Repetitions Sentence Examples
Repetitions of the feat are now counted by the score.
The three other poems, designated as "Book II" in the Junius MS., are characterized by considerable imaginative power and vigour of expression, but they show an absence of literary culture and are somewhat rambling, full of repetitions and generally lacking in finish.
But I would advocate making those repetitions crisper and clearer.
The group of two longnecked gazelles facing a palm tree is of extraordinary refinement, and shows the, artistic consciousness in every part; the symmetric rendering of the palm tree, reduced to fit the scale of the animals, the dainty grace of the smooth gazelles contrasted with the rugged stem, the delicacy of the long flowing curves and the fine indications of the joints, all show a sense of design which has rarely been equalled in the ceaseless repetitions of the tree and supporters motive during every age since.
I can count four repetitions of the mantra " in Europe, not ruled by Europe ".
Traditional tai chi prescribes about 108 to 128 postures, including repetitions.
You start an exercise slow, then you up the tempo or repetitions, then you go back to your original movements, then fast again.
Many of the exercises have a few different routines or repetitions, which is where the developer is getting such a high number.
The types of symptoms and severity of FA seems to be associated with the number of repetitions.
Stuttering is a speech problem characterized by repetitions; pauses; or drawn-out syllables, words, and phrases.
AdvertisementThe child's voice pitch might rise with repetitions, and some children experience occasional periods when airflow or voice stops for seconds at a time.
In these children, complete blocks of speech are more common than repetitions or prolongations, during which children lengthen syllables or words.
Remember to keep the amount you're lifting on the low side, but do lots of repetitions.
Swimming is all about repetitions, and with focus, concentration and patience, you too can be a top swimmer and embrace this pleasurable way of staying fit.
Each set should contain 10 to 15 repetitions.
AdvertisementFrom 10 to 12 repetitions of one exercise should lead to fatigue, or else the weight being used is not heavy enough to be properly challenging.
For a single exercise, two or three sets of repetitions should be included in each workout.
It's not so important how much you lift, but it's important that you do plenty of repetitions with your weights.
The weight training exercises are designed to be done in a set series, using fewer repetitions but at a higher weight and intensity.
Start with one to three sets of 12 repetitions each, depending on your current physical condition.
AdvertisementFocus more on increasing repetitions than on increasing weight.
Keep your back erect and your abs tense throughout the performance of your repetitions.
The number of sets and repetitions you perform will differ depending on your level of strength, but you should aim for a minimum of three sets of 12-15 reps.
Whatever weight size you begin with, it's time to increase by five to ten pound increments when you reach the end of a set of repetitions and don't feel any exertion.
For example, if you simply need to tone and lose weight, then you will want to use high repetitions with low weights.
AdvertisementKeep alternating arms or legs until you have reached twelve repetitions on each.
For example, the ideal fitness log should go beyond exercise, sets and repetitions.
Do one very quick and explosive set of no more than six repetitions of heavy weight.
You should do at least one set of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise for these major muscle groups.
Repeat the motion without resting between repetitions.
See the table below for weight selection and number of repetitions.
Refer to the table below to determine how many repetitions to perform for each goal.
A novice to strength training should begin with five-pound weights on each side of the barbell and perform no more than six to eight repetitions.
As your strength and stamina increase, a maximum of ten to twelve repetitions will be all you need.
Keep it up by alternating legs and try to do six repetitions on each side.
Remaining in the bridge,flex and extend your legs for 12 repetitions.
Perform 15 repetitions, and then switch sides.
The more repetitions of this pushup you can do, the better the reward you will reap from doing it.
Initially, select weights light enough to allow you to perform 12-15 repetitions for two sets.
To do this type of training, select a weight that you can do 12 to 15 repetitions to fatigue and then do two to three sets of 12-15 reps on each body part.
Strength training involves lifting moderate to heavy weights for two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions.
Select a weight that takes your muscles to exhaustion eight to 10 repetitions.
Perform 20 repetitions or 10 twists to each side.
Perform 10 repetitions of the straight crunch and 16 repetitions, or eight to each side of the oblique exercise.
Alternate legs, 5-10 repetitions for beginners without resting between legs.
Focus on getting good quality repetitions in as opposed to getting in as many repetitions as you can.
The Army has strict regulations regarding the number of repetitions a soldier should be able to maintain less than two minutes based on age and gender.
This is a simple warm up, but do 100 repetitions and your body will be warm and ready for the workout.
Perform three sets ranging from 8 to 15 repetitions.
Participants performed 8 to 20 repetitions of each exercise, which were interspersed with 30-second to three-minute aerobic intervals.
Perform 20 repetitions, or 10 to each side.
When lifting weights, do a set of 20 to 30 very light repetitions before doing high intensity.
Once you are able to complete two to three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions of the beginner push ups, you are ready to move on to these intermediate push ups.
Repeat the motion for 10 to 15 repetitions.
Once you can do two or three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, you are ready to move on to the advanced push ups.
Repeat the motion for 10 to fifteen repetitions.
This causes neck pain, which in turn limits the number of abdominal exercise repetitions that can be performed.
Perform 10 repetitions and then change sides.
When this becomes too easy, increase the number of repetitions or move up to an item that weighs more, such as a gallon of milk or a container of laundry detergent.Another option is to participate in senior chair exercises.
A beginner can typically work all major muscle groups in a single workout, using one to two sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.
During this phase, you will also lift heavier weights that allow you to perform eight to ten repetitions for three sets.
The key to this schedule is to continually choose weights that exhaust you after eight to ten repetitions.
When you can do more than eight to ten repetitions, you need to choose a heavier weight.
During a strength training routine, you will do repetitions and sets of each exercise.
Each set should have between six to 12 repetitions.
For example, you can do three sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise; then rest for about 15 to 30 seconds between sets.
This routine will likely follow the basic weight training routine of three sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise.
Typically one circuit takes you through one exercise for every muscle group, lifting heavy enough weights that you can lift for 10 to 15 repetitions to exhaustion before moving on to 60 seconds to two minutes of aerobics between each set.
Make the exercise count and move slowly through your repetitions.
With both of these exercises, begin slowly with only five repetitions until you become stronger.
Your goal is to gradually increase weight rather than increase the number of repetitions which you do.
Stretching will prepare your muscles for activity as well as increase your flexibility and range of motion.You will do two sets of 10 to 12 repetitions each for all of your exercises.
The non-jarring motion will help you experience the pose without the emphasis on repetitions or sets.
How many times you repeat this move depends on the beat of the music, but it is usually 8 to 10 repetitions.
During your workout, perform at least two sets of ten to fifteen repetitions for every exercise.
Lift weights using light weights and performing three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions for each muscle group.
Slow, controlled movements and a high number of repetitions are the keys to building muscular endurance.
Pilates exercises differ from traditional workouts in that the focus is not on numerous repetitions.
Each session should incorporate at least eight to ten exercises and at least eight to twelve repetitions of each exercise.
If you have a hard time judging what that means, make sure that you're lifting sufficient weight so that the last one or two repetitions of each set are almost impossible to complete.
Your exercise plan can include one set of 12 repetitions of the triceps pressdown, no matter what variation you choose.
According to Mayo Clinic, one set of reps is just as effective as doing several sets of 12 repetitions.
There is no emphasis on speeding through a litany of sets and repetitions.
Perform 10 to 25 repetitions, aiming for the last one or two crunches to be difficult to complete.
Perform two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.
If you're training for muscular strength, lift heavier weights with fewer repetitions.
If you're training for muscular endurance, lift lighter weights with more repetitions.
When lifting for muscular strength, each set should range from 8 to 12 repetitions, while sets for muscular endurance should range from 12 to 20 repetitions.
Begin with a few reps, working up to 12 repetitions.
For instance, if you were performing shoulder raises, you could perform 11 regular repetitions, but on the twelfth rep, you could lift the weight and hold it in place for 10 to 20 seconds.
You can also use it to track the number of sets and repetitions you do for each exercise.
You may also want to include the number of sets and repetitions with each one under its name.
If you find that the number of recommended repetitions feels easy, increase the number of reps or slow the exercise down, really concentrating on targeting your abdominals throughout each repetition.
Because of this, beginners should select a resistance that allows them to perform 12 to 15 repetitions.
If your goal is to build muscle, then perform two to three sets of six to eight repetitions.
If you would like to tone and strengthen, perform two to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions.
Advanced strength trainers should work every set to failure, selecting weights that allow them to perform between six and twelve repetitions for two or three sets.
Perform two or three sets of 10 to 15 full repetitions (twisting to the right and left is a single repetition).
Perform 10 to 15 repetitions on your right side before switching sides.
Start with light weight and fewer repetitions and work your way up to a more advanced routine.
The law abounds in contradictions and repetitions, and the compositions are calculated in different moneys.
Let t be the statical breaking strength of a bar, loaded once gradually up to fracture (t = breaking load divided by original area of section); u the breaking strength of a bar loaded and unloaded an indefinitely great number of times, the stress varying from u to o alternately (this is termed the primitive strength); and, lastly, let s be the breaking strength of a bar subjected to an indefinitely great number of repetitions of stresses equal and opposite in sign (tension and thrust), so that the stress ranges alternately from s to -s.
The formula shows that except for numbers of the form (3n 2 n) the number of partitions without repetitions into an odd number of parts is equal to the number of partitions without repetitions into an even number of parts, whereas for the excepted numbers these numbers differ by unity.
Other repetitions of words already written and anticipations of words yet to be written are also found, through the scribe's eye wandering into the preceding or the following context.
Amongst the legitimate reasons for suspecting the correctness of a text are patent contradictions in a passage or its immediate neighbourhood, proved and inexplicable deviations from the standards for forms, constructions and usages (mere rarity or singularity is not enough), weak and purposeless repetitions of a word (if there is no reason for attributing these to the writer), violations of the laws of metre and rhythm as observed by the author, obvious breaks in the thought (incoherence) or disorderly sequence in the same (double or multiple incoherence).
Again, there are repetitions and double versions, e.g.
There are some repetitions in the account, but there is not enough evidence to restore two complete stories.
The reasons were not understood until the researches of Wailer demonstrated the difference between the effects of merely dead loads and of live loads, and between repetitions of stress of one kind only, and the vastly more destructive effects of both kinds alternating.
Here, too, the occurrence of repetitions and divergencies, the variations of standpoint and practice, and, at times, the linguistic peculiarities point no less clearly to diversity of origin.
In any case the length of his work is not the result of verbiage or repetitions.
At first these are mere repetitions of Aan, but to the cry "Come to prayer!"
The body of the Arthropoda is more or less clearly divided into a series of rings, segments, or somites which can be shown to be repetitions one of another, possessing identical parts and organs which may be larger or smaller, modified in shape or altogether suppressed in one somite as compared with another.
The result of these repetitions is that, during a number of revolutions, the special mutual actions of the two planets at these three points of their orbits repeat themselves, while the actions corresponding to the three intermediate arcs are wanting.
Memory usage is approximately linear in RE size, and largely insensitive to RE complexity, except for bounded repetitions.
On the other hand, it is urged that, though Guyon and Du Verdier were in a sense contemporaries, they wrote long after the events, and that the testimony of the former is vitiated, not merely by its extreme vagueness, but by the fact .that it occurs in a plaidoyer, tending to exculpate physicians from the charge of unorthodoxy; that Du Verdier in another place assigns the Pantagrueline Prognostication to this same unknown student of Valence, and had therefore probably confused and hearsay notions on the subject; that the rasher and fiercer tone, as well as the apparent repetitions, are sufficiently accounted for on the supposition that Rabelais never finally revised the book, which indeed dates show that he could not have done, as the fourth was not finally settled till just before his death; and that it is perfectly probable, and indeed almost certain, that it was prepared from his papers by another hand, which is responsible for the anachronous allusions above referred to.
Progressive resistance exercise requires successful completion of 8 to 15 repetitions in good form before increasing weight or resistance.
Each part of the partition is a bipartite number, and in representing the partition it is convenient to indicate repetitions of parts by power symbols.
These breaks in continuity show what might also be inferred from frequent repetitions of lines which have appeared earlier in the poem, and from the rough workmanship of passages in the later books, that the poem could not have received the final revision of the author.
All clocks are constructed on the basis of this method of measurement; that is to say, on the plan of counting the repetitions of some operation, adopted solely on the ground of its being capable of continual repetition with a certain degree of accuracy, and possibly also of automatic compensation for changing conditions.
In striking contrast to the "vain repetitions" of the false prophets are the simple words with which Elijah makes his prayer to Yahweh.
He made extracts from the existing law, preserving the old words, and merely cutting out repetitions, removing contradictions, retrenching superfluities, so as immensely to reduce the bulk of the whole.
An explanation of the superabundance of miracles in Elisha's life is suggested by the fact that several of them were merely repetitions or doubles.
After a few repetitions of the reversal, the process becomes strictly cyclic, the upward and downward curves always following with precision the paths indicated in the figure.
We have for the number of partitions an analytical theory depending on generating functions; thus for the partitions of a number n with the parts I, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c., without repetitions, writing down the product I +x.
This statute was written in Norman-French, and nineteen of its clauses are merely repetitions of some ordinances which had been drawn up at Kilkenny fifteen years earlier.
The absence of the author's final revision may partly account for many repetitions, and for some contradictions, for mistakes in passages borrowed from Greek authors, and for the insertion of marginal additions at wrong places in the text.
Canons were adopted, thirty according to the generally received tradition, although the most ancient texts contain but twentyeight, and, as Hefele points out, the so-called twenty-ninth and thirtieth are properly not canons, but repetitions of proposals made in a previous session.
There are some repetitions and some inconsistencies, but not more than may fairly be allowed for in a compilation of such magnitude executed so rapidly.
His narrative contains frequent repetitions and contradictions, is without colouring, and monotonous; and his simple diction, which stands intermediate between pure Attic and the colloquial Greek of his time, enables us to detect in the narrative the undigested fragments of the materials which he employed.