Replacing Sentence Examples
These will be replacing our broken radars.
Even when he spoke of replacing her with a nymph.
She imagined him snarling over the book she pushed in and replacing the one she'd been reading.
He snatched it from her, instinctively replacing it around his neck.
He changed directions and pulled on loose judo pants that settled low on his hips before replacing the red gem at his throat.
Replacing it around her neck, she tucked it into her shirt.
Upon the replacing of the Rump by the army, after the breaking up of Richard's parliament, Cooper endeavoured unsuccessfully to take his seat on the ground of his former disputed election for Downton.
Furthermore, with the large furnaces which gas-firing makes possible mechanical appliances may be substituted for manual labour in many operations, such as removing and replacing broken retorts, mixing and conveying the charge, drawing and casting the metal, charging and emptying the retorts, and removing the residues and products.
It is chemically related to cadmium and mercury, the resemblance to cadmium being especially well marked; one distinction is that zinc is less basigenic. Zinc is capable of isomorphously replacing many of the bivalent metals - magnesium, manganese, iron, nickel, cobalt and cadmium.
The Monophysites had the sympathy of the emperor Anastasius, and were finally successful in ousting Flavian in 512 and replacing him by their partisan Severus.
AdvertisementOther educational establishments are Queen's University, replacing the old Queen's College (1849) under the Irish Universities Act 1908; the Presbyterian and the Methodist Colleges, occupying neighbouring sites close to the extensive botanical gardens, the Royal Academical Institution, and the Municipal Technical Institute.
By this means the time of stoppage is reduced to a minimum, 8 seconds for a three-decked cage as against 28 seconds, as the operations of lowering the tubs to the level of the pit-top, discharging, and replacing them are performed during the time that the following load is being drawn up the pit.
The first, which is the best known but is of limited application, consists in replacing each successive portion of the figure by another figure whose ordinate is an algebraical function of x or of x and y, and expressing the area or volume of this latter figure (exactly or approximately) in terms of the given ordinates.
The method is then modified by replacing B by an expression which gives the areas of the substituted figures approximately.
During his father's lifetime he was led by her into court intrigues which aimed at driving the king's favourite minister, Floridablanca, from office, and replacing him by Aranda, the chief of the "Aragonese" party.
AdvertisementA stone arch bridge, with nine arches, built of granite at a cost of $1,700,000 and dedicated in 1908, spans the Connecticut (replacing the old Connecticut river bridge built in 1818 and burned in 1895), and connects Hartford with the village of East Hartford in the township of East Hartford (pop. 1900, 6406), which has important paper-manufacturing and tobacco-growing interests.
Replacing then the angle i on the right-hand side of equations (54) - (56) by some mean value, t, we introduce Siacci's pseudovelocity u defined by (59) u = q sec, t, so that u is a quasi-component parallel to the mean direction of the tangent, say the direction of the chord of the arc.
The name of any particular member of the series is derived from that of the corresponding member of the paraffin series by removing the final syllable "-ane," and replacing it by the syllable "ylene."
At this point the Maas is crossed by a bridge erected in 1866-67, and the Roer by one dating from 1771, replacing an older structure, and connecting Roermond with the suburb of St Jacob.
Since loge(I +x) =x-2x 2 -3x 3 - 4x4+&c., we have, by changing the sign of x, log e (I - x) _ - x - zx 2 - 3x 3 - x 4 - &c.; whence g 1 +x to=2(x+ix'+1x5+&c.), e l - x and, therefore, replacing x by p +q, log e q =2 p +q +3 () 3T ?
AdvertisementIn 1909 indeed there were some disquieting symptoms. Owing to Diaz's age the vice-presidency had been revived in 1904, and Don Ramon Corral elected to it; but at the elections of 1909 a movement arose in favour of replacing him by General Bernardo Reyes, Governor of Nuevo Leon, but he was disposed of by an official commission to study the military systems of Europe.
The mineral has occasionally been observed as a recent formation replacing organic matter, such as wood; and it is sometimes found in beds of coal.
Although Pierce during his term in the Senate had severely criticized the Whigs for their removals of Democrats from office, he himself now adopted the policy of replacing Whigs by Democrats, and the country acquiesced.
A curious chain suspension bridge across the Merrimac, connecting Newburyport with Amesbury, was built in 1827, replacing a similar bridge built in 1810, which was one of the first suspension bridges in America.
The four weights are so adjusted that, if the instrument floats with the stem emerging as far as the lower division o with one of the weights attached, then replacing the weight by the next heavier causes the instrument to sink through the whole length of the scale to the upper division o, and the first weight produces the same effect when applied to the naked instrument.
AdvertisementGoldstein 7 was able to show that an increase in the current density is capable of destroying the well-known spectra of the alkali metals, replacing them by quite a new set of lines.
By suitably replacing the ocular of the observing telescope in an angular vision spectroscope by a photographic camera, it is possible to photograph spectra; such instruments are termed spectrographs.
Save in some parts of Germany, where the influence of Luther saved the churches from wreck, an iconoclastic wave spread over the greater part of Western Europe, wherever the " new religion " prevailed; everywhere churches were cleared of images and reduced to the state of those described by William Harrison in his Description of England (1570), only the " pictures in glass " being suffered in some cases to survive for a while " by reason of the extreme cost of replacing them."
Italy regarded the pope more than ever as a foe within its walls; and the policy of the pope, as regards Italy, aimed at replacing the kingdom by one or more republics, in which the temporal power should, in some form or other, find a place.
Seeing that sodium was the only possible reducing agent, he set himself to cheapen its cost, and deliberately rejecting sodium carbonate for the more expensive sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), and replacing carbon by a mixture of iron and carbon - the so-called carbide of iron - he invented the highly scientific method of winning the alkali metal which has remained in existence almost to the present day.
It is largely replacing brass and copper in all departments of industry - especially where dead weight has to be moved about, and lightness is synonymous with economy - for instance, in bed-plates for torpedo-boat engines, internal fittings for ships instead of wood, complete boats for portage, motor-car parts and boiling-pans for confectionery and in chemical works.
It is of the familiar type of the replacing of the simple but wasteful by the complex and economical, and it was begun unintentionally in the attempt to save fuel and labour, by increasing the size and especially the height of the forge, and by driving the bellows by means of water-power.
In steel-making, electric furnaces are used for two distinct purposes, first for making steel sufficiently better than Bessemer and open-hearth steels to replace these for certain important purposes, and second for replacing the very expensive crucible process for making the very best steel.
The Church has publishing houses in Philadelphia (replacing that of Chambersburg, Pa., founded in 1840 and destroyed in July 1864 by the Confederate army) and in Cleveland, Ohio.
Black blende containing ferrous sulphide, in amounts up to 15 or 20% isomorphously replacing zinc sulphide, is known as marmatite (from Marmato near Guayabal in Colombia, South America) and christophite (from St Christophe mine at Breitenbrunn near Eibenstock in Saxony).
The period of unlearning the Chinese methods, and replacing the Chinese plants, had to be lived through.
From the war indemnity large sums had been expended on coast defence, on fortifications and on replacing the equipment and stores isa destroyed during the war.
From these rocks in the Ottawa valley are quarried or mined granite, marble, magnificent blue sodalite, felspar, talc, actinolite, mica, apatite, graphite and corundum; the latter mineral, which occurs on a larger scale here than elsewhere, is rapidly replacing emery as an abrasive.
The population is chiefly of British descent, though in the eastern counties numerous French Canadians are flocking in from Quebec and in some instances by purchase of farms replacing the British.
This instrument was made with a pendulum weight of I loo kilos or over a ton; and with a modified construction the weight was increased to 17,000 kilos or nearly 19 tons, portability being obtained by replacing the solid pendulum of the smaller instrument by a shell which can be filled with barytes, a heavy mineral readily obtainable in most places.
Then came the religious fanaticism of Akhenaton, mutilating all figures of Ammon and all inscriptions containing his name; this made havoc of the exquisite monuments of Hatshepsut; and the restorers of the XIXth Dynasty, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the queen, had no scruples in replacing her names by those of the associate kings Tethmosis I., II.
The rotatory system presents many advantages and is rapidly replacing the older methods of cement making.
The parish church of Crathie (1903), replacing the kirk of 1806, is 12 m.
The Turks who had placed him on the throne could not maintain themselves, but so insignificant was the person of the caliph that `Adod addaula, who succeeded his cousin Bakhtiyar in Bagdad, did not think of replacing him by another.
Everywhere else the change from iron weapons to bronze is immediate, but at Hallstatt iron is seen gradually superseding bronze, first for ornament, then for edging cutting instruments, then replacing fully the old bronze types, and finally taking new forms of its own.
He felt, too, that even if the plan were as successful as Conrad claimed it would be, its effect on the general course of the war would not be sufficiently important to warrant the risk taken in detaching a strong German force for the enterprise itself, or for replacing Austro-Hungarian divisions in the east if the actual attack should be left to Germany's ally.
Besides reforming the city's constitution to the advantage of the Ionians and replacing Dorian cults by the worship of Dionysus, Cleisthenes gained renown as the chief instigator and general of the First Sacred War (5go) in the interests of the Delphians.
They fall ill, and there is difficulty in replacing them, or they play the traitor.
Such mistakes as, for instance, the replacing of Catinat by Villeroi may be attributed to her, but not whole policies - notably, according to Saint-Simon, not the policy with regard to the Spanish succession.
The supreme authority is vested in the home secretary, but the immediate command and control is exercised by the chief commissioner, with three assistants, replacing the two commissioners provided for in 1829.
The state capitol was built in 1880-1882, replacing another burned in 1862.
Devon, notably near Liskeard, where fine crystals have been found, with faces of the six-faced octahedron replacing the corners of the cube.
Heeren who, at the opening of the 19th century, first laid that emphasis upon the economic factors in history which is to-day slowly replacing the Augustinian explanation of its evolution.
The draft bill of 1901 had left the autocratic power of the sovereign unchanged; the colonial bill as passed by the commission completely reversed the situation, replacing the absolutism of the king by thorough parliamentary control.
In a young cone the seminiferous scale appears as a hump of tissue at the base or in the axil of the carpellary scale, but Celakovsky, a strong supporter of the axillary-bud theory, attaches little or no importance to this kind of evidence, regarding the present manner of development as being merely an example of a short cut adopted in the course of evolution, and replacing the original production of a branch in the axil of each carpellary scale.
Under certain conditions it is less; thus IIII, the old Roman notation for four, is difficult to distinguish from III, and this may have been the main reason for replacing it by IV (§ 15).
The possibility of replacing them by a standard form, which could be utilized for performing arithmetical operations, is worthy of consideration; some of the difficulties in the way of standardization have already been indicated (§ 14).
In reference to the use of the sign X with the converting factor, it should be observed that " lb X " symbolizes the replacing of so many times 4 lb by the same number of times 7 lb, while " 4 X " symbolizes the replacing of 4 times something by 7 times that something.
With the saccharine variety of sorghum, which increased greatly in the same period, this grain is replacing Indian corn.
In1906-1907a fresh crusade to enforce the law was begun by the attorney-general, who brought ouster suits against the mayors of Wichita, Junction City, Pittsburg and Leavenworth for not enforcing the law and for replacing it with the " fine " system, which was merely an irregular licence.
Dissenters had, in the main, stood shoulder to shoulder with churchmen in rejecting the suspicious benefits of James, and both gratitude and policy forbade the thought of replacing them under the heavy yoke which had been imposed on them at the Restoration.
With the exception of this replacing pair of teeth in each jaw, it is considered by many authorities that the marsupial dentition corresponds to the deciduous, or milk, dentition of placentals.
After he became president the action of the king in replacing the expelled fellows with Roman Catholics agitated him to such a degree as to hasten his end; to the priests sent to persuade him on his death-bed to be received into the Roman Church he declared that he " never had been and never would be of that religion," and he died in the communion of the Church of England.
Propane, CH 3 CH 2 CH 3, can give rise to two alcohols - a primary alcohol, CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH (normal propyl alcohol), formed by replacing a hydrogen atom attached to a terminal carbon atom, and a secondary alcohol, CH 3.
He therefore reinstituted the parlement in its ancient right of remonstrance (suspended since the declarations of 1667 and 1673), and handed over ministerial power to the nobility, replacing the secretaries of state by six councils composed in part of great nobles, on the advice of the famous duc de Saint-Simon.
Thus the first governmental act of the queen was an error, and dissipated the hope of replacing special privileges by a general guarantee given to the nation, which alone could have postponed a revolution.
On his return to England in 1496 he took orders and settled at Oxford, where he lectured on the epistles of St Paul, replacing the old scholastic method of interpretation by an exegesis more in harmony with the new learning.
There the meal is packed by hand in "scourtins," bags made of plaited coco-nut leaves - replacing the woollen cloths used in England.
The Thirty Years' War afforded them frequent opportunities of replacing the village Schulzen, or magistrates, with officials of their own; and the fact that their share of taxation was wholly wrung from the peasants made the burden of the latter much heavier than that of the townsmen.
His smile reassured her, sapping the ire and replacing it with peace.
Many of them were ones he had suggested – like the size of the fireplace and replacing the stairs with a spiral staircase.
They took extra time replacing the gear, trying to duplicate exactly the way they'd found it.
Gross international happiness is a new concept in economic thinking aimed at replacing the western paradigm of economic productivity and well-being.
He finally became superintendent of Sydney Botanic Garden, replacing his brother who was killed by aborigines in 1835.
The air conditioning equipment also operated with refrigerants that now need replacing with more environmentally acceptable alternatives.
Putting up and replacing TV aerials unless in a communal area.
The fault has finally been remedied by replacing the old copper anode by a new one.
There is a danger of inadvertently - or knowingly - replacing warrior aristocrats with an equally romantic and misleading view of Iron Age societies.
So there would be no fan backlash in replacing Bridge further down the track.
One went to Peckham Rye, and the other went to Southwark Park, replacing a smaller bandstand which went to Plumstead.
Should they need replacing the bulbs are available from all good hardware stores.
When replacing these bushings, do not tighten completely until vehicle is lowered to its normal ride position.
All the conservation bodies involved have made it clear from the start that there is no quarrel with replacing the chairlift.
Rather than just replacing conventional welding techniques, lasers can now deliver " brand new processing systems " .
You just cannot spend billions of pounds replacing level crossings.
Can yon imagine the ferocious resistance which must have arisen to abolishing the old numbered regiments and replacing them by territorial designations?
Altering or replacing any of the windows and doors, including double-glazing and roof lights.
Rather than replacing either of these, hypermedia ethnography will carve out its own role.
Entering service in July 1954 it became the Royal Air Forceâs standard single-seat fighter, replacing Meteor, Saber and Venom aircraft.
This would include replacing an electrical fitting, socket outlets, control switches and ceiling roses.
Equally at home as an external cladding or replacing flagstones on garden paths and steps.
The building is old, and the creaking floorboards badly need replacing.
A split steering rack gaiter is an MoT failure point so it is well worth replacing the damaged part as quickly as possible.
The guided bus way would involve replacing the track with a concrete guideway and demolition of the stations to provide car parking.
They successfully completed their main objective of removing and replacing a faulty gyroscope on the International Space Station.
Wooden wedges (see replacing hafts and handles ). Rivets.
The affectations of riot grrl, hello kitty, little dresses, cartoon girls replacing real heroes, started to grate.
Congratulations on a worthy task, you deserve a knighthood for replacing images in our heads.
The iconic landmark chosen was the new library at Alexandria, replacing one of the lost wonders of the ancient world.
Nearly 60 per cent of the street lighting assets will need replacing over the first five years of the contract.
We will shortly be replacing the lino with a tiled floor.
He's the new milkman, replacing Dan Dairy who wasn't very good.
In 1548 the first Book of Common Prayer was issued replacing the old Latin missals and service books.
In Victorian times replacing the stone parapets with cast iron, themselves replaced with masonry in the 1920's.
He's relatively new to front-line politics, replacing Frank Dobson when he went off to be humiliated in the London Mayoral elections.
The Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2002, highlighted that the Council could no longer afford this way of replacing prefabs.
The work might entail installing access ramps or replacing a bath with a shower, for example.
And we will have an exciting new reward for people to save, replacing the old contracting-out rebates.
We've had to totally redo all the packaging in a new DVD box, replacing the old CD cases in the process.
The present portal is a drastic reduction of the original with 18th-century details replacing all but the doorway.
Two Dragonflys were issued to every coastal air station, again replacing the Sea Otter in the air-sea rescue role.
He advocated replacing the rote learning method of teaching with independent inquiry and discovery based problem solving.
America's Funniest Home Videos made its debut on Sunday night, January 14th, 1990, replacing a short-lived sitcom called Free Spirit.
Cells lining the small intestine These are knocked off as food passes through the intestine and so they need constantly replacing.
Replacing some non-polar solvents with polar ones may also be beneficial.
Bucky tube elevators could reach outer space, thereby replacing cumbersome space shuttles.
When replacing spark plugs take great care not damage the threads in the cylinder head.
Whilst diagnosis is simple, replacing a stator does mean removal of the engine and rear crankcase cover.
In 1981, the Olympia was bought by Sally Shipping and refitted, with diesels replacing the steam turbines.
Three years later, a new building was developed on the site, with a slate roof replacing the thatch.
By the mid-1960's, the microchip was replacing the transistor.
For example, replacing typewriters on every desk with computer terminals may only result in faster typing.
Finish by rolling up the white underlay, placing it in the box on top of the other materials and replacing the lid.
Replacing the high resistance voltmeter with a bulb in the above cells allows a current to flow.
The buyer is incapable of upgrading his or her PC internally, but thinks replacing speakers involves being a technical wiz.
In 1966 he joined The yardbirds, replacing Eric Clapton who had recently left to work with Blues maestro John Mayall.
The recognition of the polybasicity of acids, which followed from the researches of Thomas Graham and Liebig, had caused Williamson to suggest that dibasic acids could be referred to a double water type, the acid radical replacing an atom of hydrogen in each water molecule; while his discovery of tribasic formic ether, CH(OC 2 H 5) 3, in 1854 suggested a triple water type.
Pointing out that condensed types can only be fused with a radical replacing more than one atom of hydrogen, he laid the foundation of the doctrine of valency, a doctrine of incalcul able service to the knowledge of the structure of chemical compounds.
Equally well we may derive it from methane by replacing a hydrogen atom by the monovalent group CH 2 CH 31 named ethyl; hence propane may be considered as " ethylmethane."
Algebraic treatment consists in replacing either of the terms A or B by an expression which we know from the laws of arithmetic to be equivalent to it.
The earliest mercurial pump, devised by Swedenborg and described in his Miscellanea observata circa yes naturales (1722), was statical in action, consisting essentially in replacing the solid piston of the mechanical pump by a column of mercury, which by being alternately raised and lowered gradually exhausted a vessel.
Have I convinced you that replacing people with machines frees people from the bondage of doing machine work?
It will know everyone who is supposed to be in the house and alert you when someone else is in the house (replacing the family dog of old in whom we never fully placed our trust).
We are replacing monarchy with self-rule.
Economic accomplishments replacing military ones for men.
Not only are we eliminating historically warlike forms of government, we are replacing them with peaceful ones, namely democracy.
They now, stretching themselves after sitting so long, and replacing their purses and pocketbooks, entered the ballroom.
Amid the smoke, deafened by the incessant reports which always made him jump, Tushin not taking his pipe from his mouth ran from gun to gun, now aiming, now counting the charges, now giving orders about replacing dead or wounded horses and harnessing fresh ones, and shouting in his feeble voice, so high pitched and irresolute.
We 've had to totally redo all the packaging in a new DVD box, replacing the old CD cases in the process.
The materials should be used to re-lay the line to Bow Bridge, replacing the now expired track with better materials.
Window frames and double glazing units should be removed by the contractor replacing the units.
There is however one very definite advantage in using ball or taper roller bearings in a headstock - the ease of replacing them.
Patricia Hewitt has been named secretary of state for health, replacing John Reid.
America 's Funniest Home Videos made its debut on Sunday night, January 14th, 1990, replacing a short-lived sitcom called Free Spirit.
These orbifold singularities in the backgrounds could be resolved, by replacing a small neighborhood of the nut, by an ALE metric.
The idea of replacing old, damaged brain cells with spanking new ones is not original.
Containing SPLENDA® Sucralose, Ice Cream REBALANCE 500 reduces calories by replacing bulk sweeteners with a tailored Tate & Lyle sweetening system.
He will be replacing John Southcombe on tutti solo cornet who has had to leave the band due to work commitments.
Both offside doors need replacing due to vandalism damage.
By replacing 68 vane type air motors with piston type air motors, an automotive paint plant has cut air consumption by 85 %.
In 1966 he joined The Yardbirds, replacing Eric Clapton who had recently left to work with Blues maestro John Mayall.
The company was trying to stay in the forefront of their industry by replacing all of their old and obsolete equipment.
The wonderful idea behind a jungle nursery is that it is easily transformed into a preschooler's haven by removing the crib and replacing it with a toddler bed or full-size bed.
If you’re simply replacing an oven one-to-one, just measure the width of the existing appliance and shop for one that matches the size.
If you are merely replacing the sink with a newer version but keeping the cabinetry, the sink will likely need to be the same size and shape.
If, however, you are replacing the whole cabinet then you have a little more freedom.
Together, go through the clothes she currently owns to see what needs replacing, as well as what kind of clothing she already has enough of.
Most libraries have sales a few times a year of old books in their collection they're replacing or getting rid of.
The major complaint against iPods in the past has been that the batteries need recharging and replacing too often.
If you have an old pair of running shoes you're replacing, bring them with you.
That is the easiest scenario, simply replacing the factory original that came with your bike.
Buying a motorcycle battery can be easily accomplished if you keep your bike make and model, the type of the battery you are replacing, the performance you want and the price you want to pay, in mind.
If you don't mind replacing these machines on a yearly basis, you may sacrifice quality for a cheaper price.
Replacing these particular items can be problematic, so carefully consider these aspects before making a purchase.
You can add a higher-quality fence to your table saw later on, without replacing the whole thing.
What reasons do you have for replacing your windows?
Knowing how to buy carpet is intimidating if you've never purchased carpet before or if you are replacing your current flooring and are at a loss on how to proceed on changing it out.
These cats became very popular with breeders and judges, replacing the rounder, heavier Traditional Siamese.
Make sure your budget allows for replacing the pan you've purchased every year or two.
The company recommends completely replacing the granules be every six months to keep the cat box as sanitary as possible.
In addition to replacing the granules every six months, you'll need to purchase the cleaning solutions as well.
Most owners report replacing their boxes every year or two, so factor that into your decision-making process.
You can try replacing your cat's litter with a less particulate form, preferably a natural version such as pine or corn.
Replacing a hospital regulation cup with a fun cup and bringing her favorite brush, comb, mirror, lotion, etc. can also be a simple way to provide comfort.
Gift cards are quickly replacing the traditional gift certificate as the preferred means by which to gift a certain amount at a certain store.
The concern for many is that they are replacing unsecured debt with secured equity in their home.
Creating or replacing a patio cushion is similar to sewing a pillow or simple couch cushion.
Some of these refurbishments may be good added value, like replacing the gas-lift or reclining mechanism in an office chair, or may be a hefty price tag added to a chair that's only been steam cleaned.
The stain won't come out and you're faced with the prospect of replacing the cushion.
For sagging cushions, try replacing the foam yourself.
If your friend is replacing his or her couch you may be able to get a good deal on the old one.
If you're replacing webbing on a chair you can likely use either size as long as it fits the pre-drilled holes on the chair frame.
If you find that more than one piece needs replacing, it's probably worthwhile to replace all of the existing webbing.
Replacing the webbing on an aluminum folding chair is really quite easy.
Before replacing your lawn furniture or having it professionally repaired, you can try fixing it yourself.
Sometimes these problems can be fixed, but if it's too far gone there isn't much point in replacing the webbing.
If you can't find something that matches consider replacing all of the webbing with a new color.
If you're replacing all of it, start at the back of the chair seat and lay the webbing across the seat (side to side), attaching it at the bottom of the frame.
Replacing lawn furniture cushions can be expensive if you do it frequently, so try to look for sales and deals.
It may sound like a lot of money but it's significantly less than replacing damaged furniture.
By replacing the stock furniture, which is generally very bland and boring, with pieces that you select, the dorm room feels more personal and makes you feel more at home.
In addition to the kits, you can also buy individual parts in case any part of your rainwater collection system fails or eventually needs replacing.
Replacing light bulbs is one more step in creating eco friendly houses.
Your home can be a lot more energy efficient if you concentrate on replacing energy hogs with more efficient equipment.
Replacing energy hogs in your home can be expensive.
Replacing your current heater and air conditioner with new energy-efficient units will reduce your monthly utility bill.
Plant Oil - Research indicates that plant and seed oil (think of products along the lines of Canola Oil) may provide a resource for replacing diesel fuel.
For homeowners that are concerned about replacing all of their cleaning products, many companies and stores offer starter kits that feature smaller sizes of several environmentally safe cleaners.
While many purists may feel that only buying green cleaning products is essential, positive results can be felt by replacing only a few cleaning products rather than replacing all the cleaners in your home.
As you become more comfortable shopping and using green items, you can then consider replacing other cleaning products.
You should also check regularly for leaks, replacing seals and tightening fixtures as necessary.
As you can see, going green is a complex process that needs to be taken one step at time while replacing current methods and products with green ones.
Newer science studies and experiment have shifted mainstream terminology and many global warming supporters are revising their opinions on CO2 effects, replacing these with natural solar activity and cosmic rays.
If not, consider replacing the counter or painting it to become the jumping off point of the rest of the decoration process.
Gradually, I've been replacing the hardware on my ten inside and outside doors.
Hearst dreamed of replacing the sophisticated camping and dining tents with a more inviting getaway.
If your bathroom has a long bathtub plus a shower, consider ripping out the tub and replacing it with a shower only unit.
Designers are now moving away from the symmetrical arrangements and replacing them with more asymmetrical, less stylized decorating ideas for fireplaces.
If you have one large, long mirror over the sink and little room for anything else, consider taking that mirror down, replacing it with a smaller one, and then using extra wall space for even smaller mirrors.
If replacing your old flooring just isn't in your budget right now, you can save that project for later.
If you are planning on replacing anything in your bathroom that involves the pipes, be sure to consult with a professional.
If your small bathroom has an outdated bathtub, consider remodeling and replacing the tub with a shower.
If your cabinets are looking a little stale, you can save money by freshening up the ones you have rather than replacing them.
Avoid replacing them by recovering them.
It's likely that when you paint your house you won't be replacing the roof, so think about what color will compliment it.
If that was too expensive, then replacing your wall sink for a pedestal one was another option.
A simple paint job, rearranging or replacing some furniture and adding a few functional objects can transform that space into a legitimate, stylish home office.
Another thing to consider if you're replacing an old border is the available area.
The ink then becomes a permanent feature, enhancing or replacing the patient's original pigment.
Both do require a drying time of ten minutes before replacing your clothing.
A prosthodontist specializes in replacing missing teeth, most commonly involved in dentures, bridges and implants.
The eyeliner needs replacing every 30 days to avoid eye infections.
The benefits of repairing versus replacing typically involve price of repair and time.
By replacing it with one tablespoon of ground flax seed whipped with a quarter cup of boiling water you remove all the fat from the egg yolk.
Create a rebus-style journaling block by replacing words within your text with Jolee's Boutique stickers.
It also has the option of replacing the blade with the Silhouette pen, which allows you to draw on paper instead.
Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can help you get nervousness under control.
The Indian trend has waned considerably, with Moroccan and Middle Eastern styles successfully replacing it.
In an effort to meet growing demand for vegan products, and to cut costs, manufacturers today are replacing eggs in more products.
Rather than turning your eating habits around completely, start off by replacing single cooked meals with raw food choices.
Nicorette works by replacing some of the nicotine your body normally gets from smoking, while gradually reducing the level of nicotine until you've kicked the habit for good.
Flexible split-ring system-The split ring design allows you to simply fit the curtain over your existing rod, many times replacing the curtain without ever removing the rod.
Retiling your bathroom or replacing the sinks will cost you a lot of time and money; however, buying a new shower curtain is an economical and very quick way to update your style.
New cake products come out all the time, replacing the older models on the shelves.
If you make a mistake, try wiping off the frosting with a flat spatula and replacing it in a pastry bag so you can pipe over the same area again.
Debbie Matenopoulos - The former co-host for The View voices a claymation version of herself as the series' interviewer, replacing Stacey Cornbred.
Luckett and Roberson began to push for replacing Mathew Knowles with outside management, claiming he favored his daughter and was keeping too large a share of the profits.
Psychotherapist Stacey Kaiser is new this season, replacing psychologist Linda Papadopoulos.
Goldberg said she plans on just being herself, even though she is replacing Rosie O'Donnell, who was known for her verbal outbursts on the show.
After execs announced that comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres would be replacing Paula Abdul as a permanent judge on American Idol, fans of the show began weighing in on the decision.
Casting directors chose Kristen, replacing the original cast member.
Once your pet is readily eating the natural foods you offer, it's time to begin replacing part of his daily kibble ration with them.
However, if all is going well you can continue gradually replacing more of his meal with the new mix, eventually eliminating the commercial brand altogether.
Even the dog run gets a quick run over, whether it is picking up poop, replacing pea gravel or just hosing down the cement.
To start to train with the clicker or the snap of your fingers, start by doing an action he knows already and replacing the command with a snap or click.
Homeowners discard the bag and the beetles within it, replacing the bag when necessary.
Pine needles break down more slowly than other forms of organic mulch so replacing whole garden beds isn't necessary year after year.
If you've purchased a guitar, sooner or later you're going to need to learn the tips and tricks behind replacing electric guitar strings.
You've learned the tricks to replacing electric guitar strings.
Fender Strap Locks and Buttons - These strap locks are installed by replacing the pegs you have in your guitar with new pegs that lock into a separate piece that you attach to your strap.
Garden - Instead of just replacing your old window with something similar, you may want to consider a garden replacement window.
Since this type of electrical work involves electricity in close proximity to water, it poses greater risks than simple electrical work, like replacing a light switch.
If you are in need of more drastic changes when you remodel a small bathroom, such as replacing the toilet and tub, then consider rearranging where you will place these to allow for more room.
It may not be a big deal if you do a lousy job painting an interior wall, but if you're replacing stairs you need to be extra careful.
Hardware stores and adult education programs frequently offer seminars on building stairs, refinishing decks and replacing windows.
If you're doing more than replacing a few lost or damaged shingles, you'll probably be using a nail gun, be exposed to heights for an extended period of time, and be going up and down a ladder frequently.
Replacing a single for a double sink is a popular upgrade, but the biggest problem is finding the area in which to do it.
If you're replacing an entire faucet, make sure that the new faucet will work in the space.
Tub surrounds are often in need of replacing because they are susceptible to water damage.
Replacing shower tub faucets can inspire apprehension in even an experienced do-it-yourselver, but it's a DIY job that you might be able to tackle yourself without too much pain and anguish.
If you have access to your pipes, you'll probably have the easiest time replacing a shower tub faucet assembly.
Many homeowners can handle replacing electrical outlets, light switches and lighting fixtures.
Replacing faucets, shower heads and toilets are examples of these projects.
Replacing all of the plumbing or dealing with frozen pipes is often worth hiring a plumbing expert.
The last thing you want to do is install a floor so thick that you are sanding down doors and replacing thresholds as well.
Examples of home repairs include new roofs, siding repairs or replacing the front steps of your home.
If you choose a more permanent solution, such as replacing the stairs with a pre-insulated option, or constructing a knee wall, you may wish to speak to an installer to ensure that all gaps are covered and your stairs are installed safely.
Do the same thing on the floor by replacing hexagonal porcelain tiles with the same size and shape of frosted glass tiles every so often.
Discontinued vinyl flooring tiles are the perfect solution for replacing your existing floor on a budget.
This is a major job that will involve replacing your boiler with a more efficient model, encasing the coils in cement and snaking the flexible tubing through your subfloor.
Replacing a window can be rather costly, and requires a fair amount of installation work.
Then we discuss the homeowner's feelings regarding what they would like to achieve by replacing their windows.
If you have older windows in your home, chances are you have considered replacing them for any of the above reasons at one time or another.
While replacing old, drafty windows will have an effect on your energy bills, getting the right type of window for your climate and region will have the biggest impact.
If you're replacing an existing light fixture, check the size of the ceiling opening.
Replacing the vanity with a new one can be done for less than a hundred dollars and a fresh coat of paint will cover up all of the strange marks that somehow get on the bathroom walls when you have kids.
Cutting the hole into the exterior wall will involve replacing or repairing the wall's interior surface to correctly place the patio door into the area.
Replacing an existing patio door may require that the home owner order a custom door that has been manufactured successfully to fit the opening.
Replacing an inadequate door with an energy efficient patio door choice will also allow the homeowner to save on energy bills.
Whether you're planning on building a new deck or replacing an old one, free deck designs can help you envision the final product.
Replacing an old or broken switch isn't unlike replacing an outlet.
In this situation, it's a good idea to specifically research the device you're replacing so that you know how they need to be wired.
If you are replacing your kitchen flooring, expect to find porcelain tiles starting around one dollar a square foot and ungauged slate tiles starting around one and a half dollars a foot.
This can be anything from replacing a leaking roof to replacing the caulking around your bathtub.
Chocolate pearls seem to be replacing the old standby of white pearls for wedding attendant accessories.
You repeat the process on weekends, replacing trousers with jeans and dress shirts with t-shirts or polo shirts.
Cool designs are a great way to liven up a traditional casual day outfit, replacing a blank ringer t-shirt or polo with something with a bit of expression.
Trends can come and go but it is not always possible to keep replacing your professional wardrobe just to keep up with the latest styles.
Start by replacing a small portion of her regular food with raw food.
Using a harsh cleaner can damage the grout and the surrounding tile, and replacing these items is time-consuming and in the case of the tile itself can be costly.
If you want to look stylish without replacing your entire wardrobe, choose a few trendy accessories to freshen up your wardrobe.
This option allows you to still wear your favorite bra under your tops simply by replacing the straps with a set of clear ones.
To thaw food properly place the frozen food in a bath of cold water replacing the water every 30-40 minutes, place it in the refrigerator or defrost it in the microwave.
Stuffiness and sneezing can often be helped by replacing the filters in the machine.
Replacing your old routine with relaxing activity may help you fall asleep faster and experience sufficient sleep.
Many problems with CPAP involve troubles with the mask and some of the problems can be avoided with a few simple adjustments or by replacing the mask.
Before replacing your sleep apnea treatment, find out if simple changes can offer relief.
Whether it's replacing parts for free, or having a simple and easy-to-understand return/exchange policy, guarantees like these can make your discount frame purchase that much simpler.
Sometimes the eyeglass owner can do certain repairs themselves, such as replacing a screw on a non-spring hinge.
Replacing a screw is one of the most common repairs.
If you play many different sports and would be replacing your lenses frequently solely for the sake of changing color, it may not be the most practical reason.
So how do you know if it's worth it to bother with polycarbonate lens repair over just replacing the lenses?
The Product Care Program will ensure that your Ray Bans are repaired, but the cost for repairing the damage or replacing the glasses is completely on the customer.
If you did not purchase a warranty you may have luck purchasing and replacing the lenses yourself.
They even offer a guide on properly fitting your lenses which can be a helpful tool when replacing the lenses of your Ray-Bans.
It is important to be gentle when replacing the lenses of your glasses.
The protection plan will cover the cost for replacing or repairing broken frames or lenses.
Repairing or replacing a part of your eyeglasses is not only affordable but a practical solution.
If you're someone frequently on the go or you find yourself constantly replacing readers because they became scratched or broken in your purse, pocket, or car, slimline readers could be the perfect solution for you.
The latter included replacing and enlarging both of the racetracks.
In the first Super Mario Bros. for the NES, the second player (Luigi) was a just a green version of Mario, replacing all the red elements for green ones.
The company finally issued a recall for Bubble Bobble four months later, replacing defective cartridges if shipped in their pre-paid envelopes with an original receipt.
Use this code to set the game's clock to whatever time you'd like, replacing A with the desired hour and B with the desired minute.
Continue to pat gently, replacing the towel when it is no longer dry.
Many wine lovers are enjoying replacing a wine bottle's original label with inexpensive, personalized wine labels which they designed themselves.
The LED bulb never needs replacing either.
If you are thinking about purchasing your first recreational vehicle or replacing the camper you currently own, it's certainly a good idea to think about whether or not a lightweight camping trailer might be the right option for you.
BlackBerry Bold 9650 does away with the trackball of old, replacing it with the newer optical trackpad.
It is different than replacing the cell phone faceplate, as the faceplate is the actual covering on the phone itself that protects the precious innards, so to speak.
Cell phone technology is progressing at a breakneck pace, and people are replacing their cell phones at an alarming rate.
In some cases, replacing the malfunctioning units with refurbished models was necessary.
You can also often go to your local cell phone dealer and they might be able to actually not only inform you of the recall but take care of either collecting, repairing, or replacing your own cell phone.
The clot should not be disturbed, so if blood soaks through the cloth, another cloth should be placed directly on top rather than replacing the original cloth.
The most common surgical treatment involves replacing the child's aortic valve and several inches of the aorta itself with a composite graft, which is a prosthetic heart valve sewn into one end of a Dacron tube.
A heart transplant involves replacing the child's heart with a healthy heart from a donor who has died or been declared brain dead.
Parents should make a commitment to replacing sedentary activities with active indoor and outdoor games.
Between the ages of about six and 12 to 14, as the jaw grows, 28 permanent teeth erupt, replacing the primary teeth, incisor for incisor, canine for canine, premolar or bicuspid for molar.
A permanent tooth begins to erupt before the baby tooth that it is replacing has been lost.
They are essential for replacing fluids, minerals, and salts.
The child is praised or rewarded for not performing the tics and for replacing them with acceptable alternative behaviors.
The goal of the treatment is to promote the growth of the injected cells, replacing the defective host cells with healthy new ones.
The treatment of hemophilia involves replacing or supplementing the deficient coagulation factors.
Treatment of food poisoning, except for botulism, focuses on preventing or correcting dehydration by replacing critical fluids and electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhea.
Drug allergies and sensitivities most often are treated by discontinuing the medication and replacing it with an alternative one.
They are essential for replacing fluids, minerals, and salts lost from diarrhea or vomiting, and should be given when diarrhea or vomiting first occur.
Adolescents expand their peer relationships to occupy a central role in their lives, often replacing their parents and family as their main source of advice, socializing, and entertainment activities.
Although diarrheal fluids deplete a number of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium), the main concern in avoiding shock is replacing sodium and water.
All newborn infants begin to destroy fetal red blood cells (RBCs) in their first few days of life, replacing them with new red blood cells.
Then follow the directions for making these decorative home accent pieces, replacing the photograph in the instructions with the dragon pictures.
If your bedding doesn't need replacing, then wash or dry clean if appropriate.
This includes replacing burned out light bulbs and fixing any leaky faucets or running toilets.
If you're a man, remember that replacing your thinning hair isn't the only way to get a sexy, youthful look.
Chances are you'll be unhappy with the results and end up replacing each one for a more effective model.
Renters can usually contact a landlord if something breaks or needs replacing.
You must be certain you have more than enough income, or you will find yourself in debt when your roof needs replacing or if you need new tires for your car.
Women who have birthed many children or are satisfied with just a few may opt to put away the pills, replacing them with a long-term solution--permanent contraception.
Everyone should have a good supply of sharp needles and a variety of thread colors on hand for replacing buttons and doing minor alteration work.
If you're tired of replacing your swimwear because you have to and not because you want to, Speedo is definitely worth a look.
Miratex is a brand new fabric that of late, is steadily replacing the better known Lycra.
Tankinis are exceptionally easy for a child to wear, and they are also easy for mixing, matching, and replacing.
By replacing the traditional stuffing in stuffed animals, the result was a more flexible and poseable animal with a distinctive weight and feel.
Always keep safety in mind when replacing the battery and never use a lawnmower, motorcycle, or automotive battery as a replacement.
She can fit any size doll up to 12 inches in the house and can add furniture from other dollhouses if you have an older one you are replacing with this one.
To update your fall look without replacing your entire wardrobe, begin by adding a few trendy pieces to give your wardrobe a fresh and fashionable look.
This makes removing, filling, and replacing the basket quick and easy.
If you decide that your small appliance is worth repairing in lieu of replacing, there are many options available online to help you keep your small appliance in good working order.
Would the cost of the warranty exceed the cost of replacing or repairing the item?
This makes repairing or replacing the turntable of your microwave a bit of a guessing game unless you know the model of your microwave.
The warranty includes repairing the broken microwave in your home or replacing the unit if repair is not possible.
When the blades become dull, they will need replacing.
If the blades dull, they will need replacing.
The lid will break if dropped and need replacing.
Check your warranty thoroughly before replacing any part of the appliance.
After several dozen uses, the bowl can split or crack and it will need replacing.
The blade may also dull after several uses and need replacing.
The whisk is made of thin metal that can become warped in heat and need replacing.
Parts that contain sharp edges, like the blade, need special care when replacing.
If you are not comfortable replacing this part yourself, one of Braun's partner repair shops can do it for you.
If you are uncomfortable replacing a part yourself you can take the blender to a local repair shop that specializes in kitchen small appliances.
Depending on your level of expertise in microwave oven repair, you may be able to handle replacing broken parts yourself, or you may need to hire a professional.
Always keep safety in mind when repairing or replacing an internal part on any microwave oven.
Rarely does this piece need repairing; most of the time it just needs replacing due to becoming dirty over time.
There are no supports in the middle so this piece often needs replacing.
Once you find the fuse prongs, replacing the fuse is as simple as popping out the old one and inserting the new one;no tools needed.
Typically, a safety feature inside the microwave probably kicked in and it's just a matter of replacing a broken part.
Replacing the foil and cutter blocks may be more difficult.
If you do have an older shave that uses AA batteries, consider replacing them with standard AA rechargeable batteries.
If you would rather leave replacing those toaster oven parts up to a professional, kitchen small appliance technicians are fairly easy to find.
Always use extreme caution when replacing or repairing any part in your toaster oven.
If the light in your microwave stopped working, try replacing the bulb.
You can order a new light assembly and replace the whole unit yourself, or have a service technician test the assembly first before replacing it.
Small repairs, such as replacing the light bulb or turntable, can easily be completed at home.
Replacing the razor blade unit is a quick fix to this problem.
If your skin is still irritated after replacing the foil, the problem may be with the razor itself.
Replacing the individual cutters is similar to replacing a shaving head except you may need a small tool, such as a pair of tweezers, to remove the small piece.
Remember when replacing any part of your Norelco shaver to exercise caution.
Be careful to unplug the device from the unit and remove the battery before replacing any part.
Try removing the shaving head and replacing it.
If the shaving head has been used more then thirty times, try replacing it.
If the razor still has power issues after replacing the battery and charger, consult a technician for assistance.
The internal filter in the motor traps harmful emissions and has a lifelong warranty and never needs replacing.
Manufacturers claim that replacing air particles with ozone particles (an actual pollutant) increases the quality of the air breathed.
Black & Decker VF100 Dust Buster Replacement Filter - Available online from Buckeye Tools, the VF100 keeps your Dust Buster clean and free of adherents, and also makes replacing your filter effortless.
When people invest in a Cuisinart product, they know that they will be getting quality, which is why people often choose to repair these products as opposed to replacing them entirely.
If you prefer to handle replacing your Black and Decker blender parts yourself, start by reading through the appliance manual.
While Cuisinart is known for high-quality appliances, smaller parts may break or become damaged from time to time, and replacing a part is often more cost efficient then buying a new appliance.
Small repairs like removing and replacing a turntable, can be done by anyone.
Instead of replacing an entire product because of one broken part, you can buy parts for each of the Hamilton Beach products.
When your blender breaks, it makes sense to determine whether you should fix it or replacing it entirely.
The permanent filter never needs replacing, and cleans and purifies the air in your home twice every hour.
In addition to replacing existing parts, there are several parts that can be bought to enhance your blender.
Just by replacing an old or broken part can make your blender work like new.
The benefit of this is that the life of the appliance can be extended for significantly less than the cost and labor associated with replacing the entire microwave.
There are really only a few parts that tend to need replacing from time to time on the Osterizer blender and since the motor is self-contained within its housing, the company doesn't offer replacement parts for it.
Whether due to misplacement or actual damage, the most common parts needing replacing on Rival's hand mixers are the mixing attachments.
Finding replacement parts for microwave rice cookers is more difficult, so replacing the cooker is generally the best option.
Consider the cost of replacing parts on electric rice cookers, as it may be more cost effective to buy a new cooker than to spend money on parts.
Replacing your Black and Decker Dust Buster filters will not only help improve the suction of your hand-held vacuum, but it will also help prolong the life of its motor.
Of course, it's not an essential feature because True HEPA filters only need replacing once a year, but it's still a handy feature if you're not one to keep up on such things.
If you cannot find the parts you need, replacing the appliance is not cost-prohibitive.
If your microwave needs replacing, you will need to determine who makes the best microwave ovens before shopping for a new one.
Since large appliances like refrigerators are pricey, a simple fix such as replacing a part is much more sensible than replacing an entire unit.
An easy do-it-yourself fix for a refrigerator is replacing an accessory that has broken or no longer works.
Maybe it is something simple such as replacing a burnt out light bulb or replacing a crisper drawer that has cracked.
If you are planning on redecorating your home and replacing your sofa and chairs, find charities to donate furniture to instead of throwing out your old pieces.
If the jar has a wide-mouthed metal lid, consider replacing the lid with a piece of fabric for gifts using dry ingredients.
A replacement policy is placed specifically on the jewelry in question and will help refund the cost of replacing the ring under the terms of the agreement.
Furthermore, wholesale diamonds are perfect for replacing stones in engagement rings and other jewelry that needs repair, and they are also the perfect choice if you are interested in designing your own engagement ring.
You can transform almost any gravy recipe into a gluten-free one by simply replacing the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free flour.
You shouldn't plan on replacing your wallet every six months; when you're shopping for a wallet, you're looking deep into the future.
If you don't mind replacing the bedding frequently, character bedding is fine; otherwise consider themes or patterns that can grow with your child.
Sully is a former marine who is replacing his brother, a murdered scientist, in the Avatar program.
Cut home energy costs by replacing your regular incandescent light bulbs with florescent lights.
Whether you're in the market to buy a rug because you're saving money on replacing the floor or you just want to update the look of a room in your home, you should always look for discounted rugs to save you the most money.
If you tend to sip soda throughout the day, work on cutting back by gradually replacing one beverage with a glass of water.
By choosing rechargeable batteries, consumers can avoid the ongoing cost of continually replacing those batteries, and many rechargeable batteries can be reused up to 100 times before needing replacements themselves.
Whether your dog mistakes them for a chew toy, they get dirty, or you just want an updated shoe, your shoe laces are probably going to need replacing at some point.
A gold flat may not be your first choice to match to a pair of black slacks, but they're perfect for replacing black shoes that might blend into the outfit.
According to an article in NY Times, counterfeitters of these boots go to great lengths to fool buyers, even replacing the treads with logo-bearing styles.
Since skate shoes, Etnies included, tend to come with very long laces, it's obvious that you should do something with them aside from cutting them off or replacing them with shorter laces.
This process can be as simple as replacing the outsole or as complicated as reworking the leather and restitching all the seams.
In 1980, The Young and the Restless writers decided it was time to revamp the show and they did that by writing out the original characters and replacing them with new faces.
If you must go the skull and crossbones route, consider replacing the bones with something else like lighting bolts or crossed swords.
The watches are high quality and well made, however to maintain the reliability of the watch they must be returned to TAG Heuer for regular servicing and for the replacing of batteries.
The only way the alarm can be stopped is by getting out of bed, finding and replacing the propeller.
Replacing a watch strap to create a new look for a watch that is much cheaper than buying a new watch, and is a great way of extending the life of an old favorite.
They also provide an illustrated guide to replacing your own watch band.
While some watch straps are extremely hard wearing and will rarely require replacing during the life of a watch, other straps, such as leather ones, may require frequent changes.
Replacing a watch band is also a good opportunity to give a watch a new look.
Replacing the watch strap of a Timex or other make watch is the perfect way to give a watch a makeover.
Even though Movado watches are created using high quality materials, the watch bands do occasionally need replacing.
While metal watch bands are designed to be extremely sturdy, they do occasionally need replacing.
As with any watch, however, the watch band or strap may need replacing.
Stainless steel watch bands may need replacing if the old one becomes worn or if the strap looks outdated.
As such replacing leather watch straps can be necessary on even top quality watches such as Swiss Army watches.
Before replacing a watch band it is important to make sure that you are replacing it with the correct type of strap.
You may also consider replacing the watch band with a different Fossil band or one from another manufacturer.
Watch straps often require replacing after they have been worn for a long period of time.
The maintenance involved can be as simple as changing or adjusting a watch band, replacing a battery or repairing the watch if it goes wrong.
Most often, repair isn't an option and replacing the crown by taking the watch apart is the only solution.
Nevertheless, you still want to select durable equipment so you don't end up paying more in the long run replacing items.
In many areas of the country, service and tech are rapidly replacing traditional industries whose growth has slowed or declined.
Business trips now focus on replacing expensive hotels for cheaper middle-of-the-line units offering better means to put in a full a day's work.
The new frequency band on the block, rapidly replacing all older models.
Rather, using a formatted design template that someone else created, you'll simply navigate your way through the document, replacing sample text with detailed information about yourself.
If you find yourself wondering, "How long does a brake pad last on the Toyota Sienna?," there's a good chance you may feel like you're replacing your brakes too often.
The hardest part of DIY auto repair isn't replacing parts, but figuring out which part needs replacement in the first place.
Are last year's pom poms going to need replacing, and what about safety mats?
Using synonyms is a way of replacing words in established cheers with words that mean the same thing.For example, when you find a cheer on a website, take a look at the nouns and verbs used.
After replacing a word, say the entire cheer out loud and make sure it still has a good message.
Otherwise, you might end up with something like "Fight that Win!" when you were replacing "Score that Point!"
By replacing the padding, stretching the carpet and cleaning the stains, it may not look like new, but it can be fresher and cleaner smelling.
The corrosive nature of bleach can actually damage many surfaces if used in such high concentrations, but when it comes to health safety - replacing tile on a floor is preferable to spreading illness.
The spot must be removed by cutting it out and replacing it with new.
If the cushions' foam insert gets wet be sure to dry it completely before replacing the cover.
It is easy to take apart for quick needle replacing.
These can often be unscrewed by hand when replacing needles.
It has long been known through prominent studies that replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats is more effective in reducing heart disease risk than the total amount of fat consumed.
By replacing meat products with soy products and dairy products with soy, rice or nut-based products, any recipe can be converted.
Claims such as these can also be heard from large food companies, such as Kellogg's, and the Special K cereal promise of replacing two meals per day with a serving of their cereal.
For healthy eating habits, therefore, these beverages should be limited to prevent their contribution to dehydration or, worse, replacing the necessary water in the diet.
By diminishing your portion of high fat protein and replacing that amount with vegetables, you will save calories without sacrificing volume.
Often this means removing some of the old, not so healthy foods and replacing them with better options.
It is a whole foods diet that focuses on removing all animal products including meat, dairy and eggs from the diet and replacing them with plant-based whole foods.
High-fiber dieters are replacing their air-popped popcorn and other fiber snacks for protein rich foods and snacks.
In a high protein diet, you are replacing some carb intake with protein.
By replacing pastas and rice with vegetables or fruits in your diet, you can eliminate many calories.
Kabler and Turner recommend replacing both breakfast and lunch with cookies and to consume a mid-morning cookie and mid-afternoon cookie.
Aside from replacing the sweat produced during the workout, water is a necessary part of your body's recovery afterwards.
For best results, switch things around a little from workout to workout, for example replacing The Plank with an ab machine or doing The Bicycle instead of regular crunches.
For best results, change things around at least once a month, replacing your favorite exercises with new ones, just like you alternate between free weights and machines.
You can make flavored variations of the following recipe by replacing the vanilla extract with another flavor.
The cost of replacing household items can be quite substantial if a loss occurs, and the premiums charged are a small price to pay for this necessary protection.
Safeco offers homeowner's insurance to cover the cost of repairs or fully replacing a home in the event of a fire, storm, or other natural disaster.
Geico homeowners insurance is designed to cover the cost of repairing or replacing a dwelling and the contents contained within in the event of a natural disaster or other covered situation.
Coverage can also be extended to protect policyholders from the costs of replacing or repairing fixtures and other items within the condo in the event of a fire, flood or other situation.
Although renters should obtain their own policy for personal property, landlords should have adequate coverage to cover the cost of replacing the home in the event of a total loss.
This type of liability insurance pays to damage to the other driver's vehicle, as well as the cost of repairing or replacing a fence post, mailbox, garage, shed, or other type of building.
In some instances, the policy also covers the cost of repairing or replacing contents within the house, but this differs from one policy to another.
It is never a good idea to drop homeowners coverage unless you can completely cover the cost of replacing your home in the event of a disaster.
In addition, it is always a good idea to have your agent/broker review any existing term policies you may have to see if they are convertible to permanent insurance before replacing them with a new policy.
The idea behind Nationwide Home Warranty's coverage is to protect homeowners and landlords from the cost of repairing or replacing items in the home or rented property.
Purchase enough insurance to cover the costs of repairing damage and replacing the contents.
AccuCoverage helps you determine the true cost of replacing your home, although the information will cost a small fee.
Globe Life guarantees acceptance with no waiting period if the policy is purchased during open enrollment, or if you are replacing an existing supplement policy.
It is a common misconception that a landlord's homeowners insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing their tenants' belongings when something happens; this responsibility instead typically falls on the tenant.
Many apartment dwellers assume that if an apartment fire occurs, the apartment owner will be responsible for replacing any lost property.
Renters insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing personal property in the instance of theft, flood, fire, or other occurrence covered by the insurance policy.
Another typical mistake is not replacing your bra on a regular basis.
Touring picked up again, though, on a limited basis with various backing musicians replacing some members, right up until June of 2004, when it was publicly announced that Graeme Kelling had lost his fight against cancer.