Resembles Sentence Examples
The system closely resembles that followed in the United States.
The latter seen from a distance resembles a medieval castle crowning a hill-top.
It somewhat resembles a piece of licorice.
The seeds are roasted and eaten by the natives; the timber, which somewhat resembles walnut, is soft, fine-grained, and takes a good polish, but is not durable.
The Hippodrome in Paris somewhat resembles the Roman amphitheatre, being open in the centre to the sky, with seats round on rising levels.
The olives and white wine of Aguilar are celebrated in Spain, although the wine, which somewhat resembles sherry, is known as Montilla, from the adjacent town of that name.
In external appearance, climate and productions, Fuerteventura greatly resembles Lanzarote.
The Trias does not belong, as might have been expected, to the Alpine or Mediterranean type; but resembles that of Germany and northern Europe.
The fauna resembles that of other parts of West Africa; it is poor on the coast.
The system of Plotinus, Zellar remarks, is not strictly speaking one of emanation, since there is no communication of the divine essence to the created world; yet it resembles emanation inasmuch as the genesis of the world is conceived as a necessary physical effect, and not as the result of volition.
AdvertisementThe foot resembles that of the other lemurs in its large opposable great toe with a flat nail; but all the other toes have pointed compressed claws.
The surface layer of the rhizome bears rhizoids, and its whole structure strikingly resembles that of the typical root of a vascular plant.
In the latter case each segment of the solenostele frequently resembles a Dktyosteb.
Taking the Atlantic as our simplest type, we may say that the surface of an ocean basin resembles that of a mighty trough or syncline, buckled up more or less centrally in a medial ridge, which is bounded by two long and deep marginal hollows, in the cores of which still deeper grooves sink to the profoundest depths.
The eyeball, instead of being globular, resembles rather the tube of a short and thick opera-glass.
AdvertisementIt is significant that the whole type of their cloaca much resembles that of the Crocodilia and Chelonia, in opposition to that of the Lacertilia.
It occurs in two different forms. In the Ratitae, except Rhea, it consists mainly of a right and left united half (corpora fibrosa), with a deep longitudinal furrow on the dorsal side, and much resembles the same organ in crocodiles and tortoises.
Hanoi resembles a European city in the possession of wide well-paved streets and promenades, systems of electric light and drainage and a good water-supply.
The Bliss resembles the Rocket log in shape, and is secured to the taffrail by a rope or slung.
The most active form of larva found in this family resembles in shape that of a ladybird, tapering towards the tail end, and having the trunk segments protected by small firm sclerites.
AdvertisementOf Celebes less is known than of Borneo, which it resembles in condition and natural characteristics.
The diamond resembles an octagon with deeply beveled corners.
The surface of the state resembles in part that of Bahia, with a zone of forested lands near the coast, and back of this a higher zone of rough open country, called agrestes.
It resembles a very large and elaborate mausoleum, built in Byzantine style, with Moorish arabesques.
In general it rather resembles a closed crown, consisting of a circlet from which rise two arches intersecting each other at right angles.
AdvertisementPhaethon, the tropic-bird, he would place with the " Larides " and not with the " Pelecanides," which it only resembles in its feet having all the toes connected by a web.
If a be greater than b the curve resembles fig.
The centre is a conjugate point (or acnode) and the curve resembles fig.
In this case the centre is a crunode and the curve resembles fig.
The lint is brown and generally resembles Mitafifi but is less valuable.
Ruthenium in bulk resembles platinum in its general appearance, and has been obtained crystalline by heating an alloy of ruthenium and tin in a current of hydrochloric acid gas.
The hydroxyl group also resembles the methyl group in its morphotropic effects, producing, in many cases, no change in symmetry but a dimensional increase in one direction.
Except for the absence of 'the longitudinal fibres the skin of the proboscis resembles that of the body, but the fluid-containing tubules of the latter are shut off from those of the body.
The Belgian hare is a large breed of a hardy and prolific character, which closely resembles the hare in colour, and is not unlike it in form.
The domestic dogs of some North American Indian tribes closely resemble the coyote; the black wolfdog of Florida resembles the black wolf of the same region; the sheepdogs of Europe and Asia resemble the wolves of those countries, whilst the pariah dog of India is closely similar to the Indian wolf.
He was distinguished as the discoverer of radioactivity, having found in 1896 that uranium at ordinary temperatures emits an invisible radiation which in many respects resembles Rntgen rays, and can affect a photographic plate after passing through thin plates of metal.
The fauna of Brixham cavern closely resembles that of Kent's Hole.
In Bosnia the weather resembles that of the south Austrian highlands, generally mild, though apt to be bitterly cold in winter.
The zadruga, or household community, more common in Servia (q.v.), survives to a small extent in Bosnia and Herzegovina; but, as a rule, the tenure of land resembles, the system called metayage.
The climate of Cambodia, like that of Cochin China, which it closely resembles, varies with the monsoons.
The whole shrub resembles more what one might consider a wild form of the peach than that of the almond."
Fibroin is insoluble in water, acids and alkalies; silk-glue resembles gelatin in its solubility, but it is less readily gelatinized.
The forest scenery much resembles that of England, with fine oaks and greensward.
Their behaviour in this respect closely resembles the balls of rapidly cooled, unannealed glass which are called Prince Rupert's drops.
It is closely related to the Manioc, cassava or tapioca plant (Manihot utilissima) which it resembles when young and exhibits a similar tuberous root system.
Under certain conditions, as when latex is allowed to stand or is centrifugalized, a cream is obtained consisting of the liquid globules, which may be washed free from proteid without change, but, either by mechanical agitation or by the addition of acid or other chemical agent, the liquid gradually solidifies to a mass of solid caoutchouc. The phenomenon therefore resembles the change known to the chemist as polymerization, by which through molecular aggregation a liquid may pass into a solid without change in its empirical composition.
The story of the founding of the castle resembles that connected with the city of Carthage.
The lophophore is supplied by yet a third nerve, the under arm-nerve, which is less clearly defined than the others, and resembles a moderate aggregation of the nerve fibrils, which seem everywhere to underlie the ectoderm, and which in a few cases are gathered up into nerves.
The protegulum has been found in members of almost all the families of Brachiopod, and it is thought to occur throughout the group. It resembles the shell of the Cambrian .4 genus Iphidea [Paterina], and the Phylembryo is frequently referred to as the Paterina stage.
In the allied extinct Eurypterines it is well developed, and resembles that of Scorpio.
The only point in which the gut of Limulus resembles that of Scorpio rather than that of any of the Crustacea, is in possessing more than a single pair of ducts or lateral outgrowths connected with ramified gastric glands or gastric caeca.
It resembles Juncaceae in the general plan of the flower, which, however, has become much more elaborate and varied in the form and colour of its perianth in association with transmission of pollen by insect agency; a link between the two orders is found in the group of Australian genera referred to above under Asphodeloideae.
It resembles the Sao Francisco region in its uncertain rainfall and exposure to droughts, and in having large areas of campos suitable for grazing purposes.
The largest of these is the marsh deer (C. paludosus), which in size resembles its European congeners.
Above the Piazza della Signoria, at the highest point of the town, is the Palazzo Ducale, erected by the dukes of Urbino in 1474-1480; the architect was, in all probability, Lucio da Laurana, to whom is due the palace at Urbino, which this palace resembles, especially in its fine colonnaded court.
The plan, spreading from the centre over three hills, closely resembles that of Perugia.
The cathedral of St Jean, the chief of the numerous churches of the town, was founded in the 4th century but has often undergone reconstruction and restoration; it resembles the Rhenish churches of Germany in the possession of apses at each of its extremities.
Here the land loses its semi-tropical character and resembles more the plains of the Orange Free State and the Transvaal.
Its leaves are of a glossy dark green, its1 flower white and star-shaped, and its fruit resembles the plum.
The Dwyka conglomerate resembles the same bed in the Cape province.
Several of its churches are architecturally interesting, especially the Madonna delle Lacrime (1487) outside the town, the elegant early Renaissance architecture of which resembles that of the Madonna del Calcinaio at Cortona, and most of them (and also the municipal picture gallery) contain paintings by artists of the Umbrian school - notably Lo Spagna, a pupil of Perugino.
It resembles that of the Key of Truth, in so far as Jesus is Christ and Son of God by way of grace and reward for faithful fulfilment of God's command.
It resembles the sceptre curved at the end, which was carried by old Hittite gods.
But the story of Agariste's wooing resembles romance and has slight chronological value.
Among other forest trees of economic importance are the silk-cotton tree (Bombax ceiba), the Palo de vaca, or cow-tree (Brosimum galactodendron), whose sap resembles milk and is used for that purpose, the Inga saman, the Hevea guayanensis, celebrated in the production of rubber, and the Altalea speciosa, distinguished for the length of its leaves.
It further resembles true amyloid in giving all its colour reactions.
The anima thus corresponds partly to the" nature "of Sydenham, while In other respects it resembles the archeus of Van Helmont.
Huge caves, of which the most noted are the Farm Caves, occur in the hills near Moulmein, and they too are full of relics of their ancient use as temples, though now they are chiefly visited in connexion with the bats, whose flight viewed from a distance, as they issue from the caves, resembles a cloud of smoke.
A similar glass, if its cooling is greatly retarded, produces throughout its substance minute crystals of metallic copper, and closely resembles the mineral called avanturine.
Manufacture of Optical Glass.-In its earlier stages, the process for the production of optical glass closely resembles that used in the production of any other glass of the highest quality.
In many respects the glassmelting tank resembles the open-hearth steel furnace, but there are certain interesting differences.
The double-handled blue-glass vase in the British Museum,dating from the 5th century, is probably a chalice, as it closely resembles the chalices represented on early Christian monuments.
This Greek production resembles the more ancient fourth book of Esdras in some respects.
In Germany very similar filters have also been used, pearl-quartz gravel taking the place of coral sand, which it closely resembles.
It resembles acetylene in yielding metallic derivatives with ammoniacal copper and silver solutions.
New Caledonia is part of the Australasian Festoon, and in its general characters resembles the geology of New Zealand.
When a little soil is shaken up with water in a tumbler the sand particles rapidly fall to the bottom and form a layer which resembles ordinary sand of the seashore or river banks.
It resembles somewhat the movement of Irish labourers into Great Britain at harvest time.
It is precipitated as the metal from solutions of its salts by the metals of the alkalis and alkaline earths, zinc, iron, copper, &c. In its chemical affinities it resembles arsenic and antimony; an important distinction is that it forms no hydrogen compound analogous to arsine and stibine.
This division resembles the Cynipoidea in the position of the ovipositor, and in the two segmented trochanters.
The first larva is broad in front and tapers behind to a " tail " provided with two divergent processes, so that it resembles a small crustacean.
No part of the equatorial mounting is shown in the figure, as it resembles in every respect the usual Fraunhofer mounting.
It is probable that the Bonn heliometer was in course of construction before these suggestions of Struve were published or discussed, since its construction resembles that of the Konigsberg and Pulkowa instruments.
Sometimes it is almost pasty, and crumbles to powder when dried, so as to be susceptible of use as a pigment, forming the colour known as Cologne earth, which resembles umber or sepia.
This system in many respects resembles the tail rope, but has the advantage of working with one-third less length of rope for the same length of way.
His prose resembles that of Apuleius (also a native of Madaura), but is even more difficult.
In formation it resembles the limestone Alps of Tirol and there are on its elevated plateaus a number of doline or funnel-shaped depressions into which the melted snow and the rain sink.
His "substitute for religion" is a doctrine in many points akin to Comte and Feuerbach, the former of whom he resembles in his sentimentalism.
The lesser bird of paradise (Paradisea minor), though smaller in size and somewhat less brilliant in plumage, in other respects closely resembles the preceding species.
In its chemical affinities zirconium resembles titanium, cerium and thorium; it occurs in company with these elements, and is tetravalent in its more important salts.
In the shape and curvature of the horns, which at first incline outwards and forwards, and then bend somewhat upwards and inwards, this breed of cattle resembles the aurochs and the (by comparison) dwarfed park-breeds.
In the latter respect this ruminant resembles the takin (Budorcas) of Tibet, which, as already mentioned, has horns recalling those of the white-tailed gnu.
The principle resembles that used in wire drawing.
Town (or township) government in New York somewhat resembles that of New England; the chief executive officer of the town is a supervisor, who represents his town in the county " board of supervisors."
The climate is continental, and resembles that of central Crimea and Kherson.
Along the whole west coast the climate resembles nothing in the British Islands so much as Cork and Kerry, for there are the same wet gales from a western ocean, the same clouds gathering on the dripping sides of wild mountains, an equal absence of severe frosts and hot sunshine, and a rich and evergreen vegetation.
The Kwa-Kwa are said to be so called because their salutation "resembles the cry of a duck."
The rich undulating pasture-land with clumps of trees and copses resembles a park.
In general physical characteristics the province resembles East Prussia, but the climate is less harsh and the fertility of the soil greater.
From this point to the culmination of the advance at LiaoYang, the situation of the Japanese closely resembles that of the Prussians in 1866.
The name of "pink shrimp" is given to Pandalus montagui or annulicornis, which turns red on boiling and which resembles in form the larger "prawns," having a long rostrum or beak, saw-edged above and below.
Baisa Bol, Bhesa Bol or Bissa Bol, from Balsamodendron Kataf, resembles true myrrh in appearance, but has a disagreeable taste and is scarcely bitter.
The Menam is the largest, deepest and most sluggish of the four, and in many ways resembles its continuation, the Menam ChaoPhaya lower down.
It somewhat resembles the completed tower of Antwerp cathedral, and is crowned by a graceful octagonal lantern, the whole being nearly 290 ft.
A freshly prepared surface of the metal closely resembles zinc in appearance, but on exposure to the air it rapidly tarnishes, becoming yellowish and ultimately grey or white in colour owing to the formation of a surface layer of calcium hydrate.
In its chemical properties it closely resembles barium and strontium, and to some degree magnesium; these four elements comprise the so-called metals of the "alkaline earths."
The pelvis much resembles that of the kiwis.
In this war, which resembles in character, and in its striking vicissitudes, the English War of the Roses at the end of the 15th century, Abdur Rahman soon became distinguished for ability and daring energy.
He rejects the notion that sovereignty in any way resembles property, and makes even marriage a matter of civil contract.
The fauna of Algeria resembles that of the Mediterranean system generally, though many animals once common to South Europe and North Africa - such as the lion, panther, hyena and jackal - are now extinct in Europe.
In the regions under civil administration the local organization closely resembles that of France.
The education provided for Europeans resembles in most respects that given in France.
Potassium chloride, KC1, also known as muriate of potash, closely resembles ordinary salt.
If only upon linguistic grounds - for the Hebrew of the book resembles often that of the Mishnah more than the ordinary Hebrew of the Old Testament - Ecclesiastes must be one of the latest books in the Hebrew canon.
A peculiar feature of his translation is his excessive use of transliteration, but, apart from this, his work has many points of contact with the Septuagint, which it closely resembles in style; hence it is not surprising to find that later MSS.
The case for Alexandria depends partly on the orthography of B, which resembles Graeco-Coptic papyri, partly on the order of the Pauline epistles.
Many species have a feeble voice which resembles a repeated click of the tongue, and their name "gecko" is supposed to be an Indian imitation of the sound.
It is provided with a frill-like fold of the skin round the neck, which, when erected, resembles a broad collar.
Polychrus, the "chameleon," and Liolaemus are South American; Ctenosaura of Central America and Mexico resembles the agamoid Uromastix.
A French edition, which closely resembles the original, was published at Avignon in 1770.
In habits the leopard resembles the other large cat-like animals, yielding to none in the ferocity of its disposition.
The latter organism, in certain phases, very closely resembles a Spirochaete.
An interesting form, " Trypanoplasma " intestinalis, which resembles both the above genera, occurs in the alimentary canal of Box boops.
The skull resembles that of the lion and tiger, but is much broader in proportion to its length, and may be identified by the presence of a tubercle on the inner edge of the orbit.
A section of the coastal plain, from North Carolina to southern New Jersey, resembles the plain farther south in general form and quality of soils, but besides being narrower, it is further characterized by several embayments or arms of the sea, caused by a slight depression of the land after mature valleys had been eroded in the plain.
The central denuded area, east of the Llano, resembles the east-central section of the plains in exposing older rocks; between these two similar areas, in the space limited by the Canadian and Red rivers.
He resembles in some respects a European prime minister, and is second only to the president in political importance.
Above Yale, in the drier part of the Fraser valley, the absence of rain results in the same character of flora, while in the rainy districts of the lower Fraser the vegetation is so luxuriant that it resembles that of the tropics.
The tower resembles similar constructions found beside Irish churches of the 7th and 8th centuries and has walls 3 ft.
It resembles the sperm-whale in possessing a large store of oil in the upper part of the head, which yields spermaceti when refined; on this account, and also for the sake of the blubber, which supplies an oil almost indistinguishable from sperm-oil, this whale became the object of a regular chase in the latter half of the 19th century.
Prometheus resembles the Polynesian Maui, who went down to fetch fire from the volcano of Mahuika, the fire-god.
The ovary is an organ which in shape and size somewhat resembles a large almond, though its appearance varies considerably in different individuals, and at different times of life.
It resembles Sikes's hydrometer in other respects, but is provided with eight weights.
Chromic bromide, CrBr 3, is prepared in the anhydrous form by the same method as the chloride, and resembles it in its properties.
The genus which is common to the northern parts of both hemispheres is distinguished by the large cheek-pouches and by the absence or rudimentary condition of the claw of the first hind-toe, resembles Tamias in the slender form of the body, but displays great variation in the length of the tail, which may be a mere stump, or comparatively long.
They take their name of tuco-tuco from their cry, which resembles the blows of a hammer on an anvil, and may be heard all day as the little rodents move in their burrows, generally formed in sandy soil.
Pimaric acid closely resembles abietic acid into which it passes when distilled in a vacuum; it has been supposed to consist of three isomers.
In this respect the fate of Pappus strikingly resembles that of Diophantus.
The Hawaiian language is a member of the widely-diffused Malayo-Polynesian group and closely resembles the dialect of the Marquesas; Hawaiians and New Zealanders, although occupying the most remote regions north and south at which the race has been found, can understand each other without much difficulty.
It resembles the views of Hegel and Lotze in its pantheistic tendency.
This cantonal system closely resembles that which we find in Gaul.
Andalusia consists of a great plain, the valley of the Guadalquivir, shut in by mountain ranges on every side except the S.W., where it descends to the Atlantic. This lowland, which is known as Andalucia Baja, or Lower Andalusia, resembles the valley of the Ebro in its slight elevation above sea-level (300-400 ft.), and in the number of brackish lakes or fens, and waste lands (despoblados) impregnated with salt, which seem to indicate that the whole surface was covered by the sea at no distant geological date.
The brain resembles that of typical ungulates far more than that of rodents.
To warn Eugenius against pride, Bernard reminds him in biblical terms that an insensate sovereign on a throne resembles " an ape upon a housetop," and that the dignity with which he is invested does not prevent him from being a man, that is, " a being, naked,!
On the Pocono plateau is a large deposit of a finegrained dark-blue stone of the Devonian formation which is known as the Wyoming Valley stone, and, like the New York " bluestone," which it closely resembles, is much used for window and door trimmings, steps and flagging.
In this it resembles the earlier examples of the Grey Friars at Reading.
They sent a copy of their old creed to Babken, and it closely resembles the Adoptianist creed of Archelaus, the gist of which was that Jesus, until his thirtieth year, was a man mortal like other men; then, because he was righteous above all others, he was promoted to the honour and name of Son of God.
A statue of this god has been found near Gaza; it much resembles the Greek representation of Zeus.
Brucine closely resembles strychnine, and is its dimethoxy derivative.
Tetanus resembles strychnine poisoning, but the development of the symptoms in tetanus is usually much slower, death rarely occurring within 24 hours.
The method resembles that of the First Epistle of John, for although the errorists attacked in the latter manifesto are not those of the pastorals, and although the one writer eschews entirely the inner authority of the Spirit which the other posits, the same anti-gnostic emphasis on practical religion and stereotyped doctrine is felt in both.
It has a lithium spring, baths and a Kurhaus, and is famed for its red wine (Assmannshduser), which resembles light Burgundy.
One of the most perfect cases of mimicry in birds is presented by a Madagascar thrush or babbler (Tylas eduardi), which resembles feather for feather a shrike (Xenopirostris polleni), from the same island.
Finally the larva of one of the Bornean Mantidae, which is a floral simulator in its pupal and adult stages, closely resembles in its black and red coloration the larva of the stinking and warningly coloured bug Eulyes amoena.
The grand cross resembles the badge of the Black Eagle, but is white and the eagles in the corners red, the central medallion bearing the initials W.R.
Aluminium is a white metal with a characteristic tint which most nearly resembles that of tin; when impure, or after pro longed exposure to air, it has a slight violet shade.
The principle therefore somewhat resembles that of the self-exciting dynamo.
The heart is enclosed in the pericardium, and consists of a median elongated ventricle and a pair of lateral auricles, so that the structure somewhat resembles that in the Lamellibranchiata.
Some 350 species of birds are known, and the avifauna closely resembles that of the Malay Peninsula and Borneo, including few peculiar species.
Potassium benzene iso-diazotate resembles the normal salt, but is more stable, and is more highly ionized.
The American badger (Taxidea americans) ranges over the greater part of the United States, and in habits closely resembles the European species, but seems to be more carnivorous.
The climate resembles that of Great Britain, but the winters are generally more severe; the mean annual temperature is 48 F., and the annual rainfall is about 28 in.
The internal structure of the lion, except in slight details, resembles that of other Felidae, the whole organization being that of an animal adapted for an active, predaceous existence.
In character and contents Ecclesiasticus resembles the book of Proverbs.
Abortion resembles ordinary labour in its general phenomena, excepting that in the former hemorrhage often to a large extent forms one of the leading symptoms. The treatment embraces the means to be used by rest, astringents and sedatives, to prevent the occurrence when it merely threatens; or when, on the contrary, it is inevitable, to accomplish as speedily as possible the complete removal of the entire contents of the uterus.
When the leaf hangs down it resembles the foot of a bird, and hence the name.
A little east of the Gulf of Enzeli, which resembles the Kara-boghaz, though on a much smaller scale, the Sefid-rud pours into the Caspian the drainage of the western end of the Elburz range, and several smaller streams bring down the precipitation that falls on the northern face of the same range farther to the east.
Agricola in 1546, and is from the German blenden, to blind, or deceive, because the mineral resembles lead-ore in appearance but contains no lead, and was consequently often rejected as worthless.
This is only practised in winter when there is abundance of water available, and it much resembles the water-meadow irrigation of England.
It resembles the Small White, except that the skin is coal-black in colour, and the coat of hair is not usually profuse.
Saccocirrus, which also lives in sand, and more closely resembles the Polychaeta, has throughout the greater length of its body on each segment a pair of small uniramous parapodia bearing a bunch of simple setae.
It resembles Dinophilus in the possession of a ventral pharyngeal pouch (which bears teeth in Histriodrilus only), the small number of segments, and absence of distinct septa, the absence of a vascular system, the presence of distinct ganglia on the ventral nerve cords, and of small nephridia which do not appear to open internally.
Histriodrilus resembles Saccocirrus in the possession of two posterior adhesive processes, and to some extent in the structure of the complex genital organs, which, however, are restricted to a single segment.
The Welsh triads know no fewer than three Gwenhwyfars; Giraldus Cambrensis, relating the discovery of the royal tombs at Glastonbury, speaks of the body found as that of Arthur's second wife; the prose Merlin gives Guenevere a bastard half-sister of the same name, who strongly resembles her; and the Lancelot relates how this lady, trading on the likeness, persuaded Arthur that she was the true daughter of Leodegrance, and the queen the bastard interloper.
In habits it resembles the northern bird, from which it differs in little more than wanting the black stripe below the eye and having the lower part of the tarsus bare of feathers.
Genoa is believed to derive its name from the fact that the shape of this portion of the coast resembles that of a knee (genii).
The curtain often shows several conspicuous folds, and the lower edge often resembles frilled drapery.
The climate of Sicily resembles that of the other lands in the extreme south of Europe.
C. cataphractus is the common crocodile of West Africa, easily recognised by the slender snout which resembles that of the gavial, but the mandibular symphysis does not reach beyond the eighth tooth.
Born in the valley of a, great river, he resembles in many respects the Bengali, who exists under similar conditions; but the Egyptian Charader has proved capable of greater improvement.
The aspect of the district resembles that of other parts of the Coromandel coast.
In size it much resembles the English polecat-the length of the head and body being usually from 15 to 18 in., that of the tail to the end of the hair about 9 in.
It much more resembles the antherozoids of Bryophyta and certain Pteridophyta than any known among other algae.
In the absence of any trace of the lower extremities of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones of the lateral toes the skeleton differs from the American deer, and resembles those hollow-horned ruminants in which these toes persist.
The only connexion between Portland cement and the place Portland is that the cement when set somewhat resembles Portland stone in colour.
The Moorish portion of the Alhambra resembles many medieval Christian strongholds in its threefold arrangement as a castle, a palace and a residential annexe for subordinates.
It resembles the city of Kabul on a smaller scale, and has one central bazaar, the streets generally being very narrow.
The arrangement of the parts in the flower resembles that in the nearly allied order Amaryllidaceae (Narcissus, Snowdrop, &c.), but differs in the absence of the inner whorl of stamens.
As an elementary substance, it is very similar in its physical properties to lead; it resembles lead chemically inasmuch as it forms an almost insoluble chloride and an insoluble iodide.
It resembles potassium fluoride in forming an acid salt, T1HF 2.
Thallous carbonate, T1 2 CO 31 more nearly resembles the lithium compound than any other ordinary carbonate.
Seen from Strathmore or the Firth of Clyde the Highlands present well-defined masses of hills abruptly rising from the Lowland plains, and from any of the western islands their sea front resembles a vast rampart indented by lochs and rising to a uniform level, which sinking here and there allows glimpses of still higher summits in the interior.
There is, perhaps, nothing in the history of medieval Europe which so closely resembles a voice from ancient Greece as the reply of the nobles and the whole communitas of Scotland to the pope (parliament of Aberbrothock, 6th of April 1320).
The town clusters at the foot of the monastery of St John, which, crowning the hill with its towers and battlements, resembles a fortress rather than a monastery.
If two roots are imaginary the equation is y 2 =(x 2 +a 2) (x - b) and the curve resembles the parabolic branch, as in the preceding case.
The fish resembles a sprat in having a forked tail and a single dorsal fin, but the body is round and slender.
His attributes are the trident and the dolphin (sometimes the tunny fish.) As represented in art Poseidon resembles Zeus, but possesses less of his majestic calm, his muscles are more emphasized, and his hair is thicker and somewhat dishevelled.
The skull generally resembles that of Camelus, the relatively larger brain-cavity and orbits and less developed cranial ridges being due to its smaller size.
In its present form this episode appears to be not very ancient; it resembles Ruth in giving a good deal of curious archaeological detail (the feast at Shiloh) in a form which suggests that the usages referred to were already obsolete when the narrative was composed.
The Bagirmese proper are a vigorous, well-formed race of NegroidArab blood, who, according to their own traditions, came from the eastward several centuries ago, a tradition borne out by their language, which resembles those spoken on the White Nile.
In character of work and design it resembles the Venice Pala d'Oro, but is still earlier in date, being a gift to the church from Archbishop Angilbert II.
Tinsmiths' work resembles the lighter part of the work of the coppersmith.
It is largely arid and there are no permanent streams. Its zoology resembles that of Sokotra, but the fauna includes land shells and scorpions peculiar to Abd-elKuri.
The lowest beds of this series, which from their position may belong either to the Permian or to the upper part of the Carboniferous, have yielded no recognizable fossils; but they include a conglomerate which closely resembles the boulder bed near the base of the Talchir series in India.
It is a cluster of old-fashioned cottages in a unique position on the sides of a rocky cleft in the north coast; its main street resembles a staircase which descends 400 ft.
In the Punjab, the United Provinces, and northern India generally the climate resembles that of the Riviera, with a brilliant cloudless sky and cool dry weather.
The Bora wears the anga, otherwise he resembles the Meman.
The instrument in some respects resembles the equatorial equatorial coude of Loewy, but instead of two mirrors Camp there is only one.
The avifauna resembles that of Madagascar; there are species of a peculiar genus of caterpillar shrikes (Campephagidae), as well as of the genera Pratincola, Hypsipetes, Phedina, Tchitrea, Zosterops, Foudia, Collocalia and Coracopsis, and peculiar forms of doves and parakeets.
The favourite residential town is Curepipe, where the climate resembles that of the south of France.
The site of the old city resembles a whale's back in shape; it slopes gently to its western extremity at Punta Sarandi and to the water's edge on either side.
The plant is grown almost exclusively for the sake of its fruit, which both in size and shape resembles a moderate-sized plum; at first the fruits are green, but as they ripen they become of a reddish-brown colour on the outside and yellow within.
The spectrum, which closely resembles that of a sunspot, is marked by flutings or bands of lines sharply bounded on the violet side and fading off towards the red.
The division south of the Ganges comprises portions of Allahabad, Benares and Ghazipur, together with the whole of Mirzapur, and in general features somewhat resembles Bundelkhand, but the lowlands along the river bank are more fertile.
It is found by these methods that the behaviour of superheated vapours closely resembles that of noncondensible gases, and it is a fair inference that similar behaviour would be observed up to the saturation-point if surface condensation could be avoided.
It closely resembles caesium and potassium in its general properties.
It thus resembles magnetite in external characters, but is readily distinguished from this by the fact that it is only slightly magnetic. It is found in considerable amount, associated with zinc minerals (zincite and willemite) in crystalline limestone, at Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, where it is mined as an ore of zinc (containing 5 to 20% of the metal); after the extraction of the zinc, the residue is used in the manufacture of spiegeleisen (the mineral containing 15 to 20% of manganese oxides).
It lies in the centre of extensive moors and in appearance resembles a Dutch town.
Tungstic acid closely resembles molybdic acid in combining with phosphoric, arsenious, arsenic, boric, vanadic and silicic acids to form highly complex acids of which a great many salts exist.
The United States of America more nearly resembles the Swiss confederacy, though retaining marks of its English origin.
The syllabary upon the Galassi vase indicates in all probability that the vase, which resembles an ink-bottle, belonged to a child, for whose edification the syllables pa, pi, pe, pu and the rest were intended.
The west front is particularly fine, and the church, with its noble proportions and lofty clerestories, resembles a cathedral in miniature.
The oscillation of M then resembles that of a particle at a distance a from one end of a string of length a+b fixed at the ends and subject to a tension mg.
A wheel thus formed resembles in shape a series of equal and similar toothed disks placed side by s de, with the teeth of each a little behind those of the preceding isk.
The sectarial mark of the Ramanujas resembles a capital U (or, in the case of another division, a Y), painted with a white clay called gopichandana, between the hair and the root of the nose, with a red or yellow vertical stroke (representing the female element) between the two white lines.
This micro-organism, which resembles ordinary yeast cells in appearance, forms a pellicle on the surface of wine, particularly when the latter is exposed to the air more than it should be, and its development is favoured by lack of alcohol.
The finest Tarragona (which much resembles port) is made in the Priorato region, about 15 m.
Raphael, "one of the seven holy angels, which present the prayers of the saints, and go in before the glory of the Holy One," resembles the protecting spirit Sraosha.
Ruskin considered that there was "nothing so perfect in its simplicity" as the west window, the design of which resembles a leaf.
The " Welsh process " closely resembles the English method; the main difference consists in the enrichment of the matte by smelting with the rich copper-bearing slags obtained in subsequent operations.
The Bruckner cylinder resembles the Elliot and Russell black ash furnace; its cylinder tapers slightly towards each end, and is generally 18 ft.
From tannic acid is also made gallic acid, which resembles tannic acid but has no astringent taste.
The middle belt is gently undulating; viewed from rare eminences the landscape over the boundless forests resembles a dark green sea, through which the great rivers flow straight between steep, flat-topped banks, with long quiet reaches broken by occasional rapids.
Gentle forest-clad undulations, many small lakes and peat-mosses, are characteristic of the region; which, in fact, closely resembles the middle belt of the northern highland region.
The southern coast and its inland waters are frequented by several species of petrel, among which are the Procellaria gigantea, whose strength and rapacity led the Spaniards to call it quebranta huesos (breakbones), the Puffinus cinereus, which inhabits the inland channels in large flocks, and an allied species (Puffinuria Berardii) which inhabits the inland sounds and resembles the auk in some particulars of habit and appearance.
The foliage much resembles that of the Scotch fir, but is shorter, denser and more rigid; the cones are smaller but similar in form.
It is true that in many features his Christian system - if we may use the expression - resembles the so-called Gnostic systems; but the first duty of the historian is to point out what Marcion plainly aimed at; only in the second place *have we to inquire how far the result corresponded with those purposes.
He resembles the first in his method of investigating the end which human nature is intended to realize; he reminds of the other by the consistency with which he upholds the absolute supremacy of moral law.
Lima sarsaparilla resembles the Jamaica kind, but, the roots are of a paler brown colour.
He resembles his father in his arrogant tone towards those whom he despises and those whom he hates, and he despises and hates all who differ from him.
In its general behaviour it resembles arsine, burning with a violet flame and being decomposed by heat into its constituent elements.
Chronic poisoning by antimony is very rare, but resembles in essentials chronic poisoning by arsenic. In its medico-legal aspects antimonial poisoning is of little and lessening importance.
The fruit in Bambusa, Arundinaria and other genera resembles the grain generally characteristic of grasses, but in Dendrocalamus and others it is a nut, while rarely, as in Melocanna, it is fleshy and suggests an apple in size and appearance.
The next succeeding deposit is a sandstone, often highly inclined, which rests unconformably upon the Nummulitic beds and resembles the Lower Siwaliks of the SubHimalaya (Pliocene) but which as yet has yielded no fossils of any kind.
It resembles the Casa Grande ruin of Chihuahua, Mexico, with its walls of sundried puddled clay, and its area of rooms, courts and plazas, surrounded by a wall.
Nor must we overlook the possibility that the endosporeformation in non-motile bacteria more than merely resembles the development of azygospores in the Conjugatae, and some Ulothricaceae, if reduced in size, would resemble them.
Collins resembles Blount in "attacking specific Christian positions rather than seeking for a foundation on which to build the edifice of Natural Religion."
On the principle that like acts upon like, the particular senses are only affected by that which resembles them.
The brain is small, but resembles that of birds in its general conformation.
In Trinidad the young are esteemed a great delicacy for the table by many, though some persons object to their peculiar scent, which resembles that of a cockroach (Blatta), and consequently refuse to eat them.
The first specimen of the apparatus found at Perugia resembles a candelabrum on a base, tapering towards the top, with a blunt end, on which the small disk (found near the rod), which has a hole near the edge and is slightly hollow in the middle, could be balanced.
Tokat opium resembles that of Malatia, but the cakes are flatter, and the paste is similar in character, though the leaves covering it are of a yellower tint of green.
Of the other alkaloids narceine is hypnotic, like morphine and codeine, whilst thebaine, papaverine and narcotine have an action which resembles that of strychnine, and is, generally speaking, undesirable or dangerous if at all well marked.
A substance collected by the inhabitants of Laristan from Pyrus glabra strongly resembles oak manna in appearance.
Silver is not oxidized by oxygen, but resembles mercury in being oxidized by ozone.
Hence the absence of sense-organs in the scyphistoma does not necessarily disprove its medusoid character, while its anatomical structure resembles that of a simple scyphomedusa, such as Lucernaria, rather than that of a polyp.
Upper Canada College, founded in 1829, in many respects resembles one of the English public schools.
The nervous system resembles that of Gastropoda and Lamellibranchia.
It resembles the ship in floating upon the air, as the ship a floats upon the water; in other words, the balloon is lighter than the air, as the ship is lighter than the water.
It resembles the flying creature only in this, that it is immersed in the ocean of air in which it sustains itself.
The result has been the development within the Established Church of a most startling diversity of doctrine and ritual practice, varying from what closely resembles that of the Church of Rome to the broadest Liberalism and the extremest evangelical Protestantism.
The species resembles a wolf in size, and is greyish-brown in colour, marked with indistinct longitudinal stripes of a darker hue, while the legs are transversely striped.
In size it resembles the striped hyena, but differs in appearance, owing to the fringe of long hair covering the neck and fore part of the back.
Geologically, Banka resembles the Malay Peninsula, its formations being mainly granite, Silurian and Devonian slate, frequently covered with sandstone, laterite (red ironstone clay) of small fertility, and alluvium.
The Wasatch Mountain range constitutes the eastern margin of the Great Basin in central and northern Utah, and resembles the true basin ranges in that it is formed by a great block of the earth's crust uptilted along a north-south fault-line.
Sinaia resembles a large model village, widely scattered among the pine forests of the lower Carpathians, and along the banks of the Prahova, a swift alpine stream.
It somewhat resembles the Milan arcade, and has an octagon in the centre, with a cupola.
Cordaites is an extinct type which in certain respects resembles Ginkgo, cycads and the Araucarieae, but its agreement with true conifers is probably too remote to justify our attri buting much weight to the bearing of the morphology of its female flowers on the interpretation of that of the Coniferae.
The excuse, as a rule, may hold good, that the postal charge is only a reasonable one for service rendered, so that the net income of the post office really resembles the profit of a business, but the element of taxation appears undoubtedly to enter.
The indigenous fauna, so far as its limited range affords comparison, resembles that of Madagascar.
The pentabromide, PBr 5, which results from phosphorus and an excess of bromine, is a yellow solid, and closely resembles the pentachloride.
It here resembles a long lake, overshadowed by precipitous mountains, which vary from moo to 2000 ft.
Navigation on the lower Magdalena closely resembles that of the Mississippi, the same type of light-draft, flat-bottomed steamboat being used, and similar obstacles and dangers to navigation being encountered.
The head-streams of the Kei, often called the Great Kei, rise in the Stormberg, and the river, which resembles the Great Fish in its many twists, flows in a general south-east direction through mountainous country until it reaches the coast plain.
The deposit strictly resembles a consolidated modern boulder clay.
It is remarkable for the shortness of the cannonbones of the legs, in which it resembles the Rocky Mountain goat.
In southern Oregon the general elevation of this range is greater than in the N., but the individual peaks are less prominent, and the range in some respects resembles a plateau.
This gas is now passed through the Gay-Lussac tower, which somewhat resembles the Glover tower, but is usually filled with coke, over which sulphuric acid of about 80% H2504 trickles down in sufficient quantity to retain the nitrous vapours.
The cavities both of the calices and coenenchymal tubes of Heliopora are closed below by horizontal partitions or tabulae, hence the genus was formerly included in the group Tabulata, and was supposed to belong to the madreporarian corals, both because of its lamellar skeleton, which resembles that of a Ma.drepore, and because each calicle has from twelve to fifteen radial partitions or septa projecting into its cavity.
In its extreme dryness and heat, combined with the aridity of a sandy soil, Upper Sind resembles the sultry deserts of Africa.
Though heavier in fleece and a bulkier animal, the Shropshire resembles an enlarged Southdown.
Pseudopelletierine (methyl granatonine), C9H15N0, an alkaloid of the pomegranate, is a derivative of cyclo-octane, and resembles tropine in that it contains a nitrogen bridge between two carbon atoms. It is an inactive base, and also has ketonic properties.
It has been remarked that the developed ceremony of baptism, with its threefold renunciation, resembles the ceremony of Roman law known as emancipatio, by which the patria potestas (or power of life and death of the father over his son) was extinguished.
It may be mentioned that the single sheet is a sort of wavy form, having upon it three lines of inflection, and which is met by any plane through the vertex in one or in three lines; the twin-pair sheet has no lines of inflection, and resembles in its form a cone on an oval base.
When there is a marked difference between the premolars and molars of the permanent dentition, the first milk-molar resembles a premolar, while the last has the characters of the posterior molar.
It closely resembles the chloride in being deliquescent, dissolving ferric hydrate, and in yielding basic salts.
From the waist to the feet her image resembles a pillar, narrowing downwards and sculptured all round with rows of animals (lions, rams and bulls).
Leucophryne (or Leucophrys), whose worship was brought by emigrants from Magnesia in Thessaly to Magnesia on the Maeander, was a nature goddess, and her representation on coins exactly resembles that of the Ephesian Artemis.
On the other hand, there is nothing perceived in the mathematical relations of bodies which in the least resembles their secondary qualities.
Wollaston's theory of moral evil as consisting in the practical contradiction of a true proposition, closely resembles the most paradoxical part of Clarke's doctrine, and was not likely to approve itself to the strong common sense of Butler; but his statement of happiness or pleasure as a " justly desirable " end at which every rational being " ought " to aim corresponds exactly to Butler's conception of self-love as a naturally governing impulse; while' the " moral arithmetic " with which he compares pleasures and pains, and endeavours to make the notion of happiness quantitatively precise, is an anticipation of Benthamism.
The physiological action of stramonium resembles that of belladonna, except that stramonium relaxes to a greater extent the unstriped muscle of the bronchial tubes; for this reason it is used in asthma to relieve the bronchial spasm.
Though considerably smaller than the ostrich, and wanting its fine plumes, the rhea in general aspect far more resembles that bird than the other Ratitae.
Almost the whole of this region is covered by a red soil, often of great thickness, which resembles and is often described as " clay," but is really decomposed rock, chiefly gneiss, reddened with oxidized magnetite.
In the high interior the climate resembles that of the temperate zones, although six-sevenths of the island are within the tropics; there is no intense heat, and it is quite cold, occasionally touching freezing point, during the nights of the cool season.
The flora resembles that of West Africa generally, the mangrove being common.
Tylor, which closely resembles Herbert Spencer's " ghost theory."
Luther says " it closely resembles the rest of the books of Holy Scripture, and would not be unworthy to be enumerated with them."
It is composed of red and variegated sandstones, dolomites and marls, traversed in some places by ophitic rocks, and containing deposits of gypsum, aragonite and rocksalt, It thus resembles the Trias of England and Germany.
The newest form of a stereoscopic microscope resembles the oldest in so far as two completely separate microscopes are used.
The local constitution resembles that of the other Australian states inasmuch as the executive government of four ministers is responsible to the legislature, which consists of a legislative council and a house of assembly.
It has recently been stated, however, that the supposed Algae are in reality the megaspores of Vascular Cryptogams. Scarcely anything is known of Palaeozoic Florideae; Solenopora, ranging from the Ordovician to the Jurassic, resembles, in the structure of its thallus, with definite zones of growth, Corallinaceae such as Lithothamnion, and may probably be of the same nature.
The stem is traversed by a single stele, with solid wood, without pith; the primary xylem is triangular in section, the spiral elements forming one or two groups at each angle, while the phloem occupied the bays, so that the structure resembles that of a triarch root.
The structure of the ribbed Sigillariae, as at present known, essentially resembles that of a medullate Lepidodendron, though the ring of primary wood is narrower.
In Ptychocarpus the fusion of the sporangia to form the synangium was much more complete; Scolecopteris resembles A sterotheca, but each synangium is stalked.
The genus Diplolabis of Renault, shows much in common with Zygopteris as regards anatomical structure, but resembles Corynepteris in possessing a synangic fructification.
The floras which it chiefly resembles are first, that of Monte Bolca, and second, that of the Gres du Soissonais, which latter Gardner thinks may be of the same age, and not earlier, as is generally supposed.
Aglaosthenes or Agaosthenes, an early writer, knew Ursa minor as Kvv600vpa, Cynosura, and recorded the translation of Aquila; Epimenides the Cretan (c. 600 B.C.) recorded the translation of Capricornus and the star Capella; Pherecydes of Athens (c. 500-450 B.C.) recorded the legend of Orion, and stated the astronomical fact that when Orion sets Scorpio rises; Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.) and Hellanicus of Mytilene (c. 496-411 B.C.) narrate the legend of the seven Pleiades - the daughters of Atlas; and the latter states that the Hyades are named either from their orientation, which resembles v (upsilon), " or because at their rising or setting Zeus rains "; and Hecataeus of Miletus (c. 470 B.C.) treated the legend of the Hydra.
Silver resembles them closely, but differs by the circumstance that it is deposited permanently in minute granules in the tissues, and, without affecting the general health, stains the skin of a bluish colour (argyria).
Chagual gum, a variety brought from Santiago, Chile, resembles gum senegal.
Part of it only is soluble in water, and that resembles gummic acid in being precipitated by alcohol and ammonium oxalate, but differs from it in giving a precipitate with neutral lead acetate and none with borax.
Gum kuteera resembles in appearance gum tragacanth, for which the attempt has occasionally been made to substitute it.
The "greatest God" resembles man "neither in form nor in mind."
It resembles the Nunnery Quadrangle, except that the northern building carries a peculiar roof-comb of colossal size, running its entire length and rising to a height of about 16 ft.
It is brownishgreen, and otherwise resembles bhang, as in odour and taste.
A business plan that resembles a short novel is not the way to attract backers.
The result resembles a saloon brawl in the wild west.
Most of it is finely comminuted and resembles sheep/goat dung.
But closer analyzes reveal that the process whereby Agrobacterium injects T-DNA into plant cells strongly resembles conjugation, ie, mating between bacterial cells.
Some patients may prefer a stoma protector, which resembles a breathable cravat covering.
None of these cultural crucibles exist today and I wasn't able to find anything that resembles them.
Mix in the butter until the mixture resembles bread crumbs in texture.
Nevertheless the PSII core region is clearly 2-fold symmetric and closely resembles the averaged PSII core dimer top view.
It is milky in color and resembles dirty dishwater.
The adjustable rate escapement shown in below resembles the inverse escapement in **** .
Ever notice how much the can of room freshener resembles the can of deodorant?
Like many other small towns in Iowa today, it resembles much more an inner city ghetto than a Norman Rockwell painting.
The Agouti is a smooth-coated guinea pig that most closely resembles the wild type of guinea pig found in South America.
They each stand on a strange creature, which partly resembles a serpent and partly a crocodile, but has only fore legs.
These people develop a disease that is not autoimmune but resembles lupus erythematosus.
One painting depicts Britain surrounded by a swirling Maelstrom coming from the mouth of a man who resembles Adolf Hitler.
We are moving from that to something which resembles a maypole with each ribbon of the maypole with each ribbon of the maypole representing a distinct neighborhood.
The most famous of Florida desserts is Key Lime Pie, it originated in Key west and resembles lemon meringue but is more tart.
Today the site resembles a moonscape, following its destruction in the first millenium AD.
The head viewed face on resembles a triangle tapering in straight lines to a fine muzzle.
In propria persona, he resembles the terrifying Lord Reith as he might have been drawn by Dickens's illustrator, George Cruikshank.
Our garden resembles a quagmire in the wet, but the vacuum did its job and picked up pretty much everything thrown at it.
Bursting with fruitiness and fuller in body than most, it almost resembles a light red wine.