Replied Sentence Examples
She replied, Much words.
I replied, "Writing about polio," and he asked, "What is polio?"
Examining the envelope, she replied without looking at him.
Yes... replied the prince peevishly.
This suggestion didn't please her, however; for she replied, "No. Nancy is very sick."
No one replied to this, because they found they needed all their breath for the climb.
The boy replied that it had.
If you don't stop lying to me, I never will, he replied.
Betsy replied, then added, "Molly's babysitting comment left no doubt she and Julie are moving to town."
Her unnatural tone made him wince unpleasantly and he replied hastily.
AdvertisementDarkyn dragged him down to help, since it was his magic in my head, she replied.
Say your piece and get out of here, Jule replied.
Stay away, Jenn replied.
I don't think the other one is coming back, Rhyn replied.
Then they told him dinner would be served directly and he replied that they could not serve it too quickly to suit his convenience.
AdvertisementAmbrose replied that he was looking at the words and reading them that way.
Natasha suddenly asked, and hastily replied to her own question.
It's just something I do, she replied.
He cured my human side, brought the deity side back, and joined our souls, she replied a little too quickly.
Pierre with the baby on his hand stooped, kissed them, and replied to their inquiries.
AdvertisementI don.t fault you, he replied.
If I believed this route dangerous, I wouldn't send you this way, he replied.
I fear being away from Tiyan for too long, she replied.
You said we needed everything we could get, she replied.
Way more than you deserve, in my opinion, Darian replied.
AdvertisementShe replied immediately, "Twenty twos make forty."
Bordeaux didn't look up when he replied.
It's always nice to know someone cares, Jule replied.
I've gotta go to the bathroom, she replied.
Before he could answer, Edith replied, sheepishly.
I'll get those later, Mr. Tim replied.
I'm going someplace quiet for a little while, he replied.
I know he's a lost cause, she replied.
When in October 1761 Pitt, who had information of the signing of the "Family Compact" wished to declare war on Spain, and declared his intention to resign unless his advice was accepted, Granville replied that "the opinion of the majority (of the Cabinet) must decide."
You'll see how difficult our position, he replied.
I was bored after he kidnapped me and left me with his sisters, she replied.
You'll need them after I destroy the rest of them, A'Ran replied.
They've been infrequent, Brady replied.
Fortunately, things look bleaker every day, he replied with amusement.
There's no going near it, Jem replied.
I couldn't have known what was in his head, she replied, agitated by his harsh words.
I wouldn't say good, Dan replied.
Those glasses are only for reading, Fred replied, without looking up.
He didn't have a Texaco charge card and they don't take Visa or MasterCard," Hunter replied, and then added, "but I've driven that route.
I'm grateful for your counsel, and I'll protect you as I would my brother, Darian replied.
Nothing new, Darian replied.
Out loud, she replied, "It's a good idea."
I don't have the pretty little boundaries you do, boy, Darian replied.
Yours are probably already made, if you're half as stubborn as Damian, Sofi replied.
Sirian replied in his clipped tone.
Her date is one of your local Guardians, Xander replied with bitterness.
That should terrify you, he replied.
Ones even Xander can't face alone, Damian replied.
You can help me, so long as you don't get in the way, she replied.
You came with me here, and you've taught me how to lead, he replied.
You're too powerful now, she replied.
I'd rather stay awake my last two days, she replied.
He replied that she was still primping.
Your life is important to me, more so than the amount of pain I must put you through to sustain it, she replied.
Of course she's here, she replied.
We'll see what happens, he replied.
It doesn't matter what Xander is, Jonny replied.
You've got your woman now, Xander replied.
Without even looking in their direction, he replied instantly.
I've learned how to wait until I'm home in bed to have a meltdown, Jessi replied.
Or me, he replied.
It's my specialty, Darian replied.
Quite another, when you have to deal with it, Xander replied.
It has been replied that these cycles are similar without being identical, and that, if one might differ from another, the idea of progress was not necessarily excluded by the law of cycles.
Garibaldi replied asking "permission to disobey."
Descartes replied to Vat directly in a letter, published at Amsterdam in 1643.
To Algernon Sidney, who refused to take part in proceedings on the plea that neither the king nor any man could be tried by such a court, Cromwell replied, "I tell you, v e will cut off his head with the crown upon it."
In 1651 the Dutch completed a treaty with Denmark to injure English trade in the Baltic; to which England replied the same year by the Navigation Act, which suppressed the Dutch trade with the English colonies and the Dutch fish trade with England, and struck at the Dutch carrying trade.
Cromwell replied by requesting a brief delay to ask counsel of God and his own heart.
Romagna, replied to these persecutions by assassinating the more brutal officials ans spies.
But to Napoleons statement that he could not agree to the unification of Italy, as he was bound by his promises to Austria at Villafranca, Victor Emmanuel replied that he himself, after Magenta and Solferino, was bound in honor to link his fate with that of the Italian people; and Genetal Manfredo Fanti was sent by the Turin government to organize the army of the Central League, with Garibaldi under him.
Menelek had previously notified the chief European powers of his coronation at Entotto (i4th December 1889), but Germany and Great Britain replied that such notification should have been made through the Italian.
To this it may be replied that pure morphology and organography are not alternatives, but are two complementary and equally necessary modes of considering the composition of the plant-body.
It may be replied that there are such facts, and though they are but few as yet, they suffice to suggest an hypothesis that may eventually prove to be a law.
Warburton never replied; and few will believe that he would not, if he had not thought silence more discreet.
They replied by demanding his death and called in the Syrians.
When Lucien pressed him to "dare," he replied "Alas, I have dared only too much already."
Camille sharply replied that he would answer with Rousseau, - "burning is not answering," and a bitter quarrel thereupon ensued.
Camille on being asked his age, replied, "I am thirty-three, the age of the sans-culotte Jesus, a critical age for every patriot."
The views of neither of these systematizers pleased Temminck, who in 1817 replied rather sharply to Vieillot in some Observations sur la classification methodique des oiseaux, a pamphlet published at Amsterdam, and prefixed to the second edition m i nd.
But they replied that "God who is our help and protector has saved us that we might dwell upon these waters.
Genoa replied by attempting to close the Dardanelles.
To this act Great Britain replied by various penal regulations and reconstructive acts of government.
The Phocians, led by two capable generals, Philomelus and Onomarchus, replied by seizing Delphi and using its riches to hire a mercenary army.
To which Clarendon replied that he had been before acquainted with the secret and had often wished he had remained ignorant of it.
Nevertheless, he was opposed to Colenso's criticism of the Bible, and replied to it in The Pentateuch and the Elohistic Psalms (1863), written from a conservative standpoint.
The senate declared the proceedings null and void, because thunder had been heard; Saturninus replied that the senate had better remain quiet, otherwise the thunder might be followed by hail.
Lord Canning replied to the despatch, calmly and in a statesman-like manner explaining and vindicating his censured policy.
Omar, on hearing the request of his general, is said to have replied that if those books contained the same doctrine with the Koran, they could be of no use, since the Koran contained all necessary truths; but if they contained anything contrary to that book, they ought to be destroyed; and therefore, whatever their contents were, he ordered them to be burnt.
To the usual letter announcing the victory the caliph in Egypt replied saluting Bayezid with the title of " Sultan of the lands of Rum."
On the 2nd of September Suleiman entered the city, and to the ambassadors of Ferdinand, who came to offer a yearly sum if the sultan would recognize his claim to Hungary, he replied that he had taken possession of it by the sword and would negotiate only after the surrender of Gran, Tata, Visegrad and Szekesfehervar.
To the refusal of the sultan's representatives to concede any of her demands, Austria replied by revealing the existence of an alliance with Russia, which she threatened to make actively offensive if her terms were refused.
To this suggestion, which would have excluded the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji, the emperor Nicholas replied by a haughty demand that nothing should be altered in the status quo.
A friendly letter from Alcuin, and a controversial pamphlet, to which Felix replied, were followed by the sending of several commissions of clergy to Spain to endeavour to put down the heresy.
Catholicism increasingly took for granted that a man imperilled his soul by thinking for himself; Protestantism replied that he could certainly lose it, if he left his thinking to another.
Finally, when Austria had been excluded from the new empire, he replied to the parliamentary deputation that came to offer him the imperial crown that he might have accepted it had it been freely offered to him by the German princes, but that he would never stoop "to pick up a crown out of the gutter."
A council of the army accordingly established itself in opposition to the parliament, and demanded on the 6th of April a justification and confirmation of former proceedings, to which the parliament replied by forbidding meetings of the army council without the permission of the protector, and insisting that all officers should take an oath not to disturb the proceedings in parliament.
He replied by dissolving the ministry without naming another, and by abdicating the crown in favour of the heir apparent, then only five years of age.
The governor expressed his views to the prime minister that the Natal government ought to give the British government every support, and Colonel Hime replied that their support would be given, but at the same time he feared the consequences to Natal if, after all, the British govern m ent should draw back.
It was replied that Hungary was outside the operation of the treaty of Westphalia, and that the Protestants had been condemned not ex odio religionis but crimine rebellions.
Richard replied that the popular desire should be satisfied "saving the regalities of the Crown."
On being directly appealed to by Kruger and Joubert, Gladstone however replied that the liberty which they sought might be " most easily and promptly conceded to the Transvaal as a member of a South African Confederation."
Sir Hercules Robinson, in response to a message from Mr Chamberlain, who had been secretary of 'state for the colonies since July 1895, urging him to use firm language in reference to reasonable concessions, replied that he considered the moment inopportune, and on the 15th of January he left for Cape Town.
He lost heart, and actually suggested to White the surrender of Ladysmith, believing this to be inevitable and desiring to cover White's responsibility in that event with his own authority; but White replied that he did not propose to surrender, and the cabinet at home, aware of Buller's despondency, appointed Field Marshal Lord Roberts to the supreme command, with MajorGeneral Lord Kitchener as his chief of staff.
The Dutch Minister was expelled, and Holland replied by the despatch of gunboats, who destroyed the Venezuelan fleet and blockaded the ports.
The first volume was attacked in 1733 for unfairness and inaccuracy by Isaac Maddox, afterwards bishop of St Asaph and of Worcester, to whom Neal replied in a pamphlet, A Review of the principal facts objected to in the first volume of the History of the Puritans; and the remaining volumes by Zachary Grey (1688-1766), to whom the author made no reply.
To the overtures of Ricasoli in 1861, Pius IX., at Antonelli's suggestion, replied with the famous "Non possumus," but subsequently (1867) accepted, too late, Ricasoli's proposal concerning ecclesiastical property.
He was insulted by the chevalier de Rohan, replied with his usual sharpness of tongue, and shortly afterwards, when dining with the duke of Sully, was called out and bastinadoed by the chavelier's hirelings, Rohan himself looking on.
Sixteen battleships entered the Straits to participate in the encounter, the manoeuvring of so large a number of great vessels in this narrow space was a matter of some difficulty and also gave excellent targets for the Turkish artillery, which replied to their fire with unexpected spirit.
The guru replied, "Emperor Aurangzeb, I was on the top storey of my prison, but I was not looking at thy private apartments or at thy queen's.
He and other leaders of the party were summoned to the palace to answer a charge of plotting against the state, to which he replied by collecting Soo armed followers.
To the bishop's formula, "I separate thee from the church militant and the church triumphant," Savonarola replied in firm tones, "Not from the church triumphant; that is beyond thy power."
Baths, lunch-rooms, restrooms, clubs, lectures, schools and kindergartens have been supplied, and the company has also cultivated domestic pride by offering prizes for the best-kept gardens, &c. From April to July 1901 there was a strike in the already thoroughly unionized factories; complaint was made of the hectoring of union men by a certain foreman, the use in toilet-rooms of towels laundered in non-union shops (the company replied by allowing the men to supply towels themselves), the use on doors of springs not union-made (these were removed by the company), and especially the discharge of four men whom the company refused to reinstate.
The Spaniards replied by appealing to Holland, who sent a fleet under Ruyter into the Mediterranean.
In 343 the attack was renewed by Demosthenes in his speech On the False Embassy; Aeschines replied in a speech with the same title and was again acquitted.
Sherlock, in answer, published a Defence in 1694, to which South replied in Tritheism Charged upon Dr Sherlock's New Notion of the Trinity, and the Charge Made Good.
To the incorporation of Mantineia into the Achaean League (233) Tegea replied by allying itself with the Aetolians, who in turn made it over to Cleomenes III.
Spottiswoode published in 1620 Refutatio libelli de regimine ecclesiae scoticanae, an answer to a tract of Calderwood, who replied in the Vindiciae subjoined to his Altare damascenum, (1623).
Potter had replied in 1633 to Knott's Charity Mistaken (1630), and Knott retaliated with Mercy and Truth.
Calvin replied (r3th February 1546) in a letter now lost; in which, he says, he expressed himself " plus durement que ma coustume ne porte."
Polycarp replied, promising to carry out their request and enclosing a number of the letters of Ignatius which he had in his possession.
When Charles X., after retracting the hated ordinances, sent the comte d'Argout 1 to Laffitte to negotiate a change of ministry, the banker replied, "It is too late.
Jefferson, when asked if he replaced Franklin, replied, " No one can replace him, sir; I am only his successor."
He replied saying he would come if all the expenses were guaranteed and the British flag accepted.
On being summoned by the commissioners of the allied powers at Copenhagen to bring about a union between Norway and Sweden in accordance with the terms of the treaty of Kiel, and then return to Denmark, he replied that, as a constitutional king, he could do nothing without the consent of the Storthing, to the convocation of which a suspension of hostilities on the part of Sweden was the condition precedent.
The pope replied by ordering Henry under pain of excommunication to put away Anne and restore Catherine, his legal wife, within ten days.
The translation was attacked in the Quarterly as favourable to scepticism, and the translators jointly replied.
Thirlwall replied by pointing out that no provision for theological instruction wa,s in fact made by the colleges except compulsory attendance at chapel, and that this was mischievous.
When a solemn embassy of rebuke was sent to Zurich from a diet held at Lucerne, on the 26th of January 1524, the city replied that in matters relating to the Word of God and the salvation of souls she would brook no interference.
President Kruger replied that once the Transvaal had a harbour foreign powers would intervene.
On hearing from Rome, Cyril at once held a synod and drew up a doctrinal formula for Nestorius to sign, and also twelve anathemas covering the various points of the Nestorian dogmatic. Nestorius, instead of yielding to the combined pressure of his two great rivals, merely replied by a counter excommunication.
To all remonstrances he only replied "There's plenty of time."
Some damage was done to the houses of Belfort, but the garrison was not intimidated, and their artillery replied with such spirit that after some days the German commander gave up the bombardment.
The archbishop replied by excommunicating the disobedient professor.
On one occasion when he expressed a fear that he lacked all the gifts of a courtier, Napoleon replied, "Courtiers!
His critics replied that this was impossible in large cities.
Ricci replied with the historical answer, Sint ut sunt, aut non sint; and after some further delay, during which much interest was exerted in their favour, the Jesuits were suppressed by an edict in November 1764, but suffered to remain on the footing of secular priests, a grace withdrawn in 1767, when they were expelled from the kingdom.
Du Bellay replied to his various assailants in a preface to the second edition (1550) of his sonnet sequence Olive, with which he also published two polemical poems, the Musagnaeomachie, and an ode addressed to Ronsard, Contre les envieux poetes.
To these, but with special reference to the work of Chandler, which maintained that a number of prophecies were literally fulfilled in Christ, Collins replied by his Scheme of Literal Prophecy Considered (1727).
Tradition has dramatized their first meeting into the story given by Cresacre More' - that the two happened to sit opposite each other at the lord mayor's table, that they got into an argument during dinner, and that, in mutual astonishment at each other's wit and readiness, Erasmus exclaimed, " Aut tu es Morus, aut nullus," and the other replied, " Aut tu es Erasmus, aut diabolus !
Bismarck replied that he was " unaware of the existence of any such question."
Gregory replied that, if they would join the new religion, not only should the sacrifices continue, but they should have larger perquisites then ever.
Macpherson is said to have sent Johnson a challenge, to which Johnson replied that he was not to be deterred from detecting what he thought a cheat by the menaces of a ruffian.
The Galibis of Guiana, when asked the meaning of their curious funeral ceremony, which consists in dancing on the grave, replied that they did it to stamp down the earth.
A heavy fire was opened on her and she replied with her port 6-in.
A third "Farmer's Letter" replied to Hamilton's View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, in a broader and abler treatment than in the previous pamphlets.
To this third pamphlet Hamilton replied with The Farmer Refuted (1775).
Jesus is said to have replied, " I go, but thou shalt wait till I return."
In a written defence, the famous Apology, published later in the year, William replied at great length to the charges that had been brought against him, and carrying the war into the enemy's camp, endeavoured to prove that the course he had pursued was justified by the crimes and tyranny of the king.
One of his contemporaries was Edward Lee (c. 1482-1544) arch the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, bishop of York, famous for his attack on Erasmus, who replied to Cold Harbor and the long siege of Petersburg, in which, him in his Epistolae aliquot eruditorum virorum.
In 1663 he published a characteristic sermon on "The Wisdom of being Religious," and in 1666 replied to John Sergeant's Sure Footing in Christianity by a pamphlet on the "Rule of Faith."
About the same time also Mersenne sent to Descartes, as if they came from a friend in England, another set of objections which Hobbes had to offer on various points in the scientific treatises, especially the Dioptrics, appended by Descartes to his Discourse on Method in 1637; to which Descartes replied without suspecting the common authorship of the two sets.
Hobbes duly replied, but not for publication, because he thought the subject a delicate one.
Wallis replied shortly in the Philosophical Transactions (August 1666).
Wallis replied in the Transactions, and then finally held his hand.
Martin published the decrees of his Lateran synod in an encyclical, and Constans replied by enjoining his exarch to seize the pope and send him prisoner to Constantinople.
On the 4th of October 1854 in Springfield, in reply to a speech on the Nebraska question by Douglas delivered the day before, Lincoln made a remarkable speech four hours long, to which Douglas replied on the next day; and in the fortnight immediately following Lincoln attacked Douglas's record again at Bloomington and at Peoria.
Before the actual debate in 1858 Douglas made a speech in Chicago on the 9th of July, to which Lincoln replied the next day; Douglas spoke at Bloomington on the 16th of July and Lincoln answered him in Springfield on the 17th.
Four Zwinglian cities, Strassburg, Constance, Lindau and Memmingen, replied with a confession of their own and the Romanists also drew up an answer.
To the protests of Prussia, Austria replied that she had a full right to do what she liked in the duchy, and that she still adhered to the declaration of the princes, made on the 28th of May 1864, in favor of Dtrke Frederick.
When complimented on his shooting, he replied, "It would be hard if there were not something I could do."
Several years after the death of Socrates the sophist Polycrates composed a declamation against him, to which Lysias replied.
The Hungarian government replied that any new arrangement with Austria must be concluded in the form of a commercial treaty as between two foreign states and not in the form of a " customs and trade alliance."
Bright replied that if Cobden retired the mainspring of the League was gone.
Under the guidance of Pericles Athens replied that she would do nothing on compulsion, but was prepared to submit difficulties to amicable arbitration on the basis of mutual concessions.
We will have thee, they replied, to govern us according to the laws; for we see in thy countenance that thou art possessed of justice and goodness.
Listen, replied the pasha; buy the biggest and heaviest kurbash you can find; hang it up in the centre of the mudiri elf, well within your reach, and you will very seldom require to use it.
Lord Hartington replied that the government did not consider that a demonstration of this kind could be effective, and again suggested stronger measures.
Abi `Amir proposed to confiscate a religious foundation and the assembled ulema refused to approve the act, and were threatened by his vizier, one of them replied, "All the evil you say of us applies to yourself; you seek unjust gains and support your injustice by threats; you take bribes and practise ungodliness in the world.
Brennus at once threw his heavy sword into the scale; and when asked the meaning of the act, replied that it meant Vae victis (" woe to the conquered").
The emperor's rough and severe habits and his rigid administration prompted Antiochene lampoons, to which he replied in the curious satiric apologia, still extant, which he called Misopogon.
Melanchthon replied in a brief and moderately worded treatise, setting forth Luther's first principle of the supreme authority of Scripture in opposition to the patristic writings on which Eck relied.
Miss Welsh replied by announcing her intention to marry Carlyle; and then told him the whole story, of which he had previously been ignorant.
His aversion from the ordinary radicalism led to an article upon slavery in 1849, to which Mill replied, and which caused their final alienation.
Darnley had retired to his father's house at Glasgow, where he fell ill of small-pox, and, on the 14th of January 1567 Mary, from Holyrood, offered to visit him, though he had replied by a verbal insult to a former offer of a visit from Stirling.
To another critic, who had taken occasion to point out the resemblance between Catholic and pagan ceremonies, Wiseman replied, boldly admitting the likeness, and maintaining that it could be shown equally well to exist between Christian and heathen doctrines.
Jesus replied with a stern rebuke, addressing the questioners as hypocrites, and exposing the falsity of a system which allowed the breach of fundamental commandments in order that traditional regulations might be observed.
But when He asked their own belief, Peter replied, " Thou art the Christ."
Fox replied with some warmth, and Wolsey had to wait until Fox's death before he could add Winchester to his archbishopric of York and his abbey of St Albans, and thus leave Durham vacant as he hoped for the illegitimate son on whom (aged 18) he had already conferred a deanery, four archdeaconries, five prebends and a chancellorship.
On its being suggested to him that his acceptance of this position would degrade an ex-president, Adams replied that no person could be degraded by serving the people as a representative in congress or, he added, as a selectman of his town.
He was bitterly attacked by Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony) in the senate on the ist of September for not being present there, and on the next day replied in his First Philippic. He then left Rome and devoted himself to the completion of the de Qfficiis, and to the composition of his famous Second Philippic, which was never delivered, but was circulated, at first privately, after Antony's departure from Rome to Cisalpine Gaul on the 28th of November.
He was so loved and honoured by his Syrians that, when he invited them to avenge the blood of Othman, they replied unanimously, "It is your part to command, ours to obey."
Moawiya, disregarding his son Yazid's advice that he should exact condign punishment for Zobair's disrespect, replied in flattering terms, regretting the trespass and resigning both slaves and estate to Zobair.
The caliph replied by a threatening letter which angered Abdarrahman.
Erigena replied, "Mensa tantum."
To the request of the king for protection he replied in dignified and respectful language.
Mehemet Ali replied diplomatically; for, though these offers fell far short of his ambitions, a studious moderation was essential in view of the doubtful attitude of the European powers.
The wish expressed by the Whigs, that a member of the electoral family should be invited to England, had already aroused the queen's indignation in 1708; and now, in 1714, a writ of summons for the electoral prince as duke of Cambridge having been obtained, Anne forbade the Hanoverian envoy, Baron Schutz, her presence, and declared all who supported the project her enemies; while to a memorial on the same subject from the electress Sophia and her grandson in May, Anne replied in an angry letter, which is said to have caused the death of the electress on the 8th of June, requesting them not to trouble the peace of her realm or diminish her authority.
To this Bacon replied, that " the letters, if they were there, would not blush to be seen for anything contained in them, and that he had spent more time in vain in studying how to make the earl a good servant to the queen than he had done in anything else."
Photius felt himself the champion of Eastern Christianity against Latin pretensions; and when in 863 Nicholas finally anathematized and deposed him, he replied by a counter-excommunication.
He replied that he was willing and had the pope's leave to meet any deputies anywhere.
Innocent replied by laying England under an interdict (March 1208), and excommunicating the king (November 1209).
She was solemnly offered by the sovereign to his god; and the deity replied by laying her within the heart of his worshipper " to manifest her everlastingly before the gods."
Camden replied to Brooke in an appendix to the fifth edition of the Britannia, published in 1600, and his reputation came through the ordeal untarnished.
But he had made up his mind to be not an actor but an onlooker and critic in the battle of life; and when Wieland, whom he met on one of his excursions, suggested doubts as to the wisdom of his choice, Schopenhauer replied, "Life is a ticklish business; I have resolved to spend it in reflecting upon it."
On the side of the Academy they were vigorously attacked by Per Adam Wallmark (1777-1858), to whom they replied in a satire which was the joint work of several of the romanticists, Markall's Sleepless Nights.
The pope replied to this by excommunicating all those who had taken part in the election and consecration.
Charles was in favour of religious toleration, and a declaration issued by him in October 1660 aroused great hopes; but he made little effort to conciliate the Presbyterians or to effect a settlement through the Savoy conference, and his real object was to gain power over all the factions and to free his co-religionists, the Roman Catholics, in favour of whom he issued his first declaration of indulgence (26th of December 1662), the bill to give effect to it being opposed by Clarendon and defeated in the Lords, and being replied to by the passing of further acts against religious liberty.
His opponents argued, " if all events are foreordained, divination is superfluous "; he replied that both divination and our behaviour under the warnings which it affords are included in the chain of causation.
He replied by renewing his relations with Russia, and in 1838 Lord Auckland set the British troops in motion against him.
Chile replied by curtly demanding the annulment of the secret treaty and an assurance of Peruvian neutrality.
Needham in 1745 had declared that heated infusions of organic matter were not deprived of living beings; Spallanzani (1777) had replied that more careful heating and other precautions prevent the appearance of organisms in the fluid.
After the duke of Richmond had replied, he rose again excitedly as if to speak, pressed his hand upon his breast, and fell down in a fit.
Amongst those who replied to him were Richard Bentley, Edward Chandler, bishop of Lichfield, and Thomas Sherlock, afterwards bishop of London, who also attacked Woolston.
This was an answer to another anonymous pamphlet, written by Philip Yorke, afterwards Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, who replied in an enlarged edition (1728) of his original Discourse of the Judicial Authority.
In a pamphlet of "Remarks" (1742), he replied to John Tillard, and Remarks on Several Occasional Reflections (1744-1745) was an answer to Akenside, Conyers Middleton (who had up to this time been his friend), Richard Pococke, Nicholas Mann, Richard Grey, Henry Stebbing and other of his critics.
Not only was this unsuccessful, but next year Haakon replied by a formidable invasion.
It was in connexion with this controversy that Charlemagne wrote the so-called Libri Carolini, to which Adrian replied by letter, anathematizing all who refused to worship the images of Christ, or the Virgin, or saints.
To his critics Bushnell formally replied by writing Christ in Theology (1851), in which he employs the important argument that spiritual facts can be expressed only in approximate and poetical language, and concludes that an adequate dogmatic theology cannot exist.
Being asked why she did not leave so fatal a spot, she replied that there was there no oppressive government.
On his return Piso addressed the senate in his defence, and Cicero replied with the coarse and exaggerated invective known as In Pisonem.
Toland replied in his Amyntor, or a Defence of Milton's Life (1699), to which he added a remarkable list of what are now called apocryphal New Testament writings.
According to Sir Everard Digby, however, Garnet, when asked the meaning of the brief, replied that they were not (meaning the priests) to undertake or procure stirs, but yet they would not hinder any, neither was it the pope's mind they should, that should be undertaken for Catholic good..
In order to perfect his knowledge of Christian doctrine, Psellus had recourse to the instructions of Photius, and then replied to his adversary in a long iambic poem, in which he maintained his orthodoxy.
He maintained an attitude of defiance and of "Roman resolution," smiled scornfully at his questioners, making no secret of his intentions, replied to the king, who asked why he would kill him, that the pope had excommunicated him, that "dangerous diseases require a desperate remedy," adding fiercely to the Scottish courtiers who surrounded him that "one of his objects was to blow back the Scots into Scotland."
To the decree of impeachment published by the congress he replied by a notice of dissolution and a declaration of war; but he soon found that the real power was with his opponents, who effected his arrest, and condemned him first to two years' imprisonment, but afterwards by commutation to two years' exile.
Newton replied promptly, "an ellipse," and on being questioned by Halley as to the reason for his answer he replied, " Why, I have calculated it."
To which Leibnitz, in a letter dated the 22nd of June, replied, " I am very glad that I received information of the cure of Mr Newton at the same time that I first heard of his illness, which doubtless must have been very alarming."
Asking themselves - What is the material universe, they had replied respectively - It is water, It is µeraEv Ti, It is air, It s fire.
On his refusal the Boers replied to him, "Why do you refuse to sign the paper?
The Transvaal applied in 1889 to Great Britain for permission to accede to this request, but the British government replied that the only intervention to which they would consent must be a dual one.
The king replied by harrying him on charges of having failed in his feudal obligation to provide well-equipped knights for a Welsh expedition, and imposed ruinous fines on him.
The king replied by issuing a proclamation to the effect that he would outlaw any clerk who should accept the validity of such an interdict and would confiscate his lands.
George Grenville, whom the Rockinghams had displaced, and who was bitterly incensed at their formal reversal of his policy, printed a pamphlet to demonstrate his own wisdom and statesmanship. Burke replied in his Observations on a late Publication on the Present State of the Nation (1769), in which he showed for the first time that he had not only as much knowledge of commerce and finance, and as firm a hand, in dealing with figures as Grenville himself, but also a broad, general and luminous way of conceiving and treating politics, in which neither then nor since has he had any rival among English publicists.
Mackintosh replied to him temperately in the Vindiciae Gallicae, and Thomas Paine replied to him less temperately but far more trenchantly and more shrewdly in the Rights of Man.
Burke replied in tones of firm self-repression; complained of the attack that had been made upon him; reviewed Fox's charges of inconsistency; enumerated the points on which they had disagreed, and remarked that such disagreements had never broken their friendship. But whatever the risk of enmity, and however bitter the loss of friendship, he would never cease from the warning to flee from the French constitution.
Challenged by Arminianism in Holland, the Calvinistic theology replied in the Confession of Dort; at which Synod English delegates were present.
With equal frankness Balaam replied that, though he had come now, he had no power to say anything but what Elohim might put into his mouth.
Stillingfleet's rejoinder appeared in May, followed by a Second Letter from Locke in August, to which the bishop replied in the following year.
The king replied that the troops were not meant to act against the Assembly, but intimated his purpose of transferring the session to some provincial town.
It may be replied that experience makes it reasonably certain that the infliction of certain penalties will produce acts of a certain character and that the influence of certain incentives upon conduct may be established as reasonably probable by induction.
It is this latter aspect of the system which is primarily attacked by the first generation of writers that replied to Hobbes.
And supposing it to be replied that the motive is really the moral uneasiness involved in choosing the selfish alternative, Godwin answers that this uneasiness, though a " constant step " in the process of volition, is a merely " accidental " step - " I feel pain in the neglect of an act of benevolence, because benevolence is judged by me to be conduct which it becomes me to adopt."
Calvin replied to him in a work published in 1543, in which he defends his own opinions at length, both by general reasonings and by an appeal to both Scripture and the Fathers, especially Augustine.
Calvin replied with much vehemence, and brought the matter before the civil authorities.
In the midst of his sufferings, however, his zeal and energy kept him in continual occupation; when expostulated with for such unseasonable toil, he replied, "Would you that the Lord should find me idle when He comes ?"
In 1913 the Portuguese forbade further recruiting in Angola; the Germans replied by presenting estimates to the Reichstag in 1914 for £150,000 towards building a railway from Otavi through the Ovambo country and 22 m.
To the Premier's remonstrance that, after the recent verdict of the general election in favour of his policy, the Crown was not entitled to refuse its sanction, Constantine replied that in matters of foreign policy he did not consider himself bound to follow the national will, feeling himself " personally responsible to God alone."
Demosthenes replied in the Second Philippic. "If," he said, "Philip is the friend of Greece, we are doing /ipdic wrong.
Anselm replied to the objections of Gaunilo in his Liber Apologeticus.
Among others, Ericsson replied, and as it was thought that his design might be serviceable in inland waters, the first armoured turret ship, the "Monitor," was ordered; she was launched on the 30th of January 1862, and on the 9th of March she fought the celebrated action with the Confederate ram "Merrimac."
He was asked the meaning of the cross of St John which he wore on his doublet, and replied that it was the sign of a small benefice which he held from the pope, and would lose if he were not back by the 1st of January.
The pope immediately summoned Henry to appear at Rome in order to justify his private misconduct, and Henry replied by causing the partisan synod of Worms (1076) to pronounce Gregory's deposition.
To this petition Ambrose replied in a letter to Valentinian, arguing that the devoted worshippers of idols had often been forsaken by their deities; that the native valour of the Roman soldiers had gained their victories, and not the pretended influence of pagan priests; that these idolatrous worshippers requested for themselves what they refused to Christians; that voluntary was more honourable than constrained virginity; that as the Christian ministers declined to receive temporal emoluments, they should also be denied to pagan priests; that it was absurd to suppose that God would inflict a famine upon the empire for neglecting to support a religious system contrary to His will as revealed in the Scriptures; that the whole process of nature encouraged innovations, and that all nations had permitted them, even in religion; that heathen sacrifices were offensive to Christians; and that it was the duty of a Christian prince to suppress pagan ceremonies.
Clement replied in 1705 with a bull condemning respectful silence.
The duke was in a difficult position as president of the organization, since most of the local associations supported Mr Chamberlain, and he replied that the differences between them were vital, and he would not be responsible for dividing the association into sections, but would rather resign.
The senate applied for peace, but when the Genoese replied that they were resolved to "bit and bridle the horses of Saint Mark" the Venetians decided to fight to the end.
In 1870 he put forth his Grammar of Assent, the most closely reasoned of his works, in which the case for religious belief is maintained by arguments differing somewhat from those commonly used by Roman Catholic theologians; and in 1877, in the republication of his Anglican works, he added to the two volumes containing his defence of the via media a long preface and numerous notes in which he criticized and replied to sundry anti-Catholic arguments of his own in the original issues.
Alarmed at the increase in his opponent's power, Gregory denounced him in a public letter, to which Frederick replied in a clever document addressed to the princes of Europe.
Accused of violating treaties, breaking oaths, persecuting the church and abetting heresy, Frederick replied by an open letter rebutting these charges, and in equally unmeasured terms denounced the arrogance and want of faith of the clergy from the pope downwards.
He went too far and fast for even such a Federalist disbeliever in democracy as Gouverneur Morris; who, to Hamilton's assertion that democracy must be cast out to save the country, replied that " such necessity cannot be shown by a political ratiocination.
Philip replied by summoning the bishops to Paris to try No of Chartres for treason.
Menasseh replied in the finest of his works, Vindiciae judaeorum (1656).
These are essentially huge orgies and feasts for initiating newbies, she replied.
Talon made you immortal and awoke your gift, Sofi replied.
An ancient bloodline of immortals, one of the oldest, he replied.
I … just … can't …" "You can," he replied.
But sometimes, it's necessary, she replied.
This is where the Immortals live, Toby replied.
Figured it was no coincidence that a mysterious man named after a dead-dead Immortal just happened to fall into the life of a former deity, Gabriel replied.
I chose to be here, Fate replied.
Aloud, he replied, "Instantly. No pain, no comatose state."
At this point, I.m the only thing capable of standing between you and the monsters in the forest, Rhyn replied with calmness he didn.t feel.
The reason I.m lying here in pain has to do with my accidental ambush of Darkyn.s demons, the demon replied.
Without her, the rivers are dry, the women are barren, and the mines produce no ore," A'Ran replied, then added pointedly, "And the Planetary Council interferes with everything you try to do to reclaim what's rightfully yours."
She controls everything, the East Coast infrastructure, the emerops depots, the recovery effort, Elise replied.
Non-sentient beasts that kill, she replied.
No, " he replied, looking suddenly more awkward than his usual uncomfortable country self.
I have replied that reporting does not constitute defamation.
We have no whole oats, " the Steward replied, with much deference.
Nash replied, âI do continue to experience such delusions.
Antony replied that all registrants of GDC will be able to practice dentistry within their own areas of competence.
At olives were advice Emanuel replied quot said democratic it wants our.
Only 9 replied to say they had found permanent employment, with a further ten on short-term contacts.
He replied " err no it's err no it's err a friend of mine's " .
Indeed, one church replied with such enthusiasm about its portraits that the two researchers concerned felt almost overwhelmed by the flood!
He replied saying that my concern with up-to date citations was corrupt if the ideas in them were still germane.
Without a moment's hesitation he replied ' putting money in the till ' .
Darwin replied that a deity who did that would have to foresee everything in evolutionary history, leading to a very heterodox theology.
Liz replied we only have a very old incubator that is unreliable.
Wrong, replied the Director General of the UN nuclear inspectorate, the IAEA.
Sergeant Wilkie replied that she thought the whole thing made her look like a boy, which was a ridiculous notion.
Oh no, me dear, " the lady replied with an innocent air that was just a little overdone.
He replied, pulling out his mobile phone ' I have the number preset and I get straight through to them directly ' .
The Soviet Republic replied by swelling the ranks of the Red Army to five million and launching the contentious march on Warsaw.
He replied ' Ocean's 12 ', in a very sarcastic manner.
The great seers replied back, " Know thy self ' .
Some MPâs have replied to 100% of Send A Fax To John Gummer MP Has Anyone sent A Fax To John Gummer?
Later when I replied giving more detail about my position, there was a long and deafening silence from you.
He has a fractured skull, " Spock replied.
Weatherson (2003) has replied that de re attitudes do not require to be about exactly one particular (precisely specifiable) object.
It jus ' called him Cap'n Kidd, " replied trot.
The " tribunal president, " the de facto judge for the proceeding, replied that he could review only unclassified evidence.
The Milwaukee Hole Shooter is a good drill. warren weber replied to Jay on 28 Feb 2003 I have both keyed and keyless.
The proposed form, first elaborated in the conciliary commission de fide, was the object of long public discussions from the 50th general congregation (May 13th, 1870) to the 85th (July 13th); the constitution as a whole was adopted at a public session, on the r 8th, of the 535 bishops present, two only replied " Non placet "; but about 50 had preferred not to be present.
The Vatican replied that she had entered a nunnery, and subsequently, on the threat of intervention by Prussia, induced the Mortara family to withdraw their plaint.
In April 1906 an eruption of Mount Etna caused the destruction of several villages and much loss of life and damage to property; in appointinga committee to distribute the relief funds the premier refused to include any of the deputies of the devastated districts among its members, and when asked by them for the reason of this omission, he replied, with a frankness more characteristic of the man than politic, that he knew they would prove more solicitous in the distribution of relief for their own electors than for the real sufferers.
Professor Parker replied to his critic (Ibis, 1862, PP. 297-299).
The sophist Favorinus was more politic; when reproached for yielding too readily to the emperor in some grammatical discussion, he replied that it was unwise to contradict the master of thirty legions.
Her democracy was respected by the Macedonian kings; the rulers of Egypt, Syria, and especially of Pergamum, courted her favour by handsome donations of edifices and works of art, to which the citizens replied by unbecoming flattery, even to the extent of creating new tribes named after their benefactors.
Bailey replied to his critics in a Letter to a Philosopher (1843), &c. In 1851 he published Theory of Reasoning (2nd ed., 1852), a discussion of the nature of inference, and an able criticism of the functions and value of the syllogism.
The queen now appealed to France for aid; but Castelnau, the French ambassador, replied to her passionate pleading by sober and earnest advice to make peace with the malcontents.
Toplady wrote a venomous [[Letter]] to Mr Wesley (1770), and Wesley repeated his comments in The Consequence Proved (1771), whereupon Toplady replied with increased acridity in More Work for Mr Wesley (1772).
To as much of this diatribe as concerned himself Boyle quickly replied with force and dignity, but it was from Hobbes's old enemy that retribution came, in the scathing satire Hobbius heauton-timorumenos (1662).
Horace Greeley having addressed a public letter to him complaining of "the policy you seem to be pursuing with regard to the slaves of the rebels," the president replied on the 22nd of August, saying, "My paramount object is to save the Union, and not either to save or destroy slavery.
The United States Government replied that, relying on these assurances, it would maintain strict non-intervention, at the same time openly avowing the general sympathy of its people with a Mexican republic, and that "their own safety and the cheerful destiny to which they aspire are intimately dependent on the continuance of free republican institutions throughout America."
China replied that Korea must be left to reform herself, and that the withdrawal of the Japanese troops must precede negotiations.
The emperor had to protect the legates from the fury of the nobles; and afterwards issued a manifesto to his subjects declaring that he held the Empire from God alone, to which Adrian replied that he had used the ambiguous word beneficia as meaning benefits, and not in its feudal sense.
Numerous protests were made by many of the inhabitants of the Orange River Sovereignty against the abandonment of it by the British government, but the duke of Newcastle, who was then colonial secretary in Lord Aberdeen's administration, replied that the decision was in- evitable (see [[Orange Free State]]).
Oldenburg must have replied to this by an offer to apply to the Society to excuse Newton the weekly payments, as in a letter of Newton's to Oldenburg, dated the 23rd of June 1673, he says, " For your proffer about my quarterly payments, I thank you, but I would not have you trouble yourself to get them excused, if you have not done it already."
Great Britain was in favour of coercion, but Russia, when sounded, replied that she " would certainly not join in any coercive measures " and she was supported by France.
Mrs. Keller replied, "He is dead."
As we had never seen or heard of any such story as this before, we inquired of her where she read it; she replied, "I did not read it; it is my story for Mr. Anagnos's birthday."
I can't understand why he wants to go to the war, replied Pierre, addressing the princess with none of the embarrassment so commonly shown by young men in their intercourse with young women.
Though what she said was quite just, perhaps for that very reason no one replied, and the four simply looked at one another.
You may die in your bed or God may spare you in a battle, replied Marya Dmitrievna's deep voice, which easily carried the whole length of the table.
There are your sisters... replied Prince Vasili.
I knew it, replied a piping voice, and Lieutenant Telyanin, a small officer of the same squadron, entered the room.
That puts the court in too bad a light, replied Bilibin.
That's the sort of man he is, and nothing more, replied Dolgorukov, looking round at Bilibin with a smile.
What do you think he replied?
Shall I go with some of my hussars to see? replied Rostov.
Then the voice said something more, Demyan replied, and the steps in the felt boots approached the unseen bend of the staircase more rapidly.
So I ask you to put the money on your cards, replied Dolokhov.
Nicholas had replied that it would be more than enough for him and that he gave his word of honor not to take anything more till the spring.
To Pierre's inquiries as to what he must do and how he should answer, Willarski only replied that brothers more worthy than he would test him and that Pierre had only to tell the truth.
I have had so many, replied Pierre.
If he replied and argued, it was only because he wished to maintain his independence and not submit to Speranski's opinions entirely.
Abashed by this question, I replied that sloth was my chief temptation.
To this he replied that one should not deprive a wife of one's embraces and gave me to understand that that was my duty.
But I replied that I should be ashamed to do it, and suddenly everything vanished.
Oh yes, that's the French ambassador himself! she replied to the countess' inquiry about Caulaincourt.
Speranski related how at the Council that morning a deaf dignitary, when asked his opinion, replied that he thought so too.
Pierre saw how Prince Andrew asked her something and how she flushed as she replied.
Karagina had replied that for her part she was agreeable, and everything depend on her daughter's inclination.
Tell them to take it away, replied Natasha.
I know by the horses, replied some voices.
Nicholas replied that he could not go back on his word, and his father, sighing and evidently disconcerted, very soon became silent and went in to the countess.
The countess, with a coldness her son had never seen in her before, replied that he was of age, that Prince Andrew was marrying without his father's consent, and he could do the same, but that she would never receive that intriguer as her daughter.
In answer to the count's inquiries she replied that things were all right and that she would tell about it next day.
I have nothing to say, her eyes replied.
All is over for me, she replied with shame and self- abasement.
The aide-de-camp replied that probably the Emperor would not be displeased at this excess of zeal.
Balashev replied that there was "nothing offensive in the demand, because..." but Murat interrupted him.
Pierre replied, that he has nothing to forgive....
They say we're already near Smolensk, replied Pierre.
To this letter the old prince had replied affectionately, and from that time had kept the Frenchwoman at a distance.
Alpatych replied that the Governor had not told him anything definite.
He called for Taras the gardener, but no one replied.
Dron replied that the horses of these peasants were away carting.
She replied that she had never doubted his devotion and that she was ready to do anything for him and for the peasants.
No one replied and Princess Mary, looking round at the crowd, found that every eye she met now was immediately dropped.
Prince Andrew replied that he was not on his Serene Highness' staff but was himself a new arrival.
Pierre replied, looking at Prince Andrew with frightened, compassionate eyes.
That's what we were saying, replied the first speaker.
Natasha quietly repeated her question, and her face and whole manner were so serious, though she was still holding the ends of her handkerchief, that the major ceased smiling and after some reflection-- as if considering in how far the thing was possible--replied in the affirmative.
They say he is dying, replied the maid with a sigh.
No, of course... go and say I will come directly, Pierre replied to the major-domo.
No one replied to this remark and for some time they all gazed silently at the spreading flames of the second fire in the distance.
After a short silence the countess spoke again but this time no one replied.
Pierre suddenly replied in French.
The Empress Elisabeth, however, when asked what instructions she would be pleased to give--with her characteristic Russian patriotism had replied that she could give no directions about state institutions for that was the affair of the sovereign, but as far as she personally was concerned she would be the last to quit Petersburg.
I left it all in flames, replied Michaud in a decided tone, but glancing at the Emperor he was frightened by what he had done.
I didn't even think of being angry, he replied.
Derrida replied to Lacan 's reading of the purloined letter by pointing out that Lacan had missed the dynamics of framing.
I replied in the thread, reminding him to check on the forum rules about exposure.
He replied ' Ocean 's 12 ', in a very sarcastic manner.
Without blinking, the boy replied, Thou shalt not sass back to adults.
The great seers replied back, Know thy self '.
Some MPâs have replied to 100% of Send A Fax To John Gummer MP Has Anyone Sent A Fax To John Gummer?
He has a fractured skull, Spock replied.
At the police station there was a short tape-recorded interview during which Bryce replied, " No comment " to all the questions.
How can I tell if someone has replied to my query?
In a trembling voice she replied, " Lord, any man is better than none ".
It jus ' called him Cap'n Kidd, replied Trot.
They replied it was an immense Serpent, which the Manitou, the Great Spirit, was vomiting forth.
Sadly, Imberhorne replied almost immediately with a well-taken free kick.
They replied to the congratulations letters pro forma.
The other mother replied in an embarrassed tone, "Well, my baby is nine months old and not a tooth in her head!"
Merv replied, "What is the number of feet in a mile."
Just the other day we were talking and he jokingly said, "I don't know why anyone would like me..." and I replied, "What are you talking about?
When asked by TMZ if she was pregnant or not, Simpson replied "No, I'm not" though E! and Us Weekly are both reporting that it isn't a joke and she is pregnant.
Another revealing moment was when Oprah asked him what he was thinking about while not breathing for nearly 20 minutes - Blaine looked at Oprah and not skipping beat, replied "You."
After much back and forth banter about how Brody believed he could be friends with any one he chooses, he basically replied with a "Bro, puh-lease," effectively ending their friendship.
Jolie replied with a "I have a few months" when asked about her due date and replied with a vague "maybe" when Morales questioned her about whether or not she and her family plan on staying in France for the birth.
When contacted by Us Weekly to confirm the rumors, Jessica's brother Josh, replied "My sister!?
When asked during a satellite radio interview regarding the former Mrs. Hogan's choice in date mates, daughter Brooke replied "I personally don't like it at all or condone it."
When asked why she declined MTV's invitation to participate in the third season of the dating show, Tequila replied "I'm doing something else with my life.
Well, when asked about her promise, not so much as smooch a boy (or girl) and only her cat, Kitty Purry, she replied that she was just joking.
When making an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Leno asked him about turning down dinner with the President, to which Cowell replied "He wanted to have dinner and our diaries didn't quite match.
To this, Leno replied "What were you doing?
Fox replied that she was "…way hotter" than Jolie and that she was only in her 20's and Angelina was "…ancient."
They told Lea they were from Sydney, to which she snippily replied that she preferred Melbourne to Sydney.
The man replied, "Yes, I'm Mike and he's great."
When I discussed this with him he replied with "I want my kids to be normal American kids, I want them to be atheists who celebrate the holidays that everyone celebrates likes Christmas and Easter, which are more capitalist than religious.
In your letter, you say that, "He replied, I want my kids to be normal American kids.
I replied that to stop seeing him is what he wants I will respect that.
If one person were to ask another, "what did you want to do today," and the person replied with "pie," the randomness of the answer is very funny at the time, but loses something in the translation.
When we spoke with Sam to ask him how the site helps singles find dates, he replied, "CBD helps singles by offering them an opportunity go on a real, live date every single night that they don't have other social plans.
The old woman replied that she didn't know.
Questionnaires were sent to the parents of autistic adults and 100 families replied.
Chimes, however, matter-of-factly replied that he was in it "for a Lamborghini".
Elastica were born in 1993 when Frischmann brought in guitarist Donna Matthews, Justine Welch on drums, and Annie Holland on bass, who replied to an advert in the press.
Record execs asked the remaining members of Mother Love Bone, Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard to record the album with a different lead singer, to which the gentlemen replied, "No."
He replied that he is continuing to "…pursue a life of serial monogamy with a very understanding woman in San Francisco."
When asked about the motivation behind it, she replied that it was, "Momentary insanity, nothing more, nothing less."
Sarah replied amiably, ignoring his obvious annoyance.
Darian replied in irritation.
I'm expecting a report on their security later, Jenn replied.
Assassinations 101, Dusty replied.
You'll have to stick with animals, Damian replied.
I think I'm doing pretty damn good, considering I would've been able to kill him if you hadn't shot and run me over, he replied in irritation.
I doubt I'll have a choice soon, he replied.
Only I can, she replied.
They wanted your head, too, but Damian set 'em straight, Dusty replied.
Figured it'd keep my mind off things, Rourk replied.
You have all the keys to this puzzle, Jule replied.
I'm not much for being home alone, Rourk replied.
I landed here, Xander replied.
You're on your own, Pierre replied.
I have no leads on anyone else, Jule replied.
I know, Damian replied.
If I'm not, you'll know, she replied curtly.
I know, Darian! she replied, hoping the man in her head didn't distract her.
I will not make the same one, he replied.
I love a fight and an absolute victory even more, he replied.
I wanted to see what you would do when confronted with the man you thought you were going to return to, he replied.
For you, she replied.
I … just … can't …" "You can," he replied.
You were asleep when I got here, Cora replied.
He removed me, raised me, and accepted his mate as payment, she replied.
Even after you rejected me, he replied.
We have eternity, Gabriel replied.
What you did to Deidre cannot be undone, Gabriel replied.
I'd dump you before Dr. Wynn, she replied silently.
There's an eighty two percent chance he'll kill you, if you're not behind those walls, the man replied.
That's all that concerns me, he replied in a hard tone.
It doesn't much matter what you want, Kiki replied.
I'm flattered, he replied with one of his faint smiles.
I respected that, Darkyn replied.
I'm sorry I tricked you into bring me here, Wynn replied.
You tell me, she replied.
He doesn't deserve to be in Hell, he replied.
She jumped but replied without turning, "Looking for a way to escape."
He's not dead, she replied.
They'll leave you alone when they see it, he replied.
Important distinction, Rhyn replied and pulled out a chair from the table on which the candle was placed.
Whatever that brings, been my only brother and friend, Rhyn replied in the same tone.
How quickly you found a safe place, Jade replied.
Ully is still working with it to verify, Kris replied.
We haven.t been able to record everyone.s names yet, but what we have is in the guestbook in the office, down that hall, last door on the right, the woman replied, pointing to a hallway behind her.
I.m doing something right for once, he replied, glancing at Darkyn as the demon shifted.
She must be intended for Kisolm, he replied.
I'm not certain how long I'll stay, he replied.
I sent them to Larry, Jenn replied.
I kill Others and you rescue me, he replied.
I'll survive, Darian replied.
He killed my father, he replied.
I could've let her bleed out or let them finish her off, he replied.
Their maritime importance compelled Narses, the imperial commander, to seek their aid in transporting his army from Grado; and when the Paduans appealed to the Eunuch to restore their rights over the Brenta, the Venetians replied by declaring that islands of the lagoon and the river mouths that fell into the estuary were the property of those who had rendered them habitable and serviceable.
The king said in a threatening tone, "Then we shall sound our trumpets," whereupon Capponi tore up the document in his face and replied, "And we shall ring our bells."
The English king replied by welcoming and harbouring Robert of Artois, a cousin whom Philip VI.
Why, I feel like a colt today, replied Jim.
When Augustine finally asked, "What are you doing?," Ambrose replied that he was reading.
Bagration replied that he was not authorized either to accept or refuse a truce and sent his adjutant to Kutuzov to report the offer he had received.
He died, replied someone.
We'll talk it over, replied Prince Andrew.
Julie was offended and replied that it was true that a woman needs variety, and the same thing over and over again would weary anyone.
No one replied to his remarks.
A cock crowed far off and another replied near by.
There is always a right way of doing things, replied the governor's wife.
Sonya burst into hysterical tears and replied through her sobs that she would do anything and was prepared for anything, but gave no actual promise and could not bring herself to decide to do what was demanded of her.
When asked what he was doing when he was arrested, Pierre replied in a rather tragic manner that he was restoring to its parents a child he had saved from the flames.
He replied that he had gone out to see what was happening in Moscow.
Again he replied that he could not answer it.
Kutuzov only replied that movements arranged from a distance were always difficult to execute.
I need only advise anything and his Highness is sure to do the opposite, replied Bennigsen.
I haven't time just now, replied Ermolov, and left the hut.
To the noncommissioned officer's excuse that the prisoner was ill and could not walk, the officer replied that the order was to shoot those who lagged behind.
Kutuzov replied to this letter as he had done to the one formerly brought by Lauriston, saying that there could be no question of peace.
Petya replied that he wanted the French lad who had been captured that day.
And to all Denisov's persuasions, Petya replied that he too was accustomed to do everything accurately and not just anyhow, and that he never considered personal danger.
No one replied a word to Dolokhov's laughter, and a French officer whom they could not see (he lay wrapped in a greatcoat) rose and whispered something to a companion.
To Pierre's timid look of inquiry after reading the letter she replied by asking him to go, but to fix a definite date for his return.
When asked why I would not go to Wellesley, I replied that there were only girls there.
When a psychologist asked her if Miss Keller spelled on her fingers in her sleep, Miss Sullivan replied that she did not think it worth while to sit up and watch, such matters were of so little consequence.
Once when some one asked her to define "love," she replied, "Why, bless you, that is easy; it is what everybody feels for everybody else."
To the Polish general he replied to the same effect, informing him that he was already under the command of the German.
Dolokhov replied that they were not hungry and must push on farther that night.
When asked why he now went public with his so-called gift, he replied he was establishing a business to locate missing children.
When I asked her what she was doing, she replied, "I am a very funny camel."
When Denisov had come to Pokrovsk at the beginning of his operations and had as usual summoned the village elder and asked him what he knew about the French, the elder, as though shielding himself, had replied, as all village elders did, that he had neither seen nor heard anything of them.