Researcher Sentence Examples
His rather nerdy take as a researcher is very humorous.
He is not a diligent researcher into family history; his questions are more of an interest at the moment.
So far he is in general agreement with Anaximander, but he differs from him in the solution of the problem, disliking, as a poet and a mystic, the primary matter which satisfied the patient researcher, and demanding a more vivid and picturesque element.
The first source is publication subventions from traditional researcher sponsors.
However, if you are paying a researcher living in Italy to locate a document for you, it certainly will be cheaper than traveling to Italy to do the research yourself.
Since most church records are not online, you may need to pay a local family history researcher to help you, or travel to Ohio to conduct research in person.
It takes time to find the information you need, especially if you don’t have many details for the researcher to use as starting point.
For example, a researcher may analyze the changes in repetitive behavior in two different groups of people over a three-year period.
You're a respected HIV physician and researcher but becoming co-chair of the World Aids Conference must be a new challenge?
If you order a vital record from this company, a researcher will be dispatched to go to the appropriate records office to obtain a copy of the document for you.
AdvertisementA separate fee is charged depending on which office the researcher needs to visit.
As early as 1970, a study by researcher Shingo Murakami identified HSV-1 as the primary cause of Bell's palsy.
The bacteria causing shigellosis is named after Shiga, a Japanese researcher, who discovered the organism in 1897.
A Japanese researcher, Michiaki Takahashi, attenuated the virus by growing it in various animal and human cell cultures.
You may need to copy them for a fellow researcher to read.
AdvertisementThe target time frame will often dictate where a researcher should look.
The 1930 census is unique in that only 13 states were recorded in such a way that a researcher could use soundex to find a name.
If you're piecing together your family tree, you may find the services of a family tree researcher beneficial.
A family researcher provides hard to locate information that you may not physically be able to obtain.
A family tree researcher may have more success locating information if he speaks the language of the country of origin of your ancestor.
AdvertisementMost genealogical work you can do yourself, but if you do hit a roadblock, hiring a researcher can really open doors of knowledge and information previously closed to you.
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is a gold mine for any family tree researcher.
You can hire a genealogy researcher to help you find these records, or you can call the local library to see if they perform volunteer lookups.
Researcher and Professor Kutluk Oktay wanted to preserve the fertility in the patients who developed breast cancer while of childbearing age.
The Shettles method was developed by a gynecologist and fertility researcher in the 1960s.
AdvertisementBotanical researcher Emalyn Morgan from Everest Nutrition took time with LoveToKnow recently to discuss the benefits of krill oil and how it compares with fish oil.
Dr. Raymond Moody is a researcher and writer who documented a number of cases where people involved in NDEs were able to accurately verify items in real life during their experience.
Well-known paranormal researcher Richard Senate viewed the recording and was quickly convinced that the tape reflected an authentic ghostly apparition.
Additionally, such statistical variations could easily be accounted for by invalid or flawed research techniques or due to researcher bias.
The Bell Witch haunting is considered one of America's greatest ghost stories according to paranormal researcher, psychologist Dr. Nandor Fodor.
The character's degree in chemistry made her an ideal researcher for her family's cosmetic business.
The characteristics displayed by these children were quite similar to those recorded by another researcher in 1943, Leo Kanner.
During part of the session, a researcher plays with the infant using systematically selected activities that target certain expected behaviors.
Wakefield founded Thoughtful House Center for Children in Austin, Texas in 2005 and worked as autism researcher in USA.
The retraction of the study is a slap in the face, but finding the study linking vaccines and autism a fraud is devastating to the researcher.
Many continue to support the researcher, and many families note that they have seen changes in their children following the MMR vaccine.
Dr. Sears is a famed author and a scientist and researcher on the hormonal consequences of food, which he considers the foundation of a healthy life.
Dr. Swann was a researcher who'd intercepted messages for decades about the coming of the last son of Krypton.
Ford Prefect - has been stranded on Earth for the past fifteen years, a native of Betelgeuse, and roving researcher for that amazing compendium, the Hitchhiker's Guide.
The contents would be of immediate interest to any researcher with Cornish mining ancestors who emigrated to the USA, Canada or Australia.
Our research income per researcher exceeds the sector average, reaching over £ 104,000 per active researcher in 2002/03.
The online researcher, thus, has an additional responsibility compared to their analog counterparts.
The view here is that the " aware " researcher invests more than mere intellectual curiosity into the subject of his or her research.
Brain researcher David Nicholls has already announced the defection of his team to the Buck Institute in San Francisco.
Regular coffee drinkers have about 1/3 less asthma symptoms than those of non-coffee drinkers according to a Harvard researcher who studied 20,000 people.
Even one researcher said " At the morphological level feathers are traditionally considered homologous with reptilian scales.
It suggests that the process of becoming a researcher is also lifelong.
How can history of mathematics be useful for the mathematics education researcher?
During the experience, the researcher observed each participant and was able to simultaneously observe what he was viewing in the HMD.
Trade Union researcher Don Pollard claims that the current supermarket price war is driving this trade in illegal immigrants.
In spite of all these commitments, he was a most productive researcher and a hugely prolific publisher.
All the interviews were conducted by one researcher using a semi-structured questionnaire.
The review report is based on a more detailed report prepared by Herman Kok, a Researcher at ICSC Europe.
A researcher might be looking for salmonella in pigs.
The participant and researcher watched the videotape of the lesson and the stimulated recall interview took place.
The popularity of baby signing can be attributed to the American child development researcher, Joseph Garcia.
During the 1920's and 1930's, a researcher named Arthur Penfold studied tea tree oil and discovered that the oil was eleven times more active than phenol (carbolic acid).
According to a study at Atlanta's Morehouse School of Medicine, researcher Tesfaye Belay, Ph.D determined that stress can make you physically sick by increasing stress hormones in the body which promote bacteria growth.
Amen, M.D., renowned brain researcher and author of Change Your Brain Change Your Life.
A visit to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA) provides a savvy researcher with all of the tools he or she needs to take a more in-depth look at the numbers related to teens and drinking.
In one study conducted by a Japanese researcher, results suggested that 25-30 grams of protein daily is all that's needed to maintain good health.
Any paper a student or researcher has ever posted on a website is available for the taking.
The REM cycle is a valuable tool for researcher to use in order to determine the reasons behind sleeping, dreaming and sleep disorders.
The original CPAP masks were developed in the early 1980s by Dr. Colin Sullivan, the Australian researcher who led the team that developed the first CPAP machine.
They answer questions and provide informative articles on sleep related topics from the standpoint of a doctor or researcher.
He was a researcher at the Essilor group, the company that owns the popular brand Varilux, which produces progressive lenses for patients across the world.
No one really knew where or how Cabernet Sauvignon developed until researcher Dr. Carole Meredith led a team that studied the DNA of the grapes used to make the wine.
Dr. Carole Meredith, a researcher at the University of California at Davis, led a group that conducted extensive DNA tests on the modern-day vines used to produce Cabernet Sauvignon.
Dr. Kang Lee of the Department of Psychology at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, observed young children telling so-called "white lies" to avoid disappointing the researcher.
When parents instructed the children to "be polite" when the researcher asked if they liked the soap, as many as 80 percent of these children, ages three to 11 years of age were dishonest.
One researcher states that 50-60 percent of patients are younger than 10 years, 80-95 percent are below the age of 20, with the remainder between 20 and 40 years of age.
Athletes are particularly at risk of maxillofacial injuries; one researcher estimates that 10.4 percent of all fractures of the facial bones are related to sports.
One researcher estimates that about 2 percent of all children or adolescents who participate in sports eventually suffer a facial injury severe enough to require medical attention.
One researcher in Australia stated that the stresses on families with children diagnosed with moderate or severe AD are greater than the burdens on families with children with type 1 diabetes.
By tracing the history of parents, grandparents and great grandparents, the researcher often discovers a fulfilling sense of self as they discover the histories of those who came before them.
Paying a professional researcher may cost quite a bit depending on the time involved and the difficulty in getting results.
You may think publishing your city and state is secure, but if your name, address and phone number are published in the local Yellow Pages, it won't take long for a researcher to track down the information.
Researcher Laurence Steinberg summed it up in the 2001 Journal of Research on Adolescence, saying "I know of no study that indicates that adolescents fare better when they are reared with some other parenting style."
Dr. Zemel, the head researcher of this particular clinical trial, has been criticized for the outcome connecting reduction in body weight with dairy products because the questionable corporate self-interest of the Dairy Council.
Roddy McKenna, a former researcher for the BBC's The Oxford Road Show approached the band after seeing one of their shows at The International, convinced they were the perfect band for his new project, the creation of Silvertone records.
Worked Example A researcher believes that eating New Zealand green lipped mussels may have beneficial effects for people suffering from arthritis.