Resort Sentence Examples
It was the last resort, but it was something.
It's probably silly, but I was thinking that this land would be a good investment for a resort retreat.
At the southern end of the boulevard de la Republique is the square de la Republique, formerly the place Bresson, in which is the municipal theatre; at the other extremity of the boulevard is the place du Gouvernement, which is planted on three sides with a double row of plane trees and is the fashionable resort for evening promenade.
During the summer it is a place of considerable resort for the sake of its waters - saline, chalybeate and sulphur - and it possesses the usual accessories of pump-rooms, baths and a recreation ground.
Miss Franny would never resort to writing something like this.
If he couldn't win an argument any other way, he could always resort to demeaning dialog.
The village is a summer resort.
Unlike you, I don't need to resort to violence to win.
It is served by the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac railway, and is a favourite resort from Richmond.
The city has several parks, including the Franklin of 90 acres, the Goodale of 44 acres, and the Schiller of 24 acres, besides the Olentangy, a well-equipped amusement resort on the banks of the river from which it is named, the Indianola, another amusement resort, and the United States military post and recruiting station, which occupies 80 acres laid out like a park.
AdvertisementExcluded from parliament by the fatal error of his youth, he was compelled to resort to indirect means of working out his plans by influencing public men.
The town is in repute as a holiday resort for its healthy climate and beautiful situation.
The town lies among hills, has an excellent climate, and in colonial times was (like Holguin) an acclimatization station for troops fresh from Spain; it now has considerable repute as a health resort.
Santa Cruz is a popular seaside resort.
Sergiyevo has long been renowned for its manufacture of holy pictures (painted and carved), spoons, and other articles carved in wood, especially toys, which are sold to pilgrims who resort to the place to the number of ioo,000 annually.
AdvertisementIt is a favourite summer resort, and has steamboat communication with other ports on Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching.
For the period before the adoption of a written standard the resort was not so much to " apostles " as to " disciples " and " witnesses."
The nature of the heresy, opposed, however, and the resort to the authority of Jude " the brother of James " against it, favour rather the period of Polycarp and Papias (117-150).
The city has a fine location, its natural attractiveness and mineral springs in the vicinity combining to make it a summer and health resort.
The town is a bathing resort, as is Elisenlund close by.
AdvertisementThe Parque Urbano, at the Playa Ramirez bathing resort, is a modern creation.
Besides being one of the sights of Paris, to which visitors resort in order to enjoy the extensive view that can be had from its higher galleries on a clear day, the tower is used to some extent for scientific and semi-scientific purposes; thus meteorological observations are carried on.
El Reno has a Carnegie library, and within the city's limits is Bellamy's Lake (180 acres), a favourite resort.
The election was contested, and his choice was confirmed by the legislature, the court of last resort in such cases.
Its valley, the lower part of which divides the Taunus hills from the Westerwald, is often very narrow and picturesque; among the towns and sites of interest on its banks are Marburg and Giessen with their universities, Wetzlar with its cathedral, Runkel with its castle, Limburg with its cathedral, the castles of Schaumburg, Balduinstein, Laurenburg, Langenau, Burgstein and Nassau, and the well-known health resort of Ems. The Lahn is about 135 m.
AdvertisementOn the neighbouring coast is Marianao Beach, a popular bathing resort.
Of these Hurlingham Park is the headquarters of the Hurlingham Polo Club and a fashionable resort; and Queen's Club, West Kensington, has tennis and other courts for the use of members, and is also the scene of important football matches, and of the athletic meetings between Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and those between the English and American Universities held in England.
The town, however, is in growing repute as a midsummer resort.
The water supply is derived from Lake Kerferd in the vicinity, which is a favourite resort of visitors; the scenery near the town, which lies at an elevation of 1805 ft.
The place is now famous as a resort of pilgrims, and is also important for the history of Italian art.
The town is a fashionable summer resort.
Whitby is a quiet resort, possessing none of the brilliance of Scarborough on the same coast.
If they refused to listen he could punish them in any manner he thought fit; in the last resort he could release their subjects from allegiance and head a crusade of Catholic powers against them.
Renwick Beach, at the head of the lake, is a pleasure resort.
It has come into great favour as a winter resort, especially with British and German visitors, chiefly on account of its fine situation and beautiful .views.
In this he considers briefly the best means of peaceable resistance to the policy of the ministry, but even at that early date faces frankly and fully the probable final necessity of resisting by force, and endorses it, though only as a last resort.
As a remedy for such a breach of compact the state might resort to nullification, or, as a last resort, to secession from the Union.
It is, however, as a popular summer resort that Ballston Spa is best known.
But the picturesque scenery and delightful summer climate have made New England a favourite resort.
The Strand, the modern portion of the town, has all the attributes of a seaside resort.
Yet there is no opposition between the physical and final causes; in ultimate resort the mind is compelled to think the universe as the work of reason, to refer facts to God and Providence.
In the 16th century Blois was often the resort of the French court.
Its importance declined about the time of the Reformation when it ceased to be a resort of pilgrims.
The city and surrounding region are a summer resort, the lakes affording opportunities for fishing and for yachting and boating.
A building called the Rotunda was erected for concerts, and the gardens quickly became a favourite resort of fashionable society.
Abu is now the summer residence of the governor-general's agent for Rajputana, and a place of resort for Europeans in the hot weather.
Such places are frequented by numerous flocks of aquatic birds, which resort thither in search of fish and mollusca.
Borrowers were not induced to borrow as a rule with the view of employing the capital so obtained at a greater profit, but they were compelled of necessity to borrow as a last resort.
The Buxton season extends from June to October, and during that period the town is visited by thousands, but it is also popular as a winter resort.
Caroline Bay, to the north, is a bathing resort.
St Bernard, as a last resort, begged King Louis VII.
The town has of late years become a favourite residential resort and has greatly extended towards the west, where there is a colony of pleasant villas.
The whey is drunk warm, and for this cure it is usual to go to some Alpine resort where pasturage is abundant and fresh milk can be had at all times of the day.
Ampthill Park became in 1818 the seat of that Lord Holland in whose time Holland House, in Kensington, London, became famous as a resort of the most distinguished intellectual society.
The young (which, as in other marsupials, leave the uterus in an extremely small and imperfect condition) are placed in the pouch as soon as they are born; and to this they resort temporarily for shelter for some time after they are able to run, jump and feed upon the herbage which forms the nourishment of the parent.
The city is a popular winter and health resort, with a fine dry climate.
The Anglo-Saxon church of Steyning (Stoeningas, Stoeningum, Staninges, Stenyges, Stenyng) mentioned in Domesday is attributed to St Cuthman, who is said to have settled here before the 9 th century, and whose shrine became a resort for pilgrims. The later prosperity of the town was due to its harbour.
It is the best planned and cleanest town in the empire, and this combined with the climate, which is very equable, makes it a health resort, especially for consumptive patients.
Putney Heath was formerly notorious as a resort of highwaymen and duellists.
The Thames in this neighbourhood forms a long deep reach in favour with fishermen, and Eel Pie Island is a resort of boating parties.
Owing to its delightful situation amid beech forests and to its chalybeate waters, Doberan has become a favourite summer resort.
Duxbury is a summer resort, with a large hotel at Standish Shore.
S., another seaside resort, with a station on the Glasgow & South-Western railway, is the connecting-point for Millport on Great Cumbrae.
But the final resort in cases of opium poisoning is artificial respiration, which should be persevered with as long as the heart continues to beat.
It has a cool and healthy climate, and is a resort in summer for the people of the tropical coast districts, and in winter for invalids from the north.
Is our nation so poor or so weak that we must resort to the ultimate in pragmatism and befriend nations in the name of commerce or prosperity or military security while turning a blind eye to the suffering of their people?
If I do not succeed they resort to dumb show.
Like the wasps, before I finally went into winter quarters in November, I used to resort to the northeast side of Walden, which the sun, reflected from the pitch pine woods and the stony shore, made the fireside of the pond; it is so much pleasanter and wholesomer to be warmed by the sun while you can be, than by an artificial fire.
The region is healthy as well as beautiful, and is much frequented as a summer resort.
It has a Protestant church and some small manufactures and is a favourite sea-bathing resort.
The city is attractively situated, has a dry, healthful climate, and is a summer resort.
Owing to its delightful climate and its attractive situation it has become a favourite health resort.
Connected with it are a library of 150,000 volumes and Boo MSS., a chemical laboratory, a zoological museum, a gynaecological institute, an ophthalmological school, a botanical garden and at Eldena (a seaside resort on the Baltic) an agricultural school.
The town is a fashionable summer resort, and during the season the president of the Republic frequently resides in the palace.
The resort to the weighbridge should put both on an equality, and its use tends to increase.
Clearly the succoss of the coup d'etat of Brumaire was due in the last resort to Lucien Bonaparte.
The township is a summer resort.
The Stundenthalshbhe, a popular resort, is in the neighbourhood, and near Gladbach is Altenberg, with a remarkably fine church, built for the Cistercian abbey at this place.
Pittsfield is a popular summer resort; it lies in a plain about 1000 ft.
It enjoys some repute as a summer resort.
The site of the old town slopes sharply upward from the harbour, to the west of which there extends an esplanade and modern residential quarter; for Penzance, with its mild climate, is in considerable favour as a health resort.
Warmbad Villach, a watering-place with hot sulphur baths, and Mittewald, a favourite summer resort, whence the ascent of the Dobratsch can be made, are in the neighbourhood of Villach.
The colonnade was a place of resort for the patients; a large building close beneath the rock was probably the abode of the priests.
Governor Miguel de la Torre, who ruled the island with vice-regal powers during the second period of Ferdinand's absolutism, sternly repressed all attempts at liberalism, and made the island the resort for loyal refugees from the Spanish mainland.
But besides an immense resort to Benares of poor pilgrims from every part of India, as well as from Tibet and Burma, numbers of rich Hindus in the decline of life go there for religious salvation.
The municipal area embraces the three townships of Seaton Carew, a seaside resort with good bathing, and golf links; Stranton, with its church of All Saints, of the 14th century, on a very early site; and Throston.
It has been famous for its sulphur and saline waters since the middle of the 18th century, and also enjoys great vogue as a holiday resort.
The Hellenistic monarchies rested, as all government in the last resort must, upon the loyalty of those who wielded the brute force of the state, and however unlimited the powers of the king might be in theory, he could not alienate the goodwill of the army with impunity.
The village is best known as a summer resort; it is built on bluffs and on a series of terraces rising from Round and Pine lakes and affording extensive views; and there are a number of attractive summer residences.
There is excellent bathing, and Brixham is in favour as a seaside resort.
Finally, the cave became a resort of bears; the remains of 354 specimens, in all stages of growth, including even sucking cubs, being discovered.
In later years Winchelsea became a great resort for smugglers, and the vaults originally constructed for the Gascon wine trade were used for storing contraband goods.
Here vast numbers of ducks, geese, swans and pelicans resort every year.
Of late years it has become a much frequented winter resort, and many handsome villas (among them that built by the 3rd marquess of Salisbury) have been constructed in the neighbourhood.
Aristophanes and Plautus show us how often resort was had to the discipline of the lash even in the case of domestic slaves.
All this space is filled with villas, gardens and hotels, and is a favourite summer resort not only of Alexandrians but also of Cairenes.
An Egyptian townlet, Rhacotis, already stood on the shore and was a resort of fishermen and pirates.
It contains one of the most venerable Hindu shrines, founded, according to tradition, by Rama himself, which for centuries has been the resort of thousands of pilgrims from all parts of India.
In the 17th and 18th centuries it was a favourite duellingground, and in the present day it is not infrequently the scene of political and other popular demonstrations (as is also Trafalgar Square), while the neighbourhood of Marble Arch is the constant resort of orators on social and religious topics.
The Zoological Society maintains a magnificent collection of living specimens in the Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park, a popular resort.
Fashionable society takes its pastimes at such centres as the grounds of the Hurlingham and Ranelagh clubs, at Fulham and Barnes respectively, where polo and other games are played; and Rotten Row, the horse-track in Hyde Park, is the favourite resort of riders.
Greenwich is a summer resort, principally for New Yorkers.
S., now in ruins, was a fashionable pleasure resort.
Although the first summer hotel was built here in 1855, Bar Harbor's development as a summer resort began about 1870, after some artists had visited the place, and made it widely known through their pictures.
To reduce such land to a fit state for the growth of arable crops is very difficult and slow without resort to paring and burning.
It was formerly a resort of pilgrims, and Roman coins have been found in the vicinity.
It was obviously, however, a measure to be used only in the last resort and with extreme reluctance.
The Czech immigrants, attracted to Vienna as to other German towns by the growth of industry, are now too numerous for easy absorption, which is further retarded by their national organization, and the provision of separate institutions, churches, schools (thus far private) and places of resort.
They were used by the inhabitants of Arbela as a place of refuge from the army of Bacchides, general of Demetrius king of Syria, and were the resort of bandits in the reign of Herod the Great.
It is a favourite winter resort, especially for visitors from England, and is situated in beautiful coast scenery.
From the description of Adullam as the resort of "every one that was in distress," or "in debt," or "discontented," it has often been humorously alluded to, notably by Sir Walter Scott,.
At the mouth of the Arno, joined to the city by a steam tramway, is the seaside resort of Marina di Pisa, also known as Bocca d'Arno, a well-known centre for landscape painters.
To that end he filled it with celebrated scholars, and, leaving only a few chairs of letters and philosophy in Florence, compelled the Florentines to resort to Pisa for the prosecution of their studies.
A branch line (8 m.) connected Beja with this railway, and another (11 m.) ran from Tunis to Hamman-elEnf, a favourite seaside resort of the Tunisians.
North of Lima is the port and bathing resort of Ancon, in an extremely arid locality but having a fine beach, a healthy climate and a considerable population in the season.
Finally, the third layer, known as "the Peak," and reached by a cable tramway, is dotted over with private houses and bungalows, the summer health resort of those who can afford them; here a new residence for the governor was begun in 1900.
Subsequently the island has been chiefly important as a summer resort.
It is a favourite summer resort of the Italians, but is cold and windy in winter.
The botanic gardens form a pleasant and favourite place of resort.
Such a thought can hardly be Micah's, even if we resort to the violent harmonistic process of imagining that two quite distinct sieges, separated by a renewal of the theocracy, are spoken of in consecutive verses.
Commercial interests have been almost entirely destroyed, partly because of the abolition of the slave trade and partly because of the embargo and the war of 1812, but mainly because the cities of the state are unfavourably situated to be the termini of interstate railway systems. Providence, owing to its superior water-power facilities, has therefore become one of the leading manufacturing centres of New England, whereas Newport is now known only as a fashionable summer resort.
This expectation, however, was not realized, but in time the place grew popular as a health resort, the scenery in every direction being remarkably picturesque.
In the last resort, therefore, Spencer fails to deduce philosophically not only the necessity of progress, but also its compatibility with the evolution-dissolution oscillation, and even the general possibility of conceiving the world as a process.
The whole region is now a favourite summer resort.
In summer Ardglass is a frequented resort of visitors; good bathing and a golf links contribute to its attractions.
Hence to represent D, Greek has now to resort to the clumsy device of writing NT instead.
Heresy or no heresy, in the last resort, like all other ecclesiastical questions, is decided by the judicial committee of the council.
It is attractively situated between Fountain Lake and Albert Lea Lake, and is a summer resort.
The famous temple of Kwannon, the goddess of mercy, is in the Asakusa Park, in which a permanent fair is held; it is a great holiday resort of the citizens.
In the spring of 1859 he was at Capri, always a favourite resort of his, and made many studies from nature, including a very famous drawing of a lemon tree.
Victoria is connected with the mainland by cable, and is a favourite tourist resort for the whole west coast of North America.
In a few minutes the batteries on the extreme Prussian left were completely overwhelmed, and suddenly dense lines of French skirmishers emerged from a fold in the ground upon their flank and front, and the gunners were compelled to resort to case-shot, so imminent was their danger.
Being open to the south-west sea breezes, it is a favourite place of resort from the oppressive heat of HongKong.
These strange plants usually grow in rocky places with little or no earth to support them; and it is said that in times of drought the cattle resort to them to allay their thirst, first ripping them up with their horns and tearing off the outer skin, and then devouring the moist succulent parts.
For, since the commencement of the era is placed at an intermediate period of history, we are compelled to resort to a double manner of reckoning, backward as well as forward.
The rapid growth of literature in the 16th century compels him to resort to a classification of subjects.
The locality, which is further enlivened by gardens and running streams, is named Gazir-gah, and is a favourite resort of the Heratis.
The district is residential and the town is a resort of visitors both to the river and to Bushey Park, which lies immediately south (see Hampton).
Biddeford is served by the Boston & Maine railway, and is connected by electric lines with Portland and with Old Orchard Beach, a popular summer resort north of the Saco river.
It was a favourite resort of highwaymen, whose bodies were exposed on gibbets along the road.
It is much frequented as a resort in spring, summer and autumn, and has many beautiful villas.
There are two small city parks, and a privately owned resort, Millbrook Park.
Buitenzorg is the usual residence of the governor-general of the Dutch East Indies, and is further remarkable on account of its splendid botanical garden and for its popularity as a health !resort.
Thus in 1405 he, with other two masters, was commissioned to examine into certain reputed miracles at Wilsnack, near Wittenberg, which had caused that church to be made a resort of pilgrims from all parts of Europe.
There is much fine scenery in the neighbourhood, there are mineral springs near by, and the place has become known as a summer resort.
This is a graded procedure as in the Jewish synagogue and makes exclusion a last resort.
Stolpmiinde, a fishing-village and summer resort, at the mouth of the river, is the port of Stolp.
Although not specifically a health resort, Los Angeles enjoys a high 1 They extend, however, to Fiji, Tahiti and Fanning Island.
In practice the whole of western Europe was subject to the jurisdiction of one tribunal of last resort, the Roman Curia.
Accordingly Plato conceived of them as forming a system and finding their reality in the degree in which they embody the one all-embracing idea and conceived of not under the form of an efficient but of a final cause, an inner principle of action or tendency in things to realize the fullness of their own nature which in the last resort was identical with the nature of the whole.
It is upon this in the last resort that the distinction between the phenomenal world of our experience and a noumenal world beyond it is founded.
Similarly from the side of logic. It is not the teaching of idealism alone but of the facts which logical analysis has brought home to us that all difference in the last resort finds its ground in the quality or content of the things differentiated, and that this difference of content shows in turn a double strand, the strand of sameness and the strand of otherness - that in which and that by which they differ from one another.
It is a popular health resort.
It has become since 1850, and especially in much more recent years, a favoured resort of summer residents.
Its population was formerly dependent wholly upon the sea, but its climate has made it a popular summer resort, Oak Bluffs being one of the chief resorts of the Atlantic coast.
To the north-west is the Ettersberg, with the Ettersburg, a château which was another favourite resort of Charles Augustus and his friends.
They are solitary, nocturnal, shy and inoffensive, chiefly frequenting the depths of shady forests and the neighbourhood of water, to which they frequently resort for the purpose of bathing, and in which they often take refuge when pursued.
It has a beautiful cathedral, built after a plan by Rastrelli in 1753, to which pilgrims resort to venerate an ikon of the Virgin.
There are also golf links and other appointments of a popular resort.
Birchington, immediately to the west (pop. 2128), is also a growing resort.
But during his tenure of office he, too, had to resort to strong measures in repressing some serious disorders in various parts of Italy, and thus he lost the favour of the Socialists.
Near Baiae was the villa resort of Bauli, so called from the 1 30aata (stalls) in which the oxen of Geryon were' concealed by Hercules.
Owing to the varied and beautiful scenery, this is a favourite summer resort; the game of the forests and the fishing in the streams and in the multitude of lakes serve as further attractions.
Like the Adirondacks, this region is largely forest covered, and is a favourite summer resort; but it is far less a wilderness than the Adirondacks, and in places is cleared for farming, especially for pasturage.
The town is a winter resort, chiefly for Northerners.
The town is a popular summer resort for residents of the coast cities.
Lake Balaton is of growing importance as a bathing resort.
It is built on a picturesque promontory which separates the waters of Green Bay from Little Bay de Noquette, and its delightful summer climate, wild landscape scenery and facilities for boating and trout fishing make it a popular summer resort.
Briefly, the duty of maintaining industries was made obligatory, and in the last resort the military authorities were empowered to take them over, though this was not likely to happen as long as the high prices continued and the Government supplied raw materials.
The place soon became a noted resort of pilgrims, not only from all parts of France, but also from Great Britain, Ireland and Italy.
A railway serves the village of South Hayling, which is in some favour as a seaside resort, having a wide sandy beach and good golf links.
The present prosperity of Dinant is chiefly derived from its being a favourite summer resort for Belgians as well as foreigners.
For the next thirty-five years its "Elysian Fields" were a famous pleasure resort of New York City.
South Beach, below the Narrows, is a popular seaside resort.
The fields and places of entertainment in Islington were favourite places of resort for the citizens of London in the 17th century and later; the modern Ball's Pond Road recalls the sport of duck-hunting practised here and on other ponds in the parish, and the popularity of the place was increased by the discovery of chalybeate wells.
The excellent climate has given Albuquerque and the surrounding country a reputation as a health resort.
Lately its prosperity has been increased by the rise into favour as a winter resort of the village of Gries, on the other bank of the Talfer, and now practically a suburb of Botzen.
Resort is made to tariffs, or duties on imports, partly to secure revenue, partly to affect the course of industry within a country.
These formed part of the general resort to every possible fiscal device.
No further resort was made to internal taxes until the revenue act of 1898 was passed, at the outbreak of the Spanish War.
The village, a place of considerable natural beauty, is a summer resort, and has various manufactures.
Flekkerd, a neighbouring island, is a favourite pleasure resort.
A branch line connects it with the Canadian Pacific. It has steamer communication with the St Lawrence and Lake Ontario ports, and is a summer resort.
The wide popularity of his brilliant lectures in the " schools " of Paris made this city the resort of the many students who were ultimately organized as a " university " (c. 1170).
Being the only place within easy distance of western Europe where patients can take with safety a course of baths during the winter months, it has become a resort of invalids.
Tibur was a favourite place of resort in Roman times, and both Augustus and Maecenas had villas here, and possibly Horace also.
Its prosperity during the imperial period was mainly due to the favour in which it stood as a summer resort.
The principal places of interest on the banks of the Earn are Dunira, the favourite seat of Henry Dundas, ist Viscount Melville, who took the title of his barony from the estate and to whose memory .an obelisk was raised on the adjoining hill of Dunmore; the village of Comrie; the town of Crieff; the ruined castle of Innerpeffray, founded in 1610 by the ist Lord Maderty, close to which is the library founded in 1691 by the 3rd Lord Maderty, containing some rare black-letter books and the Bible that belonged to the marquess of Montrose; Gascon Hall, now in ruins, but with traditions reaching back to the days of Wallace; Dupplin Castle, a fine Tudor mansion, seat of the earl of Kinnoull, who derives from it the title of his viscounty; Aberdalgie, Forgandenny and Bridge of Earn, a health resort situated amidst picturesque surroundings.
Zell-am-See (2473 ft.), pop. 1561, is a favourite tourist resort.
One of his favourite places of resort in these years was a club of which Dr Hutton, Dr Black, Dr Adam Ferguson, John Clerk the naval tactician, Robert Adam the architect, as well as Smith himself, were original members, and to which Dugald Stewart, Professor Playfair and other eminent men were afterwards admitted.
Around the city lie five great parks - Royal Park, in which are excellent zoological gardens; Yarra Park, which contains the leading cricket grounds; the Botanical Gardens, sloping down to the banks of the river; Albert Park, in which is situated a lake much used for boating; and Studley Park on the Yarra river, a favourite resort which has been left in a natural state.
The student must therefore resort to what may be called a tripod of evidence, derived from the available facts of embryology, comparative anatomy and palaeontology.
The coast of Lower California is a favourite resort for the fur-bearing seal, r and pearl oysters find a congenial habitat in the south waters of the Gulf.
Moreover, the town has grown in repute as a health and holiday resort, its situation being one of the finest in the west of Scotland.
The delightful scenery of mountains, lakes, streams and woodlands gives to the greater part of New Hampshire, which is in the New England physiographic province, the appearance of a vast and beautiful park; and the state is a favourite summer resort.
This abandonment led in 1889 to the adoption by the state Board of Agriculture of measures which promoted the development of the state, especially the central and northern parts, as a summer resort.
No true solution could be achieved by resort to the mere absence of distinguishing, differencing feature.
Northward lies Clondalkin, with its round tower, marking the site of the important early see of Cluain Dolcain; Glasnevin, with famous botanical gardens; Finglas, with a ruined church of early foundation, and an Irish cross; and Clontarf, a favoured resort on the bay, with its modern castle and many residences of the wealthy classes in the vicinity.
The city is a summer and health resort; it has mineral (saline sulphur) springs and a large mineral-water bath house.
The village is a summer resort as well as a suburban residential district for New York City.
It contains a convent, boys' college, hospital, several mills, and is a favourite summer resort on account of the' angling and shooting, and the magnificent scenery.
The assumption explicitly made by General Walker that among the immigrants no influence was yet excited in restriction of population, is also not only gratuitous, but inherently weak; the European peasant who landed (where the great majority have stayed) in the eastern industrial states was thrown suddenly under the influence of the forces just referred to; forces possibly of stronger influence upon him than upon native classes, which are in general economically and socially more stable, On the whole, the better opinion is probably that of a later authority on the vital statistics of the country, Dr John Shaw Billings,i that though the characteristics of modern life doubtless influence the birth-rate somewhat, by raising the average age of marriage, lessening unions, and increasing divorce and prostitution, their great influence is through the transmutation into necessities of the luxuries of simpler times; not automatically, but in the direction of an increased resort to means for the prevention of child-bearing.
He settled for a short time in Switzerland, then a favourite resort of revolutionary leaders, and after a few years came to London.
The town, which is a favourite summer resort, stands on the north-west border of the forest of Compiegne and on the left bank of the Oise, less than 1 m.
The cities, towns and municipalities resort to it to supply their local needs, and there is a tendency, especially pronounced in Ontario on account of the excellence of her municipal system, to devolve the burden of educational payments, and others more properly provincial, upon the municipal authorities on the plea of decentralization.
The Black Forest is a favourite tourist resort and is opened up by numerous railways.
Owing to the mildness of its climate the winter town is a resort for consumptive patients.
N.W., an attractive residential suburb and winter resort, in which there are a country club and a large United States arsenal, established in 1831.
It is beautifully situated in the upper part of the valley of the Wharfe, and owing to the fine scenery of the neighbourhood, and to the bracing air of the high moorlands above the valley, has become a favourite health resort.
They lie entangled in a vast net of sea-weed; are the resort of innumerable birds, and used to be largely frequented by seals and sea-otters, which, however, have been almost completely driven away by unregulated hunting.
As the corpse was found generally to disappear and decay in spite of preservative magic, especially in the early ages, various substitutes were resorted to; statues and statuettes were thought efficacious, but, apart from their costliness, even these were subject to decay or destruction by violence, and in the absence of anything more substantial the Egyptians doubtless reflected that magic words alone in the last resort made everything right.
Leghorn is the principal sea-bathing resort in this part of Italy, the season lasting from the end of June to the end of August.
The city is a summer resort, has a public library, and is the seat of Wayland Academy (1855, Baptist), a co-educational preparatory school affiliated with the university of Chicago.
The richness of its art treasures, the educational advantages it offers, and its attractive surroundings render it a favourite resort of people with private means.
The United States government therefore proposed that the signatories should insert in the act of ratification a reservation to the effect that resort to the International Prize Court, in respect of decisions of their national tribunals, should take the form of a direct claim for compensation.
It was, besides, singularly interesting from the expedients to which the Hindu architect was forced to resort to imitate the vaults of the Moslems. Of the buildings, however, which so excited the admiration of the emperor Baber, probably little now remains.
In 1879 the village of Knock in the south-east acquired notoriety from a story that the Virgin Mary had appeared in the church, which became the resort of many pilgrims.
It is also a favourite residential place and resort of visitors from Johannesburg.
It is situated at the entrance of the Briihl valley and is a popular summer resort, possessing iron and sulphur baths.
The most considerable range of mountains occupies the centre of the province, the highest peak being the T`ai-shan (5060 ft.), a mountain famous in Chinese history for more than 4000 years, and to which hundreds of pilgrims annually resort.
Meanwhile, through holding with Kant that man is not God, but a free spirit, whose destiny it is to use his intelligence as a means to his duty, he is still the resort of many who vindicate man's independence, freedom, conscience, and power of using nature for his moral purposes, e.g.
These sudden appearances of vast bodies of lemmings, and their singular habit of persistently pursuing the same onward course of migration, have given rise to various speculations, from the ancient belief of the Norwegian peasants, shared by Olaus Magnus, that they fall down from the clouds, to the hypothesis that they are acting in obedience to an instinct inherited from ancient times, and still seeking the congenial home in the submerged Atlantis, to which their ancestors of the Miocene period were wont to resort when driven from their ordinary dwelling-places by crowding or scarcity of food.
At the end of the Republican period it became a resort of wealthy Romans, and the Julian and Claudian emperors frequently visited it; both Caligula and Nero were born there.
The modern place is a summer resort and has several villas, among them the Villa B orghese.
The place consists almost entirely of villas and is a favourite summer resort.
Badrinath is a favourite resort of pilgrims from all parts of India.
It is also a climatic health resort of some reputation, and the visitors number about 850o annually.
In the latter case resort was very frequently had also to sorcery and necromancy.
That he celebrated the night of St Bartholomew was due to the fact that, according to his information, the step was a last resort to ensure the preservation of the royal family and the Catholic religion from the attacks of the revolutionary Huguenots.
In the 18th century it became necessary to resort to fiscal measures which were often harmful.
In 1864 the valley was granted to the state of California by act of Congress on condition that it should be held as a place of public use, resort and recreation inalienable for all time, was re-ceded to the United States by California on the 3rd of March 1905, and is now included in the Yosemite National Park.
Ray's translation of that work (p. 334), stating that it is "a Sea-fowl, which fishermen observe to resort to their vessels in some numbers, swimming 1 swiftly to and fro, backward, forward and about them, and doth as it were radere aquam, shear the water, from whence perhaps it had its name."
It has railway communication with both south and north, and a steam ferry connects with Middelfart, a seaside resort and railway station on Fiinen.
It is remarkable for the beauty of its scenery and for its fine villas, and is a favourite resort in spring, summer and autumn.
The salt springs were known in the 9th century, and their medicinal properties were recognized in the 16th, but it was only during the 19th century that Kissingen became a popular resort.
Whatever else Catherine may have been she was emphatically a sovereign and a politician who was in the last resort guided by the reason of state.
St Canute's shrine was a great resort of pilgrims throughout the middle ages.
Biloxi is both a summer and a winter resort, particularly for the people of New Orleans and Mobile, and has a fine beach, extending for about 12 m.
The former, he argues, are in the last resort libertinists and antinomians; the latter must be regarded as ascetic Judaists.
It is much frequented as a health and summer resort, and has a variety of lake, brine, vegetable and pine-cone baths, a hydropathic establishment, inhalation chambers, whey cure, &c. There are a great number of excursions and points of interest round Gmunden, specially worth mentioning being the Traun Fall, 10 m.
Beaufort's beautiful situation and delightful climate make it a winter resort.
The number of restaurants and similar places of evening resort is very great, and there are several public courts where the Basque game of pelota can be witnessed.
A mile to the south is Santa Margherita Ligure (pop. 7051), another winter resort, with a large 26th-century church.
Milan has long been famous as one of the great musical centres of Europe, and numerous students resort here for their musical education.
Wilmington is served by the Atlantic Coast Line and the Seaboard Air Line railways, and by steamboat lines to New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore and to ports on the Cape Fear and Black rivers, and is connected by an electric line with Wrightsville Beach, a pleasure resort 12 m.
Terentius Varro Lucullus, who was consul in 73 B.C. Under the empire Praeneste, from its elevated situation and cool salubrious air, became a favourite summer resort of the wealthy Romans, whose villas studded the neighbourhood.
Its prosperity is mainly due to its hot springs and mild climate, which have rendered it a favourite winter as well as summer resort.
Although the government had a great majority in the Chamber, the opposition counted the redoubtable names of Thiers, Berryer and Jules Favre, and government measures were only passed by frequent resort to the closure.
His court at Munich was the resort of artists of all kinds, and the city was enriched with splendid buildings; while artistic works were collected from Italy and elsewhere.
Manitou (610o-6300 ft.) a popular summer resort, lies about 6 m.
When we come to pieces of very irregular shape, such as crank-shafts, anchors, trunnions, &c., we must resort to forging, except for purposes for which unforged castings are good enough.
The marked preference shown by the natives to resort to the civil and criminal courts established by the British demonstrated their faith in the impartial treatment awarded therein.
The union thus brought about between the two Churches was, however, extremely distasteful to the Greeks, and the persecution of his "schismatic" subjects to which the emperor was compelled to resort weakened his power so much that Martin IV.
The settlement gradually became a great resort for merchants, and thus acquired the name which, in a corrupted form, it still bears, of Kaupmannahafn, Kj6bmannshavn, or Portus Mercatorum as it is translated by Saxo Grammaticus.
In the time of Isaak Walton there stood by it a shady arbour to which the angler was wont to resort.
The act also gives to both patron and presentee an alternative mode of appeal against a bishop's refusal to institute or admit, except on a ground of doctrine or ritual, to a court composed of an archbishop of the province and a judge of the High Court nominated for that purpose by the lord chancellor, a course which, however, bars resort being had to the ordinary suits of duplex querela or action of quare impedit.
Atlantic City is the largest and most popular all-the-year-round resort in the United States, and has numerous fine hotels.
In 1852 a movement was made to develop it as a seaside resort for Philadelphia, and after the completion of the Camden & Atlantic City railway in 1854 the growth of the place was rapid.
Though the town itself, with the barracks and military hospital as its principal buildings, presents little to attract the foreign visitor, the beauty of the gulf and of the neighbouring country has brought Spezia into some repute as a winter resort, and it is also visited in summer for sea-bathing.
Gadok is a health resort 6 m.
Its situation on the broad and navigable Rhine, and at the centre of an extensive network of railways, giving it direct communication with all the important cities of Europe, has greatly fostered its trade, while its close proximity to the beautiful scenery of the Rhine, has rendered it a favourite tourist resort.
Eupatoria has some repute as a sea-bathing resort.
When Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, having injured himself by falling through a lattice, sent to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether he should recover, the prophet was commanded to appear to the messengers and tell them that, for this resort to a false god, the king should die.
Before the close of the republic it became a resort of the Roman nobles, many of whom acquired villas in the neighbourhood.
It is a favourite riverside resort and has grown considerably as a residential district.
Tharandt is a favourite summer resort of the people of Dresden, one of its principal charms being the magnificent beech woods which surround it.
In the unexpected prolongation of the war, volunteer enlistments became too slow to replenish the waste of armies, and in 1863 the government was forced to resort to a draft.
The conception of the diet as a sort of international board of control, responsible in the last resort not to Germany but to Europe, exactly suited Metternichs policy, in which the interests of Germany were subordinate to the wider ambitions of the Habsburg monarchy.
It is a favourite health resort and tourist centre.
The Lea has been a favourite resort of anglers (mainly for coarse fish in this part) from the time of Izaak Walton, in whose book Hoddesdon is specifically named.
Doty Island, at the mouth of the river and divided about equally between the cities, is a picturesque and popular summer resort.
On the discovery of a saline spring in 1816, baths and a pump-room were opened, but although two other springs were found later, the attempt to create a fashionable health resort failed.
Nearly all its old industries - the coal mines, salt works, linen manufacture, and even the making of iron girdles for the baking of scones - have dwindled, but its pleasant climate and picturesqueness make it a holiday resort.
A fine promenade extends along the shore; there are a quay and a pier, a winter garden, and all the appointments of a seaside resort.
His genius so raised the fame of the university of Leiden, especially as a school of medicine, that it became a resort of strangers from every part of Europe.
His house, over which the comtesse de Boufflers presided, was the resort of many men of letters, and he was a patron of Jean Jacques Rousseau.
The bath is a favorite resort of both sexes and all classes.
The marshy lands in the north were the resort of fishermen and fowlers, and the papyrus, the cultivation of which was a regular industry, protected an abundance of wild life.
The troubles of Egypt were now increased by an insufficient inundation, and great scarcity prevailed, aggravated by the taxation to which the beys were compelled to resort in order to pay the troops; while murder and rapine prevailed in the capital, the riotous soldiery being under little or no control.
Nyborg on the east is the port for the steam-ferry to Korsor in Zealand; Svendborg picturesquely overlooks the southern archipelago; Faaborg on the south-west lies on a fjord of the same name; Assens, on the west, a port for the crossing of the Little Belt into Schleswig, still shows traces of the fortifications which were stormed by John of Ranzau in 1 535; Middelfart is a seaside resort near the narrowest reach of the Little Belt; Bogense is a small port on the north coast.
In consequence of the beauty of its situation between the Eildons and the Tweed, the literary and historical associations of the district, and the famous ruin of Melrose Abbey, the town has become residential and a holiday resort.
In the vicinity is the island Hanko, the most fashionable Norwegian seaside resort.
In Characeae no fewer than four methods of vegetative reproduction have been described, and the facility with which buds and branches are in these cases detached has been adduced as an evidence of affinity with Bryophyta, which, as a class, are distinguished by their ready resort to vegetative reproduction.
Crickhowell and Talgarth are market towns, while Llanwrtyd Wells is a rapidly developing health resort.
It has a pier, a pleasant promenade and drive along the shore, and other appointments of a seaside resort, but it is less wholly devoted to holiday visitors than Blackpool, which lies 8 m.
Jamestown is situated among the hills of Chautauqua county, and is a popular summer resort.
It first sprang into notice from a visit of Queen Caroline in 1804, and as it is the nearest seaside resort to London it is much frequented.
The earth-stopper "stops out" and "puts to" - the first expression signifying blocking, during the night, earths and drains to which foxes resort, the second performing the same duties in the morning so as to prevent the fox from getting to ground when he has been found.
The water-works are owned and operated by the municipality, the water being obtained from Lake Goguac, a summer pleasure resort about 2 m.
In Syria, the temple of Atargatis in Hierapolis was an immemorial resort of pilgrims. In Phoenicia, a similar significance was enjoyed by the shrine of Astarte, on the richly-watered source of the river Adonis, till, as late as the 4th century after Christ, it was destroyed by Constantine the Great.
Of these Peter and Paul had suffered martyrdom in Rome, and it was inevitable, from the nature of the case, that their graves should soon become a resort, not only of Romans born, but of strangers also.
After these, the most frequented resort at Rome in the 4th century was the grave of Hippolytus.
The most important places of resort both for voluntary and involuntary pilgrimages, were still Palestine and Rome.
The pilgrims traversed France and Italy, visiting every religious resort; in Lucca the father died, and the brother remained behind in Rome.
The mineral resources have been nearly exhausted, but the district is an important centre of small industries (glassware, earthenware, meerschaum-ware, iron castings and toys being among its principal products) and a favourite resort for tourists.
It is a busy thoroughfare, lined in its first half with magnificent new buildings, and in its second half, where it attains a width of 150 ft., with handsome villas standing in their own gardens, which give the impression rather of a fashionable summer resort than the centre of a great city.
A still more delightful resort is the Margaret island, a long narrow island in the Danube, the property of the archduke Joseph, which has been laid out in the style of an English park, with fine trees, velvety turf and a group of villas and bath-houses.
It has a population of 200, chiefly centred in the village of Puna, at its north-east extremity, which is a shipping port and health resort for the city of Guayaquil.
Cave in Rock, on the Ohio, in Hardin county, was once the resort of river pirates.
It is considered very healthy, and forms a resort for European visitors from Nagpur and Kampti during the hot weather.
It was a frequent resort of Pepys, who mentions its houses of entertainment and the wrestling and other pastimes carried on, also that it furnished a refuge for many of those whose houses were destroyed in the fire of London in 1666.
The township of the same name, in which it is situated, had in 1900 a population of 8033, living chiefly in the villages of Bennington, North Bennington and Bennington Centre, the last a summer resort.
The shady park and flower gardens are a popular resort of the people of Pozharevats.
In such a case there is resort to a controlling authority, whether self-imposed (like the divine Pharaoh of the Amarna age), or mutually agreed (as Mahomet and the Arabian clans).
It is an exceptionally healthy locality, and the steep shore and open downs make it an agreeable summer resort.
It is traversed by railways from Basel to Olten (25 m.) and to Laufen (144 m.), besides local lines from Basel to Fluhen (8 m.) for the frequented pilgrimage resort of Mariastein, and from Liestal to Waldenburg (84 m.).
Chorrera, Puentes Grandes, Mariana() (founded 1830; pop. 1907, 933 2) and Guanabacoa (with mineral springs), are attractive places of resort.
Under the Empire, Argos was the headquarters of the Achaean synod, and continued to be a resort of Roman merchants.
At the western extremity of the whole site, immediately beside the river-bed, we again have a huge stoa running round two sides of a square, which was no doubt connected with the functions of this sanctuary as a health resort, especially for women, the goddess ?1.16 I.
Immediately after finishing his course at the Ecole Polytechnique he was appointed repetiteur there, an office which he had discharged as an amateur while still a pupil in the school; for it had been the custom of his comrades often to resort to his room after an unusually difficult lecture to hear him repeat and explain it.
The word then came to be used for the place where assemblies were held, and thus from its convenience as a meeting-place the agora became in most of the cities of Greece the general resort for public and especially commercial intercourse, corresponding in general with the Roman forum.
There are relics of early European occupation of the island which suggest that it was once the resort of pirates.
The population, 5585 in 1881, shrunk in 1901 to 4188, but is increasing owing to the popularity of the town as a summer resort.
Various streets have been laid out, a large hotel erected for the reception of the visitors who resort to the place as a sanatorium in summer, and the religious wants of the community are supplied by a Roman Catholic and a Protestant church.
It has long been a place of pilgrimage to which Roman Catholics, especially from Austria, Bavaria and Swabia resort in large numbers, on account of a celebrated image of the Virgin Mary in the Holy Chapel, which also contains the hearts of some Bavarian princes in silver caskets.
Here and in the neighbourhood are the residences of many of the business class of Stockholm; and the town is in favour as a summer resort, having mineral springs and baths.
Aberdovey is a health and bathing resort.
Amongst the islands on the east shore of Georgian bay, which are greatly frequented as a summer resort, black bass (micropterus) and maskinonge (Esox nobilior, Le Sueur) are a great attraction to anglers.
Close by is the summer resort of Luisenthal.
As the heat is thus made less oppressive along the coast, the beaches of New Jersey have rapidly built up with towns and cities that have become popular summer resorts - among the best known of these are Long Branch, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Atlantic City (also a winter resort) and Cape May.
Among the interior resorts are Lakewood, a fashionable winter resort, and Lake Hopatcong, and Greenwood Lake and surrounding regions, much frequented in the summer.
There are many parks, ranging in size from Carlton Park of one acre to High Park (375 acres) and Island Park (389), the latter being across the harbour and constituting the favourite resort of the people during the summer.
In classical times the view was, in fact, general, as may be seen by Cicero's De divinatione, that not only oracles but also omens were signs sent by the gods; even the astrologer held that he gained his information, in the last resort, from the same source.
It is a summer and winter resort and is the home of the Georgia Chautauqua.
A regular fair was then established, which lasted two months, and was known as the China camp, a great resort of foreigners.
That this was the best thing possible for Denmark is absolutely indisputable, and "the diplomatic Seven Years' War" which Hall in the meantime conducted with all the powers interested in the question is the most striking proof of his superior statesmanship. Hall knew that in the last resort the question must be decided not by the pen but by the sword.
Hyeres is celebrated (as is also its fashionable suburb, Costebelle, nearer the seashore) as a winter health resort.
This is the origin of the numerous lakes of Maine, which give it some of its most beautiful scenery, and help to make it a holiday resort in summer.
St Simon Island and Jekyl Island (a winter resort of wealthy men), lying between the ocean and the mainland, protect the harbour.
There are three parks, one of which, Lake Park, is a pleasure and health resort, with a lake and chalybeate and sulphur springs.
In the resulting conflicts, in which his personal interest was in question, he displayed great activity and a wide knowledge of canon law, but did not scruple to resort to disingenuous interpretation of texts.
It is famous for a group of twenty-two temples dedicated to Siva, the resort of numerous pilgrims. It is connected with the East Indian railway by a steam tramway, 5 m.
It has communication by railway and canal in every direction; steam-tramways connect it with Edam, Purmerend, Alkmaar and Hilversum, and electric railways with Haarlem and the seaside resort of Zandvoort.
Sinaia soon became the favourite summer resort of Bucharest society, and rapidly developed in all its equipment.
It was a favourite resort of Goethe, who wrote here his Iphigenie, and often stayed at Gabelbach in the neighbourhood.
It is growing in favour as a summer resort.
Orange also has a great reputation as a health resort.
It is a favourite resort of invalids.
Popular among Europeans as a winter health resort and tourist centre, Assuan is provided with large modern hotels (one situated on Elephantine Island), and there is an English church.
In this territory is situated Lake Palics, a favourite watering-place and summer resort.
It is well known as a health resort, for the grape cure and for the baths of the brine springs of Philippshalle, in the neighbourhood, which not only supply the bathing establishment, but produce considerable quantities of marketable salt.
In the Valcea department, besides many other iodine, sulphur and mud baths, there are the state-supported spas of Calimanescii, Caciulata and Govora, situated among some of the finest Carpathian scenery Most famous of all is Sinaia, the summer residence of the Court; while important springs exist at Lake Sarat, near Braila; at Slanic, in the Prahova department, where flooded and abandoned salt-mines are fitted up as baths; at the Tekir Ghiol mere, near Constantza; and at Baltzatesti (Baltate,itii), in the Neamtzu (Neamtu) department, a favourite resort of invalids from many parts of eastern Europe.
Its long range of firm sands from Tees mouth to Saltburn, a distance of 10 m., has made it a popular summer resort.
It is beautifully situated at the mouth of the romantic Helenenthal, on the banks of the Schwechat river, and has become the principal summer resort of the inhabitants of the neighbouring capital.
It was a favourite resort of the Venetian nobility before they began to build their villas on the mainland; and in the 15th and 16th centuries its gardens and casinos, of which some traces remain, were famous.
It contains car-works, foundries, and carpet and woollen factories, and is a summer resort, especially for Americans.
The city has parks, including Hoyt Park (27 acres), used for athletic sports, Rust Park (150 acres), occupying an island in the river, and Riverside Park, a pleasure resort.
Saltcoats (pop. 8120), a mile to the south, is a popular seaside resort, with a brisk trade, due to its proximity to Ardrossan and Stevenston; the making of salt, once a leading industry, has ceased.
He lost no opportunity of maintaining and extending the authority of the Roman see as the ultimate resort for the settlement of all disputes; and his still extant communications to Victricius of Rouen, Exuperius of Toulouse, Alexander of Antioch and others, as well as his action on the appeal made to him by Chrysostom against Theophilus of Alexandria, show that opportunities of the kind were numerous and varied.
The picturesque town is a favourite tourist resort.
Formerly, like Llandudno, a small fishing village, the town has now all the appointments of a popular resort.
Leith Links, one of the homes of golf in Scotland, is a popular resort, on Lochend Road are situated Hawkhill recreation grounds, and Lochend Loch is used for skating and curling.
Patterson Park in the extreme S.E., of 125.79 acres, is a favourite resort for the inhabitants of East Baltimore.
Here are a health resort, a tower commanding an extensive view, and numerous villas.
Gainesville is well known as a winter resort, and its climate is especially beneficial to persons affected by pulmonary troubles.
The laws uniformly discountenanced revenge, retaliation, the punishment of one crime by another, and permitted capital punishment only in the last resort and in ultimate default of every other form of redress.
The beauty of the scenery in its vicinity has made the city a summer resort.
From 1837 to 1851 Broadstairs was a favourite summer resort of Charles Dickens, who, in a sketch called "Our English Watering-Place," described it as a place "left high and dry by the tide of years."
The main features in a plan of the town are its fine streets and houses and extensive avenues and wellplanted squares; while, as a city, the neighbourhood of an attractive seaside resort, combined with the advantages and importance of a large town, and the possession of beautiful and wooded surroundings, give it a distinction all its own.
The other chief difficulty arose from the absence of any authoritative restraint on the hearing of confessions by young and unqualified priests, the Church of England merely directing the penitent who wishes for special help to resort to any "discreet and learned minister."
To pay his debts he was obliged to resort to heavy taxation in Aquitaine, which gave his discontented subjects in Poitou and the other outlying districts an excuse for the rebellion that they had been for some time meditating.
The danger, of course, was absurdly exaggerated; as indeed was proved by the very popularity of the repressive measures to which the government thought it necessary to resort, and which gave to the vapourings of a few knots of agitators the dignity of a widespread conspiracy for the overthrow of the constitution.
His conduct lowered the prestige of Great Britain at least as much as his Italian policy had raised it., Continental statesmen thenceforward assumed that Great Britain., however much she might protest, would not resort to arms, and the influence of England suffered, as it was bound to suffer, in consequence.
Great reforming ministers would do well to recollect that the success of even liberal measures may be dearly purchased by the resort to what are regarded as unconstitutional expedients.
The disclosure, soon afterwards, of a conspiracy to resort to dynamite still further alienated the sympathies of the Liberal party from the Irish nation.
On the coast is Lonstrup, a favoured seaside resort.
The name Weissenburg occurs in three other places; the town of Weissenburg-am-Sand in Bavaria; a Swiss invalid resort in the Niedersimmental, above Lake Thun, with sulphate of lime springs, beneficial for bronchial affections; also a Hungarian comitat (Magyar Fejervar), with Stuhlweissenburg as capital.
Waterford is also, however, the terminus of the Dublin and South-Eastern line from Dublin via New Ross, and for the Waterford and Tramore line, serving the seaside resort of Tramore, 7 m.
There is a much frequented summer resort 41 m.
It contains the villages of Franklin, Franklin Falls, Webster Place and Lake City, the last a summer resort.
The little island won great favour as a religious resort, not only for the Egyptians and the Ethiopians and others who frequented the border district and the market of Assuan, but also for Greek and Roman visitors.
But while the summer is thus relatively ungenial on the top of the Harz, the usual summer heat of the lower-lying valleys is greatly tempered and cooled; so that, adding this to the natural attractions of the scenery, the deep forests, and the legendary and romantic associations attaching to every fantastic rock and ruined castle, the Harz is a favourite summer resort of the German people.
Among the more popular places of resort are Harzburg, Thale and the Bodethal; Blankenburg, with the Teufelsmauer and the Hermannshohle; Wernigerode, Ilsenburg, Grund, Lauterberg, Hubertusbad, Alexisbad and Suderode.
Then, in the event of a continued drought, fasts of increasing intensity are ordered; and as a last resort the ark is to be brought into the street and sprinkled with ashes, the heads of the Nasi and Ab-beth-din being at the same time similarly sprinkled.'
In one passage, indeed, He has been understood as practically commanding resort to the practice in certain circumstances.
Having a dry healthy climate, it is a favourite residential town and a resort for invalids, being recommended especially for pulmonary disease.
Lying on Biggar Water and near the Clyde, in a bracing, picturesque, upland country, Biggar enjoys great vogue as a health and holiday resort.
It is a popular resort, being visited by about 10,000 visitors annually.
In Bloomsbury Square lived the Austens, and to their house, a great resort of similar persons, Mrs Austen cordially welcomed him.
Ladybrand is the centre of a rich arable district, has a large wheat market and is also a health resort, the climate, owing to the proximity of the Maluti Mountains, being bracing even during the summer months (November-March).
After the Restoration it was often visited by Charles II., and when Queen Anne came to the throne, her husband, Prince George of Denmark, made it his frequent resort.
Odessa is rising in repute as a summer sea-bathing resort, and its mud-baths (from the mud of the limans or lagoons) are considered to be efficacious in cases of rheumatism, gout, nervous affections and skin diseases.
Owing to its beautiful surroundings Dillenburg has become a favourite summer resort.
There are, nevertheless, serious difficulties involved in the supposition that the changes in the brain with which physiology and the biological sciences deal can be satisfactorily explained by the mechanical and mathematical conceptions common to all these sciences, or, indeed, that any of these organic changes is susceptible in the last resort of explanation derived from purely material premises.
Its dry and bracing climate and fine golf course have brought it into great repute as a health and holiday resort.
It is chiefly remarkable for the beauty of its scenery, and is a very favourite resort in the spring and autumn.
They observe omens, have magicians and rain-makers, and sometimes resort to ordeal to discover a crime.
The fine scenery in the neighbourhood, and the climate, which is possibly the healthiest in Cuba, make the place a favourite resort for natives and foreigners.
Petrels are archaic oceanic forms, with great powers of flight, dispersed throughout all the seas and oceans of the world, and some species apparently never resort to land except for the purpose of nidification, though nearly all are liable at times to be driven ashore, and often very far inland, by gales of wind.'
The town is a summer resort about r000 ft.
Beyond is the popular summer resort of Velp, with the castle of Biljoen built by Charles, duke of Gelderland, in 1530, and the beautiful park of the ancient castle of Rozendaal in the vicinity.
Beyond this is De Steeg, another popular resort, whence stretches the famous Middachten Allee of beech trees to Dieren.
In recent years it has grown as a seaside resort, with excellent golf-links.
This work, designed in 1857, but unexecuted during a quarter of a century, owing to insufficiency of funds, was completed in 1882; and in 1886, after other comparatively short cuttings had been made to get rid of difficult bends and further to deepen the channel without having to resort to dredgers, the desired minimum depth of 15 ft.
At the end of the century the river was known as the resort of banished men and fugitives from Portugal and Spain.
Secular philosophy found its first entrance amongst the Saracens in the days of the early caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty, whose ways and thoughts had been moulded by their residence in Persia amid the influences of an older C creed, and of ideas which had in the last resort sprung from the Greeks.
In Bengal the natives resort to a still more elaborate forcing of the conditions.
It is pleasantly situated on and above the west (right) bank of the Thames, and is much in favour as a residential town and a resort of boating parties.
In Missouri not only was sentiment divided, but the two factions were eager to resort to force long before they were in the other border states.
Built largely on the well-wooded slopes of Westerton and Airthrey Hill, sheltered by the Ochils from the north and east winds, and environed by charming scenery, it has a great reputation as a health resort and watering-place, especially in winter and spring.
Near it is a large sanatorium, much frequented as a health resort.
The excellent climate and good sea-bathing have made Grenada the health resort of the neighbouring islands, especially of Trinidad.
The adjacent loch is a favourite breeding-place for the sea-birds, which resort to the coast of Elginshire in enormous numbers.
Reichstag were often very unsatisfactory, and at no time did he resort so freely to prosecutions in the law-courts in order to injure his opponents, so that the expression Bismarck-Beleidigung was invented.
As the main outlet for the overland trade from Bagdad and India, whose importance was great until the establishment of the Egyptian overland route, the place was a great resort, first of Genoese and Venetian merchants, then of those of West and North European nations.
North-west of the town is Marienlyst, originally a royal chateau, but now a seaside resort.
Salaries have been too low to attract the ablest men; and as the constitution forbade the creation of new offices, and no amendment of this clause could be secured, resort was had to the creation of additional " secretaries " and of boards constituted of existing state officials or their secretaries.
The surface is sterile, naked and rugged, with bold, rocky ledges, and a most picturesque shore, the beauties of which have made it a favourite summer resort, much frequented by artists.
In the early part of the 9th century Brunei was but a resort for pirates and a market for the slave trade.
Like Hilversum it is situated in the midst of picturesque and wooded surroundings, and is a favourite summer resort of people from Amsterdam.
Like Gretna Green, Coldstream long enjoyed a notoriety as the resort of runaway couples, the old toll-house at the bridge being the usual scene of the marriage ceremony.
After the Restoration the importance and wealth of Tenby showed a constant tendency to decline, but towards the close of the 18th century it rose into great popularity as a watering-place, and it has since maintained its reputation as the most picturesque seaside resort of South Wales.
Hobart is now a place of call for several of the European steamship lines, and the state is becoming increasingly popular as a summer resort for the residents of Melbourne and Sydney.
The season runs from May to October, and during the past few years Strathpeffer has become a very popular resort.
In the breeding season they resort to the most desolate lands in higher southern latitudes, and indeed have been met with as far to the southward as navigators have penetrated.
A snake which she had fashioned for the purpose stung the god, who sent for her as a last resort in his unendurable agony; whereupon she represented to him that nothing but his own mysterious name could overcome the venom of the snake.
There are, however, an increasingly large number of cases in which temperatures below that of any available natural cooling agent are required, and in these it is necessary to resort to machines which are capable of producing the required cooling effect by taking in heat at low temperatures and rejecting it at temperatures somewhat above that of the natural cooling agent, which for obvious reasons is generally water.
Apart from its situation, which renders it a convenient place of tourist resort, the town itself presents but few attractions.
It follows from them that the relation of a real ground to that which is thereby posited or denied cannot be expressed by a judgment but only by means of a notion, which by analysis may certainly be reduced to yet simpler notions of real grounds, but yet in such a way that the final resort of all our cognition in this regard must be found in simple and irreducible notions of real grounds, the relation of which to their consequents cannot be made clear."
That such a resort to experience for explanation could lead to no valid conclusion has been already noted as evident to Hume himself.
It is also a summer resort and the starting-point for the numerous Lake Simcoe steamers.
The glaciated rocks of the glen are clothed with vegetation of peculiar luxuriance, flourishing in the mild climate which has given Glengarriff its high reputation as a health resort for those suffering from pulmonary complaints.
He lay under bushes on a hill overlooking the resort area of the clubhouse with another Guardian.
Britain must in the ultimate resort have independently controlled nuclear power to deter an aggressor.
The photo above is of my favorite resort Courchevel 1650 situated in the French alps.
The use of force was only valid as a last resort, with prior, explicit authorization of the Council.
Then we have to resort to trying to calculate the local average in the time sequence.
The seaside resort is now awash with young Navy recruits and members of the Pioneer Corps.
Margate The town of Margate is a typical English seaside resort with golden sand beaches.
The Sands is the luxury beachfront all suite resort, located on famous Grace Bay Beach.
In an industry bedeviled by litigation, Hamilton knows the big guns could resort to patent infringement suits to try to thwart Provis.
We triumphantly returned to our resort where a rather forlorn-looking British birder was hanging over a beer.
The resort is equipped with snow blowers ensuring that skiing can take place from the very beginning of December.
The vacation island offers a snowy alpine setting, a boardwalk boasting beach resort and a forest campground.
The resort is equipped with snow cannons ensuring skiing from early December.
Evening to be spent at a resort overlooking the canyon.
Of course grand holland america Caribbean cruises cruising a seaside resort.
Ski runs at Jisan resort are served by four chairlifts.
Another nearby resort, Oberjoch, has installed a six-seater chairlift.
It has invested in all the modern equipment for a modern resort but has maintained its old-world charm.
For childrens ski clothes and child ski wear look inside The Kids Window UK store and look great at any ski resort holiday!
As far as is possible we aim to satisfy complainants as quickly as possible without having to resort to lengthy correspondence.
Holidays to Florida â A brilliantly conceived fantasy world Walt Disney World Resort holidays inhabit a unique brilliantly conceived magical fantasy world.
These offers are not available on arrival in resort, via resort website or property concierge.
The interior decoration reminds me of a Thai backpacking resort.
All are fearful areas, unpopulated and places of last resort for bandits and other desperados.
We insisted on a shore dive form the resort's beach.
Looking around the resort town of Nidri, I can see why Watters remains so down-to-earth.
The resort a the point of entertainment dvd home features an eclectic.
Its palm-lined esplanade culminates in a 16th century castle jutting from the harbor making this a pretty holiday resort.
The beach of the resort center has very fine golden sand and the dunes and groves make it look quite exotic.
But for karmic reasons, settling for strictly factual solutions should be seen as a last resort.
But I really ought to feel safe without the need to resort to such falsehood.
Skiing resort providers provide full-service guided trips into distant high mountain regions.
Hua Hin gives off an air of being a rather genteel resort with a quiet ambiance.
It will increase the brightness of the image, but will also make the image grainy, hence ' last resort ' .
We took the trail back through the palm grove which appeared to end at the dirt road at the back of the resort.
The WEBSITE has details about the resort, which is housed in a huge hangar.
I soon learned why Christina (the previous gapper) had left a note saying leave hangman as a last resort.
A dive resort on the island provides good facilities for such a small island hideaway.
It is the option of last resort with consequences too hideous to contemplate.
The resort mainly attracts the British holidaymaker, with other tourists coming from all over northern Europe.
Another destination would be the Cahal Pech Village Resort, which offers customized packages for a most memorable honeymoon in Belize.
Cleopatra hotel - Los Cristianos The Cleopatra Hotel is a superior deluxe 5* Hotel, it forms part of the Mare Nostrum Resort.
Pesticide use should be a last resort and may well be completely ineffective if the source of the problem is not removed or treated.
Please also look out for additional Safety First information provided either in-flight, or on your arrival in resort.
When the opposition has to resort to petty insults, you know they're on the defensive.
The skiing at Chamrousse is ideal for beginners and early intermediates, although the ski resort also provides for more advanced skiers.
Ski resort providers provide full-service guided jaunts into distant high up mountain parts.
Skiing resort operators provide full-service ski guide jaunts into remote high up mountain parts.
And please don't be so juvenile as to resort to baseless threats.
Provides up to pops a kneecap what they wanted resort's new steak.
Water had risen to window ledge height in parts of the resort.
Val Cenis is a traditional resort comprising two truly lovely alpine villages.
Funky ski resort guides giving you the complete lowdown.
This is a stunning, romantic island resort offering sophisticated barefoot luxury, surrounded by glorious natural beauty.
There's never been a better time to discover the magic of Disneyland® Resort Paris.
However, if we suffer any more reactor malfunctions, we will have to resort to a main rocket burn.
Lying at the foot of the Engadine, the local microclimate gives the resort an enviable snow record.
I have not mentioned about the probable violence that indigenous people will resort to if they become too overburdened with incomers.
We'll search for Red-breasted parakeets, and other birds, within the resort grounds.
Molyvos is probably the prettiest resort on the island although the beach is very pebbly.
Daisen ski resort has 26 slopes that stretch over nearly six miles of well-groomed pistes.
Belize's Manta Resort is situated on a former coconut plantation.
These are subtle ploys committed in the hope of gaining an advantage without having to resort to a full-blown illegal method.
I might resort to extremely prickly plants round the edge.
The almost psychic service throughout the resort was beyond anything I've ever experienced.
Resort fills with travel company rand the perfect alternative.
Sometimes I resort to taping a sock onto their good rear leg to encourage them to use the newly reconstructed joint.
It was the last resort, there being no redress.
A dance remix of the song is reported to be gaining notoriety in the holiday resort of Ibiza.
Party Le Ski Lodge is the main resort rendezvous.
Advanced Possibly limited tho there are some testing mogul runs and good off-piste and trips to the neighboring resort of Arcalis.
All stays include 5 nights in the ski resort followed by 2 nights in Beirut.
The coastal resort of Minehead is our next stop, probably the best known resort in Somerset.
In last resort, of course, the courts would decide.
In the east, Leysdown is a lively resort where you can revel in traditional seaside activities.
By the 17th century Bath had become a fashionable resort, ' taking of the waters ' being particularly popular.
This is a great location for a beach resort.
Can you recommend any places to stay in Bulgaria or at any other skiing resort.