Residents Sentence Examples
It has a fine climate, a good trade, and is a summer resort for residents of the coast.
It is frequented by the residents of the capital as a watering-place.
Also, South Carolina contacted us regarding water for its residents in Charlotte.
The town is a popular summer resort for residents of the coast cities.
In Montana, where 10 percent of residents spoke German and another 10 percent were of German descent, ministers weren't allowed to preach in German to congregants who understood no English, and one town publicly burned German textbooks, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported.
There was valet parking for residents and visitors, and her car was – by far – the oldest and cheapest among those in the drive.
A competing company decides to make an up-front investment and build a new factory in a distant land, high in the mountains where residents who choose to live there have less economic opportunity.
The principal spring in the neighbourhood of Jericho still bears (among the foreign residents) the name of Elisha; the natives call it, Ain es-Sultan, or "Sultan's spring."
Out-of-state residents can choose to filter programs that will allow them to complete all study requirements remotely if necessary.
The shores are covered with coral; earthquakes and tidal waves are frequent, the latter not taking the form of bores, but of a sudden steady rise and equally sudden fall in the level of the sea; the climate is rather tropical than temperate, but sickness is almost unknown among the residents.
AdvertisementIn the rebellion of 1857 the troops stationed at Aligarh mutinied, but abstained from murdering their officers, who, with the other residents and ladies and children, succeeded in reaching Hathras.
Senators must be at least twenty-five years of age and residents of the state for one year at the time of election.
There is no foreign settlement at Wen-chow, and the foreign residents are mainly officials and missionaries.
In Southern Rhodesia the white residents were enumerated in 1891, but it was not until 1904 that the whole population was included in the census.
There are about fifty European residents.
AdvertisementThere are few residents in the country from the more eastern parts of Asia - if we except the Turkoman settlements in the Jaulan, a number of Persians, and a fairly large Afghan colony that since 1905 has established itself in Jaffa.
By 1845 there was certainly an agreement in opinion among all American residents (then not 700 in number) as regards the future of the country.
They must be twenty-five years old, residents of the state for three years, and of the district in which they are chosen.
The German immigration began about 1845, and long ago passed its maximum, so that in 1900 more than half of all the foreign-born (not only the Germans, but also the later-coming nationalities) had lived within Missouri for more than twenty years, and more than three-fourths of all had been residents of the state for ten 1 Omitting here printing and publishing, and foundry and machineshop products, which (like carpentering, bakery products, &c., in cities) have little distinctive in them to set Missouri off from other states.
You might be surprised to learn about the online options that your local community college, colleges, and universities offer for state residents.
AdvertisementIn some cases, tuition and fees are only half as expensive for state residents.
Texas residents can expect to pay about $1700 total in tuition and fees for six course hours.
All that tourist traffic has made the restaurant industry thrive, providing residents and guests with a variety of meal options.
The area is renowned for its outdoor activities, where residents can hike, run, bike, and camp on the beach and at several area parks.
Residents and tourists alike take advantage of the boating, scuba diving and fishing opportunities.
AdvertisementA party of Bird Song's male residents plus the Dawkins gals had gathered in the parlor.
Every time the weather got cold outside, other residents in the complex cranked their heaters up and then he had to adjust his own thermostat.
All residents were being directed to the lawn to park, and Xander remained calm.
The members of council, the commanders of the troops, and the commercial residents plundered on a grand scale.
Among later residents commemorated is Edward Lloyd, who was the first person to show the value of esparto grass for the manufacture of paper, and thus started an industry which is one of the most important in Algeria.
French residents numbered 50,996, naturalized Frenchmen Spaniards 12,354, Italians 7368, Maltese 865, and other Europeans (chiefly British and Germans) 1652, besides 12,490 Jews.
Camille Lemonnier has given in one of his Causeries a striking picture of this faded scene of former greatness, now a solitude in which the few residents seem spectres rather than living figures.
Wheeler with his small band of soldiers and the European and Eurasian residents were exposed for 21 days to the fire of the mutineers, is merely a bare field, containing the well where many women and children were shot while getting water.
But in 1887 and 1888 civil war prevailed on the question of the succession to the native kingship, the Germans supporting Tamasese, and the British and American residents supporting Malietoa.
The ruins of the English factory, St Thomas's church, and the houses of the European residents lie along the river banks.
In addition to th e se residents or natives of the locality, Shelley, Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Clough, Crabb Robinson, Carlyle, Keats, Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Mrs Hemans, Gerald Massey and others of less reputation made longer or shorter visits, or were bound by ties of friendship with the poets already mentioned.
Being the starting-point of the "overland route" to India, and the residence of the chief foreign consuls, it quickly acquired a European character and attracted not only Frank residents, but great numbers of Greeks, Jews and Syrians.
The status of the Isle of Pines was left an open question by the treaty of Paris, but a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States has declared it (in a question of customs duties) to be a part of Cuba, and though a treaty to the same end did not secure ratification (1908) by the United States Senate, repeated efforts by American residents thereon to secure annexation to the United States were ignored by the United States government.
The Danish residents may include, besides a coloni-bestyrer and his assistant, a missionair or clergyman, at a few places also a doctor, and perhaps a carpenter and a schoolmaster.
France is represented by a resident superior, who presides over the ministerial council and is the real ruler of the country, and by residents exercising supervision in the districts into which the country is split up for the purposes of the French administration.
Pop. of the municipality (1900), 2 9,33 1, a large percentage being summer residents, as the census was taken late in December; (1902, municipal census), 18, 373.
Its growth was slow, but the choice of the place by the emperor as a summer residence drew thither many of the wealthy residents of the capital.
Exceptions were gradually made in favour of foreign residents; but it was not till 1785 that regular inhabitants were allowed to exercise the religious rites of other denominations, and it was not till after the war of freedom that they were allowed to have buildings in the style of churches.
To the north-east the beauty of Epping Forest attracts numerous residents to Woodford, Chingford and Loughton.
Residents of Irish birth have decreased since 1851; those of Scottish birth have increased steadily, and roughly as the population.
German residents are found mainly in the western and west central districts; French mainly in the City of Westminster (especially the district of Soho), St Pancras and St Marylebone; Italians in Holborn (Saffron Hill), Soho and Finsbury; and Russians and Poles in Stepney and Bethnal Green.
Among the residents have been Edwin Thomas Booth, John Henry Twachtman, the landscape painter, and Henry Osborne Havemeyer (1847-1907), founder of the American Sugar Company.
Under him are four ministers of state (sha-pe or kalon), who divide among themselves, under the immediate supervision of the two imperial Chinese residents (or amban), the management of all secular affairs of the country.
The villages are residential suburbs of Worcester, and attract many summer residents.
In 1728 a group of residents of Marlboro, Sudbury, Concord and Stowe, with the permission of the General Court, bought from the Indians 7500 acres of their lands, and agreed to establish forty English families on the tract within three years, and to maintain a church and school of which the Indians should have free use.
Residents in the towns along the Persian Gulf are exposed to the same dangers from disease as are experienced in similar places in Mesopotamia and Persia (see Mesopotamia and Persia).
Blantyre, the chief town, had some 300 European residents.
In cold weather Pathans and other border residents wear posteens, sleeved coats made of sheepskin with the woolly side in.
The regional commissioners and the political residents act either by means of the village headmen (Shum or Chicca), by the chiefs of districts in the few localities where villages are still organized in districts, or by the headmen of tribes, and by the councils of the elders wherever these remain.
Civil justice for natives is administered, in the first instance, by the headmen of villages, provinces, tribes, or by councils of notables (Shumagalle); in appeal, by the residents and regional tribunals, and, in the last instance, by the colonial court of appeal.
Defence is entrusted to a corps of colonial troops, partly Italian and partly native; to a militia (milizia mobile) formed by natives who have already served in the colonial corps; and to the chitet or general levy which, in time of war, places all male able-bodied inhabitants under arms. The regional commissioners and political residents have at their disposal some hundreds of irregular paid soldiers under native chiefs.
The number of foreign residents is very small, trade being carried on by Chinese agents.
Twenty-two foreign countries contributed more than 1000 residents each, the leading ones being Germany (72,449), China, the United Kingdom (80,222), Canada (29,618; 27,408 being English Canadians), Italy (22,777), Sweden (14549), France (12,256), Portugal (12,068), Switzerland (10,974), Japan, Denmark, and Mexico, in the order named.
The form of government is modelled roughly upon the system adopted in the Malay States of the peninsula during the early days of their administration by British residents.
The supreme authority on the spot is represented by the governor, under whom are the residents of Kudat, Darvel Bay and Keppel, officers who occupy much the same position as that usually known by the title of magistrate and collector.
Two of the commissioners must be residents of the District, and the third commissioner must be an officer of the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army.
Henceforth Ephesus remained subject to the Romans, save for a short period, when, at the instigation of Mithradates Eupator of Pontus, the cities of Asia Minor revolted and massacred their Roman residents.
It is not in comparison with the picturesque beauty of European Alpine scenery that the Himalaya appeals to the imagination, for amongst the hills of the outer Himalaya - the hills which are known to the majority of European residents and visitors - there is often a striking absence of those varied incidents and sharp contrasts which are essential to picturesqueness in mountain landscape.
In some of the larger towns the foreign residents have their own places of worship. (See further under History.) Education.
The native population is of the most diverse origin; the foreign element is equally heterogeneous, but more than half (in 1900, 14,172 out of 24,283 foreign-born) are Mexicans, many of whom are not permanent residents; after 1900, immigrants were largely mine labourers, and included Slavonians and Italians.
Foreign residents are few, and the trade passing through the maritime customs is comparatively insignificant.
The manufactures of Heidelberg include cigars, leather, cement, surgical instruments and beer, but the inhabitants chiefly support themselves by supplying the wants of a large and increasing body of foreign permanent residents, of the considerable number of tourists who during the summer pass through the town, and of the university students.
Other eminent residents were Turner, who occupied Sandycombe Lodge, and painted many of his famous works here, Henry Fielding the novelist, and Tennyson.
Besides being citizens of the United States and residents of the state for two years preceding their election the governor, lieutenant-governor and attorney-general must each be at least thirty years of age, and the secretary of state, state auditor, treasurer and superintendent of education must be at least twenty-five years old.
Life insurance agents not residents of Idaho cannot write policies in the state.
The fresh-water fish caught in the Great Lakes by residents in Michigan exceed in value those caught by residents of other states, and in 1907 the catch was valued at $1,806,767.
Its fine beach and dry, bracing climate have attracted many wealthy residents, and the number of summer visitors is also large.
Mr Fraser, the commissioner, Mr Hutchinson, the collector, Captain Douglas, the commandant of the palace guards, and the Rev. Mr Jennings, the residency chaplain, were at once murdered, as were also most of the civil and non-official residents whose houses were situated within the city walls.
They found many of the houses of the English residents demolished and others damaged by fire.
For some years the history of the infant settlement was that of a large gaol; the attempts made to till the soil at Farm Cove near Sydney and near Parramatta were only partially successful, and upon several occasions the residents of the encampment suffered much privation.
Except in the towns of the outer border, the Lake District is very thinly peopled; and from the economic point of view, the remarkable beauty of its scenery, attracting numerous residents and tourists, is the most valuable of its resources.
The paucity of permanent residents and the poverty of the local treasury seem to make such a solution an impossible one.
Most of the British officers and residents were massacred then, or afterwards.
The higher grade schools are also numerous, and there are special foreign schools established by private enterprise for the education of the children of foreign residents.
The private houses of the European residents lie apart alike from the native and from the mercantile quarters of the town.
All persons with an income of £50 vote in the first; all residents in an urban commune who pay taxes amounting to sixteen shillings yearly, with those who have been through the primary course of education, and all members of the liberal professions, retired officers and state pensioners, vote in the second.
There is one Protestant church in Bogota, but the number of non-Catholics is small and composed of foreign residents.
The term " Africander " is sometimes applied to all white residents in Cape Colony and throughout British South Africa, but is often restricted to the Dutch-speaking colonists.
The number of foreign residents in 1900 was about 30, most of them officials or missionaries.
A compromise was finally reached, whereby the company was to be exempt from taxes on all its property except the goods sold to settlers, and the officers and employees of the company and all the British residents were to become subject to the provisional government.
In the veterinary and agricultural colleges there are no tuition fees for residents of New York state.
He was warmly supported by the residents, but being a Whig in politics he was opposed by the non-residents, and beaten by a large majority.
Ever since the independence of the South African Republic had been virtually conceded by the convention of 1884, unhappy differences had prevailed between the Dutch and British residents in the Transvaal.
The natural beauty of its surroundings and the extensive forests of the district have of late years attracted many summer residents.
Gallipoli has an unattractive appearance; its streets are narrow and dirty, and many of its houses are built of wood, although there are a few better structures, occupied by the foreign residents and the richer class of Turkish citizens.
Both aldermen and councilmen serve without pay, and are elected on a general ticket for a term of two years; not more than two councilmen may be residents of the same ward, but there is no such limitation in regard to aldermen.
Strassburg soon became one of the most flourishing of the imperial towns, and the names of natives or residents like Sebastian` Brant, Johann Tauler and Geiler von Kaisersberg show that its eminence was intellectual as well as material.
The number of foreigners, other than British, who took up their abode in the British settlement at Shanghai made it soon necessary to adopt some more catholic form of government than that supplied by a British consul who had control only over British subjects, and by common agreement a committee of residents, consisting of a chairman and six members, was elected by the renters of land for the purposes of general municipal administration.
The governor and the lieutenant-governor must be thirty years old and must have been citizens of the United States and citizens and residents of the state for five years.
Several French tectorate, residents successively represented France at Antana- 1885-4894.
French residents and numerous other officials were placed at every important town, and various projects were started for the civilization of the Malagasy in accordance with French ideas.
The few European residents are officials, traders or missionaries.
Among its employees are over 100 local residents who were formerly unemployed.
No residents were left in Moscow, and the soldiers--like water percolating through sand--spread irresistibly through the city in all directions from the Kremlin into which they had first marched.
Residents of the Lone Star State who are thinking of tying the knot may be wondering, "Is Texas a community property state?"
Many poor countries lack public transportation and residents can't afford their own personal vehicles.
It is important to note however, that the residents closest to the wind turbine are likely to have issues.
Seriously, if Dr. Drew is in need of a few residents for the next season of Celebrity Rehab, why not give Whaler a call?
In fact, residents of Seaside Heights protested so much that MTV decided to move the show to Miami Beach.
If you're good with computers, you can probably find plenty of local residents in need of affordable tech support.If you're interested in starting your own business, many schools offer elective courses in entrepreneurship.
Some schools keep their dorms locked to everyone but residents 24 hours a day, while others only institute security measures at night.
He or she performs all the tasks necessary for running a dorm, including hiring dorm employees, coordinating the work of resident assistants, and disciplining residents who break the rules.
Hall directors always welcome feedback and questions from dorm residents.
On a day to day basis, the RA is available as a resource and sounding board for residents of a floor.
Most dorms have a form of hall government, a bit like student council in high school, concerned with planning social and educational events for the dorm and overseeing decisions affecting residents.
Collin County Community College is known affectionately as the Quad C to residents of Collin County.
For in-state residents, tuition at Merced College in 2010 was $20 per unit.
It's meant to reach out to residents in the greater Grundy County area, and the center is equipped with an updated computer lab, several classrooms, and administrative services.
Out-of-state residents pay an additional fee of about $10,000 per year, bringing the total for one year of tuition to $24,500.
Paradise Valley Community College, located in Phoenix, Arizona, serves close to 10,000 students enrolled in degree programs, alongside more than 4,500 residents taking advantage of continuing education opportunities.
Founded in 1965, Owens Community College offers over 130 programs and certificates to residents of Toledo and nearby regions.
Also, remember that in-state programs can offer tuition to residents as low as $1,500 for a full semester.
In addition, due to state law, residents of California are not eligible to win nor are employees of Anheuser Busch or its affiliates.
The town is home to numerous parks and fields where residents can partake of numerous recreational activities, such as hiking, soccer, running and swimming.
While soaking in the natural amenities of the area, guests and residents can also sample tasty meals at some of the areas numerous seafood restaurants, which specialize in local and fresh seafood.
Be forewarned that this restaurant is popular among residents as well as tourists, and lines can be encountered on weeknight evenings and all day on weekdays.
He led her down into the basement of the gated apartment building, where the wealthy residents of the apartment kept their expensive cars.
The place was swarming with police and displaced residents.
He was exceedingly jealous of foreign interference, and quarrelled with France on questions connected with the rights of foreign residents.
Under their mild and just rule both the native Greeks and the Italian residents were able to carry on a brisk trade.
A number of residents became involved, among them the poet Thomaz Antonio Gonzaga.
A resident is placed at his court, and assistant residents have their headquarters in the administrative districts of the province.
Members of the Senate and House of Representatives are elected for terms of two years; they must be residents of their respective counties or districts for one year preceding election, unless absent on public business of the state or of the United States.
The systematic study of Athenian topography was begun in the 17th century by French residents at Athens, the consuls Giraud and Chataignier and the Capuchin monks.
The governors take their orders from the imperial government, but they are under the eye of French residents.
In 1632 the residents of Watertown protested against being compelled to pay a tax for the erection of a stockade fort at Cambridge; this was the first protest in America against taxation without representation and led to the establishment of representative government in the colony.
Within a year he and a fellow missionary were dispatched from that place to Abyssinia to act as spiritual directors to the Portuguese residents.
Of these only 1,844,000 residents of Kovno are fully under State control plus from 33 to 50% of the 615,000 persons inhabiting Suvalki province.
The other officials are elected by popular vote for two years' terms. The governor and lieutenantgovernor must be, at the time of election, at least thirty years of age, citizens of the United States, and residents of the state for the preceding five years.
Senators and representatives must be at least twenty-six years old, citizens of the United States, qualified electors of the state, and residents of the state for two years, and of the district for one year, preceding the election.
The governor and the lieutenant-governor was elected for a term of two years, and the qualifications for both offices require that the incumbents shall be at least thirty years of age and shall have been for two years immediately before their election residents of the state.
It has become since 1850, and especially in much more recent years, a favoured resort of summer residents.
The railways and constabulary of the two colonies were (1903) placed under an inter-colonial council; active measures were taken for the repatriation of the prisoners of war and the residents in the concentration camps, and in every direction vigorous and successful efforts were made to repair the ravages of the war.
Many of the residents take also a considerable share in the work of local administration.
The governor and lieutenant-governor must be citizens of the United States, qualified electors of the state, at least thirty years old, and residents of the state for two years preceding the election.
Senators and representatives must be qualified electors, citizens of the United States, at least twenty-five years old, and residents of the state for two years next preceding election.
The administration of the larger territorial divisions (gouvernement, residentie) is in the hands of Dutch governors, residents, assistant residents and controleurs.
For native justice there are courts in the districts and regencies; residents act as police judges; provincial councils have judicial powers, and there are councils of priests with powers in matrimonial disputes, questions of succession, &c.
Agricultural labour is very carefully regulated by law, in the enforcement of which the residents and lower officials have wide powers.
The population of Batavia is varied, the Dutch residents being a comparatively small class, and greatly intermixed with Portuguese and Malays.
The number of foreign residents is steadily rising, for in 1900 there were only 79,965 (62,189) Swiss in all as against 52,644 (42,607) foreigners.
Considering the small size of Geneva, till recently,it is surprising how many celebrated persons have been connected with it as natives or as residents.
The official total of the inhabitants includes not only the actual residents in the town, but also the population of the district of Salas, a mountainous region in which coal-mining and agriculture are the principal industries.
The Connexion provides for English residents wherever required, and the English ministers are oftener in their own pulpits than their Welsh brethren.
With the exception of small fees charged for incidental expenses, the university is free to all students who are residents of the city; others pay $75 a year for tuition.
In 1900 there were 1,094,110 native born to 93,934 foreign-born, and of the foreign-born 44,990 were natives of Germany and 68,600 were residents of the city of Baltimore.
Exclusive of the city of Baltimore, the state is divided into seven judicial circuits, in each of which are elected for a term of fifteen years one chief judge and two associate judges, who at the time of their election must be members of the Maryland bar, between the ages of thirty and seventy, and must have been residents of the state for at least five years.
There were 57,507 foreign residents, including a few Chinese and Filipinos.
It was the chief object of Spanish exploration, and the principal occupation of European residents and capital during three centuries of Spanish rule.
Its proximity to the southern outskirts of Epping Forest has brought it into favour both with residents and with holiday visitors from London.
Barillas (1845-1907) proclaimed his intention of establishing a silver currency, and gained, to a great extent, the sympathy of the German and British residents; he had been the sole Guatemalan president who had not sought to prolong his own tenure of office.
Every state numbers among its residents natives ot nearly every other state.
European residents and Christians numbered 2,000 to 3,000, Mohammedans about 34,000 and Jews 3,700.
Kalakaua considered residents of European or American descent as alien invaders, and he aimed to restore largely the ancient system of personal government, under which he should have control of the public treasury.
Stevens, and a committee of residents, to protect the lives and property of American citizens in case of riot or incendiarism.
Among famous residents are found the first earl of Chatham, John Constable, George Romney, George du Maurier, Joseph Butler, author of the Analogy, Sir Richard Steele, John Keats, the sisters Joanna and Agnes Baillie, Leigh Hunt and many others.
Hence in 1900 there were 9501 foreign residents (of whom 628 were British subjects) out of a total population of 46,732 inhabitants; in 1905 it was reckoned that these numbers had risen respectively to 10,625, 818 and 53,577.
There are considerable numbers of foreign residents, notably English, attracted by the natural beauty of the place and by the educational facilities it affords.
All male citizens over 21 years of age, who have been citizens of the United States for one month, residents of the state for one year and of the election district for two months immediately preceding the election, have the right of suffrage, provided they have paid within two years a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election.
He held a unique position among foreign residents in Japan, alike as a profound student of its history and art, and as a powerful factor in international politics.
The divisions of the residency are Batavia, town and surroundings, Tangerang, Meester Cornelis and Buitenzorg, the first being directly governed by a resident and the remainder by assistant residents.
In Adamawa and German Bornu are various Mahommedan sultanates controlled by residents stationed at Garua and Kusseri.
For all these territories an initial system of administration was organized, and British residents were appointed to each province.
To all these provinces British residents were appointed, and British legislative enactments became applicable to them all.
The first-class residents of the double provinces are assisted by about twelve residents and assistant residents of subordinate rank.
In the Pagan states there is no organized system of native administration, and the British residents are responsible for good government.
At the same time the house duty, with the consent of the powers, had been imposed on European residents.
The attitude of the troops in Alexandria now became threatening; and on the 29th the British residents pointed out that they were absolutely defenceless.
Two islands, Farquhar and Coetivy, though geographically within the Seychelles area, remained dependent on Mauritius, being owned by residents in that island.
Some tracts of frontier territory are detached from the various regions and entrusted to political residents, as, for instance, on the Sudan frontier and also on the Abyssinian boundary, where strict surveillance is necessary to repress raiding incursions from Tigre, and where the chief intelligence department is established.
The permanent residents are generally limited to the major-domo and his family; and in the dry season labourers are hired, of any colour that can be obtained - some from the low country, others from the highlands - for three, four, or five months, who gather in and grind the cane, and plant for the harvest of the following year; but the staff of resident Indian labourers, such as exists in the farms of the sierra, cannot be kept up in the Yungas, as these half-warm valleys are called.
The native population is now estimated at 300,000, and the foreign residents number about 280.
The treaty made with the former country in 1893 was not ratified, as it was thought to concede too much to Peru, and the subsequent ad referendum treaty was rejected on account of Peru claiming that only Peruvians, and not all residents, should have the right to vote in the plebiscite to be taken by the terms of the treaty of 1883 for the possession of Tacna and Arica.
In Kentucky during this period, the number of marriages per thousand residents dropped from 13.5 to 7.9.
The harsh alimony statutes, coupled with restrictions on order modifications have led Massachusetts residents to demand reform.
Alimony reform for Massachusetts has been a hot topic for quite a while, creating many issues for residents already divorced, and creating undue stress for couples seeking a divorce.
For residents of the Golden State, California alimony laws are an important consideration in a divorce matter.
The state's Superior Courts, which have jurisdiction over divorces, provide these documents to residents.
In addition to providing quality furniture to the residents of Jamaica, they have also done a lot to renovate the furniture industry in the country and employ over 1000 people across the nation.
Research by the National Academy of Medicine in France led scientists to recommend that no wind generators be installed within one-mile of any human dwelling in order to protect residents from the ill effects wind turbine can cause.
Rural residents can also use wind turbines to pump water from a private well system.
In New York City, residents can get a tax rebate of between 20 and 35% depending on when they put their solar system into effect and if it is a residential or commercial solar setup.
In California, residents can apply to be a part of the California Solar Initiative.
In the meantime, residents will start to see a definite impact on their utility bills.
Creative interior design in Washington, D.C. is a great way for businesses and residents to set themselves apart from the crowd.
The marshland around the intercostal's waterway is home to a vast array of animals and birds and bring the city residents the kind of peaceful escape not often found a stone's throw away from an urban setting.
Either way, this active lifestyle is reflected in the more casual decorating choices of residents and local establishments.
With tourists outnumbering residents during the peak seasons, interior design in Park City, Utah, focuses not only on residences but also heavily on commercial projects such as hospitality, restaurants, and retail.
Residents of Denver and Boulder often want to avoid the mountain traffic jams.
Its popular ski train makes it a convenient resort for Denver residents.
As such, it's a popular ski area for Pennsylvania, Washington DC and Baltimore residents who want to learn to ski or snowboard.
Sea level residents should plan to spend a few days before the clinic acclimating to the altitude.
They also offer last year's prom catalogs to residents of western or central Pennsylvania, Northern West Virginia and eastern Ohio.
Local residents and returning vacationers give their personal suggestions for the best place to stay, best restaurants to eat in, and off the beaten path ideas.
All of the states in the United States keep vital records on all of their residents.
Located in Brevard County, Cocoa Beach is a relatively small town with a little over 12,000 residents.
For California residents, there are centers close to home in all parts of the state.
Ideally, the home will offer a respectful living environment with residents who are dedicated to keeping a safe and sober recovery home.
Prospective residents should be prepared to fill out a short application form, be interviewed, and give a deposit for rent at Oxford House.
Palm Springs - Palm Springs is well-known for its golf, as well as its older celebrity residents.
According to spokesman at St. Tropez town hall, the bride and groom must have been residents of the town for at least a month to have a legally binding wedding.
Residents of the Romanian village where Borat scenes were filmed filed a suit asserting that they were misrepresented.
Gary Busey will not be one of the residents, he will be on the show to support the cast during their recovery process.
The multi-campus college offers continuing education, associate degree programs and vocational training for the residents of Davidson County and the surrounding area.
Sightseeing cruises of New York City are one of the most popular activities offered to tourists and residents alike.
You'll also get to experience the local culture when you meet area residents and venture to local hot spots for a hands-on experience.
Antarctica is a bitterly cold continent surrounded by ocean and has very few residents.
Everyday therapy dogs go to work with their owners and trainers to help bring a little sunshine to residents of nursing homes and convalescent centers.
While they may make some people uncomfortable, most common garden spiders are beneficial garden residents.
Los Angeles residents are certainly not strangers to home improvement projects, and there's no shortage of contractors looking to do the job.
The western crescent, known as the Chiaja ward, though merely a long narrow strip between the sea and Vomero hill, is the fashionable quarter most frequented by foreign residents and visitors.
A very great variety of birds is found within the state, either as residents or as visitants from the adjoining avifaunal regions - mountain, plain, northern and southern.
But in hundreds of villages there were no strong residents, and the poorest cottager had to pay his three groats.
Later coloured women from Cape Colony married residents in the island.
In summer most of the richer residents reside on the Lebanon, and in winter the governor of the Lebanon and many Lebanon notables inhabit houses in Beirut.
Its suburbs have greatly extended along the sea front, and the beautiful chines of Boscombe, Alum and Branksome have attracted a large number of wealthy residents.
A provisional Territorial government formed by Wyandot Indians and licensed white residents on Indian lands in Kansas (q.v.) forced Congress to take action.
The pleasant scenery of the neighbourhood, which attracts large numbers both of visitors and of residents from London, is described in Dickens's novel, Barnaby Rudge, and the King's Head Inn, Dickens's "Maypole," still stands.
A British resident of the first class has been placed at Sokoto and assistant residents at other centres.
Not a few famous names occur among the former residents of Highgate.
Bacon died here in 1626; Coleridge and Andrew Marvell, the poets, were residents.
Hobart is now a place of call for several of the European steamship lines, and the state is becoming increasingly popular as a summer resort for the residents of Melbourne and Sydney.
The qualifications prescribed for senators and representatives are that they shall have been citizens of the state for three years and residents of the county or district they are to represent for one year immediately preceding the election, and that senators shall be at least thirty years of age.
Therefore in 1772 the residents of the first two settlements met in general convention to establish a form of government since known as the Watauga Association.
There was valet parking for residents and visitors, and her car was – by far – the oldest and cheapest among those in the drive.
Gains on assets acquired by taxpayers while residents outside the US will not be included in the new tax levels.
Each home has five or six residents, most of whom have quite profound learning difficulties.
Local Residents Passes To enable local residents to enjoy visiting the abbey, we offer an annual pass that allows free entry all year.
The compound is headed by the oldest male inhabitant, irrespective of his kinship affiliation with the other residents of the group.
In the summer months, residents can enjoy a cool drink on the roof terrace at the Tower Bar overlooking the busy airfield.
He also has the arrogance to ask what planet these residents inhabit.
The HCAL felt that, given the project was based on contemporary art, there would be reservations from some residents.
Five dates were set with the secretary of the residents association, who was also a participatory member of the group.
We set up a residents ' association in Denaby to find out exactly what was being proposed.
This was confirmed when we visited the barrios and met with residents, teachers, Cuban doctors and financial and food cooperative workers.
Local residents started a peaceful protest which lasted several days before being violently attacked by police wielding electric batons.
Residents are encouraged to bring personal belongings with them to create an environment that feels like home.
Residents in Bedford's Goldington ward have a cleaner environment on Thursday following an early morning blitz by local agencies.
Almost certainly only a very small percentage of residents are arrogant unpleasant boneheads.
Island residents also benefit from some modest fare concessions.
Two British residents now in Guantánamo were taken by US agents from West Africa with the apparent connivance of the British authorities.
They admitted many residents could pay only 20p to cross a toll cordon.
They visited 28 nursing homes and examined the prescribing of what has been called the " chemical cosh " to 217 of the residents.
I wonder how the already creaking transport network will cope with more residents?
You can enjoy fine cuisine in the Piper's Bistro & there is free parking for residents.
This would necessitate the demolition of Leadon Bank at the outset and the decant of residents and staff offsite.
A large deputation of residents from the Steadman Close area were present at the Meeting.
Battersea Healthy Living Initiative and local NHS dietitians are offering a new course to Battersea residents who need to lose weight.
Residents will continue to be included on the electoral roll ensuring they are not disenfranchised from voting in any election or referendum in 2006.
There had been no letters from local residents or the police about noise disturbance or trouble at the premises.
Mid Beds is pleased to offer residents free dog tags which identify the dog and display contact details for Mid Beds Dog Warden Service.
By raising a question about parades along this road residents have significantly escalated the dispute.
New suburbs shot up around Richmond, whose residents are predominantly ethnic Chinese.
The business enjoys a heavy footfall of passing trade in addition to a regular trade from local residents.
Visit the nearby rocky foreshore and discover it's amazing residents.
Your generous gift will help us fulfill the needs of Darfur's most vulnerable residents.
Consistent pressure from the residents has finally won the go-ahead for a 20mph zone.
This has serious implications for local residents and there is a real groundswell of opinion to retain the service.
People coming to York who were not residents or members of the various guilds had to pay tolls on items brought into the city.
One learns about recent events in the neighboring hamlets from residents of the hamlet who have come to visit the market.
The 29 residents and visitors donned union flag hats and enjoyed a party at the housing scheme in Barley Croft.
Volunteers will go from door to door to encourage residents to save water by installing a water hippo in their toilet.
Boscombe residents are invited to participate in the design of a temporary mural to decorate the hoardings around the new Boscombe Library site.
Kevin Noble of Spon End Red Brick Residents Association said Railtrack had agreed to remove the hoardings, which were now badly damaged.
The Barking boy, however, is anxious that the residents of his former hometown are not simply written off as racist.
Eight British residents are still incarcerated in the US run military prison with no prospect of a trial or release.
Dropped kerbs for vehicle crossover Dropped kerbs for vehicle crossover can be requested by residents at a cost.
It was Labor hopeful Nathan Oley who was thoroughly lacerated at the Columbia Road Tenants & Residents Association's hustings last night.
The original site of the old lamppost had been screened by the residents with a tree being planted.
The Dellal Building has its own launderette, available only to residents of the Dellal Building.
The new residents and businesses have brought fresh lifeblood to the island.
Self catered residents are allocated a kitchen locker in which to store their cooking utensils.
Residents, and Community Beat Officer Kath Jukes were very keen to make this a regular event in a bid to deter litter louts.
To the south attractive meadowland belonging to Broadlands is a visual amenity appreciated by residents.
Now, Taipei residents can ride the metro daily.
The Iraqi military made several public announcements to the residents offering them a chance to leave the city.
It utilizes sealed silos, transfer conveyor and mixing units to minimize environmental nuisance to the local residents.
Peaton residents have been acutely aware of being excluded from the the general onrush of broadband services being enjoyed elsewhere on the Peninsula.
Additional consultation will take place with residents to gage local opinion on the future of parking on these two roads.
An untold number of residents have been killed or maimed by unexploded ordnance littering the area.
In addition to secure, underground parking, Bramley Grange also provides a private swimming pavilion for the use of residents.
The residents of the Boro have a right to live peaceful, safe lives.
But by the time pep was appointed to carry out the study, the residents ' association had disbanded in all but name.
Friends Reunited Dating Dating and picture personals for UK residents with postcode search facility.
Now, what's going to happen about all those agricultural pesticides that rural residents have to breath day in day out every year.
The improvements were mainly physical (96% of residents liked their house or flat ), the deterioration related to drugs and vandalism.
Tim Keller explained, ' New Yorkers are dazed and " rubbed raw " in a way that even long-time residents have never seen.
Local residents are to have a meeting re above.
If so is there any redress for Manchester residents?
An appeal for memories of Steyning in 1985 resulted in many fascinating reminiscences from elderly residents.
This form is mainly intended for UK residents or UK citizens residing elsewhere temporarily.
Toms warned that residents would fight tooth and nail to retain their school.
We consult residents for their views before the introduction of any new traffic measures.
It was agreed to place an article in the Parish Magazine and invite local residents to join the Committee.
Campaign will be used in these areas to help encourage local residents to get involved with the program.
To protect nearby residents from any undue disturbance, proposals to install wind turbines are required to meet strict noise standards.
We invite all concerned residents to be present at Vansittart Rec in the course of this opening ceremony and to lobby officials and councilors.
Arranging social events for residents of accommodation supported by either a resident warden or a non-resident warden with a system for calling that warden.
For non-UK residents this service often proves invaluable as Coddan are familiar with UK authorities and procedures.
The residents garden provides a tranquil retreat for people with mental health issues.
Top of page Bright Ideas Kansas City residents will build 10,000 rain gardens to reduce runoff that is polluting waterways.
The award was made under an innovative scheme that will help the residents of his home village of Helpringham enjoy warmer, healthier homes.
Private gardens become public tea shops as Brighton residents mingle and admire the sculptures.
The report lays stress on the preservation of self-respect among residents of homes and the need for privacy in maintaining this self-respect and dignity.
The priority-setting exercises that don't deliver what residents want and the partners who don't budge unless there's something in it for them.
Listen to woodland symphony and learn how to identify the songsters from year-round residents to our summer migrants.
Plus you may draw in some Swindon residents traveling southbound.
There is also an open-air whirlpool therapy spa for residents ' use.
In many areas, over the last few weeks residents have seen a spate of sales activity.
Residents of Tenbury Drive expressed concern regarding speeding on the estate and consequent risk to pedestrians and children.
However with national and European regulations getting stricter, residents and councils need to work harder.
It takes place at the end of the lent term and showcases a wealth of talent from the student body and residents of Cambridge.
Bath Standing on the slopes of the River Avon, the honey-coloured Georgian terraces have enchanted visitors and residents alike for centuries.
The remaining " hidden " car parks, that are known to residents, will remain uncharged for their use.
Some residents at the time regarded the Pavilion as a ' new fangled upstart of a cinema ' .
There were also some allegations of deliberate and even vindictive assaults on at least two of the residents.
Residents of the city's Chinatown district are living in fear from the growing gang violence.
We believe this scheme will improve the overall well-being of nursing home residents in Wallasey.
Residents would wear wellingtons in bad weather and change into shoes at Rugby Road, hiding the Wellingtons in bad weather and change into shoes at Rugby Road, hiding the wellingtons in the hedge.
We can't have a Speccy yearbook being passed around the planet without any residents of ' Blighty ' included in it.
The 10-man Respect Squad will consist of police, lawyers, council leaders and residents ' groups which have beaten yobs in their areas.
The beauty of its situation and its educational advantages attract numerous foreign residents, especially English and American.
At the critical moment the British government, urged to move in the matter by the British residents in both countries, who feared that war would mean the financial ruin of both Chile and Argentina, used its utmost influence both at Santiago and Buenos Aires to allay the misunderstandings; and negotiations were set on foot which ended in a treaty for the cessation of further armaments being signed, June 1902.
The High Court has appellate jurisdiction in cases from other federal courts and from the supreme courts of the states, and it has original jurisdiction in matters arising under laws made by the federal parliament, in disputes between states, or residents in different states, and in matters affecting the representatives of foreign powers.
France was equally careless of Italian susceptibilities, and in April 1888 Goblet made a futile but irritating attempt to enforce at Massawa the Ottoman rgime of the capitulations in regard to non-Italian residents.
The Romans celebrated the birthday of a town and of its genius, just as they celebrated that of a man; and a snake was a frequent form for this kind of demon; when we compare with this the South African belief that the snakes which are in the neighbourhood of the kraal are the incarnations of the ancestors of the residents, it seems probable that some similar idea lay at the bottom of the Roman belief; to this day in European folklore the house snake or toad, which lives in the cellar, is regarded as the "life index" or other self of the father of the house; the death of one involves the death of the other, according to popular belief.
The population of Venezuela is largely a matter of conjecture, no census having been taken since the third general census of 1891, which gave a total population of 2,323,527, of which 1,137,139 were males and 1,186,388 females, and there were 42,898 foreign residents.
Peru proposed that only Peruvian residents should be entitled to take part in a popular vote; Chile rejected this proposition, on the ground that all residents in the territories in q uestion should have a voice in the final decision.
The resentment of the Franciscans, the presence of these and other reactionaries and of Spaniards, the attitude of foreign residents, and the ambitions of leading Californian families united to foment and propagate discontent.
I would like to reassure local residents that none of their council tax was wasted on the works being done twice.
He had no receipts for monies paid from the residents ' benefits, as cashed and paid in for their accommodation fees.
Complaints were received from former residents and staff and these were discussed with the Appellant who was given an opportunity to resolve the difficulties.
New Exhibit ' Homefront Memories ' with newly produced DVD of local residents reminiscing about the years 1939 - 1945.
Personal care Staff are available to support residents who require assistance.
Permanent residents of Southend-on-Sea who are aged 60 or over.
Overseas residents, please ask for details of postage & packing.
We accept well behaved dogs by prior arrangement in designated " doggy friendly " bedrooms and the residents lounge.
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The levels of qualifications in numeracy and literacy of residents of the boro are among the poorest in the country.
Residents move in and out of shot, shadows fall and leaves rustle in the trees.
The block is set behind a facade in a cul de sac location, the residents all benefit from use of communal garden.
These kids are clearly not the residents of the nearby luxury seafront apartments.
Denis said, Hundreds of residents across the city have already signed the petition.
The more snooty residents, even then mainly incomers wanted them banned.
He was shocked to see one of his former residents being spoon fed, whereas she had always fed herself at The Grange.
They should be able to provide competent and tactful care whilst supporting residents in maintaining and extending skills and self-care abilities.
It takes place at the end of the Lent term and showcases a wealth of talent from the student body and residents of Cambridge.
The team receive tip-offs from local residents who can report anonymously using a free phone telephone number, e-mail and text address.
The tithing system by all local residents to their parish church was only abolished by Parliament in Victorian times.
Every month all the members of the community leaflet the village, giving out 360 leaflets inviting residents to a tranquility zone.
No business may be transacted with residents in the Bahamas.
The three terrified residents were taken by paramedics to Arrowe Park hospital where the two men were treated for smoke inhalation.
Some residents at the time regarded the Pavilion as a ' new fangled upstart of a cinema '.
Residents of the city 's Chinatown district are living in fear from the growing gang violence.
The interesting thing is that there seems to be no requirement to warn nearby residents about this sort of work.
The Tribunal formed the opinion that there was a serious risk to the well-being of the residents in Hillside Manor.
In its heyday, the bonde took the well-heeled residents from their fine Portuguese colonial-style mansions to work in the Centro district below.
Residents would wear wellingtons in bad weather and change into shoes at Rugby Road, hiding the wellingtons in the hedge.
There is more than a whiff of moral panic about some of the accusations being leveled at the residents of Marsham Street.
Some of the cottages are let to residents, and these are wreathed in flowers.
In July the summer residents host a local fair with folk dancing, exhibitions and a wrestling contest.
We ca n't have a Speccy yearbook being passed around the planet without any residents of ' Blighty ' included in it.
The riot downtown began to foment nervous feelingsin thelocal residents.
There was a sanitation issue when the water lines burst, so residents are being warned that the water is unsafe to drink.
There was a sanitation issue when the water lines burst, so residents are being watned that the water isunsafe to drink.
This neighborhood shows diversity because of the juxtaposition of residents from both the middle and working class.
The residents considered the recent surge in burglaries to be an aberration, since their neighborhood was known for its safety.
A home is normally a safety zone for its residents, but a baby can locate many potential danger areas that may have escaped your attention. offers the largest and most accurate collection of "real freebies" for residents of the UK.
Unfortunately, life in Haiti is difficult for its residents as political unrest and high unemployment continue to plague the country.
New York residents are not eligible for ID Theft Expense Reimbursement Coverage, but it is offered to people who reside in the other 49 states.
This card is not available in the United States, and is designed for residents of the UK.
This card is not issued to residents of Iowa, New York, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories.
The Black Card is designed for just the top 1 percent of residents in the United States.
The DES provides services at no cost to Arizona residents.
Divorce Helpline provides a service for California residents who are interested in obtaining a divorce quickly and efficiently.
Military members stationed in Alaska for 30 or more days are also considered residents for this purpose.
For Utah residents living in the area, a Salt Lake City child support lawyer is a great choice.
In those situations, a hearing will determine the appropriate level of child support for Florida residents.
Florida home improvement expos provide Florida residents and contractors not only with attractive remodeling ideas, but also feature the latest innovations in hurricane protection.
Each year residents strive to make a sturdier, safer home, built to withstand the pummeling of hurricane-force winds and projectiles.
Awnings that retract allow residents to open the awning and enjoy the shade it provides on a hot day.
If moisture affects an air duct system, mold spores or fungus can develop and affect the health of the home's residents.
StoneCrafters, Inc. in Egg Harbor, NJ fabricates and installs granite countertops, marble vanities and other custom stone work for the residents of South Jersey.
A unique service offered to the residents of the Bay Area is offered by company HomeProHub.
Choosing to use organic cleaners means that the residents of a home are not being exposed to chemicals that may be harmful to their health.
Canada's Plus Size Model Contest - This contest is open to women who are residents of Canada.
A gas that is odorless and colorless, carbon monoxide can kill residents in their homes if levels become too high.
Visitors and residents enjoy the many hiking trails and visits to the famous Biltmore Estate.
Throughout the year, craft fairs, antique fairs and art shows entertain visitors and residents.
Beautiful Beaufort is a popular retirement community of approximately 11,000 residents.
Some communities may require that residents not have young children, meaning that grandparents who have custody of their grandchildren may not be eligible.
With the needs of residents in mind, most such communities are located near senior health centers, major bus routes, and city services such as libraries or art galleries.
Part of the allure of senior communities is the presence of organized activities for residents.
While residents are not required to participate in activities, many seniors enjoy the opportunity to have an active social life.
The best community is one that meets its residents' needs.
When investigating a community, always schedule a tour and ask to meet the other residents if possible.
For example, some retirement communities offer local transportation for their residents.
Independent senior facilities differ from assisted living facilities in that prospective residents must be in good health and be self-sufficient.
They are able to come and go as they please, with many residents even keeping their own vehicles for transportation.
A state-licensed facility, nursing homes provide 24-hour nursing care as well as a professional health staff that attends to the physical, emotional, day-to-day, and recreational needs of the residents.
A professional staff is available 24 hours a day, and a variety of activities are available for residents.
Sunrise nursing care centers promote both the physical and emotional health of their residents.
Facilities are regulated by the state to host no more than six-to-eight residents.
A personal visit will also help you observe the cleanliness of the facility, mobility hazards, and the interaction between the staff and residents, otherwise known as the "warmth index."
Also, don't hesitate to ask for details about the facility's management, staffing criteria and ongoing training, and references from other residents and their family members.
Some nursing home residents enjoy the company of a roommate, while others prefer the privacy and quiet of a single room.
Do the residents seem content to be there?
Good security keeps unwanted visitors out and keeps residents safe inside the building.
Consider volunteering in a nursing home in whatever capacity you can to improve the quality of life for residents, especially if your loved one lives there, and see firsthand what's going on.
How many residents are allowed at the home?
How are visitors and residents treated by the staff?
What is the general appearance and health of the residents?
Does the home encourage socialization and interaction among the residents?
What is the daily schedule of the residents?
It has been estimated that abuse of residents, in the form of physical, psychological, sexual, or financial abuse, occurs in about one-third of nursing homes.
Part of the problem is that a number of nursing homes do not have adequate numbers of staff to care for its residents properly.
Other low-income residents under the age of 65 may qualify for property tax deferral programs as well.
In fact, the site brags that there have been five marriages among residents!
The community offers residents the choice of cottages, studios, one-bedroom apartments, or two-bedroom suites.
Their goal is that residents never feel they have been removed from their homes; Retirement Inn wants to be "home".
Signs of trouble include many residents who are sad or unresponsive, poorly groomed, and bad odors in the residence areas.
Are the residents ignored when they need assistance?
If so, try another facility that takes better care of the residents.
Is there enough staff to care for the residents?
Are residents left to fend for themselves at mealtime?
Too many thin residents may signal nursing home neglect.
In the last 17 years, Spokane has grown by roughly 20,000 residents, and has become a popular place for retirees.
Residents receive no supervision in this type of living arrangement.
The staff conducts medication monitoring and the residents receive assistance with daily activities such as hygiene, meals, and transportation.
Often a simple just because or I'm thinking of you gift lifts the spirits of those living alone, or are residents in nursing homes or assisted living facilities.
Is it important that you live in a senior apartment complex that offers activities and outing to residents?
Once you get to the point where you are looking at apartments, be sure to ask a few of the current residents how long they have been living there and what their impressions of the place are.
Another advantage to moving into a retirement community is the opportunity to socialize with other residents.
A facility that has a lot of long-term residents who are happy with their living arrangement is one that is worth considering.
In care facilities, asking residents individually about what they'd like to do is a thoughtful approach.
For people working in care facilities where outings are frequent, take a poll of the residents to find out how many people would like to play with animals for 30 minutes or so, and plan a bi-weekly trip.
Residents of the apartments can participate in the nursing home's functions and events, and nursing care is available if needed for minor things such as medication reminders and aid with meals.
Many apartment complexes offer a rich senior program and even provide buses or transportation for their senior residents.
Finally, you may want to chat with some of the other residents of the apartment complex and see what their experiences there have been like.
For example, some residents may require assistance with bathing and dressing while other residents are able to do these activities on their own.
A continuing care retirement community offers residents the chance to move from one type of housing arrangement to another as their care needs change.
Usually the residents move into the community and live independently.
Residents are given the opportunity to stay free at any holiday retirement community located in North America while they are traveling.
Senior communities frequently offer activities to help residents find friendship and pursue active pleasures.
An assisted living facility provides seniors with the help they need in their activities of daily living, known as ADLs, while allowing residents to live as independently as possible for as long as they can.
Residents in assisted living facilities receive help in many areas of everyday life.
Each service plan is updated on a regular basis to assure the needs of all of the residents are met as health conditions and limitations change.
These facilities are like senior dorms, giving their residents opportunities to interact with people their own age.
Residents have access to everything they need to enjoy retirement.
Even though the residents no longer have the ability to participate in normal daily activities and care for themselves, the goal of a nursing home is to raise the quality of life.
Typically, seniors living in congregate housing do not have their own kitchens and have their meals in a communal dining room with the other residents.
The facilities usually include common recreation areas where residents can socialize, play cards or simply enjoy each other's company.
Many times a club house or social center provides activities for residents to interact.
This gives residents the ability to live independently while they can, but to transition to a nursing home environment as needed, while still being close to friends.
A poorly-managed complex usually breeds disgruntled residents, while a well-maintained community may have a waiting list for those who want to move in.
While some residents have sharp minds, but may have physical limitations, other residents may experience decline in cognitive functions.
When nursing home residents take part in activities, the benefits of participation far outweigh the benefits of any one activity in and of itself.
The types of activities that a nursing home provides depends partially on the health and interests of the residents.
It is essential that all residents have the opportunity to participate in activities even if their activity or participation is somewhat modified.
For instance, an Alzheimer's patient may enjoy sitting in a wheelchair quietly moving back and forth as other residents take part in a sing along.
Many activities in nursing homes are carried out with just the residents and staff members.
Many nursing home residents enjoy making decorative items for their rooms and gifts for family members and friends.
Everyone enjoys playing games, including residents in nursing homes.
Games give residents the opportunity to laugh and share their laughter.'s Nursing homes section provides a section on activities and therapies for nursing home residents with an overview of each type.
Fun activities keep residents active and involved in life while maintaining their sense of independence and purpose.
The company prides itself on providing quality care for their residents in an ethical, compassionate and nurturing way.
They each provide residents recovering from injuries or illnesses with short and long-term healthcare in private or semi-private rooms.
Chartiers Manor offers residents a choice of several different floor plans including companion suites and private rooms.
Residents can bring their own furniture and accessories if they desire or they can move in to fully furnished living areas.
Each American Senior Living Communities facility provides residents with quality care in a nurturing and caring environment.
Activities for long-term care residents depend on the physical mobility and mental acuity of each resident.
For both mental and physical health, long-term care residents need to be challenged with activities that are both entertaining and perceived as worthwhile by the resident.
Activities should also help the residents retain, and even regain, their physical and mental capabilities.
Residents in long-term care usually have physical or mental limitations.
Auctions - Auction off inexpensive donated items, having residents pay with scrip or donate the proceeds to a charity.
Memory-impaired residents may find auction "rules" difficult to understand.
Other residents who were gardeners when they had their own homes will especially enjoy this activity; others will be empowered by making things grow.
Maps and clues can be created in advance and residents can work individually and in teams.
Yoga and other exercise programs - Physical exercise and stretching will improve overall health and help residents maintain positive mental attitudes.
Computer games may be frustrating for residents with dementia.
Puzzles - Puzzles with large pieces are suitable for residents with visual impairments and fine motor skill problems brought on by arthritis.
Reading - Large type books and books on CD can be provided to residents with visual or auditory limitations.
Dish gardens and bonsai trees - For those who can't get around a garden, these gardens can come to the residents.
Birthday and holiday parties - Planning and preparing for holiday parties should involve residents, if possible.
Readings of prose or poetry - Some memory impaired residents may enjoy these activities.
Residents with auditory limitations can use assistive devices to enhance hearing.
Music from earlier eras - Similar to classic radio programs, music from their youth may have a positive and calming effect on residents with dementia.
Storytelling recorded on video or audio - Residents may be able to narrate stories from their own pasts.
There are many activities for long-term care residents besides those mentioned here.
Most residents in a retirement village live there full-time and receive some amount of services.
Residents will typically rent or lease a space, while others might choose to own.
These communities typically offer townhomes, condominiums, apartments, or mobile homes for residents.
Jensen Residential Communities is a senior living community, with homes both for sale and for lease, but with the benefit of being for residents over the age of 55.