Repairs Sentence Examples
One-third to be deducted off all repairs and renewals.
Alex had been taking her to church for a long time, so they were greeted together warmly and everyone asked how repairs were coming along on her house.
The dockyard, chiefly used for naval repairs, covers about 60 acres, and consists of three basins and large docks, the depth of water in the basins ranging down to 26 ft.
Nearly all the cable companies possess their own steamers, of sufficient dimensions and specially equipped for making ordinary repairs; but for exceptional cases, where a considerable quantity of new cable may have to be inserted, it may be necessary to charter the services of one of the larger vessels owned by a cable-manufacturing company, at a certain sum per day, which may well reach £200 to £300.
The Postmaster-General on the other hand agreed to provide underground wires for the company on a rental, and agreed to buy in 1911 the company's plant in London at the cost of construction less allowance for repairs and depreciation.
Among other important manufactures are foundry and machine shop products ($6,944,392 in 1905); flour and grist-mill products ($4,428,664); cars and shop construction and repairs by steam railways ($2,502,789); saws; waggons and carriages ($2,049,207); printing and publishing (book and job, $1,572,688; and newspapers and periodicals, $2,715,666); starch; cotton and woollen goods; furniture ($2,528,238); canned goods ($1,693,818); lumber and timber ($1,556,466); structural iron work ($1,541,732); beer ($1,300,764); and planing-mill products, sash, doors and blinds ($1,111,264).
Saving that the upper half of the original spire was struck by lightning in 1671, and not rebuilt, the cathedral is complete at all points, but it underwent extensive repairs in the 19th century.
It has the care of the county property, manages the county business, builds and repairs the county buildings, apportions and orders the levying of taxes, and establishes the election precincts.
Most electrical jobs should be done by a professional; follow the basic safety rules and you can perform your own minor electrical repairs without any problems.
A third describes the repairs executed in 1681 by Prince Sherban Cantacuzino; a fourth, the restoration, in 1804, by Joseph, the first bishop. Between 1875 and 1885 the cathedral was reconstructed; and in 1886 it was reconsecrated.
AdvertisementBy the end of 1914, the entrances of Scapa Flow had been adequately protected, facilities for carrying out all but the most serious repairs were installed, and Scapa Flow gradually assumed the aspect of a great naval station, which it retained to the end of the war.
A landlord is not presumed to have undertaken to put the premises in repair, nor to execute repairs.
But the respective obligations of parties where repairs are, as they always are in leases for years, the subject of express covenant, may vary indefinitely.
The amount and quality of the repairs necessary to fulfil the covenant are always relative to the age, class and condition of the premises at the time of the lease.
A breach of the covenant to repair gives the landlord an action for damages which will be measured by the estimated injury to the reversion if the action be brought during the tenancy, and by the sum necessary to execute the repairs, if the action be brought later.
AdvertisementThese were immediately to be taken in hand, and considerable sums are being voted for repairs of existing customs buildings and the construction of new buildings.
All fundamental repairs thus fell to the charge of the state, which could not afford to effect them, and the vakuf revenues decreased so rapidly that already in the reign of Selim I.
It describes his entering Rome on foot, amid the rejoicings of the citizens; his liberality towards his soldiers and to the citizens of Rome, a liberality that was extended even to persons under eleven years of age; his charities for the maintenance of the children of the poor; his remission of succession-duties in cases where the property was small or the heirs members of the testator's family; his establishment of free trade in corn between the various parts of the empire; his abandonment of vexatious and petty prosecutions for "high treason"; his punishment of informers; his abolition of pantomimes; his repairs of public buildings and his extension and embellishment of the Circus Maximus.
Work was begun on the arsenal in 1883 and continued as the finances of the state permitted; it is capable of turning out new warships and of executing repairs of all kinds for the Mediterranean squadron.
Now, however, it is falling rapidly into ruin, the ever-changing provincial governors who administer Herat having neither the means nor the inclination to undertake the necessary repairs.
AdvertisementInscriptions record repairs to the breakwater by Antoninus Pius in 139 in fulfilment of a promise made by Hadrian before his death.
Some of these timber bridges are said to have lasted ninety years with ordinary repairs, but they were road bridges not heavily loaded.
After various repairs and strengthenings, including the replacement of the timber girder by an iron one in 1880, this bridge in 1896-1897 was taken down and a steel arch built _ _ __ _ I ?
They are preserved to a considerable height on all sides, except where the ravine is precipitous and they have been carried away by a landslip; they are for the most part built of irregular blocks of great size in the so-called " Cyclopian " style; but certain portions, notably that near the chief gate, are built in almost regular courses of squared stones; there are also some later repairs in polygonal masonry.
The homestead law of New Hampshire exempts from seizure for debt five hundred dollars' worth of any person's homestead except for the enforcement of a mortgage upon it, for the collection of debts incurred in making repairs or improvements, or for the collection of taxes.
AdvertisementThe name is derived from the original duty attached to the office, - that of the custody or guardianship of the fabric and furniture of the church, - which dates from the 1 4 th century, when the responsibility of providing for the repairs of the nave, and of furnishing the utensils for divine service, was settled on the parishioners.
When grown up, Orestes, in response to frequent messages from his sister, secretly repairs with Pylades to Argos, where he pretends to be a messenger from Strophius bringing the news of the death of Orestes.
It became necessary to enforce the terms of that convention, under which the fishermen of the United States could not pursue their avocations within the three miles' limit, tranship cargoes of fish in Canadian ports, or enter them except for shelter, water, wood or repairs.
Other important manufactures in 1905 were petroleum products ($2,006,484); lumber and planing mill products ($1,604,274); women's clothing ($1,477,648); children's carriages and sleds ($ 1, 4 6 5,599); car-shop construction and repairs, by steam railway companies ($1,366,506); carriages and wagons ($ 1, 22 5,387); structural iron work ($1,102,035); agricultural implements, bicycles, automobiles (a recent and growing industry), plate and cut-glass (made largely from a fine quality of sand found near the city), tobacco, spices and malted liquors.
The mains should be placed under the walks for safety, and also that they may be easily reached when repairs are required.
Besides a great saving of labour, only partly offset by the cost of repairs, these machines have the great merit of making the management independent of a very troublesome set of labourers, the hand pig-breakers, who were not only absolutely indispensable for every cast and every day, because the pig iron must be removed promptly to make way for the next succeeding cast of iron, but very difficult to replace because of the great physical endurance which their work requires.
A number of foundries and metallurgical works supply material for repairs and shipbuilding.
If a horse to be shod, or any broken tool were left with a sixpenny piece at the entrance of the cave the repairs would presently be executed.
He rebuilt Milan and other cities destroyed in the Gothic War; and two inscriptions on the Salarian bridge at Rome have preserved to modern times the record of repairs effected by him in the year 564.
When a ship shall have entered or shall have been detained in any port or place under the circumstances, or for the purposes of the repairs, mentioned in Rule X., the wages payable to the master, officers and crew, together with the cost of maintenance of the same, during the extra period of detention in such port or place until the ship shall or should have been made ready to proceed upon her voyage, shall be admitted as G.A.
Rule Xiii.-Deductions From Cost Of Repairs In adjusting claims for G.A., repairs to be allowed in G.A.
One-third to be deducted off repairs to and renewal of woodwork of hull, masts and spars, furniture, upholstery, crockery, metal and glassware, also sails, rigging, ropes, sheets and hawsers (other than wire and chain), awnings, covers and painting.
One-sixth to be deducted off wire rigging, wire ropes and wire hawsers, chain cables and chains, donkey engines, steam winches and connexions, steam cranes and connexions; other repairs in full.
Deductions as above under clause C, except that one-third be deducted off ironwork of masts and spars, repairs to and renewal of all machinery (inclusive of boilers and their mountings), and all hawsers, ropes, sheets and rigging.
One-third to be deducted off all repairs and renewals, except ironwork of hull and cementing and chain cables, from which one-sixth to be deducted.
Whether the law would require contribution to a loss of goods, say, by thieves or by fire, while landed for repairs, is not clear.
The claim was against underwriters on a ship which had been so damaged that the cost of repairs had exceeded her insured value.
The exemption may be claimed by either the husband or the wife, but may not be granted if each owns a home stead; and it does not extend to judgments rendered against the debtor on account of a mortgage, non-payment of the purchase money or supplies and labour for building and repairs.
In concert with the American generals, he planned an attack on Newport, preparatory to which he compelled the British to destroy some war vessels that were in the harbour; but before the concerted attack could take place, he put to sea against the English fleet, under Lord Howe, when owing to a violent storm, which arose suddenly and compelled the two fleets to separate before engaging in battle, many of his vessels were so shattered that he found it necessary to put into Boston for repairs.
He repairs to Tauris with Pylades, the son of Strophius and the intimate friend of Orestes, and the pair are at once imprisoned by the people, among whom the custom is to sacrifice all strangers to Artemis.
Repairs on the buildings left standing on this street alone involved an outlay of $5,000,000.
The Post Office, which withstood the fire and has since undergone repairs, is a massive modern building of granite (original cost $5,000,000).
The other manufactures were of much less importance, the principal ones being cars and general shop construction, including repairs by steam railway companies ($1,329,308), lumber and timber products ($960,778), and flour and grist mill products ($743,124).
Flour and grist mill products ranked second among the manufactures, being valued at $1,584,473 in 1905, an increase of nearly 116% over the product in 190o; and steam-car construction and repairs ranked third, with a value of $913,670 in 1905 and $523,631 in 1900.
The most prominent items in this were slaughtering and meat-packing products (value $60,031,133 in 1905); tobacco (in 1905, $30,884,182), flour and grist-mill products (in 1905, $38,026,142), 1 malt liquors (in 1905, $24,154,264), boots and shoes (in 1905, $ 2 3,493,55 2), lumber and timber products (in 1905, $10,903,783), men's factory-made clothing (in 1905, $8,872,831), and cars and general shop construction and repairs by steam railways (1905, $8,720,433).
Subsequent repairs and additions, extending down to Turkish times, have left little of Mandi's work untouched, though a few of the pillars probably date from his days.
In the ordinary course of intermittent supply or for the purpose of repairs, the water is cut off at some point in the main above the leakages; but this does not prevent the continuance of the discharge in the lower part of the town.
Repairs are recorded under Basil I., Basil II., Andronicus III.
Construction and repairs are, in theory, carried out by compulsory labour; but this right is seldom enforced.
A homestead in lands to the value of $t000, the products of the same, and personal property to the value of $500 which belong to the head of a family or to the husband and wife jointly are exempt from attachment, levy or sale except for taxes, purchase money or debts contracted in making improvements or repairs.
With repairs for his armies commandeering the last of the Anshan ore he had to trade or sell, he wouldn't be able to afford to feed his people and fight a war.
The owner was absolved from the responsibility of paying for major repairs.
You should ask him/her to be sure and carry all the listed essential repairs.
Dietary changes that may be helpful The body repairs and builds new tissues in a process called anabolism.
Also a full service and maintenance facility which includes, slipping, antifouling, refinishing, inboard and outboard servicing, repairs and storage.
The west harbor (Cockenzie) still has a boatyard used mainly for repairs.
When You have bought If it is a house you will have to pay for building insurance and for all repairs and maintenance.
Repairs to cob walls using cob or cob blocks or cob tiles. iii.
Out of Hours Emergencies The council has an emergency Repair Service to deal with very urgent repairs outside normal working hours.
Retinol plumps skin, thickens the epidermis, improves texture and blood circulation and repairs the signs of sun damage.
Her boiler is not in good shape, it will require extensive (expensive) repairs.
Only where a planned maintenance program of work is more than 18 months away will the Responsive Repairs team consider renewing a bathroom fitment.
Whether its an alarm clock or a 13 amp fuse, Spare & Repairs is the place to go.
Stone flagged floor with some concrete blocks for repairs; heating grilles; flush plank flooring beneath the benches.
The valley gutter is watertight, following temporary repairs.
There was no attempt to give any notice of defects in repairs and no claim based on alleged inadequacy of specific repairs.
The work would have included removing the infill above Valley Aqueduct and carrying out repairs to that Aqueduct and the one over Crime Lane.
A company is being run for a fraudulent purpose e.g. regularly submitting falsely inflated bills to customers for car repairs.
The service repairs punctures, replaces inner tubes and checks tire pressure within the Congestion Charging Zone.
This was particularly irksome in respect of paying for boot repairs.
Alan will have completed the cladding repairs by early October and this will enable us to begin the unpleasant task of applying the lagging.
Congress is getting upset at carmakers using data format lockout to stop their customers getting repairs done at independent dealers.
Bitucrete Bitucrete is a cold applied, deferred set, storage grade macadam - ideal for instant, high quality temporary repairs to.. .
A local stone mason should advise further on repairs.
This is a temporary measure, required to make the road safely passable in advance of permanent repairs.
The Clerk reported that a village pothole and pavement review had been completed and the respective pothole repairs completed in May.
Turning to the poor state of repairs the evidence of Miss Grimshaw is minimal and was effectively rebutted in cross-examination.
If the stations are not rehabilitated any time soon, repairs will no longer be enough to keep them running, warned Jasim.
The Hirer must not undertake or have undertaken any repairs, adjustment or service without the Company's prior approval.
Our initial belief in the project latterly led to both Lottery and local government support for the structural repairs to the pier.
He is also a qualified rigger meaning he can carry out repairs on parachutes.
Your local, or not so local, sailmaker can see to the bigger repairs.
In addition to reducing the incidence of flooding, there will also be fewer disruptions arising from emergency repairs to defective sewers.
The main tasks are to make repairs to both chimney stacks at the ends of the building.
Concrete repairs were also successfully completed to the internal and external parapets and to the east and west stairwells.
Modifications and repairs are undertaken on a range of tools, including its own and those of other toolmakers.
Trustmark - new scheme to help you find reliable and trustworthy tradespeople to make home improvements and repairs.
Repairs to the 75 foot trimaran could take two weeks or more, according to the Cowes-based team.
We can usually offer a 24 hour turnaround on battery repairs.
Repairs we do not need your permission for a common repair needed to repair any damage or for the continued upkeep of the building.
Out of Hours Emergencies The council has an Emergency Repair Service to deal with very urgent repairs outside normal working hours.
Pediatric urology we will continue to manage pediatric urology in the form of circumcision, orchidopexy and simple hypospadias repairs.
The clinic was bombed twice in the Blitz of 1940, but repairs were quickly made and work continued as usual.
Kevin Jones continues the brake van repairs at Darley Dale also.
She then sailed to JWD for repairs to her bow visor, following her recent incident in the Western Isles.
The amount of slack varies in different cases between 3 and Do per cent., but some is always allowed, so that the cable may easily adapt itself to inequalities of the bottom and may be more readily lifted for repairs.
It is a mirror which no stone can crack, whose quicksilver will never wear off, whose gilding Nature continually repairs; no storms, no dust, can dim its surface ever fresh;--a mirror in which all impurity presented to it sinks, swept and dusted by the sun's hazy brush--this the light dust-cloth--which retains no breath that is breathed on it, but sends its own to float as clouds high above its surface, and be reflected in its bosom still.
Repairs to the chimney & fitting of pumice liner at Nant Rhys are planned for a work party in October.
Your account will not be charged until all repairs are complete and the unit is ready for return shipment.
The Hirer must not undertake or have undertaken any repairs, adjustment or service without the Company 's prior approval.
Minor repairs will be dealt with at our discretion.
Overall satisfaction with repairs rose from 57% in the first quarter to 67% by the end of the last quarter.
There was no date on the stone; but official documents shew that said repairs were done in 1545.
As it happens, the changes to the shape of the skeg slot have meant that it has not jammed since making these repairs.
Communal stairwells, lighting and estate maintenance The Council will undertake a rigorous repairs regime of all its communal areas and estates.
They provide boat repair facilities, doing steelwork repairs but not major replating.
In 1926 the pinnacles and parapet of the west front were restored and repairs done to the stonework of the tower.
The stonework repairs are the first phase of a project to restore the church completely.
Failure to recognize the urgency of repairs led to delays where prompt action would have saved money or prevented the problem getting worse.
Pediatric Urology we will continue to manage pediatric urology in the form of circumcision, orchidopexy and simple hypospadias repairs.
Want to find an insurance company that will PAY for windshield repairs?
Regardless of the terms of the sale or warranty, if you were sold a lemon and there is a state lemon law for used cars, you will have some manner of recourse if you have to make extensive repairs on the vehicle.
Drivers can mistreat or beat up their cars and ignore or delay necessary maintenance and repairs until their car quits running, so age makes a difference when searching for a used car.
Be aware of any vibrations upon steering or stopping which could mean hefty repairs in the near future.
If you buy a fixer-upper, you probably won't spend too much money initially, but once the property becomes yours expect to shell out a lot for repairs.
The lure of a new car lease is the promise of low monthly payments and always having a full manufacturer's warranty for needed repairs.
These are not waterproof or fog-proof but the manufacturer offers $20 flat fee lifetime repairs.
You'll want a warranty to guard against costly repairs in case of a breakdown.
When buying a used boat, future repairs will be much easier if you purchase a boat from a manufacturer that is still producing boats.
If you go to Piano World you can possibly find out some information about that piano like who owned it, any major repairs, and where it's been.
Can I afford the cost of mortgage and repairs?
This allows you to do any general maintenance and repairs yourself as well as conduct and approve inspections.
Mechanical and electric repairs can get costly.
Check local mom-and-pop computer shops, especially those that deal in repairs.
That means the laptop is sent back to Apple for any repairs because that is the requirements Apple has set for many computer retailers.
If you have a problem with your computer, you do not have to use the AppleCare hotline - instead, take the time to drive to a store and visit a Genius Bar, where consultations and repairs are made by trained professionals.
In order to keep their business strong, most employees are informed to keep customers happy with free repairs, advice, and computer services.
In addition, repairs done on your PC computer are often not done by the operating company, but by a third party, which you may have to find and hire on your own.
The amount of customer service that Apple provides to their Macintosh computer customers is superb, and Macintosh computers come with a warranty that allows you to get repairs through the Apple company.
Mainly, those looking for wholesale computer parts distributors are looking to resell part or keep large quantities onhand for repairs.
In addition, homeowner's should not attempt to perform any repairs or adjustments they are unsure of making.
Any necessary repairs are made (provided it is cost effective), the unit cleaned and various mechanical parts are overhauled to ensure the cart is operational and safe.
If you do choose to rent an instrument, do so from a reputable local music store who will be able to provide repairs as needed.
Over time, financial situations change - a new job, home purchase, wedding expenses, extensive car repairs, etc. Revising plans that are no longer feasible will keep you on track to your goal.
If your car needs emergency repairs or you become sick, you will regret any lose of insurance.
These cards can also be used to pay for repairs at available stations.
Cards can also be used to pay for auto repairs and maintenance within the stations offering these services.
Dealing with expensive repairs to a rental car can be stressful, especially since it is easy to avoid running into this problem.
Some merchants may offer a limited warranty, particularly if they performed the repairs themselves.
Chair repairs can get expensive and may require special tools.
If you can't find a matching replacement, however irreparable the damage may appear, you may be able to salvage the couch cushions by trying a few easy repairs.
While you're at it you might want to look for some extra webbing in case the chair you buy needs some repairs.
You can save money on new outdoor furniture by making needed repairs to your current outside pieces yourself using patio furniture parts and basic do-it-yourself skills.
In fact, all of the three outdoor furniture repairs mentioned, along with many others, are easy to do and the replacement parts are readily available both off and online.
These kits contain everything you need to make simple furniture repairs.
Find replacement parts and everything you need for all your patio umbrella repairs at A Good Strapping.
Their websites also include useful information and instructions, how-to guides and instructional videos on many types of outdoor furniture repairs.
D & J Patio provides a large selection of videos and picture guide how-tos for many outdoor furniture repairs including how to apply vinyl straps, lacing and slings.
This company provides a full line of replacement parts for all of your outside furniture repairs.
Using replacement parts for outdoor furniture to make your old pieces look like new is a wonderful way to save money and gain a sense of accomplishment when you see the results of your do-it-yourself furniture repairs.
There's a good chance these sites will have the pieces you're looking for, and some even include instructions on how to do the repairs yourself.
If you're the type of person that is technically minded and you like taking things apart, you might be able to save some money by buying the parts you need and doing the repairs yourself.
It is common knowledge that regular maintenance of an automobile helps keep the vehicle from breaking down and needing costly repairs.
With regular cleaning and maintenance, you can prolong the life of your office chair and help decrease the need for future repairs.
Keeping in mind that cosmetic repairs, loose casters or drawer handles can be easy to repair.
Check all faucets, shower heads and toilets for leaks, making repairs where necessary.
Making the switch is easy; simply replace your old and inefficient water heating system with a high efficiency model the next time your current system is in need of repairs.
Also, expect to pay for repairs and maintenance throughout your system's lifetime.
It contains mucilage, which heals and repairs most tissues in the body which accounts for the tea's various usage.
If the piece needs any minor repairs, this is the time to glue on detail work or re-enforce drawers.
Be prepared to have money set aside for renovations and unexpected repairs.
Finally, make any necessary home repairs.
It not only protects but this lip balm actually repairs damaged lips.
It's important to know exactly what you're buying when you're looking at used cars, so you don't run into too many surprise repairs later.
By simply keeping your camera clean and protected, you can often avoid the need for expensive repairs.
These professionals regularly provide ski adjustments and repairs.
When you need prom gown repairs that are quick and easy, you have to arm yourself with the right tools for your purse.
For minor gown repairs, you need to shop around to find the essentials.
Rental dresses are usually kept in excellent condition and no repairs or dry cleaning is necessary.
The repairs may cost more than the dress!
Inspect the tuxedo for damage and stains, if you don't point them out before taking it home you may have to pay for repairs.
Leno doesn't just collect the cars, he also restores and repairs antique cars.
Distance learning for bioengineering degree programs allows students to eliminate the costs of gasoline, car repairs, tolls, bus fare, subway fare and other commuting costs.
If a computer is crashing every day, seems to require constant repairs, or has technical issues that make it impossible to use for writing papers or completing assignments, it's not going to be one of the best laptops for college.
Make all necessary repairs before installing your new tub.
Adding storms and doing simple repairs will increase the energy efficiency of those old windows.
With the ceiling tiles you can cover up the items but still have access to them if they need repairs.
Most showerhead problems are easy repairs, and taking a few extra minutes now to repair a drip can save you money and help preserve valuable water resources.
Knowing how to do the repairs yourself saves money and gets your walls back to normal in no time.
The proper preparation sets the stage for the repairs.
They include the basic supplies needed to complete small repairs.
Nail holes, dents and minor holes represent the majority of sheetrock repairs in the home.
Federal grants for home repairs are available through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Small drywall repairs, like filling in scratches, small dents or nail holes will require a putty knife, surfacing compound and fine sand paper.
What home repairs have you completed in the past?
Other home repairs are better in the hands of a professional.
Online resources are the easiest to access immediately when you're ready to do your home repairs.
Examples of home repairs include new roofs, siding repairs or replacing the front steps of your home.
In addition, while electric floor heating systems are sold as "no maintenance" systems, if something does happen to go wrong with one over time, repairs could be costly and intrusive.
The struggle of how to find a contractor is one that many homeowners encounter during their home renovations or repairs.
If you're considering doing your own home electrical repairs, follow these tips for the most common repairs homeowners face.
If you have some basic experience with home electrical systems and you follow the general safety rules below, you can perform your own repairs.
The following are two of the most common electrical repairs that homeowners face.
Once you've finished the safety guidelines above, the actual repairs usually require nothing more than a standard screwdriver, wire strippers and sometimes a pair of heavy duty needle nose pliers.
They are also necessary to help maintain the value of your home and prevent larger repairs down the road.
Home repairs should be carried out on a regular basis to help maintain both the value and the integrity of your home.
Check your home's interior and exterior on a regular basis and take care of repairs as they become noticeable.
This will prevent them from becoming major repairs in the future.
If you work a day job and are coming home to do repairs, be realistic about how much will get done each day and set a timetable accordingly.
Too many contractors take leftover scrapes for work on other jobs, and you may need these for repairs down the road.
Hold off big ticket improvements until you can afford to do what you want, but see to repairs as they become noticeable.
Many jewelers and antique dealers will be able to provide repairs or at least suggest someone who can undertake this.
It makes sense to establish what repairs, if any, are required and to get a quote before buying.
Mold elimination procedures range from simply using bleach and warm water to wipe down affected areas to stripping out drywall and making major repairs to one's home to get rid of the dangers.
I apologize for the damages and please call me for my insurance information to take care of the repairs."
They can enjoy a good quality of life without having to deal with shoveling snow, cutting grass, or making major repairs to the place where they live.
Home ownership is a valuable investment, but it needs to be protected through performing repairs and regular maintenance in a timely manner.
Make note of the overall appearance of the property, taking note of its level of cleanliness and whether repairs are being made in a timely manner.
That way you won't be stuck making up what you saved in the initial purchase by paying for repairs that would have been covered under a warranty had you gone with an authorized Maui Jim retailer.
These kits are inexpensive and contain the tools necessary to perform minor repairs on eyeglass frames.
If your repairs are unable to be done at home, then try 20/20 Eyeglass Repair.
Sometimes the eyeglass owner can do certain repairs themselves, such as replacing a screw on a non-spring hinge.
It may be easier for the owner of the glasses to look for parts online and do repairs without assistance.
However, there are some repairs best left to professionals, such as those that concern mountings or spring hinges.
It's possible to make many eyeglass repairs yourself if you have the right parts.
Keep one at home, carry one with you in your handbag and have one in the glove box of your car to make emergency repairs when needed.
Many eyeglass repairs can be done at home without the need of sending them to a professional.
Replacing a screw is one of the most common repairs.
Minor eyeglass repairs can easily be accomplished with a special kit, especially when they occur to the extremities or accessories of the glasses.
Maui Jim repairs can be hassle free and quite affordable if you know the options to take.
Repairs done under the warranty will be completed within five business days and shipped back to you.
Even though some repairs may be done at home, Maui Jim does not send replacement parts.
They feel that Maui Jim repairs are best left to one of their expert repair people.
This option is best for those needing quick repairs.
If you want to repair your Maui Jim shades, you'll need to visit the site's repairs page.
If you drop your device, chances are you will damage it and have to pay for costly repairs or replacement.
These are fragile devices that will likely require service or repairs.
This style is a popular choice for SWAT team members, homeowners who do their own repairs, and those in heavy industry jobs.
In this way, at least you can decide ahead of time if you can afford the repairs.
Check them out for spare parts as well as the tools you may need to make the repairs.
If repairs such as fixing scratched lenses become necessary, the company considers such damage to be normal everyday wear and tear on the glasses and thus does not cover this type of damage in its warranty.
You could also try going to traditional eye care facilities such as Pearle Vision and Lenscrafters for repairs to your Ray Bans.
Even though your glasses might have been expensive, there are some repairs you can do yourself in the comfort of your home if the repair is minor.
Finally, you can contact Ray Bans at 1-800-343-5594 to find details about warranty repairs and parts replacement.
Usually, they can provide same-day replacement of screws or minor parts and can do more complex repairs and parts replacements within several days.
Repairs can be done to replace those parts as well as to fix minor items such as a bent frame or a loose screw or hinge.
Each retailer may have specific guidelines regarding repairs to their eyewear.
They can do repairs on metal and plastic frames as well as replacement parts such as hinges.
Some repairs are simple enough to do in the store while others may need to be sent out.
You can use an eyeglass kit at home to keep your glasses in good condition and to make minor repairs when needed.
Because of the intricacies of the rimless eyewear, if you have a problem with a cracked or broken lens or frame, repairs could take longer than with traditional frames.
This is especially true if your local optical shop doesn't perform repairs on rimless eyewear.
Longer closures will be necessary if repairs are required.
Repairs are done by an authorized repair center.
All the tutorials are fairly extensive and typically offer visual aids to help in your repairs.
The "Troubleshooting & Repairs" area is for you, if this is the case.
So, in order to get things going for yourself, you need to start earning some money to pay for the repairs and improvements you need.
These repairs could be any number of things, from a small cosmetic defect to something that has major ramifications for the functionality of the system.
Clothing that can be worn or only needs slight repairs made will be of the highest value.
Tinsmiths often traveled from one community to another, stopping at farms in between, and creating cookie cutters for the farm women from the scraps of tin that they had left from repairs and the other products that they made.
Machine may need some small repairs to work correctly.
Growing up living above her father's doll hospital in Brooklyn, New York, she developed a strong love of dolls as she played with the ones waiting for repairs at the hospital.
You can also ship your sewing machine to the shop for a tune-up or repairs and they will ship it back to you at their expense.
Repairs will often detract from the value of antique rockers so look closely.
Paying for these repairs can be quite expensive.
If you are the owner of a tent trailer and are trying to make the trailer last as long as possible, you will eventually need to find tent trailer parts for repairs and maintenance.
After an entire season of camping is done, you may find that a few repairs are needed that require replacement tent trailer parts.
In this case, this company repairs and replaces tent trailer canvas tops.
If a camper you want to sell has significant problems with it, get an estimate of what it will cost to make those repairs and compare that to the estimated increase in value these repairs will bring.
Cosmetic damage and repairs, such as painting, may seem like a small problem and one that should not warrant concern.
Pop up campers may be the most economical type of camper available, but you may still eventually need to make minor or major repairs, and to do so, you'll need to track down replacement pop up camper parts.
When you first buy your camper, you may not think that you'll ever need to make repairs, but it's always a very good idea to have a few sources for pop up camper parts handy so that you can make your repairs quickly.
Most repairs that are required for the sides and roof of your camper won't require a full replacement.
Aside from your wheels and axles, which would require professional repairs, there are many small components to a towing system that you could very likely replace yourself if the need arises.
While you may be able to perform your own fabric repair on cushions or seats in your RV, most often any repairs will be obvious.
It is a state of lessened consciousness and decreased physical activity during which the organism slows down and repairs itself.
Should the parents decide to allow corrective surgery, they should find a pediatric urologic surgeon with experience in performing hypospadias repairs.
These include making pottery or stained glass, refinishing furniture, doing home repairs, and using indoor firing ranges.
Make any necessary repairs as quickly as possible to keep the positive chi flowing freely.
If possible, buy extra pearl hair pins or replacement pearls for emergency repairs on your hair piece if necessary.
While some items can be purchased used at substantial discount, other investments should be new and fully protected under manufacturer warranty to protect against unforeseen repairs and malfunction.
This business employs individuals who provide pipeline services and repairs.
Completing necessary minor repairs, such as broken screens, ripped linoleum, or chipped baseboards that can detract from the home's appearance.
An FHA inspector establishes if the required repairs will be feasible in terms of enhancing the marketability of the house.
The requirements above demonstrate that FHA-assigned inspectors always focus their attention on the required repairs and physical conditions of a property.
The quality of the build job will impact how long the home lasts and how many repairs you will have to make in the coming years.
Before your home is appraised, get it in the best shape possible through repairs and improvements.
Homes needing certain repairs, such as the repair of unsafe or unhealthy conditions, can be repaired using ADDI money.
The money was supposed to be used to make repairs on my Katrina-damaged home.
Even so, you should have been granted access to these funds to make the needed repairs.
Refinancing allows the homeowner to use the equity to access cash to pay for renovations or repairs, or to pay off other debts, or for virtually any other use.
You never really know what kind of repairs will pop up, whether it's an inexpensive caulking job or instead a costly foundation repair.
You need to not only pay for these repairs, but you also need to have enough money in your budget to set aside each month as an emergency repair fund.
You usually buy the home "as is" so you could end up purchasing a home that requires a lot of costly repairs.
Your initial offer should be somewhere between the base purchase price (amount owned on the home plus any loans or liens that need to be paid off plus any repairs that need to be made) and the market value.
The inspection reveals the things that potential buyers will probably want repaired as well as any major repairs that need to be done before the home is even put on the market.
This provides the opportunity to make any needed repairs before you put your home on the market and helps to thwart the derailment of the sale of your home if you find an interested buyer.
If you are the home seller, it is best to call a home inspector before you put the house on the market to give you time to make any necessary repairs and to correct any deficiencies a buyer's home inspector may point out.
Sometimes a checklist will reveal problems with a home that might indicate that major repairs are needed before putting the house on the market.
While some repairs on a home can be relatively inexpensive, structural problems can be quite major.
This can keep a homeowner from making all the repairs that are necessary.
Before a homebuyer is ready to make an offer on a home they want to know the home's condition so they can estimate what repairs and maintenance will be necessary.
Repairs must be made on the property to keep it in good condition.
With a reverse mortgage homeowners continue to live in their home and are responsible for the taxes, homeowner's insurance and home repairs.
If you wish to purchase a home that needs repairs to any of these areas, the home seller (or in some cases the buyer) will need to complete the repairs prior to FHA insuring the home.
You can use the money from your reversible mortgage for anything you wish including daily living expenses, repairs or upgrades to your home, health care, other debts, property taxes, vacations or even to buy a new car.
This benefit program makes it possible to buy a home that needs repairs or modernization without getting multiple loans to cover the process.
The house might not be in great condition, as they may not have been able to afford the necessary repairs that any house requires.
Just because a few things don't function does not necessarily mean the home isn't worth the purchase; you may put a bit of money into repairs into a great home in a nice area with high resale prices and still end up saving.
You should also not assume that every foreclosed home is dilapidated and will need major repairs; some of the homes that wind up in foreclosure are quite upscale and are not in need of any major repairs.
On the other hand, it should never be assumed that just because a foreclosed home appears to be fine that this automatically means the home has no needs for immediate major - and potentially expensive - repairs.
You may find everything from down payment assistance to help with closing costs, home repairs or moving an existing home to a new location.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers a variety of programs to assist with home ownership and home repairs.
The resident must own and occupy the dwelling that needs the repairs.
These repairs may be as minor as taking out an outdated heating system to replace it with central air and heat, or adding a bathroom to a dwelling.
Mortgage brokers are commonly used by people who want to purchase residential structures, either as a primary residence or even as an investment home that will be rented out or resold after some repairs and improvements.
Proceeds from Title I loans for improvements on a single family structure can be used for alterations or repairs to the property as well as for site improvements.
Instead, they are limited to alterations and repairs to the structure.
Do not make any repairs or improvements during the redemption time frame.
While programs that help pay bills are excellent, cash is still needed for paying bills like repairs or insurance.
Your home is a valuable asset and you don't want to lose it or lack funds to pay for necessary repairs.
Will the store that sold it do repairs or tune-ups?
One disadvantage to buying an RTR vehicle is that when repairs are needed you won't know it as well as if you put it together yourself.
However, if you keep the instruction manual handy, it will have all the information you need for needed repairs and to keep the vehicle in optimum running condition.
Refuels and repairs muscles by offering 20 grams of lean protein per 8 oz glass.
However, with a little ingenuity and the right know how, you can find your replacement part and hopefully save some money on costly repairs.
If you are handy, you may be able to take care of repairs yourself if you are able to obtain the parts you need.
After microwave oven troubleshooting it is likely that you will need to make repairs.
Small repairs, such as replacing the light bulb or turntable, can easily be completed at home.
Other repairs involving the electrical functions may require a service technician.
Consult the microwave oven user manual for useful tips on making repairs.
In many cases, you will need to do your shopping online to find the parts that you need to make the necessary repairs to your unit.
For these types of repairs, you may wish to have the microwave serviced by a professional.
Sears offers in home repairs of all major appliances.
The microwave's manufacturer may also offer repairs to their microwaves.
Replacing individual worn parts can help you save money, as some repairs are much less expensive than purchasing a new food processor.
With proper care and occasional repairs, you can expect to prepare tasty meals with your Foreman grill for many years.
For more complicated repairs, seek the services of a qualified vacuum repair professional.
You'll need to verify your warranty and contact Oreck customer service to initiate the repairs.
Most repairs cost significantly less than purchasing a new unit.
Proper maintenance and taking care of necessary repairs when the unit isn't functioning properly will ensure that you will be able to make the most of your investment and keep using your appliance for many years to come.
Repair shops typically charge an hourly fee for repairs and it make take several days before they can return your item.
Under the warranty, customers can take their humidifier to an authorized service center for repairs providing they have a proof of purchase, such as a sales receipt.
The warranty covers the cost of replacement or repairs if the damage to the device is due to a manufacturer defect and not owner neglect.
By purchasing Kenmore vacuum parts and making the repairs yourself, you’ll be extending the life of your investment and doing just that.
Are you interested in finding out how to do simple repairs and maintenance on your home appliances?