Residual Sentence Examples
The reappearance of the residual charge is promoted by tapping the glass.
Both observers noticed analogous effects in the residual magnetization.
If the light exerted direct impulsion on the vanes, their motion would gradually drag the case round after them, by reason of the friction of the residual air in the bulb and of the pivot.
Old perfume bottles are pretty, but if there's any residual scent in the bottle you'll want to make sure the scent of the salts matches.
Analogous changes are observed in the residual magnetization which remains after the wire has been subjected to fields of different strength.
In his Discourse on the "Residual Analysis," he proposes to avoid the metaphysical difficulties of the method of fluxions by a purely algebraical method.
There are large deposits of glacial and residual clays and clay shales throughout the state.
The residual oily liquid is then poured out into a polished iron tray, or into an iron mould to produce the customary form of "sticks," and allowed to cool.
But though we may trace a real affiliation between the principles of Luther and modern German critical study - notably in the doctrines of the Gospel within the Gospel and of the residual Essence of Christianity - Luther's discriminations were in the 17th century ignored in practice.
In his earlier experiments he burned the substance in a known volume of oxygen, and by measuring the residual gas determined the carbon and hydrogen.
AdvertisementThe value of the residual induction which persisted when the bobbin was drawn out was added to that of the induction measured, and thus the total induction in the iron was determined.
Maxwell (Electricity and Magnetism, § 444), recognizing that the theory in this form gave no account of residual magnetization, made the further assumption that if the deflection of the axis of the molecule exceeded a certain angle, the axis would not return to its original position when the deflecting force was removed, but would retain a permanent set.
Moreover, his association with glass manufacture led him to study the refractive indices of different kinds of glass; he further undertook abstruse researches on electrostatic capacity, the phenomena of the residual charge, and other problems arising out of Clerk Maxwell's electro-magnetic theory.
Consequently, after the last crushing the mixture retained by the residual megass was not juice, as was the case when crushing was employed without maceration, but juice mixed with water; and it was found that the loss in juice was reduced by one-half.
Soc., 1880, 30, p. 411, showing experiments on residual charge of condensers and a comparison between the behaviour of dielectrics and glass fibres under torsion.
AdvertisementWhen the rays of the sun or a candle, or dark radiation from a warm body, are incident on the vanes, the dark side of each vane is repelled more than the bright side, and thus the vanes are set into rotation with accelerated speed, which becomes uniform when the forces produced by the radiation are balanced by the friction of the pivot and of the residual air in the globe.
The important part played by the residual air in the globe had also been deduced by Osborne Reynolds from observing that on turning off the light, the vanes came to rest very much sooner than the friction of the pivot alone would account for; in fact, the rapid subsidence is an illustration of Maxwell's great theoretical discovery that viscosity in a gas (as also diffusion both of heat and of the gas itself) is sensibly independent of the density.
The flask is now partially exhausted, transferred to the cooling bath, and after standing the pressure of the residual gas is taken by a manometer.
But in the derivant valley peneplains developed in the present cycle of denudation, and there are residual summits also; in the Connecticut Valley trap ridges, of which Mt Tom and Mt Holyoke are the best examples; at Mt Holyoke, lava necks; occasionally in the lowlands, ridges of resistant sandstone, like Deerfield Mountain near Northampton; in the Berkshire Valley, summits of resistant schists, like Greylock, the highest summit in the state.
A high vacuum is needed for the detection of the minute forces here concerned; but just in that case the indirect radiometereffect of the heating of the residual gas masks the effect.
AdvertisementIn 1879, however, Lecoq de Boisbaudran showed that Mosander's "didymium," contained samarium; while the residual "didymium" after removal of samarium, was split by Auer v.
The latter found the effect to be enormous, not only upon the induced magnetization, but in a, still greater degree upon the residual.
He introduced the sign (=) for equality, and the terms binomial and residual.
Residual Charges in Dielectrics.-In close connexion with this lies the phenomenon of residual charge in dielectrics.
The type of this class of forms is Mt Monadnock in south-western New Hampshire, a fine example of an isolated residual mass rising from an upland some 1500 ft.
AdvertisementThe height and massiveness of the mountains decrease to the south-west, where the piedmont belt sweeps westward around them in western Georgia and eastern Alabama Some of the residual mountains hereabouts are reduced to a mere skeleton or framework by the retrogressive penetration of widening valleys between wasting spurs; the very type of vanishing forms, Certain districts within the mountains, apparently consisting of less resistant crystalline rocks, have been reduced to basin-like peneplains in the same time that served only to grade the slopes and subdue the summits of the neighboring mountains of more resistant rocks; the best example of this kind is the Asheville peneplain in North Carolina, measuring about 40 by 20 m.
The two sections are also unlike in that residual eminences still here and there surmount the peneplain of the northern section, while the fluviatile plain of the central section completely buried the pre-existent relief.
Farther north in Montana, beyond the gorge of the Missouri river, the structure of the Front Range is altogether different; it is here the carved residual of a great mass of moderately bent Palaeozoic strata, overthrust eastward upon the Mesozoic strata of the plains; instead of exposing the oldest rocks along the axis and the youngest rocks low down on the flanks, the younger rocks of the northern range follow its axis, and the oldest rocks outcrop along its eastern flanks, where they override the much younger strata of the plains; the harder strata, instead of lapping on the mountain flanks in great slab-like masses, as in the Bighorns, form out-facing scarps, which retreat into the mountain interior where they are cut down by outfiowing streams.
The residual liquid would thus become richer in B, and the tem perature and composition would pass along the curve till E, the eutectic point, was reached.
The greater the number of water molecules attached to one sugar molecule, the less the residual volume, and the greater the theoretical pressure.
When with a fairly wide slit the yellow line is no longer visible, the residual nitrogen may be considered to have fallen below 2 or 3%.
This want of proportion in the dispersion for different regions of the spectrum is called the "irrationality of dispersion"; and it is as a direct consequence of this irrationality, that there exists a secondary spectrum or residual colour dispersion, showing itself at the focus of all such telescopes, and roughly in proportion to their size.
The metal is obtained from zinc blende (which only contains it in very small quantity) by dissolving the mineral in an acid, and precipitating the gallium by metallic zinc. The precipitate is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and foreign metals are removed by sulphuretted hydrogen; the residual liquid being then fractionally precipitated by sodium carbonate, which throws out the gallium before the zinc. This precipitate is converted into gallium sulphate and finally into a pure specimen of the oxide, from which the metal is obtained by the electrolysis of an alkaline solution.
Balard determined the volume composition of the gas by decomposition over mercury on gentle warming, followed by the absorption of the chlorine produced with potassium hydroxide, and then measured the residual oxygen.
The crystalline rocks of the Piedmont area are covered with residual soils of variable composition and moderate fertility.
In time the original impure copper of the plates becomes replaced by refined copper, but if the plates are initially very impure and dissolve irregularly, it may happen that much residual scrap may have to be remelted, or that some of the metal may be twice refined, thus involving a waste of energy.
In uniting three colours an " achromatism of a higher order " is derived; there is yet a residual " tertiary spectrum," but it can always be neglected.
The residual mass is then exposed to the air in the shade, and regularly turned over every few days, until it has reached the proper consistence, which takes place in about three or four weeks.
Superficially, each is a simple rolling plateau, much broken by erosion (though considerable undissected areas drained by underground channels remain), especially in the east, and dotted with hills; some of these are residual outliers of the eroded Mississippian limestones to the west, and others are the summits of an archaean topography above which sedimentary formations that now constitute the valley-floor about them were deposited and then eroded.
Similar examinations by means of the stop-valves on the mains are also made, and it often happens that the residual leakage (400 gallons an hour in the last case) recorded on the diagram, but not shut off by the house stop - cocks, is mentioned by the inspector as an " outside waste," and localized as having been heard at a stop-cock and traced by sounding the pavement to a particular position under a particular street.
It is a leading point in the theory that a curve in space cannot in general be represented by means of two equations U= o, V = o; the two equations represent surfaces, intersecting in a curve; but there are curves which are not the complete intersection of any two surfaces; thus we have the cubic in space, or skew cubic, which is the residual intersection of two quadric surfaces which have a line in common; the equations U= o, V= o of the two quadric surfaces represent the cubic curve, not by itself, but together with the line.
By this means coal may be delivered direct to the store or retorthouse, and in the same way residual products may be removed.
For the withdrawal of the residual coke at the end of the carbonization, the lower mouthpiece door is opened, the barrier removed and the coke in the lower part of the retort is "` tickled" or gently stirred with an iron rod to overcome a slight adhesion to the retort; the entire mass then readily discharges itself.
There is no doubt that the question of rapidly removing the gas, as soon as it is properly formed, from the influence of the highly-heated walls of the retort and residual coke, is one of the most important in gas manufacture.
In all the attempts to make water gas, up to that date, the incandescence of the fuel had been obtained by" blowing "so deep a bed of fuel that carbon monoxide and the residual nitrogen of the air formed the chief products, this mixture being known as" producer "gas.
The residue is extracted by absolute alcohol, which dissolves the hydroxylamine hydrochloride and a little ammonium chloride; this last substance is removed as ammonium platinochloride, and the residual hydroxylamine hydrochloride is recrystallized.
It is clear that at Q this residual force as represented by the arrow will be in the same direction as the actual force.
But at E, since the actual force is less than F, the residual force must tend to diminish F, and must, therefore, act toward the right, as shown by the arrow.
These residual forces tend to make the whole earth turn round the centre C in a clockwise direction.
The residual force just described is not limited to the case of an ellipsoidal body.
In all such cases the residual forces virtually tend to draw those portions of the body nearest the attracting centre toward the latter, and those opposite the attracting centre away from it.
For the same reason that the residual forces virtually act in opposite directions upon the nearer and more distant portions of a planet FIG.
Improved practice, again, reacted upon theory by bringing to notice residual errors, demanding the correction of formulae, or intimating neglected disturbances.
Such total exclusion from consciousness is, however, manifestly impossible with only two presentations,' though with three or a greater number the residual value of one may even be negative.
In consequence of these residual aberrations, every object-point is not reproduced in an ideal image-point, but as a small circle of aberration.
Similar residual clays sometimes occur on the surface of areas of limestone in hollows and fissures formed by weathering.
Sherds of Roman pottery were recovered from most contexts but all the sherds were much abraded and likely to be residual.
A trustful two tier affiliate program will pay you 15-45% in residual commissions.
An important biological marker for monitoring residual disease is the promyelocytic retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML-RARalpha) fusion transcript.
Precisely how much residual angulation constitutes a failed attempt at reduction remains controversial.
Whatever residual risk may be posed by Russia's poorly managed nuclear arsenal can be handled by the United States.
Although Class 101 vehicles were nominally stripped of blue asbestos by BR, residual traces should be assumed in all cases.
Techniques For Plastics Current methods for detecting residual stress in plastic moldings include birefringence, layer removal, hole drilling and chemical probe techniques.
Consider if the use of residual current circuit breakers or isolating transformers would be an advantage.
In particular we banned residual weedkillers that could have harmed the rare bryophytes in the nearby Site of Special Scientific Interest.
Once all visible papilloma was removed, residual mucosa was removed by using a diamond burr to polish bone at the site of origin.
Lombard builds in a residual value to reduce the rentals, thus helping cash flow and making ' off-balance sheet ' funding possible.
Previous assessment revealed considerable catch-up but significant residual problems especially among those children who experienced the most extended period of institutional care.
The majority of such complaints are about levels of residual chlorine in drinking water.
Residual measurements carried out on glass/polyester rods showed that the longitudinal tensile modulus remains constant over the entire lifetime of the unidirectional composite.
Response of winter wheat cultivars to residual N in soil.
Populate the Residual Solvents database to ensure that all required data is captured.
The effect of insufficient disinfection is illustrated, together with the effects of high pH values causing reduced effectiveness of a residual disinfectant.
After some time they went to Rome where they transformed themselves into a somewhat effete aristocratic body tho they retained residual sovereign powers.
With PowerTracks Pro Audio 10 you can even fine-tune the vocal removal frequency range, and optionally reduce the level of residual vocal reverb.
Following decontamination, the microbiological safety cabinet must be purged of all residual formaldehyde.
From year 3 a residual herbicide should be applied annually in February.
In Hounslow and Ealing generally, the market is somewhat hesitant, although there is still residual confidence.
Hysterectomy was performed and the histopathology showed residual hyperplasia only the tissue that had become malignant had been removed by the curettage.
A residual insecticide should then be applied to areas frequented by the animal.
Dear YM - I have a 52ft steel ketch with shorepower, connected through an isolating transformer and RCD (residual current device ).
To dispose of ultimate residual waste by using landfill.
A lung carcinoma or an infiltrate of residual or relapsing chronic myelogenous leukemia in the lung could be definitely ruled out.
Birds and / or frost may well eat / kill any residual maggots.
On post micturition bladder scan, he had no residual urine.
Cylinders are first heated to drive off any residual moisture followed by thorough purging and evacuation process to create a clean baseline.
The reagents used for cleaning will be likely to penetrate the porous body and residual contamination may well be found beyond the first monolayer.
He has a residual spastic tetra paresis worse on the left than on the right side.
A patchy residual topsoil layer was seen in places which produced 17th century pottery.
The lessor would report financial assets (representing amounts receivable from the lessee) and residual interests as separate assets.
The program contains several options for searching for the view using the common lines residual with varying weightings of the lines.
While there is still residual misunderstanding in some people's minds, the misconceptions of many have lessened over the years.
The feature has been allocated to this phase since it contained mainly residual Roman ceramic as well as Ipswich Ware and Northern Maxey Ware.
Dateable material included residual Period 2 to Period 7 ceramic and a sherd of Cistercian Ware.
Here too, the residual sherds could have been disturbed from an Anglian feature of similar date to that excavated on the site.
Lengthy seizures do not appear to result in residual deficits or have adverse prognostic significance.
In addition, residual stresses may also be present which remain when all external stresses have been removed.
With strong vacuum suction the maximum residual dampness is only 10-15% .
Residual cancer could not reliably be predicted or discriminated from necrosis or mature teratoma by the prognostic criteria.
A further patient treated for forty-eight hours with heparin showed no evidence of residual thrombus.
Provides information on sampling and analysis of residual traces of pesticides in both imported and domestic food.
Equipment should be protected by Residual Current Devices and/or isolating transformers.
If your paths and driveways are looking a bit weed infested it is a good time to apply a residual weedkiller.
Residual jitter can arises from uncorrected atmospheric turbulence as well as telescope wind shake.
This illustrates the first stage in the process of magnetization, when the moment is proportional to the field and there is no hysteresis or residual magnetism (see ante).
Trans., 1876, 166 [ii.], P. 489, where it is shown that tapping the glass of a Leyden jar permits the reappearance of the residual charge; " On the Residual Charge of 2 See Faraday, Experimental Researches, vol.
If this could be co-ordinated and utilized without dissipation, the gas might conceivably be restored to its initial state; but in practice violent local differences of pressure and temperature are produced, the kinetic energy is rapidly converted into heat by viscous eddy friction, and residual differences of temperature are equalized by diffusion throughout the mass.
In the southern part of the Basin Range province the ranges are well dissected and some of the intermont depressions have rock floors with gentle, centripetal slopes; hence it is suggested that the time since the last dislocation in this part of the province is relativel remote; that erosion in the current cycle has here advanced muc farther than in the central or northern parts of the province; and that, either by outwash to the sea or by exportation of wind-borne dust, the depressions-perhaps aggraded for a time in the earlier stages of the cyclehave now been so deeply worn down as to degrade the lower and weaker parts of the tilted blocks to an evenly sloping surface, leaving the higher and harder parts still in relief as residual ranges.
In the case of the unifilar suspension, the provision of a temperature compensation is not so easy, so that what is generally done is to protect the instrument from temperature variation as much as possible and then to correct the indications so as to allow for the residual changes, a continuous record of the temperature being kept by a recording thermograph attached to the instrument.
The loess, the re-sorted residual clays, and the glacial clays are all used for the production of brick.
The gases so formed vary in proportion with the temperature of the generator and .the amount of steam, but generally contain 32 to 38% of combustible gas, the remainder being the residual nitrogen of the air and carbon dioxide.
Let us, therefore, divide the attracting forces at each point into two parts, one the average force, which we may call F, and which for our purpose may be regarded as equal to the force acting at C; the others the residual forces which we must superimpose upon the average force F in order that the combination may be equal to the actual force.
Eleven patients with 13 ankles had residual pain, with radiographs showing a high incidence of radiolucent lines.
All harbourages should be treated with a residual insecticide.
Films with low residual stress appear to exhibit the longest lifetimes.
Residual tumor was the most strongly predictive factor for recurrence or death.
Additional Disinfection To prevent recontamination of trays during handling, the use of residual acting disinfectant in the rinse water is recommended eg.
While there is still residual misunderstanding in some people 's minds, the misconceptions of many have lessened over the years.
Residual benefits to have their own auto insurance rate comparison whose spiffy site.
This upper bound is consistent with the residual oceanic topography anomalies above subduction systems.
With strong vacuum suction the maximum residual dampness is only 10-15 %.
To tame residual undesirable energy, the stabilizer is placed at the most effective tonearm position, on the pickup itself.
Any residual uncommitted funds contribute to the University Surplus which is required to fund the capital plan.
Black Bin Residual waste unsuitable for recycling i.e. food scraps Glass can be recycled at the neighborhood recycling points or recycling centers.
Residual urine The urine that remains in the bladder after urination.
Using a mild moisturizing soap to clean his diaper area is your best bet in removing any residual stool.
Bedlam Bedbug Insecticide Spray is a residual and aerosol spray, which means that it leaves lingering residue that effectively prevents future pest infestations.
It is residual, making it an active product that will last up to 16 weeks.
First of all, you need to scrub wherever he's peed with a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water to clean away any residual scent.
The advantage of these types of products is that pyrethrin has a residual effect.
Its residual effect eliminated ear mites within 17 days and reduced the risk of a re-infestation.
By finding the appropriate mental and emotional support for kids of divorce, parents ensure a smoother transition and less residual trauma.
Sanding - After you have scraped most of the old paint off of the beadboard, go over the surface with a medium-grained sandpaper to remove any residual paint.
If I had a need to go out again in the evening, I would freshen up the perfume to remove these lasting residual effects.
It will be easier to brush away fallout from the dark shades, and your foundation will cover up any residual dark powder.
She remained confident and positive, with the main residual effect being that she favors her right side when being filmed or photographed.
Flea dips are insecticidal products that are mixed in water and then poured through your pet's coat, killing fleas and providing residual flea control for a few weeks afterward.
First off, you're going to need to clean the area quite thoroughly with a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water to get rid of the residual smell.
Clean up any residual plumber's putty that may have squeezed out from underneath the Pegasus kitchen faucet and turn the hot and cold water valves back on.
A low rating represents the foods with the least amount of residual chemical residue, and as the rating increases, so too does the amount of harmful chemicals.
This means, of all the produce on the list, peaches retain the highest amount of harmful residual chemicals.
The residual chemical level of the sister to the peach is a little lower at 84.
It is caused by increased omega-3 fatty acids present in the meat as well as the residual flavors of the pasture that the animal fed on.
However, they do have a residual effect which is highly desirable for long-term flea control.
When making Port, winemakers allow the juice to ferment naturally until they reach a point where there is a significant amount of residual sugar left.
At that point, they add aguardente, a neutral grape spirit, which stops fermentation leaving the residual sweetness from the remaining sugars that did not ferment into alcohol.
This Chard has a little residual sugar which pairs well with zesty foods, and the fair amount of oak truly matches up with smoky flavors from the grill.
Residual sugar is unfermented, natural sugar from the wine grapes.
Wines that are considered dry have very little residual sugar.
A sweet wine has a residual sugar of more 45 g/L or higher.
Bainbridge Island Winery and Vineyards makes an 8 percent residual sugar wine from the island's fresh strawberries every summer.
Cloying is a negative description generally given for sweet wines that are not balanced in acid structure, residual sugars and tannins.
Partial remission means that the disease is significantly improved, but residual traces of the disease are still present.
As the positive symptoms of the acute phase subside, they may give way to what is called residual schizophrenia.
Rarely, a patient may have a residual hole that may require further treatment, depending upon its size.
This test is a more sensitive test than the ABR and can also measure residual hearing better.
Mild encephalitis usually leaves no residual neurological problems.
Ten percent of the children who contract Bell's palsy will have mild weakness remaining afterward, and 5 percent will have severe residual facial weakness.
However, any residual hearing can be maximized with a hearing aid.
An older child with sufficient residual hearing can use an in-the-ear or in-the-canal hearing aid, in which the entire apparatus fits inside the ear.
It is very important for the hearing-impaired to protect residual hearing from loud noise.
This is why Fekkai specially formulated his Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Shampoo which works alongside a Clearing Rinse to remove residual styling product build-up.
Add a splash of water to help break up any residual products or oil from the scalp.
Therefore, you'll still need to keep a residual amount of chlorine in your pool.
Scent can permeate glass, and the residual smell will combine with your new scent.
Paranormal activity at the site consists mostly of sounds, possibly a residual haunting from the lengthy history of the hospital.
Due to the very long history of England, it stands to reason that there could potentially be a large number of locations that might hold some residual energies or "memories" of the past.
Current theory holds that hauntings, or as they are more commonly referred to, residual haunts, are merely a recording of energy that has imprinted itself on a location.
This business opportunity proposes individuals can develop residual income as more persons buy into the incentive of the secret of Aisle 19.
The company also has a bonus-based system for those who want to develop an immediate cash flow while they are waiting for their residual income to begin growing.
The manufacturer downfall in leasing is the inability to actually determine the end value or residual value at the completion of those leases.
After you've cleaned the surface area, make sure to wipe up any residual liquids to ensure the countertops are completely dry.
Typically, the newly printed fabric will be set to make it color fast and rinsed to remove extra chemicals or residual dye.
Quinn owed some residual time on his sabbatical project but his class commitments were nearly at an end.
Jilian injected me with something to kill me, she paused, shuddering at the flash of residual pain from the memories.
Maybe there would be residual problems, like his sleep pattern.
In order to render an 'account of Tyndall's "residual blue" it is necessary to pursue the approximation further, taking for simplicity the case of spherical shape.
When the odcyte is full grown, the residual odgonia die off and disintegrate.
A much better approximation to the heat of combustion of such substances is obtained by deducting the oxygen together with the amount of carbon necessary to form C02, and then ascertaining the amount of heat produced by the residual carbon and hydrogen.
They are soft and lustrous, with a peculiarly smooth feel, and though often confounded with mica-schists may be distinguished by their richness in magnesia; many of them contain tremolite or actinolite; others have residual grains of olivine or augite; and here also every gradation can be found between the unmodified igneous types and the perfectly metamorphic schists.
He burned phosphorus in air standing over mercury, and showed that (1) there was a limit to the amount of phosphorus which could be burned in the confined air, (2) that when no more phosphorus could be burned, one-fifth of the air had disappeared, (3) that the weight of the air lost was nearly equal to the difference in the weights of the white solid produced and the phosphorus burned, (4) that the density of the residual air was less than that of ordinary air.
Combination was associated with the coalescence of these charges, and the nature of the resulting compound showed the nature of the residual electricity.
C. C. Baly regards colour as due to " isorropesis " or an oscillation between the residual affinities of adjacent atoms composing the molecule.
Deep residual clay soils derived from underlying limestones, and coloured red or black according to the predominance of oxides of iron or vegetable detritus, characterize the plains.
The first product of the reaction is nitric oxide, which on cooling with the residual gases produces nitrogen peroxide.
The residual gas is then passed through a tube containing porous materials, such as woodor bone-charcoal, platinized pumice or spongy platinum, then mixed with steam and again forced through the tube.
That portion which is permanently retained, and which may amount to considerably more than one-half, is called the residual magnetization.
The ratio of the residual magnetization to its previous maximum value measures the retentiveness, or retentivity, of the metal.'
The coercive force, or coercivity, of a material is that reversed magnetic force which, while it is acting, just suffices to reduce the residual induction to nothing after the material has been temporarily submitted to any great magnetizing force.
Even under so " moderate " a load as 33 kilogrammes per square mm., the induced magnetization of a hard-drawn nickel wire in a field of 60 fell from 386 to 72 units, while the residual was reduced from about 280 to io.
In the case of iron containing 7.5% of tungsten (W), the residual induction had a remarkably high value; the coercive force, however, was not very great.
The tertiary amine is then distilled off, the residual products separated by filtration and finally hydrolysed by a caustic alkali.
In this process cellulose (in the form of sawdust) is made into a stiff paste with a mixture of strong caustic potash and soda solution and heated in flat iron pans to 20o-250 C. The somewhat dark-coloured mass is lixiviated with a small amount of warm water in order to remove excess of alkali, the residual alkaline oxalates converted into insoluble calcium oxalate by boiling with milk of lime, the lime salt separated, and decomposed by means of sulphuric acid.
We thus learn that the bronzes referred to above, although chemically uniform when solid, are not so when they begin to solidify, but that the liquid deposits crystals richer in copper than itself, and therefore that the residual liquid becomes richer in tin.
Kohlrausch called attention to the close analogy between residual charge and the elastic recovery of strained bodies such as twisted wire or glass threads.
The values of the corresponding functions for the liquid or solid cannot be accurately expressed, as the theoretical variation of the specific heat is unknown, but if we take the specific heat at constant pressure s to be approximately constant, and observe the small residual variation dh of the total heat, we may write F'=s'D+dh+B'.
The porcelain-like melt is powdered, boiled with water, and acidified with hydrofluoric acid, and the residual potassium fluosilicate is filtered off.
Poynting may also be mentioned, in which the tangential component of the thrust of obliquely incident radiation is separately put in evidence, by the torsion produced in an arrangement which is not sensitive to the normal component or to the radiometer-pressure of the residual gas.
Technically and scientifically the term syrup is also employed to denote viscid, generally residual, liquids, containing substances other than sugar in solution.
The volatile truth of our words should continually betray the inadequacy of the residual statement.
After all, you know you want the traffic to come to your site because if it is set up as such, it will earn you some residual or passive income.