Repositories Sentence Examples
Repositories also came to light containing treasure in the shape of bronze ingots.
Of course one may argue Google and Amazon are spectacular examples of centralized repositories.
The priests, who were the composers and repositories of these texts, succeeded in giving them a perfectly general form.
His room in the College Fortet, however, was searched, and his books and papers seized, to the imminent peril of some of his friends, whose letters were found in his repositories.
In Elizabeth's reign a serious effort was made to arrange the national records, but until the end of the 18th century they were scattered in not less than fifteen repositories.
Some subject-based repositories (for example, for high-energy physics) have been in existence for a number of years.
Thus it is entirely appropriate that the Library is one of the most important repositories of textile archives.
The National Register of Archives publishes a list of all UK archive repositories, with links to their websites.
It aims to survey workflows in place in learning object and eprint repositories within the JISC FAIR and X4L programs.
Recent advances in the extent and sophistication of data capture methods have resulted in the creation of large data repositories.
AdvertisementMost department stores such as JC Penney or Macy's are all likely repositories for such festive sleepwear items.
In fact, one of the greatest repositories of online dance instruction is at the Society for Creative Anachronism's Medieval Dance page, which has directions and entire books full of dance steps for one to many dancers.
Learn everything from how to trace your family tree to where your ancestor came ashore through free genealogy sites, databases and repositories.
You may click on the state link to obtain more information, including contact information for public record repositories.
The earlier class (A) is already found in the temple repositories of Cnossus belonging to the age immediately preceding the great remodelling of the Earlier picto= graphic script.
AdvertisementHere too were found the repositories of an early shrine containing exquisite faience figures and reliefs, including a snake goddess - another aspect of the native divinity - and her votaries.
For the coasts of South America the vast shell-heaps are the repositories of ancient history.
Not only did the great chasm between the old Christianity, to which his soul clung, and the Christianity of the Scriptures as juristically and philosophically interpreted remain unbridged; he also clung fast, in spite of his separation from the Catholic church, to his position that the church possesses the true doctrine, that the bishops per successionem are the repositories of the grace of the teaching office, and so forth.
Though some of the Puranas, the chief repositories of sectarian doctrines, enter largely into Sakta topics, it is only in the numerous Tantras that these are fully and systematically developed.
During the period allotted to his preliminary studies, he read over and over again all the yearbooks, reports, and law treatises in print, and at the Tower of London and other antiquarian repositories examined and carefully studied the records from the foundation of the English monarchy down to his own time.
AdvertisementThe Persian jerboa (Alactaga indica) is also a nocturnal burrowing animal, feeding chiefly on grain, which it stores up in underground repositories, closing these when full, and only drawing upon them when the supply of food above ground is exhausted (see also Jumping Mouse).
All three of these support the use of distributed repositories, and have recently been gaining popularity.