Responded Sentence Examples
Both Dusty and Jule responded with smiley faces.
The voice on the other end of the line responded dryly.
Cynthia responded, focusing her attention on a speck of dirt on the counter.
They responded and began to relax.
A voice from the back responded.
He kissed her gently, plying her warm lips until she responded.
No, she wasn't ready for Gabriel yet, no matter how strongly her body responded to his smallest touch.
She responded as aggressively as he.
Jenn's brow furrowed, but she responded quickly.
The energies flowing around her responded eagerly, and she molded and released them.
AdvertisementShe responded, her sorrow and confusion feeding her need.
The clergy of some cathedrals (in England, Carlisle), and of a great number of collegiate churches all over western Europe, responded to the appeal; and the need of a rule of life suited to the new regime produced, towards the end of the 11 th century, the so-called Rule of St.
Talon's renting out a country club between here and Pembroke Pines, Toni responded.
She deepened the kiss, and he responded with his own hunger.
Rhyn gazed at her, and her whole body responded despite her fear.
AdvertisementDonnie responded with nods, smiles and gestures while Fred and Dean, scrunched into the back seat, politely listened.
She responded to Dean's hug, saying she felt better, but was still concerned about her mother.
Connor responded with a dejected, "Hi."
His body responded exactly as it had then, unsettling him.
Without looking up, Alex responded.
AdvertisementCarmen eyed Katie coolly and responded in a dry tone.
She tapped her earpiece, listened intently, and responded with a few words.
God help me, I hope it's soon, Elise responded, stuffing the meds the doc placed on his desk into a tactical bag.
I'll let you live if you give it to me, the man in gray responded.
Rhyn responded by pulling a dagger from the small of his back and tossing it.
AdvertisementDean continued with the rest of his questions and she dutifully responded.
She smiled and responded with one-word answers while he did most of what little conversation occurred.
Andy Sackler and Dean responded to a call crosstown at Ralph's Barber Shop, where they found a crowd milling around the sidewalk and a half dozen customers seated inside.
Mayer responded he was leaving to play golf but would call again when he returned.
Mums rocked in her chair and finished counting stitches before she responded.
Damian appeared pensive as he responded to Darian's playful strikes.
Yully responded, her thick Irish lilt and the poor phone reception frustrating him.
For the first time, the horse responded when he urged it out of the battle.
I will grant it, Memon responded with a bow of his own.
He deepened the kiss, thrilled when she responded by becoming more demanding, more passionate.
She responded with none of the reservation she normally displayed, opening to him.
He moved against her, and she responded, parting her knees and raising her hips in an ancient sign of invitation.
If I recall, I swore an oath to you and you one to me, he responded in a low voice.
Yes, you do, the beast responded.
They paused for a few minutes to say grace and then Carmen responded.
He responded in a controlled tone without looking at her.
Only her lips responded.
The idea certainly had its appeal, especially so after seeing how Matthew responded to the puppy.
She responded instinctively to the urgency in his voice.
Her throat was constricting with emotion, so she responded flippantly.
He watched silently as she made her sandwich, and then as she took a bite he responded.
Her heart skipped a beat, but she tossed the dishrag in the sink and responded nonchalantly.
The little mustang responded smoothly under his loving guidance.
In spite of an agonizing pulse, she responded flippantly.
His lips silenced her protest and she involuntarily responded.
It responded, even when it refused to show her the future.
She'd responded to him when his fangs were in her neck, and his power was in direct contact with her, but she still hadn't broken down into a mewling mess like every other woman did when first he touched them.
He responded with a deep kiss.
He wrapped an arm around her then responded to Jule.
When her shock wore off, she responded timidly.
I'm keeping the girl, Jonny responded without hesitation.
Vallandigham in May, and, although he responded immediately to the call for militia in June, he thought the Conscription Act unnecessary and unconstitutional and urged the president to postpone the draft until its legality could be tested.
Nowhere was the call responded to with greater zeal than in the Netherlands, and nowhere had the spirit of adventure and the stimulus to enterprise, which was one of the chief fruits of the crusades, more permanent effects for good.
Great numbers came to join the new order which responded so admirably to the needs of the time.
A dispute between Selinus and Segesta (probably the revival of a similar quarrel about 454, when an Athenian force appears to have taken part 2) was one of the causes of the Athenian expedition of 415 B.C. At its close the former seemed to have the latter at its mercy, but an appeal to Carthage was responded 1 The plant was formerly thought to be wild parsley.
In Egypt, moreover, in Babylon and in Persia individual Jews had responded to the influences of their environment and won the respect of the aliens whom they despised.
In 1823 the West called an extra-legal convention to meet at Raleigh, and delegates from 24 of the 28 western counties responded, but those from the far West, in which there were practically no slaves, wished free white population to be made the basis of representation, while those from the Middle West demanded the adoption of the basis for the national House of Representatives and the convention made only a divided appeal to the people.
Wheelock appealed to the legislature in the following year, when it was strongly Republican, and that body responded by passing acts which virtually repealed the charter received from George III., created a state university, placed Wheelock at its head, and transferred to it the property of the college.
President Jackson responded with a proclamation denying the right of nullification, and asked Congress for authority to collect the revenue in South Carolina by force if necessary.
France responded by an overwhelming affirmative, 3,568,885 votes being cast for the proposal and only 8374 against it.
Yet, despite the discontent seething in many quarters, France responded to his appeal for troops; but she did so mechanically and without hope.
It was a severe trial to Wagner not to hear his own work, but he knew that it was in good hands, and he responded to Liszt's appeal for a new creation by studying the Nibelungenlied and gradually shaping it into a gigantic tetralogy.
The progress of heresy, the reported troubles in Germany, the war which had lately broken out between the dukes of Austria and Burgundy, and finally, the small number of fathers who had responded to the summons of Martin V., caused that pontiff's successor, Eugenius IV., to think that the synod of Basel was doomed to certain failure.
To this fresh emergency Napoleon and his army responded in most brilliant fashion.
For the first time Great Britain responded in kind.
The suffering Magyar multitudes eagerly responded to these seductive teachings, and the result was a series of dangerous popular risings (the worst in 1433 and 1436) in which heresy and communism were inextricably intermingled.
The explosive wave from the dry guncotton primer is in fact better responded to by the wet compressed material than the dry, and its detonation is somewhat sharper than that of the dry.
The Mahommedans promptly responded to the challenge, for the danger was too serious to be neglected; the Sikh army was dispersed and two of Guru Govind Singh's sons were murdered at Sirhind by the governor of that fortress, and his mother died of grief at the cruel death of her grandchildren.
To the " call to arms " of 1861 Grant promptly responded.
Under the impulses which came from these various sides Martineau's mind lived and moved, and as they successively rose he promptly, by appreciation or criticism, responded to the dialectical issues which they raised.
Julian afterwards sent Oribasius to restore the temple; but the oracle responded to the emperor's enthusiasm with nothing but a wail over the glory that had departed.
President Kruger, however, soon brushed these propositions aside, and responded by stating that, in consideration of the common enemy and the dangers which threatened the Republic, an offensive and defensive alliance must be preliminary to any closer union.
When the Czechs refused this request the Germans responded with more obstinate obstruction.
Raphael cordially responded to the Bolognese master's admiration, and said, in a letter dated in 1508, that few painters or none had produced Madonnas more beautiful, more devout, or better portrayed than those of Francia.
Conscious, nevertheless, that a struggle impended, they instantly sent word to all the other colonies, whose whig elements sympathetically responded to the alarm.
Consequently there were large tracts of untilled " waste " land; but these rapidly responded to fertilization and rotation of crops, often yielding Boo to 1200 lb of cotton per acre, and Georgia in 1899 used more fertilizers than any other state in the Union.
Georgia had responded freely to the call for volunteers, but when the Confederate Congress had passed, in April 1862, the Conscript Law which required all white men (except those legally exempted from service) between the ages of 18 and 35 to enter the Confederate service, Governor Brown, in a correspondence with President Davis which was continued for several months, offered serious objections, his leading contentions being that the measure was unnecessary as to Georgia, unconstitutional, subversive of the state's sovereignty, and therefore " at war with the principles for the support of which Georgia entered into this revolution."
The majority responded, but Subh-i-Ezel and some of his faithful adherents refused.
The country responded with enthusiasm to his summons and suggestions; and the South on its side was not less active.
The pope, to whom the Saxons had been encouraged to complain, responded by sending back certain of Henrys messengers, with the command that the king should do penance for the crimes of which his subjects accused him.
The Protestants responded by demanding that they should lose nothing which they had held before 1618, when the war began.
The Danes, who were supported by Russia, responded by blockading the Baltic ports, which Germany, having no navy, was unable effectually to defend.
The government responded by fining and imprisoning the parents.
The reserves of the Egyptian army were called out, and responded with alacrity.
His wit, however, was often cruel, and any one who responded with too much spirit was soon made to feel that the licence of talk was to be complete only on one side.
He believed that life was an expanding, growing force, and that animals responded to the environment by developing new wants, seeking to satisfy these by new movements and thus by their own striving producing new organs which were transmitted to their descendants.
Successful organisms, or well-adapted organisms, are those that have responded to the environment, whether by large or small variations, in suitable fashion.
By degrees, however, Schiller's historical publications, and, in a higher degree, the magnificent poems, Die Gotter Griechenlands (1788) and Die Kiinstler (1789), awakened Goethe's respect, and in 1794, when the younger poet invited Goethe to become a collaborator in the Horen, the latter responded with alacrity.
He was also an unfailing supporter of contemporary painting, in so far as it responded to his romantic tendencies, and he gave a fresh impulse to the arts of working in metal and glass.
Comparatively early in life he had found in Spinoza the philosopher who responded to his needs; Spinoza taught him to see in nature the "living garment of God," and more he did not seek or need to know.
But their influence, especially that of the missionaries, is felt in every part of the protectorate, and in few parts of equatorial Africa have the natives more readily responded to European influences.
The Church responded, and under Peter's leadership a motley crowd, principally of French origin, set out in 1096 for the Holy Land.
Thus he could count on presenting free from afterthoughts the vivid impressions which he had first received, and Millet's nature was such that the impressions which he received were always of a serious and often of a noble order, to which the character of his execution responded so perfectly that even a "Washerwoman at her Tub" will show the grand action of a Medea.
Fortunately these officers responded to the call of the executive.
Jones; he was rescued and taken to Lawrence; the city disclaimed complicity, but Jones persuaded Governor Wilson Shannon that there was rebellion, and Shannon authorized a posse; Missouri responded, and a pro-slavery force marched on Lawrence.
The Democrats were triumphant in 1813, and the Federalist as well as the Democratic administration responded with aid for the defence of New York and Philadelphia.
Then, however, the Russian government held out inducements to settlers, and these have been responded to by Russians, Greeks, Armenians and Rumanians, but the process of repeopling the long deserted territory is slow and difficult.
Linnaeus's primarily zoological classification of man did not, however, suit the philosophical opinion of the time, which responded more readily to the systems represented by Buffon, and later by Cuvier, in which the human mind and soul formed an impassable wall of partition between him and other mammalia, so that the definition of man's position in the animal world was treated as not belonging to zoology, but to metaphysics and theology.
These facts clearly show that the Mendicant Movement responded to widely spread and deeply felt needs of the time.
The friars responded not only to the new needs of the age, but to its new ideas - religious, intellectual, social, artistic.
There is no need to labour the point that the Mendicants responded to all these needs and interpreted them within the pale of Catholic Christianity, for the fact lies upon the surface of history.
As the general election approached he responded heartily to Mr. Lloyd George's proposal that the Coalition should be continued, and that the country should be definitely invited to return candidates who should undertake to support the Coalition Government; and he joined with him in issuing the letters or certificates, nicknamed " coupons," accepting Coalition candidates.
To this Napoleon responded with the Milan decree (December 17), forbidding neutrals to trade in any articles imported from the British dominions.
His call for volunteers was responded to with enthusiasm by all parts of Greece not held by Constantine's troops, and 60,000 men were soon gathered at Salonika.
To the hanging of the brave garrison of Granson the Swiss responded by terrible reprisals at Granson and at Morat (March to June 1476); while the people of Lorraine finally routed Charles at Nancy on the 5th of January 1477, the duke himself falling in the battle.
At the same time the Catholic powers responded by the league of Augsburg L
On the other hand, after the 23rd of September they declared Paris dangerous for the Convention, and wanted to reduce it to eighty-three influential members Danton and the Mountain responded by decreeing the unity and indivisibility of the Republic, in order to emphasize the suspicions of federalism which weighed upon the Girondins.
The federalist insurrection, to avenge the violation of national representation, responded to the Parisian insurrection.
But Bonaparte saw what they were planning; and to the rupture of the negotiations at Lille and an order for the resumption of hostilities he responded by a fresh act of disobedience and the infliction on the Directory of the peace of Campo-Formio, on October 17, 1797.
He responded without interest, never taking his attention off his plate.
His persistence was taking its toll, and when his lips found hers again, she responded involuntarily.
She could feel his gaze on her and he responded in an uncertain tone.
Betsy renewed her quest for motherhood with vigor and a more than willing mate happily responded.
Julie responded like everyone else; with the usual dazed look of acute indifference.
Dusty responded with a curt nod, hoping the Grey God was right.
He flew in a specialist, she responded, pulling the blanket over her head to shield her further from the sunlight.
Many of the frisky paraders held water pistols and other more potent hydro-arms, squirting the audience, which responded mostly with glee, but often with return fire.
Fred checked the e-mail in case metalman29 had responded, but no such luck.
Gabe drew sword and dagger and unleashed on the half-demon, whose demon magic and quick reflexes responded with power that'd overwhelm anyone but Death himself.
The sounds of chaos below grew as emergency vehicles responded.
His body responded with a surge of heat and desire at the idea of feeling her naked body beneath his.
Mick asked about the weather forecast and Fred responded that in Ouray, any prognostication was speculative and definitely regional—for real accuracy, one looked out the window or guessed.
She gave a tired smile and responded with gentle sarcasm, "I have been working the past few weeks, sir."
She responded with enthusiasm until he finally gently pushed her away.
In the fading beam, the local mayor, Cathy Jamieson, responded with the usual platitudes.
On Rabin's advice at the 1.2km sign Roland played the amazing sound of the white bellbird who immediately responded to it.
Whilst flows in neighboring impermeable catchments responded rapidly to the lack of rainfall, and were notable depressed by month end.
The gathering of British supporters on the bottom bend responded with a deafening cheer.
But Staines responded within four minutes, when Telemaque fed Mark Nwokeji, who hit a curling shot past Stuart Nelson.
Royston responded well and two minutes later they equalized with Ryan Waller's corner curling into the Wanderers net.
All responded except Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, Frederick's cousin, whom he had made duke of Bavaria also.
The College is deeply grateful to members who have already responded with pledges of support through a legacy.
Overwhelmed Iraqi forces radioed for help, and American helicopter gunships quickly responded.
Her sister Mary responded to her enforced isolation by writing.
All responded within weeks, with blood sugar levels that were on average 20% lower than the control group.
Marmosets All five sites using marmosets All five sites using marmosets responded to this question.
My kidney biopsy showed mesangial nephritis and it responded well to steroids.
New Deal 32 unions that responded, some 18 (or 56 percent) had secured new recognition deals in the last six months.
After all, it would not be desirable or fair to have parking meters that only responded to a single network operator's phones!
Moral dilemma - update Thanks to all those that responded to my little poser.
Can you not relive the moments you responded most keenly to beauty?
Instead, the governor, Edward Eyre, responded with the most ferocious repression.
He responded by jumping 2.30m and winning the event, but even on the victory rostrum there were as many boos as cheers.
The one who responded with greatest valor would win.
Clearspring responded by temporarily withholding distribution while they reviewed the situation.
There is, however, very great delicacy of perception or appreciation on the part of the sense organ, stimuli being responded to which are quite incapable of impressing themselves upon the most highly differentiated animal.
The young king, still hoping for Napoleon's favour, now responded to the suggestion, forwarded by Savary, that an interview with the emperor would clear up the situation.
In 1136, while the count was in Normandy, Robert of Sable put himself at the head of the movement, to which Geoffrey responded by destroying Briollay and occupying La Suze, and Robert of Sable himself was forced to beg humbly for pardon through the intercession of the bishop of Angers.
Rostov looked inimically at Pierre, first because Pierre appeared to his hussar eyes as a rich civilian, the husband of a beauty, and in a word--an old woman; and secondly because Pierre in his preoccupation and absent-mindedness had not recognized Rostov and had not responded to his greeting.
Cllr McGill responded that the rural areas deal mainly in farming and wondered how this could be reconciled with interest in the urban area.
Only a year and a half after the violent repression suffered in Genoa, the movement has responded in the most spectacular fashion.
Instead we have responded positively to the cry of our local churches for quantity.
The five Central American governments each responded very differently, resulting in varied levels of CSO participation.
Almost everybody who received a letter from us responded in some way or came to our public meeting.
They responded with alacrity, marching into Mercia at the head of an army, but the Danes retained possession of the town.
The relevant academic world responded with enthusiasm to the Commission 's call for written submissions.
But from the moment the disaster broke, the British people responded with heartfelt, urgent generosity.
Customs responded changing the UK law from 21 March 2002 to take such supplies back into the scope of the exemption.
Fast bowler Mahmood, the son of Pakistani immigrants, responded to the jeers of the massed ranks of Pakistan supporters with two wickets.
There have been a few studies of tamoxifen for women who have advanced ovarian cancer that has n't responded to chemotherapy treatment.
With the home support 's voice growing, Bath responded through two Olly Barkley penalties to set up a tense climax to the game.
Exposed to a high-pitched tone, S responded, It looks something like fireworks tinged with a pink-red hue.
Stuart responded by upping the tempo, producing some magnificent attacking topspin shots which even Peter was struggling to return.
Flashbacks bring back both the transient joy and the lasting pain unleashed when Marianne responded to a seemingly casual proposition.
A chorus of voices responded to the question in unison.
A chorus of voices responded to the question inunison.
She responded with surprising grace towards the man who had just finished an abusive tirade against her.
Since that time, the committee has responded to other natural disasters and helps pet owners plan ahead for their evacuation strategy; this includes planning for their pets as well.
Consumers Reports conducted a survey to which over 36,000 readers responded.
Inquiries are responded to within a few hours.
The auto industry has responded to consumer demands for fuel-efficient vehicles, and there are several respected hybrid options to choose from.
All comments are read and responded to in a timely manner.
Therefore, the cosmetic market has responded with a variety of lip products advertised as lip plumpers.
Requests will be processed quickly and responded to via email.
Hallmark responded by creating their own online collection of ecards, and since Hallmark owns the copyright to the Maxine franchise, the company added an entire collection of those cards dedicated to the endearing and sarcastic character.
Several stores and manufacturers have responded to the actions and petitions.
Follow up with guests who haven't responded.
During a 2000 interview with Entertainment Weekly, they were asked if they shared a psychic connection and Ashley responded, "Sometimes when we look at each other, we know what the other's thinking.
Calls to Kepcher and her agents have not been returned and Trump has responded to media inquiries with a "no comment."
A friend of mine saw the casting call and sent it to me and then nagged me about it until I responded.
When her slip was pointed out to her, she responded enthusiastically claiming that she loves nipples and thought the incident was a great thing.
When they continued to voice their displeasure, she responded with, ""Shut the f*** up!
The audience members responded with nervous laughter, unsure of whether or not the comments were part of the act.
Tyra responded to the ruthless tabloids with a statement about her own body confidence.
In January 2007, Spears responded to fans on her Web site, saying, "I've been far from perfect and the media has had a lot of fun exaggerating my every move."
The talk show host congratulated Schreiber on his impending bundle of joy, to which he responded, "Yes, I'm going to be a dad.
When Details questioned him directly about his sexuality, Jake Gyllenhaal responded, " I've never really been attracted to men sexually, but I don't think I would be afraid of it if it happened.
While Donald Trump extended an invitation to rival Rosie O'Donnell, her rep responded, "It will not happen in this lifetime or beyond."
Fresh on the heels of turning herself into police for a prior drunk driving charge, Lohan was arrested in the early hours of July 24, 2007 after police responded to a report of a car chase.
Police responded to a call and arrived on the scene to assess the situation.
Younger sister Noah once entered a Disney Channel contest to win tickets backstage to meet Hannah Montana, to which Miley responded "You live with me!"
John Rich can explain his decision all he wants, but fans responded to his explanation and the fans are not happy.
When asked about the denials, Nicole responded with a candid interview in Vanity Fair regarding her past two miscarriages with ex-husband Tom Cruise.
Paula Abdul has responded to the "extreme fan's" death by publicly stating that she is "…deeply shocked and saddened" and that her "…heart and prayers go out to her family."
Kim has responded to her critics,and she's being refreshingly level headed about the whole thing.
Marquez responded with a suit of her own, claiming, among other charges, that he emotionally, physically and mentally abused her during their four year relationship.
Mays' family has responded to the release of the autopsy reports, stating the report contains "…extremely speculative conclusions" regarding Mays' cause of death.
According to US Magazine, Pratt has responded that he's thrilled Cooper is adding to their fame.
Rich responded to Ashley by filing a lawsuit of his own.
When asked if he wanted to apologize to any parents or children who might have been watching, Lambert responded that he didn't see the need to and pointed out that he's an entertainer, not a babysitter.
Rogen and director Judd Apatow responded and haven't spoken to Heigl since.
The former Police front man responded to the harsh criticism stating that he knew about Karimov's "…appalling reputation," but decided to go ahead and play anyway.
Police responded to a 911 call to Jameson and Ortiz's home and reported what were described as "visible injuries" on Jameson.
Get the names and contact information for all crew members and passengers involved in the incident, including the security officers who responded to the initial disturbance.
Choke chain collars are intended to help train stubborn dogs who like to pull and have not responded to training using a traditional collar.
I was still too filled with grief after my original Governor's passing to call my new pet Govvy Jr. Little Man stuck, mainly because my dog really responded to this nickname.
The dog quickly responded to training with the product.
When the price of gold rose over 2300% in the 1970s, Balfour responded by developing rings made from alloys in order to keep prices down for its customers.
While the fashion industry considers you petite, the problem is that that same industry understands that women are individuals and has responded with various types of petite fits.
When teens are approached online by someone they don't know, four out of ten responded that they would probably chat with that person anyway.
Jet lag occurs when the traveler's body has not responded to the different time zone and as a result, they are unable to sleep properly.
Activision has responded to the allegations and requests for a recall or release of edited versions of the video game.
Amputation may be the only therapeutic option for large tumors involving nerves or blood vessels that have not responded to chemotherapy.
Administered under medical supervision, ultraviolet light B (UVB) is used to control psoriasis that covers many areas of the body or that has not responded to topical preparations.
An individual with widespread psoriasis that has not responded to treatment may enroll in one of the day treatment programs conducted at special facilities throughout the United States.
States have responded by licensing responsible adults who were not married (even divorced men and women) and reaching out to seniors and children's relatives.
Surgery is used very rarely to treat tic disorders; it is usually tried only if the tic has not responded to any medication and interferes significantly with the patient's life.
During at least the first six months of life, crying should always be responded to promptly.
Clozapine (Clozaril) is an atypical antipsychotic medication used to control manic episodes in adult patients who have not responded to typical mood stabilizing agents.
The drug often is used to treat bipolar patients who have not responded well to lithium therapy.
It is effective for those children with severe, but reversible, heart or lung problems who have not responded to treatment with a ventilator, drugs, or extra oxygen.
In a few very severe cases in which patients have not responded to medication or behavioral therapy, brain surgery may be tried as a way of relieving the unwanted symptoms.
Although the majority of these children responded positively to a booster HBV immunization, one-third of them did not respond.
Coal-tar salves can help relieve symptoms of nummular dermatitis that have not responded to other treatments, but these ointments have an unpleasant odor and stain clothing.
Hair stylist Vidal Sassoon responded to the need and created the new bob, which was perfect for a woman with straight hair.
The government has responded to situations just like yours by offering programs like FHASecure, which allows people with adjustable rate mortgages to refinance into new FHA-insured loans.
Since standard bed pillows aren't built to accommodate the needs of a pregnant woman, manufacturers have responded by offering the "maternity pillow."
In a New York Times editorial, Brooke responded by saying Tom displayed an "utter lack of understanding about postpartum depression and childbirth in general."
Fortunately, there are many clothing manufacturers who have responded to the needs of the mom-to-be by creating contemporary attire that blends fashion and functionality.
With its narrow streets set on impossible hills, San Francisco has responded to its residents' annoyance by providing one of the best public transportation systems in California.
Designers have responded in full force to new mothers' demands for fashionable alternatives.
Lopez responded by saying that she was "open to being educated" on the subject.
Every time I would ask him if he loved her, he responded that "he loved her in ways and the kids love her."
She responded via facebook (online) and so we went back and forth a couple times that way.
He responded that it is nothing serious.
I also asked him may I borrow the cell phone and he also responded that he has to get all the information out of the phone first before I could borrow it.
She responded in saying, I also have a past and I won't judge you on yours.
Many men have responded to hearing "We don't go out enough!" with tickets to a sports game.
At some point, if you've tried every technique to attract a girl and she still hasn't responded, it might be time to move on.
Most diamonds were created over a billion years ago, when carbon-containing minerals deep in the Earth responded to intense and sustained pressure.
In the week before the election, Brezny's campaign started to pick up a lot of support, and the candidate responded by taking out an ad in the newspaper explaining why voters should not vote for him.
After asking the entity its name, it responded with, "N-O".
Asking it a second time, it responded even quicker as the plastic pointer raced back to "NO" again.
As consumers become more interested in finding the best deals online, enterprising companies have responded by creating websites that help people quickly locate the coupon codes they need.
All comments are read and responded to promptly.
Passions often broke the fourth wall, letting characters talk to the audience and the audience, including the key 18 to 24 demographic responded to that.
Eagerly, Seiko responded to what the company's horology engineers perceived as a mighty challenge.
Be sure to make notes as the candidate answers or take a few minutes immediately following the interview to jot down your impressions of the person and how well they responded to the questions on your list.
You can also ask an open-ended question that requires the candidate to describe how they responded to an issue on the job to get an idea of the person's resourcefulness and ability to deal with situations calmly and rationally.
Many companies have responded to the current climate of mistrust among consumers by offering window dressing when it comes to business ethics.
With sales decreasing more dramatically on certain models like pick-up trucks, SUVs, and minivans, the auto industry responded by eliminating some slow sellers.
The reason this is a sure-fire crowd pleaser is because humans have responded to simple rhythms like this since the times of the caveman.
Think about your repertoire of cheers and chants, then think about how the crowd responded to each cheer or chant.
The physician noticed that some individuals responded well to certain diets but others on the same programs did not succeed.
Wacoal responded to the need for a flattering, yet supportive, bra for full-figured shapes.
When asked how he chose the name "Smashing Pumpkins", Corgan responded "It could have been any vegetable."
Ann, assuming the man (whom she referred to as a "slimeball" on VH-1) was referring to her actual boyfriend at the time, responded that he was fine.
The fans obviously responded to The All American Rejects singles like Dirty Little Secret, Move Aong and It Ends Tonight, by buying up CD's and downloading them onto MP3 players in droves.
Archuleta responded that he chose the second verse because it had such a "great message."
Listeners responded in a big way, and soon every radio station in the country was all over the album.
On 1981's Faith, the music only got darker, but critics responded more positively this time.
Perhaps one of The Cure's most significant releases, 1987's Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me showed that the band had achieved the pop/goth balance they were looking for, and fans and critics alike responded.
The UK got the synth pop-heavy numbers while the US responded to the darker tracks.
Saffre responded to the clearance request by telling Eminem that his writing was lazy and to stop attacking the same old victims.
Hosts must have enough time for the invitations to be received, considered, and responded to without drastically interrupting the party planning.
Moline responded to the allegations saying they simply weren't true and that he was "hurt and saddened" by his ex-wife's accusations.
The show began with only three pilot episodes which aired at the end of 2004, which viewers responded favorably to.
The production team responded by saying that the intention was never to film a documentary-style program, but to offer real survival solutions and tips.
Kate, as well as representatives for TLC, immediately responded to the allegations, ensuring the public that they were complying with the investigation and adhering to local laws.
On air, he read and responded to letters sent in by viewers.
Jon Gosselin didn't take kindly to his sudden exclusion from the show, and responded with his lawyers.
Kate Gosselin called shenanigans, and responded by saying she was moving ahead with the divorce.
It's not surprising that Jon Gosselin responded to this by suing TLC.
When questioned about her parents, she responded that she didn't feel it was appropriate for them to be in her children's lives.
Palin responded to this particular issue, posting on her Facebook page, "Unless you've never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather chair or eaten meat, save your condemnation."
For the most part, critics responded favorably to the filming location, as well as the casting of Pattinson as Edward, Billy Burke as Charlie, Taylor Lautner as Jacob, the Cullen family, and Bella's classmates.
This method may work on inflamed acne that has not responded to other methods.
This is truly a skin care line designed for the people, and the people have responded positively.
Early studies indicate that blue light laser may offer a promising non-invasive alternative for individuals whose acne has not responded to traditional acne treatments.
Later that night she woke and lay awake thinking about the way he had responded.
Connie rinsed her mouth and put her toothbrush up before she responded.
Blowing her nose, she finally responded.
Maybe Connie had responded.
In spite of her resolve, she responded.
She clamped her jaws together and silently counted to ten before she responded.
The confusion was partly due to the fact that everything was happening so fast and partly because she had never responded to a man that way before.
A person couldn't avoid fate, but they could control the way they responded to it.
As she picked up the dishes and turned toward the sink he finally responded.
Again he bent his head and his lips questioned hers gently at first, and then with more emotion when she responded.
His lips were warm and inviting, and she involuntarily responded to their query.
However, once we got going, I'm proud to state my future wife responded robustly, both physically and vocally.
The bureau responded, from the top, that all tips were welcomed and followed up, regardless of source.
Business demanded my attention this past week and I responded gallantly.
The police responded and I was taken to a hospital where proper care was being given.
Betsy responded with the words I didn't want to hear.
There was a pause before she responded.
Talon responded by raising her arm to his mouth.
He said nothing as he responded to the messages on his screen.
She responded and opened to him, leaning into him.
She responded, shivering at the energy that fluttered through her when their lips touched.
His body responded with a surge of desire he gritted his teeth against.
A burst of need washed over her as her body responded to his scent.
She kissed him, and he responded, his mind on her and Sofia.
Her body responded to him in a way that made her angrier.
Darkyn responded by removing his hand from her body.
Martha responded affirmatively just as Cynthia called to her from the kitchen.
Deidre responded timidly at first then leaned into him.
She responded to him with raw hunger, no longer timid as she had been when he kissed her the day before.
After a moment, he responded to Darkyn.
She's not gonna last, Rhyn responded.
The way children responded to unhappy people was touching.
This time his lips responded with familiar warmth.
God help her, she responded!
She searched his gaze and responded with irritation, "If coercion is willing, then yes."
He responded with a curt nod.
When neither responded, she returned to a safe subject.
A'Ran responded by tipping his chin, and Jetr's attention returned to Opal, who had been speaking too long already.
He hadn't responded to her calls in over three days.
He instantly responded, pulling her hard against him and kissing her hungrily.
He responded to her kiss, savoring the sweet taste and softness of her warm lips.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and responded with need fed by emotion.
The hussars crowded round and responded heartily with loud shouts.
It seemed to Pierre that this comet fully responded to what was passing in his own softened and uplifted soul, now blossoming into a new life.
With feedback as easy as a mouse click, suddenly the onus of response fell on the business, with those businesses which responded well to customer feedback gaining an advantage in the marketplace.
No one responded to her calls, and she found a note on the refrigerator.
More important, why hadn't Connie responded to her letter?
In spite of her resolve, her lips responded to his silent quest.
What was it about him that she responded to in spite of what she knew about him?
This time she responded passionately, returning his kiss eagerly.