Requiring Sentence Examples
Their business was to supervise daily life, to warn the disorderly, and to give notice to the consistory of cases requiring discipline.
Pascal and P. de Fermat had initiated he brought very nearly to perfection; but the demonstrations are so involved, and the omissions in the chain of reasoning so frequent, that the Theorie analytique (1812) is to the best mathematicians a work requiring most arduous study.
It differs from the open circuit in only requiring one battery (although, as in the figure, half of it is often placed at each end), in having the re circuit ceiving instrument between the line and the key, and in having the battery continuously to the line.
Charles opened a small business as an apothecary in Dublin, and between 1735 and 1741 he began his career as a pamphleteer by publishing papers on professional matters which led to legislation requiring inspection of drugs.
For it is impossible to accept the theory of one writer that they sailed or rowed round the continent - a journey requiring enormous maritime skill, which, according to the theory, they must have promptly lost.
With this modified form somewhat greater speed was obtained, but it was found difficult to drive, requiring the use of steam or some such motive-power.
It advances with years, requiring from time to time spectacles of increasing strength.
The only vamp that could change someone without them following the normal rite requiring human sacrifice, Xander had once created an army in months.
In this, as Most important cables, such as those of the Eastern Telegraph and the other with the earth; but it differed from other methods in requiring no " artificial " or balancing cable.
Among the great variety of problems solved are problems leading to determinate equations of the first degree in one, two, three or four variables, to determinate quadratic equations, and to indeterminate equations of the first degree in one or more variables, which are, however, transformed into determinate equations by arbitrarily assuming a value for one of the required numbers, Diophantus being always satisfied with a rational, even if fractional, result and not requiring a solution in integers.
AdvertisementAdministration The complex approval process for pension schemes will be replaced by a simplified regime requiring registration only.
He supported the bill for requiring a real property qualification for a seat in parliament.
He refused to sign a convention requiring that he should perform his duties only under the authority of the military governor of Brussels, and reserved to himself the rights of a free agent.
In 1907 an amendment to the constitution was adopted, which struck out from the instrument the clause requiring the payment of a registration fee of one dollar by each elector.
The latter phenomenon is most clearly shown by the stripes of cold water along the west coasts of Africa and America, the current running along the coast tending to draw its water away seawards on the surface and the principle of continuity requiring the updraught of the cool deep layers to take its place.
AdvertisementModern screening and washing plants, especially when the small coal forms a considerable proportion of the output, are large and costly, requiring machinery of a capacity of ioo to 150 tons per hour, which absorbs 350 to 400 H.P. In this, as in many other cases, electric motors supplied from a central station are now preferred to separate steam-engines.
However, there are laws requiring that each school be taught at least six months in a year, and that children between the ages of seven and fourteen attend for at least twelve consecutive weeks, and for a total of sixteen weeks in every year.
In the case of all quasi-public corporations rigid laws exist prohibiting the issue of stock or bonds unless the par value is first paid in; prohibiting the declaration of any stock or scrip dividend, and requiring that new stock shall be offered to stockholders at not less than its market value, to be determined by the proper state officials, any shares not so subscribed for to be sold by public auction.
Congress had passed a law in 1878 requiring the treasury department to purchase a certain amount of silver bullion each month and coin it into silver dollars to be full legal tender.
The law divided the subjects of census inquiry into two parts - first, those of primary importance, requiring the aid of the enumerator; and, secondly, those of subsidiary importance, capable of production without the aid of the enumerator.
AdvertisementAnother source of error in the manufacturing census of the United States is that the words of the census law are construed as requiring an enumeration of the various trades and handicrafts, such as carpentering.
The third modified this provision by requiring the approval of only a majority of the members elected to each house of the second legislature, and directed that the legislature should call a convention to revise the constitution at least once in twenty years if the people requested it.
In counties lacking adequate hospital accommodation a poor person requiring medical or surgical treatment may be sent to the nearest hospital approved by the state board of charities.
If we start with F as key-note, besides a small difference at we have as the fourth from it 3 X 4 = y, making with B = I R 5 an interval and requiring a new note, B flat.
In the end the Geneva tribunal made an award requiring the payment by Great Britain to the United States of a sum of about £3,000,000.
AdvertisementCalcium carbonate is obtained as a white precipitate, almost insoluble in water (1 part requiring Io,000 of water for soluticn), by mixing solutions of a carbonate and a calcium salt.
Being thus obliged to depend upon his writings for the support of his family, and having learned by the fate of his Saturn that the general public are not attracted by works requiring arduous study, he cultivated a more popular style.
On the 3rd of March 1905 a proposal for accepting either French or German as an alternative for either Latin or Greek in the Previous Examination was rejected by 1559 to 1052 votes, and on the 26th of May 1906 proposals distinguishing between students in letters and students in science, and (inter alia) requiring the latter to take either French or German for either Latin or Greek in the Previous Examination, were rejected b y 746 to 241.
The culture of silk, flax, grapes (for wine-making) and fruits and cereals in general, and the manufacture of flour and of woollen, flannel and cotton fabrics, were carried on under a rule requiring every adult to labour 12 or 14 hours each day in field or mill.
For in requiring these religions to impart certain prescribed religious truths, and to inculcate the highest moral tone, it burdened them with problems to which they were unequal.
He pushes the claim even further, requiring, besides entire outward submission to command, also the complete identification of the place of God, without reference to his personal wisdom, piety or discretion; that any obedience which falls short of making the superior's will one's own, in inward affection as well as in outward effect, is lax aect; that going beyond the letter of command, even in things abstractly good and praiseworthy, is disobedience, and that the "sacrifice of the intellect" is the third and highest grade of obedience, well pleasing to God, when the inferior not only wills what the superior wills, but thinks what he thinks, submitting his judgment, so far as it is possible for the will to influence and lead the judgment.
To carry out this view, it was one of his plans to send foreigners as superiors or officers to the Jesuit houses in each country, requiring of these envoys, however, invariably to use the language of their new place of residence and to study it both in speaking and writing till entire mastery of it hadlocality.
An indirect result of the industrial development of Mexico, which began during the last quarter of the 19th century, has been an increased interest in agriculture, and especially in undertakings requiring large investments of capital, such as coffee, sugar and rubber plantations.
Two ordinary congressional sessions are held each year - April 1 to May 31 and September 16 to December 15 - and a permanent committee of 29 members (14 senators and 15 deputies) sits during recess, with the power to confirm executive appointments, to give assent to a mobilization of the national guard, fo convene extra legislative sessions, to administer oaths, and to report at the next session on matters requiring congressional action.
New Hampshire formed a part of Massachusetts when, in 1647, the General Court of that province passed the famous act requiring every town in which there were fifty householders to maintain a school for teaching reading and writing, and every town in which there were one hundred householders to maintain a grammar school with an instructor capable of preparing young men for college.
He appoints some of the state officials, his nominations usually requiring the concurrence of the state senate; but his patronage is in most states not very largein many it is indeed insignificant because the offices of greatest importance are filled by direct popular election.
A rule requiring the presence of six judges to pronounce a decision prevents the division of the court into two or more benches; and while this secures a thorough consideration of every case, it also retards the despatch of business.
The reformation of abuses generally took the form of the establishment of new monastic orders, with new and more stringent rules, requiring a modification of the architectural arrangements.
Thus canoe navigation may be carried on for hundreds of miles, with here and there a waterfall or a rapid requiring a portage of a few hundred yards or at most a mile or two.
Aristotle, when speaking of the aristocratic character of the horse, as requiring fertile soil for its support, and consequently being associated with wealth, instances its use among the Chalcidians and Eretrians, and in the former of those two states we find a class of nobles called Hippobotae.
Xenocrates took the tolerant view that it is the possession of appropriate virtue and noble actions, requiring as conditions bodily and external goods.
According to him, the good is activity of soul in accordance with virtue in a mature life, requiring as conditions bodily and external goods of fortune; and virtue is a mean state of the passions.
But in Ethics a man's individual good is his own happiness; and his happiness is no mere state, but an activity of soul according to virtue in a mature life, requiring as conditions moderate bodily and external goods of fortune; his virtue is (I) moral virtue, which is acquired by habituation, and is a purposive habit of performing actions in the mean determined by right reason or prudence; requiring him, not to exclude, but to moderate his desires; and (2) intellectual virtue, which is either prudence of practical, or wisdom of speculative intellect; and his happiness is a kind of ascending scale of virtuous activities, in which moral virtue is limited by prudence, and prudence by wisdom; so that the speculative life of wisdom is the happiest and most divine, and the practical life of prudence and moral virtue secondary and human.
Intelligence is not active intellect propagating universal essence in passive intellect, but only logical inference starting from sense, and both requiring nervous body and conscious soul.
In retaliation the 41st Congress excluded the state's representatives on a technicality, and, on the theory that the government of Georgia was a provisional organization, passed an act requiring the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment before the admission of Georgia's senators and representatives.
These declarations were obviously a concession to the widespread feeling, among civilized nations, that peace is an object in itself, an international political condition requiring its code of methods and laws just as much as the domestic political conditions of nations require their codes of methods and laws.
This act, and the Parliamentary Elections Act 1868, as amended by it, and other enactments dealing with corrupt practices, are temporary acts requiring annual renewal.
Kant further insisted that this apperception, " I think," is an act of spontaneity, distinct from sense, necessary to regarding all my ideas as mine, and to combining them in a synthetic unity of apperception; which act Fichte afterwards developed into an active construction of all knowledge, requiring will directed to the end of duty.
He describes it as idealism in the form of ideal realism, because it recognizes an ideating will requiring substance as substratum or matter for outer relations of phenomena.
But when we look for the evidence of any such will beyond ourselves and our experience, we find Wundt offering nothing but an ontological " ideal " of reason, and a moral " ideal " requiring a religious " ideal," but without any power of inferring a corresponding reality.
Taken for granted the Kantian hypothesis of a sense of sensations requiring synthesis by understanding, and the Kantian conclusion that Nature as known consists of phenomena united by categories as objects of experience, Green argued, in accordance with Kant's first position, that knowledge, in order to unite the manifold of sensations by relations into related phenomena, requires unifying intelligence, or what Kant called synthetic unity of apperception, which cannot itself be sensation, because it arranges sensations; and he argued, in accordance with Kant's second position, that therefore Nature itself as known requires unifying intelligence to constitute the relations of its phenomena, and to make it a connected world of experience.
From this fact of unity of Nature and of everything in Nature, combined with the two previous positions accepted, not from Nature, but from Kant, Green proceeded to argue, altogether beyond Kant, that Nature, being one, and also requiring unifying intelligence, requires one intelligence, an eternal intelligence, a single spiritual principle, prior to, and the condition of, our individual knowledge.
Ampere, Wollaston and others, the realization of the continuous rotation of the wire and the magnet round each other was a scientific puzzle requiring no mean ingenuity for its original solution.
The same law prescribes conditions under which children between fourteen and eighteen years of age may be employed in the manufacture of white-lead, red-lead, paints, phosphorus, poisonous acids, tobacco or cigars, in mercantile establishments, stores, hotels, offices or in other places requiring protection to their health or safety; and it forbids the employment of boys under sixteen years of age or of girls under eighteen years of age in such factories or establishments more than ten hours a day (unless it be to prepare for a short day) or for more than fifty-eight hours to be chosen for the same term of service each voter shall vote for one only, and when three are to be chosen he shall vote for no more than two; candidates highest in vote shall be declared elected."
Aluminium is so light that it is a matter requiring some ingenuity to select a convenient solvent through which it shall sink quickly, for if it does not sink, it short-circuits the electrolyte.
Plutarch, however, states the method in a form requiring the knowledge of Euclid vi.
The selection of suitable stocks is a matter still requiring much scientific experiment.
A heavy soil, although at first requiring more labour, generally gives far better results when worked than a light soil.
It is adapted for storing plants in winter, for nursing small plants in summer and for the culture of melons and other crops requiring glass shelter.
This is called summer pruning, and is an important operation requiring knowledge on the part of the gardener to perform properly.
A moist genial atmosphere too is essential, a point requiring unremitting attention on account of the necessity of keeping up strong fires.
Beautiful bulbous plants, called mariposa lilies, requiring warm sheltered spots in rich gritty and well-drained soil.
Beautiful terrestrial orchids, requiring to be planted in peat soil, in a cool and rather shady situation.
Handsome labiate plants, requiring a warm and well-drained soil.
Stout growing showy composites for late summer and autumn flowering, requiring rich deep soil, and not to be often disturbed.
They have thick fleshy roots, deeply penetrating, and therefore requiring deep soil, which should be of a light or sandy character.
A South African genus of composites requiring very warm sunny spots and rich gritty soil.
Charming little tufted plants requiring good loamy soil, and sometimes included with Anemone.
Ornamental strong-growing perennials requiring much space.
Charming dwarf plants, mostly evergreen and of tufted habit, requiring well-worked rich sandy soil.
For potting or basketing purposes, or for plants requiring blockculture, the materials used are light fibrous peat, special leaf-mould, osmunda or polypodium fibre and living sphagnum moss, which supply free drainage for the copious supply of water required.
Should it be provided with a central path, requiring shade, Hambro and Sweet-water grapes serve the purpose well, and in favourable seasons afford excellent crops of fruit.
Later on in the season, perhaps small cauliflowers will be planted along the margins of the beds where the carrots are growing, and will be developing into larger plants requiring more space by the time all the carrots have been picked and marketed.
The king is the supreme chief of the army, and matters requiring adjudication in the adjutantgeneral's court are referred to a special Bavarian court attached to the supreme imperial military tribunal in Berlin.
It is still in great demand for certain normal purposes for which either great ease in welding or resistance to corrosion by rusting is of great importance; for purposes requiring special forms of extreme ductility which are not so confidently expected in steel; for miscellaneous needs of many users, some ignorant, some very conservative; and for remelting in the crucible processAll the best cutlery and tool steel is made either by the crucible process or in electric furnaces, and indeed all for which any considerable excellence is claimed is supposed to be so made, though often incorrectly.
The Catholics had a majority in both, but not enough to enable them to dispense with the assistance of the Liberals, the constitution requiring for every revision a two-thirds majority.
Beyond, the river enters the wide alluvial plain, formerly occupied by the south-eastern arm of the Lake of Geneva, but now marshy and requiring frequent "correction."
The Bohea variety is hardy, and capable of thriving under many different conditions of climate and situation, while the indigenous plant is tender and difficult of cultivation, requiring for its success a close, hot, moist and equable climate.
He continued to take an active part in the affairs of the church, and introduced in 1649 the practice, now confirmed by long usage, of dissenting from the decision of the Assembly, and requiring the protest to be entered in the record.
West of Berlin the Havel widens into what are called the I3avel lakes, to which the environs of Potsdam owe their charms. In general the soil of the North German plain cannot be termed fertile, the cultivation nearly everywhere requiring severe and constant labor.
On the vexed question of the interpretation of Article 13 Metternich recognized the inexpediency of requiring the South German states to revise their constitutions in a reactionary sense.
Under this act powers are given to the secretary of state to make an order requiring an alien to leave the United Kingdom within a time fixed by the order and thereafter to remain outside the United Kingdom, subject to certain conditions, provided it is certified to him that the alien has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanour or other offence for which the court has power to impose imprisonment without the option of a fine, &c., or that he has been sentenced in a foreign country with which there is an extradition treaty, for a crime not being an offence of a political character.
In .1875 Andrassy drafted a note, which was accepted by the powers, requiring Turkey to institute the reforms necessary for the good government of the provinces.
The bank had in this way acquired a large reserve of gold, and in the new charter which was (after long delay) passed in 1899, a clause was introduced requiring the resumption of cash payments, though this was not to come into operation immediately.
He subdued Nubia and Sennar in 182022; and then, requiring a larger army, he obtained instructors from France.
The reason for these mutinies was the attempt made by successive pashas to put a stop to the extortion called Tulbah, a forced payment exacted by the troops from the inhabitants of the country by the fiction of debts requiring to be discharged, which led to grievous ill-usage.
In the dog it has been proved that after removal from the animal of every vestige of its cortex cerebri, it still executes habitual acts of great motor complexity requiring extraordinarily delicate adjustment of muscular contraction.
The famous Hirsch trial, and Voltaire's vanity and caprice, greatly lowered him in the esteem of the king, who, on his side, irritated his guest by often requiring him to correct bad verses, and by making him the object of rude banter.
According to his usual practice, he issued an edict enforcing this view, and requiring all patriarchs, metropolitans, and bishops to subscribe to it.
Some species are minute filamentous plants, requiring the microscope for their detection; others, like Lessonia, are of considerable bulk, or, like Macrocystis, of enormous length.
In this department Schurz put in force his theories in regard to merit in the Civil Service, permitting no removals except for cause, and requiring competitive examinations for candidates for clerkships; he reformed the Indian Bureau and successfully opposed a bill transferring it to theWar Department; and he prosecuted land thieves and attracted public attention to the necessity of forest preservation.
Before the Reformation schools for general education were attached to many religious houses, and in 1496 the first Scottish act was passed requiring substantial householders to send their eldest sons to school from the time they were eight or nine years old until they were " competentlie founded and have perfite Latin."
At length, however, in 1912 the Sultan of Muscat issued a proclamation requiring all arms imported into Muscat to be placed in a special warehouse from which they could not be removed except on production of an import permit from the competent authority at their destination.
At a later date, with the call of Schelling to Berlin in 1841, it became fashionable to speak of Hegelianism as a negative philosophy requiring to be complemented by a " positive " philosophy which would give reality and not mere ideas.
But this third stage is the place of effort, requiring neither the surrender of the original unity nor the ignoring of the diversity afterwards suggested.
Though he received a large income, he was so improvident that he was frequently in want, and on the 22nd of February 1822 the legislature of Maryland passed a remarkable resolution - the only one of the kind in American history - requiring every lawyer in the state to pay an annual licence fee of five dollars, to be handed over to trustees appointed "for the appropriation of the proceeds raised by virtue of this resolution to the use of Luther Martin."
Besides the making of boxes and barrels and other articles necessarily Involved in its sugar and tobacco trade, Havana also, to some extent, builds carriages and small ships, and manufactures iron and machinery; but the weight of taxation during the Spanish period was always a heavy deterrent on the development of any business requiring great capital.
It is an expensive crop, requiring much attention, and not yielding a return within the year; but the profits are proportionately large.
A lifting bridge at the wharf-end, which the ferry approached stern on, enabled accurate connection of rails at all suites of the tide, the process of embarking a train requiring ordinarily not more than 15 minutes.
Mansur had written to Abdarrahman, announcing the death of Abu`l-Abbas, and requiring him to take the oath of allegiance.
He does not start with the datum of theology as the completed body of truth, requiring only elucidation and interpretation; his fundamental thought is that of the universe, nature, TO 7rav, or God, as the ultimate unity which works itself out into the rational system of the world.
Instead of requiring from its population all kinds of work and reducing its ordinary occupations to a hard-and-fast routine meeting in a slow and unskilled manner all possible contingencies, the local group began to move, to call in workmen from abroad for tasks of a special nature, and to send its own workmen to look out for profitable employment in other places.
So sense, memory and experience, the sum of sense and memory, though requiring conception, are the causes of the experiential judgment that there exist and have existed many similar, sensible things, and these sensory, memorial and experiential judgments about the existence of past and present sensible things beyond conceived ideas become the particular premises of primary inference.
It is the analysis of an aggregate idea (Gesammtvorstellung) into subject and predicate; based on a previous association of ideas, on relating and comparing, and on the apperceptive synthesis of an aggregate idea in consequence; but itself consisting in an apperceptive analysis of that aggregate idea; and requiring will in the form of apperception or attention (Wundt).
It is a decision of the validity of an idea requiring will (Bergmann, following Brentano).
Judgment is consciousness of the identity or difference and of the causal relations of the given; naming the actual combinations of the data, but also requiring a priori categories of the understanding, the notions of identity, difference and causality, as principles of thought or laws, to combine the plurality of the given into a unity (Schuppe).
Judgment is an assertion of reality, requiring comparison and ideas which render it directly expressible in words (Hobhouse, mainly following Bradley).
Moreover, as we have shown, our primary judgments of sense are beliefs founded on sensations without requiring ideas, and are beliefs, not merely that something is determined, but that it is determined as existing; and, accordingly, our primary inferences from these sensory judgments of existence are inferences that other things beyond sense are similarly determined as existing.
Before the passage of the state prohibition law Waycross secured virtual prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors by requiring a large liquor license fee ($20,000 in 1883, increased to $30,000 in 1892).
The treatment of plague is still symptomatic. The points requiring most attention are the cerebral symptoms - headache, sleeplessness, delirium, &c. - and the state of the heart.
And yet in an ordinary policy of insurance there is no express provision requiring the underwriter to indemnify the assured against this liability.
To further the prosperity of the town a most liberal charter was granted to it, and in addition the trade of the port was artificially fostered by a decree requiring that every vessel navigating within sight of its lights should put in there.
Water supply, transport and lighting have become public services, requiring careful financial management, and still retaining traces of their earlier private character.
An act requiring all ministers appointed during the period when patronage was abolished to get presentation from their patrons and institution from their bishops was applied in the west of Scotland in such a way that 300 ministers left their manses.
Letters exist written by Colbert to the judges requiring them to sentence to the oar as many criminals as possible, including all those who had been condemned to death; and the convict once chained to the bench, the expiration of his sentence was seldom allowed to bring him release.
This preparation is technically called " making-ready," and is an operation requiring much time and care, especially in the case of illustrated work, where artistic appreciation and skill on the part of the workman is of great assistance in obtaining satisfactory and delicate results.
Process engraving has practically superseded wood engraving, and the new processes have brought new conditions, requiring a different making-ready, paper and ink.
Stall and heap roasting require considerable time, and can only be economically employed when the loss of the sulphur is of no consequence; they also occupy much space, but they have the advantage of requiring little fuel and handling.
But the third, inflicting heavy penalties, with death on a third conviction, on those who should celebrate mass or even be present at it, showed that the reformer and his friends had crossed the line, and that their position could no longer be described as, in Knox's words, "requiring nothing but the liberty of conscience, and our religion and fact to be tried by the word of God."
For the danger now was that some gentlemen were already cruel in exactions of their tenants, "requiring of them whatever before they paid to the Church, so that the papistical tyranny shall only be changed into the tyranny of the lords or of the laird."
Nay, they added that he was not even obliged to consult the council of state, but was to be regarded as a sovereign lord, responsible to God alone for his actions, and requiring no intermediary between himself and his people.
Hormizd had not the ability to retain the authority of his father, and he further affronted the Magian priesthood by declining to proceed against the Christians and by requiring that, in his empire, both religions should dwell together in peace.
By this charter the burgesses acquired the right of nominating annually two of their number for the office of portreeve so that the lord's steward might select one of them to exercise the office, an arrangement which continued till 1835; the bailiff's functions were defined and curtailed, and the lord's chancery was to be continually kept open for all requiring writs, and in Gower - not wherever the lord might happen to be.
The date palm fruits well; figs grow luxuriantly, though requiring much irrigation; almonds do well if protected from spring frosts; seaisland cotton grows in the finest grades, but is not of commercial importance.
The crown, having made choice of one of such persons, is empowered to present him by letters patent under the great seal to the metropolitan, requiring him to consecrate him to the same name, title, style and dignity of a bishop; and the person so consecrated is thereupon entitled to exercise, under a commission from the bishop who has nominated him, such authority and jurisdiction, within the diocese of such bishop, as shall be given to him by the commission, and no other.
The belief in them probably arose out of the doctrine of the older school, which did not deny the existence of the various creations of previous mythology and speculation, but allowed of their actual existence as spiritual beings, and only deprived them of all power over the lives of men, and declared them to be temporary beings liable, like men, to sin and ignorance, and requiring, like men, the salvation of Arahatship. Among them the later Buddhists seem to have placed their numerous Bodhisats; and to have paid especial reverence to Manju-sri as the personification of wisdom, and to Avalokiteswara as the personification of overruling love.
In March 1179 Alexander held the third Lateran synod, a brilliant assemblage, reckoned by the Roman church as the eleventh oecumenical council; its acts embody several of the pope's proposals for the betterment of the condition of the church, among them the present law requiring that no one may be elected pope without the votes of two-thirds of the cardinals.
Soon afterwards, Count Rumford, requiring a lecturer on chemistry for the recently established Royal Institution in London, opened negotiations with him, and on the 16th of February 1801 he was engaged as assistant lecturer in chemistry and director of the laboratory.
When a contribution is required from county rate, the county council assess the amount payable by each parish according to the basis previously made, and send their precept to the guardians of the unions comprising the several parishes in the county, the guardians in their turn requiring the overseers of each parish to provide the necessary quota of that parish out of the poor rate, and the sum thus raised goes into the county fund.
In the event of such discovery by them or of information given to them of the existence of any such nuisance, the district council are required to serve a notice requiring the abatement of the nuisance on the person by whose act, default or sufferance it arises or continues, or if such person cannot be found, on the owner or occupier of the premises at which the nuisance arises.
In a rural district any parish council may complain to the county council that the district council have made default in keeping any highway in repair, and the county council may thereupon transfer to themselves and execute the powers of the district council at the cost of the latter body, or they may make an order requiring the district council to perform their duty, or they may appoint some person to do so at the cost of the district council.
Among the miscellaneous powers of an urban council with respect to streets may be mentioned the power to widen or improve, and certain powers incorporated from the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, with respect to naming streets, numbering houses, improving the line of streets, removing obstructions, providing protection in respect of ruinous or dangerous buildings, and requiring precautions to be taken during the construction and repair of sewers, streets and houses.
Evidence of the antiquity of the belief in "maternal impressions" we have in Jacob placing peeled rods before Laban's cattle to induce them to bring forth "ring-straked speckled and spotted" offspring; evidence of the antiquity of the "infection" doctrine we have, according to some writers, in the practice amongst the Israelites of requiring the childless widow to marry her deceased husband's brother, that he might "raise up seed to his brother."
This expensive practice was abolished; various checks were placed upon legislative extravagance, and upon financial, special and local legislation generally; and among reform provisions, common enough to-day, but uncommon in 1875, were those forbidding the General Assembly to make irrevocable grants of special privileges and immunities; requiring finance officials of the state to clear their accounts precedent to further eligibility to public office; preventing private gain to state officials through the deposit of public moneys in banks, or otherwise; and permitting the governor to veto specific items in general appropriation bills.
A Board of Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners, elected by the people, was established in 1875, under a provision of the constitution requiring the General Assembly to establish maximum rates and provide against discriminations.4 The homestead of a housekeeper or head of a family, together with the rents and products of the same, is exempt from levy and attachment except to satisfy its liabilities at the time he acquired it.
Nor was very much progress made until a law was passed in 1853 requiring a quarter of the general yearly revenue of the state to be distributed among the counties for schools.
The state Board of Agriculture organizes educational farmers' institutes; and agriculture is taught, moreover, in the normal schools of the 1 The constitutional provision requiring assessments at cash valuations is not at all observed; according to the State Revenue Commission of 1902 the average tax valuation was 40 to 50% of the real value.
This theory at once explains, among other things, why the acid formed in the vitriol chambers always contains an excess of water (the second of the above-quoted reactions requiring the "mass action" of this excess), and why the external cooling produced by the contact of the chamber sides with the air is of great importance (liquid water in the shape of a mist of dilute sulphuric acid being necessary for the process).
In the same year a law was passed requiring that any corporation acting as a common carrier in the state must receive the permission of the state board of railway commissioners for the issue of stocks, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness.
Unfortunately for himself he made the mistake of requiring too much from Baliolforcing him to cede Lothian, Tweeddale and the larger part of Galloway, and to promise a tribute.
Lord Stratford soon discovered that Prince Menshikov was the hearer of larger demands, and that he was requiring the Porte to agree to a treaty acknowledging the right of.
An ultimatum was soon afterwards addressed to Russia requiring her to evacuate the principalities, and war began.
And the country was requiring more stable government.
Wright employed a coal requiring six hours for its distillation, and took samples of the gas at different periods of the time.
The fundamental objections to oil gas for the enrichment of coal gas are, first, that its manufacture is a slow process, requiring as much plant and space for retorting as coal gas; and, secondly, that although on a small scale it can be made to mix perfectly with coal gas and water gas, great difficulties are found in doing this on the large scale, because in spite of the fact that theoretically gases of such widely different specific gravities ought to form a perfect mixture by diffusion, layering of the gas is very apt to take place in the holder, and thus there is an increased liability to wide variations in the illuminating value of the gas sent out.
Ritschl - and his requiring that belief to be reported qua historical fact.
His men now suffering from scurvy, and his vessels requiring refitting, he anchored at Buru, one of the Moluccas, where the governor of the Dutch settlement supplied his wants.
The journey being a long one and across a difficult desert, requiring a caravan well equipped with camels, the princes of Moab waited till Balaam was ready to accompany them.
A few years ago the wheat received from the north-west was very clean indeed, but since the new land has all been cultivated the fields are growing more weedy, with the result that the wheat brought in is becoming mixed with oats and seeds of weeds, requiring more careful separating and inspection.
He did not recognize that motion and rest are equally natural, in the sense of requiring force for their alteration.
A test act requiring members of the assembly to conform to the Church of England and to take the sacrament of the Eucharist according to the rites and usages of that Church (1704) was defeated only through the intervention of the Whig House of Lords in England.
In this work he states his reasons for requiring a new method and new terminology.
There is still a class of conceptions requiring more than a logical treatment, but differing from the last in not involving latent contradictions, and in being independent of the reality of their objects, the conceptions, viz.
This has been interpreted by the courts as requiring a majority of the votes actually cast for senators and representatives.
A modern frozenmeat-carrying vessel will accommodate as much as 120,000 carcases, partly sheep and partly lambs, requiring a hold capacity of about 300,000 cub.
Cyril and Augustine differ, as we should expect, in the doctrines which they select for emphasis, but they both agree in requiring a knowledge of sound doctrine on the part of the candidates.
Cynthia would go alone—that was a given with Bird Song requiring Dean's attention.
We had two teams operational able to conduct a mission requiring well over a dozen teams and no supplies.
There was a quadruple lock system on it, requiring not only two thumbprints, but a code, a retinal scan, and another sensor pad he didn't recognize.
This is absolutely incredulous, requiring one to connect with ancient astronaut theories or Atlantis myths.
The court will then make an order requiring the abatement of the nuisance or prohibiting its recurrence.
Mail requiring the strictest security must be escorted at all times, until it reaches the addressee.
The web page provides the full report, available as a pdf file, requiring acrobat adobe reader.
Athene confers the advantages of these methods without requiring any mathematical knowledge.
This risk is no higher than for any other surgery requiring general anesthesia.
General anesthetics Sometimes surgery or an investigation requiring a general anesthetic is unavoidable in withdrawal.
These cages are flat pack thus requiring PART self assembly, this keeps carriage costs down.
A final direction requiring BT to provide backhaul at a cost oriented price was published on 8 August 2002.
Due to the type of installation, the concept is potentially lower impact than other concepts, not requiring use of jack-up barges.
This product offers the benefit of requiring no maintenance, due to the use of hot-dip galvanized steel cladding that has.. .
This product offers the benefit of requiring no maintenance, due to the use of electro-galvanised steel cladding that has been.. .
A single cleaner for one hour per week up to cleans requiring 50+ cleaners all can be arranged.
The second task requiring large amounts of data is specifying the parameters of the translation model, which requires a large bilingual aligned corpus.
All Shepherd, King, and Ass related connections count double. blind mornington crescent An ancient variation requiring immense skill.
Designed for educators but ideal for anyone requiring a fast and simple method for creating crossword puzzles.
The new HE-VA TOP TILLER stubble cultivator is the tool for the large arable farmer requiring high daily work rates.
Problems still requiring attention are Japan's high rate of public debt, mild deflation and structural weakness in the banking sector.
Most doctors treating heroin dependency prescribe methadone, a less expensive synthetic opiate requiring a single daily dose to prevent withdrawal symptoms.
His post operation period has been very dicey requiring lots of care.
Two weeks of rolling ship and frozen land requiring vast amounts of brain power just to remain dignified, certainly takes its toll.
Section 102 of the Act provides for the Order requiring the discontinuance of a use, or alteration or removal of buildings or works.
For example, a job advertisement requiring applicants to be six foot or more in height is indirectly discriminatory against women.
Today's automatic dishwashers are more efficient than ever, requiring very little energy to run.
Students requiring access to specialist dyslexia support will need an appropriate diagnostic assessment.
Checks on standards at large users of metalworking fluids have resulted in the serving of Notices requiring improvements.
The text in this document may be reproduced free of charge in any format or media without requiring specific permission.
Patients may present with life-threatening renal failure due to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis requiring urgent dialysis and immunosuppression.
Slowly but surely the on-line tech support is built up with only the really tough questions requiring a little hand-holding.
This is made possible by requiring a three-way handshake to start a session.
The development of frost hardiness is a metabolic process requiring an energy source.
This is assured by requiring incoming TCP packets to have the ACK bit set in the TCP header carried by every packet.
Hygienists and oral health Each practice team includes an experienced hygienists and oral health Each practice team includes an experienced hygienist for patients requiring oral hygiene treatment.
The customer requiring support simply clicks on a link and this immediately instigates a chat session with an operator via our central secure gateway.
Chair of the percent percentage point children requiring institutional to apply for.
Three weights of very high twist, high quality cord perfect for warping, knotting, macrame and anything requiring a strong thread.
Children, adolescents and younger adults requiring long-term, higher dose steroid therapy pose particular management difficulties.
The game kicks in here, requiring you to kick in a few local louts.
At any one time up to 10% of people with diabetes will have retinopathy requiring medical follow up or treatment.
The process is almost meditative, requiring great concentration.
This ranges from children requiring a scan on a day case basis to a child requiring high dependency care following neurosurgery.
Such technologies are already supporting the care of patients with cancer and those requiring neurosurgery and other specialist care.
Where this approach fails we can serve a notice on the offending party requiring them to abate the nuisance.
Drugs included Topical nystatin is effective against Candida (but not against dermatophyte infections, thus requiring a definite diagnosis ).
Patients with complicated medical or disability management problems also requiring orthodontics.
Characterized by the presence of free or molecular oxygen; requiring such conditions to live.
The 195 yard, 16th hole, is a challenging par 3 requiring an accurate drive through large trees to a well protected green.
It has been supplemented by 70-odd extra pages of detail in an appendix to the main work, for those requiring more particularity.
For example, we at New Century Bank do n't penalize your business just... it is a business by requiring higher balances.. .
In some patients with HLA antibodies, HPA antibodies may also be present requiring donor platelets matched for both type of antibodies.
My acts were natural, spontaneous, requiring no premeditation, beyond the selection of a suitable moment for their performance.
Steel pressurized tanks seem unfeasible requiring 5,000 psi, weighting 3,400 lbs, and maintaining 800 atmospheres.
People requiring very advanced shell programming skills are recommended to learn python instead.
However, this places stringent restrictions on its use, essentially requiring all processes to operate under the same userid.
Perhaps these links are seen as so self-evident as not requiring analysis or formal discussion?
For projects requiring less than one month's research at the Center, a travel stipend of $ 750 may be given.
The use of EXUBERA in patients requiring dose titrations of less than 1 mg is not recommended (see section 4.4 ).
The rain in August made a lot more branches hang low along the canal requiring more trimming than normal.
Works requiring faculties vary from the comparatively trivial to the major.
Most neonatal units have feeding regimens for babies requiring formula milk or intravenous fluids.
The patient's condition remained unstable requiring further blood replacement.
There was a slight upturn in 1974 when regulations were made requiring local authorities to make plans.
Security has also been improved but the problem of hackers and students misusing the Internet was noted as requiring continuous vigilance.
This provided the benefits of a night dive without requiring the superhuman willpower needed to turn down a beer in the hot tub.
These doctrines of Lotze - though pronounced with the distinct and reiterated reserve that they did not contain a solution of the philosophical question regarding the nature, origin, or deeper meaning of this all-pervading mechanism, neither an explanation how the action of external things on each other takes place nor yet of the relation of mind and body, that they were merely a preliminary formula of practical scientific value, itself requiring a deeper interpretation - these doctrines were nevertheless by many considered to be the last word of the philosopher who, denouncing the reveries of Schelling or the idealistic theories of Hegel, established the science of life and mind on the same basis as that of material things.
The government accepts all the therein published formulae as " known, admitted and approved " remedies, and therefore not requiring a patent medicine stamp. In this way widely advertised secret remedies can be replaced by medicines of known composition and accepted value in any part of the world.
About 1850 there began to appear on the statute books laws requiring publicity of rates and the submission of annual reports to the legislature, prescribing limits to corporate indebtedness, and also making provision for safety in operation and for the character and quality of railway service.
The design combines ample boiler capacity with large adhesive weight and moderate axle loads, but except on heavy gradients or for unusually large trains requiring engines of great adhesion, passenger traffic can be more efficiently and economically handled by four-coupled locomotives of the eight-wheel or Atlantic types.
In 1832 Mehemet Ali gave him the dignity of bey without requiring him to abjure his religion; and in 1836 he received the rank of general, and was appointed head of the medical administration of the country.
His theory of medicine professed to explain the processes of life and disease, and the methods of cure, upon one simple principle - that of the property of" excitability,"in virtue of which the" exciting powers,"defined as being (1) external forces and (2) the functions of the system itself, call forth the vital phenomena" sense, motion, mental function and passion."All exciting powers are stimulant, the apparent debilitating or sedative effect of some being due to a deficiency in the degree of stimulus; so that the final conclusion is that" the whole phenomena of life, health as well as disease, consist in stimulus and nothing else."Brown recognized some diseases as sthenic, others as asthenic, the latter requiring stimulating treatment, the former the reverse; but his practical conclusion was that 97% of all diseases required a" stimulating "treatment.
On the other hand, he published a treatise in 1838 against mixed marriages, and in 1843 wrote strongly in favour of requiring Protestant soldiers to kneel at the consecration of the Host when compelled officially to be present at Mass.
Soon after taking office in 1913 he aroused a storm of protest, especially on the part of the large daily newspapers, by declaring that he would enforce the law (requiring publications to print, among other things, a sworn statement of paid circulation), which had been held in abeyance by his predecessor until its constitutionality might be confirmed.
Pretty dwarf rock plants, requiring rather careful management and a gritty soil.
The culinary herbs used for flavouring and garnishing are for the most part dwarf perennial plants requiring to be grown on a rich soil in an open sunny aspect, or annuals for which a warm sheltered border is the most suitable place; and they may therefore be conveniently grown together in the same compartment - a herb garden.
A result of this is that, as educated Czechs are generally bilingual, it is easier for them to obtain appointments in districts where a knowledge of Czech is required, and the Germans, therefore, regard every order requiring the use of Czech as an order which excludes Germans from a certain number of posts.
Such proposals could not be entertained by Great Britain; and as the sultan remained obstinate the British ambassador on the 3rd of May presented a note to the Porte requiring compliance with the British proposals within ten days.
Among the most important structures produced in repeated series are the reproductive cells; and Pearson points out that if the variability of animals or of plants be supposed to depend upon that of the germ-cells from which they arise, then the correlation between brothers in the array produced by the same parents will give a measure of the correlation between the parental germ-cells, the determination requiring, of course, the same precautions to avoid the effects of differentiation as are necessary in the study of other repeated organs.
Yet they are alike in requiring the generalization of the universal and the belief that there are classes which are whole numbers of similars.
As the chief objection of the "Separates" to the churches of the standing order was their refusal to insist on personal regeneration as a term of membership, many of them were led to feel that they were inconsistent in requiring regenerate membership and yet administering baptism to unconscious infants.
In the infantry, too, the old system of paying men and requiring them to equip, clothe and feed themselves, is in vogue to some extent.
In May 1883 an ultimatum was sent to the Malagasy queen, requiring immediate compliance with the demands of France; and as these were refused by the Hova government, Tamatave was bombarded by a French squadron and then occupied by the marines.
People requiring very advanced shell programming skills are recommended to learn Python instead.
Revision 1.6 (by marknodine--) Removed confusing comment about requiring forms support from the title.
Soybean rust is a new disease, increasingly affecting soybeans in South America, requiring increased fungicide applications.
Schema modifications are defined in IDL, requiring ad-hoc offline transformations of the database, in general.
In 1838 the city of Los Angeles passed an ordinance requiring that a man obtain a license before serenading a woman.
Gold Pads EBC 's Gold compound is a sintered copper alloy material for high durability use in situations requiring long life.
Architectures to prevent or stifle tinkering can be designed into products and technologies whether or not there is a law requiring them.
For projects requiring less than one month 's research at the Center, a travel stipend of $ 750 may be given.
Subsumed Work to increase competition in DSL by requiring BT to provide interconnection services to enable operators to offer competing DSL services.
For users requiring a bespoke or tailored web solution then the form below should be filled in.
But the really original point is requiring applications by telegram to a telegraphic address !
The use of EXUBERA in patients requiring dose titrations of less than 1 mg is not recommended (see section 4.4).
Prolonged tourniquet times have been related to respiratory failure requiring postoperative ventilation, especially in trauma.
Patients requiring heart bypasses or angioplasties - a procedure to unblock arteries - are having their operations within three months, she said.
The patient 's condition remained unstable requiring further blood replacement.
Female rice weevils lay between 300 to 400 eggs, with the life cycle requiring about 32 days for completion.
Increased risk of congenital abnormalities requiring earlier ultrasounds and tests.
In other words, many rockers, especially the wooden and wicker versions, don't stay in one place, requiring the user to constantly scoot the rocker back to its original position on the floor.
A nursery glider also offers an easy range of motion, requiring only a gentle push of the foot to set it rocking to and fro.
For example, make the Name Game unique-- and tricky-- by requiring that all names must be in Spanish.
In addition, a supportive undergarment will be made with underwires, especially for women requiring a cup size of C or larger.
One way of familiarizing a toddler with computer technology without requiring any actual technical skills is to set up Skype or video chat and help him interact with faraway relatives or even a sibling in another room.
Improperly installed memory can damage your computer, requiring far more than just a simple upgrade to fix.
It also has four burners and an additional side burner for items requiring less intense heat.
Usually utilizing a cup to catch dirt, they are often available in a cordless style with smaller motors, requiring less power.
If you have a small office, you may not want to complicate things further by requiring more space behind your chair.
As long as there is no law requiring anything more than the rabies booster, you have the right to refuse the rest and opt for the every three years plan.
Applications for gas cards are usually simple and quick, requiring minimum amounts of personal information.
It does allow members to pay over time rather than requiring full payment up front.
Some companies have stray terms, such as requiring deposits to remain in the account for several months after you close it.
These cards can be a good alternative to requiring employees to use their own money for gas and later request reimbursement.
Although the popularity and effectiveness of mediated divorces has grown over time, it's important to note it's a procedural event requiring commitment from both divorcing parties.
Triple bunk beds are a great way to add an additional bed in a room without requiring the floor space for three beds.
In this way, the sun's energy is harnessed on solar panels that are not directly part of a given appliance, and the energy can be used to run anything requiring energy.
There are a variety of designs and models of composting toilets available on the market today, some requiring no water to operate, while others may need a limited amount of water to function.
One documented case reported in Australia resulted in liver failure requiring a liver transplant.
A stencil requiring five separate layers might just be more work than you bargained for.
For areas requiring extra coverage such as dark eye circles and blemishes, use the Maximum Coverage Concealer Brush.
Dried out skin and discolored hair are the most common predicaments performing artists endure when it comes to their profession requiring a lot of makeup and hair adjustments.
It is also important to keep in mind that waterproof formulas can be difficult to remove, thus requiring more work to actually eliminate all traces of it.
The process of filling in the brows is meticulous, requiring a bit of extra care and attention.
Although not as popular as some of the other classic face makeup ideas for Halloween, a clown or a mime is an easy to create costume requiring little more than a few basic clothing choices and some creative makeup.
Spray on foundations give a similar effect, but typically come in aerosol form rather than requiring an airbrush machine to apply.
To that end, many cosmetic manufacturers are now recognizing the need for portable, fast and efficient beauty products that make an effective difference without requiring too much effort or time.
Requiring little more than black paint and a brush, you can draw a mysterious cat in minutes!
Websites requiring a login and password are likely targets.
Spookbusters is an easy game, requiring only the use of the arrow keys and the space bar.
Pricing varies for the service, with some phones incurring no charges and others requiring a minimal monthly fee.
The following low-tech and simple techniques requiring basic computer knowledge might work on individual computers on a network.
Other stations can be a little more difficult and complicated to view, requiring you to know the IP address of the station's live feed.
If you choose carefully, you can find freeware programs that are intuitive and work well without requiring hours of time to learn.
A number of ski resorts including Arapahoe Basin, Breckenridge, Keystone and Loveland are all relatively close to Colorado Springs - generally requiring a two to three hour drive from the city.
Eating disorders in teens are psychologically-based conditions requiring medical treatment.
When asked about what he attributes to his success, he says that when he was in middle school, his mother turned off the television and began requiring that he and his siblings read two books and do book reports on them each week.
With so many college classes requiring Internet research and term paper writing, many new college students find it helpful to have a personal computer while away at school.
With classes often requiring multiple textbooks just for one class, the bill can become pretty substantial.
Couples planning a destination event may prefer informal attire because it is easier to travel with, requiring less special attention than formal attire.
Lucky bamboo is a very hardy plant requiring little care to stay healthy, but couples should still take adequate steps to keep it vibrant before the wedding.
A rustic barn or countryside wedding will often provide the perfect backdrop, requiring few decorations.
This are usually in a supervised facility like a hospital or a therapy center/community, etc., requiring stays for a set required periods.
Outpatient rehab programs offer similar services, but without requiring you to live at the center.
Her early leave resulted in a lawsuit, with the settlement requiring Fawcett to appear as a guest star six times during seasons three and four.
With the increasing number of public schools requiring children to wear uniforms, parents may find khaki pants as a popular option for both genders.
Coupling an entry process similar to Juliard's (requiring entry exams, auditions and other tests), Yale has now become known for its music program.
Some states are now requiring that audiologists have a doctoral degree.
People who feel unsure about committing to psychology as a career field may be better off pursuing a master's because it provides additional training without requiring the extreme commitment of a doctoral program.
Similarly, onboard cruise activities can be altered for any number of reasons without requiring any explanation or compensation to disgruntled passengers or crew members.
Scissors or Shears are used for those breeds requiring a stylized trim, such as the Poodle or Miniature Schnauzers.
Training a dog to use a litter box takes time, and it sometimes requiring many weeks of consistent training.
Plants mostly requiring greenhouse temperature in winter, but growing freely out of doors in summer, and a graceful aid in the flower garden in the southern counties.
Hardy shrubs of the Pea, order, thriving in ordinary garden soil, but requiring a sheltered situation in bleak localities.
C. montana is another elegant plant requiring the same treatment as C. fragilis.
T. rumelianum is a much dwarfer plant from Greece, requiring similar treatment and bearing pale violet flowers.
Bomarea - Curious and handsome plants of the Amaryllis order allied to Alstroemeria, requiring greenhouse temperature so far as now known.
The branches cling to the wall by small rootlets, as in the Ivy, and when allowed to ramble at will are very grotesque, ascending trees or walls to a considerable height, and requiring no nailing and little attention.
It is not often grown, though hardy and of very easy culture, and only requiring a sunny position in a light rich soil.
They flower freely for about nine months, and are easy to grow, requiring the protection of the greenhouse during winter after being lifted in autumn.
Ferns, for the most part tropical, and requiring artificial heat; but in mild parts two or three thrive in the open air.
Mitre-flower (Mitraria) - M. coccinea is a bright charming little shrub from Chili, hardy in mild districts, but generally requiring winter protection.
A southern aspect is best for it, though it grows against west or east walls, only requiring a good soil, and, perhaps, a slight protection during winter.
A. versicolor (A. peruviana) and St Martin's flower (A. pulchra); this, however, requiring protection.
P. Sieberi is neat for the rock garden, requiring a moist, sunny situation, and a mixture of leaf-mould, peat, and sand.
R. Emodi is a fine-leaved plant, for groups in the pleasure ground, but requiring good soil.
These are all worthy of culture, requiring the treatment of half-hardy annuals, and ordinary garden soil.
It is a hardy perennial, requiring a warm border; 1 to 1 1/2 feet high.
Others like to grow upwards, requiring a shorter trellis system.
The panels are often large and heavy, requiring a team to work together on a single panel.
Metal that is merely painted and not powder coated may peel and chip over time, requiring regular painting, just like wood.
These systems can be antiquated, requiring the modification of existing products to fit the needs of equipment for which parts are no longer available.
Self-stick vinyl tile manufacturer's installation instructions will vary, with some manufacturer's requiring the use of a heavy floor roller.
Don't take on this job if you don't already have some type of construction experience; building a sunroom is a very difficult job requiring plenty of heavy machinery and powerful tools.
If you are requiring the jeweler to custom design a piece of beaded jewelry then it is useful to give the jeweler as much information about your style as possible.
The manufacturer largely defines the term "natural" as a marketing tool, and USDA requirements are far less stringent, requiring only minimal processing and no artificial ingredients or preservatives added after slaughter.
Indeed, it can be argued that the organic diet is healthier than a non-organic diet, therefore requiring less in the way of supplements.
With more schools requiring uniforms, many eco-conscious parents are looking for organic cotton school clothing made in USA.
You will likely find that organic meats are locally grown, thus, requiring less fuel to get livestock to market.
In 2006, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill requiring libraries and schools receiving certain types of federal funding to keep minors from accessing MySpace and other social networking sites.
Further, if they are saving, they are unprepared for an anticipated longer lifespan often requiring employment past the age of 65, not by choice.
While depression is a well-known illness, many people feel ill-equipped to discern between common sadness and a condition requiring medical attention.
There are federal regulations requiring insurance companies selling standard Medigap policies to provide the same benefits from state to state.
Long-term care encompasses many different types of medical and non-medical services provided to people with a disability or chronic illness requiring constant supervision, nursing care or both.
In a 2007 report by the United States Department of Health and Human Services the estimate of seniors 65 years old or older requiring long-term care was approximately 9 million.
The examiners determine if a sleep test requiring an overnight stay is in order.
Many people have different prescriptions in each eye, requiring an optician to adjust glasses with two different lenses for optimal vision.
These lenses allow you to keep newspapers, books, and other items requiring close vision at a comfortable distance from your face.
This series is a third person action universe requiring patience and stealth to achieve many of the objectives.
Short but very difficult gameplay, often requiring players to master every subtle aspect of the game.
Fighting styles seem to vary, but the moves are mostly simple, requiring only one or two button pushes.
Secondary fermentation ends when the yeast consumes all of the sugars, a process usually requiring several months or even years.
The boxes are also environmental friendly, requiring less energy to produce and transport.
Book appraising is a very specialized profession requiring expertise.
For people who wear crampons for activities requiring agility, such as skiing, aluminum crampons are available.
Winter camping, hiking, or just about any activity requiring you to remain outside for any length of time during the winter requires different preparations and knowledge.
Keep any items requiring refrigeration in an ice chest with a sufficient amount of ice or in your recreational vehicle's built-in refrigerator.
Although inconclusive, early reports show Microsoft is requiring manufacturers to remove MicroSD card slots from their devices.
The HTC Touch Pro is ideal for businesspersons constantly on the move, requiring immediate access to their documents and messages.
Drawing blood for the test may involve light bleeding or bruising at the site of puncture or blood may accumulate under the puncture site (hematoma), requiring that a new location be found for subsequent tests.
At-risk students usually have undergone school psychological and behavioral evaluation that identifies them as requiring specialized attention not available in the traditional school environment.
Private schools require that parents pay tuition and usually have a competitive admissions process requiring students to complete an application and interview.
Individualized educational plan (IEP)-A detailed description of the educational goals, assessment methods, behavioral management plan, and educational performance of a student requiring special education services.
Depending on the extent of disease, cardiovascular management can become complicated requiring medications and daily lifestyle modifications.
Rupture of the aorta is a medical emergency requiring immediate surgery and medication.
A diaper rash that does not improve in this time may be a yeast infection requiring prescription medication.
Some children are more severely affected, requiring walkers and wheelchairs and other adaptive and assistive equipment.
Respiratory failure may develop, requiring temporary use of a ventilator to perform the work of breathing.
Schizophrenia has historically been very difficult to treat, usually requiring hospitalization during its acute stage.
Complex fractures or other injuries requiring a second operation may require explanation or discussion with the child.
They are also able to examine rules, determining whether they are fair or not, and apply these rules and their modifications to situations requiring negotiation, assuring that everyone affected by the rules is treated fairly.
Those requiring hospitalization for their head injuries were 11 times as likely.
However, learning complex rules is often difficult and trying to teach a child a sport requiring a great deal of instruction, such as baseball, football, or soccer, may only cause frustration and a lack of interest.
Parents of young children requiring corrective lenses should be prepared for broken or lost glasses.
However, soldiers, some athletes, and others who engage in activities requiring high degrees of endurance may spend years improving their level of muscle and body coordination and gross motor skills.
Children requiring hospitalization usually stay for approximately two weeks or more to get them out of danger, but many months can pass before the symptoms of malnutrition disappear.
Semi-structured interview-A psychiatric instrument characterized by open-ended questions for discussion rather than brief questions requiring yes or no answers.
The condition is, in actuality, a hernia requiring only replacement and strengthening of the passageway through which it occurred.
The overuse syndrome is usually related to sports requiring repetitive, high-stress motion such as tennis, swimming, track, golf, and baseball.
For children requiring complex surgeries (e.g., brain, spine), CT is often used to produce images of the anatomy that help surgeons plan the surgery.
Individuals with this more severe form of the disease may also have an increased chance of requiring removal of an enlarged and/or overactive spleen.
Certain variations in this pattern, such as precipitous drops in the FHR at the end of a contraction can constitute a true life or death situation requiring emergency delivery of the baby.
Some people consider acting out behaviors as simply part of the learning process for young children not requiring professional help.
The reaction may be persistent and severe, requiring extensive medical treatment and hospitalization.
As many as 15 percent of patients die from this complication, and half the survivors develop chronic kidney failure, requiring dialysis.
Some become seriously ill, requiring long-term therapy or emergency care.
However, they can be very resilient, requiring repeated treatment over several months.
After discharge from the hospital, these infants return home still requiring special care.
For women requiring assistance, low-interest loans can be obtained through the Small Business Administration, which also runs a variety of training and networking programs for female entrepreneurs.
Approximately 1/3 of males with Klinefelter syndrome have breast growth, some requiring breast reduction surgery.
This procedure has also been employed in other situations requiring pain management.
That is, children requiring special education must by educated with nondisabled children to the maximum extent possible in an appropriate program to meet their special needs.
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) does not recommend TCAs as a first-line treatment for youths requiring medicine for depressive disorders.
Severe dehydration is a medical emergency requiring intravenous fluids immediately.
Victims may also exhibit vocal cord paralysis and episodes of apnea (a cessation of breathing sometimes requiring resuscitation).
Occasionally the site may become infected, requiring antibiotic treatment.
During the 1990s, as schools began requiring children to be lice- and nit-free, the use of pyrethroids rose significantly and the FDA began receiving reports of their ineffectiveness.
Students who are able to recognize symptoms requiring medication and know how to use their inhaler properly should be permitted to keep the medication with them.
Parents should verify that their children have an infection requiring antibiotic therapy.
Nearly all states enacted laws requiring hepatitis B vaccination for enrollment in daycare, schools, and colleges.
Inhibited-A type of child defined by Jerome Kagan and his colleagues as having a low level of responsiveness to strangers, a reluctance to initiate activities, and requiring a long time to relax in new situations.
Diphtheria is a serious disease requiring hospital treatment in an intensive care unit if the person has developed respiratory symptoms.
In some patients, permanent neurologic damage may remain, requiring physical or educational special services and equipment.
Orthodontic treatment is the only effective treatment for malocclusion not requiring surgery.
Drawing blood for the test may involve light bleeding or bruising at the site of puncture, or blood may accumulate under the puncture site (hematoma), requiring that a new location be found for subsequent tests.
Usually, however, the kyphosis is mild, causing no further symptoms and requiring no special treatment.
More difficult songs include steps requiring players to jump on two arrows at once, freezes requiring them to hold their foot on an arrow until the freeze disappears, and steps that fall at the half or quarter-beat of the music.
These are usually free to join and learn from, requiring you to only pay for costuming.
On the other hand, many free resources still end up requiring a fee for the actual documents you need.
Requiring hospices to provide bereavement counseling for the patient's family after the death of the patient.
Requiring each hospice to complete a written plan of care for each patient.
Finding the New York Death records you need may requiring a bit of sleuthing.
Some tools are very difficult to close, while others have a lighter touch requiring less force.
An inverted bob hair style is a sexy and versatile look that shows a woman's confidence and flair without requiring extensive upkeep or lengthy styling.
If you want to add some bounce to your thick hair, a perm or body wave is the best option, requiring little more than wash and go styling.
With a successful treatment, the hair remains salon-perfect for months, requiring very little upkeep and shortening the amount of time necessary to get ready for work or school every morning.
Laws and requirements vary by state from requiring no notice to requiring attendance records, quarterly reports, letters of intent and testing.
For parents that live in states requiring parental notification, it is important to find out what the deadline is to file your intent to homeschool.
Some interviewers take the questions a step further, requiring you to fill out one or more personality tests, intelligence tests or aptitude tests.
Nursing homes may show an increase in demand for nursing professionals as the number of seniors requiring long term care increases.
Many camps have at least a few nurses, along with one or more doctors, requiring nurses in these positions to work as a team.
Your house goes down in value, making refinancing impossible and requiring you to pay money on something that's worth less than you have to pay on it.
However, commercial loans differ and entail many more details requiring a more complex means of lender approval.
A variety of public and private lenders offer low-interest mortgages requiring a down payment as small as three percent of the purchase price.
An uninsured mortgage has the advantage of not requiring insurance premiums.
Some manufactured home loans have terms similar to those for traditional homes, requiring as little as five percent down and allowing borrowers to finance their purchase for up to thirty years.
The "housing bubble" artificially inflated home prices around the country, requiring that would-be home buyers take out a large mortgage to purchase the house at a high price before the housing bubble burst.
Requiring intermediate skill, the crane is a good model to try for anyone looking to graduate from the beginner level.
Some bird figures are wet-folded, which is a more advanced technique requiring additional practice and folding time.
A human giving birth is a miraculous event, requiring preparation and support from family and friends.
However, it should be noted that in approximately 12 percent of planned home births, complications requiring intervention (transportation to the hospital) occur.
He was a pioneer in building safety requiring that workers have daily sobriety tests, wear specially-designed headgear - the precursor to today's hard hat - as well as glare-free goggles and wind protection hand cream.
However, women requiring more chest support may not receive the same boost as that offered by an ordinary tankini.
Aside from requiring your child to wear a sweaty wet suit, it's probably difficult to imagine him/her enjoying a beach session while having to wear a full suit of clothing.
Long and involved photo shoots that sometimes requiring months of shooting while moving from one locale to the next.
Where swimsuits are concerned, women requiring extra chest support can benefit greatly from a tankini with bra.
Keep your toddler on track with a swimsuit that he can manage without requiring a lot of help.
The bristles on the brush are likely to wear out with time, requiring replacement.
This type of can opener also had the benefit of not requiring any counter space, like its countertop cousin, the stand-alone electric can opener.
Rather than taking up valuable floor space like a full-size portable dishwasher or requiring under-counter installation like a built-in unit, this type of dishwasher is designed to sit on a standard countertop.
Instead of requiring students and their families to sell products to their friends, relatives, and co-workers, some schools opt to hold special events as a way of making money.
Distance Education is one such virtual classroom that allows you hands on knowledge in grant writing without ever requiring you to leave your home.
This does not show any signs of getting better and with the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill we anticipate even more families requiring assistance in the near future.
However, instead of requiring guests to come dressed in tuxedos and glitzy cocktail gowns, hosts ask their friends and family to attend the party decked out as their favorite drink.
Finding inspiration and ideas for a perfect time with your sweetheart can revitalize your relationship without requiring you to spend a lot of money.
Requiring users to give their birthdates doesn't ensure that only teens will be online, but it's better than having no requirements at all.
It gives you the chance to find out if you like each other, without requiring a large investment of effort or time.Once you've been dating for a while, though, ordinary dates might start to get old.
Registration is simple, requiring a little basic information to place you in the proper communities.
The admission is always $10 for a standard night with occasional events requiring more.
It could be a relatively new idea, such as requiring all members to have webcams so they can video chat with each other; or it could be taking an existing approach and doing it better.
Keep in mind that while a free Internet dating agency UK might be completely adequate, some that may not have the same background checks and compatibility tools that websites requiring payment have.
Free dating sites can be a fun way to peruse the singles living within your vicinity of the UK but may not offer the same enhanced features as the websites requiring a fee.
Most foods will stain and dull the diamond, requiring it to be cleaned almost immediately.
Though the card industry would like to impose a mandate requiring greeting cards for every occasion, engagement cards are not mandatory.
Many couples are hesitant about shopping online for as monumental a purchase as an engagement ring, and certainly traditional jewelers offer ample selections and service without requiring any online access.
Some are quick and simple to organize, requiring a minimum of special equipment or supplies, while others are more sophisticated.
Many of these bags hold prices in the five digits while requiring several years on a waiting list.
And when you're loading up the car again there is no confusion requiring you to unload the diaper bag into the front seat while your baby is still in one arm.
However, with the laptop market stretching past corporate America, many young people are requiring a little pizzazz to make the most of their portable cyber experience.
Not only are they easy to wear, they also easily hold the contents of a wallet without requiring you to actually carry one.
Peanut butter cookies are a time-tested favorite, and are easy to make, requiring simple ingredients that are often already in the house.
With kids starting school at a younger age and more schools requiring school uniforms, many parents are searching for toddler-size school uniforms.
This age group is more mature and can handle abstract ideas and those requiring audience input.
Gap Kids' return policy is similar to most, requiring a receipt to issue refunds or exchanges for items returned within ninety days of purchase.
For any businesses requiring animal ownership, however, make sure that your child is aware of the responsibilities before you make the commitment.
Today's standards for child care are much more stringent than those standards from the past, requiring background checks, proper licensing of facilities, and adherence to strict health and safety guidelines.
What is the purpose of requiring students to wear school uniforms?
Create Uniformity-In order to create a sense of unity, many school officials believe that requiring students to wear the same clothing eliminates the stigma that may surround the socioeconomics of some campuses.
By requiring uniforms, clothing that is typically associated with gangs is eliminated, and at least some of a gang's influence is reduced.
Reduce Behavior Problems-There are some who believe that just by requiring students to wear uniforms, students will be better behaved.
Many feel that young people are still developing who they are, and requiring them to conform every day in appearance may deter them from discovering their true individuality.
Dr. Mike has a long list of printable math games, most requiring little more than a pencil to play.
Others feel that requiring the purchase of specific clothing for school is unnecessary and costly.
Many schools proclaim that requiring uniforms for students will actually save parents money.
These games can be quite realistic, with virtual pets requiring the same type of routine care, feeding, grooming, and responsibility as the typical family pet.
While requiring all students to wear the same clothing can be perceived to have positive effects, the downside is that students are robbed of their freedom to express themselves through their choice of clothing.
As long as there are no proven positive effects of requiring school uniforms, it remains difficult to support the choice that many districts are making to make uniforms mandatory.
Requiring parents to buy uniforms from one particular company ensures consistency in dress.
Some schools have found the answer through compromise-a school dress code that stops short of requiring uniforms.
More and more, public schools are requiring that students wear uniforms instead of being allowed to dress as they please.
The topic of public school uniforms has been hotly debated since the early 1990s, and many public school administrators are beginning to see the advantages to requiring all of their students to wear a uniform.
Many people associate the wearing of school uniforms with private or parochial schools, and these schools typically have a history of requiring their students to wear uniforms each day.
Once this issue is proposed, controversy typically ensues, with some of the most vocal stakeholders touting the disadvantages of requiring students to dress uniformly.
Jackson is a perfectionist, requiring many takes of each scene, and insisting on scrupulous detail in all set and model design.
If you have debts requiring 40% or more of your household income, you might want to consider getting help for debt management.
Income guidelines for LIHEAP applications are generally based on the federal poverty level, with most states requiring that participants make less than 150 percent of the federal poverty level to qualify.
Your instructor may disagree with the fitting, requiring you to return the shoes.
Yet, if your little girl is requiring hip hop dance shoes for a class or for cheerleading, always inquire of the instructor as to what is expected.
Thanks to the Internet, however, people requiring various special widths and lengths of shoes are no longer baffled by these purchases.
More and more people requiring specialty fashions and accessories are finding themselves weary of driving all over town in an attempt to locate the solitary store that carries their obscure desired item.
Are Nota Bene shoes made to accommodate persons requiring special sizes such as narrow and wide widths?
The Proto Evade is the ideal shoe for sports requiring quick, precise movements.
On most websites, it's instantaneous, requiring only a simple download.
They killed themselves in order to escape the orders of a regional lord in the Nanzhao Kingdom requiring her to be his concubine.
They have liked the concept, especially because it would work with the current alarm systems without requiring any major installations or demanding legislation updates.
Children are able to quickly fasten the watch band without requiring adult help and the watch band will stay secure until removed.
This makes it a great watch for someone who is interested in how watches and clocks work as well as requiring a great time keeping device.
High quality and expensive watches are designed to last a lifetime and longer, requiring little in the way of special care and attention.
It's a copyrighted practice, requiring instruction from certified teachers.
And after the workout, it's usually more convenient to have clothes that simply can be tossed into the washing machine without requiring special care.
After a few years, children start requiring a structured environment to learn additional skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics.
Buying a computer can be a complex process requiring planning, budgeting and research.
A basic printer may not meet your needs, requiring you to go to a print shop to fax or copy documents or purchase additional office equipment.