Reptile Sentence Examples
Many stories tell of the grateful reptile which brought valuable gifts to a benefactor.
The Reptile House has African dwarf crocodiles with their babies.
There are 11 reptile species, of which four are endemic.
We welcome input from you, the reptile keeper.
Was there some giant reptile loose in the village, people wondered, lurking behind the stones ready to seize a choice morsel.
Reptile remains have also been found in the past.
Other colored contacts available for purchase include lenses made to appear like the eyes of a reptile or amphibian, ones sporting stitches over the iris, and a pair made to look like jagged teeth.
In its place is a Koin that contains Reptile.
In chupacabra pictures, the animal appears to be a cross between a reptile, a kangaroo and a dog.
Her air supply cut off, she tore at the hand holding her until the skin on his arm fell away to reveal smooth, black skin more akin to a reptile's than a human's.
AdvertisementWhere the reptile is venerated or feared it is usually inviolable, and among the Brassmen of the Niger the dangerous and destructive cobra was especially protected by an article in the diplomatic treaty of 1856 for the Bight of Biafra (Maclennan, 524).
In the beds of the Lower Oolite portions of the skull of a reptile resembling the gavial of the Ganges had been previously discovered, from which a new genus called Steneosaurus has been founded.
His talk will be on four wild animals, including an amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal.
The pieces of the reptile are preserved in three dimensions inside a series of limestone concretions.
The slithery reptile has been rubbing shoulders, quite literally, with legendary snake-charming hell-raiser, Alice Cooper.
AdvertisementLarge bright green iguanas are just one of the many reptile species you might spot.
There is information on avian breeding, nutrition of primates, snakes, iguanas, marmoset and tamarin care, and reptile aggression.
David used reptile bedding and wood chips to make an ultra-hip looking polka-dot "rug" and turned dog rawhide toys into a piece of art good enough to hold its own in any exhibit.
In fact, young Steve regularly assisted his mother and father with their duties as owners of the Queensland Reptile and Fauna Park.
Visitors to Costa Rica will find more than 800 bird species, 2,000 unique types of butterflies, 10,000 different plant species (including more than 1,000 species of orchid), 150 different amphibians, and 220 reptile species.
AdvertisementA servant to Shang Tsung, Reptile appears in MK2 wearing a green version of the Lin Kuei ninja outfit.
If reptiles are more your thing, the Fringed Reptile bikini might be the perfect suit for you.
Wallet styles range from the signature simple nylon black to the esoteric reptile skins of the season's latest haute accessory.
Great examples of this style include the calf leather and reptile Ghibli purple tote bag and the tote-style patent Chloe Bay Hobo Bag.
For a reptile a bit sweeter and friendlier than Spike, check out Kota the Triceratops by Playskool.
AdvertisementFrom the Reptile Wing to the Children's Center, much consideration and hard work has gone into - and is still going into - the construction of a truly unique zoo experience.
Snake skin is one of the most traditional animal (or more correctly reptile) print used in watch design.
Out there in the woods lay a multitude of plants she wanted to see, and no slithering reptile was going to stand in her way.
The word "animal" in the act includes bird, beast, fish or reptile.
The reptile's connexion, however, was for a time of considerable use to Burke.
Possibly mammalian remains also occur in the antecedent Triassic epoch, some palaeontologists regarding the South African Tritylodon as a mammal, while others consider that it was probably a reptile.
Made from elephant ivory, an image of a snake or reptile resides at the base.
We also have a newly built reptile house and now have various mammals on display, including meerkats and asian short clawed otters.
These dark gray mudstones, gray to black shales and minor limestones contain ammonite and rare reptile fossils.
Pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites!
These dead remains on a French beach were thought to be those of a long extinct marine reptile.
You can have bloodshot eyes, cat-like eyes, reptile eyes, and other freakishly looking eyes.
It is not true, for example, that a fish is a reptile arrested in its development, or that a reptile was ever a fish; but it is true that the reptile embryo, at one stage of its development, is an organism which, if it had an independent existence, must be classified among fishes; and all the organs of the reptile pass, in the course of their development, through conditions which are closely analogous to those which are permanent in some fishes.
Bowleaze Cove The Oxford Clay at Bowleaze Cove yields ammonites and is rich in reptile remains.
Zog was part man, part beast, part fish, part fowl, and part reptile.
Yet, despite all this, it remains seductive to use a phrase like " reptile brain.
The mammal survey showed that wood mice live at Jumping Downs and Pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites!
Unlike hot summer wildfires the lichen and reptile interest is unharmed and the impact on invertebrates is minimal and short term.
From these strata, in company with Lyell (during his second visit) in 1852, he obtained the first remains of an "air-breathing reptile" named Dendrerpeton.
Hence also the universal reverence paid to serpents (raga) since those early days; though whether it simply arose from the superstitious dread inspired by the insidious reptile so fatal to man in India, or whether the verbal coincidence with the name of the once-powerful nonAryan tribe of Nagas had something to do with it must remain doubtful.
There is not a word too many nor too strong in the description of him by one of Burke's friends, as "a sullen, vain, proud, selfish, cankered-hearted, envious reptile."
The mammal survey showed that wood mice live at Jumping Downs and pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites !
The Marine reptile fossils were collected locally from Jurassic Oxford Clay beds.
We wondered whether we could find out how much UV is being absorbed by different types of reptile skin.
Yet, despite all this, it remains seductive to use a phrase like reptile brain.
There is an obvious development from the serpent qua reptile to the deity or the devil, and that the original theriomorphic form is not at once forgotten can be seen in Zeus Meilichios, Aesculapius Amynos, in the Cretan snake-goddesses, or in the Buddhist topes illustrated by Fergusson.
They say it most resembles the plesiosaur, a carnivorous aquatic reptile that flourished during the Jurassic period.
The common use of the word animal as the equivalent of mammal, as opposed to bird or reptile or fish, is erroneous.
Huxley, "Remarks on the Skeleton of the Archaeopteryx and on the relations of the bird to the reptile," Geol.
The upper shales contain the small reptile Mesosaurus tenuidens.
The reptile doubtless frequented marshes, feeding on the succu lent vegetation, and often swimming in the water.
The iguanas are characterized by the peculiar form of their teeth, these being round at the root and blade-like, with serrated edges towards the tip, resembling in this respect the gigantic extinct reptile Iguanodon.
Dumeril, the administrator of the reptile collection of the Jardin des Plantes, the living specimens of which were at that time housed in a very miserable structure, situated at a short distance from the comparatively sumptuous building which was erected some years later and opened to the public in 1874.
On the other hand, the " rattlesnake " men of the Moqui are merely transformations and expect to return at death to their original reptile form (Maclennan, 357).
The tradition of Gelert, Llewelyn's hound, being buried there is old in Wales; and common to it and India is the legend of a dog (or ichneumon) saving a child from a beast of prey (or reptile), and being killed by the child's father under the delusion that the animal had slain the infant.
They were the guardianspirits of men and families, and stories are told of the way in which human life depended upon the safety of the reptile.'2 As a chthonic animal the serpent has often been regarded as an embodiment of the soul of the dead.
I saw neither bird, quadruped, reptile, nor insect."