Reside Sentence Examples
They reside in small towns and mud forts scattered along the coast.
For a century, from Maximian to Maximus (286-388), it was (except under Julian, who preferred to reside in Paris) the administrative centre from which Gaul, Britain and Spain were ruled, so that the poet Ausonius could describe it as the second metropolis of the empire, or "Rome beyond the Alps."
A plaintiff must reside in the state one year before filing an application for a divorce.
It may be that in particular cases particular modes of cultivation disfavour the host; or that the soil, climate or seasons do so; but overwhelming evidence exists to show that the principal causes of epidemics reside in circumstances which favor the spread, nutrition and reproduction of the pest, and the lesson to be learnt is, that precautions against the establishment of such favoring conditions must be sought.
In 1857 he went to reside at Lisbon, where he died on the 21st of December 1862.
He therefore determined to reside wholly in the south of Europe, and in the autumn of 1882 he settled near Marseilles.
No Jews or Christians are allowed to reside there.
While leaving intact the general houses of the various confraternities (except that of the Jesuits), the bill abolished the Religious corporate personality of religious orders, handed over Bill, their schools and hospitals to civil administrators, placed their churches at the disposal of the secular clergy, and provided pensions for nuns and monks, those who had families being sent to reside with their relatives, and those who by reason of age or bereavement had no home but their monasteries being allowed to end their days in religious houses specially set apart for the purpose.
He escaped to France in February 1813, and returned to Spain in 1814, but was not allowed to reside at Madrid till 1816.
Born in Edinburgh on the 28th of January 1784, he lost his father in 1791 and his mother in 1795; and as his grandfather regarded him with indifference, he went to reside with Henry Dundas, afterwards Viscount Melville.
AdvertisementHe was afterwards promoted in the Academy to the place of Maupertuis, and went to reside in Paris.
In 1341 the two girls left Penafiel; Costanca's marriage was celebrated in the same year, and the young infanta and her cousin went to reside at Lisbon, or at Coimbra, where Dom Pedro conceived that luckless and furious passion for Inez which has immortalized them.
There are hot sulphurous springs in the town, which has also a fine climate; and many of the wealthy families from Malaga reside here in summer.
The treasury was managed by two chamberlains; and every five years the Paduans sent one of their nobles to reside as nuncio in Venice, and to watch the interests of his native town.
The compulsory education law as amended in 1907 and 1909 requires the full attendance at a public school, or at a school which is an approximate equivalent, of all children who are between seven and fourteen years of age, are in the proper physical and mental condition, and reside in a city or school district having a population of 5000 or more and employing a superintendent of schools; in such a city or district children between fourteen and sixteen years must attend school unless they obtain an employment certificate and are regularly engaged in some useful employment or service; and outside of such a city or district all children between the ages of eight and fourteen years and those between fourteen and sixteen years who are not regularly employed must attend school on all school days from October to June.
AdvertisementHe also forbade Calvinist ministers to reside in the Chablais, and substituted Catholic for Huguenot officials.
These, in their turn, forced the nobles to leave their castles, and to reside for at least a portion of each year within the walls.
Numerous wealthy families reside here, and the town has a trade in olive-oil, silk and velvet.
He had already, in 1808, removed from Kinderhook to Hudson, and in 1816 he took up his residence in Albany, where he continued to reside until he entered Jackson's cabinet in 1829.
There were in the Transvaal some ro,000 British Indians, whose right to " enter, travel or reside " in the country was secured by the London convention of 1884.
AdvertisementOwen, of the Church Missionary Society, to reside at his great kraal, and Owen was with the king when in November 1837 he received Pieter Retief, the leader of the first party of Boer immigrants to enter Natal.
One of the most interesting was carried out in 1900 for the London School of Tropical Medicine by Dr Sambon and Dr Low, who went to reside in one of the most malarious districts in the Roman Campagna during the most dangerous season.
Communal independence had probably been acquired as early as the end of the 10th century, but the first of the popes to reside in Orvieto and to recognize its communal administration was Hadrian IV.
It is probable that after the time of the synoecism the nobles who had hitherto governed the various independent communities were obliged to reside in Athens, now the seat of government; and at the beginning of Athenian history the noble clans form a class which has the monopoly of political privilege.
The capital of the province is Edmonton, and here reside the lieutenant-governor and cabinet.
AdvertisementSultan Veled flourished during the reign of ` Osman I., though he did not reside in the territory under the rule of that prince.
At the age of ten he composed a tragedy under the inspiration of Caesarotti's translation of the Ossianic poems. On the marriage of his twin sister Rosina with a maternal cousin at Lyons he went to reside in that city, devoting himself during four years to the study of French literature.
Returning to Paris she espoused Prince Camillo Borghese (August 23, 1803) and went to reside with him in Rome.
The duke of Bavaria offered to dispense with teaching, if he would only reside, and would have named him on these terms to a chair in his new university of Ingolstadt, with a salary of zoo ducats, and the reversion of one or more prebendal stalls.
Moreover, during the earlier years of his reign, he was obliged to reside for the most part in Lithuania, where his tranquilizing influence was needed.
Many of the chief nobility were Calvinists, and the Socini came to reside in the country.
In 1838 Darby went to reside in French Switzerland, and made many disciples.
From 1815 to 1848 it shared with Zurich and Lucerne the supreme rule (which shifted from one to the other every two years) in the Swiss confederation, while in 1848 a federal law made Bern the sole political capital, where the federal government is permanently fixed and where the ministers of foreign powers reside.
We will also try to make landings at Nightingale Island where millions of seabirds ranging from Yellow-nosed albatrosses to Brown Noddies reside.
If there is a balance remaining on the card on the expiration date, cardholders can receive a refund check for the balance, according to state law where they reside.
Its communication by Castelli to Galileo in 1641, with a proposal that Torricelli should reside with him, led to Torricelli repairing to Florence, where he met Galileo, and acted as his amanuensis during the three remaining months of his life.
No viceroy even pretended to reside continuously.
In 1654 Lightfoot had been chosen vice-chancellor of the university of Cambridge, but continued to reside by preference at Munden, in the rectory of which, as well as in the mastership of Catharine Hall, he was confirmed at the Restoration.
In summer most of the richer residents reside on the Lebanon, and in winter the governor of the Lebanon and many Lebanon notables inhabit houses in Beirut.
Here Cowper was to reside for nineteen years, and he was to render the town and its neighbourhood memorable by his presence and by his poetry.
The new church was consecrated early in 1577, and the clergy of the pew society at once resigned the charge of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, but Neri himself did not migrate from S'an Girolamo till 1583, and then only in virtue of an injunction of the pope that he, as the superior, should reside at the chief house of his congregation.
Soon afterwards he received the college living of Moreton Pinkney, though he did not reside there, and in 1761 he became curate at Faringdon, near Selborne, a position which he held until in 1784 he again became curate in his native parish.
In 1702 he was appointed rector of Wem in Shropshire, but continued to reside at Oxford, where he died on the 14th of December 1710.
He was elected to the French Academy in 1862, and in 1868 he was made librarian of Fontainebleau palace, where he had to reside for a month or two in each year.
On the downfall of the Napoleonic regime Eugene retired to Munich, where he continued to reside, with the title duke of Leuchtenberg and prince of Eichstadt.
Polybius was arrested with 1000 of the principal Achaeans, but, while his companions were condemned to a tedious incarceration in the country towns of Italy, he obtained permission to reside in Rome.
The court of civil appeals, which in 1907 was substituted for the court of chancery appeals, is also composed of five judges not more than two of whom shall reside in the same grand division.
Second floor apartment D showed the name Burgess but C, where J. Cleary was to reside, was also empty.
Man becomes amorous through the senses, which, touch excepted, all reside in the head.
Substance does not reside in Him and the quality of substance do not befall Him.
One may reside in a province without it being the person's original birthplace.
To reduce clutter, report images now reside in their own folder.
Genital Warts are similar to common warts that you may get on your fingers, however the reside on human genitalia.
An ad impression is not to be confused with a page view since several ads may reside on one page.
I had a short walk, but was somewhat intimidated by the hostile dogs which reside in sheds and the like.
The Large and small Magellanic Clouds reside 160,000 light-years and 210,000 light-years from us, respectively.
These boot managers can also getting around the limits within which a bootable partition normally had to reside in.
Three of these four galaxies show nearly the same redshift, indicating that they reside at the same distance from us.
In the case of intestinal schistosomiasis, the worms reside in the blood vessels lining the intestine.
Nevertheless, Rangers reside in Division Two and were favorites to win through to a second-round tie away at Macclesfield or Forest Green.
Over and above the authority delegated to the ordinary councils or courts, a reserve of judicial power was believed to reside in the king, which was invoked as of grace by the suitors who could not obtain relief from any inferior tribunal.
He was unable, owing to the opposition of the divines and of the merchants, to secure the full recognition of the right to reside in England of the former who had for some time lived in small numbers and traded unnoticed and untroubled in the country; but he obtained an opinion from two judges that there was no law which forbade their return, and he gave them a private assurance of his protection, with leave to celebrate their private worship and to possess a cemetery.
From Winchester he removed to Oxford in 1811, where he became a scholar at Corpus Christi College; in 1815 he was elected fellow of Oriel College; and there he continued to reside until 1819.
In the rest of the country they had not been allowed to reside in the villages, because their habits of keeping vodka-shops and lending money at usurious interest were found to demoralize the peasantry, and even in the towns their numbers and occupations had been restricted by the authorities.
All are of the malignant type, to be propitiated only by acceptable offerings from persons who desire to visit the locality where it is supposed to reside.
The executors and Nicanor are to take charge of Herpyllis, " because," in the words of the testator, " she has been good to me," and to allow her to reside either in the lodging by the garden at Chalcis or in the paternal house at Stagira.
He insisted on the imperative duty of bishops and clergy to reside in their benefices, publishing at Venice (1547) his discourse to the council De necessaria residentia personali, which he treated as juris divini.
The plaintiff must reside in the state for one year immediately preceding his or her application for a divorce unless the parties were married in the state and the applicant has resided there since the marriage.
A feature of Kolozsvár is the large number of handsome mansions belonging to the Transylvanian nobles, who reside here during the winter.
She flourishes most alone, far from the towns where they reside.
Athletes must also reside at an English address or be studying at an English HEI.
Sites of this nature should reside on a dedicated server.
Make sure you can still boot Word Juggler and access the versions of these programs that reside on the hard disk before continuing.
The clients and server components can also reside on the same machine.
Frequently, such clients have not formed any settled intention about where they intend to reside permanently.
For example, if the owner and a tenant reside in the same dwelling, the owner is liable.
The New Addams Family is an updated version of the popular mid-sixties series about a decidedly off-beat family who reside in an eerie mansion.
Buying these cards online can be a good option for people who want to buy gift cards for friends or family, yet who do not reside near a Starbucks location.
Once all of the documents are signed in front of a notary, they are filed with the couple's County Clerk's office where they reside.
Child support enforcement agencies are directed to pursue their work to locate non-custodial parents (and collect child support payments owing) in the same vigorous manner, no matter where the children involved happen to reside.
If you do not reside in a community property state, you may use equitable distribution for the division of property and assets.
Joint custody also means the children reside in both parents' households by way of a mutually agreeable and fair schedule.
The definition of family is "two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another and usually reside in the same dwelling."
Instead, prep your materials in your shop, but assemble and do the finishing work in the room where the bed will reside.
Since it's such an intensely personal room it should be a reflection of the people who reside in it and be indicative of his, her, or their personality or personalities.
Bedrooms should always reflect the personalities of the people who reside in them, so it should be the teenager in question who makes the final decisions.
Ultimately, no matter where you reside, all modeling agencies basically operate in the same manner.
These are mini programs that reside in a directory and run in the background.
Anger, and our fight or flight instincts reside in the amygdale, a very primitive part of the brain.
Many beneficial bacteria strains that reside in your intestines are extremely sensitive to pH changes in the body.
Whether you are planning a destination trip or want to get married in the city where you reside, a wedding and event planner in the area is sure to have plenty of ideas to make your dream wedding come true.
The,, king and the government reside for at least three months in the year in Nish, where also the national assembly, before the constitution of 1g01, was regularly held.
The principal landowners, who reside in fortified houses, are all Moslems; their estates are cultivated on the metayer system.
The population of the peninsula includes about 850,000 Chinese, mostly immigrants or descendants of immigrants from the southern provinces of China, of whom about 300,000 reside in the colony of the Straits Settlements, 365,000 in the Federated Malay States,.
Before she was sixteen she married Prince Mikhail Dashkov, a prominent Russian nobleman, and went to reside with him at Moscow.
She was directed not to reside within forty leagues of Paris, and after considerable delay she determined to go to Germany.
The act was unquestionably one of odious tyranny, but it is impossible not to ask why she had put herself within reach of it when her fortune enabled her to reside anywhere and to publish what she pleased.
Latex, though chiefly secreted in vessels or small sacs which reside in the cortical tissue between the outer bark and the wood is also found in the leaves and sometimes in the roots or bulbs.
Practically no other form of worship exists in the country than that of the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant and other denominations holding their services in inconspicuous chapels or private apartments in the larger cities, where considerable numbers of foreigners reside.
There are, further, " settlements " where members of the various bodies may reside in order to devote themselves to philanthropical work; and these include clubs, recreation rooms and other institutions for the use of the poor.
To the east of the town a large Arab village had grown up, inhabited for the most part by natives of Egypt and Cyrenaica, who acted as boatmen, porters and servants, but since the fall of the Turkish government most of these have quitted the island; while about a mile off on the rising ground is the village of Khalepa, where the consuls and merchants reside.
The archduke Ferdinand offered a pension of 400 florins, if he would only come to reside at Vienna.
They met frequently in London, often at Gresham College; some of the members also had meetings at Oxford, and in that city Boyle went to reside in 1654.
She appointed an agent to reside at Rome, and a papal agent, a Scotsman named George Conn, accredited to her, was soon engaged in effecting conversions amongst the English gentry and nobility.
All taxes on savings banks are distributed to the towns in which the depositors reside, the tax on non-resident depositors constituting a Literary Fund which is distributed to the towns on the basis of the number of pupils in each.
The judgment of the synod was enforced by the deposition and in some cases the banishment of Remonstrant ministers; but the government soon became convinced that their party was not dangerous to the state, and in 1630 they were formally allowed liberty to reside in all parts of Holland and build churches and schools.
The Jan are now a subterranean commonwealth, now they reside in ruinous places, like the fairies in the Irish raths.
Every membet must reside in.
After studying at Padua, he went to reside at Rome, and was received with great favour by Pope Clement VIII., who made him his private chamberlain.
Being mostly Englishmen, they preferred to reside in the portion of their diocese within the gate, and Drogheda, being a walled town, was less liable to attack from the natives.
By the terms of this surrender the king was not to reside in Hanover, his officers were to take no further part in the war, and his ammunition and stores became the property of Prussia.
Both he and his college took kindly the amazing proceeding of his mother, who left her husband and her home to reside in Oxford, that she might watch over her son's health.
Though less superstitious than the Tahitians, the idolatry of the Sandwich Islanders was equally barbarous and sanguinary, as, in addition to the chief objects of worship included in the mythology of the other islands, the supernatural beings supposed to reside in the volcanoes and direct the action of subterranean fires rendered the gods objects of peculiar terror.
The village is small, containing only twenty or thirty huts, in which reside the Brahmans and the attendants of the temple.
Johns (1771-1845), in George Street, Manchester, where his daily round of laboratory work and tuition was broken only by annual excursions to the Lake district and occasional visits to London, "a surprising place and well worth one's while to see once, but the most disagreeable place on earth for one of a contemplative turn to reside in constantly."
The story of modern missions in China begins with Robert Morrison of the London Missionary Society, who reached Canton in 1807, and not being allowed to reside in China entered the service of the East India Company.
Belawan is the harbour to Deli, but the capital is Medan, where the sultan and the Dutch resident reside.
Moreover Gregory strictly forbade monks to minister in parish churches, ordaining that any monk who was promoted to such ecclesiastical cure should lose all rights in his monastery and should no longer reside there.
In 1482 he went to reside at Mirandola with his old friend and fellowstudent, the illustrious Giovanni Pico.
On the north-west frontier reside about 10,000 Walloons, who speak French or Walloon as their native tongue.
Of Belgians living abroad it is estimated that 400,000 reside in France, 15,000 in Holland, 12,000 in Germany and 4600 in Great Britain.
This continued long after the battle of Worringen (1288) had finally secured for the city full self-government, and the archbishops had ceased to reside within its walls.
Taking up his abode in Fetter Lane, London, on his return, and continuing to reside there for the sake of intellectual society, even after renewing his old ties with the earl of Devonshire, who lived in the country till the Restoration,4 he worked so steadily as to be printing the De corpore in the year 1654.
Even after the rise of Nineveh as the capital of the kingdom and the seat of the civil power, Assur continued to be the religious centre of the country, where the king was called on to reside when performing his priestly functions.
The emperor fled into Dalmatia, and continued to reside at Salona until his assassination by two of his own officers in 480, possibly at the instigation of Glycerius, who had been compelled to enter the church and had been appointed bishop of Salona.
There is frequent communication daily by steamer with the railway piers at Craigendoran and Gourock, and Glasgow merchants are thus enabled to reside here all the year round.
Tahir decided to reside at Bagdad, sending a deputy to Egypt to govern for him; and this example was afterwards followed.
Technically, therefore, the preliminary convention still remains in force, and in reality the Ottoman commissioner continued to reside in Cairo till the close of 1908.
Accordingly, in September 1679, the latter repaired to Utrecht, while shortly afterwards James's friends so far gained ground as to obtain for him permission to reside at Edinburgh instead of at Brussels.
The captaingeneral and second commandant of the archipelago reside in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and there is a brigadier-governor of Grand Canary, residing in Las Palmas, besides eight inferior military commandants.
By this convention the complete success of the British political and military operations seemed to have been attained; for whereas Shere Ali had made a treaty of alliance with, and had received an embassy from Russia, his son had now made an exclusive treaty with the British government, and had agreed that a British envoy should reside permanently at his court.
The peshwa himself surrendered, and was permitted to reside at Bithur, near Cawnpore, on a pension of £80,000 a year.
A treaty was entered into with his son, Yakub Khan, at Gandamak, by which the British frontier was advanced to the crests or farther sides of the passes and a British officer was admitted to reside at Kabul.
Two years later he was elected king of the Romans at the diet of Nuremberg in opposition to Otto IV., and in 1220 he was crowned emperor in Rome by pope Honorius III., but continued to reside in Sicily.
He did not, however, wish to reside in Damascus, but transplanted the seat of government to his own town, Harran in Mesopotamia.
Mamun was in no haste to remove to Bagdad, but continued to reside at Merv.
He was afterwards made tutor to the young princes de Chablais and de Carignan, and continued to reside principally at Turin during the remainder of his life.
He then went to Camden, New Jersey, to live and continued to reside in that city till his death on the 27th of March 1892.
Having been warned that he would never again cross the Forth, the king went to reside in Perth just before Christmas 1436.
The principal departments, whose chiefs reside at the capital, are the treasury, the land and survey, the public works, the constabulary, the medical and the judicial.
A feature of Kolozsvár is the large number of handsome mansions belonging to the Transylvanian nobles, who reside here during the winter.
The government of the country was in the hands of the London Company, which in turn committed administrative and local affairs to a governor and council who were to reside in the colony.
There are British, Russian and French consuls who reside in the Gardens.
According to the Basava-purana he early in life renounced his caste and went to reside at Kalyana, then the capital of the Chalukya kingdom, and later on at Sangamesvara near Ratnagiri, where he was initiated into the Vira Saiva faith which he subsequently made it his life's work to propagate.
Vallabha himself went subsequently to reside at Benares, where he died.
It was enacted by the act of 1829 that " every Jesuit and every member of any other religious order, community or society of the Church of Rome bound by monastic or religious vows " was, within six months after the commencement of the act, to deliver to the clerk of the peace of the county in which he should reside a notice or statement in the form given to the schedule to the act, and that every Jesuit or member of such religious order coming into the realm after the commencement of the act should be guilty of a misdemeanour and should be banished from the United Kingdom for life (with an exception in favour of natural-born subjects duly registered).
In 1884 he became professor of mathematics and astronomy at the Johns Hopkins University, continuing, however, to reside at Washingtion.
Aho then went to reside in France, where he made a close study of the methods of the leading French novelists of the newer school.
Just as the emperor is kami, and provincial officers of rank, so also mountains, rivers, the sea, thunder, winds, and even animals like the tiger, wolf or fox, are all kami.7 The spirits of the dead also become kami, of varying character and position; some reside in the temples built in their honour; some hover near their tombs; but they are constantly active, mingling in the vast multitude of agencies which makes every event in the universe, in the language of Motowori (1730-1801), the act of the Kami.
They reside partly in the British district of the Naga hills and partly in independent territory under the political control of the deputycommissioner of the adjoining districts.
About three-fifths of this number belong to the diocese of Azerbaijan, with a bishop at Tabriz, and reside in the cities of Tabriz, KhoI, Selmas, Urmia and Maragha, and in about thirty villages close to the north-western frontier; the other two-fifths, under the diocese of Isfahan, with a bishop in Julfa, reside in Teheran, Hamadan, Julfa, Shiraz, Bushire, Resht, Enzeli and other towns, and in some villages in the districts of Chahar Mahal, Feridan, Barbarud, Kamareh, Kazaz, Kharakan, &c. Many Persian Armenians are engaged in trade and commerce, and some of their merchants dispose of much capital, but the bulk live on the proceeds of agriculture and are poor.
The Greek Orthodox Catholics are represented by Russians, who reside in northern Persia; they have a church at the Russian legation in Teheran, and another at the Russian consulate in Tabriz.
The Zoroastrians, commonly called gabrs, numbering about 9000, reside principally in the cities and villages of Yezd and Kerman, and only three or four hundred live in Teheran, Kashan, Isfahan and Shiraz, some engaged in trade and commerce, but most of them employed in agricultural work and gardening.
In cities where many nonM ussulinan subjects, reside a special official is appointed to protect them; and the ministry of justice has a special section to look after them and see that they are protected against fanaticism and injustice.
In the latter part of 1857, the Indian rebellion being at its height and the city of Delhi still in the hands of the rebels, a British officer (Major Henry Green) was deputed, on the part of the British government, to reside as political agent with the Khan at Kalat and to assist him by his advice in maintaining control over his turbulent tribes.
In this primitive Pneuma there must reside the utmost tension and heat; for it is a fact of observation that most bodies expand when heated, whence we infer that there is a pressure in heat, an expansive and dispersive tendency.
Though the Jews had always been of compelled to reside in separate quarters called the Jews.
Mather had been acting president of Harvard College in 1681-1682, and in June 1685 he again became acting president (or rector), but still preached every Sunday in Boston and would not comply with an order of the General Court that he should reside in Cambridge.
The opposition to him had been increasing in strength, his resignation was accepted, and Samuel Willard took charge of the college as vice-president, although he also refused to reside in Cambridge.
The status of consuls commissioned by the Christian powers to reside in Mahommedan countries, China, Korea, Siam, and, until 1899, in Japan, and to exercise judicial functions in civil and criminal matters between their own countrymen and strangers, is exceptional to the common law, and is founded on special conventions or capitulations.
As the powers and duties of consuls vary with the particular commercial interests they have to protect, and the civilization of the state in whose territory they reside, instead of abstract definition, we summarize the provisions on this subject of the British Merchant Shipping Acts.
At his death in 1774 an order of his successor banished her to the abbey of Pont-aux-Dames, near Meaux, but, the queen interceding for her, the king in the following year gave her permission to reside at Luciennes with a pension.
Grounds for a divorce are adultery, physical incapacity at the time of marriage, sentence to imprisonment for three years or more, desertion for two years, habitual drunkenness, extreme cruelty, or, in case of the wife, refusal of the husband to provide for her maintenance when sufficiently able to do so; but in case the parties were married outside of Michigan the party seeking the divorce must reside within the state at least one year before petitioning for the same.
The members of this Church were to constitute a millet or community, enjoying equal rights with the Greeks and Armenians; and its head, the Bulgarian exarch, was to reside at Constantinople.
He continued to reside in Cambridge and to hold the professorship till his death, which occurred on the 26th of January 1895.
Unless the cause of action is adultery or at least one of the parties was a resident of the state at the time the cause of action arose and has continued to reside there, no suit for a divorce can be begun until one of the parties shall have resided in the state for the two years next preceding.
The administrator of the islands is the governor of German New Guinea, but a number of officials reside on the islands.
A borough justice is required to take the oaths of allegiance and the judicial oaths before acting; he must while acting reside in or within 7 m.
The governor's term of office is two years (before 1879 it was one year); and the constitution further directs that he shall be at least thirty years of age at the beginning of his term, that he shall be a native-born citizen of the United States, that when elected he shall have been a resident of the state for five years, and that he shall reside in the state while in office.
He then moved to Veytaux, on the shore of the Lake of Geneva, where he continued to reside till the fall of the empire.
Leaving the count's family, he went to reside at Copenhagen, and devoted himself entirely to this new pursuit.
Both before and after his elevation to the deanery of St Patrick's these ladies continued to reside near him, and superintended his household during his absence in London.
The principal grounds for divorce are impotence, bigamy, adultery, conviction of felony or other infamous crime subsequent to the marriage or before the marriage if unknown to the other party, desertion or habitual drunkenness for one year, such cruel or barbarous treatment as to endanger the life of the other, such conduct as to render the condition of the other intolerable, and vagrancy of the husband; but before applying for a divorce the plaintiff must reside in the state for one year immediately preceding, unless the cause of action was given within the state or while the plaintiff was a resident of the state.
He was unable, however, in consequence of ill-health, to reside at Bogota and discharge the presidential duties, and consequently in August 1888 Senor Carlos Holguin was designated to act for him.
Those on the other hand which reside on the ground have much duller, although as a rule equally protective hues.
A considerable number of European pensioners reside here.
After supporting Baliol in his rising against Edward I., Comyn submitted to the English king in 1296; he was sent to reside in England, but returned to Scotland shortly before his death.
Owing to ill-health he applied for leave to reside at Wickham, and in 1712 he removed to London on the plea of poverty, intending to pursue a literary career.
In January 1725 he was seized with a violent cough and inflammation of the lungs, which induced him to reside at Kensington; and in the following month he had a severe attack of gout, which produced a decided improvement in his general health.
He died in 1386 at Fontenay-le-Comte, where he had gone to reside, and was buried at Poitiers.
A few persons reside on the little island Allegranza, a mass of lava and cinders ejected at various times from a now extinct volcano, the crater of which has still a well-defined edge.
In 1180, after another visit to Paris, he was appointed commissiary to the bishop of St David's, who had ceased to reside.
No men were permitted to reside in their country; but once a year, in order to prevent their race from dying out, they visited the Gargareans, a neighbouring tribe.
In Judaism, as in other, especially Oriental, religions, the natural dislike of material defilement has been elevated into a religious sentiment, and made to support a complicated system of quasi-sanitary abstinences and ceremonial purifications; then, as the ethical element predominated in the Jewish religion, a moral symbolism was felt to reside in the ceremonial code, and thus aversion to impurity came to be a common form of the ethico-religious sentiment.
He was admitted to the society of the first scholars and the most eminent nobles of that city; and in 1419 he received an appointment from the state, which enabled him to reside as secretary to the consul-general(baylo) of the Venetians in Constantinople.
The Rumans reside principally in the north-east, near the borders of their native land, and are peasant farmers, like the Serbs.
He threw himself into the arms of Russia, forbade his father Milan to reside in Servia, and followed Russian guidance in all questions of foreign policy.
The name of his mother was Jeanne le Franc; she was the daughter of an innkeeper at Cambrai, who afterwards came to reside at Noyon.
Others reside inland in tiny hamlets within the island`s 11 parishes.
Ideas may be conceived and may reside in some Platonic realm untouched by the business of the world.
I reside in the neighborhood of Grays, and was then landed there.
Meta tags are small snippets of code that reside within the head content of a html page.
Evil, unprofitable states are resident, reside in him.
Flexibility. The flexibility of having someone reside with the family is one of the main benefits of participating in this program.
While you may be given the children's state of residence, you won't be given the city in which they reside.
Light, natural fiber socks are the best option if you reside in a warm and temperate climate.
Isolate him in a contained area as close as possible to where his litter box will reside permanently.
Some pet owners have claimed that clay litters can cause all sorts of health problems for cats, for other household pets that reside in the same home as clay-using cat, and even for pet owners themselves.
Once you get through this initial phase, the cats will likely learn to love one another and reside in harmony.
Vacuuming, dusting and eliminating chemicals from your environment will not only benefit a sensitive kitten, but also any other beings that reside in your home.
The best way to avoid unnecessary vaccines is to keep your animal indoors and limit its exposure to other animals that do not already reside in your home.
Focus on the base of the cat's tail, a favorite location for fleas to reside.
Changing the bank you do business with won't help either; creditors will file a lien request with all of the banks in the state in which you reside.
Depending on the state you reside in, the laws may make it difficult to file if your income is well above the poverty line.
New York residents are not eligible for ID Theft Expense Reimbursement Coverage, but it is offered to people who reside in the other 49 states.
Membership is also available to people who do not reside in these counties but who do work, attend school, or attend a church located within the boundaries of these counties.
In order to make your union legal, you will need to secure a marriage license and file it with the state in which you reside.
Meth users reside all throughout the United States.
In fact, these subtle earth tones are lovely because they are reminiscent of the African plains, where many zebras reside.
They reside in New York City, New York, after selling their Malibu, California home in September 2008 to actor Mel Gibson for $11.5 million.
The pair still reside in Las Vegas so they can be close to their animals' home - "The Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat" - inside the Mirage.
Owen and Fenton currently reside in London with their two daughters, called Eve and Hannah.
Phoebe Cates married Kevin Kline in 1989 and unlike so many other Hollywood couples who split within a couple of months or years, the two are still married as of 2010 and reside in New York City.
Although primarily a commuter school (only 10% of undergraduates reside on campus), the university offers three traditional residence halls (Argo, Martin and Pace Halls), single-student housing, two-student housing and student apartments.
The majority of the students reside in surrounding Lake County.
Students who are not U.S. citizens and who reside in any of the Fulbright program's participating countries may also apply for a grant to study in the United States.
More than thirty percent of students that reside in the state of Colorado who are interested in pursuing degrees in science, math, engineering, and technology do so through their home university at Colorado State University.
Royal Caribbean also provides free airfare to your port of embarkation and back home, regardless of where in the world you reside.
The virus can reside in fecal residue or flecks for over five months.
Planting times for garden vegetables vary depending upon the area of the country in which you reside.
People often use accordion style shutters on vacation homes to deter thieves and make it appear as if people reside in the dwelling all year long.
Celtic crosses and artwork still reside throughout Ireland.
You may be able to purchase items from the EO family of organic products from your local store, especially if you reside near a Whole Foods Market.
Some seniors reside at a nursing home temporarily, following a short-term health crisis, such as recuperation from injury or a hospital stay.
For many, the idea of recreational activities for the elderly focuses primarily upon those who reside in retirement homes.
More than 2,700 animals reside in exhibits scattered throughout the park rather than clustered in one zoo location.
The Mii Channel is the central area where your Miis "reside."
Sean was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, but is said to currently reside at Ken's house, training alongside Ken's son, Mel.
Deer, antelope, elk, and other animals also reside in this Tennessee hunting oasis.
During this time, it is absorbed into the blood and lymphatics from the gastrointestinal tract where it can reside and multiply, sometimes for as long as 17 weeks.
It interacts with immune cells called mast cells, which reside in the skin, airways, and digestive system.
In 1997, the achromatopsia gene was discovered to reside on chromosome 2.
Clutter and dust bunnies that reside under most people's beds cause chi to slow down and eventually stagnate.
Water and metal are the elements of wealth and they reside in the North sector of your home.
These natural oils help calm hair without weighing it down, eliminating hefty reside that can lead to other hair problems.
Casey Lake Summer Play Group - for those who reside in North St. Paul, this play group meets every summer and is open to K-12 grade students and their families.
The amount that has to be paid off should you no longer reside in the home will depend on how much the home is worth at the time.
The owner will reside in the home for the duration of the mortgage.
Many residents choose to reside within the city limits of Chicago, and others choose to live in a suburban area.
Applicants must reside within the United Kingdom, and the interest rate offered on approved mortgages depends highly on the creditworthiness of the applicant.
For example, if you live in Ohio but like to spend your winters in Florida, you may need to reside in your Ohio home more than in Florida.
When the home is foreclosed, the lender or guaranteeing agency takes ownership of the home and the homeowner is no longer considered the legal owner of the home and can no longer reside in the home.
If you reside in the United States, the best place to debut this sexy look would likely be across the beaches of South Beach, Florida.
Singles OK has an impressive database of single people who actually reside within Lawton as well as other Oklahoma singles.
However, if you or your fiancé have lived in more than on location, you should consider placing additional engagement announcements in other newspapers where large numbers of people whom you want to share the news with, reside.
If you are determined to work from home as a freelance writer, you can find work in Maryland or anywhere you reside.
However, if you are the sort of individual who enjoys eating out, then you will have a difficult time dining in ordinary restaurants where foods containing gluten may quietly reside in most of the menu options.
If you wish to work on life lessons, a street address that equals your birth date will bring those opportunities to you while you reside in that home.
While the purpose of the chair has certainly changed, it may continue to reside in a kid's room simply because it's always been there.
Coronation Street is set in a fictional town (as most soaps are) and focuses on the lives and goings on of the families that reside in the Coronation street neighborhood which includes Viaduct, Victoria and Rosamund streets.
In this series, Ben and Lisa reside in Liverpool.
It's no surprise, then, that since its inception, Neighbours has made a habit of casting a bevy of beauties to reside on Ramsay Street.
All soap operas have a few main families that serve as the backbones of the community in which they reside.
From the sparkle of Paris to the heights of the Alps to the alluring shores of the Mediterranean Sea, thrill seekers will travel wherever the roller coasters reside to experience the rush of lifts, drops, and loops.
These dual forks reside within the watch mechanics and allow remarkable precision.
Without a strong foundation of combined scientific and horological engineering, the accurate clock radios the world depends upon today might still reside in the fantastical realm of science fiction.
Further, if school-age children reside in the home and only one computer is available in the household, which you claim, can you reasonably assert the children do not use the 'business computer' for homework?
Finally, the vehicle must have been continuously registered and insured in the state where you reside for at least one year.
These tests are administered through the DMV for the state in which you reside, but there are many places on the Internet where you can read manuals and take practice tests to prepare yourself for the real DMV test.
At the regional level, a squad is typically competing with other squads from the same state where they reside.
That being said, lefties are said to be more creative because they actually are right brained and that's the creative side of where our thoughts reside!
The expense usually depends upon the knowledge and experience of your trainer, as well as where you reside geographically.
International health insurance is a necessity for people who are either frequent travelers or who reside abroad while still maintaining United States citizenship.
If military members and their dependents covered by TriCare Prime reside near a military medical facility, they are expected to seek care there.
The above list is subject to change when the military member and family reside overseas.
This company also serves members who reside in Canada.
Insurance companies that offer online immediate insurance quotes are aware of these stipulations and they will generally show you all of the insurance limits available for the state that you reside in.
If you were to catalog all of those belongings and apply a market value for each one, you may be surprised at the total value of all of your belongings that reside inside that building you're renting.
Assists seniors who reside in North Carolina with Medicare and Medicaid issues through the Seniors Health Insurance Information Program.
Prices also vary according to what state you reside in.
Depending on your situation, including your income and any preexisting conditions, the state you reside in may provide some or all of the health care you need.
Beneficiaries who do not reside near a military installation will have to locate providers approved by Tricare in order to ensure the visit or procedure is covered by Tricare.
Both male and female designers participate in the competition, but the genders reside in separate living quarters when not designing and sewing.
Information is also available on the website regarding previous seasons and where the models who don't reside in the house are now.
Seven former teen idols all reside together on the show, while Scott Baio attempts to revive their careers.
Hefner's girlfriends reside in the Playboy Mansion; some in their own rooms while the preferred girlfriend lives in Hefner's bedroom with him.
In this show, she will actually reside with families who are overweight, encouraging them to eat right and exercise with her own personal style of motivation.
Every season, MTV casts another seven or eight people to all reside together in an interesting location.
She was born and raised in the same area where she now patrols, which is where the poorer folks in the city reside.
A hat with a veil and a container of wasp or hornet spray are recommended if going into an area where yellow jackets reside.
The Canvas is the "chrome" where your application will reside.
These are simply programs that reside on your web server and perform all processing at the web server.
Two missionpriests reside in Turkey, one at Qudshanis with Mar Shimun, the Nestorian Catholicus and Patriarch.
Not until the Tokugawa family obtained military control of the whole empire (I6o3), and, fixing its capital at Yedo, required the feudal chiefs to reside there every second year, did the problem of roads and post-stations force itself once more on official attention.
The exemption from the jurisdiction of the sheriff was recognized in England by the Sheriffs Act 1887, which provides that the sheriff of a county shall appoint a deputy at the expense of the lord of the liberty, such deputy to reside in or near the liberty.
But the interest of the war does not reside wholly in the personalities of the leaders.
Some misunderstanding caused an outburst of ignorant ill-feeling on the part of the students, who proceeded to such lengths that Fichte was compelled to reside out of Jena.
Under what latitudes reside the heathen to whom we would send light?
The Jews were forbidden to reside in the city, but Christians were freely admitted.
In 1757 Voltaire came to reside at Lausanne; and although he took but little notice of the young Englishman of twenty, who eagerly sought and easily obtained an introduction, the establishment of the theatre at Monrepos, where the brilliant versifier himself declaimed before select audiences his own productions on the stage, had no small influence in fortifying Gibbon's taste for the French theatre, and in at the same time abating that "idolatry for the gigantic genius of Shakespeare which is inculcated from our infancy as the first duty of an Englishman."
He continued to reside at Avignon despite the arguments of envoys and the verses of Petrarch, but threw a sop to the Romans by reducing the Jubilee term from one hundred years to fifty.
As has been pointed out above, certain protected Jews were permitted to reside in places where the expulsion of the Jews had been decreed.
This in itself was a serious matter; according to the assizes, the barons maintained, the king must either personally reside in the kingdom, or, in the event of his absence, be replaced by a regency.
Africa, where half the world's hungry citizens reside, has additional challenges.
The causes for a divorce are cruelty, adultery, desertion for three years, or conviction after marriage of a felony and imprisonment in the state prison without being pardoned within one year after conviction; the plaintiff must reside in the county six months before beginning suit.