Reproducing Sentence Examples
But Muratori, reproducing the account given by one of Thomas's friends, gives no hint of foul play.
Telephony is the art of reproducing sounds at a distance from their source, and a telephone is the instrument employed in sending or receiving such sounds.
It seems remarkable, however, that we should not have succeeded yet in reproducing in the laboratory the trunk and main branch of the hydrogen spectrum, if the spectra in question really belong to hydrogen.
Other features A news section reproducing articles from the print media.
When the connecting string is held taut and sounds, such as those of ordinary speech, are produced in front of one of the membranes, pulses corresponding to the fluctuations of the atmospheric pressure are transmitted along the string and communicated to the other membrane, which in its turn communicates them to the air, thus reproducing the sound.
The metallic plate thus produced formed, when stripped from its support, a reflection grating reproducing many of the characteristics of the original.
Terence was by birth an African, and was thus perhaps a fitter medium of connexion between the genius of Greece and that of Italy than if he had been a pure Greek or a pure Italian; just as in modern times the Jewish type of genius is sometimes found more detached from national peculiarities, and thus more capable of reproducing a cosmopolitan type of character than the genius of men belonging to other races.
In the former he was one of the leading workers, in collaboration from 1879 to 1887 with Emile Edmond Sarasin (1843-1890), at the formation of minerals by artificial means, particularly in the wet way with the aid of heat and pressure, and he succeeded in reproducing a large number of the natural compounds.
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Some species are normally phytophagous, and the vast majority, at any rate, appear to be capable of continuing to exist and reproducing their kind upon a purely vegetarian diet.
AdvertisementDirecting his efforts at first to reproducing the deep green and straw-yellow glazes of China, he had exhausted almost his entire resources before success came, and even then the public was slow to recognize the merits of his ware.
The sum of the matter is that the modern Japanese ceramist, after many efforts to cater for the taste of the Occident, evidently concludes that his best hope consists in devoting all his technical and artistic resources to reproducing the celebrated wares of China.
No poet has surpassed him in the power of vitally reproducing the pleasure and pain of the passing hour, not recalled by idealizing reflection as in Horace, nor overlaid with mythological ornament as in Propertius, but in all the keenness of immediate impression.
In his investigations respecting cycloidal lines and various spiral curves, his attention was directed to the loxodromic and logarithmic spirals, in the last of which he took particular interest from its remarkable property of reproducing itself under a variety of conditions.
Moulds for reproducing plates or art-work are often taken in plaster, beeswax mixed with Venice turpentine, fusible metal, or guttapercha, and the surface being rendered conductive by powdered black-lead, copper is deposited upon it evenly throughout.
AdvertisementHere it undergoes its fifth and last moult, and appears as a winged female, capable of reproducing parthenogenetically.
His success in reproducing articles he had read in The Spectator led him to write an article for his brother's paper, which he slipped under the door of the printing shop with no name attached, and which was printed and attracted some attention.
But, while the Renaissance aimed at reproducing the Augustan age of Rome, the new humanism found its golden age in Athens.
The passage which a copyist is reproducing may suggest to him something else and he will write down what is thus in his mind instead of what is before his eyes.
The legs and lower part of the body are dark coloured, but the dorsal surface of the thorax and abdomen is coloured green and is raised so as to form a crest with jagged edges exactly reproducing the irregular margin of a fragment of leaf cut out by the mandibles of the ant.
AdvertisementTravelling generally in companies, and carrying a simple outfit, these Celtic pioneers flung themselves on the continent of Europe, and, not content with reproducing at Annegray or Luxeuil the willow or brushwood huts, the chapel and the round tower, which they had left behind in Derry or in the island of Hy (Iona), they braved the dangers of the northern seas, and penetrated as far as the Faroes and even far distant Iceland.
Nevertheless, the Romans cultivated large numbers of plums. The cultivated forms are extremely numerous, some of the groups, such as the greengages, the damsons, and the egg plums being very distinct, and sometimes reproducing themselves from seed.
Eugene van Bemmel (1824-1880) established an excellent historical tradition in his Histoire de la Belgique (1880), reproducing textually the original authorities, and also edited a Belgian Encyclopaedia (1873-1875), the Patria Belgiaa.
If the sporophyte generation is confined to the cystocarp, is the tetrasporiferous plant, as has been suggested, merely a potential gametophyte reproducing by a process analogous to the budformation of the Bryophyta?
Goethe has here taken a simple story of village life, mirrored in it the most pregnant ideas of his time, and presented it with a skill which may well be called Homeric; but he has discriminated with the insight of genius between the Homeric method of reproducing the heroic life of primitive Greece and the same method as adapted to the commonplace happenings of 18th-century Germany.
AdvertisementIn the hope of reproducing the characteristic of the Rhine wines, the Riessling has been planted in many young wine-producing countries, such as Australia, California and the Cape, and not entirely without success.
It is scarcely a law-book or a work of divinity; it is almost an encyclopaedia in its scope, a store-house reproducing the knowledge and the thought, both unconscious and speculative, of the first few centuries of the Christian era.
This combined condition is exactly fulfilled by holosymmetrical objectives reproducing with the scale 1, and by hemisymmetrical, if the scale of reproduction be equal to the ratio of the sizes of the two components.
The words and phrases which are common to the pastorals and the rest of the Pauline epistles are neither so characteristic nor so numerous as those peculiar to the former, and the data of style may be summed up in the verdict that they point to a writer who, naturally reproducing Paul's standpoint as far as possible, and acquainted with his epistles, yet betrays the characteristics of his later milieu in expressions as well as in ideas.'
Then in due order a new cycle of development begins, reproducing the last in every minutest detail, and so on for ever.
But, had the later annalists contented themselves with simply reproducing the earlier ones, we should at least have had the old tradition before us in a simple and tolerably genuine form.
To these defects in his method must be added the fact that he does not always succeed even in accurately reproducing the authority he is for the time following.
On this view, the nauplius, while no longer regarded as reproducing an ancestral type, does not altogether lose its phylogenetic significance.
The Dissertation on the Nature of True Virtue, posthumously published, is justly regarded as one of the most original works on ethics of the 18th century, and is the more remarkable as reproducing, with no essential modification, ideas on the subject written in the author's youth in the notes on the Mind.
He collaborated with his father Apollinaris the Elder in reproducing the Old Testament in the form of Homeric and Pindaric poetry, and the New after the fashion of Platonic dialogues, when the emperor Julian had forbidden Christians to teach the classics.
It is an almost universal attribute of polyps to possess the power of reproducing themselves non-sexually by the method of budding.
Later, a system similar to the Hebrew was adopted, and extended by reproducing the first nine symbols of the series, preceded by accents, to denote multiplication by moo.
Man has a rational soul, one face of which is turned towards the body, and, by the help of the higher aspect, acts as practical understanding; the other face lies open to the reception and acquisition of the intelligible forms, and its aim is to become a reasonable world, reproducing the forms of the universe and their intelligible order.
His works, which include all topics - science, canon law, history or theology - are unsystematic and largely uncritical, merely reproducing at second hand the substance of such sources as were available.
The focal length of an objective can be more simply determined by placing an objective micrometer on the stage and reproducing on a screen some yards away by the objective which is to be examined.
If, however, the food-plant is grown in a conservatory where protection against cold is afforded, the aphides may go on reproducing agamogenetically without cessation for many years together.
The frieze beneath the cornice, reproducing the lovers' initials and the Malatestian ensigns, is in such very low relief that it only enhances the perfection of " that music " produced by the marvellous skill of Alberti.
The genealogical enterprise in contemporary China is not a simple re-enactment of an unchanging cultural form, reproducing an equally unchanging Chinese national essence.
A benchtop model was constructed reproducing the nitrite chemistry occurring within the lumen of the upper gastrointestinal tract where saliva encounters acidic gastric juice.
All sexually reproducing organisms develop from a single fertilized oocyte by cell multiplication and differentiation.
Caltech have a Virtual Planetary Laboratory aimed at reproducing possible spectral signatures to help the Terrestrial Planet Finder program.
In the examination, the students had answered a question by reproducing the text from a lecturer's article.
In the examination, the students had answered a question by reproducing the text from a lecturer 's article.
Vision; 6 piece Wedding corporate party band A highly entertaining six piece band accurately reproducing dance hits from the 1960's to the 2000's.
Liverwort - a small flowerless green plant with leaf-like stems or lobed leaves, lacking true roots and reproducing by spores.
Letter from Alexander Seton to Sir Robert Liston describing the Bridekirk font and carving and reproducing the runic script.
As a result of corrective vision instruments, shortsighted people will not die out and will continue reproducing.
The student paid special attention to the curves of the contour lines when reproducing the teacher's artwork.
Lower-end plasma screens have difficulty reproducing near-black or near-white image, which will affect contrast and picture quality, so get the highest vertical resolution you can.
The Washington apple is considered by some to have the ultimate apple flavor, but reproducing the taste in a cocktail can be challenging.
Shows like Britain's Got Talent have seen several dance groups take on the difficult task of reproducing the genius that was Michael Jackson's dancing.
The senses you had the most difficulty in reproducing are your weaker areas, and will take more work to develop into tools for extrasensory perception.
Sometimes, those patterns were hand-drawn from memory, so reproducing them is nearly impossible.