Repairing Sentence Examples
The section on repairing old cob is particularly useful.
I'm not having these boastful drunkards repairing my car.
Its communication by Castelli to Galileo in 1641, with a proposal that Torricelli should reside with him, led to Torricelli repairing to Florence, where he met Galileo, and acted as his amanuensis during the three remaining months of his life.
As an ordinary instance, it has been stated that the cost of repairing the Direct United States cable up to 1900 from its submergence in 1874 averaged £8000 per annum.
Columbus is near the Ohio coal and iron-fields, and has an extensive trade in coal, but its largest industrial interests are in manufactures, among which the more important are foundry and machine-shop products (1905 value, $6,259,579); boots and shoes (1905 value, $5,425,087, being more than one-sixtieth of the total product value of the boot and shoe industry in the United States, and being an increase from $359,000 in 1890); patent medicines and compounds (1905 value, $3,214,096); carriages and wagons (1905 value, $2,197,960); malt liquors (1905 value, $2,133,955); iron and steel; regalia and society emblems; steam-railway cars, construction and repairing; and oleo-margarine.
Machine shops are usually provided to enable minor repairs to be executed; the tendency, both in England and America, is to increase the amount of such repairing plant at engine sheds, thus lengthening the intervals between the visits of the engines to the main repairing shops of the railway.
Ever active, he employed himself in the narrower sphere of repairing the castle and improving its domains and gardens, in shipbuilding on the Clyde, and in the exercise of the virtues of hospitality and charity.
In 1866 the yard was enlarged by connecting Seavey's Island with Fernald's; late in the 19th century it was equipped for building and repairing steel vessels.
After capturing the Acropolis the Venetians employed material from its ancient edifices in repairing its walls.
After a space, in which he held no diplomatic post, he became ambassador of the French Republic at Naples; but, while repairing thither with De Semonville he was captured by the Austrians and was kept in durance by them for some thirty months, until, at the close of 1795, the two were set free in return for the liberation of the daughter of Louis XVI.
AdvertisementThis is an expensive operation as it entails the cost of pumping the water out again and repairing the resulting damage.
In order to avoid the dangerous part of the river near the town a channel was cut in 1734, the repairing and deepening of which, begun in 1868, was completed in 1873.
He obtained permission to return, and on reaching the city made a secret survey of the ruins and called upon the nobles and rulers to assist in repairing them.
Methods for enabling miners to penetrate into workings where the atmosphere is totally irrespirable have come into use for saving life after explosions and for repairing shafts and pit-work under water.
The leading manufacturing industries in 1905, with the product-value of each in this year, were slaughtering and meat-packing ($4,040,162), foundry and machine shop work ($3,146,914), flour and grist milling ($ 2, 79 8, 74 0), lumber manufacturing and planing ($2,519,081), printing and publishing (newspapers and periodicals, $2,097,339 and book and job printing, $1,278,841), car construction and repairing ($1,549,836) - in 1910 there were railway shops here of the Southern Pacific, Pacific Electric, Los Angeles Street, Salt Lake and Santa Fe railways - and the manufacture of confectionery ($953,915), furniture ($879,910) and malt liquors ($789,393).
AdvertisementThe towns elected (until 1856) the deputies to the general court, and were the administrative units for the assessment and collection of taxes, maintaining churches and schools, organizing and training the militia, preserving the peace, caring for the poor, building and repairing roads and bridges, and recording deeds, births, deaths and marriages; and to discuss questions relating to these matters as well as other matters of peculiarly local concern, to determine the amount of taxes for town purposes, and to elect officers.
Joseph at once left Rome, which soon became a republic. Repairing to Paris, he entered on parliamentary life, becoming one of the members for Corsica in the Council of Five Hundred.
There is a repairing slipway accommodating vessels of Boo tons.
In 1749, having been selected as a Harbour of Refuge for the Downs, it underwent great improvements, and henceforward paid £200 yearly to Sandwich out of the droits for clearing the Channel and repairing the banks of the river Stour within the Liberty; but by 1790 the harbour was of small account.
Its manufactures include slaughtering and meat-packing products, cars and car repairing, linseed oil, bricks and tiles (made from excellent clay found in and near the city).
AdvertisementIn his office in London men were trained in the arts of deciphering correspondence, feigning handwriting, and of breaking and repairing seals in such a way as to avoid detection.
On the south side of the town there are three harbours - the large western or merchant harbour, the western flank of which is formed by a great mole joining the fortifications which traverse the breadth of the island on this side; the middle harbour, used chiefly for fitting out and repairing vessels; and the eastern or war harbour for vessels of the Russian navy.
In repairing the modern road just outside the south entrance to the tunnel, a stratum of carbonized corn, beans, &c., and a quantity of burnt wood, stones, tiles, pottery, &c., was found under and above the modern road, for a distance of some Soo yds.
Probably the most important were military service (fird, expeditio) and the repairing of fortifications and bridges - the trinoda necessitas of later times.
We need scarcely doubt also that the labour of repairing fortifications and bridges, though it is charged against the landowners, was in reality delegated by them to their dependents.
AdvertisementAfter repairing this damage to some extent, the elector died at Ingolstadt in September 1651, leaving his duchy much stronger than he had found it.
The government also did much in the way of improving the internal communications of the country, in repairing the roads and canals, in forming new ones, in deepening and widening rivers, and the like.
In the early part of the 19th century the repairing of the cathedral was taken in hand, in 1842 the building of fresh portions necessary for the completion of the whole structure was begun, and on the 15th of October 1880 the edifice, finally finished, was opened in the presence of the emperor William I.
From the existing remains it is clear that the inhabitants were still actively engaged in repairing and restoring the ruined edifices when the whole city was overwhelmed by the great eruption of A.D.
If a dam be absolutely necessary, care must be taken so to build it as to secure the fields on both sides from possible inundation; and it should be constructed substantially, for the cost of repairing accidents to a weak dam is very serious.
Here are important engineering works and a slip for repairing ships.
Frederick made good use of the next two years, fortifying his new territory, and repairing the evils inflicted upon it by the war.
He spent immense sums on buildings of all sorts, on quays and harbours, on fortifications, repairing the walls of cities and erecting castles in Thrace to check the inroads of the barbarians, on aqueducts, on monasteries, above all, upon churches.
Shipbuilding is also carried on, and there is a large dry dock and a patent slip for repairing vessels.
Justinian made an effort to revive it, and Procopius describes his repairing of the walls; but its glory was past.
The principal industries are now the manufacture of glass and chemicals, and ship-building and ship refitting and repairing, for which there are docks capable of receiving the largest vessels.
Thus a shipper of cattle is not entitled to have the extra wages and provisions of his cattlemen on board, nor the extra fodder consumed by the cattle during the stay at a repairing port, made as good as G.A.
But Nero proceeded with the congenial work of repairing the damage.
It was founded in the 4th century by Genoese colonists, who employed large numbers of workmen (Calfats) in repairing ships - which industry gave its name to the place.
The treatment of inflammation of mucous membrane is based upon the same principles as inflammation of the skin, and there too we usually associate means (I) for removing microbes, (2) for destroying them, (3) for lessening the irritation they produce, and (4) for repairing any mischief they have done.
He occupied himself with repairing and adorning the decayed castle of Muiden, which was his residence during the remainder of his life.
An urban council may also provide public clocks or pay for the reasonable cost of repairing and maintaining any public clocks in the district, though not vested in them.
Justin bestowed much care on the repairing of public buildings throughout his empire, and contributed large sums to repair the damage caused by a destructive earthquake at Antioch.
He was facetiously told that he was quite right in thinking that he ought not to hide his gift; but that his real gift was skill in repairing old kettles.
After the war of 1899-1903 its strength was successively reduced to 10,000 and 5000, a part of this force being employed in the useful occupation of making and repairing public roads.
In repairing this work the perfectly safe form shown by the dotted lines ka, kj was substituted for the flat surface aj, and this alone, if originally adopted, would have prevented dangerous shearing strains.
Repairing to Holstein, he got into the good graces of Frederick I.
The wheat farmers say that it does not pay to take undue care of old machinery, that more money is lost in repairing and tinkering an old machine than would pay for a new one.
Heaps of cast-iron can be seen already upon many of the large farms. Of course a great many extra parts are bought to take the place of those which break most frequently, and some men are always kept at work repairing machines in the field.
Shanghai also contains three large establishments for docking, repairing and building ships.
A wharf for building and repairing iron steamers was constructed in 1889.
Other important manufactures with the product-value of each in 1905 were malt liquors ($1,185,525), foundry and machine shop products ($2,820,697), structural iron-work ($1,991,771), steam railway car construction and repairing ($2,027,248), patent medicines ($1,715,889), furniture ($1,238,324), cooperage ($1,415,360), and hosiery and knit goods ($957455) The total value of the factory product was $94,407,774 in 1900, and $121,593,120 in 1905, an increase of 28.8%; in 1905 the value of the factory product was 39.5% of that of the entire state.
Shaking his head, Rhyn realized how sweaty his palms were as he stood before the door leading to the zoo. Sasha's mages had sat in the antechamber, repairing any damage the inmates did to their cells or preparing some magical torture that Sasha wanted.
Carmen and Alex were gradually repairing their relationship, but something new had raised its ugly head — a dark fear that lingered around the recliner.
One way of repairing the original conjecture is to force the involved triangle-free graphs to have a large minimum degree.
Success at repairing the damaged brain will require the harnessing of information gathered from a wide range of disciplines.
They have been building and repairing split cane rods since the 1960s.
Lease Term The property will be made available on a new full repairing and insuring lease Term The property will be made available on a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be agreed by negotiation.
The major restoration work in the ticket hall area included repairing the ceiling, moldings and the original wall paneling.
With no way of repairing the damage, the order to abandon ship was given.
Subsequently to this period the fine range of buildings known as the iron ship repairing shop was erected close to the Somerset Dock, and added greatly to the repairing resources of the yard.
Rules drafted by the Board of Trade under this act came into force on the 8th of August 1902, the subjects referred to being (I) labelling of wagons; (2) movements of wagons by propping and tow-roping; (3) power-brakes on engines; (4) lighting of stations and sidings; (g) protection of points, rods, &c.; (6) construction and protection of gauge-glasses; (7) arrangement of tool-boxes, &c., on engines; (8) provision of brake-vans for trains upon running lines beyond the limits of stations; (9) protection to permanent-way men when relaying or repairing permanent way.
They may briefly be summed up as a belief in one God whose most characteristic attribute is universal benevolence, in the moral government of the universe, and in a future state of man making up for the imperfections and repairing the inequalities of the present life.
He had restored the superstructure of the imperial monarchy, but he had likewise strengthened and legalized methods and institutions till then private and insecure, and these, passing from custom into law, undermined the foundations of the structure he had thought himself to be repairing.
We will discuss the molecular machines called nanites—tiny, molecular-sized robots that will swim around in your body fighting disease, repairing damage, and alerting you to problems (and will likely dramatically increase the human lifespan).
I think if this sorrow had come to me when I was older, it would have broken my spirit beyond repairing.
They beat the tattoo, called the roll, had supper, and settled down round the fires for the night--some repairing their footgear, some smoking pipes, and some stripping themselves naked to steam the lice out of their shirts.
Factors of interest Autogenous bone is considered to be the gold standard material for repairing bone defects around dental implants.
Repairing faults on our network is part of the maintenance cover we provide with our service.
I stayed on the ground floor to take an interest in the efforts of two workmen engaged in repairing the said escalator.
For the volume purchaser who doesn't want to waste a lot of time inspecting and repairing minor problems, this can be a fast and reliable solution.
A Good Strapping carries all types of replacement parts for repairing patio umbrellas.
They carry forty furniture grade PVC fittings and pipes for repairing outdoor PVC furniture.
Repairing a quality office chair is usually a smart financial decision.
Take steps to ensure you aren't adding to this problem by repairing oil leaks in cars and machinery as soon as they are spotted.
This dental professional improves appearance and dental function through repairing crooked or missing teeth.
Higher-end Sony cameras such as the company's DSLR line are almost always worth repairing, though there are exceptions to this rule.
The benefits of repairing versus replacing typically involve price of repair and time.
Often you can save a substantial amount of money by repairing a Sony camera.
In addition, if you own a SLR, repairing it will help you preserve the investment you made in lenses or accessories.
Repairing a broken camera also helps you save time.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps with iron absorption, healing, repairing tissue and bone, and can even help to prevent certain cancers, colds and flu, and other health conditions.
Protein and its amino acids are essential for building and repairing tissue and muscle as well as maintaining proper cell growth and sustaining strength in the body.
After his release, the actor began slowly repairing his heavily damaged career and landed a recurring role on the popular show Ally McBeal.
Soon after his arrests in the late 1990's, Downey Jr. once again began repairing his career and personal life.
This site features videos on a variety of topics from fixing a dripping faucet to repairing a crack in drywall.
Why spend your down time repairing your home and paying heating bills and maintenance fess.
If the window is beyond repairing and replacement is the only choice you should consider the look of the window and buy as close to the same design as possible.
Repairing sheetrock is a common task for most homeowners.
The proper supplies are essential for repairing sheetrock.
Cleaning the area is an essential first step to repairing sheetrock.
Repairing sheetrock is a task simple enough for homeowners with basic home improvement skills.
Cutting the hole into the exterior wall will involve replacing or repairing the wall's interior surface to correctly place the patio door into the area.
For both men and women there are lots of creative pursuits, such as scrapbooking, making birdhouses, wood carving, photography, painting, and even the act of repairing things can be considered an art form.
Repairing a deviated septum can clear the nasal passage.
When repairing your eyeglasses at home the first thing to do is to examine the broken part of your glasses carefully.
Eyeglass wearers should use good judgment, along with their newly acquired eyeglass parts knowledge, when it comes to repairing their eyeglasses.
The Frame Mender has a special mail-in form that you can include with your eyewear in need of repairing.
Repairing them may be something to consider.
Thrifty Fun has a section on repairing scratched eyeglasses.
The Product Care Program will ensure that your Ray Bans are repaired, but the cost for repairing the damage or replacing the glasses is completely on the customer.
In most cases, repairing your Ray Bans is a good option and can save you money in the long run.
Otherwise, getting a quote on repairing your Ray Bans is certainly worthwhile.
The protection plan will cover the cost for replacing or repairing broken frames or lenses.
Repairing or replacing a part of your eyeglasses is not only affordable but a practical solution.
This device works similarly to the above machine, just better at repairing deeper scratches.
Most retail stores carry a package or two of disc repair solution and a rag (like Maxell's CD-ROM/CD Scratch Repair Kit) to act as a crank repairing machine…only your hand is the repair mechanism.
Repairing and maintaining your machine is not all that difficult.
Repairing the piece with plexiglass is much cheaper than finding a glass replacement, and the plexiglass usually looks good.
Second, you could look into mobile phone tools that are used for repairing or modifying your cellular phones.
The best way to gain access to free mobile phone tools for the purpose of repairing a phone is to go to a place that does cell phone repair and ask if you can use their tools.
You can also often go to your local cell phone dealer and they might be able to actually not only inform you of the recall but take care of either collecting, repairing, or replacing your own cell phone.
Of course, usually instead of repairing they will simply give you a new phone, but it can take care of a lot of problems.
Mutations in ATM prevent cells from repairing DNA damage, which may lead to cancer.
Treatment often involves repairing the tricuspid valve.
Relatively common anatomic procedures are decompression surgeries, such as repairing a herniated disk in the lower back or relieving the nerve compression related to carpal tunnel syndrome.
The whole emphasis in repairing the lip is on the muscle repair in order to mold the distorted front central section of the upper gum containing the four upper front teeth (premaxilla) back into its proper position.
Feng shui principles state that everything should be in tip-top shape and anything that needs repairing should be repaired immediately; this applies to your clothing as well.
The Regis DesignLine includes products for straight or curly hair, repairing damaged hair, volumizing, smoothing, hydrating, thermal protection, and styling, including mousses and spray for finishing a gorgeous style.
The lineup included shampoo, conditioner, treatments, repairing formulas, styling tools, and shine enhancers.
Repairing substantial problems with the home such as exterior wall, roof, or structural damage.
It's always a good idea to be knowledgeable when you are upgrading or repairing a used Power Wheel.
There are several websites that will help you do a little research and be prepared to make correct choices when repairing a used vehicle.
If you decide that your small appliance is worth repairing in lieu of replacing, there are many options available online to help you keep your small appliance in good working order.
Would the cost of the warranty exceed the cost of replacing or repairing the item?
This makes repairing or replacing the turntable of your microwave a bit of a guessing game unless you know the model of your microwave.
If you are uncomfortable repairing the microwave yourself, Kenmore offers a home repair service through Sears.
The warranty includes repairing the broken microwave in your home or replacing the unit if repair is not possible.
Repairing your Oster blender can be easy depending on the part.
Before you start shopping for microwave replacement parts, you should consider whether or not repairing your appliance will be in your best interest from a financial perspective.
Repairing a microwave can be tricky and costly, and most brand new microwave ovens are not terribly expensive.
If you are having a difficult time repairing your Bunn coffee maker, a local small appliance repair shop can do the work for you.
Always keep safety in mind when repairing or replacing an internal part on any microwave oven.
Rarely does this piece need repairing; most of the time it just needs replacing due to becoming dirty over time.
Before investing in replacement parts, you really need to make sure that repairing the microwave you currently have is a wise investment.
Often, consumers forgo repairing a microwave and simply purchase a new one.
If you plan on repairing microwaves often, then you should pick up a Volt-Ohm meter, which is available at almost any hardware store like Lowes, Menards or Ace Hardware.
Before jumping into repairing the microwave, especially fixing any internal problems, you should do a few things so you won't get shocked.
However, once you have the manual, repairing your Bunn coffee maker can be quite simple.
Repairing most Braun shaver parts is simple.
Always use extreme caution when replacing or repairing any part in your toaster oven.
If you are repairing a more complicated part, like the heating element or timer, wear gloves and goggles to reduce your risk of injury.
Repairing the Braun shaver yourself in lieu of taking the device to a small appliance parts and repair store can save you a lot of money over the course of the shaver's lifetime.
Remington does not sell replacement pins for their electric razors and you will have to contact a technician for help repairing them.
If you have difficulty installing your portable air conditioner, contact an HVAC professional who has experience installing and repairing a variety of cooling systems.
Repairing your microwave oven may be a good idea, but you should also consider how old your current unit is, how much it would cost to purchase a new unit, and the types of advances avaialble on the newest models.
The capacitor must be purchased with the proper voltage in order to be effective in repairing the microwave.
Many are made from ceramic and they vary depending on the amps and the size that you will need for the specific model of Samsung microwave that you are repairing.
Individuals that are interested in repairing their Cuisinart kitchen appliance on their own may find product manuals to be beneficial.
If your Crock Pot stops working properly, it's a good idea to see if repairing it with replacement parts is possible before you decide to purchase a new unit.
Any attempts at repairing the product will automatically void the warranty.
Before you embark on the process of repairing yourself from a breakup, know that it takes time.
When repairing old clothes, scavenge zippers, buttons, and patches from similar garments instead of buying them new.
He called himself the "Theatrical and Historical Shoemaker", and his business strictly consisted of repairing theatrical shoes.
It is also not a job for people who tend to be impatient, as you have to go slow and steady when repairing such delicate items that are someone else's belongings.
The maintenance involved can be as simple as changing or adjusting a watch band, replacing a battery or repairing the watch if it goes wrong.
If your watch needs repairing, either within the warranty or outside of the warranty, then the watch repair page of the Citizen Watch website provides all the information that you will require to arrange repair of your Citizen Watch.
Some broken things aren't worth repairing.
Stem cells may be effective in repairing brain circuits in people with neurological conditions including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, and treatments may be applicable to autism as well.
You can't be successful repairing computers if you don't know how.
Once you have identified the errors and inaccuracies, you can go through the process of repairing the damage you've done or the damage done by outside parties from a messy divorce or identity-theft.
Diagnosing car problems and repairing them on your own can be difficult.
This is perhaps the most difficult aspect of repairing a vehicle.
The most important step in repairing your vehicle is learning how to make the repair.
Below, you'll find a list of the best websites that offer a collection of manuals or information which will help you with troubleshooting and repairing your vehicle.
This can include the fuel economy, cost for repairing or maintaining the car, monetary depreciation of the car's value, expense involved in insuring the vehicle, and any other car-related costs.
Repairing a washing machine on your own is a great way to save money.
A well-designed cool down assists in repairing this damage.
Your body naturally responds by repairing the site of damage.
The landlord's policy will look after repairing or rebuilding the building, if necessary, following a loss but it doesn't cover the tenant's clothing, furniture, electronic items and personal possessions.
Repairing a yacht after it receives damage can be expensive, so it is important to know any yacht insurance exclusions on your policy.
Geico homeowners insurance is designed to cover the cost of repairing or replacing a dwelling and the contents contained within in the event of a natural disaster or other covered situation.
Coverage can also be extended to protect policyholders from the costs of replacing or repairing fixtures and other items within the condo in the event of a fire, flood or other situation.
This type of liability insurance pays to damage to the other driver's vehicle, as well as the cost of repairing or replacing a fence post, mailbox, garage, shed, or other type of building.
Homeowner insurance is a policy designed to cover the costs of repairing or rebuilding your home in the event of a natural disaster or other occurrence.
In some instances, the policy also covers the cost of repairing or replacing contents within the house, but this differs from one policy to another.
The idea behind Nationwide Home Warranty's coverage is to protect homeowners and landlords from the cost of repairing or replacing items in the home or rented property.
Collision insurance pays for the cost of repairing a driver's own vehicle after a crash.
Purchase enough insurance to cover the costs of repairing damage and replacing the contents.
It is a common misconception that a landlord's homeowners insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing their tenants' belongings when something happens; this responsibility instead typically falls on the tenant.
Renters insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing personal property in the instance of theft, flood, fire, or other occurrence covered by the insurance policy.
Currently, Kiss My Face lotion for hands includes a wonderful organic grapefruit and bergamot Hand Crème and a Hand Alert repairing lotion containing alpha hydroxy acids, sunscreen, and moisturizers for smooth, beautiful hands.
Bianca's cool magic ran through his body, repairing all but his exhaustion.
I have to address the issues in my domain on the mortal world before I'll be allowed to return and finish repairing the underworld.
Brady pulled her into his lap and set to work on cleaning her up and repairing her wrist.
By dawn, the intruders were driven beyond the breached wall, and stonecutters and woodworkers summoned to begin repairing the wall behind the ongoing battle.
The administration of the Servian railways has its factory for repairing engines and principal store of materials in the city, which also possesses an iron foundry.
The repairing of highways, the upkeep of public buildings,the support of public education, the remuneration of numerous officials connected with the collection of state taxes, the keeping of the cadastre, &c., constitute the principal objects of communal expenditure.
Land was probably acquired for a military post and store depot at Woolwich in 1667, in order to erect batteries against the invading Dutch fleet, although in 1664 mention is made of storehouses and sheds for repairing ship carriages.
Imports include coal,timber, tar and hemp. Steam sawing, metal-founding, fish-salting, shipbuilding and repairing, and the manufacture of ship's-biscuits and fishing-nets are among the industries.
He at once devoted his energies to repairing the evils caused by civil war.
The dockyard, enclosed by high walls and covering 80 acres, is protected by a powerful fort - the construction and repairing of ironclads are extensively carried on here.
Among the industries of Belfast are trade with the surrounding country, the manufacture of shoes, leather boards, axes, and sashes, doors and blinds, and the building and repairing of boats.
The vestries and district boards became the authorities for local drainage, paving, lighting, repairing and maintaining streets, and for the removal of nuisances, &c.