Repaint Sentence Examples
She stared at the walls, wondering who'd had the time to repaint her guest room.
In fact, you may need to strip the old furniture completely (working outside, of course) and repaint it to eliminate the risk of lead poisoning.
Her first sage green color looked silver in the light, so she had to repaint with a new, slightly darker shade of green.
Remember, if you don't like the way that your faux painting looks, feel free to repaint over it and start again.
The cheapest and quickest way to transform your kitchen is to repaint the walls.
Does it match well with the walls and drapery, or will you have to spend money to repaint the room?
This is a look that is prized by many collectors so resist the urge to sand it down and repaint it to look new.
Some people like to repaint old school desks in bright, vivid colors.
Repaint the room, or simply add some additional items to neutralize the destructive elements.
Are you planning to repaint your room or are you looking for bedding that matches your existing décor?
AdvertisementOn its return to Barnt Green, John Glenn effected a complete repaint at home, using cellulose.