Repellent Sentence Examples
Try to bring some insect repellent or a net.
I should have warned you to wear some kind of repellent.
I should have bought some insect repellent I think.
Now I don't know what Boris thinks of this, but I find the whole idea repellent.
All bags are made of water repellent canvas with wax leather trim and brass mountings.
A lightweight, water repellent jacket, which is fully windproof, will allow for improved breathability whilst preventing the effects of wind chill.
Wool fibers are naturally water repellent and have colorfast properties.
Start with a great flea bath, and apply a topical flea repellent.
Their Camet Hobart Extreme Shorts are excellent for water wear, made of a tough, light nylon that is water repellent, dries quickly, and has a UV rating of 40+.
They have a water repellent finish and are treated with SPF 50 for added protection from the sun.
AdvertisementIt's made of 100% recycled polyester and is water repellent, windproof and sturdy.
Before you purchase a men's raincoat, you must understand the differences between coats that are water resistant, water repellent, and waterproof.
You might want to add organic wool sheets, since wool is naturally a good dust mite repellent.
American false pennyroyal, for example, is a native American plant which has a long history of folklore use as an insect repellent.
Plant sage near cabbage since it's a natural repellent to cabbage worms.
AdvertisementAnother great mosquito repellent herb is lemon balm with its built-in citronella compound.
Lanolin is the oil in sheep's wool and acts as a natural water repellent.
The fabric coated gear resists dirt, and is water repellent.
You can also get some Rain and Stain Repellent to prolong the beauty of your boots, even when the weather would love to see them otherwise.
A water repellent product is normally just coated on the outside so that water rolls off.
AdvertisementIf your boots are not waterproof, it is best to treat them with a water repellent spray before wearing them.
Apply an insect repellent to exposed skin.
This is a natural insect repellent that will instantly drive those mosquitoes (and the cooling sensation is an added bonus in the sweltering heat!).
Apply it prior to your insect repellent for best results.
You can also avoid the bites by using mosquito repellent.
AdvertisementThe jerseys are made of special four-way stretch core body material that has been treated with a water repellent.
In America, animal tests conducted with a mixture of a nerve gas antidote and insect repellent indicated nerve damage.
Mosquitos are a nuisance, so students should have citronella or some other repellent.
Sandflies near the river can also be a nuisance at times, tho they are easily deterred with insect repellent.
For a similar reason, the application of colorless water repellent solutions is also inadvisable.
The smoothly polished blocks seem cold, stark, repellent.
Scottish researchers have developed a new and effective repellent which has its origins in the Indian Neem tree.
A nostalgia overcame him which in later years he found repellent.
You can't imagine how someone so repellent and self-serving could even manage to get married.
Sun cream, insect repellent, lip salve, wet wipes, sewing kit.
Of course a bug repellent spray or similar will hopefully keep most bugs at bay.
Even in normal circumstances their play and counterplay, attractive and repellent, must be manifold almost beyond conception; for the body may be regarded as a collective organization consisting of a huge colony of micro-organisms become capable of a common life by common and mutual arrangement and differentiation of function, and by toleration and utilization of each other's peculiar products; some organs, such as the liver, for example, being credited with a special power of neutralizing poisons, whether generated under normal conditions or under abnormal, .which gain entrance from the intestinal tract.
Everything within and around him seemed confused, senseless, and repellent.
Now I do n't know what Boris thinks of this, but I find the whole idea repellent.
Use an insect repellent where biting insects are known to be active.
However, using a clear water repellent coating will help to prevent fading.
The backing material is a second layer of nylon Taslan which is also treated with a durable water repellent finish.
Do n't forget your midge repellent, sun cream, waterproof and bobble hat - the weather can be pretty mixed up there !
The stability of all wood used out of doors can be improved by the use of water repellent treatments.
You ca n't imagine how someone so repellent and self-serving could even manage to get married.
This leather trim has been treated to make it water repellent and stain resistant.
If you would like to deter stray cats from trespassing in your garden or backyard, there are several safe, non toxic, and effective ways that you can make cat repellent.
While there is no one specific method to make cat repellent, there are a number of steps you can take to keep cats out of your property.
With just a few items from the pantry and garden, you can easily make cat repellent yourself at home that is economical and eco-friendly.
Like the Lambert Kay Boundary Repellent, the product produces a smell that cats find distasteful and helps ensure they will keep away from it.
Most cat repellent products can be found at stores that cater to pets.
Use a cat repellent the next time you find cats in areas of your property where you don't want them, and know that you are dealing with the problem in a safe and effective manner.
Although it's not proven to repel other insects, some people report using it as a general insect repellent.
Below are some homemade cleansers and an insect repellent made by using tea tree oil.
Make your own mosquito repellent by adding 15 to 20 teaspoons of oil to one quart of water.
You can use as a personal insect repellent as well as a treatment for bites and stings.
This spring, you may wish to use rosemary as a natural flea repellent to keep fleas and other parasites off your pet.
Using rosemary as a natural flea repellent can be an excellent option for simple prevention or for the treatment of a mild case of fleas.
You may want to line the curtain with a clear water repellent curtain or use a second clear plastic shower liner on a second rod.
Many cargo pants are water repellent, so they are a great option for whitewater rafting or hiking in damp weather, as well as playing on the beach on a colder day.
Both varieties offer UV protection and a water repellent coating, while enhancing the look of natural wood.
If you need to revive the layer designed for repelling water (the Durable Water Repellent, or DWR, breaks down over time), drying or tumble drying should work.
The entire vest, including the zipper, is treated to be water repellent.
A good trench coat will be water repellent and act as a windbreaker, so you can traverse the city in all the weather spring can throw at you and still be comfortable.
The Columbia Blood and Guts Bucket Hat, sold at Cabela's, is made from ripstop nylon and is treated with repellent as well as sun protection.
Planting these repellent plants among your pumpkins and other vulnerable crops helps to keep squash bugs away.
These products may use common dish soap as a base with the addition of essential oils for insect repellent properties.
If you want a natural mosquito and moth repellent, then plant lavender along your patio border or in several containers to ensure an insect free zone that's also aromatic.
Today's fleece outerwear is both durable and can be highly water repellent.
Water repellent fabrics have a protective finish that repels water, while water resistant fabrics shed water.
Depending on where you are going, you may also want to pack bear repellent.
The fabric used is called Surfnyl, a patented nylon that dries fast - in about five minutes - and is impressively water repellent.
It is a family size sheet, soft and water repellent, that can be used for any number of dirty activities.
Store dresses in airtight zipped garment bags with lavender sachets for natural deodorizing and insect repellent protection.
Water repellent and water resistant may sound like the same thing, but they aren't.
If the fur is real, treating it with a water repellent is a must!
For prevention, remember to cover up whenever you're outdoors between dusk and dawn and protect yourself with an insect repellent that contains the chemical DEET.
For added protection, wear light colored clothing whenever possible and use an insect repellent containing DEET.
This is a natural mosquito repellent that has been proven to work time and again.
Use insect repellent when you head outdoors, such as Bee Safe, a spray that is safe to use on the skin, clothing and on any area that needs protection.
Use a repellent that lasts all day, as long as you are outside, or reapply the repellent per the directions on the product.
If the worship of Siva, despite the purport of his chief symbol, seems on the whole less liable to produce these undesirable effects than that of the rival deity, it is doubt- less due partly to the real nature of that emblem being little realized by the common people, and partly to the somewhat repellent character of the "great god," more favourable to evoking feelings of awe and terror than a spirit of fervid devotion.
Zeno and Chrysippus had introduced a repellent technical terminology; their writings lacked every grace of style.
If experience develops incompatibility of temper or some other mutually repellent characteristic, separation follows as a matter of course.
If you are using an outdoor cat repellent to deter your own cats from entering areas or climbing on items where you don't want them, you should combine these repellents with behavioral training.
Many times you will see herbs like Pennyroyal or Tea Tree oil; these are used for their flea repellent properties and are very effective in helping your pet stay pest free all season long.
At the height of the Renaissance the five great powers in the peninsula formed a confederation of independent but mutually attractive and repellent states.
The indefensible indecency and overstrained sentimentality are on the surface; but after a time every repellent defect is forgotten in the enjoyment of the exquisite literary art.
To his personal characteristics can be traced the hair-splitting and formal pedantry which ever afterwards marked the activity of the school, the dry repellent technical procedure of the Dialecticians par excellence, as they were called.
At the present day they are extremely bare, and in this respect almost repellent; but the lack of colour is compensated by the delicacy of the outlines, the minute articulation of the minor ridges and valleys, and the symmetrical grouping of the several mountains.
If the membrane is of some impermeable substance, like gold leaf, the hyphae cannot dissolve its way through, but the tip finds the most minute pore and traverses the barrier by means of it, as it does a stoma on a leaf, We may hence conclude that a parasitic hyphae pierces some plants or their stomata and refuses to enter others, because in the former case there are chemotropically attractive substances present which are absent from the latter, or are there replaced by repellent poisonous or protective substances such as enzymes or antitoxins.