Repaired Sentence Examples
I've repaired the computers in your office, too.
I repaired your boots last night.
The robed man came again and repaired the damage.
The walls were repaired by her orders, and the line of fortifications appears to have been extended on the south so as to include the pool of Siloam.
Having sold all his property except his library - to him equally a necessary and a luxury - Gibbon repaired to Lausanne in September 1783, and took up his abode with his early friend Deyverdun, now a resident there.
The cell repaired itself until it stood straight again.
The improvement of waterways in the interior of the empire was not neglected, the Babylonian canal system was repaired, the obstructions in the Tigris removed.
The Halberstadt organ, about which so much has been written, was, according to Praetorius (Syntagma musicum, Wolffenbi ttel, 1618), built in 1361, and repaired or rebuilt 1495.
The ship was steered into the river, and there careened and thoroughly repaired.
I was trying to save enough money to get it repaired.
AdvertisementAt the north end stands Fort Charlotte, erected by Cromwell, repaired in 1665 by Charles II.
Two posted guard outside while two more rigged the repaired door to open and close.
In 174 we hear of its walls being repaired by the censors.
If the box or policy doesn't explicitly say who repaired the system, don't be afraid to ask.
But his successors did not act with similar leniency; when the city was captured by Ptolemy I., king of Egypt, twelve years later, the fortifications were partially demolished and apparently not again restored until the period of the high priest Simon II., who repaired the defences and also the Temple buildings.
AdvertisementHe constructed "Morton's Dyke" across the fens from Wisbech to Peterborough, repaired the episcopal palace at Hatfield and the school of canon law and St Mary's Church at Oxford.
All these lines were destroyed by the Bukharians in 1918 but could presumably be easily repaired.
The development of this undertaking necessitated the establishment of stores and workshops at Stanley, and ships can be repaired and provided in every way; a matter of importance since not a few vessels, after suffering injury during heavy weather off Cape Horn, call on the Falklands in distress.
When the embassy was over, the bishop and Dominic repaired to Rome, and Innocent III.
The houses were hastily repaired, and the The Dipylon and Ceramicus.
AdvertisementThe roads and aqueducts were repaired, and the limits of the pomerium extended.
Except Kom ed-Dik the forts have not been repaired since the bombardment of 1882.
Under Nerva and Trajan the road was repaired; one inscription records expressly the paving with silex (replacing the former gravelling) of the section from Tripontium, 4 m.
He thereupon (in February 1860) obtained six months' leave of absence and repaired to Bloemfontein, in the hope of peacefully bringing about a union between the two republics.
The canal from the Nile to the Red Sea was completed or repaired, and commerce flourished.
AdvertisementBefore replacing your lawn furniture or having it professionally repaired, you can try fixing it yourself.
If it hadn't been for the tree falling on the house, that roof still wouldn't be repaired.
Released in 1652 on the representation of the Spanish ambassador that O'Neill was a Spanish subject, he repaired to Spain, whence he wrote to Charles II.
For this he was driven out, and, taking refuge with the Samaritans, founded a rival temple and priesthood upon Mt Gerizim, to which repaired other priests and Levites who had been guilty of mixed marriages.
It is situated on a lovely wooded hill, and was repaired and in part renovated about 1870 by Nasiru'd-Din Shah.
He repaired to Vienna, and was thence summoned to Buda by Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, for the purpose of collating Greek manuscripts at a handsome salary.
Firdousi next repaired to Bagdad, where he made the acquaintance of a merchant, who introduced him to the vizier of the caliph, al-Qadir, by presenting an Arabic poem which the poet had composed in his honour.
Naval preparations went on apace at all the dockyards, and numbers of flat-bottomed boats were built or repaired at the northern harbours.
Following the advice of her father, she repaired to Vienna along with the little king of Rome.
In 1521, on the invitation of Bishop Briconnet, he repaired to Meaux, and took part in efforts of reform within the Roman communion.
Admitting the identification, we may perhaps conclude that the temple was repaired in order to provide a temporary home for the venerated image and other sacred objects; no traces of a restoration exist, but the walls probably remained standing after the Persian conflagration.
In the harbours of Zea and Munychia traces may be seen of the remarkable series of galley-slips in which the Athenian fleet was built and repaired.
The railway from Chattanooga to Atlanta, destroyed by Johnston as he fell back in May and June, was now repaired and working up to Thomas's camps.
After hiding for some days in the Wicklow mountains Emmet repaired to the house of a Mrs Palmer at Harold's Cross, in order to be near the residence of John Philpot Curran, to whose daughter Sarah he had for some time been secretly attached, and with whom he had carried on a voluminous correspondence, afterwards seized by the authorities at her father's house.
Others are Bootham Bar, the main entrance from the N., also having a Norman arch; Monk Bar (N.E.), formerly called Goodramgate, but renamed in honour of General Monk, and Walmgate Bar, of the time of Edward I., retaining the barbican repaired in 1648.
After his baptism Edwin, according to Bede, began to construct "a large and more noble basilica of stone," but it was partly destroyed during the troubles which followed his death, and was repaired by Archbishop Wilfrid.
The building suffered from fire in 741, and, after it had been repaired by Archbishop Albert, was described by Alcuin as "a most magnificent basilica."
Some of the dispossessed princes of Asia Minor had repaired to Timur and begged him to reinstate them; accordingly Timur sent to Bayezid to request that this might be done.
In 1656 Mahommed Kuprili became grand vizier, and by dint of firmness and resolution repaired the falling fortunes of the country.
On the night of the 1st of October 1872, the college and seminary, a part of the palace and the upper library were devastated by fire; but the damage was subsequently repaired.
N.W., to Forum Appii; the bridge near Tripontium was similarly repaired, and that at Forum Appii, though it bears no inscription, is of the same style.
By the beginning of September all the breaches were repaired, the walls bristled with cannon, and 7000 men were under arms. So strong was the city by this time that Charles X., abandoning his original intention of carrying the place by assault, began a regular siege; but this also he was forced to abandon when, on the 29th of October, an auxiliary Dutch fleet, after reinforcing and reprovisioning the garrison, defeated, in conjunction with the Danish fleet, the Swedish navy of 44 liners in the Sound.
In the preface it is stated that Howel, "seeing the laws and customs of the country violated with impunity, summoned the archbishop of Menevia, other bishops and the chief of the clergy, the nobles of Wales, and six persons (four laymen and two clerks) from each comot, to meet at a place called Y Ty Gwyn ar Da y, or the white house on the river Tav, repaired thither in person, selected from the whole assembly twelve of the most experienced persons, added to their number a clerk or doctor of laws, named Bllgywryd, and to these thirteen confided the task of examining, retaining, expounding and abrogating.
At the age of twenty-three he repaired to Bologna, and there varied his studies of canon law by attending the astronomical lectures of Domenico Maria Novara (1454-1504).
By direction of Talleyrand, then minister for foreign affairs, the French commissary repaired in state to the old man's residence in Turin, to congratulate him on the merits of his son, whom they declared "to have done honour to mankind by his genius, and whom Piedmont was proud to have produced, and France to possess."
In the early 10th century, Harlech castle was, apparently, repaired by Colwyn, lord of Ardudwy, founder of one of the fifteen North Wales tribes, and thence called Caer Colwyn.
The Erechtheum was damaged by a fire, soon after its completion, in 406 B.C., but was repaired early in the following century.
Gradually growing more or less ruinous it was acquired by government in 1855, repaired, strengthened and converted into a Tay defence, mounting several heavy guns.
The reverse at Bakenlaagte was repaired by a force under Bruce Hamilton.
Sick persons repaired, or were conveyed, to the temples of Asclepius in order to be healed, just as in modern times relief is sought by a devotional pilgrimage or from the waters of some sacred spring, and then as now the healing influence was sometimes sought by deputy.
The result was that Edgar and Earls Edwin and Morkere and " the best men of London " repaired to Berkhampstead, where they submitted themselves and swore fealty to the Conqueror.
Temples and palaces were repaired or erected at Lagash and elsewhere, the town of Nina - which probably gave ' They are also called high-priests of Gunammide and a contracttablet speaks of " Te in Babylon," but this was probably not the Te of the seal.
The old reservoirs on this route attributed to Zubeda, wife of Harun al Rashid, were destroyed during the Wahhabi raids early in the 19th century, and have not been repaired.
A common type of condenser consists of a copper worm placed in a water bath; but more generally straight tubes of copper or cast iron which cross and recross a rectangular tank are employed, since this form is more readily repaired and cleansed.
On the night of the 22nd the great bridge was repaired, and the army awaited the arrival of reinforcements, not in Vienna, but in Lobau.
Not only was the breach not repaired, but long afterwards Comte, as we have said, with painful ungraciousness took to calling the encourager of his youth by very hard names.
This created a deficit, which they repaired by doubling the duty on inhabited houses.
This and the other fortifications of Verona were rebuilt or repaired by the Austrians, but are no longer kept up as military defences.
After 1776, when it was partly repaired by Colonel Elias Dayton, it was called by the continentals Fort Schuyler, in honour of General Philip Schuyler, and so is sometimes confused with (old) Fort Schuyler at Utica.
The "auld clay biggin" in which Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January 1759, has been completely repaired and is now the property of the Ayr Burns's Monument trustees.
A second battle, fought in the Dardanelles (July 17-19), ended by a lucky shot blowing up the Venetian flag-ship; the losses of the Ottoman fleet were repaired, and in the middle of August Kuprili appeared off Tenedos, which was captured on the 31st and reincorporated permanently in the Turkish empire.
Two stone bridges in good condition, said to have been constructed during the reign of Hulaku Khan (1256-1265), and since then several times repaired, lead over the Safi River on the western side of the town.
A new town was laid out in squares, the mudiria repaired and barracks built.
He did not, however, remain long in retirement, but in September 1812, hearing of important movements in New Granada, repaired to Cartagena, where he received a commission to operate against the Spanish troops on the Magdalena river.
From Cumana Bolivar repaired to Cartagena, and thence to Tunja, where the revolutionary congress of New Granada was sitting.
This view being confirmed by a resolution of congress, although it was not a unanimous one, Bolivar decided to resume his functions, and he repaired to Bogota to take the oaths.
On the English side much damage had to be repaired.
On the Dutch side much damage had to be repaired, and their complicated administration, by five independent admiralty boards, rendered rapid work impossible.
He left Quintana, visited Lyons and Geneva, repaired to Oecolampadius at Basel, and pushed on to Bucer and Capito at Strassburg.
These gaps have lately been repaired, or made passable with the help of iron stanchions; the remains cf the buildings at the top and at the foot of the mountain have been excavated; and the entrance to the gallery, between the outstretched paws of a gigantic lion, has been laid bare.
The omission, however, is repaired, not only in Ezek.
St Agnes's bones are supposed to rest in the church of her name at Rome, originally built by Constantine and repaired by Pope Honorius in the 7th century.
Lucien soon conceived a dislike for a duty which opened up no vista for his powers of oratory and political intrigue, and repaired to Corsica.
Nevertheless in 1814 she repaired with "Madame Mere" to Elba, and is said to have expressed a wish to share Napoleon's exile in St Helena.
Here he repaired the fabric and changed the position of the communion table, a matter which aroused great religious controversy, from the centre of the choir to the east end, by a characteristic tactless exercise of power offending the bishop, who henceforth refused to enter the cathedral.
The societies split up into Harrisites and Rowlandites, and it was only with the revival of 1762 that the breach was fairly repaired.
If the breach cannot be repaired the river leaves its old channel entirely, and finds a new exit to the sea along the line of least resistance.
On one occasion an infantry division of 8000 men repaired 102 miles of railway and built 182 bridges in 40 days, forging their own tools and using local resources.
Taking his army by sea from New York to the head of the Chesapeake, he marched up into Pennsylvania, whither Washington had repaired to watch him, and on the 26th of September entered the city.
The monument was injured by the fall of one of the cathedral walls, but was repaired.
The souls of members of the tribe who have died survive in these slips of wood, which are treasured up for long generations and repaired if they decay.
Detached from these, and separated entirely from the monastic buildings, were various workshops, which convenience required to be banished to the outer precincts, a saw-mill and oil-mill (UU) turned by water, and a currier's shop (V), where the sandals and leathern girdles of the monks were made and repaired.
The last of these - Christopher Hampton - who was consecrated to the primacy in 1613, repaired the ruined cathedral of Armagh.
He built a new and handsome palace at Drogheda, and he repaired the old disused palace at Armagh and bestowed on it a demesne of 300 acres.
He tells us that, after having filled the chief offices in his native place, he repaired to Rome, where he practised as an advocate.
For this purpose he repaired to the Rectory, Wanstead, then the residence of Mrs Pound, the widow of his uncle James Pound, with whom he had made many observations of the heavenly bodies.
Even here Feckenham found a means of doing public good; at his own cost he repaired the road and set up a market cross in the town.
Save for a short period of prosperity under the Frankish rulers of Athens (1205-1310), who repaired the katavothra and fostered agriculture, Boeotia long continued in a state of decay, aggravated by occasional barbarian incursions.
If an iron ship be swung when upright for deviation, and the mean horizontal and vertical magnetic forces at the compass positions be also observed in different parts of the world, mathematical analysis shows that the deviations are caused partly by the permanent magnetism of hard iron, partly by the transient induced magnetism of soft iron both horizontal and vertical, and in a lesser degree by iron which is neither magnetically hard nor soft, but which becomes magnetized in the same manner as hard iron, though it gradually loses its magnetism on change of conditions, as, for example, in the case of a ship, repaired and hammered in dock, steaming in an opposite direction at sea.
He was assisted by his father-in-law, to whose court he had repaired; but, failing to shake the old king's power either in Normandy or England, made peace in 1174.
Leaving his protection he sought shelter with Michael, despot of Epirus, and then repaired to Asia Minor,where his son-in-law Lascaris was holding his own against the Latins.
Torrane (governor 1805-1807) repaired to Anamabo, where he was received with great pomp. Torrane determined to surrender the fugitive Assin chiefs, but one succeeded in escaping; the other, on being given up, was put to death by the Ashanti.
The cantonments near the city, built by Nott's division, were repaired and again occupied by the British army in 1879, when Shere Ali was driven from power by the invasion of Afghanistan, nor were they finally evacuated till the spring of 1881.
The greater thermae (the so-called "Stabian" baths), which were originally built in the 2nd century B.C., and repaired about So B.C., are on a much more extensive scale than the others, and combine with the special purposes of the building a palaestra in the centre and other apartments for exercise or recreation.
He repaired to Birmingham, and there earned a few guineas by literary drudgery.
It has suffered much from earthquakes and has been extensively repaired.
Of this structure the only remains are the western tower and the choir, which, greatly altered as well as repaired early in the 19th century, now forms the parish church.
He superintended the siege works against Peschiera, was present at Palestro and Solferino, and repaired the fortifications of some of the northern fortresses.
Although the Joseph whence it takes its name is the celebrated Saladin, it is related that he merely repaired it, and it is not doubted to be of a much earlier period.
Meanwhile the great work at Karnak projected by his father was going forward, and throughout Egypt the injuries done to the monuments by Akhenaton were thoroughly repaired; the erased inscriptions and figures were restored, not without many blunders.
Thir, the commander of the Albanians, then repaired to the citadel, gained admittance through an embrasure, and, having obtained possession of it, began to cannonade the pasha over the roofs of the intervening houses, and then descended with guns to the Ezbekia and laid close siege to the palace.
On the 1st of March, Shhhin Bey and the other chiefs (one only excepted) repaired with their retinues to the citadel, and were courteously received by the pasha.
It possessed many other temples, repaired by Antoninus Pius, who was born close by, as was also Commodus.
Accordingly, in September 1679, the latter repaired to Utrecht, while shortly afterwards James's friends so far gained ground as to obtain for him permission to reside at Edinburgh instead of at Brussels.
Apparently British, the castle was repaired later, probably in the time of Edward I.
For, as East and West still met at the old sanctuaries of Greece, so - and yet more - Greece and Rome repaired to the temples of the southern and eastern deities.
The church of St Mary the Virgin, a beautiful specimen of the Perpendicular style, dating from the reign of Henry VII., but frequently repaired and restored, contains the tomb of Lord Audley, chancellor to Henry VIII.
A Dominican monastery was founded with great magnificence by Myler de Bermingham in 1241, and was repaired by the Board of Works in 1893.
There are forty tiers of seating, divided by one diazoma, and crowned by an arched gallery of rather later date, repaired in places with brick.
Finding his health declining, he repaired in 1757 to the south of France, but went in 1758 to Basel, where he died on the 27th of July 1759.
The ship was repaired by the New Zealand Government and dispatched under the command of Capt.
The Heraclidae repaired their ships, sailed from Naupactus to Antirrhium, and thence to Rhium in Peloponnesus.
He repaired the Lateran and the Vatican at enormous cost, and erected a beautiful country house at Soriano near Viterbo.
He also had new inns built and decayed ones repaired.
He did his best to remedy the misery caused by the intestine wars, repaired the ruined mosques and other public edifices, founded hospitals and libraries - his library in Shiraz was one of the wonders of the world - and improved irrigation.
The disaster was avowedly due entirely to Varus's incapacity and vanity, and might no doubt have been repaired by leaders of the calibre of Tiberius and Germanicus.
The lower Colorado river was discovered in 1540, but the explorers did not penetrate California; in 1542-1543 Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo explored at least the southern coast; in 1579 Sir Francis Drake repaired his ships in some Californian port (almost certainly not San Francisco Bay), and named the land New Albion; two Philippine ships visited the coast in 1584 and 1595, and in 1602 and 1603 Sebastian Vizcaino discovered the sites of San Diego and Monterey.
There he repaired the evils of the Albigensian war and made a first attempt at administrative centralization, thus preparing the way for union with the crown.
Unthreshed straw is said to last from twenty-five to thirty years, and is easily repaired.
These losses were repaired, however; the tobacco industry grew in importance, and the settlers built their cabins far in the interior of lowland Virginia.
No deduction to be made in respect of old material which is repaired without being replaced by new, and provisions and stores which have not been in use.
In the Catholic church, however, common sense prevailed, and those who desired to follow the Encratite ideal repaired to the monasteries.
An oppressive exaction was imposed by a local pasha, and in order to win the succour of Raphael Halebi, Sabbatai repaired to Cairo, being on his route at Hebron hailed as Messiah.
The great ruins, among the most notable in Asia Minor, have been re-occupied by some 200 families of Cretan Moslems. They cover a large promontory, fenced from the mainland by a ditch and wall which has been repaired in medieval times and is singularly perfect.
The first section was constructed in1897-1899by a Russian company, in virtue of a concession which the Persian government granted in 1893; and the second section was constructed in1878-1879by the Persian government at a cost of about 20,000, ceded to the concessionnaire of the first section in 1896, and repaired and partly reconstructed by the Russian company in i8981899.
He built the great bazaar of Shiraz, had a tomb constructed over the remains of Hafiz, and repaired the turbat at the grave of Sadi, outside the walls.
Hadrian, who repaired the Via Appia from Beneventum to this point, made it a colony; it has ruins of the city walls, of an aqueduct, baths and an amphitheatre; nearly 400 inscriptions have also been discovered.
Thence he fled to Jersey, and finally refusing all the overtures from the parliament, and in opposition to the counsels of Hyde, who desired the prince to remain on English territory, he repaired to the queen at Paris, where he remained for two years.
Leaving Rome in 168, he repaired to his native city, whence he was soon sent for to Aquileia, in Venetia, by the emperors Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius.
The name Colwyn is that of lords of Ardudwy; a Lord Colwyn of Ardudwy, in the 10th century, is believed to have repaired Harlech castle, and is considered the founder of one of the fif teen tribes of North Wales.
The urban council are required from time to time to cause all such streets to be made up and repaired as occasion may require, and they are empowered to raise, lower or alter the soil of the street, and to place and keep in repair fences and posts for the safety of foot-passengers.
Trajan repaired the road, and Theodoric did the same some four hundred years later.
The royal palace, begun in 1600 by the Count de Lemos, from designs by Domenico Fontana, partly burned in 1837, and since repaired and enlarged by Ferdinand II., is an enormous building with a sea frontage of Boo ft.
One of his pamphlets against the latter (The Public Spirit of the Whigs set forth in their Generous Encouragement of the Author of the Crisis, 1714) was near involving him in a prosecution, some invectives against the Scottish peers having proved so exasperating to Argyll and others that they repaired to the queen to demand the punishment of the author, of whose identity there could be no doubt, although, like all Swift's writings, except the Proposal for the Extension of Religion, the pamphlet had been published anonymously.
Its lofty clerestoried nave has an elaborately carved timber roof, and the south porch, though repaired in 1612, preserves its Norman mouldings.
After leaving Mantua, he repaired to Milan, where he enjoyed the protection of Cardinal Borromeo, but was soon transferred by his superiors to Venice, as professor of philosophy at the Servite convent.
Throughout Great Britain there are still many reservoirs, with earthen dams, which cannot safely be filled; and others which, after remaining for years in this condition, have been repaired.
It is known that more or less leakage took place through the dam, and to moderate this the water face was from time to time coated and repaired with cement.
He established and richly endowed the first foundling hospital, built and repaired numerous churches, constructed the Sistine Chapel and the Sistine Bridge, improved church music and instituted the famous Sistine choir, commissioned paintings on the largest scale, pensioned men of learning, and, above all, immortalized himself as the second founder of the Vatican library.
In the earlier years of his administration the disaster in Afghanistan was repaired in a successful campaign; and Lord Ellenborough, who was sent over to replace Lord Auckland as governor-general, increased the dominion and responsibilities of the East India Company by the unscrupulous but brilliant policy which led to the conquest of Sind.
But the rights which the Latin Church had thus obtained had practically fallen into disuse, while the Greek branch of the Christian Church had occupied and repaired the shrines which the Latins had neglected.
At first he repaired and strengthened its fortifications, but afterwards, alarmed at the capture of St Jean d'Acre (Acre) by Richard Coeur de Lion in 1191, he caused it to be dismantled.
St Irene, founded by Constantine, and repaired by Justinian, is in its present form mainly a restoration by Leo the Isaurian, in the middle of the 8th century.
A tablet let into the wall states that the building was repaired A.M.
The result is that new machinery is bought in very large quantities, used until it is worn out or cannot be repaired without considerable work, and then left in the fields to rust.
At the death of his brother, Joseph II., in 1790, Leopold became emperor, and repaired to Vienna.
In December he repaired personally to Rome, full of confidence that the weight of his arguments and the vivacity of his eloquence could not fail to convert the entire pontifical court to his views.
These buildings, with their belongings, are works of charity, and are supported, repaired and so forth out of funds derived from pious legacies, most often of land or rentals.
It was known as the Band i Kaisar (the Caesar's Dike), but after having been repaired by Mahommed Ali Mirza, a son of Fath Ali Shah, in the early part of the 19th century, it was called Band i Shahzadeh, or Prince's Dike.
His immediate objective was Belgrade, and thither, at the end of 1455, Hunyadi repaired, after a public reconciliation with all his enemies.
The fortifications were repaired by Bibars in the 13th century.
These walls, which were largely rebuilt by Jasper Tudor, earl of Pembroke, during the Wars of the Roses, were again repaired under Elizabeth during the alarm of, the Spanish invasion, as is shown by a contemporary tablet bearing the queen's cipher and the date 1588.
Constantine repaired the port, and probably enriched the town with some of its buildings.
Francois, the Ulysses resident dentist, repaired my tooth, saying the epoxy glue applied in Cape Town would have caused an abscess.
These Associates are commemorated with special bookplates in the front of the newly repaired books.
Lesser tuberosity fractures Acute injuries in athletes should be surgically repaired, to restore the subscapularis tendon and anterior capsule preventing shoulder instability.
Australian researchers have already repaired torn cartilage on the knees of 10 sheep with this natural glue, which frogs use to trap insects.
Documents should only be cleaned or repaired by trained conservators.
Cells isolated from the umbilical cord of the newborn injected into rats repaired brain injuries by becoming brain cells [7] .
Been cruise hawaii one way repaired for swimming killer caterpillars and seven-day roundtrip cruise.
It has one repaired ding on the underside and one small ding in need of repair.
A broken window slider, and a broken droplight have been repaired.
If goods are deemed faulty they will either be repaired or replaced.
There are only a few spots of rust in the front fenders, which can be easily repaired.
They therefore used the intact fibula to simulate a repaired fibular fracture.
Associated soft tissue defects were repaired using radial forearm (n = 22) or rectus abdominis (n= 5) free flaps.
The left foreleg and right rear leg were broken in casting and repaired with iron bolts.
The large gash in her hull was repaired by means of a wooden " scow " invented by the New York engineer Edward Renwick.
When he had found a place which had grouse on the menu he repaired there post haste with a chum in a Ferrari.
The lineside hut has been repaired after an act of vandalism.
The two sides repaired to the ' Shoes for refreshment but were frustrated by an inability to get served.
A runic inscription in the center translates as ' Luda repaired the brooch ' .
They have repaired many Acer, Toshiba, Time, Samsung, Fujitsu, Tiny, Compaq, eMachines and Advent laptops.
The main timbers had split and were repaired by stitching wooden laths over the damage.
So, now I have a useless paperweight not worth spending money to get repaired.
Good forward planning saw a workshop in which tender tanks had been repaired emptied and completely reconditioned early in 1955.
The exterior of the building has been repaired and largely refaced.
It has only just been repaired with a new slate roof.
Peter's parting shot was " That air hose should be repaired, rainwater in a diesel engine can be terminal " .
The church was repaired in 1874 at a cost of £ 530, and affords 400 sittings.
You didn't use gold staters for going down to the wheelwright to get your chariot repaired.
Once these are both repaired and refitted, it remains to paint the steelwork and then the body can be reunited with the chassis.
He had previously been well apart from a recurrent inguinal hernia, which had been repaired twice ten years ago.
Contact the place of purchase to arrange to have the unit tested, repaired, or replaced under warranty.
Damages in transactional files are to be repaired with the rollback option.
Dangers to remaining sgraffito decorations exist and should be assessed when a scheme is going to be repaired.
Peter 's parting shot was " That air hose should be repaired, rainwater in a diesel engine can be terminal ".
I would say you can tell if its been repaired if it has no stress cracks in the deck around the stanchion base.
You did n't use gold staters for going down to the wheelwright to get your chariot repaired.
One of the first view from the hide was the arrival of two Common Terns settling on the newly repaired tern raft.
Cortisol, thyroid and GH deficient, epilepsy, retinal aplasia, tetralogy of fallots (repaired).
Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes can, in some cases, be repaired by tubal surgery.
Some vandal damage to three windows will have to be repaired soon.
Migration into undisturbed areas of airfields can be encouraged and ponds and wetlands conserved and repaired.
The bridge was insecure, so the city decided to close the area until it was repaired.
In many states, if the car has been repaired for the same problem four or more times in a short period of time, variable by state law, without the problem being fixed, it is a lemon.
A rider will help pay for your living expenses while you wait for your home to be repaired should the worst happen.
A photographic record of each room is a good idea that can provide later proof of any improvements that you've done to improve the living area, or damage that was never repaired as agreed.
Once your own professional mechanic has looked it over and repaired any minor issues, you are ready to enjoy your new bike.
Not only will they be able to detect problems with the sound, they can also let you know if the piano can be repaired if it needs to or if it's in good shape.
If there seems to be staining or discoloration near the seams, water damage may have occurred in the past and has since been repaired.
Buying refurbished Apple laptops from reputable dealers can guarantee you a functioning laptop that has been repaired and fine-tuned like one that came off the assembly line.
If so, does it look like it was professionally repaired or patched over?
Ask if any parts have been replaced or repaired and why.
Refurbished Apple laptops, for example, can only be repaired and checked by an authorized Apple center or computer repair service.
Purchase Security - Purchases will be replaced, repaired or reimbursed for the first 90 days after purchase - up to $500 per claim.
One of the newer markets in office furnishings is better-than-used, or products that have been cleaned up cosmetically, or repaired mechanically to make them ready to sell.
This relatively new niche market provides an intermediate step between new and used goods, furniture that has been repaired and cleaned up for resale.
Hotel furniture is cleaned regularly, repaired promptly and much of it is seldom used.
A seamstress will be able to give you plenty of advice on how to repair the tears if indeed they may be repaired.
But the low price is no bargain at all if the lift mechanism needs to be replaced or repaired, or if there are other structural problems with the piece.
All of the pieces are cleaned, touched up and repaired before they are sold.
Slightly broken pieces can be carefully repaired with plaster.
Make sure you examine it thoroughly for damage, and if there is any, that it can be easily repaired.
Check the garment thoroughly make sure any damage is easily repaired.
If you do find holes, they may be able to be repaired, but before you purchase the dress, ask if you can take it to a dressmaker's shop for an estimate and consultation.
Here again, the dress may be able to be repaired, but get an estimate first.
Between high school and college I had it surgically repaired (called a sagittal split osteotomy) and have not looked back since.
These slipper socks are a perfect buy because they can be easily repaired if you need to do so.
Furthermore, the toy should be sturdily sewn and if possible, repaired or discarded as soon as the dog begins to mangle it.
Retailers register your Corian countertop to make sure your counter will be repaired or replaced if the need arises.
In many cases, damaged Corian can be repaired, but it's better to take precautions to avoid problems in the first place.
For those things that cannot be repaired, you will want replacements with an eye toward historical accuracy.
Any parts that cannot be repaired should be fixed if possible.
What ever can't be repaired will ultimately have to be replaced.
Any flaws that are uncovered are repaired.
Solid surface countertops do scratch, melt, stain and burn but can be repaired at home with a few household items, such as scouring pads.
If you find something in your home that needs to be repaired or disposed of for safety reasons, deal with it right away.
Another option, of course, is to take your broken glasses to where you purchased them and see if they are able to be repaired.
In some cases, there will be a "spring-hinge" which keeps the pressure from breaking the glasses in this spot; however, spring hinges are not easily repaired.
Maui Jim repaired damaged frames for customers when this happened.
If you can have the coating redone (especially if there's a warranty on the coating), you'll do much better just to have them repaired.
The Product Care Program will ensure that your Ray Bans are repaired, but the cost for repairing the damage or replacing the glasses is completely on the customer.
As soon as they receive payment, they will repair the damage and send your glasses back to you or send you a replacement at your cost if the damage is not able to be repaired.
From there, you should have your new lenses in a mere matter of weeks, and you'll hopefully rest easy knowing that they were professionally repaired.
Whether you choose a local store or an online site, the key is making sure your Ray Bans are repaired to your specifications.
You may not want to send your glasses off and wait weeks for them to be repaired.
The retailer you purchased the glasses from will be able to let you know if your glasses are within warranty guidelines as well as how to have your glasses repaired.
Most of the park's rides were completely destroyed, except for the Boardwalk Bullet Roller Coaster, which was repaired.
If the scratch is still there or wasn't completely repaired, then repeat all the steps.
There is special solution used that is a higher grade than store-purchased liquids and the disc rotates at an extreme speed so that the entire disc is repaired and cleaned.
When the PS3 is fully repaired, it goes through a certification process to ensure that it has "like new" functionality.
All you know with a refurbished unit is that it is in fact used and it has been repaired.
Look carefully for signs that the pot has been repaired, especially at places like the handle, and spout.
This includes Beanies that have been repaired.
Always look for signs that the pin has been soldered or repaired, as well as looking for evidence that it is not an authentic piece.
In fact, since this model was made to be repaired rather than replaced many model 27 machines are still in use.
However, there is also an industry built upon refurbished or repaired RV and trailer parts.
Keep in mind that refurbished parts aren't new, they've just be re-machined or repaired so that they are as close to new as possible.
While there may be more parts to a pop up RV camper than you anticipated, most of the parts are easily replaced or repaired if you purchase the right parts and make sure that you have the right tools for the job.
It is definitely helpful to read through your manual and purchase spares of commonly repaired parts to prevent unhappy campers in the event something breaks down.
Refurbished mobile phones are supposed to be restored to "near new" condition, meaning that the company may have updated the handset to the latest firmware version, replaced any broken or worn parts, and repaired any faulty components.
If the opening does not close on its own, it needs to be repaired to prevent the pulmonary arteries from becoming thickened and blocked due to increased blood flow.
A heart-lung bypass machine pumps blood for the heart while the heart is stopped and the wall defect is being repaired.
There is a 25 percent lifetime risk of death if the atrial septal defect is not repaired.
Damaged electric appliances, wiring, cords, and plugs should be repaired, replaced or discarded.
In nearly all cases, the clamps were assumed to be in working order but had been repaired with replacement parts that were not of the manufacturer's specifications.
Delay in the surgery leads to the frequent need to divert the urine into the bowel because the partially repaired bladder cannot control the flow.
With immediate surgery, three-fourths of all people can be successfully repaired.
Hernias, if present, are repaired to correct the obstruction.
Because the lungs have not had enough room to grow and are small, doctors must stabilize the baby's breathing before the hernia can be repaired.
If the bowels are injured or malrotated, this will be repaired, and the hole in the diaphragm is sewn closed and patched, if necessary, with surgical mesh.
If diagnosed early in childhood, the prognosis for children who have had a surgically repaired inguinal hernia is excellent.
Injuries are repaired, diseases are diagnosed, and certain encounters with pain can be anticipated and prevented.
A cleft lip and/or palate can be repaired with corrective surgery, performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.
Parents can help others understand that the cleft does not hurt and that it will be repaired.
Long-term follow-up, however, finds that 80 to 90 percent of children who have repaired TEFs as infants eat normally by the time they are in elementary school.
Deep scars are excised and the area repaired with small skin grafts.
The cut is repaired with stitches or skin clips.
The baby often vomits forcibly after feeding and cannot gain weight appropriately until the defect is repaired.
Feng shui principles state that everything should be in tip-top shape and anything that needs repairing should be repaired immediately; this applies to your clothing as well.
Homes needing certain repairs, such as the repair of unsafe or unhealthy conditions, can be repaired using ADDI money.
The inspection reveals the things that potential buyers will probably want repaired as well as any major repairs that need to be done before the home is even put on the market.
The items on the checklist do not necessarily indicate a definite reason why the home is not fit to be put on the real estate market, but instead points to things that should be repaired or replaced before the new owner moves in.
Utilities, homeowners insurance, and an emergency fund in case something in the home needs to be repaired are the extra expenses you need to consider when budgeting for buying your first home.
Why endure needless pain when you can remain relaxed and comfortable while your teeth are repaired and restored to their original glory?
The restaurant was repaired, but in 1894 it was partially destroyed again due to a defective fluke.
Although you can't expect to get many coupons for a free Build a Bear, you can get one you already own repaired at no cost.
If you live nearby you can also get your appliances repaired there.
Should you find yourself with an appliance that needs to be repaired, you do have a few options when it comes to finding replacement parts.
If you have had your brewer repaired or a part replaced, then you receive a one year warranty on that part or unit.
If you can purchase a new appliance for virtually the same amount of money that you will spend getting the one you have repaired, you really may be better served by purchasing a new unit.
If you decide to proceed with having your microwave oven repaired, or doing-it-yourself, you will need a resource for finding the parts that you need.
Not everything can be repaired by simply checking and cleaning the machine.
It is often cheaper to purchase a new coil cord rather then have the device repaired.
The official manual of the machine says that you should take it to a professional to have it repaired.
In the event that your appliance breaks during the three-year period, you can have it replaced or repaired for free by Cuisinart.
If your vacuum is no longer under warranty, or if the problem is not covered, you will be responsible for the cost of having your unit repaired.
While the homes could be cleaned and repaired, the flooding destroyed entire collections of furniture and family possessions.
Gold Engagement Rings eventually show wear such as nicks and scratches, but are easily repaired.
If the ring needs to be repaired or resized, always provide the jeweler with documentation about the types of metals used, including their alloy proportions if available to ensure a good, indistinguishable repair.
Because the ornamentation is suspended from rather than attached to the chain, the jewelry can easily be shortened or lengthened as desired, and any damage to the chain is more easily repaired than with an elaborate necklace.
In fact, many times it will be more cost effective to simply replace the chain rather than have it repaired.
Consider whether it will have to be returned to the designer to be repaired or if the repairs can be done locally if it becomes necessary.
This type of steel can be refinished and repaired by any jeweler, and it is popularly used for wedding bands.
The budget should also take into account any additional costs such as the potential resizing of an engagement ring or having the ring cleaned or repaired.
Any tears or frayed material should be repaired by a professional seamstress who specializes in designer purse refurbishing.
At some point, virtually everyone is going to need to have a component repaired or replaced, or an Internet virus removed.
Simply because if you have a warranty, you have reassurance that you can get your watch repaired if anything happens to go wrong.
Whenever you take anything valuable to get repaired, it is recommended that you take pictures of it, both inside and out.
Your jeweled timepiece should be repaired professionally.
If your watch needs to be repaired, take it to a recommended professional.
Seiko of America, the North American branch of the Seiko Watch Corporation, recommends that customers only purchase watches and have their watches repaired by Seiko authorized dealers.
When you get your favorite Seiko watch repaired, it will be like having a new watch again.
Take good care of it and make sure that it is only repaired by a professional who knows something about Seiko watches.
The Fossil watch repair warranty ensures that Fossil watches can be reliably repaired in the case of something going wrong.
It is important to get the watch repaired quickly and it should not be worn until the repair has been made as this may increase the level of damage.
Until the levee systems are repaired in New Orleans and power is restored, shipping will continue to be affected.
Systems cannot be repaired until the water is drained away.
If the car needs to be repaired, get three estimates.
The report will reveal if the car has been in any accidents and repaired, the warranty and recall repair history, and number of owners.
If you purchased a used minivan from a place other than a dealership, you still need to visit an authorized Toyota dealer to have the recall repaired.
Damaged body panels could not easily be repaired and had to be completely replaced.
I want to buy a really inexpensive car and I have the money to get it repaired.
Most owners of these vehicles should receive a letter in the mail by June of 2010 providing full explanation of what they need to do to have their vehicle repaired through the recall program.
Toyota has said it will provide owners with replacement vehicles for instances when the repairs will take too long and the owner is in need of a vehicle to use until their vehicle has been repaired.
It probably also covers rental reimbursement in the event you need to secure a vehicle while your own is being repaired.
Rental Car Reimbursement for when the policyholder's vehicle is being repaired following a claim under the collision or comprehensive portion of the policy.
If your car needs to be repaired or replaced due to damage it has incurred, you will be responsible financially, not your insurance company.
Pays $25 to $40 per day for a replacement vehicle while a damaged vehicle is being repaired.
Panasonic camcorders warranty information accompanies each camcorder purchase along with the instructions, allowing the buyer quick access to all the information they need to get a faulty camcorder repaired.
If the camcorder can not be repaired then it may be replaced with a new camcorder, depending upon the specifics of the warranty.
Home warranty contractors have agreements with home warranty companies to provide services when a covered appliance breaks down or an item needs to be repaired.
A home warranty provides protection to a new homeowner if appliances or other items, such as the furnace, water heater, or electrical system, need to be repaired.
If the appliance is repaired, the cost of the repair depends on the amount of coverage you initially purchase.
In a situation where the covered system or appliance cannot be repaired, Nationwide will replace it.
Once you complete the process of filing a claim, it will be time to get the damage to your vehicle repaired.
The policyholders are also compensated for living expenses when they are unable to live at home while the property is being repaired.
Loss of Income - If your property needs to be repaired or completely rebuilt and is uninhabitable, this clause will cover the income you're losing, up to a limit.
There will likely be some wear and tear, but nothing that can't be repaired, and then you can lounge in real style.
His engineering skills paid off when he repaired a field transporter that allowed himself and thirteen others escape a patrol.
Even though it was slightly repaired, he is still working on perfecting it, but continues to use radio clips to speak.
At the end of the film, the newly repaired Serenity was seen flying off into space just before a piece of metal rippe loose from the back and hit the camera - maintaining the image of the flying hunk of junk.
If there are any cracks or deterioration, do not use until it is repaired.
Tailoring costs have to be factored in to make sure not only that the uniforms fit, but that they are repaired as needed.
Then on Thursday morning a burst sewer pipe had to be repaired on Church Road, causing a two-mile tailback and an unfortunate odor.
One of the first view from the hide was the arrival of two Common terns settling on the newly repaired tern raft.
Once the damage was repaired she moved into the brain tissues.
Vandal damage to three windows will have to be repaired soon.
It suffered severely in the hurricane of 1898, the damage not having been fully repaired as late as 1906.
Before proceeding to Bulgaria, Prince Alexander paid visits to the tsar at Livadia, to the courts of the great powers and to the sultan; he was then conveyed on a Russian warship to Varna, and after taking the oath to the new constitution at Tirnova (July 8, 1879) he repaired to Sofia, being everywhere greeted with immense enthusiasm by the people.
He repaired as far as possible the ruinous effects of his father's wastefulness, but on his accession found everything in the utmost confusion, "the great lords," to cite the old chronicler Rogerius (c. 1223-1266), "having so greatly enriched themselves that the king was brought to naught."
The river, which flows between the castle-hill and the powerfully armed fort of San Cristobal, is crossed by a magnificent granite bridge, originally built in 1460, repaired in 1597 and rebuilt in 1833.
After this he repaired to Rome and received one of the pensions, which Vespasian (according to Suetonius) was the first to bestow upon Latin and Greek writers.
Karim, by their aid, once more repaired his losses and advanced on Ispahan, while Muhammad Hasan with fifty thousand men was coming from the opposite direction, ready to encounter either the Afghan or the Zend.
The accumulations of rubbish on the island were cleared away and the walls and foundations of the stone buildings were all repaired and strengthened before the dam was completed.
In 1156 Dermod MacMurrough (Diarmait MacMurchada), deposed for his tyranny from the kingdom of Leinster, repaired to Henry in Aquitaine (see Early History above).
Victor Emmanuel repaired to Radetzky's camp, where he was received with every sign of respect, and the field-marshal offered not only to waive the claim that Austria should occupy a part of Piedmont, but to give him an extension of territory, provided he revoked the constitution and substituted the old blue Piedmontese flag for the Italian tricolour, which savoured too much of revolution.
Once in a while I get broken up some, but I am easily repaired and put in good order again.
Gangs of carpenters hoping for high pay arrived in Moscow every day, and on all sides logs were being hewn, new houses built, and old, charred ones repaired.
A large reconstruction effort had, by the early 1950s, repaired much of the war damage.
If you see evidence of damage, you will need to either have the cord repaired or replace the decoration itself.
You're not repaired completely just because your sunburn went away.
The appraiser will look to see if the finish and details are original or of the item has been repaired or changed in some way.
Bilateral cleft lips are usually repaired in two surgeries, about a month apart.
To reduce exposure to mold, indoor humidity should be decreased to less than 50 percent, leaky faucets and pipes should be repaired, and vaporizers avoided.
The cool energy her body produced when she healed streamed through her, rousing her as it repaired the latest damage.
Well, you'll just have to give me my pick of your cars while this one is repaired.
From 1850 onwards it was again repaired and strengthened at great cost, and was considered impregnable; but in the war of 1864 the Prussians turned it by crossing the Schlei, .and it was abandoned by the Danes on the 6th of February without a blow.
It may be supposed that originally the public roads, when worn by the cartage of the coal, were repaired by laying planks of timber at the bottom of the ruts, and that then the planks were laid on the surface of special roads or ways' formed between the collieries and the river.
A terminal station embraces (I) the passenger station; (2) the goods station; (3) the locomotive, carriage and waggon depots, where the engines and the carrying stock are kept, cleaned, examined and repaired.
In 403 he repaired to Constantinople, where he received ordination as deacon at the hands of Chrysostom.
On learning of this, the Jews repaired to Caesarea and besought Pilate to remove these offensive images.
They now reached their goal, the' river Phasis, and the following morning Jason repaired to the palace of Aeetes, and demanded the golden fleece.
In order to carry out this purpose he repaired in July or August 1523 to London, and to the famous protector of scholars and scholarship, Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall.