Resonators Sentence Examples
According to Helmholtz, the ear probably contains within it a series of resonators, with small intervals between the periods of the successive members, while the series extends over the whole range of audible pitch.
We need not here enter into the question of the structure constituting these resonators.
The conditions assumed in this investigation are probably nearly realized in a harmonium and in a double siren of the form used by Helmholtz, and in these cases there can be no doubt that actual objective tones are produced, for they may be detected by the aid of resonators of the frequency of the tone sought for.
If the tones had no existence outside the ear then resonators would not increase their loudness.
The VCO and synthesizer are built in and do not require external resonators or varactor diodes.
Impedance transformation and matching, microwave networks, cavity resonators, antennas and propagation are also covered.
A brief history of nonlinear bistable optical resonators is discussed and the simple fiber ring resonator is analyzed in particular.
The size and mass of the panels also makes them more efficient resonators at the lower frequencies.