Requirements Sentence Examples
You'll eventually have additional requirements to sustaining your body.
An idea of the requirements of the plant will perhaps be afforded by summarizing the conditions which have been found to give the best results in the United States.
Other requirements were sound health, high moral character and an honourable calling.
While this class of literature had devoted itself chiefly to the finesses of the language, another set of works was given to meeting the requirements of moral education and the training of a gentleman.
No European language, it would seem, can even boast of a translation which completely satisfies modern requirements.
Guidance on each of these items appears below, followed by a short note of copyright requirements and an appendix dealing with recommended abbreviations.
The improvements desired in cotton vary to some degree in different countries, according to the present character of the plants, climatic conditions, the chief pests, special market requirements, and other circumstances.
The evolution of the distinct business of cotton broking is readily comprehensible when we remind ourselves that the requirements, as regards raw material, of all spinners are much alike generally, and that no spinner could afford to pay an expert to devote himself entirely to purchasing cotton for his mill.
To these requirements the payment of a poll-tax has been added by legislative enactment, such an enactment having been authorized by the constitution.
In 1904, as it was felt that the college was unable properly to carry on its work under existing conditions, it was proposed to amalgamate it with Hackney College, but the Board of Education refused to sanction any arrangement which would set aside the requirements of the deed of foundation, namely that the officers and students of Cheshunt College should subscribe the fifteen articles appended to the deed, and should take certain other obligations.
AdvertisementIn India as in other countries the Mahommedans took possession of the ancient buildings and adapted them to their religious requirements.
If specially designed to meet the requirements of seamen it is called a chart, if on an exceptionally large scale a plan.
Delineations such as these do not, however, satisfy scientific requirements.
This has led to restrictive measures, the vines being tapped under definite regulations as to the manner and time of tapping, and also to requirements as to replanting vines to take the place of those which have been injured or destroyed, certain areas being periodically closed.
The probabilities are that in the end the production of a rubber as nearly as possible free from water and impurities and of constant composition will be realized as best meeting the requirements of the modern manufacturer.
AdvertisementChinese war-vessels are at liberty to use the anchorage, notwithstanding the lease; and Chinese jurisdiction may continue to be exercised within the walled city of Wei-hai-wei, so far as not inconsistent with military requirements.
In short, the English reformers knew very well that the ordinal and communion office which they drew up could not satisfy the requirements of medieval theology.
Unfortunately these editions, brought out in great haste and often edited by superficial scholars, do not come up to the requirements of modern criticism.
But though reaction was the motive power of this new machinery of government, it could not do away with many of the practical and obvious improvements of 1848, and it was not blind to some of the indispensable requirements of a.
As the breeder selects a congenital variation which suits his requirements, and by breeding from the animals (or plants) exhibiting that variation obtains a new breed specially characterized by that variation, so in nature is there a selection amongst all the congenital variations of each generation of a species.
AdvertisementPhillips had been for three years in succession chairman of the chamber of mines, and he had persistently for several years tried to induce Kruger to take a reasonable view of the requirements of the industry.
Its constitution for this purpose was anomalous, as it consisted almost entirely of Transvaal officials whose knowledge of the requirements of the industry was scanty.
They are still deprived of all political rights, they are denied any voice in the government of the country, they are taxed far above the requirements of the country, the revenue of which is misapplied and devoted to objects which keep alive a continuous and wellfounded feeling of irritation, without in any way advancing the general interest of the state.
Irrigation, which has not been used to any great extent, is needed in some parts of the country for the best results, but in others, as in the valleys and on the northern slopes of the Maritime Andes, the rainfall is sufficiently well distributed to meet most requirements.
Their power is proportioned to requirements of load and maximum gradient; the speed is rarely more than 6 or 8 m.
AdvertisementThe furnace used for the production of optical glass is generally constructed to take one crucible only, so that the heat of the furnace may be accurately adjusted to the requirements of the particular glass under treatment.
The raw materials used in this manufacture are chosen with considerable care, since the requirements as to the colour of the product are somewhat stringent.
Schefer's objections, is warranted both by the astronomical details and by the metrical requirements of the respective verses.
Though cultivated in sub-tropical countries such as Natal and the Southern states of the Union, it is essentially tropical in its requirements and succeeds best in warm damp climates such as Cuba, British Guiana and Hawaii, and in India and Java in the Old World.
The railway system is well devised to meet the requirements of its rapidly increasing trade.
The good or bad qualities of a soil have reference to the needs of the crops which are to be grown upon it, and it is only after a consideration of the requirements of plants that a clear conception can be formed of what characters the soil must possess for it to be a suitable medium on which healthy crops can be raised.
In selection work the grower must keep definitely in view the special market requirements for the kinds of tobacco he is producing.
Adjoining the museums to the west is the palace of justice (1881), and this is closely followed by the houses of parliament (1883), in which the Grecian style has been successfully adapted to modern requirements.
Until modern times the city was built largely on floating pontoons or on piles at the edges of the innumerable canals and water-courses which formed the thoroughfares, but to meet the requirements of modern life, well-planned roads and streets have been constructed in all directions, crossing the old canals at many points and lined with well-built houses, for the most part of brick, in which the greater part of the erstwhile riparian population now resides.
The size of the grate varies with the requirements of the ventilation, but from 6 to io ft.
They were formerly used on a very large scale in Belgium and South Wales, but the great weight of the moving parts makes it impossible to drive them at the high speed called for by modern requirements, so that centrifugal fans are now generally adopted instead.
The exposition of the conditions under which revealed religion is possible turns upon the absolute requirements of the moral law in human nature.
In this conclusion we can trace the prominence assigned by Fichte to the practical element, and the tendency to make the requirements of the ego the ground for all judgment on reality.
It is not here possible to do more than indicate what appear to be the valid elements in these two conflicting interpretations of the requirements of a true idealism.
If foodstuffs are to be employed it must be possible to grow them in excess of food requirements, and at a cost low enough to ensure that the price of the alcohol shall be about the same as that 1 The lower calorific value plus the latent heat of evaporation at constant volume.
Investigations started in 1920 by the British Government, in connexion with the production of alcohol for power purposes, have shown, however, that there are large areas of suitable land in the British Empire where the cost of production would be comparatively low, and where it might be possible to grow vegetable substances in excess of food requirements, and in sufficient quantities to produce alcohol for local consumption to replace expensive petrol.
In England the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, manufactures and stores the requirements of the army and navy (see Woolwich).
The operations were improved and facilitated by means of an interstatal conference held before the census of 1891, at which a standard schedule was adopted and a series of general tables agreed upon, to be supplemented in greater detail according to the requirements of each state.
The inquiry was made in great detail, under central control, and on a plan sufficiently elastic to suit the requirements of so varied a country and population.
The state controls professional and technical schools through the regents' examinations of candidates for admission to such schools and to the professions, determines the minimum requirements for admission to college by the regents' academic examinations, maintains the large State Library and the valuable State Museum, and occasionally makes a gift to a college or a university for the support of courses in practical industries; but it maintains no college or university that is composed of a teaching body.
On one side indeed there was the record, underlying the Synoptists, of at least two eye-witnesses, and the necessity of its preservation and transmission; but on the other side a profound double change had come over the Christian outlook and requirements.
This body very largely determines the course of study in the elementary schools, high schools, normal school and the normal departments of the University and the State College, approves the requirements for entrance to the University and the State College, and prepares the questions for the examination of teachers.
Upon his return he preached a characteristic sermon entitled The United States of America compared with some European Countries, particularly England (published 1826), in which, although there was some praise for the English church, he so boldly criticized the establishment, state patronage, cabinet appointment of bishops, lax discipline, and the low requirements of theological education, as to rouse much hostility in England, where he had been highly praised for two volumes of Sermons on the Principal Events and Truths of Redemption (1824).
In many cases the span is fixed by local conditions, such as the convenient sites for piers, or the requirements of waterway or navigation.
The two great recurring " necessities of State," the budget and the authorization of the contingents of army recruits, regularly occupied a large part of the sittings; the budget was generally passed only in instalments in three or six monthly grants, and the Government was forced to adopt the practice of adjourning the obstructive House of Deputies and of providing for indispensable requirements in its absence by emergency decree.
This time the Poles came to the rescue of the Government in its hour of need, by getting a form of standing order approved which rendered obstruction somewhat more difficult, and in this, curiously enough, they were helped by the Czechs; for obstruction had brought even them into an impasse, since their financial requirements had not been met.
It was only in years when the harvest was most favourable that AustriaHungary was able to provide for her own requirements in corn; for export purposes only barley was of considerable importance, while wheat, and above all, of recent years, maize had to be imported.
With regard to the latter, however, the requirements of industry were studied to a certain extent, in that the withdrawal of money from the banks was allowed, so far as it was necessary for paying wages and for the provision of working capital.
There seems to be a constant tendency to increase the requirements.
The old religious system still prevails to a large extent, and, though some of the orders do their work with great devotion, the standard of knowledge and skill is not up to modern requirements.
Tobacco of good quality supplies local requirements but is not exported; pepper, grown chiefly in Chantabun and southern Siam, annually yields about 900 tons for export.
His lectures were thinly attended, for he did not care to adapt them to the requirements of the university examinations, and he was not perhaps well fitted to teach young men.
He continued to read nevertheless for a degree in theology, and at some time completed the requirements for the B.D.
In the age of Bismarck, school policy in Prussia had for its aim an increasing recognition of modern requirements.
The requirements of an elongate body moving through the resistant medium of water are met by the evolution of similar entrant and exit curves, and the bodies of most swiftly moving aquatic animals evolve into forms resembling the hulls of modern sailing yachts (Bashford Dean).
But the wealth to which they attained in the Caucasus weakened for a time their moral fervour, and little by little they began to depart somewhat from the requirements of their belief.
The regulations respecting passports issued by the English Foreign Office as well as the passport requirements of foreign countries will be found in the annual Foreign Office List.
Thus adapted from the first to individual requirements, this religion also showed itself able to appropriate from time to time foreign elements.
In closest connexion with the church is the group of buildings appropriated to the monastic life and its daily requirements - the refectory for eating, the dormitory for sleeping, the common room for social intercourse, the chapter-house for religious and disciplinary conference.
The wall is nearly encircled by a stream of water, artificially diverted from the small rivulets which flow through the precincts, furnishing the establishment with an abundant supply in every part, for the irrigation of the gardens and orchards, the sanitary requirements of the brotherhood and for the use of the offices and workshops.
The requirements of sickness and old age are carefully provided for in the infirmary cloister and that for the aged and infirm members of the establishment.
All of these rivers are waterways of some importance in their lower course, and are navigated by powerful stern-wheel boats supplying the posts and mining camps of the interior with their requirements.
After the 1st of January 1915 no one may qualify as a voter under the first or second of these clauses (the " grandfather " and " understanding " clauses); but those who shall have registered under their requirements before the 1st of January 1915 thus become voters for life.
The convention met in Atlanta on the 9th of December 1867 and by March 1868 had revised the constitution to meet the requirements of the Reconstruction Acts.
With his aid, and that of Congressional requirements that all members of the legislature must take the Test Oath and none be excluded on account of colour, a Republican majority was secured for both houses, and the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified.
So, although a certain amount of the narrative could date from the days of Moses, the Exodus story has been made the vehicle for the aims and ideals of subsequent ages, and has been adapted from time to time to the requirements of later stages of thought.
If a 2-fold or 3-fold yarn is needed, then two or more ends of the spun thread are wound together and afterwards conveyed to the twisting frame for the purpose of putting the needed twist in the yarn necessary for weaving or other requirements.
Rice, therefore, is chiefly a farinaceous food, and requires to be combined with fatty and nitrogenous substances, such as milk or meat gravy, to satisfy the requirements of the system.
Peter's claim to greatness rests mainly on the fact that from first to last he clearly recognized the requirements of the Russian nation and his own obligations as its ruler.
Failure on the part of a parliamentary candidate or his election agent to comply with the requirements of the law in any particular is sufficient to invalidate the return.
It is now generally recognized that, while the general character of the palace at Tiryns is invaluable as illustrating the type of house in the mind of the Homeric poet, it is a mistake to appeal to it for the explanation of details of arrangement such as probably varied considerably according to the conditions and requirements in different cases.
The various expansions and developments have made it difficult to maintain the ratio between accommodation and requirements, and although overcrowding is troublesome only during some three or four hours a week, at "high 'Change" on market days, various complaints and suggestions provoked in 1906 an appeal from the chairman of directors to the Manchester corporation.
These teeth, adapted to various requirements, vary according to the genus, being conical, hooked, spoon-shaped, molariform, &c.
Through stuffing-boxes at the ends passed the two electrodes, made after the fashion of arc-light carbons, and capable of being approached together according to the requirements of the operation.
In 1895 the British Aluminium Company was founded to mine bauxite and manufacture alumina in Ireland, to prepare the necessary electrodes at Greenock, to reduce the aluminium by the aid of water-power at the Falls of Foyers, and to refine and work up the metal into marketable shapes at the old Milton factory of the Cowles Syndicate, remodelled to suit modern requirements.
West Africa has taken heavy toll not only in money but in life, but the lesson has now been learned, and a system of frequent furloughs combined with a better understanding of the climatic requirements have appreciably lessened the peril.
Buffon accounted a grave defect of nature, and it must be confessed that no one has given what seems to be a satisfactory explanation of its precise use, though on evolutionary principles none will now doubt its fitness to the bird's requirements.
Many writers take the growth of grain as the characteristic of the mountain region; but so many varieties of all the common species are in cultivation, and these have such different climatal requirements, that they do not afford a satisfactory criterion.
The necessity for this modification arises from the fact that such plants are subjected to conditions more or less unnatural to them, and that they are grown for special purposes which are at variance, in degree at any rate, with their natural requirements.
The general character of the place, with its numerous hotels, pensions, bathing establishments, villas and places of entertainment, is largely determined by the requirements of visitors, who in 1907 numbered 180,000.
The inmates practise agriculture, as well as various industries for supplying all the requirements of the colony.
But cast iron for the basic open-hearth process can be made from almost any ore, because its requirements, comparative freedom from silicon and sulphur, depend on the management of the blast-furnace rather than on the composition of the ore, whereas the phosphorus-content of the cast iron depends solely on that of the ore, because nearly all the phosphorus of the ore necessarily passes into the cast iron.
When he was a year old his parents removed to Howard (Family)|Howard county, Missouri, then a frontier settlement, and the boy was early trained in the hardships and requirements of pioneer life.
It was St Benedict who effected a permanently working adaptation of the monastic ideal and life to the requirements and conditions of the western races.
The Franciscan Third Order has always been the principal one, and it received a great impetus and a renewed vogue from Leo XIII., who in 1883 caused the Rule to be recast and made more suitable for the requirements of devout men and women at the present day.
But it is only the Rhine, in its middle course, that has at all times sufficient volume of water to meet the requirements of a good navigable river.
In one addressed to the chancellor he declared his intention, as emperor, of bettering the lot of the working classes; for this purpose he proposed to call an international congress to consider the possibility of meeting the requirements and wishes of the working men; in the other, which he issued as king of Prussia, he declared that the regulation of the time and conditions of labor was the duty of the state, and the council of state was to be summoned to discuss this and kindred questions.
The industries of the place are almost exclusively connected with the requirements of the dockyard, and embrace machine shops, iron foundries and boiler works.
It was re-established a few years later to meet the still steadily growing requirements of British trade upon the river.
In that year both provinces were subdued, their emirs deposed, and letters of appointment given to new emirs, who undertook to rule in accordance with the requirements of humanity, to abolish slave-raiding and slave dealing, and to acknowledge the sovereignty of Great Britain.
In practice the system works perfectly smoothly, the gold flowing in and out of the country through the agency of private banking establishments in proportion to the requirements of the circulation.
Under the existing system the fluctuating requirements of the currency are met without the expense of alternately minting and melting down.
Since Flinders Petrie began, the general level of research has gradually risen, and, while much is shamefully bad and destructive, there is a certain proportion that fully realizes the requirements of scientific archaeology.
The body's movement becomes thus imperfectly adjusted to the spatial requirements of the act it would perform.
The loss of Norway necessitated considerable reductions of expenditure, but the economies actually practised fell far short of the requirements of y P q after 1815.
Distribution by seed appears to satisfy so well the requirements of Angiosperms that distribution by vegetative buds is only an occasional process.
It was, of course, impossible for Carlyle to satisfy modern requirements of matter-of-fact accuracy.
The largest administrative unit is that of the county, but the areas of counties may be adapted to meet various public or political requirements.
He was sounded as to whether he would accept the laureateship upon the death of Tennyson, but declined, feeling that his tastes and his record were too remote from the requirements of a court appointment.
Bilingual requirements gave rise to no great difficulty, the provincial council having passed an ordinance in 1921 providing that the medium of instruction up to standard IV.
Requirements for suffrage are age of 21 years or more, citizenship in the United States, and residence in the state for one year, in the county ninety days, and the election precinct thirty days preceding the exercise of suffrage.
For use under special conditions a wood suited to the particular requirements must be selected.
At Cambridge in 1774 Fellow Commoners were examined with such precipitation to fulfil the formal requirements of the statutes that the ceremony was termed " huddling for a degree " (Jebb, Remarks upon the Present Mode of Education in the University of Cambridge, 4th ed., 1 774, p. 32).
The bachelor's degree at Oxford tended from an early period to be postponed to an advanced stage of studies, while the requirements for the master's degree diminished until, in 1807, the examination for the M.A.
Until 1858 the London examinations were open only to students in affiliated colleges, and the teachers had no share in the appointment of the examiners or indetermining the curricula for examinations; in 1858 the examinations were thrown open to all comers, and no requirements were insisted on with regard to courses of study except for degrees in the faculty of medicine.
It seems designed to meet the requirements of Christians living far away from Palestine.
Consequently, in addition to the ordinary requirements of historical criticism, biblical study has to take into account the intricate composite character of the sources and the background of these positions.
These are mostly of great beauty, and show remarkable skill in the use of the hammer, as well as power in adapting the design to the requirements of the material.
The scientific and technical principles of the condensation of hydrochloric acid are now thoroughly well understood, and it is possible to recover nearly the whole of it in the state of strong commercial acid, containing from 32 to 36% of pure hydrochloric acid, although probably the majority of the manufacturers are still content to obtain part of the acid in a weaker state, merely to satisfy the requirements of the law prescribing the prevention of nuisance.
Rhetorical sophistry, as taught by Gorgias with special reference to the requirements of the law courts, led by an easy transition to political sophistry.
In this way both Buddhism (q.v.) and Jains have almost been swallowed up by Hinduism; Sikhism (q.v.) is only preserved by the military requirements of the British, and even the antagonism between Hindu and Mahommedan is much less acute than it used to be.
In 1921, the company proposed to work Richborough as a barge and train-ferry port, ancillary to Queenborough, both centres to serve the requirements of a comprehensive scheme of industrial development in the surrounding districts including the Kent coal-fields.
Army to the minimum in order to strengthen his attack on the Isonzo, and in reply to Brusati's expressions of anxiety regarding the adequacy of his forces during this period Cadorna pointed out that the requirements of the Isonzo front made it necessary to reduce the numbers of the I.
In the course of these three days, or whatever the number was, many requirements of the demesne had to be met.
His recourse to such logical analysis as would meet the requirements of the problem in hand 2 is not rare.
A number of separate " lays " might conceivably be arranged and connected by a man of poetical taste in a manner that would satisfy all requirements.
Thus there should be revenue sufficient to meet the public requirements.
Maxwell saw that it was unphilosophical to assume a multiplicity of ethers or media until it had been proved that one would not fulfil all the requirements.
But although the rigorous requirements of science could only be fulfilled by the employment of all these means, yet in their absence it was permissible to draw from the tables and the exclusion a hypothetical conclusion, the truth of which might be verified by the use of the other processes; such an hypothesis is called fantastically the First Vintage (Vindemiatio).
At the Restoration all the ejected clergy who survived were reinstated in their old benefices under the Act of Uniformity of 1662, whilst certain Puritan incumbents were in their turn dismissed for refusing to comply with various requirements of that act.
It is true that a Young Wales party has arisen, which seeks to narrow this movement to the exclusion of English ideas and influences; and it is also true that there is a party which is abnormally suspicious of and hostile to this Welsh Renaissance; but in the main it is correct to say that the bulk of the Welsh nation remains content to assert its views and requirements in a reasonable manner.
No distinction was drawn between secular and religious duties, between ceremonial, ethical or spiritual requirements.
The private schools usually conform to the official requirements in regard to studies and examinations, which facilitates subsequent admission to the university and the obtainment of degrees; probably they do better work than the public schools, especially in the German settlements of the southern provinces.
Some nomad tribes who owned many brood mares, and yearly sold hundreds of horses, now hardly possess sufficient animals for their own requirements.
Between 1899 and 1903 the Russian Bank had lent Persia 4,000,000, of which fully half was paid to the shah for his personal requirements.
There thus grew up an ungrammatical dialect of Dutch, suited only to the most ordinary requirements of the everyday life of a rural population.
Butler never attempts to prove that a future life regulated according to the requirements of ethical law is a reality; he only desires to show that the conception of such a life is not irreconcilable with what we know of the course of nature, and that consequently it is not unreasonable to suppose that there is such a life.
Butler could strengthen his argument only by bringing forward prominently the absolute requirements of the ethical consciousness, in which case he would have approximated to Kant's position with regard to this very problem.
Such Cynic crudity Chrysippus rightly judged to be out of keeping with the requirements of a great dogmatic school, and he laboured on all sides after thoroughness, erudition and scientific completeness.
The term " holiness " in this connexion consists positively in the fulfilment of ceremonial obligations and negatively in abstaining from the defilement caused by heathen customs and superstitions, but it also includes obedience to the moral requirements of the religion of Yahweh.
Law is treated throughout as the vehicle of ethical requirements.
Their inaccessibility and the costs of transportation have prevented a development of the industry and a consequent improvement in stock, but the persistency of the industry under conditions so unfavourable is evidence that the soil and climate are suited to its requirements.
Rice is another exotic grown in the tropical districts of eastern Bolivia, but the quantity produced is far from sufficient to meet local requirements.
Supplementary protocols to this treaty stipulated that the port to be ceded must " fully satisfy the present and future requirements " of the commerce of Bolivia.
Warasdin is the seat of a district court, and possesses an old castle, a cathedral The Contracting Powers which do not at present own perfected mines of the pattern contemplated in the present Convention, and which, consequently, could not at present carry out the rules laid down in Articles i and 3, undertake to convert the materiel of their mines as soon as possible so as to bring it into conformity with the foregoing requirements.
Suffrage requirements are citizenship in the United States, registration and residence in the state for six months and in the county for thirty days immediately before election, but mental deficiency, conviction of infamous crimes (without restoration to rights of citizenship), bribery or attempt at bribery, bigamy, living in " what is known as patriarchal, plural or celestial marriage," or teaching its validity or belonging to any organization which teaches polygamy,' are disqualifications.
They are also conical on section from within outwards and from before backwards, this shape converting the pinionsinto delicately graduated instruments balanced with the utmost nicety to satisfy the requirements of the muscular system on the one hand and the resistance and resiliency of the air on the other.
T here are of course a great number of important industries which have a general distribution throughout the country, being more or less fully developed here or there in accordance with the requirements of each locality.
This power has been largely acted upon throughout England, and the courts of law have on several occasions decided that such by-laws should be benevolently interpreted, and that in matters which directly arise and concern the people of the county, who have the right to choose those whom they think best fitted to represent them, such representatives may be trusted to understand their own requirements.
The salaries of the medical officer of health and inspectors of nuisances are, as to one moiety thereof, paid out of " the exchequer contribution account " by the county council, if they are appointed in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Board as to qualification, appointment, duties, salary and tenure of office.
Power is given to prohibit the use as dwellings of any cellars, vaults or underground rooms built or occupied after 1875, and with regard to such cellars as were occupied as dwellings before 1875, the continued occupation of these is also forbidden unless they comply with certain stringent requirements as to the height of the rooms, height of the ceilings above the surface of Cellar .
But mere dedication did not make the way repairable by the public. That result was not to follow unless certain stringent requirements were fulfilled.
Civil and criminal codes were promulgated by decrees, and in both cases the laws of Belgium were adopted as the basis of legislation, and "modified to suit the special requirements" of the state; e.g.
Meanwhile a complete transformation took place on the Y to suit the new requirements of the city's trade.
The London Building Acts do not set out any special requirements, but suggestions have been made at the Royal Institution of British Architects for the regulation of skeleton buildings and they are drawn up upon a more scientific basis than the bulk of the existing acts.
The experiments given by Professor Burr indicate that a closed column is stronger than an open one, but practice does not always support theory, and many other questions besides mere form arise in connexion with the choice of a section; special considerations in the use of columns in buildings sometimes call for a form very different from the circular section, and such include the transfer of loads to the centre of the section, the maximum efficiency under loading, and the requirements for pipe space around or included in the column form.
The arrangement of the building and floor framings is in a great measure governed by the architectural effect sought and by the arrangement and proper planning of the interior according to the intended uses; the positions of columns, girders and floor beams are usually the result of particular requirements, and unless complicated and expensive framing is to be expected the distance between columns must be kept within the limits of simple girder construction.
Custom and economic requirements produced checks on the sway of the masters which proved effectual even when legal protection was insufficient.
A certain balance had to be struck in most cases between the greed and selfishness of the class of landowners and the necessary requirements and human aspirations of the subjects.
On the other hand, the growth of the Muscovite state with its fiscal and governmental requirements involved a watchful repartition of burdens among the population and led ultimately to a system of collective liability in which the farms were considered chiefly as the sources of taxable income.
Of the original inhabitants there remain only a few scattered tribes in the forests, who refuse to submit to civilized requirements, and a much larger number who live in organized communities and have adopted the language, customs and habits of the dominant race.
They are of a sturdy, patient type, like their Indian ancestors, and are sufficiently industrious to carry on many of the small industries and occupations, and to meet the labour requirements of the inhabited plateau districts.
And it must be said that his time was better employed in original investigations than it would have been had he spent it in observations made even with the best of instruments, infinitely better than if he had spent it on those of the observatory, which, however good originally, were then totally unfit for the delicate requirements of modern astronomy.
There are many kinds of weighing machines depending for their action on combinations of levers, and arranged to meet special requirements.
They included a new palace and a durbar hall, a bridge across the river and embankment, a pavilion and garden laid out around the site of Baber's tomb overlooking the Chardeh valley; and many other buildings of public utility connected with stud arrangements, the manufacture of small arms and ammunition, and the requirements of what may be termed a wholesale shop under European direction, besides hospitals, dispensaries, bazaars, &c. The new palace is within an entrenchment just outside the city.
Neither France nor Austria had any conception of the necessity of fulfilling these requirements.
The first of these great budgets, in 1860, was partly inspired by the necessity of adapting the fiscal system to meet the requirements of a conimercial treaty which, mainly through Cobdens exertions, had been concluded with the emperor of the French.
Since the Turkish conquest a minaret has been erected at each of the four exterior angles of the building, and the interior has been adapted to the requirements of Moslem worship, mainly by the destruction or concealment of most of the mosaics which adorned the walls.
The Greek conception of society was such that the life of the free-born citizen consisted mainly of his public function, and, therefore, the pseudo-ethical disquisitions of the Sophists satisfied the requirements of the age.
We see here, as in other activities of the age, a determination to acquire technical knowledge, and to apply it directly to the practical issue; just as music was being enriched by new technical knowledge, architecture by modern theories of plans and T-squares (sc. Hippodamus), the handling of soldiers by the new technique of " tactics " and " hoplitics," so citizenship must be analysed afresh, systematized and adapted in relation to modern requirements.
All taxes levied by the state are paid by the communal council, which assesses the property owned by each family under its authority, collects the amount due and has the right to retain one-fourth, or more, for local requirements.
But, contrary to all constitutional requirements, three full months were allowed to pass before Venizelos was summoned to resume office, the King's illness being made an excuse.
There are extensive engineering works in the same city which supply the machinery and other requirements of the linen industry.
The problem of draining and utilizing these lands was not the only difficulty to be surmounted by the Hungarian engineers; the requirements of navigation and the necessity in winter of preventing the formation of large ice-fields, such as caused the disastrous floods at Budapest in 1838, had also to be considered.
Alessandro Achillini, the persistent philosophical adversary of Pomponazzi, both at Padua and subsequently at Bologna, attempted, along with other moderate but not brilliant Averroists, to accommodate their philosophical theory with the requirements of Catholicism.
The population is about 205,000, but the country, even with the lazy methods of the present day, furnishes a very large amount of grain and food-supplies in excess of local requirements, and it could, of course, be made to furnish very much more.
Spain is, on the whole, a country whose production falls far short of her own requirements.
A swarm of bees hived in a straw skep, the picturesque little domicile known the world over as the personification of industry, will furnish their home with waxen combs in form and shape so admirably adapted to their requirements as to need no improvement by man.
Since that time changes, of more or less value, have been introduced to meet present-day requirements.
The further development of the honey extractor has of late been limited to an increase in the size of machine used, in order to save time and manual labour, and thus meet the requirements of the largest honey producers, who extract honey by the car load.
Having made himself proficient in practical bee-work and chosen a suitable location for his apiary, the bee-keeper should carefully select the particular type of hive most suited to his means and requirements.
As mayor he had to receive the prince and princess of Wales on their visit in June 1874, an occasion which excited some curiosity because of his reputation as a Republican; but those who looked for an exhibition of bad taste were disappointed, and the behaviour of the Radical mayor satisfied the requirements alike of The Times and of Punch.
The muscles of the limbs are modified from those of the ordinary mammalian type in accordance with the reduced condition of the bones and the simple requirements of flexion and extension of the joints, no such actions as pronation and supination, or opposition of digits, being possible or needed.
Thomson's work in connexion with telegraphy led to the production in rapid succession of instruments adapted to the requirements of the time for the measurement of every electrical quantity, and when electric lighting came to the front a new set of instruments was produced to meet the needs of the electrical engineer.
The existing parochial districts being found unsuited to the ecclesiastical requirements of the time, a general act was passed in 1581, which made provision for the parochial clergy, and, inter alia, directed that "a sufficient and competent" district should be appropriated to each church as a parish (1581, cap. ioo).
The annual report is in compliance with specific accounting requirements.
In an endeavor to ensure your privacy, we'll meet your requirements.
Three modes of operation and storage, optimum portability, and image storage are critical requirements for the professional photographer.
It was totally hassle-free, and they happily accommodated all our special requirements and adapted the building to meet our needs.
There are also additional qualifications for areas such as pensions, trusts and tax-planning, which are important if you have complex requirements.
Good institutions will be able to demonstrate adherence to the requirements in their institutional audits.
Its patented design reduces energy requirements by 50% compared to current aerators.
Chapter 8 sets out the minimum requirements to be met in the provision of Rescue and Fire Fighting Services at United Kingdom licensed aerodromes.
He duly signed an agreement to meet their requirements.
The layout of the book takes the reader through the basic requirements of successfully maintaining aquatic and semi aquatic Chelonia in captivity.
For more than 50 user names, please email us your requirements and we'll come back to you to finalize payment arrangements.
We can also cater for customized requirements including microwave backhaul and wholesale services.
One last word on battery backup systems is to match the type of battery to the system's requirements.
Try some of the traditional dry-cured bacon, cut to your own requirements, or chicken fed only on additive free feeds.
The results highlight the importance of reserve requirements in determining the welfare effects of a more generous bailout.
Then the hunt was on to find a bassist who fit the needed requirements.
The market requirements for a high quality swath bathymetry system with a low total cost of ownership have at last been met.
It is evidence also that a few partisan bands met the requirements of lawful belligerency.
Every wedding is a unique celebration and I offer an entirely bespoke service tailored to your own requirements.
We provide consultancy and develop bespoke learning solutions based on an indepth understanding of specific organizational requirements.
What you need to look for on the box or advertising blurb is ' System Requirements ' .
In addition to legal requirements, accurate bookkeeping will enable your business to budget and plan for the future.
First, many engineering systems have performance requirements naturally stated in terms of the upper bounds on the steady-state variance values.
All Scania ADR vehicles meet EC braking requirements and have ABS anti-lock brakes.
We are experienced in supplying the ideal equipment for your requirements within the confines of your annual departmental budgets.
There are no requirements regarding the capitalization of keywords.
Using metallocene catalysis, it is now possible to tailor the wax to the special requirements of EPS production.
Vegetarian and other dietary requirements happily catered for with advance notice.
However, governments in Western Europe have been slow to meet these requirements, making it difficult to distinguish between legal and illegal caviar.
Accountant Brokers For local Accountants Accountant Brokers provides advice on the selection of a local chartered accountant to suit your specific requirements.
The HEM 700 meets the requirements of highly specialized contractors who need a powerful, heavy mobile chipper for a variety of applications.
If they meet the requirements to study chiropractic in their own countries, they are likely to meet our requirements.
Manage the handling of the prime contract closeout requirements; 13.
Abstract We show how abstract requirements of garbage collection can be captured using temporal logic.
What are the ventilation requirements to prevent excessive condensation forming?
At the Royal Academy, like at other conservatoires, applicants can expect a rigorous audition process with strict requirements.
The IBM PartnerWorld scheme enables us to simply consolidate your requirements into one single, simple to use offering.
No contingency is needed in developer estimates No contingency is necessary as requirements that don't fit are dropped or rescheduled by the Customer.
As fatigue sets in, the muscle tissue is no longer capable of meeting the metabolic requirements needed to sustain the contraction.
The husbandry requirements for the American copperheads are not much more complicated than for any other snake.
The rules should make this distinction and leave large corporates and expert individuals to make their own arrangements about their information requirements.
Likewise, lots of fMRI studies in humans also show premotor cortex activations caused in the absence of motor requirements.
It may be talking about requirements on the wives of deacons, and it may be talking about requirements on the female deacons.
Entry Requirements An undergraduate degree in an aligned field of interest.
What requirements are there for dealing warrants and securitised derivatives?
There is a strong demand for efficient seawater desalination plants, which can meet the tougher environment regulation and energy saving requirements.
These electronic measuring devices often have to be customized to individual customer requirements.
Most requirements are met by a selection of devices such as a microcontroller plus an ASIC plus discrete parts including merchant semiconductor devices.
If you have any special requirements (e.g. dietary, access, hearing etc.) please let us know in advance.
What are the technical requirements for websites using the .MOBI domain name?
It also advises and assists ground commanders and meets other related tactical air support special requirements of individual ground force echelons.
If the scope of the job changes with attendant changes in its elements, then educational requirements should be reviewed.
For non-British passport holders and for British passports endorsed in any way, requirements should be checked with the nearest relevant embassy.
It is focused on the requirements of industrial end-users of nanotechnology.
The general requirements apply to all honey products offered for sale to consumers or to catering establishments.
They have even been used to plan the food ration requirements for polar expeditions.
On most they offer 5 years warranty and their staff members are available to help you choose the right fire extinguisher for your requirements.
Please discuss your travel health requirements with your regular family doctor or practice nurse.
Methods for studying social interaction such as Conversational Analysis and Discourse Analysis would provide too fine-grained an analysis for the purposes of requirements gathering.
A template will be constructed which will be sufficiently flexible to absorb the specific requirements of each region.
The requirements are met by all our wood floors, with or without surface treatment.
We are pleased to arrange small intimate gatherings to large weddings to suit your requirements.
Starting a project to catalog and label every wire in every city has no glitz and few major consulting firm requirements.
For some patients with certain requirements, we still issue analog high-powered behind-the-ear and body-worn hearing aids.
High performance tubular heat exchangers ensure Rycroft calorifiers offer the most flexible solution to provide your hot water heating requirements.
In fact, only the Rocket did complete the requirements of the competition, making the victory somewhat hollow.
In a pot, it will be much easier to control the requirements for growing pink hydrangeas.
I then began using idealist for the Collections Management requirements of the Old Operating Theater Museum using the Windows version.
This paper describes the first of a family of new geomagnetic indices aimed at meeting two requirements.
Our customers can embrace innovation secure in the knowledge that the technology is compatible with City & Guilds ' process and quality requirements.
I redesigned the web interface, ran usability tests and researched customer requirements... .
We use internal Quality Control techniques to guarantee the final product meets our customers requirements.
We will be happy to tailor-make an itinerary to suit your exact requirements.
Free guide book, personalized itinerary to suit individual requirements.
Again, tell us your requirements and we will tailor an itinerary to meet your needs.
James jag You need to consider total power requirements.
These procedures and rules may need to be modified to comply with any statutory requirements in the applicable jurisdiction.
Thirteen design requirements, including kinematics, kinetics, and stability aspects, are described.
Very few exemptions from paying KFC - only extremely strict dietary requirements (e.g. kosher, not vegan ).
Quarry or Ceramic tiles Follow the basic requirements above, using a latex leveling compound to fill the joints between the tiles.
Consequently, I began to grow lax in complying with the requirements of the formal prayers.
The first, ' Anglo-American capitalism ', comes closer to the requirements of laissez-faire liberalism.
Assessment Criteria 10.1 Explain the legal requirements for fundraising, in the learners locality.
Regent Insurance Co. Ltd. (RICO) Because they don't institutepauly m the waiting period requirements.
In addition, specialized products have been produced for patients with specialized nutrient requirements eg malabsorption, renal failure, cancer cachexia.
The requirements for testing using the cylindrical mandrel are the same as the conical mandrel in terms of dimensions.
Adult Content Due to special system and network requirements of adult oriented sites, pornography and sex-related merchandising are prohibited.
Teaching/learning methods and strategies 1-3 are requirements of all modules, and especially the dissertation preparation module and the dissertation.
Firstly, everything, from the protocol for catching a bus, to food, to personal morals or social requirements are completely different.
The answers also revealed that Lewes prison has 5 fewer prison officers than operational staffing requirements dictate.
Advantage is able to do deliver on-site Microsoft Dynamics training to suit your specific requirements wherever you need our support.
Energy requirements for these processes depend on high-grade uranium ore, which is expected to be exhausted within 50 years.
If you require further explanation about the requirements you should consult the unit organizer concerned.
Enhanced disclosure requirements are also listed for occasions when the true and fair override is adopted.
The Service is centrally funded to ensure that an impartial overview consistent with statutory requirements is achieved.
We offer a choice of companies incorporation packages to suit your practice requirements.
We offer a choice of Hong Kong company formation packages to suit your practice requirements.
All types of chain link, welded mesh and steel palisade fencing can be supplied, tailored to specific security requirements.
Codes of practice para 14 - 20 set out the statutory requirements.
It was said that the amenities provided in the refreshment pavilion did not go outside the requirements of the park.
Our beautiful traditionally designed pelmets are accompanied by fresh modern alternatives, all specially made to meet your specific requirements.
If the tenancy becomes periodic what are the minimum notice requirements from the tenant?
Inventories will need periodic updating (see the requirements of the information sub group ).
Requirements To join the Associate Engineer program, degree in engineering (civil or chemical ), chemistry and/or petroleum engineering is required.
You will find all your wedding photography requirements on Our Wedding Memories.
This would cover the requirements for the Medical Physics unit and integrate the experience of studying physical science at higher education level.
Plotter drivers for HP and Apple plotter drivers for HP and Apple plotters are also provided, as is a DXF exporter to deal with other export requirements.
Entry requirements Students will normally possess a degree or equivalent from a recognized university.
Manufacturers literature will indicate any special requirements, but in general a zinc phosphate primer is used.
Entry There are no minimum requirements for entry into work as a cinema projectionist although you would need to be over 18.
Obtaining good value for money and maintaining propriety are key requirements from any procurement function.
For full details of our subject-specific requirements, please see the University undergraduate prospectus.
This technique, if made quantitative, is able to fulfill these requirements by the SIA.
Also meets all the nutritional requirements of pregnant and lactating queens.
Every user has been allotted a quota depending on their course requirements.
Contact us for a personalized quotation based on your requirements.
As a result of soil testing the STRI researched requirements for hardness, traction, ball rebound, sward height and grass cover.
We proposed a redraft which was accepted by CESR and which has significantly reduced the problems of these new requirements.
To get verification of emissions reductions, you need to implement an effective JI project that complies with the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol.
Rover requirements well the remaining pins port allows remote it includes an.
Between them, the two engine sizes satisfy all possible requirements.
In particular, BBSRC would welcome proposals for projects that fulfill the requirements of the Council's Industrial Partnership Award (IPA) scheme.
Different applications impose very different requirements on the virtual city.
The seminar will explain how architecture assessment can be used to find out how well an architecture fulfills the requirements.
A wire run can be fitted onto the end and the layout altered to suit customer`s requirements.
The service is designed to comply with legal requirements covering the disposal of such waste.
The CSCI can make statutory requirements, which the home must meet in order to retain its registration for care.
There are no specific requirements for drilling rate etc for the seed we will be sent.
Often an overseas company's accounts prepared for its home jurisdiction are sufficiently similar to satisfy the UK regulatory requirements.
Evening meals, packed lunches, special dietary requirements all catered for by arrangement.
What are the GCSE entry requirements for the course?
For alternative qualifications, see further information about entrance requirements.
Eligibility requirements Only monographs dealing mainly with Canada written in a language other than French or English are eligible.
Both Portals have galleries above the tunnel made from the modern safety requirements for escape routes.
Top of page disclosure requirements Capital commitments are to be disclosed in the notes to the accounts.
It is a good option for a company because of its simple reporting requirements.
It also discusses the requirements for inspecting standing rigging.
The requirements in relation to the classification of long-term liabilities should be made more rigorous.
Eligibility Requirements only scholarly theses dealing mainly with Canada are eligible.
The 8... more megapixel sensor on the Cybershot DSC-N1 will meet the requirements of the most demanding photographers.
The habitat requirements of twaite shad are not fully understood.
Will known shippers be exempt from advanced manifest submission requirements?
Scotland's pre-existing signage requirements will meet the signage requirements will meet the signage proposals set out in the consultation.
This was different to statutory solvency, in that there was a statutory requirement for a company to meet the detailed regulatory solvency requirements.
From the alphabet soup, which satisfies my requirements best?
New requirements will be the Mode-S SSR and 8.33 kHz spacing on radio.
Low maintenance requirements are met by the incorporation of hydraulic tappets, automatic timing belt tensioners and longlife spark plugs.
Quot tramontin recallstime programs and increasing disturbing specter of proposals are requirements.
Such transfers are not, of course, liable to United Kingdom ad valorem stamp duty but may be subject to local requirements.
To ensure success with finer pitch requirements it may be necessary to reduce the stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil.
To ensure success with finer pitch requirements it may be necessary to reduce the stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil.
The second is likely to be an increased stringency in requirements for pollen germination to ensure more specificity.
The extremely stringent requirements for product registration set down in European law reflect this.
The construction on the Sigma 38 is exceptionally strong and was built in excess of the requirements required by the ABS Mark II guide.
There are also UK requirements for a low energy synchrotron radiation source.
The solvent pre-filled syringe provided should be used for reconstitution only and then disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
With this program we must develop a system of savings that allows lower minimum deposit requirements ", Carrilho said.
I will happily place anything in the anchor text to help your search engine visibility - just let me know your requirements.
The robustly constructed torches are molded in high impact thermoplastic resin for lasting durability and service requirements.
Or your old drill, mobile phone or any other electrical product broken or deemed surplus to requirements in our increasingly throwaway society?
All handmade tiaras can be styled to suit your design or budget, call or email with your requirements.
Further, the EAST requirements document contained many interesting tidbits, including the use of " etc.
When using time-lapse VCR's, use the lowest time-lapse mode that will fit with the operational requirements of the site.
This together with his friendly personality, accommodates the multi-role requirements of any modern day toastmaster.
It also had requirements for handling, applying, and disposing of tritium, and watches containing Tritium.
They are ideal for use with our wildflower meadow turf - please e-mail us with your requirements or for further details.
Applicants over 21 years who do not meet these requirements are encouraged to contact the senior tutor to discuss their application.
The use of vapor permeable underlay to improve the thermal performance of the roof will inevitably change the roof ventilation requirements.
The facts of the story were deliberately understated to meet the censor's requirements.
The proposed 1000 units will make a significant contribution to meeting the strategic housing requirements for Gloucester.
If you have any special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian ), please mention this when registering.
Just how legally watertight these requirements are may be another matter!
The young people worked with Groundwork staff and outreach youth workers to chose a shelter design, was then adapted to fit their requirements.
Electric traction was first used in Buenos Aires in 1897, since when nearly all the lines of that city have been reconstructed to meet its requirements, and subways are contemplated to relieve the congested street traffic of the central districts; the companies contribute 6% of their gross receipts to the municipality, besides paying $50 per annum per square on each single track in paved streets, 5 per thousand on the value of their property, and 33% of the cost of street repaving and renewals.
Any person fulfilling certain legal requirements with regard to capacity, age and character may set up privately an educational establishment of any grade, but by the law of 1904 all religious congregations are prohibited from keeping schools of any kind whatever.
This afforded great satisfaction to Ivan, but it did not entirely satisfy his requirements, because the new route by the White Sea and North Cape was long and uncertain and for a great part of the year communications were stopped by the ice.
The character of the Assyrian domination over Israel must not be misunderstood; the regular payment of tribute and the provision of troops were the main requirements, and the position of the masses underwent little change if an Assyrian governor took the place of an unpopular native ruler.
They not only indicate the height of the land, but also enable us to compute the declivity of the mountain slopes; and if minor features of ground lying between two contours - such as ravines, as also rocky precipices and glaciers - are indicated, as is done on the Siegfried atlas of Switzerland, they fully meet the requirements of the scientific man, the engineer and the mountain-climber.
Still they fell far short of the requirements of the district for in 1865 the Taff Vale Railway Company opened a dock of 26 acres under the headland at Penarth, while in 1884 a group of colliery owners, dissatisfied with their treatment at Cardiff, obtained powers to construct docks at Barry which are now 114 acres in extent.
But two requirements necessary to generalize the theory were still wanting.
The Occident does not yet appear to have full realized the existence of such talent in Japan; partly perhaps because its displays in former times were limited chiefly to swordfurniture, possessing little interest for the average European or American; and partly because the Japanese have not yet learned to adapt their skill to foreign requirements.
To prevent misconception he must expand and explain what was obscure, adjust the incidents of the past to the ideas of later times, emphasize the moral lessons to be learned from the national history, and, finally, adapt the rules and regulations of the Old Covenant to the conditions and requirements of his own age.
And just as mind does not lose but gain in individuality in proportion as it parts with any claim to the capricious determination of what its world shall be, and becomes dominated by the conception of an order which is immutable so the will becomes free and " personal " in proportion as it identifies itself with objects and interests, and subordinates itself to laws and requirements which involve the suppression of all that is merely arbitrary and subjective.
His natural idiom in short was that of a heightened and ennobled folk-song, and one of the most remarkable evidences of his genius was the power with which he adapted all his perfection and symmetry of style to the requirements of popular speech.
The learned labours of the Benedictines were no part of the original requirements of the rule of St Benedict; but before the founder's death his favourite disciple had planted a monastery in France, and the name of that disciple is permanently associated with the learned labours of the Benedictines of the Congregation of St Maur (see Maurists) .
Failure on the part of a parliamentary candidate or his election agent to comply with the requirements of the law in any particular is sufficient to invalidate the return (see the articles Bribery and Corrupt Practices).
Planting themselves, as a rule, in large towns, and by preference in the poorest and most densely populated districts, the Preaching Friars were obliged to adapt their buildings to the requirements of the site.
A tabular summary is given (see Tables I., II., III., IV.) of the requirements of the secondary school-leaving examinations of France, Prussia (for the nine-year secondary schools) and Scotland, and of the university of London.
Thus Christianity, as religion, is on the one hand the adoration of God, that is, of the highest and noblest, and this highest and noblest as conceived not under forms of power or knowledge but in the form of ethical self-devotion as embodied in Jesus Christ, and on the other hand it meets the requirements of all religion in its dependence, not indeed upon some absolute idea or omnipotent power, but in the belief that that which appeals to the soul as worthy of supreme worship is also that in which the soul may trust, and which shall deliver it from sin and fear and death.
In respect to finance this authority was strikingly manifested in the burdens imposed on wealthy citizens by the requirements of the " liturgies " (Xarovpyiat), which consisted in the provision of a chorus for theatrical performances, or defraying the expenses of the public games, or, finally, the equipment of a ship, " the trierarchy," which was economically and politically the most important.
Also to meet the requirements of the industry, an enormous number of coolies had to be brought into the province from other parts of India, and in recent years the supply of labour has begun to fall off, causing a rise in the cost of production.
A few such trees in the backyard behind your condo, cabin, or yurt would be enough to satisfy your power requirements.
To be successful in the world, for a while both English and one's native tongue will be requirements.
One of the visitors, usually spoken of as "a man of great merit," having described how he had that day seen Kutuzov, the newly chosen chief of the Petersburg militia, presiding over the enrollment of recruits at the Treasury, cautiously ventured to suggest that Kutuzov would be the man to satisfy all requirements.
We'll discuss your needs and requirements with no pushy sales pitch and no obligation to you.
Requirements - You will be a qualified electrician, plumber or joiner.
Please Contact us for a personalized quotation tailored to meet your individual requirements.
To develop artifacts or architectures for real-time scheduling that meets these requirements.
We shall also investigate whether this mixing enhances the direct CHCC Auger recombination loss mechanism, by relaxing the normal momentum conservation requirements.
These conditions have been redrafted to clarify requirements and should be accompanied by the 'best practice ' document for market operators.
However, individual LSPs would still be expected to reflect differing geographical requirements across the region.
The food requirements of adult flies are mainly for carbohydrates which are taken in liquid form having been dissolved by regurgitated digestive juices.
In particular, BBSRC would welcome proposals for projects that fulfill the requirements of the Council 's Industrial Partnership Award (IPA) scheme.
Often an overseas company 's accounts prepared for its home jurisdiction are sufficiently similar to satisfy the UK regulatory requirements.
Experience in safety-critical systems has shown that faults in the requirements specifications can and do cause accidents.
Eligibility Requirements Only monographs dealing mainly with Canada written in a language other than French or English are eligible.
For each of these job descriptions, the HCM system can be used to attribute requisite competencies and experience requirements.
Fastreact Light allows rapid scheduling and rescheduling when requirements change; including " what-if " planning with multi-level " undo " facility.
Reservist employees are unlikely to have many special requirements or to generate additional paperwork.
There are no more guarantees on personal freedom; the law is being reshaped to meet the requirements of new world order.
David and John have worked very closely with saddle fitters, retailers and riders to produce a range that meets with all their requirements.
Eligibility Requirements Only scholarly theses dealing mainly with Canada are eligible.
Before planting, have the children figure the area and read seed packets for spacing requirements.
They should be of sufficient quality, culturally appropriate and sensitive to gender, life-cycle and privacy requirements.
Sentient DISCOVER is now the first resource management system to meet the requirements of AAA Bobby Compliance.
Day currency requirements, four shipboard landings within the preceding 9 months.
Will Known Shippers be exempt from advanced manifest submission requirements?
Scotland 's pre-existing signage requirements will meet the signage proposals set out in the consultation.
G8 countries should untie all their aid to the continent, coordinate better with other donors and simplify reporting requirements.
Our teams are skilled in all aspects of construction, ensuring that your new living area is built to your specific requirements.
The existing masonry arch and spandrel walls were retained for esthetic requirements and new parapets were provided in a style similar to the existing.
The largest tackle shop in the area it has a complete matchman 's range; and specimen hunter 's requirements too.
She leaves as Jack calls round, he 's following up the spile troshing requirements (Robert is doing some construction apparently).
The removal of spinal cord from the carcass was only one of many of the statutory requirements that they had to monitor.
This stands in marked contrast to oil and fuel filters where there is a relatively large amount of information regarding filtration requirements and capabilities.
The statuary requirements of the 1995 Act are very clear.
Three to five million people are unable to access basic requirements to stay alive.
The licenses stipulate public service requirements set out in existing analog licenses, together with new digital switchover obligations.
Stock Taking A wide range of options enables you to tailor your stocktaking report to your individual requirements.
Despite all the stopgap measures, the BRC was unable to develop to meet the changing requirements of its users.
The stringency of the requirements reflect the course 's popularity with applicants rather than its ' value ' to employers.
Scania cabs have to meet the world 's most stringent safety requirements.
The geometry of the ZT 's MacPherson strut front suspension has been tuned to the requirements of the new chassis platform.
Section 2 contains the feature requirements for each of the above four categories on which subsystems evaluations are based.
Your teacher will decide whether the stated quality and sufficiency requirements have, on balance, been met.
Suitable for wheelchairs, please call our office with your requirements.
These standards, the Tier 2 standards, will regulate autos and light trucks and set new requirements limiting sulfur in gasoline.
With this program we must develop a system of savings that allows lower minimum deposit requirements, Carrilho said.
There are term contract arrangements in place for these various requirements.
The NEC HT1100 is the optimum home theater projector supporting all the requirements for home entertainment.
Further, the EAST requirements document contained many interesting tidbits, including the use of etc.
When using time-lapse VCR 's, use the lowest time-lapse mode that will fit with the operational requirements of the site.
Departments are advised that the existing scheme for the employment of trainee technicians meets the new legislative requirements.
New regulations to transpose the requirements of the Directive have to be in place by 25 December 2000.
With a front load capacity of up to 200 kilos this traditional tricycle design can be tailored to suit your vending requirements.
It also had requirements for handling, applying, and disposing of Tritium, and watches containing Tritium.
Applicants over 21 years who do not meet these requirements are encouraged to contact the Senior tutor to discuss their application.
The facts of the story were deliberately understated to meet the censor 's requirements.
Candidates must have at least an upper second class honors degree in a relevant subject, and meet the U.K. research council residence requirements.
If you have any special dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian), please mention this when registering.
Trustees should be vigilant to ensure they remain informed of any specific requirements.
The effect of vitamin K on warfarin dose requirements should further be evaluated.
Just how legally watertight these requirements are may be another matter !
The trip to Pridhams on the 6th of October proved to be very fruitful, workmanship standard well above requirements.
All staff have a desktop workstation configured for their needs, together with access to the Departmental Linux cluster for high-performance processing requirements.
It is the responsibility of the professor to articulate the course requirements to the students.
Her identification did not meet the validity requirements to fly to another country.
After the ceremony, the university will accredit those students who have met the graduation requirements.
You need to monetize the business, and one of the key requirements is nailing down every cost you have and cutting them to the bone (while maintaining quality).
Remember that toddlers have special requirements for toys that an older children would not necessarily have.
For your own states' requirements contact this division directly or check the National Resource Center's website which lists each state's detailed licensing processes.
Certain states have stricter regulations than others, which provide families a guideline for how the states requirements may or may not match their own.
Beyond just the states' requirements, an accreditation program can take the governments basic necessities to a higher level.
In general, all 50 state's licensing requirements set standards for the following basic classifications.
Basic Safety Requirements - For both indoor and outdoor areas including such restrictions as lead paint to keeping small parts away from babies is relevant.
Take the time to review your states requirements before you start your search toward providing or finding childcare.
Be sure and bookmark the Website for the Embassy of the United States to stay up-to-date on the procedures and requirements of adoption in Russia.
These childcare centers should follow the requirements set aside by your particular state, and you can certainly check into this as you search for affordable childcare.
The National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education allows visitors to the site to check each individual state's child care licensure regulation requirements.
Choose the carseat that meets your personal safety and price requirements.
The details and requirements should be spelled out in the initial interview so that prospective parents know immediately if they can proceed with that particular agency.
As with any adoption agency, Christian adoption agencies may have specific requirements established regarding prospective parents and adoptable babies.
Ask for written information on the adoption process, requirements for adoption, fee schedule, rules and regulations, and any other information regarding the adoption of a child.
However, this excitement can be quickly extinguished if clothes aren't up to hospital requirements, or if your preemie is coming home, aren't proportionate to your baby's sizing.
It is essential that the agency you choose is familiar with the requirements set out by the CCAA.
According to the U.S. Department of State, China has some very specific requirements for parents considering adopting a Chinese baby.
While this program is constantly changing and the requirements for adoptive parents have become more stringent, China is still a stable, respected country for international adoption.
Pay attention to size requirements if there are any.
When choosing an adoptive agency, understand that some handle religious-based companies, others facilitate only open adoptions, and still others may have different requirements.
Families who do not meet some or all of the above requirements may still be allowed to adopt, but they must work through an adoption agency, such as the Wasatch International Adoption Agency (WIA) to facilitate the adoption.
For the PC user, the main compatability issue is making sure that your computer's specifications meet the minimum requirements for the device.
Consider maintenance requirements when choosing a set.
The first thing to considers is your sleep requirements.
Handling requirements will differ for each.
Home users can buy Internet access through their local phone service provider because they won't need huge data transmission requirements.
Some people are allergic to certain materials and if you find that you experience itching or irritation when using men's socks of a particular material, you may need to select another in keeping with your body's requirements.
First figure out your space needs, requirements and restrictions in regards to the home or apartment you live in.
Do remember to regularly measure your band and cup sizes to get a hang of your personal body requirements.
Anything less than $10 is cheaper to replace with another purchase rather than hassle with useless warranty requirements.
Most of us buy clothes on impulse and we do not really rationalize our choices with our immediate requirements.
This works well since you can split your order between a few online grocers, as long as you make the minimum order requirements.
Light requirements vary from plant to plant, though most houseplants will do better in high light than in low light.
Click on those that seem interesting and meet your requirements in order to start your search.
You may be charged a cleaning fee if you do not adhere to posted or contractual cleaning requirements.
Always check your system requirements before buying a new PC game.
While this doesn't mean that the car seat will disintegrate at its expiration, it does give you an idea of how old the seat is and if it meets current safety requirements.
Size - one of the most important requirements when choosing electric space heaters is picking the right size for the room.
There are many different types of bird cages on the market designed with housing space, design requirements and bird type in mind.
While you might need a slightly more expensive golf club set to impress the business set, other casual playing requirements can be satisfied with a simple mid-price selection.
You can get a steamer, a spritzer, a bagless, or a traditional vacuum, so it's up to you to weigh your requirements for a good vacuum in relation to price.
That means the laptop is sent back to Apple for any repairs because that is the requirements Apple has set for many computer retailers.
Don't be afraid to compare price or even wait around for special deals if there's time-there's no need to scoop up the first one you see that fits your requirements.
In some states, you can own an exotic pet with a permit, while other states have no permit requirements.
If you need a computer capable of handing heavy graphics requirements, choose one with a PCI Express x16 slot for the graphics card of your choosing.
In some areas, depending on leasing companies, it isn't possible to rent a propane tank unless certain requirements are met.
After purchasing a propane tank and prior to installation, a gas company representative typically assists the homeowner in making sure that all distance and permit requirements have been met.
Educate yourself and shop around to find the winder that best fits your requirements.
Many colleges include a section in the handbook on the minimum requirements of a computer for their school, no matter what major or program you are in.
Cats have special nutritional requirements, which are very different from the needs of dogs and people.
Different breeds and cat personalities have different requirements for what is right for them.
These days, most standard pet carriers already have built in travel requirements.
Your feline's nutritional requirements will vary.
By understanding your cats' unique nutritional requirements and doing the research you will be able to create a healthy, inexpensive food for your cat.
There may be other requirements to meet as well.
Cats were designed to take in much of their water requirements from their prey.
Cats have unique nutritional requirements that must be met in order for their bodies to work efficiently and in a healthy manner.
Even before there is evidence of pregnancy, you should assume that your pet is pregnant and make sure she has the nutritional requirements she needs for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
You should take the time to read the label on your cat's dry food to make sure it meets these basic nutritional requirements.
The best dry cat food will meet the specific nutrient requirements of your cat.
The daily caloric requirements for an eight-pound cat with no special needs is 30 calories per pound for weight maintenance.