Reserves Sentence Examples
In certain circumstances, too, the emperor reserves the right to raise fresh loans.
The government possesses large forest reserves.
The crown lands are, in effect, native reserves.
On returning to Eritrea, Baratieri mobilized his nativ reserves and pushed forward columns under Major Toselli am General Arimondi as far south as Amba Alagi.
Her recovery, however, Inter- revealed the immense reserves of her strength.
In view of the fact that the First and Third British Armies were faced with strong positions in the Canal du Nord and the Scheldt canal, which it was advisable to carry prior to the general attack on the Hindenburg line behind the latter obstacle, it was decided that these two armies should open their operations a day earlier than the Fourth Army, so as to draw off the German reserves from the front of that army, which had to deliver the main attack and was faced with the most formidable defences.
The state has forest reserves (918,000 acres in 1910) in 26 counties, the largest areas being in Potter, Clinton, Center, Cameron, Lycoming, Huntingdon, Union and Mifflin counties; and there is an efficient department of forestry under a state commissioner of forestry.
In 1905 the latter was nominated grand master, but the pope reserves the joint right of nomination.
The national government reserves for itself the exclusive right to direct the foreign affairs of the republic, to maintain an army and navy, to impose duties on imports, to regulate foreign commerce, to collect port dues, to issue money and create banks of issue, and to maintain a postal and national telegraph service.
He served in the Northern Campaign under his father-in-law, General Taylor, and was greatly distinguished for gallantry and soldierly conduct at Monterey and particularly at Buena Vista, where he was severely wounded early in the engagement, but continued in command of his regiment until victory crowned the American arms. While still in the field he was appointed (May 1847) by President Polk to be brigadier-general of volunteers; but this appointment Davis declined, on the ground, as he afterwards said, "that volunteers are militia and the Constitution reserves to the state the appointment of all militia officers."
AdvertisementBesides these there are two splendid national reserves, an hour's journey by rail from Sydney, viz.
Other reserves have been constituted in the north of the province.
Large areas of these lands, especially in the northern districts, are used as native reserves.
The extent of the operations and the gravity of the situation now began to be felt in England; every available man was called up from the reserves, and the war office made what at the time appeared to be adequate provision for the waste which it was seen would occur.
This national force is divided into actives and reserves, the strength of the first being fixed by Congress, and all the rest, of unknown number, belong to the latter.
AdvertisementThe leading troops of the former easily rushed the Austrian outposts covering the wood, but the reserves of the Austrian outposts counterattacked.
Not even deigning to notice the retreating columns, apparently too without escort, the batteries pressed forward till they reached the summit of the ridge trending eastward from Chlum towards the Elbe, whence the whole interior of the Austrian position was disclosed to them, and then they opened fire upon the Austrian reserves which lay below them in solid masses of army corps.
Occurring about 2.30, and almost simultaneously with the withdrawal of the Austrian guns on their left already alluded to, this may be said to have decided the battle, for although the Saxons still stood firm against the attacks of the Elbe army, and the reserves, both cavalry and infantry, attempted a series of counterstrokes, the advantage of position and moral was all on the side of the Prussians.
In the reserves the trees of commercial value can only be cut under a licence returning a revenue to the state, while unreserved trees can be cut by the natives for home consumption.
Outside these reserves enormous tracts of forest and jungle still remain for clearance and cultivation, reservation being mostly confined to forest land unsuitable for crops.
AdvertisementIn 1861 he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, and had command of the 2nd brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserves in the Army of the Potomac under General M'Call.
Now military service is obligatory for all Peruvians between the ages of 19 and 50, who are divided into four classes, first and second reserves (19 to 30, and 30 to 35 years), supernumeraries (those who have purchased exemption from service in the regular army), and the national guard (35 to 50 years).
The regular force is maintained by annual drawings from the lists of young men 19 years of age in the first reserves, who are required to serve four years.
Napoleon had here double the force of the allies; Kutusov, however, displayed great energy, changed front to his right and called up his reserves.
The prince of Waldeck reserves his whole rights as head of the church, and also the right of granting pardons, and in certain circumstances may exercise a veto on proposals to alter or enact laws.
AdvertisementHe was too good a soldier to waste his reserves and only brought up a few units of the second line to help the disordered brigades of the first.
The key of the duke's position was now in Napoleon's hands, Wellington's centre was dangerously shaken, the troops were exhausted, and the reserves inadequate.
Two-fifths perhaps have already disappeared, and it is probable that in fifty years the only large tracts still standing will be sub-alpine woods and in state reserves.
Large reserves of public lands have been made for primary, secondary and university education.
The forest reserves are included in ten national parks, named the Chelan, Columbia, Colville, Kaniksu, Olympic, Ranier, Snoqualmie, Washington, Wanaha and Wenatchee, the Chelan being the largest, with an area of 2,492,500 acres.
A little later the reserves of other chieftains were precisely defined.
Reorganizing his southern defences on a shorter front, so as to regain possession of the reserves that he had so liberally given away to his subordinates, he began to collect large bodies of troops opposite Kuroki, while Stakelberg and Zarubayev, before withdrawing silently into the lines or rather the fortress of Liao-Yang, again repulsed Oku's determined attacks on the south side.
The Russian commander-in-chief states in his work on the war that Bilderling became engaged a fond instead of gradually withdrawing as Kuropatkin intended, and at any rate it is unquestioned that in consequence of the serious position of affairs on the western wing, not only did Stakelberg use his reserves to support Bilderling, when the 12th division of Kuroki's army was almost at its last gasp and must have yielded to fresh pressure, but Kuropatkin himself suspended the general offensive on the 13th of October.
With a battle-front exceeding two days' marches the wrong distribution of reserves by both sides was a grave misfortune.
On the 25th of April 1900 a law was enacted for the regulation of the constitution, capital, note emission and metallic reserves of banks.
Aliens are granted the civil rights enjoyed by Mexicans, but the government reserves the right to expel those guilty of pernicious conduct.
These note issues are everywhere current at full nominal value, being secured under the provisions of the national banking law of 1896 by metallic reserves.
Thus he paves the way for his tardy rebuke of present disorders, which he reserves until two-thirds of his epistle is completed.
The result was that their territories and those of other petty chiefs lying to the north of the Molopo were made native reserves, into which the importation of alcohol was forbidden.
A British resident officer was to be appointed to each of the reserves.
Moreover, special provision had been made in the Constitutional Act of 1791 for the liberal endowment of the Protestant religion, then identified in the official mind with the Church of England, through what were afterwards known as the Clergy Reserves, being one-seventh of the lands of the new townships opened for settlement.
Strachan had no difficulty in convincing Lord Bathurst of the justice of his claims on all essential matters, the most important of which was the exclusive right of the Church of England in Canada to the Clergy Reserves.
Though in favour of selling a portion of these lands to provide a fund for the existing needs of the Church, he secured the defeat of the proposal then before the government to dispose of the Clergy Reserves to the Canada Company.
When the storm had subsided the Clergy Reserves and university questions remained dormant until 1836, when the attempt to apply the Reserves to the endowment of rectories renewed the trouble and contributed largely to the crisis of 1837.
He energetically opposed the act of 1840, which sought to settle the Clergy Reserves question by dividing the proceeds among the different religious denominations, the larger share still remaining with the Church of England.
Bishop Strachan also raised once more the question of the disposal of the Clergy Reserves.
After several strong appeals and counter-appeals to the British government, the Canadian parliament was allowed to deal as it pleased with the question, with the result that the Reserves were completely secularized in 1854, provision being made for the life-interest of the beneficiaries at the time.
An investigation was made in 1908 for the National Conservation Commission of the ore reserves of the country.
On seeking re-election in York, he declined to give any pledge on the burning question of the Clergy Reserves and was defeated.
Largely owing to his attacks, the Clergy Reserves were secularized in 1854.
When the subject came on for discussion at the conference the German military delegate stated his view that the question of effectives could not be discussed by itself, as there were many others to which it was in some measure subordinated, such, for instance, as the length of service, the number of cadres whether existing in peace or made ready for war, the amount of training received by reserves, the situation of the country itself, its railway system, and the number and position of its fortresses.
The measures by which the government of India chiefly endeavours to reduce the liability of the country to famine are the promotion of railways; the extension of canal and well irrigation; the reclamation of waste lands, with the establishment of fuel and fodder reserves; the introduction of agricultural improvements; the multiplication of industries; emigration; and finally the improvement where necessary of the revenue and rent systems. In times of famine the function of the railways in distributing the grain is just as important as the function of the irrigation-canals in increasing the amount grown.
The revenue of the state is about one million sterling; and large reserves have been accumulated, from which two millions were lent to the government of India in 1887, and later on another million for the construction of the Gwalior-Agra and Indore-Neemuch railways.
He himself and all the young nobles of his staff dismounted and led the infantry forward again, the prince threw his baton into the enemy's lines for the soldiers to retrieve, and in the end, after a bitter struggle, the Bavarians, whose reserves had been taken away to oppose Turenne in the Merzhausen defile, abandoned the entrenchments and disappeared into the woods of the adjoining spur.
The destruction of considerable portions of the forests by cattle, goats, insects, fire and cutting has been followed by reforesting, the planting of hitherto barren tracts, the passage of severe forest fire laws, and the establishment of forest reserves, of which the area in 1909 was 545,746 acres, of which 357,180 were government land.
Nearly all the moisture that is precipitated during six or seven months is stored up in the form of snow, and is gradually diffused in the course of the succeeding summer; even in the hottest and driest seasons the reserves accumulated during a long preceding period of years in the form of glaciers are available to maintain the regular flow of the greater streams. Nor is this all; the lakes that fill several of the main valleys on the southern side of the Alps are somewhat above the level of the plains of Lombardy and Venetia, and afford an inexhaustible supply of water, which, from a remote period, has been used for that system of irrigation to which they owe their proverbial fertility.
Only by calling up his last reserves did victory declare for Maurice.
In many cases the swollen cell-walls serve as reserves, and sometimes the substance is so thickly deposited in strata as to obliterate the lumen, and the hyphae become nodular (Polyporus sacer, P. rhinoceros, Lentinus Woermanni).
The Hudson's Bay Co.'s sales take place before the others, and, as no reserves are placed on any lot, the results are taken as exactly indicating current values.
It consists of the European station, with court house and quarters for the civil officers; the military police post, the headquarters of the Lashio battalion of military police; the native station, in which the various nationalities, Shans, Burmans, Hindus and Mahommedans, are divided into separate quarters, with reserves for government servants and for the temporary residences of the five sawbwas of the northern Shan States; and a bazaar.
The term of service is 2 years (3 years in the cavalry) with the colours, 7 or 8 in the reserve and 2 in the Landwehr; in the case of men not drafted to the active army the same total period of service is spent in various special reserves.
The Landwehr and Honved would yield 219,000 infantry and 18,000 cavalry, and other reserves 223,000 men.
Large reserves are set apart for the natives by government when marking off the land granted to plantation companies.
Moreover sea power was not everything, and delay exhausted the financial reserves of the state, while financial considerations, as we have seen, were comparatively unimportant to the Peloponnesians.
An overwhelming naturalism swamped the older reserves of Egyptian art, and the expression of the postures, actions and familiarities of daily life, or the instantaneous attitudes of animals, became the dernier cri of fashion.
The reserves of the Egyptian army were called out, and responded with alacrity.
Thus the number of men maintained under arms (without calling up the reserves) is as high as 75,000 during certain periods of the year and averages nearly 60,000.
The field army on a war footing, without depot troops, garrison troops and reservists, would be about 50,000 strong, but by constituting new cadres at the outbreak of war and calling up the reserves it could be more than doubled, and as a matter of fact nearly 120,000 men were with the colours in the manoeuvre season in 1907.
The term of service is eight years in the active army and its reserves and eight years in the second line.
In the centre the battle was now between the two mounted reserves led respectively by the king and the emperor in person.
The fertilized egg charged with food reserves rests for a considerable period, surrounded by its cortex, the whole having assumed a reddish-brown colour.
One of his wisest and most praiseworthy acts was the organization of the famous "Pennsylvania Reserves," by means of which the state was always able to fill at once its required quota after each successive call.
The Macdonald tradition is that their clan was on the right wing, under Angus Og; the old accounts place them with Bruce's reserves.
As a result Brusati wrote, on April 6, that the reserves given him allowed him " to view with complete confidence even the most unfavourable event."
Ample Italian reserves were now on the move, the XIV.
Farther north the Archduke Charles was waiting for his guns and for reserves, and between him and the III.
The attacking divisions were beginning to lose their offensive value, and the reserves were insufficient.
In the sphere of the concrete sciences where law obtains only ws Eiri To 7roX6 this ideal of science can clearly find only a relative satisfaction with large reserves.
The Guard and other general reserves were in rear of Macdonald and Marmont.
The allies, feeling there the weight of the French attack, gradually drew upon the reserves of their left and right to sustain the shock.
The Imperial Guard and all other troops in the centre, 80,000 strong and covered by a great mass of artillery, moved forward to the attack; and shortly the allied centre, depleted of its reserves, which had been sent to oppose Ney, was broken through and driven off the field.
Up to May 1908 national forest reserves amounted to 25,605,700 acres.
They were heavily outnumbered, but they held strong positions which should have enabled them to delay the enemy advance until the reserves could come into play.
The Austro-German advance was facilitated by the fact that Cavaciocchi had filled his front lines too full, and sent all his reserves across the river, in immediate support of the 43rd and 46th Divisions.
Army, and the reserves already under way, to stem the enemy's offensive.
And this unexpected lack of spirit was communicating itself to some of the reserves.
A gallant resistance was still being made at various points, notably at Luico and Globocak, but the enemy had broken through at several positions of vital importance, and, as has been said, the reserves were becoming entangled in the crowds of fugitives, and some of them were becoming infected.
His argument was that it was useless to send in more reserves to the chaos among the hills west of the Isonzo; that the only way to remedy the situation was to withdraw the bulk of the armies " from close contact with the enemy under the protection of vigorous rearguard actions," and so make possible the organization of a solid defence and eventual counter-attack.
Reserves were coming in fast from the depots, including the young class of 1899.
The Italian position, however, was critical in the extreme, for the line had become very thin, and there were no reserves to speak of.
Next day the reserves arrived, and the line was firmly established.
There is no question about the weak resistance of certain units in line, nor can it be denied that other troops, among the reserves, became temporarily infected with a spirit that led to what many observers likened to a strike.
It is obvious also - after the event - that if the reserves for the IV.
On the other hand, Cavaciocchi did not make the best use of the reserves which he had.
The reserves cover altitudes of 7000 to 14,000 ft.
The rainfall is ample for their needs, but no other reserves in the country showed in 1900 such waste by fire and pillage.
The home government raises, pays and controls the regular army, its reserves, the territorial force, and some few details such as the militia of the smaller possessions, Indian native battalions employed on imperial service out of India, &c. But the cost of that portion of the regular army which is in India is borne by the Indian government, which is not the case with the regulars serving in other colonies or in the dominions.
These last are a compromise between the opposite needs of short service, producing large reserves, and long service, which minimizes the seatransport of drafts; they are also influenced by the state of the labour market at any given moment, as recruiting is voluntary.
The war organization of the home establishment, with its general and special reserves, aimed at the mobilization and despatch overseas of 6 army divisions, each of 12 battalions in 3 brigades; 9 field batteries in 3 brigades, a brigade of 3 field howitzer batteries, and a heavy battery, each with the appropriate ammunition columns; 2 field companies and telegraph company R.E.; 2 companies mounted infantry; and ambulances, columns and parks.
Affiliated to the territorial force are officers' training corps, cadets, "veteran reserves," and some of the other organizations mentioned below, the Haldane scheme having as its express object the utilization of every sort of contribution to national defence, whether combatant or non-combatant, on a voluntary basis.
Every Swedish man belongs to the conscripts (varnpligtige) between the age of 21 and 40, during which time he serves eight years in the first levy, four in the second, and eight in the reserves.
In the Sovereignty difficulties arose in defining the reserves of the native chiefs, and with the Basutos there were armed conflicts.
The extension of national forest reserves and the regulations enforced by the United States government for the preservation of the ranges have put limits to the industry.
The dispersion of a large part of her army and notably of her reserves in Asia Minor, where rail communications were few, and roads ill-developed, made any reinforcement of the European theatres a matter of time and difficulty; in the case of Macedonia, such reenforcement was practically impossible save by sea.
Corps and the Damascus and Smyrna reserves and scattered as it was, can hardly be credited with more than 200,000 of its nominal 340,000, of whom no more than 50,000 combatants were in fact ever assembled on one battlefield.
Bulgaria cherished ambitions in Thrace which extended even to Constantinople, and she had to consider the fact that sooner or later the Turkish forces in Thrace would be reenforced not only by their own allotted reserves but also by those, above alluded to, which the Greek navy prevented from going to Macedonia.
It was completely repulsed, with heavy losses, and the Bulgarian command, sobered, took care not to waste its reserves in renewed assaults.
No reserves were allotted.
On the latter, the Bulgarian advance had come to a standstill, as soon as King Constantine had brought up his reserves, and the counter-offensive opened on the 3rd.
The pasture lands of the state have been greatly decreased by the increase of forest reserves, especially by the large reservations made in 1906-1907.
The state is also acquiring, and maintaining as demonstration acres and public parks, forest reserves in various parts of the state.
The five reserves now held are in Atlantic, Burlington and Sussex counties and aggregate 9899 acres.'
Banking.-The banks of issue number thirteen; their paid-up capital amounts to £13,918,000 and the capital and reserves to £19,319,000, but of this sum only about £9,000,000 is used in the state.
The total area of these reserves was 7,436,327 acres.
The first is composed of men between the ages of 21 and 30, enrolled in the field army and its reserves.
Menshikov relied apparently on being able to detach his reserves to cope with them, but the assailants moved with a rapidity which he had not counted upon, and the Russians only came into action piecemeal in this quarter.
It dealt with the natives residing in certain native reserves, and in addition to providing for their interests and holdings, and in other ways protecting the privileges accorded to them, the principle of the duty of some degree of labour devolving upon every able-bodied native enjoying these privileges was asserted, and a small labour tax was levied.'
Rhodes opposed the native liquor traffic, and at the risk of offending some of his supporters among the brandy-farmers of the western provinces, he suppressed it entirely on the diamond mines, and restricted it as far as he was able in the native reserves and territories.
Nevertheless the continuance of this traffic on colonial farms, as well as to some extent in the native territories and reserves, is a black spot in the annals of the Cape Colony.
The Federal government established in 1907 and 1908 thirteen forest reserves in the state, ten of which had an area of more than 1,000,000 acres each; their total area on the 1st of January 1910 was 25,345 sq.
The planting of tree reserves by the United States government in the arid counties of this state promises great success.
Druse religion is a secret faith, and the following account is given with all reserves.
The constitution reserves to the people the privilege of rejecting any act or any item of any act whenever 5% of the legal voters ask that the matter be voted upon at a general election; and the people may initiate legislation by a petition signed by 8% of the electorate.
Three distinct mutinies broke out while the newly mobilized reserves were being moved to the front.
With a white population of 291,300 at the beginning of the conflict, the state put into the field during the four years 62,838 effective men, with an enrolment, including reserves, of 71,083, of whom 2 2% were killed on the field or died in prison.
Game reserves have, however, been established in South Africa, British Central Africa, British East Africa, Somaliland, &c., while measures for the protection of wild animals were laid down in an international convention signed in May 1900.
The marshals, Concini and his wife Leonora Galigai, more influential with the queen and more exacting than ever, by dint of clever intrigues forced the ministers to retire one after another; and with the last of Henry IV.s greybeards vanished also all the pecuniary reserves left.
The spark was put to the powder by the action of the war minister, General Linares, in proposing to organize a new field force by calling out the Catalan reserves.
Forest reserves were established on the Dismal river in 1902 and millions of seedlings had been grown by 1906 for transplantation in Nebraska and other states t.
The district abounds in rich teak forests, and there are reserves representing 60,000 acres of teak plantation.
Most of our reserves are easily accessible by bicycle, with many close to the National Cycle Network.
Czech Airlines reserves the right to make partial or full disqualification of some discount tariffs from mileage accrual.
Many of these Wildlife Reserves are long established, consequently some of the wildlife have become quite accustomed to visitors.
Nettle-leaved bellflower is found on the Roadside Nature Reserves around Crundale.
The 19th century The 1844 Bank Charter Act tied the note issue to the Bank's gold reserves.
Letters should be kept concise, and the editor reserves his right to cut text as required.
But it lacks the multibillion dollar oil reserves that make Iraq a potent global threat, US officials insist.
Despite being consigned to the reserves midweek when Ian Harte was selected at left back against Southampton, Domi is n't downhearted.
Marian Pahars scored two and had one disallowed in last night's 4-0 drubbing of Crystal Palace reserves.
This meant that it exhausted its remaining natural gas reserves for production of liquid fuels and petrochemicals feedstock.
He varied his deployments, used feints, and kept reserves hidden for surprise attacks.
Vitamin A reserves in the liver of newborn foals are very limited.
For some, the need is for a bigger hay harvest to boost winter fodder reserves.
Fossil fuel reserves and environmental problems of using fossil fuel reserves and environmental problems of using fossil fuels.
The Russian Federation added 3.2 Gb to its stated reserves.
Gold In 1931 the United Kingdom left the gold standard; its gold and foreign exchange reserves were transferred to the Treasury.
Build capital reserves means quot home owner insurance houston texas henry says for the largest.
Alternatively the charity itself may be being pressed to fund a project by reducing their reserves to a level they consider imprudent.
He had copious reserves of coal stretching northwards from Worsley.
Even without any increase in this consumption the present known reserves, of what is mainly low-grade ore, will last around 50 years.
Competition for decreasing oil reserves from the expanding economies of Asia means that demand will soon outstrip supply.
The Council holds prudent levels of reserves and has approved plans for their use.
The Bible wholly rejects polytheism, and the Decalogue jealousy reserves worship for YHWH.
Squandering of these precious reserves seems to be the sole prerogative of Western Society, to the detriment of everyone.
With little human exploitation, the vegetation in the reserves is in largely pristine condition.
Zetnet reserves the right not to host material it considers questionable in nature.
English Nature routinely removes ragwort from parts of National Nature Reserves we manage where the welfare of grazing animals would be at risk.
There is no self-drive safari option in the private reserves; instead a game ranger guides you on daily game drives.
This underpins the rationale for our reserves policy, but would also lead to the charity awarding smaller grants than it would consider desirable.
It also required Iraq to pay war reparations out of Iraqi oil reserves.
The fields are estimated to contain recoverable reserves of 350 to 400 billion cubic feet.
Estimated gross proven and probable recoverable reserves for the field are currently 15.2 million barrels of oil.
Divers visiting Kenya typically dive in one of four large marine reserves.
The area is one of two leading Iraqi oil sites with more than 10 billion barrels of proven reserves, analysts say.
Investegate reserves the right to publish a filtered set of announcements.
An important portion of these flows stems from the foreign reserves of the Asian central banks.
The task of estimating the amount of oil reserves is complex.
Thailand has 16% of its total area under national parks and wildlife reserves.
The Prince Bishops continued to be major investors in and exploiters of County Durham's coal reserves.
If goods are damaged or not saleable as new, Dolphin Music reserves the right to seek recompense.
The reserves in the Alberta tar sands are quoted at 180 billion barrels, bigger than that of every OPEC country except Saudi Arabia.
She reserves particular scorn for shopping for clothes or shoes.
Custom Audio Designs reserves the right to alter the specifications of any product without notice.
The need to hold mathematical reserves to cover GARs should not reduce the stringency of the resilience test to be applied.
Despite this some funders simply subtract any reserves from revenue grants.
And Chávez is looking to develop his natural gas reserves, which he believes may eventually supplant oil as the country's main export.
Close by Irton Hall are nature reserves, fishing tarns and Seascale Golf.
That Iraq has trillions of dollars worth of oil reserves is not in question.
During the decade ending 1907 large reserves were settled with Ruthenians often known as Galicians, Poles and other peoples from central and northern Europe.
Furtherand this case no legislation can coverthe contingent, and (what is more serious) the reserves, are being steadily weakened by emigration.
There are two national forest reserves, with an aggregate area of 1882 sq.
There are teak forests and fuel reserves, covering an area of 732 sq.
Nearly 5 o% live in special reserves or locations, the area set apart for native occupation being about 4000 sq.
He was held under observation throughout by Russian cavalry, but it seems that little attention was paid to their reports by Kuropatkin, who was still occupied with Kuroki and Kawamura, and even denuded his right of its reserves to reinforce his left.
The jobbing of land by the official clique, whose frequent intermarriages won for them the name of "The Family Compact," the undoubted grievance of the "Clergy Reserves" and the well-meaning high-handedness and social exclusiveness of military governors, who tried hard but unavailingly to stay the democratic wave, soon revived political discord, which found a voice in that born agitator, William Lyon Mackenzie.
The "Clergy Reserves" were secularized in 1854, and in 1851 began a railway development, the excitement and extravagance caused by which led in 1857 to a financial crisis and the bankruptcy of various municipalities, but which on the whole produced great and lasting benefit.
In 1899 Federal forest reserves had been created, aggregating 4849 sq.
The Chinese government has set up 33 panda reserves to protect these beautiful animals and made poaching them punishable with 20 years in prison.
This exciting project aims to re-create fenland habitat adjacent to two nature reserves in the fens of Lincolnshire.
The Motley Fool reserves the right to republish the material contributed by our readers.
The Prince Bishops continued to be major investors in and exploiters of County Durham 's coal reserves.
Portsmouth Reserves fell to their fourth straight defeat after getting caned by Chelsea Reserves tonight at Fratton Park.
And Chávez is looking to develop his natural gas reserves, which he believes may eventually supplant oil as the country 's main export.
Scottish Natural Heritage have commissioned him to do a thorough toponymic survey of the Beinn Eighe and the Loch Maree Islands National Nature Reserves.
The program includes trekking through the Himalayas, going through the National Parks and Wildlife reserves.
Deep operations typically focus on reserves and uncommitted forces.
Bloomberg reserves the right to deny creation of your account based on Bloomberg 's inability to verify the authenticity of your registration information.
Even with capital reserves a firm may not want to use its capital to pay trial-related expenses until the conclusion of a case.
Oil recovery, or extraction is done in several stages and while oil is fairly inexpensive its reserves may be more limited than other sources.
That means, after your fast is over and you start eating again, everything you eat will go to fat reserves and not be burned off since your body "thinks" it may have to endure a period of famine again.
LoveToKnow reserves the right to substitute a comparable prize.
LoveToKnow reserves the right to disqualify a recipe for any reason including plagiarism or incompleteness.
To preserve this balance of life, more than 25 percent of the country's area is protected through national parks, reserves, and sanctuaries.
The blooms are short-lived, but the reserves are so numerous as to keep up the succession for a long time.
Six Flags Magic Mountain, like all amusement and theme parks, reserves the right to close the park for unusual circumstances at any time and without notice.
A well known winery, Kendall Jackson offers memberships that allow fans to sample new blends and reserves, as well as other benefits including admittance to private events at the wineries and discounts on wines during your visit.
Lipids are stored in the body as energy reserves and are also important components of cell membranes.
The likelihood of developing cramps may be reduced with regular exercise to build up energy reserves in the muscles.
If your loved one served in any branch of the military (either on active duty or in the Reserves) and was either currently enlisted or honorably discharged, they are eligible for military funeral honors.
Pens, pencils and pad reserves are depleted and the supply cabinet needs to be restocked for the upcoming school year.
If you eat very healthfully while trying to conceive, you'll store iron reserves in your liver, which will carry through your pregnancy.
This is especially important as it takes time for your body to build up the necessary good bacteria reserves.
Because they are stored, your body may have some reserves to get through the occasional day when your diet is not meeting your nutritional needs.
If the mixer was purchased at Wal-Mart and the model is no longer available, the company reserves the right to replace the unit with a similar GE product of equal or greater value.
When the body runs out of supplemental nutrients, it will dig into its own reserves quickly, and when these reserves are finished, gradually the body begins to lower its performance.
So he goes to the bear's cave, to steal some of his winter food reserves.
Across the continent you will find national parks, game reserves, and private hunting preserves.
For example, Hawaii's Hale Koa Hotel, located near famed Waikiki Beach, operates for the exclusive use of retired and current members of the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, and National Guard.
Ladies and men's models offer stylish construction and cutting edge technology such as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) indicators, 100 hour power reserves, calendars, and Opaline dials to keep you up to date no matter where you travel.
While sometimes it's just a question of fixing a few forms, the embassy reserves the right to refuse a visa to anyone.
Sometimes the school has a policy that reserves letterman jackets for specific sports.
If you notice yourself "stuck" or paralyzed with indecision, draw upon your reserves of courage and make a change.
A person who wishes to lose weight must decrease caloric intake to less than those levels, while increasing activity levels, so that the body is required to draw on fat reserves to access the energy needed.
Embarking on an exercise regimen, while simultaneously starving yourself only signals your body to hold on to its fat reserves.
Because people don't have enough mineral reserves the body takes it from the bones and teeth.
Even though you have worked your upper body, your lower body will still be able to perform, using its own reserves.
This is one exercise where you need to take extra caution as you tap the reserves of your muscular pecs.
Your triceps are not large muscles and thus have fewer energy reserves.
Your body still needs those sugar and fat reserves to fuel everyday activities.
It is also available to members of the National Guard and the Reserves.
In addition to providing care for members on active duty, there are programs available for members of the National Guard and Reserves, both active and deactivated.
As life expectancy increases, insurance providers must take measures to ensure that they have sufficient reserves in place to pay out a lifetime income for annuitants.
American Idol reserves the right to make changes to registration and audition times and procedures right up to the actual dates of the events, so don't let outdated information blow your chances at AI glory.
Besides the Belt there are several parks and reserves, including botanical and acclimatization gardens, the so-called Ocean Beach, and two race-courses.
The reserves of the active army are composed of those who have served the legal period in the active army.
The reserves of the active army and the Territorial Army and its reserve can only be recalled to active service in case of emergency and by decree of the head of the state.
During the crisis banks having a paid-up capital and reserves of 5,000,000 and deposits of 53,000,000 closed their doors.
At Vienna the war party was in the ascendant; the convention for disarmament had been signed, but so far from its being carried out, the reserves were actually called out on the 12th of April; and on the 23rd, before Cavours decision was known at Vienna, an Austrian ultimatum reached Turin, summoning Piedmont to disarm within three days on pain of invasion.
The fasci were suppressed, Sicily was filled with troops, the reserves were called out, a state of siege proclaimed, military courts instituted and the whole movement crushed in a few weeks.
He attended the first Plattsburg Camp and was commissioned major in the U.S. Reserves in 1917, being assigned to the staff of Gen.
A grant or reservation of mines in general terms confers, or reserves, a right to work the mines, subject to the obligation of leaving a reasonable support to the surface as it exists at the time of the grant or reservation.
All laws enacted by the insular legislature must also be submitted to the Congress of the United States, which reserves the right to annul them.
The governor and Executive Council have the exclusive right to grant all other franchises of a public or quasi-public nature and Congress reserves the right to annul or modify any such grant.
In southern Alberta are several thousands of Indians on reserves south and west of Calgary, consisting of the Blackfoots of Algonquin stock, Sarcees, Piegans and a few Assiniboins.
In 1833 the reserves were instituted, and three years later reserve commandants were appointed in six principal provinces.
But upon the approach of the Russians to Constantinople the British reserves were called out and the fleet was despatched to the Bosporus.
It was designed to hold the enemy in position by the vigour of its attack, thus neutralizing his independent will power and compelling him to expend his reserves in the effort to rescue the troops engaged.
Furthermore, in order to encourage the growth and preservation of the forests, and to create systematically forest reserves, the legislature established in 1899 a State Forestry Board.
Bilbao; Count de Belvedere (ii,000) near Burgos; reserves (57,000) were assembling about Segovia, Talavera and Cordova; Catalonia was held by 23,000, and Madrid had been reoccupied.
The French, on the other hand, had great difficulty in establishing any such reserves of food, owing to their practice of depending for sustenance entirely upon the country in which they were quartered.
The last reserves of the national wealth and strength were dissipated by the terrible peasant rising of GyOrgy Dozsa in 1514, of which the enslavement of the Hungarian peasantry was the immediate consequence.
The two great political issues of the time were the secularization of the clergy reserves in Ontario, and the abolition of seigniorial tenure in Quebec. Both of these reforms Macdonald long opposed, but when successive elections had proved that they were sup ported by public opinion, he brought about a coalition of Conservatives and moderate reformers for the purpose of carrying them.
Having passed the Guards and traversed an empty space, Rostov, to avoid again getting in front of the first line as he had done when the Horse Guards charged, followed the line of reserves, going far round the place where the hottest musket fire and cannonade were heard.
Prince Andrew's regiment was among the reserves which till after one o'clock were stationed inactive behind Semenovsk, under heavy artillery fire.