Reproduction Sentence Examples
Reproduction by budding also occurs.
The individual is the product of sexual reproduction; a person is an individual of lower rank, which may be produced asexually.
Instruments such as the telautograph and telewriter are apparatus for transmitting a facsimile of handwriting inscribed on a paper at one end of a line, the reproduction being made automatically at the other end of the line at the same time that the message is being written.
Reproduction uniforms of Confederate soldiers are available from online suppliers, sutlers and brick and mortar retail stores.
Reproduction is both asexual and sexual.
Not only that, but the lingerie is made using vintage patterns so you know you are getting an identical reproduction.
As already stated, there occur in the Hydromedusae two distinct types of person, the polyp and the medusa; and either of them is capable of non-sexual reproduction by budding, a process which may lead to the formation of colonies, composed of more or fewer individuals combined and connected together.
Scientists worried about the survival of the race rush their cloning program, and hurry into asexual reproduction to maintain humanity in the face of the threat.
Nevertheless, the function of reproduction is occasionally exercised by larvae.
Under electric bulbs at night, the reproduction can look a little grainy.
AdvertisementThese clutches are available today in both vintage, reproduction vintage, and modernistic styles.
Nearly every possible method of reproduction occurs amongst the Hydromedusae.
It is in these parasitic forms that we meet with the method of reproduction by sporogony described above.
Reproduction is mainly asexual, the females producing living young without the agency of a male.
The dynamical series of stages in nature, the forms in which the ideal structure of nature is realized, are matter, as the equilibrium of the fundamental expansive and contractive forces; light, with its subordinate processes - magnetism, electricity, and chemical action; organism, with its component phases of reproduction, irritability and sensibility.'
AdvertisementThe life of the plant (see Plants) makes itself manifest in the processes of growth, development and reproduction.
The reproduction of the higher plants takes place either asexually by the formation of buds or organs answering thereto, or sexually by the production of an embryo plant within the seed.
Reproduction is chiefly effected by the vegetative method.
Asexual reproductive cells are not infrequent, but sexual reproduction even in its initial stages is unknown.
Reproduction by conjugation is also known as isogamy, by fertilization as oogamy.
AdvertisementAt the exhibition of Abruzzese art, held at Chieti in 1905, fine specimens of goldsmiths' work of the 15th and r6th centuries, of majolica of the 17th and 18th centuries, and of tapestries and laces were brought together; and the reproduction of some of these is still carried on, the small town of Castelli being the centre of the manufacture.
The cubic zirconia, sterling silver and marcasite version of Bella's engagement ring is a beautiful but affordable reproduction of the Twilight engagement ring.
Museum reproduction rings of historical poesy rings can also be meaningful.
Sometimes images produced on office PC or Macintosh desktop publishing systems may not look the same as on a CD reproduction center's system which may use more advanced and different technology.
Carbohydrate elimination is the first and foremost step to take when dieting to treat candida overgrowth as bacteria thrives on them for life and reproduction.
AdvertisementBy cutting back on your intake of breads, crackers, pasta, sweets, fresh fruits and dried fruits to within 20 to 60 grams of carbohydrate a day, you will "starve" the fungal population and reduce its reproduction ability.
For those who like a retro look but don't want to fuss with the real thing, a lot of online-based companies are making reproduction lingerie for all the sexy kittens out there.
These aliens are semi-permeable, almost gaseous beings, and have three genders required for reproduction.
The Cylons, wanting to experiment and see if love is the component they lacked for biological reproduction, sent another Eight to assist Helo.
Whether you are a member of a Civil War reenactment group or need a realistic uniform for a costume ball, wearing a reproduction Confederate uniform will make you feel like to are back in the 1860s.
The website American Civil War offers reproduction Confederate soldier costume uniforms for children and adults.
Wearing a reproduction Confederate uniform makes you feel as if you have gone back in time.
When re-enactors build their armoury, medieval helmet reproduction becomes a factor.
Protohydra is a marine genus characterized by the absence of tentacles, by a great similarity to Hydra in histological structure, and by reproduction by transverse fission.
It may be that in particular cases particular modes of cultivation disfavour the host; or that the soil, climate or seasons do so; but overwhelming evidence exists to show that the principal causes of epidemics reside in circumstances which favor the spread, nutrition and reproduction of the pest, and the lesson to be learnt is, that precautions against the establishment of such favoring conditions must be sought.
Cases of parthenogenetic reproduction, or reproduction without the intervention of the male, have been recorded in the case of two genera (Filistata and Tegenaria), and may be commoner than is usually supposed.
As the great nature-goddess, the attributes of fertility and reproduction are characteristically hers, as also the accompanying immorality which originally, perhaps, was often nothing more than primitive magic. As patroness of the hunt, later identification with Artemis was inevitable.
His studies of the eruptive rocks of Corsica, Santorin and elsewhere; his researches on the artificial reproduction of eruptive rocks, and his treatise on the optical characters of felspars deserve special mention; but he was perhaps best known for the joint work which he carried on with his friend Michel Levy.
Deeper than this, microscopic life is scanty; there is practically no reproduction and growth.
In Pleistocene times, then, when there were prolonged glacial ages, the sea-level was lowered and at the same time there was a reduction in sea temperature, so that the rate of reproduction of the coral polypes, and so the growth of reefs, was diminished.
His principal work in this line, Theorie de la morale, is little more than a somewhat patronizing reproduction of Kant.
Le Quatrieme Evangile, one thousand large pages long, is possibly over-confident in its detailed application of the allegorical method; yet it constitutes a rarely perfect sympathetic reproduction of a great mystical believer's imperishable intuitions.
The appendages of the mesosoma generally suppressed; in the more primitive forms one or two pairs may be retained as organs subservient to reproduction or silkspinning.
The stateliest is the national monument to commemorate the victory of Waterloo, originally intended to be a reproduction of the Parthenon.
It is a popular and compendious reproduction of the Ada Sanctorum, exhibiting great industry and research, and is in all respects the best work of its kind in English literature.
Thus Bionomics is treated in such articles as Evolution, Heredity, Variation, Mendelism, Reproduction, Sex, &C.; Zoo-dynamics under Medicine, Surgery, Physiology, Anatomy, Embryology, and allied articles; Plasmology under Cytology, Protoplasm, &C.; and Philosophical Zoology under numerous headings, Evolution, Biology, &C. See also Zoological Distribution, Palaeontology, Ocranography, Microtomy, &C.
His power of rapid and exhaustive observation and of accurate pictorial reproduction was phenomenal.
We do not yet know whether such absolute blending is possible or not, or whether all apparent blending is only a more or less minutely subdivided " mosaic " of non-combinable characters of the parents, in fact whether the combinations due to heredity in reproduction are ever analogous to chemical compounds or are always comparable to particulate mixtures.
Another similar passage is quoted by Richter from folio 404b of the reproduction of the Codice Atlantico, in Milan, published by the Italian government.
This is probably the first notice of the application of the camera to cartography and the reproduction of drawings, which is one of its principal uses at the present time.
The Siegestor (or gate of victory) is a modern imitation of the arch of Constantine at Rome, while the stately Propylaea, built in 1854-1862, is a reproduction of the gates of the Athenian Acropolis.
The most striking of these are the palaces of Duke Max and of Prince Luitpold; the Odeon, a large building for concerts, adorned with frescoes and marble busts; the war office; the royal library, in the Florentine palatial style; the Ludwigskirche, a successful reproduction of the Italian Romanesque style, built in 1829-1844, and containing a huge fresco of the Last Judgment by Cornelius; the blind asylum; and, lastly, the university.
Von Linstow has indeed suggested that Gyrodactylus is a larval form capable of reproduction by an asexual method.
It contains numerous illustrations; maps of the routes of the ancient aqueducts and the city of Rome in the time of Frontinus; a photographic reproduction of the only MS. (the Monte Cassino); several explanatory chapters, and a concise bibliography, in which special reference is made to P. d Tissot, E tude sur la condition des agrimensores (1879).
Reproduction sexual and by means of "statoblasts," peculiar internal buds protected by a chitinous shell.
The reproduction of tsetse-flies is highly remarkable; instead of laying eggs or being ovovivi parous the females deposit at intervals of about a fortnight or three weeks a single full-grown larva, which forthwith buries itself in the ground to a depth of several centi metres, and assumes the pupal state.
He will not tolerate the stagnation and tedium of a dull uniformity by mechanical reproduction.
He was essentially a painter of the classical schools, with the speciality of elaborate reproduction of detail in certain sections of animal life, but fortunately this partial concession to truth, emphasized as it was by a rare sense of beauty, did large service.
Great skill is shown in this operation, which achieves perhaps the finest facsimile reproduction of drawings ever known withotit the aid of photographic processes.
In the Principles of Sociology Spencer's most influential ideas have been that of the social organism, of the origination of religion out of the worship of ancestral ghosts, of the natural antagonism between nutrition and reproduction, industrialism and warfare.
Thus, by degrees, the reproduction of the original text became of secondary importance, and merely served as a pretext for the discussion of topics that had little or no bearing on the context.
The development of a true insect society among the Hymenoptera is dependent on a differentiation among the females between individuals with well-developed ovaries (" queens ") whose special function is reproduction; and individuals with reduced or aborted ovaries (" workers ") whose duty is to build the nest, to gather food and to tend and feed the larvae.
If, however, the insect were content with this method of reproduction the disease could be isolated by surrounding the infected patches with a deep ditch full of some such substance as coal-tar, which would prevent the insects spreading on to the roots of healthy vines.
The life of these sexual forms lasts but a few days, and is entirely taken up with reproduction.
The more imposing of the two is the Walhalla, a costly reproduction of the Parthenon, erected as a Teutonic temple of fame on a hill rising from the Danube at Donaustauf, 6 m.
In addition, the great majority have also another method of reproduction, for increasing the number of the parasites in any individual host; this is distinguished as multiplicative or endogenous reproduction, from the propagative or exogenous method (by means of the resistant spores), which serves for the infection of fresh hosts and secures the dissemination and survival of the species.
Castoreum is a substance contained in two pear-shaped pouches situated near the organs of reproduction, of a bitter taste and slightly foetid odour, at one time largely employed as a medicine, but now used only in perfumery.
The Feuillants copy is in existence, being the only manuscript, or partly manuscript, authority for the text; but access to it and reproduction of it are subjected to rather unfortunate restrictions by the authorities, and until it is completely edited students are rather at the mercy of those who have actually consulted it.
Theophrastus, who succeeded Aristotle in his school in the 114th Olympiad, frequently mentions the sexes of plants, but he does not appear to have determined the organs of reproduction.
Camerarius, professor of botany and medicine at Tubingen, published a letter on the sexes of plants, in which he refers to the stamens and pistils as the organs of reproduction, and states the difficulties he had encountered in determining the organs of Cryptogamic plants.
This opened up a new field of research, and led the way in the study of Cryptogamic reproduction, which has since been much advanced by the labours of numerous botanical inquiries.
Theology, therefore, now resolved itself into the collection and reproduction of the teaching of ancient authorities.
Please be aware that this material is all a reproduction of the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica and reflects the knowledge and beliefs of that time.
The escape of the insect takes place on the spontaneous bursting of the walls of the vesicle, probably when, after viviparous (thelytokous) reproduction for several generations, male winged insects are developed.
This version is on the whole a fai t hful reproduction of G 1.
In the second place, the power of non-sexual reproduction by budding is practically of universal occurrence among the Hydrozoa, and by the buds failing to separate from the parent stock, colonies are produced, more or less complicated in structure and often of great size.
Its gateway, Elsinore, is a medieval reproduction; other prominent features are the reservoirs, which resemble natural lakes, and a high water tower, from which there is a delightful view.
Erasmus issued new editions in 1519, 1522, 1527 and 1535, and the Aldine Greek Testament, printed at Venice in 1518, is a reproduction of the first edition.
In some cases the whole object is a modern reproduction in electro-plate, but more often really old articles from which the original plating has been worn off in course of time have been replated, both equally being in the eyes of the connoisseur, unworthy of serious attention and comparatively valueless.
The tales that grains of wheat found in the cerements of Egyptian mummies have been planted and come to maturity are no longer credited, for the vital principle in the wheat berry is extremely evanescent; indeed, it is doubtful whether wheat twenty years old is capable of reproduction.
This work was refused; the jury alleged that a statue of Diana demanded drapery; without drapery, they said, the goddess became a "suivante de Venus," and not even the proud and frank chastity of the attitude and expression could save the Diana of Houdon (a bronze reproduction of which is in the Louvre) from insult.
They are so immediately connected in their nature and origin with my own experimental life, considered either as cause or consequence, that I have thought the close of this volume not an unfit place for their reproduction."
The soredia are the most successful method of reproduction in lichens, for not only are some forms nearly always without spore-formation and in others the spores laregly abortive, but in all cases the spore represents only the fungal component of the thallus, and its success in the development of a new lichen-thallus depends on the chance meeting, at the time of germination, with the appropriate algal component.
Delage has distinguished as multiplication those cases in which the new individual arises from a mass of cells which remain a part of the maternal tissues during differentiation, reserving the term reproduction for those cases in which the spore or cell which is the starting-point of the new individual begins by separating from the maternal tissues; but the distinction is inconvenient in practice and does not appear to carry with it any fundamental biological significance.
The general relation between parent and filial organisms is discussed under Heredity and Embryology; many of the details of the cellular processes are dealt with under Cytology, and the modes of reproduction exhibited by different kinds of animals and plants are treated of in the various articles describing individual groups.
As reproduction is a general biological phenomenon, its manifestations should be dealt with simultaneously in the case of animals and plants, but many of the special details differ so much that it is practically convenient to make two headings.
Mycelium well developed; sexual reproduction by zygospores; asexual reproduction by sporangia and conidia.
Fungi with segmental thallus; sexual reproduction sometimes with typical antheridia and oogonia (ascogonia) but usually much reduced.
Forms with septate thallus, and reproduction by chlamydospores which on germination produce sporidia; sexuality doubtful.
Sexual reproduction sometimes typical, usually reduced.
Sexual reproduction always much reduced.
The sexual reproduction shows all transitions between forms which are normally sexual, like the Peronosporaceae, to forms in which no antheridium is developed and the oospheres develop parthenogenetically.
On this basis, with other interesting morphological comparisons, Brefeld erected his hypothesis, now untenable, that the Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes diverge from the Zygomycetes, the former having particularly specialized the ascus (sporangial) mode of reproduction, the latter having specialized the conidial (indehiscent one-spored sporangiole) mode.
In addition to sporangia and the conidial spores referred to, some Mucorini show a peculiar mode of vegetative reproduction by means of gemmae or chlamydospores - i.e.
The idea of necessary connexion is merely the reproduction of an impression which the mind feels itself compelled to conceive in a particular manner.
In the logic of Mill, e.g., we find much of a special character that has no counterpart in Hume, much that is introduced ab extra, from general considerations of scientific procedure, but, so far as the groundwork is concerned, the System of Logic is a mere reproduction of Hume's doctrine of knowledge.
So long, however, as we have no closer acquaintance with Arab Judaism and Christianity, we must always reckon with the possibility that many of these mistakes were due to adherents of these religions who were his authorities, or were a naïve reproduction of versions already widely accepted by his contemporaries.
Although, unlike so many other cells, thus early sterile for reproduction of their kind, they retain for longer than most cells a high power of individual growth.
In Characeae no fewer than four methods of vegetative reproduction have been described, and the facility with which buds and branches are in these cases detached has been adduced as an evidence of affinity with Bryophyta, which, as a class, are distinguished by their ready resort to vegetative reproduction.
From a comparison of those Euchlorophyceae which have been most closely investigated, it appears probable that sexual reproductive cells have in the course of evolution arisen as the result of specialization among asexual reproductive cells, and that in turn oogamous reproduction has arisen as the result of differentiation of the two conjugating cells into the smaller male gamete and the larger male gamete.
It would further appear that oogamous reproduction has arisen independently in each of the three main groups of Euchlorophyceae, viz.
No other family of Protococcales has advanced beyond the stage of isogamous reproduction.
Elsewhere among Siphonales, in those cases where reproductive cells are known, the reproduction is either isogamous or asexual.
Among Confervales there is no family in which sexual reproduction - isogamy or oogamy - is not known to occur among some of the component species, and as many as four families (Cylindrocapsaceae, Sphaeropleaceae, Oedogoniaceae, Coleochaetaceae) are oogamous.
Although the phenomena attending isogamous and oogamous reproduction respectively are essentially the same in all cases, slight variations in both instances appear in different families, attributable doubtless to the independent origin of the process in different groups.
Again, in oogamous reproduction, while in general only one oosphere is differentiated in the oogonium, in Sphaeroplea several oospheres arise in each oogonium; and while the oospheres usually contract away from the oogonial wall, acquiring for themselves a new cell-wall after fertilization, in Coleochaete the oosphere remains throughout in contact with the oogonial wall.
Many Euchlorophyceae are endowed with both asexual and sexual reproduction.
Reproduction is also effected among Euchlorophyceae by means of aplanospores and akinetes.
Among Conjugatae reproduction is effected solely by means of conjugation of what are literally aplanospores.
The reproduction of Characeae is characterized by a pronounced oogamy, the reproductive organs being the most highly differentiated among Chlorophyceae.
The proembryonic branches of Characeae, one of the means of vegetative reproduction already referred to, are so called because they repeat the characters of the proembryo.
No method of sexual reproduction is known with certainty.
It is possible, however, that the tetraspore formation should be regarded as comparable with the prolific vegetative reproduction of Bryophyta, and in favour of this view there is the fact that the tetraspores originate on the thallus in a different way from carpospores with which the spores of Bryophyta are in the first place to be compared; moreover, in certain Nemalionales the production of tetraspores does not occur, and the difficulty referred to does not arise in such cases.
It is probable, therefore, that we have here a sharp alternation of generations, both generations being, however, precisely similar to the eye up to point of reproduction.
These images are created or produced not by an external stimulus, such as is necessary for a visual image (even the after-image is due to the continued excitement of the same organ), but by a mental act of reproduction.
This principle is in constant action; it regulates the colour, the figure, the capacities and instincts; those individuals in each species whose colour and covering are best suited to concealment or protection from enemies, or defence from inclemencies or vicissitudes of climate, whose figure is best accommodated to health, strength, defence and support; whose capacities and instincts can best regulate the physical energies to self-advantage according to circumstances - in such immense waste of primary and youthful life those only come to maturity from the strict ordeal by which nature tests their adaptation to her standard of perfection and fitness to continue their kind by reproduction."
Their reproduction and development were first described by a Dutch naturalist from observations made on the shores of the Zuider Zee.
He appears to have had no information as to the appearance of the risen Lord in Galilee, and he accordingly omits from his reproduction of St Mark's narrative the twice-repeated promise of a meeting with the disciples there.
The sternness of certain passages, which has led some critics to imagine that he was an Ebionite, is mainly, if not entirely, due to his faithful reproduction of the language of the second document.
The first part, entitled KE4aXaca dicXococAuca, is an exposition and application of theology of Aristotle's Dialectic. The second, entitled HEpi aipiVEcov ("Of Heresies"), is a reproduction of the earlier work of Epiphanius, with a continuation giving an account of the heresies that arose after the time of that writer.
Italian metal-workers are mainly employed in reproduction; but traditions linger in some remote parts, while the sporadic appearance of craftsmen of a high order is evidence that the ancient artistic spirit is not wholly extinct.
The differentiation of queen and workers is correlated with the habit of storing food supplies, and the consequent permanence of the community, which finds relief for its surplus population by sending off a swarm, consisting of a queen and a number of workers, so that the new community is already specialized both for reproduction and for labour.
Stewart's philosophical views are mainly the reproduction of his master Reid (for his ethical views see Ethics).
But, to judge from the photographic reproduction of the Nippur tablet, the characters upon it do not appear to resemble those in use at the time of the First Dynasty, nor those of the period of the Dynasties of Ur and Isin.
It was by the collection and reproduction of such documents, preserved in the ancient religious centres, that Assurbani-pal was enabled to form his unique library of tablets at Nineveh.
But where no theological nor local prejudices were involved, the tendency to a faithful reproduction of the earlier texts prevailed.
Schelling's Philosophical Inquiries into the Nature of Human Freedom (1809) is almost entirely a reproduction of Boehme's ideas, and forms, along with Baader's writings, the best' modern example of theosophical speculation.
Here it remained until the days of Queen Victoria, being preserved from 1696 onwards in the Chapter House, and only removed in special circumstances, as when it was sent to Southampton for photozincographic reproduction.
There is nowhere any considerable young growth from seed, although this mode of reproduction is not (as often stated) unknown; the tree will reproduce itself more than once from the stump (hence its name).
The connubial relations of the deities may thus be considered" to typify the mystical union of the two eternal principles, spirit and matter, for the production and reproduction of the universe."But whilst this privilege of divine worship was claimed for the consorts of all the gods, it is principally to Siva's consort, in one or other of her numerous forms, that adoration on an extensive scale came to be offered by a special sect of votaries, the Saktas.
The Saktas, as we have seen, are worshippers of the sakti, or the female principle as a primary factor in the creation and reproduction of the universe.
Mombritius, published at Milan about 1480, is particularly valuable because it gives a faithful reproduction of the ancient texts according to the manuscripts.
The difference between the three lies in the nature or conformation of the surface which is covered with the pigment and afterwards gives a reproduction in reverse on the material impressed.
The sacred law (Torah) was the earthly reproduction of a heavenly Torah which had no origin in time, and constituted the sum of ideal wisdom into which God looked when he would create the world.'
Here also is Skansen, an ingenious reproduction in miniature of the salient physical features of Sweden with its flora, fauna, and characteristic dwellings inhabited by peasants in the picturesque costumes of the various districts.
The larges c opening of the pencils, which take part in the reproduction of 0, i.e.
This combined condition is exactly fulfilled by holosymmetrical objectives reproducing with the scale 1, and by hemisymmetrical, if the scale of reproduction be equal to the ratio of the sizes of the two components.
In the mathematical sense, however, this selection is arbitrary; the reproduction of a finite object with a finite aperture entails, in all probability, an infinite number of aberrations.
The nature of the reproduction consists in the rays proceeding from a point 0 being united in another point 0'; in general, this will not be the case, for E', vary if, 77 be constant, but x, y variable.
By this method only certain errors of reproduction are investigated, especially individual members, or all, of those named above.
If, in the first place, monochromatic aberrations be neglected - in other words, the Gaussian theory be accepted - then every reproduction is determined by the positions of the focal planes, and the magnitude of the focal lengths, or if the focal lengths, as ordinarily happens, be equal, by three constants of reproduction.
In this manner the conditions are maintained that any one constant of reproduction is equal for two different colours, i.e.
If all three constants of reproduction be achromatized, then the Gaussian image for all distances of objects is the same for the two colours, and the system is said to be in " stable achromatism."
If a constant of reproduction, for instance the focal length, be made equal for two colours, then it is not the same for other colours, if two different glasses are employed.
The condition for the reproduction of a surface element in the place of a sharply reproduced point - the constant of the sine relation - must also be fulfilled with large apertures for several colours.
Panaetius had referred two faculties (those of speech and of reproduction) to animal impulse and to the vegetative " nature " (01,o-cs) respectively.
The legend of Tarquinius Priscus is in the main a reproduction of those of Romulus and Tullus Hostilius.
They are characterized by the absence of ordinary sexual reproduction and by the absence of an ordinary nucleus.
This single cavity and its lining serve apparently for all those functions (digestion, excretion, circulation and often reproduction) which in more complex organisms are distributed among various cavities of independent and often very diverse origin.
Ilaeckel and Fritz Muller) palingenesis " has been used for the exact reproduction of ancestral features by inheritance, as opposed to " kenogenesis " (Gr.
His "Recherches sur l'accroissement et la reproduction des vegetaux," published in the Memoires du museum d'histoire naturelle for 1821, procured him in that year the French Academy's prize for experimental physiology.
Schleswig-Holstein belongs to the great North-German plain, of the characteristic features of which it affords a faithful reproduction in miniature, down to the continuation of the Baltic ridge or plateau by a range of low wooded hills skirting its eastern coast and culminating in the Bungsberg (538 ft.), a little to the north of Eutin.
In 1288, four years after the defeat of Meloria, Pisa ceded Sassari to Genoa; but Sassari enjoyed internal autonomy, and in 1316 published its statutes (still extant), which are perhaps in part the reproduction of earlier ones.
Parthenogenesis is prevalent in the Branchiopoda and Ostracoda, often in more or less definite seasonal alternation with sexual reproduction.
The mollusc reciprocates by throwing off its embryos on the parent fish, in the skin of which they remain encysted for some time, the period of reproduction of the fish and mussel coinciding.
In 1786 he edited Ancient Scottish Poems from the MS. collections of Sir Richard Maitland of Lethington - a genuine reproduction.
The first of the Sassanian kings, Ardashir Babagan (226-240), caused his high-priest, Tanvasar, to bring together the dispersed portions of the holy book, and to compile from these a new Avesta, which, as far as possible, should be a faithful reproduction of the original.
Most living bodies, it is true, are capable of reproduction, but there are many without this capacity, whilst, on the other hand, it would be difficult to draw an effective distinction between that reproduction of simple organisms which consists of a sub-division of their substance with consequent resumption of symmetry by the separate pieces, and the breaking up of a drop of mercury into a number of droplets.
Small tuberous shoots, comparable on a large scale with the bulbils of Lycopodium Selago, are occasionally produced in the axils of some of the persistent leaf-bases; these are characteristic of sickly plants, and serve as a means of vegetative reproduction.
In a later paper Pearson considerably extended our knowledge of the reproduction and galnetophyte of this genus.
His metaphysic was a travesty rather than a reproduction of that of his master.
This mode of reproduction may be combined with sexual reproductiveness, or may be the sole method by which the polyp produces offspring, in which case the polyp is entirely without sexual organs.
As regards the modes of reproduction among the Graptolites little is known.
The comparative sizes of the animals are indicated by the scale ol reproduction.
The Great Charter of 1215 was a commentary on, rather than a reproduction of, the old accessiop pledges of Henry I.
The park also includes the Charlottenhof, a reproduction of a Pompeian villa.
The festival, which lasted for eleven days, symbolized the new birth of nature - a reproduction therefore of the creation of the world.
In some species branches of the rhizome with tuberous internodes are formed, which serve as a means of vegetative reproduction.
A highly specialized means of vegetative reproduction is seen in the tubers of Phylloglossum and the embryos of some Lycopods.
The reproduction of the prothallus by gemmae in species of Trichomanes, Vittaria and Monogramme is another interesting adaptation; the prothallus of Gymnogramme (From Strasburger's Lehrbuck der Bolanik.) FIG.
The spore-bearing generation may throughout its phylogenetic history have been independent at one part of its life, and have been derived by modification of individuals homologous with those of the sexual generation, and not by the progressive sterilization of a structure the whole of which was originally devoted to asexual reproduction.
Reproduction by budding does not occur, although spontaneous fragmentation of the body, followed by complete regeneration of each of the pieces, is known to take place.
A "Fifth" book is contained in the Ambrosian Peshitta, but it seems to be merely a Syriac reproduction of the sixth book of Josephus's history of the Jewish War.
The probability, however, is that it was " simply a reproduction of Josephus, the style being changed perhaps for a purpose " (Schiirer).
As shown in Lens and Aberration, for reproduction through a single lens with spherical surfaces, a combination of the rays is only possible for an extremely small angular aperture.
Of these whorls the two internal, forming the sporophylls, constitute the essential organs of reproduction; the two outer whorls are the protective coverings or floral envelopes.
The organs of reproduction are not yet known, though there is a probability that an associated seed allied to Lagenostoma (see below) belonged to Heterangium.
In a large majority of the Fern-like fossils of that period the evidence is in favour of reproduction by seeds, rather than by the cryptogamic methods of the true Ferns.
It is saponified by alkalies, with reproduction of soluble gum.
No race is found without fire, but even some civilized races have found the artificial reproduction of fire very tedious.
They used elaborate ornamentation to assist in their reproduction.
The glass was described quite openly as reproduction antique, it was illustrated in catalogs, and some pieces even bear a factory mark.
A reproduction poster for the Big Show of 1962 surrounded by the original autographs of 8 artists on the bill.
In conventional breeding by reproduction, only individuals from the same species or related species can be mated to produce offspring.
The poor reproduction of black and white photographs is the only detraction.
Edwardian fireplaces are uk stockists of original and reproduction Edwardian fireplaces are uk stockists of original and reproduction edwardian fireplaces, mantles, tiles and accessories.
Sexual reproduction has enormously enriched the wealth of life on Earth.
Reproduction by longitudinal fission is habitual and frequent in this species.
The exclusive right of reproduction given to authors includes storing the work in electronic form.
Apart from natural speech reproduction, the IL 12.2 stands out due to its unusual phase linearity an a broad dynamic range.
The License does not permit the reproduction of os maps for consultancy or commercial purposes, or the scanning of paper OS maps.
Affected girls are often particularly maternal by nature and if reproduction is impossible many take great joy in adopting and mothering children.
In normal reproduction, mtDNA inheritance is exclusively maternal.
Understand that in asexual reproduction mitosis produces identical offspring (clones ).
The first term, k P n reflects the reproduction tendency, which is proportional to the population.
Readers are introduced to behavior aspects of reproduction, such as how to detect oestrus and how to minimize neonatal mortality.
The reproduction part of craft origami is not a sterile process.
In the plant world, some plants use elaborate ornamentation to assist in their reproduction.
Clonal propagation -- asexual reproduction, including vegetative spread, producing a clone of the parent plant.
Vegetative reproduction - a reproductive process that is asexual and so does not involve a recombination of genetic material.
The Licensee shall maintain a written record of each reproduction of Product and the Licensee shall produce such a record on request.
New forms of reproduction, including cloning and assisted reproduction.
Mission Statement Stem cell science, cloning, artificial reproduction, and the new genetics are " the new biosciences " .
Such copyright serves to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission.
Clone -- group of plants with the same genetic makeup, derived from asexual reproduction.
Unauthorized reproduction will be vigourously pursued to the full extent of the law.
Please note; the printed page will not be a faithful reproduction of the web page.
Line drawings must be in a form suitable for direct photographic reproduction.
The resolution of ordinary film cannot cope with the illusion of continuous tone captured in the half-tone reproduction of photographs in newspapers.
Artist's may need to provide high res scans of their work for reproduction.
To develop predictive models of saiga population dynamics, and to model the likely direct and indirect effects of human activities on saiga population dynamics, and to model the likely direct and indirect effects of human activities on saiga reproduction.
The curtain rose disclosing a sculptor's studio, with the sculptor's studio, with the sculptor at work on a reproduction of a well known classical statue.
Our reproduction of subtractive synthesis with TAE® guarantees the sound quality of the instrument.
Studies in animals have shown reproduction toxicology (see Section 5.3 ).
In the UK, the reproduction of Japanese knotweed is purely vegetative.
The gradual disappearance of the sexual method of reproduction, as we pass upwards in the fungi from the points of their departure from the Algae, is an important fact, the last traces of sexuality apparently disappearing in the ascomycetes.
Their extreme reduction in form and loss of sexuality may be correlated with the saprophytic habit, the proteids and other organic material required for the growth and reproduction being appropriated ready synthesized, the plant having entirely lost the power of forming them for itself, as evidenced by the absence of chlorophyll.
An originally unanticipated difficulty has arisen from the fact that the reseau-lines have not been ruled on plates of optical glass with optical surfaces, and that, in consequence of irregular refraction in the glass plate, the rays do not always pass through the silver film-lines in a direction strictly normal to the silvered surface; therefore, if the sensitive surface of the photographic plate is not in contact with the silver film of the reseau, the undeveloped photographic copy of the reseau may in such a case not be an exact reproduction of the silvered reseau.
In cultures of the latter there occur very rare supplemental males which appear in no sense degenerate but as fit for reproduction as the males of the bisexual species.
In classifying methods of generation it is usual to make use of the sexual or non-sexual nature of the reproduction as a primary difference, but a more scientific classification is afforded by the distinction between tissue-cells After Allman, Gymnoblastic Hydroids, by permission of the Council of the Ray Society.
In germinal reproduction the proliferating cells may be undif f erentiated, so-called primitive germ-cells, or they may be differentiated as sexual cells, male or female, i.e.
Since a finite number of particles is only susceptible of finite transpositions, it must happen (he says), in an eternal duration that every possible order or position will be tried an infinite number of times, and hence this world is to be regarded (as the Stoics maintained) as an exact reproduction of previous worlds.
Both sexual and asexual reproduction occur, but there is usually no definite succession of the two modes, marking that alternation of sexual generation (gametophyte) and asexual generation (sporophyte) which characterizes the higher groups.
Bacteria (see BACTERIOLOGY) and Cyanophyceae (see ALGAE), which are often grouped together as Schizophyta, are from points of view of both structure and reproduction extremely simple organisms, and stand apart from the remaining groups, which are presumed to have originated directly or indirectly from the Flagellatae, a group of unicellular aquatic organisms combining animal and plant characteristics which may be regarded as the starting-point of unicellular Thallophytes on the one hand and of the Protozoa on the other.
In accordance with the prevalent antithetic view of the alternation of generations in these plants (see PLANTS, REPRODUCTION or), the forms distinguished as sporophyte and gametophyte are not homogenetic; consequently their leaves are not homologous, but are only functionally similar (homoplastic; see infra).
For instance, it has been pointed out in the article on the reproduction of plants that the effect of the fertilization of the female cell in the ovule of a phanerogam is not confined to the female cell, but extends more or less widely outside it, inducing growth and tissue-change.
In the articles Reproduction and Heredity the details of the relations between parent and offspring are discussed.
It is idealistic in character, being in fact a reproduction of Hegelian teaching in clear and melodious language.
In reality, however, the families designated Eproboscidea (Hippoboscidae, Braulidae, Nycteribiidae and .Streblidae), are not entitled to be considered as constituting either a suborder, or even a main division of the Cyclorrhapha; they are simply Cyclorrhapha much modified owing to parasitism, and in view of the closely similiar mode of reproduction in the tsetseflies the special designation Pupipara should be abandoned.
In his article 1 on the question he sought to establish a Hebrew original of all the Testaments and to prove that the Hebrew text of Naphtali which he had discovered was the original testament, and that the Greek Naphtali was a late and corrupt reproduction of it with extensive additions from other sources.
Not only does exposure to heat sufficient to coagulate protein matter destroy life, by demolishing Life con- the molecular structure upon which life depends; but ditioned all vital activity, all phenomena of nutritive growth, by tern' movement and reproduction are possible only be- perature.
The veneration for republican tradition is curiously attested by the reproduction of many republican types of coin struck 1 It has been conjectured, not improbably, that the Germania of Tacitus, written at this period, had for one of its aims the enlightenment of the Romans concerning the formidable character of the Germans, so that they might at once bear more readily with the emperor's prolonged absence and be prepared for the necessity of decisive action on the frontier.
They always give rise to parthenogenetic females (see Reproduction).
So long, however, as we have no closer acquaintance with Arab Judaism and Christianity, we must always reckon with the possibility that many of these mistakes were due to adherents of these religions who were his authorities, or were a naïve reproduction of versions already widely accepted by his contemporaries.
Every new individual starts life (see Reproduction) as a mass of germinal material derived from one or from two parents, but with a coherent individuality of its own.
This aberration is quite distinct from that of the sharpness of reproduction; in unsharp reproduction, FIG.
In a letter to a friend at the Perkins Institution, dated May 17, 1889, she gives a reproduction from one of Hans Christian Andersen's stories, which I had read to her not long before.
She seems to have some idea of the difference between original composition and reproduction.
Mission Statement Stem cell science, cloning, artificial reproduction, and the new genetics are " the new biosciences ".
Vegetative reproduction can be carried out at any time by a plant.
Sexual reproduction requires the number of chromosomes to be halved.
Reproduction toxicity studies are conducted to provide information concerning the effects of the test substance from the time of mating through to young adult.
For more information regarding antique reproduction furniture contact the Sales Manager, Steve Cousins.
Color reproduction in print is possible at author 's cost.
No Unauthorized reproduction in any form. « O'Toole Tells It Like It Is !
There is a law in the US which requires FBI approval on reproduction of photos of United States currency.
Artist 's may need to provide high res scans of their work for reproduction.
Why was the imagery of bodily reproduction at the core of the effort to revitalize what in Britain had become a somnolent art?
To develop predictive models of saiga population dynamics, and to model the likely direct and indirect effects of human activities on saiga reproduction.
The curtain rose disclosing a sculptor 's studio, with the sculptor at work on a reproduction of a well known classical statue.
It is suspected of causing cancer and may be toxic for reproduction.
Studies in animals have shown reproduction toxicology (see Section 5.3).
The document is taken from " Recent advances in yak reproduction " edited by XX Zhao and RC Zhang.
They also specialize in Early American reproduction furniture.
Many cat videos featured on the web are simply reproductions of the aforementioned video, which is a reproduction of several other user videos.
The store's authentic Amish furniture inventory includes reproduction furniture such as Hoosier cabinets, chests and children's wooden toys.
Vitamin A is an important nutrient for the health and reproduction of epithelial tissue.
Stevia may inhibit the growth and reproduction of oral bacteria that leads to gum and dental diseases, as well as tooth decay.
You might see a reproduction Tiffany lamp with modern looking pendant lights hanging nearby, in similar colors or similar shapes.
Another benefit of buying reproduction antique farmhouse kitchen tables is the ability to customize.
House has a longstanding reputation in dealing reproduction Victorian furniture and original pieces.
Al Gitelman & Associates - Tapestries sells antique and reproduction tapestries to turn your home into a castle.
The chandeliers are crafted in the middle of Pennsylvania Amish country where 50 craftspeople build reproduction Early American chandeliers and lamps with historic techniques that were used as early as the 1800s.
The Tin Bin is an 18th-century reproduction lighting and home decor store on the web.
It means classic lines, matching colors, and antique or reproduction antique-style furniture.
Luckily, there are several modern day manufacturers of Tiffany reproduction lamps that recreate the original Tiffany designs, using the same method used to make the original Tiffany lamps.
They usually involve learning the basics of human sexuality and reproduction, how a baby grows and the birth experience.
A firmer understanding of the human body is also gained, as young people learn about everything from digestion and proper nutrition, to more complex issues such as reproduction and respiration.
Vitamins contribute to the overall health, growth, reproduction, and maintenance of all living things.
You can find vintage or even reproduction gowns at rock-bottom prices, so long as you are prepared to seriously shop.
You may opt for a very heavy, shiny vinyl, reproduction or take advantage of the more flexible, vinyl, contemporary curtains on the market.
If a design provides step-by-step cake decorating instructions for reproduction, follow them to the letter for the best final result.
When plants are dormant in the winter, their water needs are considerably less than during the active periods of growth and reproduction during the summer months.
Generally, even a very good reproduction looks like a reproduction and not the real thing.
New reproduction windows look like new, reproduction windows.
You can get even more detailed with reproduction fabric at Trinity Quilts, although you should ask for samples before you select your material.
If you have a taste for vintage style and want an actual boater, you can find them at Gentlemen's Emporium, which specializes in reproduction clothing and accessories.
However, there are blogs to guide you in your search and increasing numbers of reproduction houses that understand the desires of a plus-size fashionista.
You can also opt for reproduction dresses, although many designers making reproduction clothes prefer evening and swing wear.
There's nothing like a vintage - or reproduction - gown to make a woman feel timelessly elegant.
There are certainly some brick-and-mortar shops that carry the reproduction wear, but you'll find the most choice if you shop online.
Furthermore, if you have seen a specialty item that you would like to offer, such as a vintage reproduction swimsuit, you should contact the manufacturer and ask about making a range that you think would suit your customers.
A reproduction is normally smaller than the original.
Today, reproduction Mexican mission furniture can be found from many retailers on the Internet and in stores throughout the western United States.
Other places to find antique or reproduction Mission style furniture include antique stores, eBay and estate sales in your area.
A reproduction, the thirteenth bottle, illustrates clearly the differences between the original Hutchinson bottle and the reproduction.
This website also contains information on the S-S bottle labels and illustrations of reproduction labels.
People will often choose the less expensive reproduction which forces antique dealers to drop their prices.
If you want the look of an antique lamp without the condition issues that can accompany these lighting items, consider purchasing a reproduction library lamp.
If you like the look of oil lamps but don't want the antique variety you can try getting a reproduction.
While finding hat pins online is the easiest way to find them, it is also more likely that you will buy a reproduction without realizing it.
Keep in mind that there have been many reproduction rolltop desks manufactured over the years and they are not always easy to identify.
Some of these proteins control the orderly growth, division, and reproduction of normal tissue cells.
The use of assisted reproduction techniques, particularly ovarian stimulation, has caused a dramatic increase in the number of twin and higher multiple births.
The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls body temperature, cellular metabolism, and such basic functions as appetite for food, the sleep/wake cycle, and reproduction.
Based on the initial test results, the doctor may want to perform additional tests to determine the level of other hormones that play a role in reproduction.
These antiviral drugs work by interfering with the reproduction of the viruses and are most effective when taken as early in the infection as possible.
Technically, puberty refers to the period during which an individual becomes capable of sexual reproduction.
Internally, through the development of primary sexual characteristics, adolescents become capable of sexual reproduction.
As genes are identified that result in the disorders, genetic testing is being developed to identify carriers, who then can manage their reproduction to avoid the possibility of children being born with these deficiencies.
The pituitary gland is then stimulated to produce hormones that affect growth and reproduction.
Electrolysis uses a needle and an electrical impulse to direct electricity into the hair follicle, thus crippling the follicle for further reproduction.
Unless you had in vitro fertilization or some other type of assisted reproduction, your conception date can be traced back to a specific sexual interaction with a man.
This means that in animal reproduction controlled studies, negative effects were not evident as a risk to the baby, and there was not adequate information in well controlled studies in women who were pregnant.
A study published in the journal Human Reproduction says that eating low fat dairy products can affect ovulation and reduce fertility.
Exploring the question of whether males can become pregnant can help us understand reproduction, chromosomes, and modern medical experiments.
If these methods of medication and assisted reproduction fail, the couple may consider trying fertility shots or IVF.
One of the biggest challenges facing women who need assisted reproduction is how to pay for IVF.
According to The Center for Human Reproduction, the first stage of IVF is to stimulate the ovaries, which causes several eggs to mature rather than just one.
To answer the question of how pregnancy occurs, it is helpful to review the basics of human reproduction.
The bird was not "the stuff dreams are made of" as it was not the original black statuette but an original reproduction.
Reproduction suits usually feature a lower cut, showing the navel but still covering the lower abdomen and hips.
You can also try Pandora's Choice, a UK site that offers a really accurate reproduction 1940s swimsuit, with added tummy control if you're not as toned as Serena Williams.
The company rushed a reproduction of the lime green sling to market just in time for the Halloween costume season and sold out of the design just as quickly.
You don't even have to go to a website that specializes in vintage reproduction swimwear (which is probably too expensive for a young girl, since she's only likely to wear it a year or two).
It is needed for good vision, cell division and differentiation, bone growth and reproduction.
Vitamin A plays an important role in cell reproduction and is necessary for the development of some hormones.
It's preferable to shop in person where you can, but many web sites carry high-quality vintage gowns or reproduction wear and can advise you on sizing.
If you'd rather go with reproduction clothes, there are some excellent designers out there.
Recreated versions of mod votives are also available in many home goods stores and stores that specialize in vintage reproduction items.
Etsy is another good resource, whether you are looking for reproduction or original candle holders.
Whether you choose authentic or reproduction styles, the variety in unique holder designs make it simple to create a sleek and funky retro style stamp.
The dedication to produce true-to-life greenery sends designers literally out into the field to collect samples for reproduction.
This pricey outfit is a perfect reproduction of the original Darth Vader costume, made from the patterns and molds used by Lucus Studios.
A few of the famous items are available as reproduction pieces, such as the brown jacket Bella sported in the first film.
You can buy a reproduction hoodie at Amazon's Twilight Store (they also have a version of the green dress that is less expensive than that on Cosplay Sky).
Because filigree engagement rings are growing more popular with today's style-conscious brides-to-be, many jewelers are offering antique-inspired reproduction rings.
Reproduction rings may also be more affordable than true antiques, as well as easier to find.
The jewelry designer will often publicize the fact that the ring is based on an original Edwardian design and may include a description of the original ring with the reproduction piece.
Reproduction rings of all price ranges are available but this type of ring may be more expensive than other Edwardian inspired rings.
If you love antique style but want the added advantage of modern craftsmanship, you might consider buying an antique reproduction diamond engagement ring.
If so, a reproduction Art Deco engagement ring might be perfect for you.
Reproduction antique engagement rings give you many of the benefits of older jewelry without any of the drawbacks that come with owning a piece of history.
Reproduction antique rings are customizable.
With a reproduction, you can select the size and shape of the gemstone, the metals used, as well as the color and clarity of the diamonds.
You can have a reproduction ring created to mimic the style of any ring.