Residuary Sentence Examples
Usually he was residuary legatee.
The PCC 's main concern is to ensure that the value of the residuary estate is maximized.
It is usual to dispose of residuary gifts by means of a single gift.
Lawrence died in the following year, making George executor under the will and residuary heir of Mount Vernon; and the latter estate became his in 1761.
Until then, the personal representatives cannot assent to the residuary beneficiary's title.
Instead the Czechoslovak people have become the residuary legatees of the German oppressors.
Her residuary legatee was ' Jone Chambers the daughter of Roger Chambers my late sonne ' .
So the relatives took nothing and the pecuniary legatees took the proceeds of the shares as part of the residuary estate.
The person to whom this residue or surplus is left is termed the residuary legatee; should none be mentioned in the will the residue goes to the next of kin (see Executors And Admini Strators; Legacy; Will).
In the absence of specific provision, the contents will go to the residuary beneficiary.
AdvertisementA residuary legacy is the easiest way to leave money to Brain Tumor UK in your Will.
It is remarkable that he gives the same pecuniary bequests to Winchester and New Colleges as to his own college of Magdalen, but the latter he made residuary devisee of all his lands.
Under the federal form of government, with its delegation of all residuary powers to the several states, the United States have no system of recording deaths, births and marriages.
The British North America Act assigns to the different provinces, as to the central parliament, their spheres of control, but all residuary powers are given to the general government.
The rights of a state are said to be delegated when, as in Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, the constitution is created by a central national authority which also makes the states; state rights are residuary when independent states unite to delegate by a constitution certain.
AdvertisementPratt Institute, founded in 1887 by Charles Pratt (1830-1891), and the residuary legatee of his wife, who died in 1907, is one of the most successful manual and industrial training schools in the country, and its kindergarten normal is one of the best known in the United States.
Southern Missouri is covered, generally speaking, with residuary rocks.
Whether the residuary disturbances are of external origin, or are due to friction, or to some peculiarity of the fluid motion within the reservoir, has not been satisfactorily determined.
To Bowdoin College he gave land, money and apparatus; and he made the college his residuary legatee, bequeathing to it his collection of paintings and drawings, then considered the finest in the country.