Replicas Sentence Examples
And thus, close student of natures processes, methods, and effects as the Japanese art workman is, he ever seeks to produce humble replicas from his only art master.
One is very much like another, and nearly all their streets are replicas of the better alleys of Seoul.
There are endless stores set up selling replicas.
They are enlarged replicas of the primeval wooden hut described above, having rafters with their upper ends crossed; thatched or shingled roof; boarded floors, and logs laid on the roof-ridge at right angles for the purpose of binding the ridge and the rafters firmly together.
To many critics it seemed that she had said her whole say and that nothing but replicas could follow.
In the 1980's, crown brooch replicas were back in style.
In 1882 he repeated his great patriotic success of 1874 with a group " Quand Memel" replicas of which have been set up at Belfort and in the garden of the Tuileries.
One of the most popular segments of this market has, of course, been the racer replicas.
Exact replicas of production models can be used to solicit focus group feedback on proposed new features.
You do it all while sporting high quality replicas!
AdvertisementIf you're looking for a single pair of replicas for yourself, this probably will not be the place for you.
Another option is to keep your eyes open for Maui Jim replicas in the Voyager style.
Clients will be asked to note that the period weaponry utilized, albeit replicas, are real, not props.
They are exact replicas down to the tiniest detail except for tires, chain and spark plugs.
The statuary includes two Rogers groups, an original Truman Bartlett plaster statuette, and replicas of Leonard Volk 's work.
AdvertisementHello, We are professional manufacturer who can provide more than 150 AAAA grade Classical replicas tiffany jewelries at very favorable price.
You can pick one from an off-the-rack line, or you can buy inexpensive replicas of very expensive designer handbags.
Designer Handbags City has a big selection of handbags, including many replicas.
In general, authentic jerseys come with sewn on numbers and logos, whereas replicas are printed.
The swords you purchase can be replicas from the ancient past or recent history, or can be real swords made for actual use.
AdvertisementMany of the early pins are replicas, but you can use them to complete your collection.
They feel that each piece of log furniture is unique based on the particular wood used in the project and that precise plans are meant to create exact replicas of an item that is easily duplicated.
Instead of buying true retro furniture, consider purchasing replicas.
Major retailers sell some knockoffs, and other replicas are available online at stores like Design Within Reach or Plow & Hearth.
The rarity of true antique pieces can make them expensive and hard to find, so many people purchase replicas of original designs as an alternative.
AdvertisementFurniture makers are creating cottage style bedroom sets, couches and chairs that are replicas of past pieces.
Replicas of vintage sword designs can be found in all price ranges and then displayed as eye-catching focal points.
Many of these designs are authentic replicas while others are created as abstract modern interpretations of ancient symbols.
Since 1895, Oshkosh B'gosh has manufactured kid-sized replicas of various types of adult work clothing.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the company began following suit with other Japanese companies like Greco and started producing replicas of American guitars like the Les Paul and Stratocaster.
At the time, these guitars were seen as knock offs available at a discounted price, but over time they have really held up, and some people believe the replicas are actually of a higher quality than the originals produced at the same time.
When we talk about Chanel earring knockoffs, we are not talking about replicas that use the Chanel brand name illegally, but rather items that are inspired by the original Chanel jewelry.
Jewelry sells beautiful modern replicas of jewelry from the 1920s and other vintage eras that evoke the Chanel look.
The Memoire collections are replicas of jewelry from earlier times and are created by the Meilleurs Ouviers de France, or the Best Craftsmen in France.
At various times in fashion, replicas of the brooch were designed.
Current replicas of the Victorian crown brooch are actually harder to find than older vintage originals and retro reproductions of the brooch.
The design may be hard to find today but it would not be surprising if replicas appeared all over America in the next decade.
These include precise replicas of the jewelry that was worn in the film and jewelry that has been created using the movie as inspiration.
Many of the jewelry designs that you'll find in 1928 Jewelry pieces are replicas of what you might find in an attic, yard sale or estate auction.
Some rings sold as replicas look nothing like the original ring.
Today, you'll find replicas of antique ring chests and modern artistic designs.
Like many popular items, there are many replicas out there that are fakes.
Just pick up a pair of replicas that fit your budget.
The high price of the glasses has led to a large number of replicas and fakes being available on the market.
If you're looking for replicas, try a store such as Not Designer for designer-inspired styles.
You'll need to do a bit of homework to ensure that when you pay for a pair of Maui Jims, you're getting an authentic pair rather than replicas.
If you really enjoy the look of Maui Jims but don't especially need the technology that backs them (or the price), you can opt for replicas.
You can find these replicas at some amazingly inexpensive prices!
The listing claims that these are some of the absolute best replicas available.
No matter what your reason for looking for Chronicles of Riddick goggles, there are a few sites online where you can purchase a pair of replicas.
If half-price is still too expensive, the next step down is to purchase fakes or replicas.
While fakes are illegal imitations that are being presented as the real thing, clearly marked replicas are completely legal.
You can usually purchase replicas for under $20.
They have a wide selection of replicas modeled after Maui Jim styles.
If you simply like the style and you want to pay less than retail, consider replicas as well.
While replicas offer high style at a lower price than their big-name counterparts, make sure that the retailer is reputable and that you are still being sold a quality product.
There won't be the problem, then, that quite a few replicas have of blocking debris with the lens (no shattering), only to have the lens come out the other side and hit the wearer.
Focusers makes it easy to shop online for your eyeglass frames, including categories such as Face or Head Size (smaller and wider than average frames), Civil War Replicas, Most Popular, Updated Classics, and more.
Though you usually won't find replicas or knockoff Oakleys here, you can find a few every now and then.
Imposter City, which sells replicas for under $20.
When shopping for wholesale deals be sure that you are purchasing legal replicas.
Legal replicas are those that are designer inspired and do not claim to be authentic or use copied logos or trademarks.
There are various sites that specialize in wholesale designer replicas and many feature fake versions of Oakleys.
The unscrupulous market them as the real deal; the more honest call them "replicas" or "inspired-by" designs.
While some experts classify "replicas" and "inspired-by" designs as "fakes," they are not true fakes if they state clearly that they are not the real deal.
No. Some manufacturers specialize in low-cost replicas, and they use quality materials in their production.
If you are concerned about the "look" rather than the quality, these inexpensive replicas can be an alternative to the expensive designer brands.
Popular Glasses guarantees authentic products, so these should not be mere replicas.
That's where well-made replicas come in.
As long as you're not wearing them for their performance, imitations, replicas, and knockoffs can be a great way to save money while looking like you splurged.
The plastic and metal used to make replicas are rarely of the quality that designers use in their shades.
Do your homework on the sellers, though, to make sure you aren't getting replicas rather than the real thing.
Due to the popularity of this style, there are many replicas out there that look very close to the real deal.
Replicas are everywhere from local malls to sites online.
Some replicas look almost identical to the originals and it can be hard to distinguish between the two.
Make sure that the pair of replicas you are purchasing are at least done in one of the colors available for that model.
There are kiosks filled with replicas, including ones that are modeled after Oakleys.
Buying replicas to wear for style is perfectly fine.
Many of them replicas out there today are reminiscent of designs from the 1940's and offer comfort, durability, and functionality.
In some cases, they're not just old-fashioned replicas, they're actually from the correct era.
While a pair of replica Chanel sunglass that offers a similar type of glamour and clean styling is legal, attempting to sell fake Chanel replicas as real Chanel's are not.
Even the slightly blurry peripheral vision may not be enough to hinder you when you wear a pair of replicas, depending on the quality of the ones you pick up.
For those who love high style but live on real-world budgets, replicas are an affordable alternative to their pricier counterparts.
Replicas do claim to resemble designer glasses, often with a sidebar label that indicates the designer style inspiration.
Legal replicas, however, do not have the same trademarks or logos as the original designers, nor do they claim to be designer glasses.
Unfortunately, sunglass standards and labeling are voluntary and unregulated, so look for replicas that have the style you like and also provide information about their UV protection and materials.
The hinges on quality replicas should move smoothly and not rattle.
Although one of the greatest advantages of replicas is their affordability, be wary of extremely low prices, which may indicate inferior craftsmanship and poor materials.
Check the company's return policy in case the replicas are not what you ordered, different than what was shown on the web, or don't fit properly.
This is one of the most accurate replicas around.
There are a few online stores that sell replicas, but don't forget about less expensive quick fixes to your costume needs in the form of tinted swim goggles.
From hand-crafted replicas to rubber swim goggles with tinted lenses, you're bound to find what you're looking for online, either in a store or on a classifieds or auction site.
Reel World Props seems to have some of the best Riddick goggle replicas on the Internet.
Riders Eye has a few tinted swim goggle styles that may work, especially if you're designing a costume but you aren't super picky about having exact replicas as opposed to just something that gets the message across.
These are a much cheaper alternative to the carefully designed replicas meant to look exactly like the goggles from the Chronicles of Riddick movie, down to the last crevice.
There are a few sellers on eBay that frequently advertise their Riddick goggle replicas for sale.
These will bring you to a collection of online merchants who have exactly what you are looking for and you can shop and compare between them to find the best price in rimless replicas or designers.
Sunglass Replicas is another great online site to turn to for your Versace fix.
The best part is that all of the looks offered at Sunglass Replicas are available for less than $27.00.
You may even feel that purchasing a dozen pairs for $26.00 is worth it for a single pair of replicas.
Just be sure to let your customers know that they are replicas.
Qualities of replica glasses vary widely, but good quality replicas are predictably top sellers.
Replicas should not claim to be or be sold as the original brands or they will be violating copyright law; they should clearly state they are only inspired by or that the style is comparable to the name brand.
Many will argue that buying Maui Jims at full price is worth it while others won't stop until they're sure they've found the absolute best deal on the real think or have located a pair of believable replicas.
You will usually pay just a fraction of the retail cost of a pair of Maui Jims when you purchase replicas.
That plan backfired because other manufacturers released consoles that played Pong replicas and other Pong-like games.
Collecting the Mini Kit pieces will earn you Lego replicas notable Star Wars vehicles, which are then displayed in the parking lot of the game's home base, Dexter's Diner.
In the 1920s, toy manufacturers created larger wooden boats that were exact replicas of pleasure boats and called them pond yachts.
You can also find British manufactured, hand-painted figures from brands such as Tradition, Alymer, Dorset, Imrie Miniatures, Britains Vintage Replicas, and Marlborough.
You should expect to pay anywhere from $100 to upwards of $1000 for celebrity gown replicas.
The replicas are done so similarly to the original dresses that it is often hard to tell them apart!
Allen Schwartz has been designing his replicas for over a decade and continues to do so.
Many lower-priced aromatherapy items merely use synthetic fragrance oil replicas of the specified essential oil blend.
In some rural villages, families would bring small replicas of their home to a festival where the entire community was recreated in miniature.
Fans are ingenious, however, and have figured out ways of constructing replicas that aren't difficult or expensive.
You can also get replicas of her Cullen Crest ring and turquoise cuff, both seen in New Moon.
Using the original specifications of the heirloom ring, a jeweler can easily make as many quality replicas as necessary.
In addition to celebrities sporting cubic zirconia pieces, the company also offer replicas of celebrity engagement rings for enthusiastic fans.
Many celebrity rings are available as inexpensive replicas, using cubic zirconia or other imitation stones set in cheaper metals.
Many versions of Bella's engagement ring replicas are true to the book description and movie props.
Twilight engagement ring replicas make nice promise rings for couples who want to make a statement of immortal love.
Ever since replicas of Bella's engagement ring hit the market, Twilight fans worldwide have selected Twilight engagement rings for their special life event.
Wedding bands engraved with Gaelic love poetry come in many modern styles as well as museum replicas of traditional rings.
Many honest replicas are available at approximately 10% of the price for a real version.
Since Brighton handbags are so popular, there are many replicas floating around.
However, be aware that some replicas also attempt to replicate the authenticity card.
Some replicas are of higher quality, however, consumers should be careful to ensure they are not buying an illegal fake.
Discontinued styles and used bags are the best option for finding designer styles at lower prices, while replicas and knock-offs are even less expensive but do not have the distinction of truly being designer styles.
Designer replicas and knock-offs are widely available and significantly less expensive.
More importantly, most replicas cost one fifth the price of an original.
However, the replica industry is growing more sophisticated, and, nowadays, some replicas are so well-made that only the most cunning socialite or manufacturer can spot the difference.
Hence, these handbags are not replicas, but rather knockoffs of popular designer handbag styles.
However, do pay special attention to exactly what you are purchasing, as many bags that claim to be designer inspired may actually be replicas.
However, in order to avoid potential replicas it is recommended that any Tod's merchandise be scrutinized carefully when purchased from unauthorized online vendors.
The majority of these items are very clever replicas.
Unfortunately, the replica industry is a pernicious force within the fashion world and it has grown to such proportions that today, most of the designer handbags you find at online auctions are well-designed replicas.
Unfortunately the cleverest replicas are now boasting both dust bags and authenticity cards, which make things very difficult for consumers.
It is recommended that you not purchase Dooney & Bourke bags or merchandise from any unauthorized online vendor as most of these products are replicas.
These handbags are authentic replicas of the original Lightship basket, which today is better known as the Nantucket Basket.
Keep in mind, these products can also be purchased online, but be on the lookout for replicas!
Also be sure to avoid replicas, since these are styles that attempt to directly copy from the designer.
Internet auctions are always risky, and although esoteric pieces like vintage Bakelite handbags aren't subject to replicas the way many designer products are, you may still want to keep an eye open for fakes.
It is unwise to purchase Fiore products from online auctions due to the amount of replicas cluttering the current market.
Buyers should be wary of all designer items sold by unauthorized online vendors, as it is very common for these products to be replicas.
Dooney & Bourke, like other popular designer handbags, has been the subject of many illegal replicas, so be sure you are buying from a trusted source when purchasing the bags.
There are even many replicas of this popular print being reproduced.
Buying exact replicas of designer handbags can sound enticing to shoppers on a budget, but these duplicates have hidden costs.
There is plenty of verbiage surrounding the handbag and fashion industry, but when it comes to designer replicas, there is an important distinction to be made.
Although counterfeit replicas are often sold at a lower price than an original handbag, there are many hidden costs, for the consumer and others.
By considering designer-inspired or mid-level authentic designer bags rather than exact replicas of designer handbags, you can avoid the many issues associated with counterfeit bags.
Though they do pop up on eBay and other auction sites from time to time, the possibility exists that they are replicas.
Not only can you buy cute boy rompers, overalls, shorts, and pants made of knit fabrics, there are replicas of adult jeans, flannel shirts, and sports clothing.
Dinosaur Corporation sells dinosaure party supplies, bedding, puzzles, replicas, and clothing.
Quality of real luggage pieces will be much higher than those of replicas.
Some replicas look and feel like they'd be just as good as the originals.
It has gotten to the point where the majority of designer items on eBay are truly replicas.
Within a month the replicas you paid at least $100 for will be looking as worn and ungainly as a pair of ordinary shoes.
Replicas are cheaper, but they will wear out as quickly as cheaper products.
Counterfeit (fake) shoes are replicas of the original shoe that the seller tries to pass off as the real thing, although it may be at a lower or seemingly discounted price.
Several replicas are sold at online auctions such as eBay, so it is best only to purchase from large, recognizable, and authorized suppliers.
However, with so many replicas around it can be difficult to distinguish between legal replicas and outright counterfeit styles.
Counterfeit Uggs may look almost identical to legal replicas of the popular boot style, but there are both moral and legal issues involved.
Also, legal replicas and counterfeit styles are mostly offered for the same price, so since the money is the same it's much better to make a legal purchase and have a healthy conscious to boot.
Like many designer shoe styles, there are a number of Chanel Cambon ballet flat shoe replicas.
While replicas can be reputable in their own right, you want to make sure that you are getting exactly what you pay for.
If they could afford a genuine Chopard watch most everyone would want one, but some replicas are so well made you can hardly tell them apart from the real thing.
Swiss made watches are the best made replicas on the markets because they are manually assembled just like the original models and the quality of materials used is almost equal to the originals.
The tests these high quality replicas are put through are nearly as rigorous as what the manufacturers of real watches put their product through.
Another trustworthy source for designer watch replicas is Amatory.
This Chinese city is world-renowned for replicas of everything in any industry.
An excellent source for replicas and discounted designer watches is the Ireplica online store.
That being said, there are plenty of retailers of replicas that will take advantage of unknowing buyers.
The only way to protect yourself is to ensure that the merchant you are purchasing your replicas from has some things in place to keep you, the buyer, safe and satisfied with their product.
This is especially important if you are reselling as your customers may have questions about the watch replicas that you may not be able to answer.
This stylish design was very popular in the past and in fact is still popular, with many replicas available today.
The lady bug pendant replicas are also available in silver or red enamel.
Establish the retailer's credentials and ensure that the retailer is reputable, selling only original watches and not replicas.
There are clocks that make nature sounds, clocks that are antique replicas, clocks that are televisions as well as alarms and clocks that serve as a clock and a radio.
Today, the brand remains strong with many vintage replicas being made as well as a range of contemporary designs.
There is a risk with all designer products that counterfeiters may try to replicate the watch or unscrupulous dealers may sell inferior copies or replicas as the real thing.
A new Ikepod Solaris can cost over $6700 new and replicas are sold on the Internet for over $200.
With replicas being widely available, potential buyers should be careful when buying Ikepod wristwatches and to ensure that they are happy about the quality of the watch before purchasing.
Sometimes fake or knockoff watches are extremely poorly made and are such bad replicas that they won't fool anyone.
People with limited means who yearn for status and opulence often turn to replicas to get the things they want.
While there are plenty of Graham replicas to choose from, caution is important.
You can find good quality replicas of the Silverstone collection at Top Replica.
Wading through the terminology associated with knockoff watches and replicas can be confusing.
Due to this surge in collectability, many nefarious companies regularly flood the market with well-made replicas, which are generally worth less than the authentic models.
There are only three free counted cross stitch patterns available at Epic Stitch, but they are high quality replicas of William Bouguereau paintings.
If you find yourself in the Orient, or if you know of a reasonable tailor or seamstress, take that "one bra" to them and have the professional create several replicas from the original.
If your lingerie style is more pinup than modern day, you probably love vintage stockings and want to know where you can buy authentic nylons--real ones as well as replicas.
For online shopping, check out these retailers who proudly stock vintage stockings and in some cases, replicas as well.
These replicas are often marketed as the real thing, but at ridiculously low prices.
The website also has decals and special paint available.For smaller replicas, go to Space Toys.
Toy versions of these weapons can be purchased in the toy aisle of your favorite department stores, but for die hard fans actual replicas can be purchased.
With the huge popularity and cult following of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the selection of Lord of the Rings merchandise has grown to include a wide range of things from jewelry to weapon replicas.
Replicas of the Lord of the Rings weapons are clear favorites.
We're not talking about plastic toy weaponry, but replicas inspired by the Lord of the Rings movies.
Electronic forms are exact replicas of their paper counterparts.
Star Trek uniform replicas are the perfect choice whether you are a Trekkie looking for that perfect outfit for the next convention, planning a Star Trek wedding or attending a party during a Star Trek cruise.
For many fans, wearing Star Trek uniform replicas shows their devotion to the concept of the series.
While you're probably going to be hard-pressed to find an authentic 19th century baseball uniform, you can still buy replicas.
If you're looking for something more decorative than functional, many costume resources such as Fun House Theatrical have replicas that even have working lamps and convincing shapes.
The uniform worn by the Army in World War I is now a much sought after collector's item, though you can order fairly accurate replicas online at websites such as Great War Militaria.
These uniforms are replicas that are designed to look like the real thing.
You can purchase both authentic leather helmets as well as replicas.
Neckties, posters, miniature replicas, and even truck hitch covers in the shape of your favorite team are available on the site.
Other companies offer throwback replicas as well.
Replicas are often available at the start of the season.
All others are merely earthly replicas, imperfect because they are bound up in our finiteness, yet illustrating a vital eternal reality.
Anakin skywalker episode iii fx lightsaber by master replicas star wars master replicas prop replica from episode iii measures 44 x 2 diameter.
There are also life-size replicas of various extinct species outside in the grounds.
Unfortunately the medals were not ready in time for the civic presentation and cardboard replicas had to be presented in lieu.
The statuary includes two Rogers groups, an original Truman Bartlett plaster statuette, and replicas of Leonard Volk's work.
The opponents of the book rely (1) on the testimony of a certain Louis Guyon, who in 1604 declared that the fifth book was made long after Rabelais's death by an author whom he knew, and who was not a doctor, and on the assertion of the bibliographer Du Verdier, about the same time, that it was written by an "ecolier de Valence"; (2) on the fact that the anti-monastic and even anti-Catholic polemic is much more accentuated in it; (3) on the arguments that parts are apparently replicas or rough drafts of passages already appearing in the four earlier books; and (4) that some allusions are manifestly posterior to even the furthest date which can be assigned for the reputed author's decease.
Replicas are available on the web and at storefront retailers.