Replace Sentence Examples
No one will replace me!
Maybe when she got back she could replace her old one.
Didn't they hire someone to replace you?
Send the dealer you replace directly to me, Gabe ordered.
If Atherton was so broke, where did he get the dough to replace the escrow money he swiped?
She lifted the book to replace it and he noticed the cover.
He emerged into the alley in time to see her replace a phone in her pocket.
We can do nothing here without supplies and without more men to replace those that have died the past few weeks, Larry said, frustration in his voice.
One of the shapeshifters took on Gabriel's shape. I think Darkyn knew Katie was with Gabe, and they wanted to replace him.
Wooden huts were erected in 1855, and permanent buildings to replace them were begun in 1881.
AdvertisementWe're told it's going to replace fuddy-duddy old received pronunciation as the standard accent.
If you'll tell me how much you use each week, I'll replace it and we'll keep that base.
The first of them, in 1842, was signalized by the introduction of the Income Tax as a means of raising revenue to replace that lost by the diminished import duties.
After the Waziristan expedition of 1894 Wana was occupied by British troops in order to dominate the Gomal and Waziristan; but on the formation of the North-West Frontier Province in 1901 it was decided to replace these troops by the South Waziristan militia, who now secure the safety of the pass.
This limits the accuracy of the result; and we can therefore replace the figure by another figure which coincides with it approximately, provided that the further inaccuracy so introduced is comparable with the original inaccuracies of measurement.
AdvertisementThe simplest method is to replace the trapezette by a series of trapezia.
In both respects the reflex action of the Novatianist and Donatist controversies upon Catholicism was disastrous to the earlier idea of church-fellowship. Formal and technical tests of membership, such as the reception of sacraments from a duly authorized clergy, came to replace Christ's own test of character.
The velocity of propagation of a torsional disturbance along a wire of circular section may be found by the transfer of momentum method, remembering that we must now replace linear momentum by angular momentum.
In the South African War of1899-1902it was even suggested that female nurses should replace orderlies at the front.
Meanwhile separate committees were formed for the discussion of special problems. Thus a special committee was appointed consisting of the five German powers to discuss the constitution which was to replace the Holy Roman Empire, another to settle that of Switzerland, and others for other minor questions.
AdvertisementProvision was made in 1909 to replace it by a new building.
The mainstay of treating Parkinson's disease is to replace dopamine in the brain.
There is discontent from people who feel powerless, like slaves, with their skills rendered pointless as machines replace the need for them.
He introduced several practical improvements, such as the measurement of time to tenths of a second; and he prevailed upon the government to replace Bird's mural quadrant by a repeating circle 6 ft.
The Capitol,' dedicated in 1906, was erected to replace one burned in 1897; it is a fine building, with a dome modelled after St Peter's at Rome.
AdvertisementThe university of Paris, which had prompted their suppression, and the parliament, which had carried it into effect, made every endeavour to replace them.
Still, Lee was losing men, few it is true, but most precious, since it was impossible to replace them, while the North poured unlimited numbers into the Federal camps.
It was apparently an attempt to replace the literary free dom of the Philoxenian by an extreme literalness.
In the autumn of 1 777 Mifflin was a leader in the obscure movement known as the Conway Cabal, the object of which was to replace Washington by General Horatio Gates.
Acid anhydrides replace the imino-hydrogen atom by acidyl radicals, and boiling with water converts them into phenols.
Among other buildings of note is the Hof theatre, a magnificent edifice in the Renaissance style, built after the designs of Semper, to replace the theatre burnt in 1869, and completed in 1878.
In the opinion of the writer the latter instrument will ultimately replace the bolometer, its only disadvantage being that the radiations have to traverse the side of a vessel, and are therefore subject to absorption.
It would therefore seem to be more appropriate to replace 1 - K- 1 by (2 - I)1112, where j s is the refractive index; but this expression involves the wave propagation for periods coinciding with free periods of the molecules.
The market cross, erected in High Street in 1669 to replace the older cross which Cromwell destroyed, was removed in 1765 as an obstruction.
Apparently to prevent this, but in reality to replace Alexander Obrenovich by Peter Karageorgevich, a military conspiracy was organized.
For one kind of meat we could substitute another; wool could be replaced by cotton, silk or fur; were our common silicate glass gone, we could probably perfect and cheapen some other of the transparent solids; but even if the earth could be made to yield any substitute for the forty or fifty million tons of iron which we use each year for rails, wire, machinery, and structural purposes of many kinds, we could not replace either the steel of our cutting tools or the iron of our magnets, the basis of all commercial electricity.
It is not improbable that, once bronze became known, it might replace iron in a measure, perhaps even in a very large measure, because it is so fusible that it can be cast directly and easily;into many useful shapes.
This increasing scarcity of wood was probably one of the chief causes of the attempts which the iron masters then made to replace charcoal with mineral fuel.
Besides a great saving of labour, only partly offset by the cost of repairs, these machines have the great merit of making the management independent of a very troublesome set of labourers, the hand pig-breakers, who were not only absolutely indispensable for every cast and every day, because the pig iron must be removed promptly to make way for the next succeeding cast of iron, but very difficult to replace because of the great physical endurance which their work requires.
Talbot carries on the process as a quasicontinuous instead of an intermittent one, operating on Too-ton or 200-ton lots of cast iron in such a way as to draw off his steel in 20-ton lots at relatively short intervals, charging a fresh 20-ton lot of cast iron to replace each lot of steel thus drawn off, and thus keeping the furnace full of metal from Monday morning till Saturday night.
In steel-making, electric furnaces are used for two distinct purposes, first for making steel sufficiently better than Bessemer and open-hearth steels to replace these for certain important purposes, and second for replacing the very expensive crucible process for making the very best steel.
In short electric furnaces replace the old crucible furnace primarily because they work more cheaply, though in addition they may be made to yield a better steel than it can.
In some instances it has been found necessary to replace the original wooden pillars by pillars of stone.
If Q is expressed in terms of this unit in equation (I), it is necessary to divide by c, or to replace k on the right-hand side by the ratio k/c. This ratio determines the rate of diffusion of temperature, and is called the thermometric conductivity or, more shortly, the diffusivity.
The result was a constitutional dead-lock; for the diet refused to sanction loans until its representative character was recognized; and the king refused to allow to come between Almighty God in heaven and this land a blotted parchment, to rule us with paragraphs, and to replace the ancient, sacred bond of loyalty.
The imperial government, pressed by the Magyar nationalists to renounce Jellachich and all his works, equivocated and procrastinated, while within its councils the idea of a centralized state, to replace the loose federalism of the old empire, slowly took shape under the pressure of the military party.
The building was erected within three months, to replace one destroyed by fire, for the National Democratic Convention which met here on the 4th of July 1900.
In Behar it has begun to replace indigo, and some success was achieved in Orissa, Assam and Madras; but jute is a very exhausting crop, and requires to be planted in lands fertilized with silt or else with manure.
It depends on the rapidity with which convection currents can supply heat from the interior to replace that radiated, and on a number of other nicely balanced circumstances which cannot well be calculated.
Great additions have been made to La Sante prison in Paris, and a new prison on gigantic lines has been opened at Fresnes les Rungis, on the outskirt of the metropolis, to replace the obsolete Mazas, and to give cellular accommodation to the large numbers always on hand in Paris.
No distinction is more vital in the logic of inference in general and of scientific inference in particular; and yet none has been so little understood, because, though analysis is the more usual order of discovery, synthesis is that of instruction, and therefore, by becoming more familiar, tends to replace and obscure the previous analysis.
Winkler discovered that an iron chain wound round the bottle could be substituted for the hand, and Sir William Watson in England shortly afterward showed that iron filings or mercury could replace the water within the jar.
One coating of the condenser is formed by one set of tubes and the other by the other set, the air between being the dielectric. Paraffin oil or any liquid dielectric of constant inductivity may replace the air.
It has, however, been proposed to transfer the name Chrysothrix to the marmosets of the genus Hapale, to which it is stated to have been originally applied, and to replace it by Saimiris.
Even on the Coastal Plain the Jersey and oldfield pines of to-day replace more valuable species of the original growth.
If we replace the mass of each particle by its moment, as thus found, we can in like manner obtain the quadratic moment of the system with respect to the line.
Tait that a similar representation of the type (30) is obtained if we replace the circle by an equiangular spiral described, with a constant angular velocity about the pole, in the direction of diminishing radius vector.
To prove these relations, we replace the symbols A1, A1 A,, in (5) by ai, a2,.
The French Revolution had supposed itself to be fighting for the " rights of man "; really it was trying to replace an autocratic kingship by an equally autocratic " general will " of the multitude.
He adds that the tendency is to replace those by " the hair, without powder, simply curled."
Hoe's first presses were four-feeders, but as many as ten feeds were supplied, as in the case of the two presses built to replace the Applegath machine for The Times, each of which produced about 2000 impressions from each feed, making a total of 20,000 per hour, printed on one side, or from two machines 20,000 sheets printed on both sides.
In that country, also, the earthworms of Europe are noticed to replace native forms as the ground is broken.
But it is rather a draft to replace wastage than a means of bringing the army up to a war footing in the European way.
The distinctive mark of the courtier, military, and upper servant class is the belt, generally of black varnished leather with a brass clasp; princes and courtiers often replace this clasp by a huge round ornament of cut stones.
But to break through the system or replace it by another was impossible.
Mohtadi, the fourteenth Abbasid caliph, endeavoured vainly to replace them by Persians (the Abna).
Tithraustes was thereupon sent to replace Tissaphernes, who paid with his life for his continued failure.
Another way of applying cold is to dip an ordinary sheet into cold water, apply it for three or four minutes to the surface of the body, then remove it and replace it by another sheet while the first one is being dipped in water.
In 1809, when Napoleon invited the Magyars to elect a new king to replace the Habsburgs, overtures were made to Prince Nicholas, who refused the honour and, further, raised a regiment of volunteers in defence of Austrian interests.
In Lisbon a chamber of commerce (Junta do commercio) was organized in 1756 to replace an older association of merchants, the ilIeza dos homens de negocio, which had attacked the Path Company; and in the same year the Alto Douro Company was formed to control the port-wine trade and to break the monopoly enjoyed by a syndicate of British wine merchants.
This monarch again sent to India to replace the sacred books that had been lost, and to invite Buddhist pandits to translate them.
Life is maintained by the inhalation of fresh atoms to replace those lost by exhalation, and when respiration, and consequently the supply of atoms, ceases, the result is death.
The new duke, John the Fearless, did not immediately replace his father in general affairs, and the influence of the duke of Orleans increased.
The 1 As early as 1613, Captain Samuel Argall, on his way to Virginia, after breaking up some Jesuit settlements at Port Royal, and Mount Desert, passed through the Narrows near the mouth of the Hudson, and finding a group of Dutch traders, made them haul down their flag and replace it with that of England.
This instrument, which was designed to replace the Concessions, provided for the government of the province by a governor chosen by the proprietors, a common council consisting of the proprietors or their proxies together with 12 freemen, and a great council consisting of the proprietors or their proxies together with 144 freemen chosen by a mixed system of elections and the casting of lots.
The two are probably never functional together in the same animal, though one may replace the other in the course of development.
The saga, or epos, was a great advance upon the myth, for in it the deeds of men replace or tend to replace the deeds of the gods.
He then went home to replace Bedford as regent in England, and held office till Henry's own return in February 1421.
The Roman Catholic church of St Nicholaas (1886) was built to replace the accommodation previously afforded by a common dwelling-house, now the Museum Amstelkring of ecclesiastical antiquities.
It does not resemble phosphorus in its physiological action and cannot be used to replace it.
He returned in August and brought fresh gunpowder into the cellars to replace any which might be spoilt by damp. A slow match was prepared which would give him a quarter of an hour in which to escape from the explosion.
Owing to greater care on the part of growers, and the introduction of FrenchAmerican resistant stocks to replace vines attacked by the phylloxera, the wines in the early years of the 10th century again acquired a limited sale in England.
Generally, to find the sum or difference of two or more fractional numbers, we must replace them by other fractional numbers having the same denominator; it is usually most convenient to take as this denominator the L.C.M.
It is therefore of interest to see whether we cannot replace it by an absolute truth.
This last-named building was erected in 1879 to replace the old and famous grammar school, where John Knox, William Dunbar, John Major and possibly George Buchanan and Sir David Lindsay were educated.
In the earlier years of his administration the disaster in Afghanistan was repaired in a successful campaign; and Lord Ellenborough, who was sent over to replace Lord Auckland as governor-general, increased the dominion and responsibilities of the East India Company by the unscrupulous but brilliant policy which led to the conquest of Sind.
The solubility of naphthalene by various oils has led some engineers to put in naphthalene washers, in which gas is brought into contact with a heavy tar oil or certain fractions distilled from it, the latter being previously mixed with some volatile hydrocarbon to replace in the gas those illuminating vapours which the oil dissolves out; and by fractional distillation of the washing oil the naphthalene and volatile hydrocarbons are afterwards recovered.
His indifference to works of art and ignorance of their value is shown by his well-known remark to those who contracted for the shipment of the treasures of Corinth to Rome, that "if they lost or damaged them, they would have to replace them."
The introduction of new taxes and the reorganization of the financial administration of the country could not keep pace with the increase of public expenditure, chiefly because the skupshtina was for some time reluctant to replace the old system of direct taxation by a more modern system.
Seeing the danger which menaced the disorganized Byzantine empire from the Turks, he thought the best plan to prevent the Turkish invasion of the Balkan Peninsula would be to replace that empire by a SerboGreek empire.
Although he had been most violent in denouncing the anti-clerical policy of the Combes cabinet, he now announced his willingness to recognize a new regime to replace the Concordat, and gave the government his support in the establishment of the Associations cultuerles, while he secured some mitigation of the severities attending the separation.
He could not replace him in the Netherlands; but while retaining him in his command at the head of a formidable army, the king would not give his sanction to his great general's desire to use it for the reconquest of the Northern Provinces.
He is made to replace Odoacer as the enemy of Dietrich of Bern, his nephew, and his history is related in the Norse Vilkina or Thidrekssagd, which chiefly embodies German tradition.
The first step towards repudiation was taken by the " carpet-bag " legislature of 1873, when it provided for the issue of consolidated bonds to replace the outstanding obligations at the rate of fifty cents on the dollar.
Large herds of swine fatten in the oak and beech forests; and dairy-farming is a thriving industry in the highlands between Agram and Warasdin, where, during the last years of the icth century, systematic attempts were made to replace the mountain pastures by clover and sown grass.
No attempt was made, during the decade which followed the Spanish-American War, to replace the squadrons destroyed at Manila and Santiago de Cuba.
The landlords were compelled to replace them by free tenants.
During the first decade of the 19th century the modern locomotive started to replace the stagecoach of the prior generation.
Their demands were more moderate than in the preceding year, but they nominated members to replace certain obnoxious persons on the royal council, demanded the right to assemble without the royal summons, and certain administrative reforms. In return they promised to raise and finance an army of 30,000 men, but the money - a tithe levied on the annual revenues of the clergy and nobility - voted for this object was not to pass through the dauphin's hands.
If we replace y' in equation (4) by the value given by (3), we obtain tan w"/ y i/f2"=V, (5) the magnification of the complete microscope.
In 1280 the bishop obtained a charter allowing him to replace the secular brethren residing in his hospital of St John at Cambridge by "studious scholars"; a second charter four years later entirely differentiated these scholars from the brethren of the hospital, and for them Hugh de Balsham founded and endowed the college of Peterhouse.
At Malmesbury he built a new church to replace Maildulf's modest building, and obtained considerable grants of land for the monastery.
It is intended to introduce machinery to replace manual labour.
This proceeding gave the barons and knights an opportunity to buy out the village magistrates and to replace them with nominees of their own.
A medical procedure where he's going to drain all her blood and replace it with his.
Past-Death was going to replace Deidre in Gabriel's life.
We need to replace the blood we spilled here tonight...
When she heard strange noises in the night, a simple nudge would replace the telephone call she was too ashamed to make.
She shopped responsibly, but this time she picked up healthy fresh fruit and vegetables – something she previously would have had to replace with canned food.
The plan is to augment what we're doing and not replace it.
Pronouns are a set of short words which stand for or replace nouns or noun phrases.
Quite difficult to replace, Tom is a very accomplished, multi- instrumentalist musician.
In the 14th century, plate armor began to replace the chainmail worn by knights.
Can magnetic resonance angiography and duplex ultrasonography replace contrast arteriography?
For a horizontal scroll bar replace the 1 with a 0.
In many cases, we can repair the original bodywork rather than replace it with a costly new body section.
A new spring was fitted to the front bogie to replace a cracked spring.
All you have to do is drill out the rivet that holds it in place and replace with the handily provided Allen bolt.
The fate of the USSR as a socialist state depends upon that political regime that will arise to replace Stalinist Bonapartism.
If you can, avoid black pudding and sausages and replace the fried bread with toast.
But I don't tend to replace things until they're totally broke.
The TiC STi Shift Linkage bushings replace the soft rubber bushings in the actual shift linkage joint.
A four-storey battlemented tower with massive corner buttresses was built in 1816 adjoining the north aisle, to replace an earlier structure.
So are the prefabricated hutments that replace stone byres and barns half their size.
Furthermore, they can replace heavy 3D numerical calculations (for example finite element calculations) with high accuracy.
It can replace all or part of the sweetener solids in those foods and can also replace full caloric bulking agents.
In case of supply difficulties substitute components may be supplied; for instance 100nF capacitors may replace 47nF parts.
What about adding some carbs to the drink to help replace the lost energy from the workout?
You will need to replace ink cartridges in an inkjet printer or toner in a laser.
It costs us more to replace a microdrive cartridge than a cassette.
In 1983 a new two-lane causeway was built to replace the South Ford bridge.
I visited the chandlery to replace a worn-out copy of Nicholson and ended up buying several other books.
In order to replace leavers, companies become less choosy in the agents they recruit.
Currently there were not enough stipendiary clergy available to replace those who area retiring.
I was forced to use my old clippers, which these were supposed to replace, to rescue my hair.
And if this is so, is it worth the trouble to replace the democratic capitalist representatives by their parliamentary confreres on the left?
Computer equipment requires continuous updating and so this year I would hope to replace one computer in the Library/Resource area for an upgraded version.
The aim of the wound healing continuum is to support clinical decision making not replace it, ' she maintained.
The existing timber cladding required extensive repair work before painting and so it was considered more cost-effective to replace it entirely.
Several other stand-mounted options were available to replace or compliment the standard intermediate countershaft and further details of these can be found here.
Although lurcher simulated coursing can be fun, it will never be able to replace the real thing.
We're endeavoring to source alternative products but some lines are proving very difficult to replace, for example Tofutti vegan cream cheese.
The works involved excavations in Leicester Road to lay a large 1000 mm x 650 mm elliptical culvert to replace the existing defective culvert.
The avid cyclist should replace the chain once a year and maybe the cassettes every 3rd year.
This was subsequently replace by the 'art deco ' structure now the impressive Liverpool Marriott Hotel South.
However, a suitable substitute delegate may replace an existing booking at any time without cost penalty.
Yet it is safer and easier to replace deterrence with elimination of all WMD.
The new digital cameras, which transfer images electronically to a processing center, will progressively replace the Gatso cameras.
The present farm was built in 1847 to replace the previous building which had become dilapidated.
Follow the Code of Conduct and use a small trowel and replace divots neatly.
If the units are in fairly good condition and only look dated, just replace the doorknobs, handles and taps.
For added strength and stability, replace wooden dowels with metal dowels.
The 2 arched brick bridges spanning the ditch were built around 1890 to replace the earlier drawbridges.
I'm guessing that degeneration means the new cells aren't exact duplicates of the cells they replace, kind of like accelerated aging.
There is a suggestion that eating the eggshell can help the female to replace some calcium.
This could include sports drinks which are formulated to replace lost electrolytes.
The animal experiments that the alternatives are supposed to replace are then repeated.
Temporarily remove the eyepiece and clamp the Camera lucida to the top of the eye tube, then replace the eyepiece.
The scheme to replace the current town center eyesore with 65 new car park spaces should be completed by March.
Through chip technology, your multi-function Visa card could replace all of this -- and in the not so far-off future.
Infant milks are intended to replace breast milk when mothers do not breast feed.
The original specification was for a fabricated steel mesh grid to replace the chain-link fencing that had been wrapped around the bole.
The Pope hoped to replace the pagan Celtic festival with a church-sponsored holiday.
Thus began the Norman occupation which was to replace much of Irish tribal society with medieval feudalism.
You should replace your brake fluid at least once a year.
The wedding cake of luminescence fluorescence to replace them phenomena with familiar concepts.
This heavy stone bridge was built around 1820 to replace a light timber footbridge of 1761.
It was only much later that bridges would replace fords.
The CryoSat program seeks to replace sporadic submarine missions by continual monitoring of the ice freeboard, from which thickness will be derived.
Replace the fusee box with the spring detached from the fusee box with the spring detached from the fusee.
Two summers ago, we had to replace the cylinder head gasket on Rosy's engine.
But, six months after the new pavements were laid, Transco ripped them up to replace the gas mains.
The bridge is a big iron girder affair, built in 1907 to replace a ferry.
They found that zeta globin was able to replace the faulty beta globin, in the same way that gamma globin can.
They said the use of the SS insignia to replace the letters " SS " did not glorify the SS.
This is the time to replace glycogen used during the event.
It's not idiotic to replace golliwogs with goblins, as Blyton's own daughter perceived.
A new park will replace the Heygate Estate, bringing welcome greenery to the area.
The electrodes are inserted into the cochlea and replace the hair cells which are not working or are damaged.
To replace a damaged area, dig out a square of turf using a half-moon edging iron.
In the summer of 1964 an electric organ was purchased to replace the harmonium, and the first floor was created in 1967.
I may even replace my old hulk hogan mug with one of these.
Spring cleaning Some basic housekeeping might improve your computer's performance enough to postpone the ' upgrade or replace ' decision altogether.
All week we have been urged to choose a new housemate to replace next Friday's first evictee.
The government currently has no plans to replace existing nuclear generation capacity, nor for large-scale hydro or tidal power schemes.
The Bill, like the legislation it will replace, will be what is sometimes called a " common informers " Act.
We announced in the Budget that we will create four new inspectorates to replace the current eleven.
This was an attempt to replace the educated class of the past by what Rakosi called a new " toiling intelligentsia " .
One solution is to replace randomly intermixed null events with periods of baseline between blocks of events.
In the upper jaw six to eight implants are used to replace twelve to fourteen teeth.
If there is slack, carefully remove the camshaft chainwheel, and replace it on a differnent keyway.
What happens if you replace 1 and 2 by any two numbers lace 1 and 2 by any two numbers l and m with l m?
Alastair had plans for all the existing Dell PowerEdge 650 machines so none could be used to replace lesser powered print servers.
Get rid of pedestrian subways and bridges and replace them with surface level crossings.
Lias floor was laid in 1984 to replace an earth floor that was constantly dug by treasure seekers.
This implied that there should be 48 additional linear accelerators in the UK, of which 22 would replace old cobalt machines.
It has also been painted in the GER maroon livery which will replace the non-authentic red paint 1380 wears at the moment.
We will replace the topsoil with Rolawn blended loam, giving the turf the best possible growth conditions.
I could have opened up BBEdit or something similar and constructed the appropriate find and replace there, but that seemed annoyingly long-winded.
Teacher mended the broken lyre of my life and gave me mental concepts to replace sight and hearing.
Far better to not replace people, have a single manger for three departments rather than one.
Green was also linked with a move to Leeds to replace their highly marketable young keeper Paul Robinson.
The marketing code aims to protect infant health by controlling the marketing of artificial milks and other baby foods, which replace breastmilk.
Not only are the microfiber towels available, but now you can purchase microfiber towels available, but now you can purchase microfiber mops to replace both your dust and wet mops.
Enjoy your coffee without the mints and ask for semi-skimmed milk to replace the cream.
It is not intended to replace a lecture course on the principles of optical mineralogy.
We had to replace our Sky box due to a slight mishap.
By such a spirited death, she provided the reason for the Roman people to replace the monarchy with the republic.
While two other morons want to replace the wonderful words of the anthem with doggerel.
However, How can I replace the motherboard in my PC without having to reinstall Windows XP?
A kit to replace the original rubber mountings and clamps.
The Chat 50 can also replace headphones and headsets that can quickly become uncomfortable, restrict movement and tether the user to the device.
Talking of Bartlett, I have a new naff polyphonic ringtone to replace the Rasmus which has been driving people nuts.
Furthermore, his suggestions for what might replace the UN are incredibly naive.
Maintenance of Street nameplates The Council will repair or replace damaged street nameplates.
Street Name Plates Frequently Asked Questions How long will it take you to replace the missing or damaged street nameplate?
John found a junk shop and bought a very nautical looking " porthole " mirror for his bathroom, to replace a broken one.
Or replace just the third occurrence of a cell address in some cells ' formulas?
Methadone is a synthetic opioid used to replace heroin in the treatment of dependency.
The unanimous advice of distinguished organists from the UK and America is to replace it.
How can I replace outdated FONT tags with css?
Carriage bogie overhauls continued, along with the fitting of new wheels to replace those with casting defects.
You simply empty it the same number of times that you usually replace your tampons or sanitary pads.
It's a reminder to me to replace the broken pane, which is no doubt where it got in.
We can replace & even repair, at any time, any place and we look after all the insurance paperwork for you.
Replace thermal paste with one supplied, attach new wire, screw new cooler in place.
We will replace this patchwork with a single scheme with a single board with harmonized administrative arrangements.
The mine has ordered 28 haul trucks of 32 ton payload capacity to replace the current 180 much smaller contractor trucks.
A nice iMac to replace the main pc would go down very well.
In the 1880s it became common for Anglican churches to replace the box pews with rows of open pews.
A start will be made by extending Newtonian physics to replace special relativity.
In the first incident, a worker was trying to replace a cotter pin on a forklift mast.
These Plans replace the plethora of existing national and EU progress reports.
In addition, I ask you to reconsider plans to replace Mercedes with more polar bears when she dies.
This information is not intended to replace the advice of your personal qualified healthcare practitioner.
With regard to fuel, the urgent priority is to save and replace oil.
Where an aluminous porphyroblast impinged on a quartz-rich pseudomorph, it did not replace the quartz.
He also proposes to replace only one out of two retiring civil servants in order to cut public debt.
Low Priority Paint steel roof purlins, replace rotten timbers within the purlin angle sections.
Raw materials of vegetable origin could also replace current ene.g. sources like diesel fuel and gasoline, e.g. rapeseed could be processed to biofuels.
The spoof bad boy rapper will now replace Sex And The City on HBO.
Night shift ripped the tire, I had to replace it (offside rear ).
Even tho the price of handheld gps receivers is falling I would still prefer not to have to replace mine just yet!
One of the pots does indeed replace one of the fixed resistors whilst the other is connected the the extra PCB.
Replace lid let the rice rest for about 10 minutes.
Over a four day period we will remove and replace the profile roofing together with other ancillary work.
So, they're trying to replace me, thinks the old rooster.
For example why not replace the Sunday roast with poached salmon instead.
A new rack mounted server has been delivered to Appleton Tower to replace topper as the hardware for the admin samba server.
An attempt to replace the leadership in Malta failed, and for a period further schism was avoided.
Fit the board to the top section of the case, and replace the four self-tapping screws.
Modules are all plug in and only require a screwdriver to remove and replace.
When they are developed tomorrow, I will post them to this site, to replace the rather second-rate ones there at present.
Manufacturers are expected to replace organic selenium with sodium selenite.
I cannot even remember what " Layer 4 " is supposed to be, so I won't replace it with something sensible.
When Bibleman's original partner departed on a classified mission, he picked Cipher to replace him as the hero's sidekick.
The best place to start is to replace the sills.
The next job was to replace the outer sills and repair the inner sills.
Furthermore, if your child is sick be sure to replace lost fluids with frequent small sips of cold, still water.
Locking Wheel skewers replace the quick release skewers fitted to many bike wheels to prevent the wheels being stolen.
It shows a ' before and after ' image of the new housing that would replace the existing slums.
This is why astronomers are developping multi-field spectroscopy where integral field units replace the lenses or slits in a multi-object spectrograph.
The Labor party announced that Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam would replace Kevin McNamara as the party's spokesperson on Northern Ireland.
The hip-hop star believes he is the perfect person to replace Pierce Brosnan as the suave spy.
I will have to replace it with a fully stainless steel version at some point.
The group is on a rolling program to replace all stiles with kissing gates.
In production, the nation is restoring its capacity to produce nuclear weapons components to replace aging parts in the enduring nuclear stockpile.
Amount funded = £ 135,000 Street Lighting Replace old lighting and install additional streetlights in the NDC area.
If you find any evidence of damage replace your tree strop immediately.
In the 54th minute Adie Orr came on to replace Dave Swarbrick who had been unusually subdued.
This would replace both Trident and the navy's hunter-killer submarines.
In general, this can either simply append the suffix or replace the last suffix.
People with severe damage to intestinal tissue may be prescribed intravenous nutritional supplements in order to replace unabsorbed nutrients.
To prevent this problem, delete the original swimsuit stall when starting these scenarios and replace with a new swimsuit stall.
My copy is so tattered and worn out, I'm thinking of buying a new one to replace it.
Long life optical components mean that, for the most part, you only ever need to replace toner.
Three into one will go Radio 1 has lined up a talented trio to replace the late John Peel.
More modern materials were used to replace the old woolen fire tunics.
Martins could then have to replace the turbo again!
To replace the old bell turret an new bell tower was erected.
Local Development Framework New Planning regulations require Havering Council to replace its current unitary Development Plan with a Local Development Framework (LDF ).
Check all plant supports and replace or mend any that look unsound.
Someday, they may be bright, efficient and inexpensive enough to replace vacuum tubes for white lighting.
However, there is only way of doing the job properly and unfortunately that is to remove and replace a perfectly good front valance.
The new byelaws revoke and replace with amendments previous byelaws made by the verderers and the order revokes the orders confirming the revoked byelaws.
The church center was added in 1988, to replace the old church hall which was located on Queens Road near the present vicarage.
We are introducing a V-neck Sweatshirt - bottle green - with gold embroidery to replace current v-neck jumper.
The King of Naples sent a warship to replace the flag, and a French party also landed.
You can replace the washer without turning off the mains water.
Wayne bridge to replace an aging gray fo 5m.
They are such good quality and so well-made that if you eventually wear yours out, Tilley will replace it for free!
Do I need approval to install or replace electric wiring?
A program of wheelset changes to replace worn out brake disks was due to be completed by April 2003.
For practical purposes we may treat r 2 as constant, and replace d/dr by d/dh, where h is height in centimetres above the ground.
He aimed in fact at producing a work which might replace in ordinary use the Wealth of Nations, which in his opinion was "in many parts obsolete and in all imperfect."
When, therefore, the violent agitation in Ireland against Wood's halfpence (see Swift, Jonathan) made it necessary to replace the duke of Grafton as lord lieutenant, Carteret was sent to Dublin.
This readily gave with silver nitrite a nitromethane in which we may suppose the nitro-group to replace the a hydrogen atom, i.e.
Chlorination of this substance gave a monochloracetic acid; we will assume the chlorine atom to replace the b hydrogen atom.
From the nitroacetic acid obtained above, malonic acid was prepared, and from this a monochlormalonic acid was obtained; we assume the chlorine atom to replace the c hydrogen atom.
In the colonies of more than one European country, after the prohibition of the slave trade, attempts were made to replace it by a system of importing labourers of the inferior races under contracts for a somewhat lengthened term; and this was in several instances found to degenerate into a sort of legalized slave traffic. About 1867 we began to hear of a system of this kind which was in operation between the South Sea Islands and New Caledonia and the white settlements in Fiji.
His first acts on taking up his office were to repudiate the authority of the Hungarian diet, to replace the Maygar officials with ardent " Illyrians," and to proclaim martial law.
Rosecrans, the victor of Corinth and Iuka (see below), was thereupon ordered to replace him.
Burgers, the president of the Transvaal in 187 2, endeavoured to replace Montsioa as chief of the Barolong by Moshette, whom he declared to be the rightful ruler and paramount chief of that people.
As in Gymnosperms, branching is monopodial; dichotomy or the forking of the growing point into two equivalent branches which replace the main stem, is absent both in the case able variety in form (see Leaf), but are generally small in comparison with the size of the plant; exceptions occur in some Monocotyledons, e.g.
Secondly, native forms often disappear with the clearing off of the original forest or other vegetation, in which case their recession is to a certain extent unavoidable, and the fauna which has established itself in the presence of cultivation is needed to replace them.
The Portuguese further agreed to facilitate the recruitment of natives in their territory for work in the Rand mines, and in consequence Kaffirs were obtained in sufficient numbers to replace the Chinese coolies as they were repatriated.
Would you replace a punctured tire or call for help?
Should I use a puncture repair kit or just replace the inner tube?
The new development will replace many of the existing buildings with a coherent structure, purpose-built to support the delivery of 21st-century clinical care.
This turns out to be inconvenient, so instead we replace the q s in the denominator by their MLE.
Drag Hunting Drag hunting could not replace live quarry hunting.
Raw materials of vegetable origin could also replace current energy sources like diesel fuel and gasoline, e.g. rapeseed could be processed to biofuels.
Night shift ripped the tire, I had to replace it (offside rear).
Even tho the price of handheld GPS receivers is falling I would still prefer not to have to replace mine just yet !
Some trimming materials however can be sourced new and used to re-cover seats and replace the headlining.
Anyone fearing repercussions from the circumstantial evidence merely has to do a fresh install of their OS to replace their GUID.
Make sure you are drinking enough water to replace lost fluids.
The new fund will replace the current one from 1 January 2007.
This way DRM could be introduced without the need to replace existing AM stations.
The OU microscope benefits from an LED retrofitted to replace the tungsten bulb.
So, they 're trying to replace me, thinks the old rooster.
I cannot even remember what " Layer 4 " is supposed to be, so I wo n't replace it with something sensible.
Fourth, replace the battery at the end of its serviceable life.
The spring must be removed using a compressor to replace the top shock absorber bush.
When Bibleman 's original partner departed on a classified mission, he picked Cipher to replace him as the hero 's sidekick.
Locking Wheel Skewers replace the quick release skewers fitted to many bike wheels to prevent the wheels being stolen.
If you 're very worried then substitute 1/2 cup of skim milk powder for 2 eggs, but do n't replace more than that.
Waveney Close at Wells - patch existing footway surface, replace damaged kerbs and slurry seal.
Eating live yogurt will replace intestinal flora lost during the alcohol attack and soothe a sore stomach.
Cut this and replace it with one of the spade terminals provided in the kit.
The Labor Party announced that Marjorie (Mo) Mowlam would replace Kevin McNamara as the party 's spokesperson on Northern Ireland.
Strictly speaking, it is not correct to describe the drug as able 'to replace the stomach lining '.
This would replace both Trident and the navy 's hunter-killer submarines.
My copy is so tattered and worn out, I 'm thinking of buying a new one to replace it.
If toxicity is a problem, remove the transfection mixture and replace with normal medium.
Surgery will often be required to widen the tricuspid valve or rarely to replace it.
We are looking for a new trumpet player to replace our beloved Jon.
Martins could then have to replace the turbo again !
The Swede inadvertently moved his ball on the 11th green and failed to replace it, a two-stroke penalty.
City Academies were launched to replace underachieving schools or those in special measures.
Local Development Framework New Planning regulations require Havering Council to replace its current Unitary Development Plan with a Local Development Framework (LDF).
However, there was an even greater tendency to replace unset parameters with absolute parameters than there was in cases of little linguistic variation.