Resident Sentence Examples
Every city had a large number of resident aliens.
Each year a payment is made to each resident of Alaska.
It seems like you've become the resident veterinarian and the vacation is over.
On the outbreak of the Boer War in 1899, these same chiefs, at a great meeting held in the presence of the resident commissioner, gave a further protestation of their loyalty to Her Majesty.
The Territory is administered, under the direction of the governor, by a resident commissioner, who is also the chief judicial officer.
The resident, Freytag, was not a very wise person (though he probably did not, as Voltaire would have it, spell "poesie" "poeshie"); constant references to Frederick were necessary; and the affair was prolonged so that Madame Denis had time to join her uncle.
A resident was placed at his court.
Out of his long life of eighty years, sixty were spent amid its lakes and mountains, first as a schoolboy at Hawkshead, and afterwards as a resident at Grasmere (1799-1813) and Rydal Mount (1813-1850).
Perhaps a closer approximation would be to rate the creole element (whites of European descent) at 10%, as in Colombia, and the mixed races at 70%, the remainder consisting of Africans, Indians and resident foreigners.
Frankfort, nominally a free city, but with a Prussian resident who did very much what he pleased, was not like Gotha and Leipzig.
AdvertisementThe reason for the decrease in the resident City population is to be found in the rapid extension of business premises, while the widening ramifications of the outer residential areas are illustrated by the increase in the later years of the population of the Outer Ring.
Pugin, who was long a resident here.
In the magistracies the authority of the chiefs and indumas (headmen) is exercised under the control of resident magistrates.
Moreover, the missionaries were to be unmolested and a British resident was to be accepted.
A Resident was appointed who was to be the channel of communication between the chiefs and the British government.
AdvertisementThe British resident was withdrawn in October 1879.
About 1759 Bryan went to Jamaica, and joined his uncle, who engaged a private tutor to complete his education, and when Bayly died his nephew inherited his wealth, succeeding also in 1773 to the estate of another Jamaica resident named Hume.
Dobbo, on a small western island, is the chief place; its resident population is reinforced annually, at the time of the west monsoon, by traders from that quarter, who deal in the tripang, pearl shell, tortoise-shell, and other produce of the islands.
France is directly represented in Tunisia by a minister resident-general, and by an assistant resident.
At Rishire, some miles south of Bushire, and near the summer quarters of the British resident and the British telegraph buildings, there are extensive ruins among which bricks with cuneiform inscriptions have been found, showing that the place was a very old Elamite settlement.
AdvertisementHis grandfather, Sir James Leighton, also a physician, was long resident at the court of St Petersburg.
The actual boundaries between animals and plants are artificial; they are rather due to the ingenious analysis of the systematist than actually resident in objective nature.
They own a chief sheikh, resident at Jeba`a, and have the reputation, like most heretical communities in the Sunni part of the Moslem world, of being exceedingly fanatical and inhospitable.
Amboyna, the chief town, and seat of the resident and military commander of the Moluccas, is protected by Fort Victoria, and is a clean little town with wide streets, well planted.
The cultivators consist of two classes - the resident husbandmen (thani) and the nonresident or migratory husbandmen (pahe).
AdvertisementThe first account of the Tatra Mountains was written by Georg Buchholz, a resident of Kesmark in 1664.
It was erected under the will of his daughter Frederica, a resident of Ealing.
Six judges - a chancellor, a chief justice, and four associate justices - of whom there shall be at least one resident in each of the three counties, and not more than three shall belong to the same political party, are appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, for a term of twelve years.
The population is 29,400,000, the vast majority of whom are resident in the plain country.
Audubon states that the mocking-birds which are resident all the year round in Louisiana attack their travelled brethren on the return of the latter from the north in autumn.
It has a much wider range on the American continent than the mocking-bird, and is one of the few species that are resident in Bermuda, while on more than one occasion it is said to have appeared in Europe.
All male citizens over twenty-one years of age and resident in the state for one year and in the county or election precinct for six months immediately preceding election (except paupers, idiots, lunatics, felons, United States soldiers, marines and seamen, and persons who have taken part, either as principal or second, in fighting a duel or in sending a challenge) have the right of suffrage.
There is an assistant Resident at Merawkay, whose immediate chief is the Dutch Resident at Ternate, and who is the civil administrator of the province of southern Dutch New Guinea.
Many hill towns once thriving have long since become abandoned, desolate and comparatively inaccessible; though with the development of the summer resident's interests many will probably eventually regain prosperity.
In 1832 there were ten resident legal voters within the borough and nine out-voters.
His great reputation and the influence of Sir William Boswell, the English resident, with the states-general procured his election in 1643 to the chair of mathematics in Amsterdam, whence he removed in 1646, on the invitation of the prince of Orange, to Breda, where he remained till 1652.
The Bermudas are a British crown colony, with a governor resident at Hamilton, who is assisted by an executive council of 6 members appointed by the crown, a legislative council of 9 similarly appointed, and a representative assembly of 36 members, of whom four are returned by each of nine parishes.
Among the inscriptions one of the most interesting is the letter of the Tyrian merchants resident at Puteoli to the senate of Tyre, written in 174, asking the latter to undertake the payment of the rent of their factory, and the reply of the senate promising to do so.
From 1737 to 1740 William Hunter was his resident pupil, and at one time they proposed to enter into partnership. In 1740 Cullen took the degree of M.D.
For judicial purposes the province is divided into twenty-four divisions, in each of which is a resident magistrate, who has limited civil and criminal jurisdiction.
Stuart, but he remained British resident until July 1852.
The British Resident had, however, no force sufficient to maintain his authority, and Moshesh and all the neighbouring clans became involved in hostilities with one another and with the whites.
The distinction between real and nominal sovereignty was familiar to medieval writers, who recognized a double sovereignty, and distinguished between (1) the real or practical sovereignty resident in the people, and (2) the personal sovereignty of the ruler (Adolf Dock, Der Souveranitaitsbegrif, &c., p. 13).
By many writers sovereignty is regarded as resident not in any one organ, but in the Gesammtperson of the community (Maitland, Political Theories of the Middle Ages, xliii.).
The suffrage is granted to all males resident in an election precinct for ten days, in the county for thirty days, in the state for six months, in the United States for one year, and 21 years of age, except those under guardianship or insane, and those convicted of treason or felony, unless restored to civil rights.
After filling several subordinate posts, he was appointed in 1801 assistant to the British resident at Poona, at the court of the peshwa, the most powerful of the Mahratta princes.
In 1804, when the war closed, he was appointed British resident at Nagpur.
After spending about a year in Calcutta arranging the report of his mission, Elphinstone was appointed in 1811 to the important and difficult post of resident at Poona.
While the mask of friendship was kept up Elphinstone carried out the only suitable policy, that of vigilant quiescence, with admirable tact and patience; when in 1817 the mask was thrown aside and the peshwa ventured to declare war, the English resident proved for the second time the truth of Wellesley's assertion that he was born a soldier.
Since 1867 Penang has been under the administrative control of a resident councillor who is responsible to the governor of the Straits.
Of Europeans and Americans there are between 1300 and 1500, mostly resident in Bangkok.
But he exercised a wholesome influence over the more earnest students of history among the resident graduates.
For European justice the High Court of Justice is established at Batavia; there are councils of justice at Batavia, Semarang and Surabaya,with authority not only over Java but over parts of the Outposts; there is a resident court of justice in each residency.
But the last half of the 18th century marks the most brilliant period in the literary history of Geneva, whether as regards natives or resident foreigners, while in the succeeding half century the number of Genevese scientific celebrities is remarkable.
George Cabot lived for many years in Beverly, which he represented in the provincial congress (1779); Nathan Dane (1752-1835) was also a resident; and it was the birthplace of Wilson Flagg (1805-1884), the author of Studies in the Field and Forest (1857), The Woods and By-Ways of New England (1872), The Birds and Seasons of New England (1875), and A Year with the Birds (1881).
The last three were governed by beys dependent upon the representative of the Porte resident at Algiers.
Of the British possessions among the islands of the Pacific, Fiji is a colony, and its governor is also high commissioner for the western Pacific. In this capacity, assisted by deputies and resident commissioners, he exercises jurisdiction over all the islands except Fiji and those islands which are attached to New Zealand and New South Wales.
In 1672 he was ordained priest, and remained till 1681 as under-chaplain at Nesne, a little parish near his birthplace; for eight years more he was resident chaplain at Nesne; and at last in 1689 he received the living of Alstahoug, the most important in the north of Norway.
He travelled in France and visited the cities of Italy, returning in the autumn of 1646 to Paris, where he became intimate with Sir Richard Browne, the English resident at the court of France.
The resident foreigners, who are mostly Spaniards, Italians, Germans and British subjects, numbered less than 8000 in 1904; immigration is, however, encouraged by the easy terms on which land can be purchased from the state.
All are chosen by popular vote for four years and are ineligible for immediate re-election, and each must be at least 30 years of age and must have been a resident citizen of the state for two years next preceding his election.
The committee of management consists of thirty-six laymen, six of them being foreigners resident in or near.
Although long resident in Bagdad he devoted much of his poetry to the praise of Aleppo, and much of his love-poetry is dedicated to Alwa, a maiden of that city.
He agreed to receive a British resident, and was in turn to receive a subsidy and support against foreign attack.
But in September of the same year his revolted troops attacked the British residency, and the resident, Sir Louis Cavagnari, and his staff and suite were cut to pieces.
At its May session in 1742 the General Court of Massachusetts forbade itinerant preaching save with full consent from the resident pastor; in May 1743 the annual ministerial convention, by a small plurality, declared against "several errors in doctrine and disorders in practice which have of late obtained in various parts of the land," against lay preachers and disorderly revival meetings; in the same year Charles Chauncy, who disapproved of the revival, published Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England; and in 1744-1745 Whitefield, upon his second tour in New England, found that the faculties of Harvard and Yale had officially "testified" and "declared" against him and that most pulpits were closed to him.
A royal commission, appointed by the duc de Choiseul to examine the constitutions, convoked a private assembly of fifty-one archbishops and bishops under the presidency of Cardinal de Luynes, all of whom except six voted that the unlimited authority of the general was incompatible with the laws of France, and that the appointment of a resident vicar, subject to those laws, was the only solution of the question fair on all sides.
A candidate for the presidency must be a native-born Mexican citizen in the full exercise of his political rights, 35 years of age, not an ecclesiastic, and a resident of the republic at the time of the election.
The New River flows through the parish, and Sir Hugh Myddleton, its projector, was for some time resident here.
Among other noteworthy places are Mokko-Mokko, with the old British fort Anna; Pasar Bintuhan, and Lais (Laye), the former seat of the British resident.
Thus ended the Balinese domination of Lombok, and the island was placed under direct Dutch-Indian control, an assistant resident being appointed at Ampanam.
Lombok is now administered from Bali by the Dutch resident on that island.
The climatic conditions of the Persian Gulf particularly seem to predispose to this disease, for it very frequently attacks white persons resident there, especially if they are exposed to dietetic hardships.
To restore this prosperity had for about a century before 1921 been the secular mission of Great Britain in these lands, the British resident in the Persian Gulf, acting as the representative of the Government of India, being the umpire to whom by long custom all parties on both coasts appealed and who had by treaties been entrusted with the duty of preserving peace.
D own to the time of Mehemet Ali the only foreigners permanently resident in the country were the members of various monastic orders, and a few traders, such as the French merchants of Acre.
A resident was left at the capital, Massenia, but on Gentil's withdrawal Rabah descended from Bornu and forced sultan and resident to flee.
Within a few months the British resident, Sir Louis Cavagnari, was treacherously attacked and massacred, together with his escort, and a second war became necessary.
About the same time in the extreme north the post of British resident in Gilgit was re-established, and the supremacy of Kashmir over the adjoining petty chiefships of Hunza-Nagar was enforced (1891-1892).
In 1877 Lowell, who had mingled so little in party politics that the sole public office he had held was the nominal one of elector in the Presidential election of 1876, was appointed by President Hayes minister resident at the court of Spain.
On his return to India in 1796 he became military secretary to Sir Alured Clarke, commander-in-chief at Madras, and afterwards to his successor General Harris; and in 1798 he was appointed by Lord Wellesley assistant to the resident at Hyderabad.
There is a fort, built about 1850, and a small military force is at the disposal of the Portuguese resident.
The administration of the province is carried on under a governor-general, resident at Loanda, who acts under the direction of the ministry of the colonies at Lisbon.
He erected a stone pillar at the mouth of the river, which accordingly took the title of Rio de Padrao, and established friendly relations with the natives, who reported that the country was subject to a great monarch, Mwani Congo or lord of Congo, resident at Bonza Congo.
In 1888 a Portuguese resident was stationed at Salvador, and the kings of Congo became pensioners of the government.
In 1752, constrained to secure some position in the world, he accepted a tutorship in a family resident in Livonia, but only retained it a few months.
The resident population was in 1885, 12,779; in 1895, 14,862; and in 1905, 16,238; but the number of visitors exceeds 70,000 annually.
The entire direction of the administration was then taken over by the Japanese resident general, who was given the title of governor-general.
Japan secured ample compensation; and the Chinese resident, aided by Chinese troops, deported the Tai-won-Kun to Tientsin.
China, always esteemed in Korea, consolidated her influence under the new conditions through a powerful resident; prosperity advanced, and certain reforms were projected by foreign "advisers."
Somewhat serious emeutes followed in Seoul and elsewhere, and the Japanese proposals for a new convention, increasing the powers of the resident general, had to be presented to the cabinet under a strong guard.
In December 1878 Frere sent the Zulu king an ultimatum, which, while awarding him the territory he claimed from the Boers, required him to make reparation for the outrages committed within the British borders, to receive a British resident, to disband his regiments, and to allow his young men to marry without the necessity of having first "washed their spears."
At high altitudes the mountain plover is found; the dusky grouse haunts the forests above 8000 ft.; the white-tailed ptarmigan is resident in the alpine regions; and on the plains are found the prairie sharp-tailed grouse and the sage-hen.
The homestead of a householder who is the head of a family or of any resident of the state who has attained the age of sixty years is exempt, to the value of $1500, or 160 acres of land, from execution and attachment arising from any debt, contract or civil obligation other than taxes, purchase money or improvements, so long as it is occupied by the owner or his or her family, and the exemption inures for the benefit of a widow, widower or minor children.
The establishment of Dutch trading-posts on the west coast of Borneo dates from 1604, nine years after the first Dutch fleet, under Houtman, sailed from the Texel to dispute with the Portuguese the possession of the Eastern trade, and in 1608 Samuel Blommaert was appointed Dutch resident, or head factor, in Landak and Sukedana.
During the occupation of Java by the British an embassy was despatched to Sir Stamford Raffles by the sultan of Banjermasin asking for assistance, and in 1811 Alexander Hare was despatched thither as commissioner and resident.
A British resident is stationed about a mile north of the town.
The former agrees surprisingly with that given by the only other foreign resident we know of, Pyrard de la Val, two hundred and fifty years later.
Butler was from boyhood a resident of Lowell, where he began to practise law in 1841.
The turkey-buzzard and the barn-owl are resident.
To be entitled to vote one must be a male citizen of the United States and twenty-one years of age; have been a resident of the state for two years, of the county, city, or town for one year, and of the election precinct for thirty days next preceding the election; have paid, at least six months before the election, all state poll taxes assessed against him for three years next preceding the election, unless he is a veteran of the Civil War; and have registered after the adoption of the constitution (1902).
The governor must be at least thirty years of age, a resident of the state for five years next preceding his election; and, if of foreign birth, a citizen of the United States for ten years.
One party must be a resident of the state for one year preceding the commencement of a suit for a divorce.
In other words, a force is of the nature of a bound or localized vector; it is regarded as resident in a certain line, but has no special reference to any particular point of the line.
When this process of replacement is complete, each terminated side of the funicular is the seat of two forces which neutralize one another, and there remain only two uncompensated forces, viz., those resident in the first and last sides of the funicular.
There are a large American Mission with schools, orphanage and a resident doctor, a French (Dominican) Mission with schools, and also a branch of the archbishop of Canterbury's Mission to the Nestorian Christians who live in the mountains to the south.
Whilst very numerous, particularly amongst the low-caste population, in western, central and northern India, resident adherents of Kabir's doctrine are rare in Bengal and the south; although there is hardly a town in India where strolling beggars may not be found singing songs of Kabir in the original or as translated into the local dialects."
The British resident estimated in 1904 that at least 3000 loads of British cotton goods, which he valued at 5 a load, were imported.
There are 8072 churches with resident priests, and 4076 mission churches - in all 12,148, to which must be added 3358 chapels.
But the government in Rome had a plan of its own, and a certain Tigranes, long resident in Rome, but a stranger to the Armenians, was sent out, and Corbulo was obliged reluctantly to seat him on the Armenian throne.
He became a resident of the United States in 1853, and graduated.
While resident in Italy for his health from 1845 to 1847, he occupied himself with researches on the electrical organ of the torpedo and on nervous organization generally; these he published in1853-1854(Neurologische Untersuchungen, Gottingen), and therewith his physiological period may be said to end.
A special levy on the class of resident aliens (µEToiKtov), probably paralleled by a duty on slaves, was in force.
The ministers of the "three denominations of dissenters," - Presbyterians, Independents and Baptists, - resident in London and the neighbourhood, had the privilege accorded to them of presenting on proper occasions an address to the sovereign in state, a privilege which they still enjoy under the name of "the General Body of Protestant Dissenting Ministers of the three Denominations."
The permanent residents are generally limited to the major-domo and his family; and in the dry season labourers are hired, of any colour that can be obtained - some from the low country, others from the highlands - for three, four, or five months, who gather in and grind the cane, and plant for the harvest of the following year; but the staff of resident Indian labourers, such as exists in the farms of the sierra, cannot be kept up in the Yungas, as these half-warm valleys are called.
The town is the seat of the Dutch resident of South and East Borneo.
His first minister was the incapable duke of Bourbon, who in 1725 procured the repudiation of the Spanish princess, to whom the king had been betrothed, and his marriage to Maria Leszczynska, daughter of the exiled king of Poland, then resident in Alsace.
Grant, who was a resident of Galena at the outbreak of the Civil War.
Emigrants numbered 584,259 men and 424,566 women between 1851 and 1900, these figures helping to account for the considerable excess of women over men in the resident population, which in 1900 was as 1049 to 1000.
Also, the governors are now, as a rule, resident in theii provinces instead of being absentees at the capital.
So the rival faction brought out another .Arsacid, resident among the Scythian nomads, Artabanus II., who easily expelled Vononesonly to create a host of enemies by his brutal cruelty, and to call forth fresh disorders.
At their head was the Religious supreme Mobed, resident in Rhagae (Rai), who was re- Developgarded as the successor of Zoroaster.
The Sufi or Safawid (Safawi) Dynasty (149g1736).Sheikh Saifu d-Din Izhak lineally descended from Musa, the seventh Sb Ikh imamwas a resident at Ardebil (Ardabil) southS,,ffi,.d.DIfl.west of the Caspian, some time during the I4th century.
Meshed had been taken and retaken as though he were not a resident in it, much less its dejure king.
Nominally the sultan is still ruler, but virtually his powers were greatly curtailed by his conventions with the Dutch-Indian government, under which he surrendered, with the concurrence of his grandees, many of his former rights to the Dutch resident, who became the de facto governor of the easternmost colonial possessions of Holland, especially since the transfer of Dutch New Guinea in 1901.
Among the rights surrendered by the sultan of Ternate to the Dutch were those of granting monopolies and mining concessions, now vested in the Dutch resident.
Moffat, the British resident at Bulawayo, to enter into a treaty with Lobengula, the Matabele chief.
In 1820 he was sent by the Hamburg senate as resident minister to the Prussian court.
But he made a close friend in one of the resident fellows, Edward Talbot, son of William Talbot, then bishop of Oxford, and afterwards of Salisbury and Durham.
In May 1806, with James Monroe, then minister at London, he was commissioned to treat with the British government concerning the capture of neutral ships in time of war; in 1807-1811, after Monroe's return to America, he was resident minister in London.
In London he acted with Sir Henry Ashurst, the resident agent, and had two or He was so christened "because of the never-to-be-forgotten increase, of every sort, wherewith God favoured the country about the time of his nativity."
This toleration is tacitly extended to resident foreigners belonging to other religious sects.
In the absence of any of His Majesty's ships he is senior naval officer; he looks after men left behind as stragglers, or in hospital or prison, and sends them on in due course to the nearest ship. He is also empowered by statute to advance for the erection or maintenance of Anglican churches, hospitals, and places of interment sums equal to the amount subscribed for the purpose by the resident British subjects.
Congress retained ultimately direct control of all government, administration being in the hands of resident officials appointed by the president and Senate.
At the head of the executive department is the governor, who is elected for two years, and who at the time of his election must be at least thirty years of age and must have been for five years a citizen of the United States, and for the two years immediately preceding a resident of the state.
The Kano-Sokoto campaign in 1903 rendered necessary a temporary withdrawal of the British resident from Bauchi, and comparatively little progress was made until the following year.
When Lord Lake broke the Mahratta power in 1803, and the emperor was taken under the protection of the East India Company, the present districts of Delhi and Hissar were assigned for the maintenance of the royal family, and were administered by a British resident.
In 1832 the office of resident was abolished, and the tract was annexed to the North-Western Provinces.
Delhi, once more attacked by a Mahratta army under the Mahratta chief Holkar in 1804, was gallantly defended by Colonel Ochterlony, the British resident, who held out against overwhelming odds for eight days, until relieved by Lord Lake.
He must be at least thirty years of age, and must have been a citizen of the United States for a least twenty years, and a resident of the state seven years next preceding his election.
Unless the cause of action is adultery or at least one of the parties was a resident of the state at the time the cause of action arose and has continued to reside there, no suit for a divorce can be begun until one of the parties shall have resided in the state for the two years next preceding.
It was Boccaccio who in the spring of 1351 brought to Petrarch, then resident with the Carrara family at Padua, an invitation from the seigniory of Florence to accept the rectorship of their recently founded university.
History-writing in Rome, - except for the Greek writers resident there, - was until the first half of the 1st century B.C. in the form of annals.
Finally it may be mentioned that a small number of Englishmen, chiefly resident in Liverpool and London, have embraced Islam; they have a mosque at Liverpool.
Its administration rests in the hands of the various executive departments, and is partly exercised by a governor and other resident officials appointed by the president.
Alexander Baranov (1747-1819); chief resident director of the American companies (1790-1819), one of the early administrators of the new company, became famous through the successes he achieved as governor.
Sometimes the Oberstaat - to use a convenient expression - is content to insist upon the presence of a resident, who guides the policy of the native ruler.
The governor's term of office is two years (before 1879 it was one year); and the constitution further directs that he shall be at least thirty years of age at the beginning of his term, that he shall be a native-born citizen of the United States, that when elected he shall have been a resident of the state for five years, and that he shall reside in the state while in office.
Every senator and every representative must at the beginning of his term have been for five years a citizen of the United States, for one year a resident of the state, and for three months next preceding his election, as well as during his term of office, a resident of the township or district which he represents; and every senator must be at least twenty-five years of age.
An act for restricting the sale of such liquors was passed in 1846; the first prohibitory act was passed, largely through the influence of Neal Dow, in 1851; this was frequently amended; and in 1884 an amendment 1 An unincorporated township containing less than 200 inhabitants may, on the application of three resident voters, be organized as a plantation, but does not pay state or county taxes unless by special legislative order.
Gambel's partridge is resident in the southern part of the state, and the sage-hen and sharp-tail grouse on the plains.
No person is eligible to either house who is not a citizen of the United States, twenty-five years of age, a resident of the state for three years and of the district from which he is chosen for one year.
The Supreme Court is composed of three justices (but the number may be increased to five whenever the legislature shall deem it expedient) each of whom must be thirty years old, learned in the law, and a resident of the state for five years preceding his election.
The The Gwalior contingent of Sindhia's army mutinied in the middle of June, and on the ist of July Holkar's troops revolted at Indore, and the resident, Henry Durand, was forced to leave the residency.
The first five years of his life were passed at Leith Fort, where his father, a captain in the Royal Artillery, was then resident.
After the RussoJapanese War (1905) he was appointed resident general in Korea, and in that capacity he was responsible for the steps taken to increase Japanese influence in that country.
He continued for some years in favour with the king, who made him a knight of the Garter; but, having killed a man in a passion, he fled abroad and was entertained at the court of the emperor Maximilian, and afterwards at that of Philip, king of Castile, when resident in the Low Countries before his departure for Spain.
In man, too, there is a Logos which is his characteristic possession, and which is ivBcaeeros, as long as it is a thought resident within his breast, Cf.
The number of Turkish merchants resident in the country was limited.
The principal grounds for divorce are impotence, bigamy, adultery, conviction of felony or other infamous crime subsequent to the marriage or before the marriage if unknown to the other party, desertion or habitual drunkenness for one year, such cruel or barbarous treatment as to endanger the life of the other, such conduct as to render the condition of the other intolerable, and vagrancy of the husband; but before applying for a divorce the plaintiff must reside in the state for one year immediately preceding, unless the cause of action was given within the state or while the plaintiff was a resident of the state.
The resident population is increased in summer by an influx of peasantry, of whom during the season 5000 to 6000 are employed in curing tobacco and preparing it for export.
The British element of the community is largely resident in the towns, and is generally engaged in trade or in professional pursuits; but in the eastern provinces the bulk of the farmers are English or German; the German farmers being found in the district between King William's Town and East London, and on the Cape Peninsula.
The councils are presided over by a civil commissioner who is also usually resident magistrate.
In each division of the province there is a resident magistrate with primary jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters.
This court consists of two judges of the supreme court and one other member, hitherto the civil commissioner or the resident magistrate of Kimberley.
Besides the usual magistrates in these territories, there is a chief magistrate, resident at Cape Town, with two assistants in the territories.
An ordinance passed in 1827, abolishing the old Dutch courts of landroost and heemraden (resident magistrates being substituted) and decreeing that henceforth all legal proceedings should be conducted in English; the granting in 1828, as a result of the representations of the missionaries, of equal rights with whites to the Hottentots and other free coloured people; the imposition (1830) of heavy penalties for harsh treatment of slaves, and finally the emancipation of the slaves in 1834,3 - all these things increased the dislike of the farmers to the government.
This decision created the strongest resentment among the people of the territory, as it was in distinct 1 The act enjoined that " every male native residing in the district, exclusive of natives in possession of lands under ordinary quit-rent titles, or in freehold, who, in the judgment of the resident magistrate, is fit for and capable of labour, shall pay to the public revenue a tax of ten shillings per annum unless he can show to the satisfaction of the magistrate that he has been in service beyond the borders of the district for at least three months out of the previous twelve, when he will be exempt from the tax for that year, or unless he can show that he has been employed far a total period of three years, when he will be exempt altogether."
Cable, who became a resident of Northampton in 1886.
The right of suffrage is conferred by the constitution upon all white male citizens twenty-one years of age and over who have resided in the state during the six months immediately preceding the election, and upon every white male of the required age who has been a resident of the state for six months, and who, one year before the election, has declared his intention of becoming a citizen and who has resided in the United States for one year and in the state for six months prior to the election.
The constitution provides that no Chinaman, not a resident of the state at the time of the adoption of the constitution, shall ever hold any real estate or mining claim, or work any mining claim in the state.
The chief executive functions are vested in a governor, who is elected for a term of four years, and who must be at least 30 years old and must have been a resident of the state for three years before his election.
The total population (1901) is 2 5,468, 209, of which 18,515,587 are resident in British territory and 6,908,648 in native states.
The Peabody Institute, founded in 1859 by George Peabody, who was for some years a resident of Baltimore, is an important factor in the promotion of science, literature and the fine arts.
Having one day been told by Sir Isaac that he had composed a new system of chronology while he was still resident at Cambridge, she requested him to give her a copy.
It is administered by a resident commissioner.
Native laws and customs are generally respected and the chiefs exercise civil jurisdiction over their tribesmen, subject to appeal to the resident commissioner's court.
Later on, in 1887, both Boers and gold prospectors of all nationalities were overrunning his country, and Umbandine asked for a British resident.
In December 1906 the control of Swaziland was severed from the governorship of the Transvaal and transferred to the High Commissioner for South Africa, and in March 1907 a resident commissioner was appointed.
Diplomacy had hitherto been occasional and intermittent, and embassies rare; now we get resident ambassadors carrying on a regular correspondence (see DIPLOMACY).
Resident French ambassadors in England only begin in the 16th century, and later still those from the emperor, the German and Italian states other than Venice.
There is also the correspondence of foreign ambassadors resident in England with their governments.
Pufendorf quitted Jena in 1637 and became a tutor in the family of Petrus Julius Coyet, one of the resident ministers of Charles Gustavus, king of Sweden, at Copenhagen.
Suffrage was originally granted to every male' twenty-one years of age or upwards resident in the state for one year preceding any election - if he were a white citizen of the United States, or a white of foreign birth who had declared his intention to be naturalized, or an Indian declared by Congress a citizen of the United States, or a civilized person of Indian descent not a member of any tribe; and the constitution provided that the legislature might by law give suffrage to others than those enumerated if such an act of legislature were approved by a majority of the popular vote at a general election.
For any other cause than adultery an action for a divorce cannot be brought unless one of the parties has been a resident of the state for two years immediately preceding the suit.
A homestead owned and occupied by any resident of the state and consisting of not more than 40 acres of agricultural land outside the limits of a city or village, or one-fourth of an acre within a city or village, together with the dwelling-house and other appurtenances, is exempt from liability for debts other than labourers', mechanics' and purchase-money liens, mortgages and taxes.
Rindge, a onetime resident, whose benefactions to Cambridge aggregated in value $650,000.
No real reform resulted, and in 1874 an attempt at poisoning the British resident led to the gaekwar being formally accused of the crime and tried by a mixed commission.
The government was put into the hands of a mutessarif resident at Sheikh Saad, under whom are kaimakams at Suweda and Salkhad.
Warden, then British resident north of the Orange, selected the site as the seat of his administration.
This council carries on the government of the whole Beni country, and is presided over by a British resident.
After being educated at Berlin, Gottingen and Jena, in the last of which places he formed a close and lifelong friendship with Schiller, he married Fraulein von Dacherode, a lady of birth and fortune, and in 1802 was appointed by the Prussian government first resident and then minister plenipotentiary at Rome.
The reluctant young widow was ordered to proceed on her way to Mittau to take over the government of Courland, with the Russian resident, Count Peter Bestuzhev, as her adviser.
The king appoints a governor-general (landshofoingi) who is resident in the island and carries on the government on the responsibility of the minister.
An elector must be able to read or write (unless he or an ancestor was a voter in 1866 or then lived in some foreign nation) and must be 21 years old, and a resident of the state for one year, in the county six months, and in the election precinct 30 days, and women have the privilege of voting at school meetings.
Thus in 1 757 it was the first to be taken by Suraj-ud-dowlah, the nawab; and the resident with his assistant (Warren Hastings) were taken as prisoners to Murshidabad.
A British resident and a detachment of Hausa troops are stationed at Ibadan.
There are 66 resident (stipendiary) magistrates, and four police magistrates in Dublin.
By a treaty signed on the 17th of December it was agreed that the foreign relations of Madagascar should be directed by France; that a resident should live at the capital, with a small guard of French soldiers; and that the Bay, of Diego-Suarez, together with surrounding territory, should be ceded to France.
These demands were refused by the native government, and other conditions were offered; but the French envoy, together French In- with the resident's escort, left the capital, as also did vasion and the French traders and others, including the large Conquest, Jesuit mission.
Of the three arms of the Danube, the Kilia, the 1 Sir Charles Hartley became consulting engineer in 1872, when he was succeeded as resident engineer by Mr Charles Kahl, C.E., C.M.G.
He began his journalistic career with the Daily News, of which he became part proprietor just before the Franco-German War, and he was himself the author of the Letters of a Besieged Resident, sent to that newspaper from Paris by balloon post during the siege, addressed to his wife in London.
He was, however, clearly a Hellenistic Jew, probably resident in Alexandria or Asia Minor.
At the time of the Afghan invasion of Mir Mahmud (1722), Malik Mahommed Kaiani was the resident ruler in Seistan, and by league with the invader or other intrigue he secured for himself that particular principality and a great part of Khorasan also.
Its buildings include a chapel, a dining hall, a library, a lecture theatre, laboratories, classrooms, private studies and dormitories for the students, apartments for resident professors, and servants' offices; also a museum containing a collection of anatomical and pathological preparations, and mineralogical, botanical and geological specimens.
There are resident consuls of all the principal powers, and the port is well served by coasting steamers under European and Ottoman flags.
On his return he joined two of his friends, Dolben and Fell, afterwards respectively archbishop of York and bishop of Oxford, then resident at Oxford, and later joined the household of Sir Antony Cope of Hanwell, near Banbury.
We also note the same generous inclusion of the household slaves and of the resident alien as well as the fatherless and widow that characterizes the autumnal festival of "Booths."
Meanwhile he had made interest with the French government by lending it money, and was appointed resident at Paris by the republic of Geneva.
A British resident of the first class has been placed at Sokoto and assistant residents at other centres.
On the 2nd of January 1906 a treaty was made whereby the sultan of Brunei agreed to hand over the general administration of his state to a British resident.
The remaining family may, till further knowledge, be allowed to, cover four remarkable species, three of them resident on Anthozoa, one on an echinoderm.
Electors of the council must be natural-born or naturalized subjects of the king, twenty-one years of age, resident in Tasmania for twelve months, and possessing a freehold of the annual value of £ro or a leasehold of the annual value of 30 within the electoral district; the property qualification being waived in the case of persons with university degrees or belonging to certain professions.
Every resident of Tasmania for a period of twelve months who is twenty-one years of age, natural-born or naturalized, is entitled to have his name placed on the electoral roll, and to vote for the district in which he resides.
Towards the close of the 4th century it had become usual for the bishop to appoint resident presbyters to defined districts or territories, to which the term "parish" came gradually to be applied (see also Diocese).
The administration is conducted by a political resident, who is also the military commandant.
The empire soon recovered Edessa, but the resident made himself independent.
The archipelago, which has some small trade in copra, cotton and cotton seeds, is administered by a French resident, and has a total population of about 4300, nearly all natives.
The right of suffrage is given to every male citizen of the United States who has attained the age of twenty-one years and has been a resident of the state for one year, provided he has paid his poll tax and has not been convicted of bribery, larceny or other infamous crime.
Each judge must be at least thirty-five years of age and have been a resident of the state for five years before his election.
The plaintiff must be a resident of the state for two years before filing a petition for a divorce.
Polk (Democrat), a resident of the state, lost its electoral vote in 1844.
He was the resident cynic and nay-sayer and now the first to jump in and embrace this scary opportunity.
He added, Someone might want to get word to that dame in Boston who's appointed herself resident expert on the Psychic Tipster.
Howie was as hyper as the rest of us so it took our resident clairvoyant an interminable time to regress.
She in return, expressed her thanks for, as she said, being appointed the resident authority on the Psychic Tipster.
As the sole living resident of the underworld with human origins, Gabriel was often reminded of how different he remained.
Now you're Bird Song's resident expert on girls of the night!
Byrne, a nine-year resident of Parkside, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Homer might not have been a resident, but he was murdered in our bus terminal!
Naturally, as a Hampton resident Garrick was noticed by Walpole who rather disparaged his social standing as a wine merchant turned actor.
An interested party is, for example, a resident or a business in the vicinity.
State, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the Contracting State in which he has an habitual abode.
Francois, the Ulysses resident dentist, repaired my tooth, saying the epoxy glue applied in Cape Town would have caused an abscess.
You can be ordinarily resident in a country from which you are temporarily absent, or two places at once.
Pam Greenway who is our hard working resident accompanist at rehearsals, joined the singers on this occasion.
Where the proposed assignee is not resident in the United Kingdom.
Our resident astrologer, Bill Anderton has been practicing astrology for over twenty years.
Doñana has a very rich and diverse avifauna, with a total of over 360 species of resident and migratory birds.
A resident barn owl also lives at the crag in the second born crack.
The hotel has a resident beautician who will be delighted to help you look your best.
The degree and pattern of resuspension determine the impact to resident biota.
A walk here with little Mass, the resident birder, should reveal more birds than you might find on your own.
There is a farcical problem currently of a Clifton resident who applied to widen his gates to get a double buggy through.
The municipal authorities are a mayor, one justice, and two bailiffs, all elected annually by the resident burgesses.
A domestic resident company limited by shares is usually formed for the purposes of carrying on local business.
To maintain the items stored in them, the centers had two resident caretakers who lived on site.
A resident caretaker lived in the house at the back.
An official who is a resident of the province where he administers the duties of his office can keep a concubine... .
The trustees took no steps to manage the potential conflict of interest of leasing the Lodge from their resident employees.
Another resident reported that youths congregate in the old cowshed near the Ferry Loch.
The flooded crater of the southernmost island has a resident population of unnaturally large crocodiles.
However, Article 15 provides certain derogations where permanent resident status can be acquired prior to the four year period.
Whether you run a mobile disco or are a resident DJ we have some exciting products on offer.
Milke is the collaboration of esteemed producer Friendly who is also resident DJ at The End's Chew the Fat!
Hi im Jules I Have Been in the disco karaoke buisness for over 10 years both resident and as a mobile DJ.
They are taught by resident staff and university dons.
One resident was keeping his medication in an unlocked drawer in his unlocked bedroom.
A Lower Largo resident says a local beauty spot has become more like a rubbish dump than a nature reserve.
We also now have resident little egrets, these birds were unusual summer visitors from southern Europe until recent years.
When we arrived at the Ythan Estuary we searched the first Common eiders we found to try and locate the resident King Eider.
Ian [resident theater electrician at the Civic] left to go to Bristol.
The synonyms are often poetic, evocations of the many spirits resident within a single word.
This dive involves swimming out over some large boulders, with a good chance of seeing some large resident grouper.
If you have a question related to jobs that isn't addressed on the site, ask our resident career expert.
If you're planning to go to work in Finland, you'll need to obtain a residence permit for an employed person unless you are a resident of one of the European Union nations.
If you plan to stay more than three months, you'll need to apply for a resident's permit.
If you have a permanent resident status or a temporary (or permanent) work permit, you are eligible to apply for most jobs.
Be a legal resident of the United States.
The only time it will be required to be paid back is if the home ceases to be the main resident of the taxpayer within the first three years after the purchase of the property.
Just because the parent is not a resident of the home, it does not mean that they are not equally responsible for the mortgage payment.
The resident must own and occupy the dwelling that needs the repairs.
Below are just a few favorites to try out with your friends and family, whether you are a local resident or tourist visiting San Francisco for the first time..
With movies like Resident Evil and Zombieland invigorating the zombie movie genre, more and more enthusiasts of the undead want to play board games along the same lines at home.
Try to personalize your letters instead of addressing them to "friend" or "current resident."
If you are a resident or visitor of any of these cities and their surrounding areas, contact the local Chamber of Commerce for information regarding recreational activities.
For every Resident Evil or Grand Theft Auto the industry releases, there are countless family friendly titles available for most age groups.
Whether you are visiting the Atlanta area or you are a resident, it is possible to find a spring break camp for kids in Fulton Co., Georgia.
Long-time Utah resident Robert Redford chaired the inaugural Board of Directors.
Post it here, and resident movie experts will do our best to answer it for you!
The typical "Top Lists" you find are often for places that don't promote their resident ghosts, much less provide any opportunities for guests to participate in ghost-related paranormal activities.
Review the discounts page on the Web site for details on free community days, Chicago resident discounts, Bank of America customer discounts and more.
Whether you are a Michigan resident or a visitor to the Great Lake State, Detroit Zoo coupons can help you enjoy one of the state's most popular family-friendly attractions at a good discount.
She meets her resident advisor Noel played by Scott Foley and the foundation for the love triangle of the series is set between Felicity, Ben and Noel.
Mascolo has played Salem's chief evil resident, Stefano DiMera since 1982.
Everybody loves to hate Sami Brady (Sami Brady Horton DiMera) and Allison Sweeney has played the role of Salem's resident trouble maker since 1992.
In Salem, everyone has their roles and Blake Berris' role of Nick Fallon is resident geek.
In Season four, Bailey earned a promotion to Chief Resident, an honor her character and actor richly deserved.
The Chandlers, the Cooneys, the Cortlandts, the Martins and the Kanes are the Pine Valley resident families that viewers tune in day after day.
Sookie meets Bill Compton, first official vampire resident of her town, Bon Temps, and falls in love.
Mia (played by Nina Dobrev) is Degrassi's resident teen mom.
While Tara enjoyed getting to know Eggs, another resident of Maryann's, Sam Merlotte was not so excited to see the woman.
The album features fourteen songs including Would I Lie to You by Elliot and Cho, Restraining Order sung by Cho and Baby, I Need Your Loving by Ben Feldman (resident guardian angel Fred).
Callie becomes Chief Resident and tells George she wants to have a baby.
This site showcases the show, allowing visitors to read about certain episodes and look through galleries of photographs of the tattoos created by the resident artists.
You don't have to be a resident of the Islands to flaunt a Hawaiian tattoo.
Even if you're not an Australian resident, you may still find it valuable to consider all IYTA has to offer.
Whether you're a resident or a visitor, sometimes it's worth the effort to try one of the most popular yoga classes in New York City.
Eileen Miller is a resident of Oregon State who is dedicated to promoting autism awareness.
Internet Explorer is also needed for resident applications available on some websites.
Guests finish with an indulgent dessert, baked on premises by the resident pastry chef.
Whether you're a new resident or on vacation, you'll find great places to grab a quick bite or a romantic dinner.
This timely guide for serious athletes is written by Peak Performance ' s resident nutrition guru, Andrew Hamilton.
A 5-course gourmet dinner will be presented to the accompaniment of our resident harpist.
Many European villages had resident herbalists; and many of these traditional remedies were brought to America.
There was a resident manager and, possibly, also a resident housekeeper.
Pupils are attached to one of six houses, each of which has a resident housemaster or housemistress.
Two assistant housemasters, two visiting tutors together with a resident matron give excellent support to the house parents.
One resident felt that this whole project was a blot on the landscape; the black humps reminded others of German helmets!
The elderly female resident suffered smoke inhalation in the incident which destroyed her home.
The organism also has the ability to adhere to the upper small intestine, an area with no normal resident flora.
In the Walled Garden itself you can see new resident Blacksmith hard at work making decorative ironwork in his working forge.
Who is lurking in the ruined tower, and why have the resident jackdaws been disturbed?
But Mrs Trudi White, a Hockerton Housing Project resident, said the mood at the development was now jubilant.
In small forest streams, fish predation by birds is still high as every reach has its resident kingfisher.
Maybe Inga did just go on the boat trip opines Antonio, the resident lady-killer?
Crown Derby china dating from the same time and belonging to the last resident laird, adds to the picture.
A coin operated launderette is located on campus for the use of resident students.
From the coastguard lookout tower scan the sea for signs of the Firth's resident bottlenose dolphins.
Power of resident magistrate to order dead body to be removed to mortuary or buried forthwith.
During a brief two minute hearing before resident magistrate Ken Nixon Mr Rush spoke only once to confirm he understood the charge.
From this venue, our guests can watch for passing dolphins, rays, and even our resident manatee.
In addition, each boarding house has a resident matron.
To navigate the maze you need a special suit that protects you from the attacks of the resident monsters.
Needless to say, I was of great interest to the resident med students making their rounds in the internal med students making their rounds in the internal medicine wing.
The species is resident in the UK and is generally not migratory.
Over the wall is the old farm pool, with a resident moorhen.
The dive finishes on the shallow reef, where the guests can see a large resident moray.
Cocktails seemed almost obligatory as we mingled with members and guests dancing to the funky music provided by the resident DJ.
The need for an experienced obstetrician to be resident in the maternity unit throughout the 24-hour period was universally recognized.
Its the kind of movie you can revist often, if only to find another plot oddity... ' Resident Evil 2?
Ode to Ben I couldn't leave without singing an ode to Ben I couldn't leave without singing an ode to LG's new Editor, our resident Russian spy.
We ask UK resident members to pay a one-off minimum membership fee of £ 10.
There are times when a piano or guitar is more suitable but try telling that to a resident organist!
If you bring in another organist it is usual to pay the resident organist's fee.
She was also a resident cocktail pianist at The Basil Street Hotel, Knightsbridge for several years.
Neasden resident Sadie McEwan made a heartfelt plea to Cllr John.
You can also see the red panda, another resident of the Eastern Himalayas!