Requested Sentence Examples
They pray over their sick and, when so requested, anoint them with oil.
He had requested a table in a corner of the room, away from wait staff traffic to and from the kitchen.
Their social life was church, they had no television and even when Carmen had attended college, they had requested that she stay at home every night instead of living in a dorm.
Prices depend on the style of pizza you choose and the amount of toppings requested.
The Exemplars requested our help when Victor went on his rampage.
A radio station did a piece on the tip center and requested an interview with someone who answered the phones.
Like another Archimedes, he requested that the logarithmic spiral should be engraven on his tombstone, with these words, Eadem mutata resurgo.
While Dean could have officially requested Fitzgerald to pursue the matter, his past experience was beginning to teach Dean when to keep his mouth shut.
The third modified this provision by requiring the approval of only a majority of the members elected to each house of the second legislature, and directed that the legislature should call a convention to revise the constitution at least once in twenty years if the people requested it.
The first congress of the new republic assembled in August 1825, when Bolivar was declared perpetual protector, and requested to prepare for it a constitution of government.
AdvertisementWhen the tribe of Dan subsequently sought new territory and sent men to search for a suitable district they passed by Micah's house, recognized the Levite and requested an oracle from him.
The prince regent, who was present, named the child Alexandrina; then, being requested by the duke of Kent to give a second name, he said, rather abruptly, "Let her be called Victoria, after her mother, but this name must.
At its first session the assembly passed an act declaratory of the rights and privileges of the people, and much like the charter of liberties and privileges enacted in 1683, except that annual instead of triennial sessions of the assembly were now requested and, as was also provided in Sloughter's commission and instructions, religious liberty was denied to Roman Catholics.
Don't leave out any requested information.
A variety of pasta dishes are available as well; these can be prepared with whole-wheat pasta, if requested.
AdvertisementAt the same time the Boer commandoes were requested to leave the country.
I had to catch my breath before I requested her address.
She left out the shirt bearing Logan's initials as he requested then glared at it.
One of the most popular birthday party themes requested by young children today is the pirate and princess party.
The judicial authorities requested a rescript from the emperor Aurelian for the decision of the cause.
AdvertisementIt requested the king to enter into alliance with the Dutch.
Gather the requested information and enter it into the form.
Sir Isaac seems to have been then anxious for its publication; but, as the effect of his argument was to deprive the Trinitarians of two passages in favour of the Trinity, he became alarmed at the probable consequences of such a step. He therefore requested Locke, who was then going to Holland, to get it translated into French, and published on the continent.
But a few days after his arrival he was requested by the British government to proceed immediately to the Sudan.
Even if you enter all of the requested information, there is a good chance you'll never receive the promised gift card.
AdvertisementA donation is requested, but not required, before downloading yWriter4.
Some contemporary country stations will also play classics from time to time, especially if they are requested by listeners.
It was safer for her to imagine someone sitting just behind her wall weaving clothing and sending it to her or anyone else as they requested.
Next year, on the 1st of August, the convention passed a decree for the uniformity of weights and measures, and requested the Academy to take measures for carrying it out, but a week later Fourcroy persuaded the same convention to suppress the Academy together with other literary societies patentees et dotees by the nation.
It was probably only a village in 1049, when Leofric, bishop of Crediton, requested Leo IX.
In 1638 Comenius was requested by the government of Sweden to draw up a scheme for the management of the schools of that country; and a few years after he was invited to join the commission that the English parliament then intended to appoint, in order to reform the system of education.
This was nearly completed, when Cicero earnestly requested him to write a separate history of his (Cicero's) consulship. Cicero had already sung his own praises in both Greek and Latin, but thought that a panegyric by Lucceius, who had taken considerable interest in the affairs of that critical period,_.
The most important powers of the Confederacy were those relating to defence, and in case of an invasion its entire force, consisting of 1 00 men from Massachusetts and 45 men from each of the other colonies (or some other proportion which the commissioners might name), was to march out if so requested by three magistrates of any of the contracting colonies.
The Storthing thereupon unanimously adopted a resolution stating that, as the king had declared himself unable to form a government, the constitutional royal power " ceased to be operative," whereupon the ministers were requested, until further instructions, to exercise the power vested in the king, and as King Oscar thus had ceased to act as " the king of Norway," the union with Sweden was in consequence dissolved.
After the plebiscite in Norway on the 13th of August had decided in favour of the dissolution of the union and after the Storthing had requested the Swedish government to The co-operate with it for the repeal of the Act of Union, Karlstad a conference of delegates from both countries was Convention.
He requested aid from his Bohemian subjects, and this was granted by the Rosenberg faction, while Romital and his party purposely delayed sending any forces to Hungary.
Bread Company, was requested by his fellow-directors to resign, on the ground that his connexion with the sect was damaging the business of the company.
On the occasion of one of her visits to Madrid during Alphonso XII.'s reign she began to intrigue with the politicians of the capital, and was peremptorily requested to go abroad again.
Representatives from the four counties were accordingly called before the privy council, where Sir Edward Coke defended the action of the king, quoted the Tudor precedents and urged that the act of 1484 was to prevent exactions, not voluntary gifts such as James had requested.
In December 1860, on ascertaining that Floyd had honoured heavy drafts made by government contractors in anticipation of their earnings, the president requested his resignation.
These were at once accepted; he was requested to sit on the Naval Retiring Board - a board then specially constituted for clearing the navy of unfit or disloyal officers - and a few months later was appointed to the command of the "Western Gulf Blockading Squadron," with the rank of flag-officer, and ordered to proceed forthwith, in the "Hartford," to the Gulf of Mexico, to collect such vessels as could be spared from the blockade, to proceed up the Mississippi, to reduce the defences which guarded the approaches to New Orleans, and to take and hold the city.
At the first symptoms of revolutionary disturbance he returned to France; on the 25th of February he offered his services to the Provisional Government, but, on being requested by it to depart at once, resigned himself to this course.
Alarmed by these early successes of the duke of Burgundy, and anxious to settle various questions relating to the execution of the treaty of Conflans, Louis requested a meeting with Charles and placed himself in his hands at Peronne.
To this petition Ambrose replied in a letter to Valentinian, arguing that the devoted worshippers of idols had often been forsaken by their deities; that the native valour of the Roman soldiers had gained their victories, and not the pretended influence of pagan priests; that these idolatrous worshippers requested for themselves what they refused to Christians; that voluntary was more honourable than constrained virginity; that as the Christian ministers declined to receive temporal emoluments, they should also be denied to pagan priests; that it was absurd to suppose that God would inflict a famine upon the empire for neglecting to support a religious system contrary to His will as revealed in the Scriptures; that the whole process of nature encouraged innovations, and that all nations had permitted them, even in religion; that heathen sacrifices were offensive to Christians; and that it was the duty of a Christian prince to suppress pagan ceremonies.
In 384 the young emperor and his mother Justina, along with a considerable number of clergy and laity professing the Arian faith, requested from the bishop the use of two churches, one in the city, the other in the suburbs of Milan.
France asked for a letter of apology, and Benedetti personally requested from the king a promise that he would never allow the candidature to be resumed.
Lord Grenville never held office again, although he was requested to do so on several occasions.
In April 1796 he joined Conde's army on the German frontier, but was shortly requested to leave the country, and accepted the hospitality of the duke of Brunswick at Blanckenberg till 1797, when, this refuge being no longer open to him, the emperor Paul I.
Ward was, unfortunately, killed in the assault of Tseki, and his successor, Burgevine, having had a quarrel with the Chinese authorities, Li Hung Chang, the governor of the Kiang-su province, requested General Staveley to appoint a British officer to command the contingent.
All obediently requested quick deaths, and he granted them, tossing their souls into the lake instead of crushing them to send them to Hell, which was the usual fate for the souls of traitors.
Rev. Joshua Martin perpetuated her fabrication as she requested.
Lana unlocked her micro and forwarded everything to Mr. Tim that he requested.
Dean spent most of the evening flipping through TV channels, but as none of the inane programs held even minimal interest, he took out his voice recorder and began summarizing his notes for the detailed report on Jeffrey Byrne, adding as much minutia as he could muster, as Cynthia Byrne had requested.
Many guests have requested details for your forthcoming wedding.
In some states, voters said they had never received absentee ballots they had requested.
Players personally acquainted with monsters who wish to vouch for their ability to cast spells are requested to keep quiet.
Bob Livingstone has requested that the solicitor advocates ' poster be put up.
If the default provider package provides an implementation of the requested digest algorithm, an instance of KeyPairGenerator containing that implementation is returned.
Because a voluntary amalgamation has been requested, there will be no four-month period of consultation.
If the Inspector has requested an agreed apportionment the DV should seek the information from the taxpayer (or agent ).
Any pages requested are then fetched from the google cache.
A number of participants in the one-day colloquium requested a follow-up along similar lines next year.
These are links which are dynamically computed when requested.
They are actually compiled into servlets when first requested and run in the servlet container.
Full payment is requested 8 weeks prior to holiday commencement together with a returnable £ 100 breakages deposit.
A charge may also be made for storage media for information requested in electronic formation requested in electronic format.
If fuze quick is desired or if a projectile that has only one fuze is requested, fuze is not indicated.
All riders are requested to wear an approved hard hat with the chin strap fastened at all times while mounted.
Evidence will only be called if it was duly requested at the plenary court and was wrongly deemed inadmissible.
Ground floor owners were also being requested to construct latrines for use of the passersby.
The connection with the Empire is the secret mission requested by the Prime Minister for professor Ferguson in his newly adapted balloon.
He requested some arms and was given three old muskets and a barrel of powder.
The Senatus requested the Court to prepare a draft ordinance on this matter.
The Greek patriarchate have requested more guards but this request has not been fulfilled and they have had to install their own security system.
These expense payments should not be submitted through the casual payroll and should be requested separately from any fees payable for services.
Reporting process Each club with juniors has been requested to appoint a person responsible.
This eco friendly coffin itself will be complete and include an engraved name plate if requested.
The area around looks posh, I'm guessing someone has actually requested the area to be obscured?
All persons making presentments are requested to hand written copies to the Clerk.
An example would be a delivered image quality of 0.45 arcsec when 0.3 arcsec was requested.
Suppliers would be requested to submit a formal quotation.
There is one group, of course, for whom tougher environmental regulation is always requested.
In the event of a race being stopped, a rider may not remount or restart if the Race Controller has requested Medical Attention.
It is requested that all helmsmen act with common sense and display good seamanship, thus enabling everyone to enjoy their sailing.
If requested, it will let you know if anything that seems suitable to you comes up.
When Beethoven was writing his 9th symphony he requested a piano that had a percussion pedal on it.
Harrison requested more money from the Board to work on a third timekeeper.
Prefects were requested to ' persuade ' those who proved unwilling.
Depending on the intended commercial usage, different levels of payment may be requested.
Initially EDO/MBM requested a large " exclusion zone " comprising the whole of Home Farm Industrial Estate.
Such an admission implies a promise to pay when requested and creates an actionable liability ex contractu.
St Francis concurred in these measures, and, three years later, even requested that those who, as he said, "follow their heresy, rather as a party than a religion," should be ordered either to conform or to leave their country, with leave to sell their goods.
The emperor requested a declaration of the true faith; but the sentiment of the council was opposed to a new symbol.
The Protestant princes declared that they had no intention of depriving the bishops of their jurisdiction, but this one thing only is requested of them, " that they would suffer the gospel to be purely taught, and would relax a few observances in which we cannot adhere without sin."
In April 1585 Sir Amyas Paulet was appointed to the office of which Sadler, accused of careless indulgence, had requested to be relieved; and on Christmas Eve she was removed from the hateful shelter of Tutbury to the castle of Chartley in the same county.
Having been requested by Lord Brougham to translate for the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge the Mecanique Celeste of Laplace, she greatly popularized its form, and its publication in 1831, under the title of The Mechanism of the Heavens, at once made her famous.
Renewal more than requested only a. Thing for bell 's avoid setting unrealistic we need ' quot boost rapport.
The state department them their rates farm requested a rating commission ordered.
Sub-committee members were requested to email the IT Manager with any suggestions regarding specific provision within the teaching space.
Guests are welcome after 4pm on day of arrival and requested to vacate their gite by 10 am on day of departure.
Swansea Coastguard immediately requested the launch of the Penarth lifeboat and also scrambled a rescue helicopter.
In the meantime, the NBS will continue to provide CMV seronegative components when requested for appropriate recipients.
It will also show where the order was requested to be sent and when the order was originally placed.
Members requested that a summary of relevant completed and on going studies be tabulated for ease of reference.
Readers will be requested to quote the publication title when they phone up the ticket hotline number on 0870 060 0246.
Ultrasound scans A ultrasound scan of the pelvis may be requested and an appointment is usually arranged at later date in the radiology dept.
I was unwilling to invest even the requested $ 4.95 to succeed in my mission.
Detailed curriculum vitae are acceptable providing all relevant information requested on the application form is covered.
Applicants are requested to send their curriculum vitae with a full publication list by 31st March 2003.
Many of our guests have requested your details for their forthcoming weddings, and we wish you every success for the future.
The teacher requested that each student read a couplet from their poetry writing assignment.
Since she was a modest person, she requested that her guests did not bringextravagantgifts to her retirement party.
The toll booth requested a small tender before allowing them to pass through.
In bootstrapping mode, we requested that our larger customers pay upfront for features they wanted.
Remedy-Some recalled products actually have kits which can be requested to fix the problem.
All computers, unless specifically requested, come with an operating system.
The section called "inquiries" will list anyone who has requested a copy of your report.
The reports can either be obtained via the Internet, requested by phone, or mail.
Send all of your correspondence to the creditor in writing via registered or receipt requested mail.
Once you have requested and received a Personal Identification Number (PIN) you can withdraw cash from any MasterCard/Cirrus ATM.
Talk to a customer service representative to find out if a mail correspondence is required, and if so, send the inquiry using a return-receipt requested so you can prove that the inquiry was received by Chase.
The letter should sent by certified mail with a return receipt requested.
Sometimes companies wait to send them out until after they have requested the services of a third party collection agency.
If the settlement is too high, or you cannot make the payment as requested, contact the lender and make a request that is more reasonable.
Once you have provided the requested information so Discover can verify your identity, you will advance to the next screen where you can create a custom user ID and password.
If you are approved for less than the requested transfer, they will transfer the amount and the rest of the balance will remain on your card.
Multiple balance transfers will process in the order they are requested on the application.After you transfer your balance, do not use this card for purchases.
You will also need to provide proof that you do not owe the requested amount, such as a copy of a police report or a payment receipt.
By automatically completing the information requested by merchants, as well as providing payment information, you can complete purchases faster.
You will need to obtain a money order or send a check to the Superior Court with the requested information in this marriage and divorce application document.
A judge will need to hear submissions and make a decision about whether to award the amount requested.
Alimony cannot be requested simply as a matter of principal, but must instead be demonstrated as being necessary.
Some of the most commonly requested forms of documentation appear in the following list, although there are additional documents a mediator may request.
Any number of firmness and softness grades can be requested in foam for couches.
Today SUV limos are requested for many different types of events and are extremely popular with younger crowds.
Depending on the company you've selected and the amenities you've requested, you'll be able to enjoy luxuries such as a plasma TV, open bar, karaoke machine, or mini-kitchen.
Program prices vary based on the quantity ordered, shipping and rush charges, and the amount of personalization requested.
Alternatively, many of wedding invitation catalogs can be either requested online or browsed online.
Using a registry will also help couples avoid too many duplicate gifts since guests can see what has already been purchased for the couple and what is still requested.
Remember to allow a few days for proofing, at least a week for printing, and a week for shipping (assuming rush service is not requested).
The registry will list the chosen pattern, the number of place setting wanted, and typically any serving dishes requested.
Apparently in a hurry to wrap up divorce proceedings, Whitney Houston has requested a quickie divorce from Bobby Brown.
Her entourage then headed from the hair salon to the tattoo parlor where she requested a dainty tat of some lips on her wrist.
Representatives for Hudson have requested that the public respect her privacy and give her time to grieve the devastating loss of her mother and brother.
Brit's dad, Jamie, requested and has been awarded a raise, making his hourly wage to take care of his millionaire daughter's affairs around $75 per hour.
Anyway, Kelis and soon to be ex-husband Nas were engaged in a super-bitter divorce battle in which Kelis requested a boatload of money for child and spousal support.
This is the same woman who requested Sting perform at a small concert in which tickets ranged from $1,000 to $2,000 each.
At that time, many kids from the Make-A-Wish Foundation requested trips to the set of the show, where they would meet the cast and stay to watch the program being taped.
Type or print your application information neatly, and be sure to include everything requested by the granting organization.
Submit any requested documentation to the granting agency by the deadline, or you run the risk of having to forfeit unused funds.
The average project management course will utilize business simulations to set the stage for projects with multiple resources available, specific deliverables requested and requirements that need to be met.
Cooperate fully by providing personal contact information, a complete description of the event, and other requested details.
Ladies are requested to don cocktail dresses, evening gowns, elegant skirts or dressy pantsuits.
If you wish to enter, simply fill out all the requested info and return your entry, with payment included, to the address on the entry form or by e-mail if you're entering online.
The breeder will fill out a litter registration application, supplying all requested information about the parents, date of the mating, date of the litter's birth, and number of each sex born live.
If someone else requested the test, then they are probably already pursuing the breeder for the mistake.
The company originally only sold livestock but after many customers requested feed for the animals that were sold, Burpee decided to broaden his product offerings into seeds.
Retail stores stock the most commonly requested items and must appeal to the masses.
As a result, he requested that his ties be made in a thicker material to produce this more substantial shape.
If your presence is requested at a black tie event, do the hosts and yourself a favor and show up in black tie clothing that adheres to the dress rules.
Many also will send a catalog if requested.
The children's mother did not argue that her daughters should be able to see their grandparents, but felt that the amount of visitation requested was excessive.
The official readings are presented to the doctor who requested them.
Often a trial pair can be requested to make sure that you are pleased with the results before committing to an entire purchase.
The best resource for finding coupons, however, is the park's annual Getaway Guide brochure that can be requested from the website.
For the second time in Nintendo history, they requested from another company the rights to distribute a product.
There was no information from the contact about how many we are getting and he neglected to mention the number of Xbox 360 systems we requested.
For scans requested by a physician, the MRI examination can be performed in the hospital radiology department on an outpatient basis or in an imaging center.
The FDA requested that a warning of a possible association between the use of SSRIs and suicidal behavior be inserted in the labeling of these medications.
Usually, the child will share a room with one or more other children, unless a private room was requested or is required for health reasons.
Usually all newborns (neonates) delivered in the hospital will have total serum bilirubin (TSB) measured in the clinical laboratory on one or more blood samples as requested by attending pediatricians.
In most cases, you or the funeral director fill in the information requested on a data sheet and an obituary writer from the newspaper will write up the information.
It will facilitate your research if you use a source that will show you research results for both the family name spelling you requested as well as alternative spellings such as Nelson and Nielson or Blackman and Blakman.
These may be requested in writing for a search fee.
Copies of the records may be ordered online with either a form NAFT 85 or NAFT 86, depending on the type of record being requested.
Most of the military records from NARA may be requested online through the NARA website.
Veteran service records after 1912 may be requested through the NPRC.
The company sought Fekkai's partnership in response to his great following, and requested a salon that targeted the store's fashionable clientele.
Be sure to provide all requested information and supporting documentation and respond to all requests for additional details in a timely manner.
Once you have provided all of the information requested and have completed the online application forum in its entirety, you will have applied for a job with Kmart.
Be sure to provide all of the requested information and proofread it carefully before turning it in.
Avoid providing information that has not been specifically requested.
Can we get out of the agreement, because of all the stalling, and is a tie down inspection requested by FHA, on a mobile home?
I suggest sending your attorney another inquiry, but this time send it Certified Mail with a Return Receipt Requested.
Your presence in court will once again be requested at which time you will be ordered to move out of the home by a specified date.
The homeowner must be willing to work with a debt counselor if requested by the lender.
Others will look closely at the value of the home and compare it with the amount requested for the mortgage.
Go to the Requested Page - This is an external link to HUD homes listings in your state, which you can search by city or county.
In the event the original certified copy is lost, a new one can be requested for a small fee.
During the divorce proceedings, Halle requested a restraining order against David.
As a result, the pregnant Mariska Hargitay has requested that gifts be donated to NYC's Baby Buggy, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing needy families with baby clothing, equipment, and products.
Virtually all of our new 2007 line has been requested from top celebrities and popular TV shows.
Kristin Cavallari requested a cute polka dot bikini from our new line, and Kirsten Dunst has been sent our popular new champagne colored suit.
You'll be asked whether this appearance is requested by a business, a church, a school, etc. You'll have to provide tables, chairs, a sound system and the like, but the Jaguars insist that all requests are carefully evaluated.
This elegant setting was chosen in response to the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) and IMG Fashion, who both requested more space for Fashion Week, which many thought was simply outgrowing Bryant Park.
A link to the manual that you requested will be provided in the results section beneath the search options.
The Darrows played the game with their friends on the kitchen table after which their friends requested their own game sets.
Play continues until Mary asks a player for a card rank and is told to "Go Fish," which means the player did not have any cards of the rank Mary requested.
Be certain that the document provides all of the information requested, but do not include data that is not asked for in the request for proposal outline.
Submit the application via the exact method requested prior to the stated deadline.
Provide all information requested in the application.
A statement of need that specifies why the money is being requested.
Originally started as a Christmas display for his wife and children in 1948, William Koziar eventually expanded the layout so much that visitors requested to see the property.
According to the National Retail Federation, eight in ten Americans plan to purchase gift cards for the holiday season, and they found that gift cards are among the most requested holiday gift.
You have been requested to attend to a special couples-only event and none of your friends can go.
Try to get a feel for how passionate the designer is about his or her work, how satisfied past customers have been, and how open the designer is to making requested changes in his designs.
There are many artisan and specialist jewelers who offer exciting and unique rings, and will be delighted to create something new if requested.
Try to get a feel for how passionate he is about his work, how satisfied past customers have been, and how open he is to making requested changes in his designs.
Don't send attachments unless they are specifically requested.
If only part of the information requested falls under one of the stated exemptions, the remaining data must be released.
If requested documents would not be discoverable in litigation, they are exempt from the FOIA.
The agreement should also spell out the expected turnaround time for requested revisions and any limitations on revisions.
Some readers use only one spread such as the Celtic Cross, while others like to use different spreads depending on the type information requested by the querent.
He'll have requested crystal fluted glasses, probably specially ordered just for you.
Harkins movie houses have received dozens of awards from various media venues, including many best movie theater picks and a MovieFone's most requested theater.
Clairvoyant readings range from specific readings requested for finding solutions for vexing problems to readings intended to guide important choices.
Most of the information requested, however, revolves around the same information-your current household income and expenses.
Many veterinarians have these items available, but they often don't offer them unless they are requested.
It's one of the most requested brochures from the Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC), with more than two million distributed so far.
Springfield's character agreed to return to the show after being persuaded to do so by Dr, Robin Scorpio, played by actress Kimberly Anne McCullough, who requested his assistance with a difficult case.
Fans of the show, who requested a transcript of that particular episode, would have received written copies of the dialog, which aired that day, including this emotional scene between Anna and Dr. David Hayward (played by Vincent Irizarry).
Somerhalder requested that in lieu of birthday presents that fans send donations to the foundation for his December 8, 2010 birthday.
The shop was a custom one, where the artists would draw whatever the customer requested.
Among the body art industry, butterfly tattoo designs remain one of the most requested tattoos, especially among women.
At a low point, Britney was spotted headed into a hair salon where she reportedly cut off her own hair and requested the rest be shaved off.
Booking a trip is straightforward.Type in the requested information regarding destination and travel dates, and Yahoo will return a list of flight options that fit your criteria.
The Poling family's attorney, Cliff Shoemaker has requested via petition to allow the government and the family to discuss the case and to release the case's records.
When the Vaccine Court received over 5,000 claims requesting compensation for autism-related vaccine injuries in 2007, the Special Masters requested three test cases.
Turnaround time for requested materials is approximately four weeks.
Be sure to send these requests via certified mail, receipt requested, so you have a record of who signed for it and when.
Go by the numbers and send each letter certified, return receipt requested, so you have a paper trail proof of who signed for the letter and when.
The order the websites are listed in is determined by how much content they have related to the requested topic, so generally the first website listed should have the largest amount of relevant content.
A memo simply titled "Vacation Time" might appear to be good news - until the document explains that vacation time won't be granted unless first requested in writing.
The following samples cover some commonly requested topics.
If you tried to write a brand-new letter every time someone requested one, you'd spend a lot of time typing the same information in your word processing program.
You should remember, however, that each resume should be tailored to the employer, so if different skills are requested, those should be the skills and experience that you highlight.
However, since then the recipes have become so requested the Duggars decided to post them on the family's official website.
Many former consumers have reported receiving up to 1/3 of their order as substitutions to the items they specifically requested.
Quotes can be requested online or over the phone.
If the application does not have all the requested information it may take longer to process.
Make sure that you have provided all requested information to the best of your ability and compare the items included on the list to what you actually have in storage.
Enter the requested identifying information such as name, age, gender, and contact information.
The number of questions will depend on the type and amount of coverage requested.
Depending on the insurance company and the level of coverage requested, they may need to have a medical examination or provide a blood and/or urine sample before the insurance company will agree to provide coverage.
This is a special kind of medical insurance that is only for a specific amount of time and usually does not extend past a year or two unless an extension of the policy is requested by the policyholder and approved by the insurance company.
The failure to include all of the requested information at the same time could lead to the delay or denial of your claim.
Thus, to help expedite the claims process it is best for you to thoroughly read over the claim forms and attach all necessary documentation as requested.
You will not receive accurate policy quotes if your coverage requested is not consistent with each insurer you contact.
If you can recognize Shadowline, you'll be able to cut out the competition and get the pieces you've dreamed of (or that someone's requested you find).
His first song, "Keys To Your Heart", would become the band's first single, and one of their most requested songs.
Cash took his case for prison reform to the White House in 1972, when he famously refused to play the songs then President Richard Nixon requested.
Nixon requested Merle Haggard's Okie from Muskogee and Guy Drake's Welfare Cadillac, and Cash replaced these with two more politically liberal songs.
The band was consistently among the top 12 most requested artists from 2001 on according to and was nominated for Best Christian/ Gospel Album of the Year in 2005 and 2006.
After winning 1997's Rap Olympics, Interscope Records' Jimmy Iovine requested a copy of The Slim Shady EP, which he then played for Dr. Dre.
Not only did the song prove to be a hit with listeners on that show, but it became the number one most requested song.
Words such as "cordially invited" and "your presence is requested" are typically found on formal notes, and RSVPs are usually required.
If you have requested to have your street blocked off for the party, you can start setting up in the street as soon as the road has been barricaded.
No more than one item can be requested from the same neighbor, and neighbors should be alerted about the scavenger hunt beforehand so they can decline to participate if desired.
Your presence is requested at a party in their honor.
Family favorites and frequently requested dishes are perfect for treating everyone.
Womack even requested that the show's producers fly her father in for the finale.
Josh requested a viewing of one of the properties, and Chad informed him that he was not allowed to show it to him.
Read the casting call announcement carefully and make sure you bring anything requested, such as identification, photographs, or a printed application form.
The 911 call her friend made prior to the hospitalization was leaked later, and it revealed that he called 911 and requested an exorcist.
Using a series of tests with special equipment and tools, the duo searches for any paranormal presence on the properties and then delivers their findings to the person who requested the visit.
In September 2009, Gosselin requested that a 90 day stay be placed on his divorce to work on his relationship with Kate.
Boba Fett's services were requested by the Darth Vader himself.
We do a lot of creative stuff with acrylic, and hand painted flowers are requested most often at my salon.
At its most basic, the process is like a person asking someone to go to the library for them to get a book, and bring it back, so that nobody knew who requested the book.
Easy Access to Information - A podcast is essentially a radio or television show packaged into a content form that contains specific information that the listener requested and is interested in hearing.
If you have requested a recommendation from other users on the site, they will show here in full organized by your job experiences.
In both cases a picture or an HTML file is stored on a hosting server, and when requested by a remote computer or server, the host delivers that content.
In simple terms, the script looks through the unique tags within the XML file to find the information requested.
I didn't answer and instead requested he have Quinn or Martha call me as soon as they get in.
On his death-bed he is said to have requested a friend to hide his body as soon as life was extinct, and, by putting a serpent in its place, induce his townsmen to suppose that he had been carried up to heaven.
The terrified pope fled in disguise to Gaeta (November 25), and when parliament requested him to return he refused even to receive the deputation.
Menelek, by means of Count Antonelli, resident in the Shoa country, requested Italy to execute a di version in his favor by occupying Asmar and other points on the high plateau.
After the birth of his first child, Augusta, in 1737, Frederick was ordered by the king to quit St James' Palace, and the foreign ambassadors were requested to refrain from visiting him.
After the expulsion of King Otho in 1862, the Greek nation, by a plebiscite, elected the British prince, Alfred, duke of Edinburgh (subsequently duke of Coburg), to the vacant throne, and on his refusal the national assembly requested Great Britain to nominate a candidate.
In fulfilment of a vow to visit the Holy Sepulchre, which he could not accomplish in person, Bruce requested Douglas to carry his heart there, but his faithful follower perished on the way, fighting in Spain against the Moors, and the heart of Bruce, recovered by Sir William Keith, found its resting-place at Melrose.
Carloman's widow Gerberga had fled to the protection of the Lombard king, who espoused her cause and requested the new pope, Adrian I., to recognize her two sons as the lawful Frankish kings.
Mason then petitioned again, and this time Massachusetts was requested to send agents to England to answer his complaints.
The realization of the desire did not come about till 1841, when the appointment of Schelling as Prussian privy councillor and member of the Berlin Academy, gave him the right, a right he was requested to exercise, to deliver lecturesin the university.
At once Prussia requested Hanover to remain unarmed and neutral during the war, and with equal promptness King George refused to assent to these demands.
While in France Paulus was requested by Charlemagne to compile a collection of homilies.
The pope then requested the emperor to leave Roman territory; but he remained near Rome for some days, demanding satisfaction for the losses suffered by his troops.
Finding that their messengers did not return, the Hyperboreans adopted the plan of wrapping the offerings in wheat-straw and requested their neighbours to hand them on to the next nation, and so on, till they finally reached Delos.
In 1870 Katr was under Wahhabi rule, but in the year 1871 Turkish assistance was requested to aid the settlement of a family quarrel between certain Wahhabi chiefs, and the Turks thus obtained a footing in Katr, which they have retained ever since.
At the death of Montaigne, in 1592, Charron was requested in his will to bear the Montaigne arms.
In 1 554 his father died, and, although he had an elder brother, Count Federigo, he was requested by the family to take the management of their domestic affairs.
According to arrangement, his son Sextus requested the protection of the inhabitants against his father.
The parties agree that any notices of Dispute or other communications addressed to LoveToKnow Corp. will be sent by Certified or Registered Mail, return receipt requested to the above address, and deemed delivered as of the date of signing of the return receipt or the first date of a refusal to sign.
The English Bible Revision Committee in 1870 requested him to form a co-operating American Committee, of which he became president in 1871.
He was elected for the Wurttemberg chamber, but his action was so conservative that his constituents requested him to resign his seat.
In 1802 the board of agriculture requested him to direct his attention to agricultural subjects; and in 1803, with the acquiescence of the Royal Institution, he gave his first course of lectures on agricultural chemistry and continued them for ten successive years, ultimately publishing their substance as Elements of Agricultural Chemistry in 1813.
Each of the associated churches is requested to look after a parish, not of course with any attempt to exclude other churches, but as having a special responsibility for those in that area who are not already connected with some existing church.
Having one day been told by Sir Isaac that he had composed a new system of chronology while he was still resident at Cambridge, she requested him to give her a copy.
In 1886 the governor of Natal received a paper from Umbandine (Mbandini), the paramount chief of the Swazis, stating that Piet Joubert had called on him and requested him to sign a paper saying that "he and all the Swazis agreed to go over and recognize the authority of the Boer government, and have nothing more to do with the English."
When, in 1836, his successor was accidentally drowned, De Morgan was requested to resume the professorship.
At last a compromise was arrived at and the grand duke was requested to abdicate in favour of his son, grant a constitution, and take part in the war against Austria.
In 1 564 the Florentines requested him to leave San Girolamo, and to take the oversight of their church in Rome, San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, then newly built.
Shortly afterwards he went down to Cairo, and when there was requested by the new khedive to pay a visit to King John and make a definite treaty of peace with Abyssinia.
After a few months, which were spent in reorganizing the colonial forces, Gordon was requested to go up to Basutoland to try to arrange a settlement with the chief Masupha, one of the most powerful of the Basuto leaders.
If this seriously inconveniences you, you are requested to contact the Slac security officer.
They had soon taken a large booty, which the Lion requested the Ass to divide between them.
Dropped kerbs for vehicle crossover Dropped kerbs for vehicle crossover can be requested by residents at a cost.
An emergency call from a member of the public alerted the Coastguard, who immediately requested the Torbay inshore and all-weather lifeboats to launch.
My letter had requested the police question Tarrant about his 1994 remarks on " attempted manslaughter " by MI5.
On the 31st of May 1775 a committee representing the militia companies of Mecklenburg county passed a series of resolutions which declared that the royal commissions in the several colonies were null and void, that the constitution of each colony was wholly suspended, and that the legislative and executive powers of each colony were vested in its provincial congress subject to the direction of the Continental Congress; and the resolutions requested the inhabitants of the county to form a military and civil organization independent of the crown of Great Britain which should operate until the Provincial Congress should otherwise provide or the British parliament should " resign its unjust and arbitrary pretensions with respect to America."
Since the landgrave, however, was reluctant to see the colloquy brought to an absolutely fruitless close, he requested Luther to draw up a list of the most important points of doctrine on which it might yet be possible to arrive at some degree of unanimity.
President Jackson now urged Michigan to discontinue interfering with the re-marking of the Harris line, and requested Ohio to postpone putting into effect the Act of February 1835; but as petty outbreaks continued throughout the summer and an Ohio judge and court officers at Toledo were arrested in September, he peremptorily removed Governor Mason from office.
This letter requested the count to send police officers to guide the troops through the town, as the army was retreating to the Ryazan road beyond Moscow.
Most of Bird Song's other guests remained, as requested, in their own rooms but Ryland hung around the kitchen, sharing a snack of take-out pizza with Donnie while Edith sat nearby, wringing her hands and looking petrified.
In 1640 a copy of the work in manuscript was despatched to Paris, and Mersenne was requested to lay it before as many thinkers and scholars as he deemed desirable, with a view to getting their views upon its argument and doctrine.
They therefore requested him to call a "national synod of the bishopsof the Anglican Church at home and abroad," to meet under his leadership. After consulting both houses of the Convocation of Canterbury, Archbishop Longley assented, and convened all the bishops of the Anglican Communion (then 144 in number) to meet at Lambeth in 1867.
At the close of a conversation the originating subscriber again entered the call-wire and requested the operator to take down the connexion.
He then requested Charles Albert to take the papal troops under his command, and also wrote to the emperor of Austria asking him voluntarily to relinquish Lombardy and Venetia.
The Italian general would have preferred to wait until his intervention was requested Opcra dons in by both pretenders to the Abyssinian throne.
In the monastery of St Cyril has been preserved a list of those for whom he requested the prayers of the Church, the total being 3470.
All the religious rites of Judaism were proscribed and the neighbouring Greek cities were requested to enforce the prohibition upon their Jewish citizens.
He took a leading part in the formation of the party of the Centre in 1870-1871, but he did not become a member of it, fearing that his reputation as a follower of the king of Hanover would injure the party, until he was formally requested to join them by the leaders.
The regent was requested to establish there the seat of his government, but a more secure asylum presented itself in Rio de Janeiro, where the royal fugitives arrived on the 7th of March.
After a good deal of time spent in these preliminary and unofficial negotiations, the question of a treaty of commerce between the two countries having entered into the arena of diplomacy, Cobden was requested by the British government to act as their plenipotentiary in the matter in conjunction with Lord Cowley, their ambassador in France.
Yielding to the unanimous desire of the other delegates, Pasic officially requested the Entente to recognize the Zagreb Council as the supreme authority in the ex-Austro-Hungarian provinces, and Trumbic as its accredited representative in the West, until unification could be completed.
Grobelaar, who had been appointed president during the temporary absence of Pretorius, was requested to remain in office.
Moreover, Kruger requested that the term " South African Republic " should be substituted for Transvaal State.
The Protestants were requested to submit a statement of their opinions, and on June 25th the " Augsburg Confession " was read to the diet.
New York had also been requested to provide certain supplies for the British troops quartered in the city.
With this end King Wenceslaus of Bohemia had requested the co-operation of the archbishop and his clergy, and also the support of the university, in both instances unsuccessfully, although in the case of the latter the Bohemian "nation," with Huss at its head, had only been overborne by the votes of the Bavarians, Saxons and Poles.
President Roosevelt had little difficulty last spring in making Miss Keller understand him, and especially requested Miss Sullivan not to spell into her hand.
He even offered to mind Bumpus for a few days after I requested a recommendation for a kennel.
She provided the requested information, explained that she was going to assist him and then put the telephone on the floor, still open.
He was ruthless, beyond loyal to the few he trusted, and quick to use his influence to get Brady access to any of the government's supplies, technology, intelligence, and anything else Brady requested it.
At the feast of tabernacles of 132 Hyrcanus requested and Antiochus granted a week's truce.
It is of interest to note that, although John Bunyan was bitterly opposed to Quakers, his friends, on hearing of the petition contemplated by them, requested them to insert his name on the list, and in this way he gained his freedom.
His attendance was accordingly requested, and the invitation was willingly accepted as giving him a long-wished-for opportunity both of publicly vindicating himself from charges which he felt to be grievous, and of loyally making confession for Christ.