consolidation of short lines into continuous systems proceeded, legislation applicable to railways became somewhat broader in scope and more intelligent.
Mention should be made of the mass of general legislation passed, principally by western states, since 1905, in response to a popular demand for lower rates.
In response to his complaints Nicanor was appointed governor of Judaea with power to treat with Judas, It appears that the two became friends at first, but fresh orders from Antioch made Nicanor, guilty of treachery in the eyes of Judas's partisans.
In subsequent negotiations he accepted the disarmament of the besieged and a tribute as conditions of peace, and in response to their entreaty left Jerusalem without a garrison.
After conducting a campaign in Poland which terminated unfortunately, he gave a ready response to the appeal for aid made by the Hungarians under Imre ThOkoly (q.v.) when they rose against Austria, his hope being to form out of the Habsburg dominions a Mussulman empire of the West, of which he should be the sultan.
In response to an oracle he was bidden to move northwards to Judah and successfully occupied it with Hebron as his capital.
The logical conclusion appears to be that the Charrette poem is a "Tendenz-Schrift," composed under certain special conditions, in response to a special demand.
Stung to action by some words of Sieyes, Bonaparte appealed to the troops of the line in terms which provoked a ready response.
The offer met with no response, Austria having received from the allies vaguely alluring offers that she might arrange matters as she desired in Italy and South Germany.
Meanwhile, he had thrown out, on the estimates of 1913, a hint to Germany that all naval Powers might well take a year's holiday from shipbuilding; but, though he repeated and emphasized his plea for this " naval holiday " in a speech in the autumn of 1913, it met with no response from Berlin.
An ear of another type is found in the swollen second segment of the feeler in many male gnats and midges, the cuticle between this segment and the third forming an annular drum which is connected with numerous nerveendings, while the fine bristles on the more distal segments vibrate in response to the note produced by the humming of the female.
In response to this request, the British authorities decided to take over Basutoland, and a proclamation of annexation was issued on the 12th of March 1868.
Friends have always held that war is contrary to the precepts and spirit of the Gospel, believing that it springs from the lower impulses of human nature, and not from the seed of divine life with its infinite capacity of response to the Spirit of God.
The tendency of the evolution of intelligence is towards the disintegration of the stereotyped modes of response and the dissolution of instinct.
Natural selection which, under a uniform and constant environment, leads to the survival of relatively fixed and definite modes of response, under an environment presenting a wider range of varying possibilities leads to the survival of plastic accommodation through intelligence.
Such response is instinctive.
By his concert with the other powers in the affair of Mehemet Ali, the tsar had abdicated his claim to a unique influence at Constantinople, and he began to revive the idea of ending the Ottoman rule in Europe, an idea which he had only unwillingly abandoned in 1829 in response to the unanimous opinion of his advisers.
In response to the demand, manufacturers have succeeded in producing transformer plate in which the loss of energy due to hysteresis is exceedingly small.
Its ready response to the king's heavy demands for the purpose of the national defence points to the existence of a healthy and self-sacrificing public spirit, and the eagerness with which the youth of all classes now began to flock to the foreign universities is another satisfactory feature of the age.
He wrote to the great geometer a letter on the principles of mechanics, which evoked an immediate and enthusiastic response.
If a character of much longer standing (certain properties of height, length, breadth, colour, &c.) had not become fixed and congenital after many thousands of successive generations of individuals had developed it in response to environment, but gave place to a new character when new moulding conditions operated on an individual (Lamarck's first law), why should we suppose that the new character is likely to become fixed and transmitted by mere heredity after a much shorter time of existence in response to environmental stimulus ?
In response Kruger enacted that the period of qualification for the full franchise should now be raised to ten years instead of five.
Sir Hercules Robinson, in response to a message from Mr Chamberlain, who had been secretary of 'state for the colonies since July 1895, urging him to use firm language in reference to reasonable concessions, replied that he considered the moment inopportune, and on the 15th of January he left for Cape Town.
In response to this appeal, Mr Chamberlain, in a despatch dated the 10th of May, proposed a conference at Pretoria.
Response Of Tissues To Stimulation A stimulus may be defined as every change of the external agencies acting upon an organism; and if a stimulus come in contact with a body possessing the property of irritability, i.e.
Rinaldo's proposal for a coup d'etat met with no response from his own party, and he failed to prevent the election of a pro-Medici signory in 1434.
His preaching awoke a great popular response, particularly among the masses of the people, "the people of the land."
On the other hand, at Aix-la-Chapelle (1818) the powers, in response to the representations of the aggrieved parties, admonished the German sovereigns to respect the rights of the mediatized princes subject to them.
Still more wonderful was Savonarola's influence over children, and their response to his appeals is a proof of the magnetic power of his goodness and purity.
In response to an appeal from Adelaide, Otto crossed the Alps in 951.
The response was an overwhelming affirmative.
But such inferences as these are but a vague return for the labour expended, and an almost cruelly inadequate response to seemingly well-founded expectations.
He began the study of law in response to his father's advice; he discontinued it in response to his mother's disapproval.
In 1532 he exchanged his curacy for a living at Witmarsum, in response to a popular call.
Stanley, in response to Mutesa's questions about religion, obtained from that king an invitation to Anglican missionaries, which he transmitted to London through the Daily Telegraph.'
After the battle of Marengo an Austrian envoy had come to Paris in response to a proposal of Bonaparte, and Talleyrand persuaded him to sign terms of peace.
In response to the exceeding diversity of habitat and of the conditions of life, the parasites exhibit manifold and widely-different types of form, organization and life-history.
And so in the period of the reforming councils of Constance and Basel the state of the religious orders was seriously taken in hand, and in response to the public demand for reforming the Church '4,"in head and members," reform movements were set on foot, as among others, so among the Benedictines of various parts of Europe.
He has brought together, in the Bureau of American Ethnology in Washington, many hundreds of manuscripts, written by travellers, traders, missionaries, and scholars; and, better still, in response to circulars, carefully prepared vocabularies, texts and long native stories have been written out by trained collectors.
His most notable political achievement was the manner in which he pushed through the Three Years' Service Bill, which was a response to German military preparations before the war of 1914.
Therefore, in response to their repeated complaints of the weakness of the English arising from disunion, Governor Fletcher, in 1694, called another intercolonial conference consisting of delegates from New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey, and urged the necessity of more united feelings.
In response, Mr Fraser, one of the Free State delegates, remarked that a harbour requires forts, soldiers, ships and sailors to man them, or else it would be at the mercy of the first gunboat that happened to assail it.
At the beginning and end of each chapter occur puzzle-canons, wherein the primary part or parts alone are given, and the reader has to discover the canon that fixes the period and the interval at which the response is to enter.
The emperor appealed personally to Henry for help in February, or March 1176, but Henry made no move in response, and his defection contributed in some measure to the emperor's defeat at Legnano.
It was not till towards the end of the war that the Austrian Government, in response to the wishes of the Ruthenians, began to come round to the idea of a separate status for Eastern Galicia; but it was then too late for such changes within the old territory of the empire.
A like result has been produced when, in response to Ultramontane agitation, interdicts have been placed on churchyards in which non-Catholics have found their last resting-place.
The trend of the tariff policy of the Zollverein for some time after 1834 was towards protection; partly because the specific duties of 1818 became proportionately heavier as manufactured commodities fell in price, partly because some actual changes in rates were made in response to the demands of the Protectionist states.
In response to the demand for self-government, in September 1647 he and the council appointed - after the manner then followed in Holland - from eighteen representatives chosen by the people a board of nine to confer with him and the council whenever he thought it expedient to ask their advice; three of the nine, selected in rotation, were permitted to sit with the council during the trial of civil cases; and six were to retire each year, their successors to be chosen by the director and council from twelve candidates nominated by the board.
In the London convention of February 1884, conceded by Lord Derby in response to the overtures of Boer delegates, the Transvaal boundaries were again defined, part of eastern Bechuanaland being included in Boer territory.
When grown up, Orestes, in response to frequent messages from his sister, secretly repairs with Pylades to Argos, where he pretends to be a messenger from Strophius bringing the news of the death of Orestes.
Finally in 1878, in order to remove all doubts about unoccupied territory, an imperial order in council was passed in response to an address of the Canadian parliament, annexing to the Dominion all British possessions in North America, except Newfoundland.
In response to the request of the archbishop, the pope had commanded them to follow the rule of Augustine and to be known by the above name.
Finding no better response, he went himself as a missionary to Dutch Guiana.
Like these, also, they respire oxygen, and are independent of light; and their various powers of growth, secretion, and general metabolism, irritability, and response to external factors show similar specific variations in both cases.
Seeing the preparations made by his enemy, Kofi Karikari endeavoured to make peace, and in response to General Wolseley's demands the European captives were released (January 1874).
In response to these appeals Anthony came forth and set himself to organize the life of the multitude of ascetics that had grown up around him.
The needless bitterness of his attacks upon Plato (in the Comparatio Aristotelis et Platonis), which drew forth a powerful response from Bessarion (q.v.), and the manifestly hurried and inaccurate character of his translations of Plato, Aristotle and other classical authors, combined to ruin his fame as a scholar, and to endanger his position as a teacher of philosophy.
The duke now, in response to an invitation from King Ferdinand IV., visited Palermo where, on the 25th of November 1809 he married Princess Maria Amelia, the king's daughter.
Rendered suspicious by this arbitrary act, the,Protestant princes in 1608 formed a confederation known as the Evangelical Union, and in response the Roman Catholics, under the guidance of Maximilian, united in a similar confederation afterwards called the Catholic League.
The response was so prompt that he was able to conduct affairs practically single-handed until 1865, when a legislature more favourable to his policies assembled.
The elector was not unwilling, but the scheme was wrecked by the opposition of the heir to the Bavarian throne, the duke of Zweibriicken, in response to whose appeal Frederick the Great formed, on the 23rd of July 1785, a confederation of German princes (Fiirstenbund) for the purpose of opposing the threatened preponderance of Austria.
He had apparently identified himself with the " Illyrian " party, had broken off all communications with the Hungarian government, and, in spite of an imperial edict issued in response to the urgency of Batthyani, had summoned a diet to Agram, which on the 9th of June decreed the separation of the " Triune Kingdom " from Hungary.
The emir of Sokoto held the position of religious as well as political head of all the lesser states of Northern Nigeria, and in response to friendly overtures on the part of the British administration had declared that between Sokoto and Great Britain there could be nothing but war.
In response to his advances commissaries of the French republic visited him at Iannina and, affecting a sudden zeal for republican principles, he easily obtained permission to suppress the " aristocratic " tribes on the coast.
In the case of the heart muscle this threshold stimulus evokes a beat as extensive as does the strongest stimulus; that is, the intensity of the stimulus, so long as it is above threshold value, is not a function of the amount of the muscular response.
The nerve cell just prior to sleep is still well capable of response to stimuli, although perhaps the threshold-value of the stimulus has become rather high, whereas after entrance upon sleep and continuance of sleep for several hours, and more, when all spur to the dissimilation process has been long withheld, the threshold-value of the sensory stimulus becomes enormously higher than before.
The physical "touch" that initiates the psychical "touch" initiates, through the very same nerve channels, a reflex movement responsive to the physical "touch," just as the psychical "touch" may be considered also a response to the same physical event.
But in the decapitated animal we have good arguments for belief that we get the reflex movement alone as response; the psychical touch drops out.
From one point of view the haggada, amplifying and developing the contents of Hebrew scripture in response to a popular religious need, may be termed a rabbinical commentary on the Old Testament, containing traditional stories and legends, sometimes amusing, sometimes trival, and often beautiful.
Yahweh himself refuses to accompany Israel owing to their disobedience, but in response to Moses'.
He changed the sentence on Katte to one of death and ordered the execution to take place in Frederick's presence, himself arranging its every detail; Frederick's own fate would depend upon the effect of this terrible object-lesson and the response he should make to the exhortations of the chaplain sent to reason with him.
The whole functioning of our mental apparatus is directed upon yielding the right response to the stimulations of the environment, and is valuable if and in so far as it does this.
On the 26th of November Lord Rosebery's speech on the same lines at a meeting in South London resulted in a powerful demonstration in favour of his resuming the Liberal leadership, but he made no public response.
He appeared to believe, however, that the successive variations and modifications had arisen in response to mechanical laws of the organisms themselves rather than to the influence of their surroundings.
Treviranus, in the beginning of the 10th century, laid stress on the indefiniteness of variation, but assumed that some of it was adaptive response to the environment, and some due to sexual crossing.
Variation was in fact a purposive response.
The organism is not a passive medium; the amount and nature of the response it makes to the action of environment depends on its own qualities, and these qualities, on any theory of inheritance, pass from generation to generation.
Finally, it is important to remember that the fundamental characteristic of a living organism is its power of response to environment, a response or series of responses being necessary in a continuous environment for the normal facies of the organism to appear, and necessary in a shifting environment if the organism is to change suitably and not to perish.
The past history of the organic world displays many successful series and these, as they have survived, must inevitably display orthogenesis to some extent; but it also displays many failures which indeed may be regarded as showing that the limitation of variation has been such that the organisms have lost the possibility of successful response to a new environment.
With regard to adaptations, it is becoming more and more apparent, as experimental knowledge advances, that it is a fundamental property of every living organism in every stage of its existence to display adaptive response to its environment.
In the broadest way variation in organisms is primarily the necessary result of the absence of uniformity in the distribution of physical forces on the globe, in fact is a mere necessary response to the variation of inorganic conditions.
In 1591 he became professor of Roman law at Strassburg, where he remained until April 1600, when in response to an invitation from Frederick IV., elector palatine, he removed to Heidelberg.
In response Lord Minto was sent to Rome as " an authentic organ of the British Government," but the policy in question proved abortive.
In the Anglican Book of Common Prayer the Kyrie is introduced into the orders for Morning and Evening Prayer, and also, with an additional petition, as a response made by the congregation after the reading of each of the Ten Commandments at the opening of the Communion Service.
Nothing that Hamann has given can be regarded as in the slightest degree a response to it.
In 1775 he became chairman of the committee of public safety for Orange county, and wrote its response to Patrick Henry's call for the arming of a colonial militia, and in the spring of 1776 he was chosen a delegate to the new Virginia convention, where he was on the committee which drafted the constitution for the state, and proposed an amendment (not adopted) which declared that "all men are equally entitled to the full and free exercise" of religion, and was more radical than the similar one offered by George Mason.
The leaden tablets of the oracle contain no certain example of a response, though there are many questions, varying from matters of public policy or private enterprise to inquiries after stolen goods.
The question of removal was again to the front when, in 1846, the Virginia portion of the District was retroceded to that state in response to the appeal of Alexandria, which had suffered from the neglect of Congress.
It consists of three texts describing the mystery, recited as versicle and response alternately with the salutation "Hail, Mary!"
In response, Calhoun extended to him a most hearty welcome, and assigned him to a place on the bench of the penitents.
Caesarius had sought the aid of Rome against semiPelagianism, and in response Pope Felix IV.
In order continuously to attain this end, the revenue must be flexible, or, as is often said, elastic enough to vary in response to pressure.
And the founder who enters history with an impressive personality can only do his work through the response made to him by the insight and feeling of his time.
Besides this, the response his ideas gave to popular needs and feelings was evinced by the numerous correspondents who sought his advice in their difficulties.
This feeble echo of the full response to stimulus is an idea, which is thus only another word for imperfect organization or adjustment.
Intellect, in short, is only the consequence of insufficient response between stimulus and action.
Mirza Mahdi relateshow this event was brought about by his address to the assembled nobles and officers on the morning of the Nau-ruz, or Persian New-Years Day, the response to that appeal being the offer of the crown.
Gaiseric's celebrated expedition against Rome (455), undertaken in response to the call of Eudoxia, widow of Valentinian, was only the greatest of his marauding exploits.
The worthy response to this loyal invitation was the dismissal of the Schmerling administration, the suspension of the February constitution and the summoning of the coronation diet.
Their appeal met with a response in a great part of Italy, France, Navarre, Portugal and England, and in Germany in the states subject to Wenceslas king of the Romans, the electors of Cologne and Mainz, the margrave of Brandenburg, &c. For a time the number of the fathers exceeded five hundred.
This despatch failed to evoke any response from the powers, with the single exception of Turkey, but the public agitation against the Congo State regime continued to grow in force, being greatly strengthened by the publication in February 1904 of a report by Mr Roger Casement, then British consul at Boma, on a journey which he had made through the middle Congo region in 1903 (described as the "Upper" Congo in the report).
The devout Moslem has to make a set response to each phrase of the Muezzin.
In 369, in response to a petition of the Thessalians, Pelopidas was sent with an army against Alexander, tyrant of Pherae.
His protectors entered into negotiations which in fact turned on the question whether more was to be gained by supporting him, or by giving him up. An appeal to Isabella, queen of Castile, met with no response.
At last a quinqueradiate symmetry influenced the plates of the theca, partly through the development of a plate at the end of each groove (terminal), partly through plates at the aboral pole of the theca (basals and infrabasals) arising in response to mechanical pressure, but soon intimately connected with the cords of an aboral nervous system.
As there was no response, the Tiers Etat on the r 2th named Bailly provisional president and commenced verification.
When St Just proposed Robespierre to the committees as dictator, he found no response.
On the 12th of November, however, urged on by the hotter heads among the peasant leaders and deceived by false reports of Austrian victories, Hofer again issued a proclamation calling the mountaineers to arms. The summons met with little response; the enemy advanced in irresistible force, and Hofer, a price once more set on his head, had to take refuge in the mountains.
On the 14th of May 1780, the legislature of Virginia, in response to a petition of the inhabitants, declared that Connolly had forfeited his title, and incorporated the settlement under the name of Louisville, in recognition of the assistance given to the colonies in the War of Independence by Louis XVI.
On these terms the synod interceded with the Genevese to restore their pastors; but through the opposition of some of the Bernese (especially Peter Kuntz, the pastor of that city) this was frustrated, and a second edict of banishment was the only response.
To the Spirit speaking therein the Spirit-illumined soul of man makes response.
Having asserted his authority over the Bohemians and other Slavonic tribes, Conrad went a second time to Italy in 1036 in response to an appeal from Heribert of Milan, whose oppressions had led to a general rising of the smaller vassals against their lords.
Beyond the borders of France, at the time of the emperor Frederick II.s conflict with a papacy threatened in its temporal powers, though he made no response to Fredericks appeal to the civil authorities urging them to present a solid front against the pretensions of the Church, and though he energetically supported the latter, yet he would not admit her right to place kingdoms under interdict, and refused the imperial crown which Gregory IX.
Ruiz Zorilla found ff0 response from the Republican masses, who looked to Pi y Margall for their watchword, nor from the Republican middle classes, who shared, the views of Salmeron, Azcarate and Pedregal as to the inexpediency of revolutionary methods.
Some might consider his response silly or controlling, yet to her it was sweet and reassuring.
She should feel relieved, but anxious would better describe her response.
He released her and searched her face as though trying to discover the reason for her lack of response.
Actually, she was far more afraid of her own response at the moment.
His response was typically different than she would have expected.
He was watching her intently, looking for some kind of response.
She started to walk away, but his adverse response lured her to pause.
She completed peeling another potato and rinsed it before Claudette finally gave up on a response with an audible sigh.
Claudette digested the response reflectively and then lifted her lovely shoulders in a graceful shrug again.
She nuzzled his neck, the scent of his blood intoxicating enough that her body relaxed in response.