Renewing Sentence Examples
There, in 1648, she met the future king, possibly renewing an earlier acquaintance.
The Police didn't buy it and both were arrested, thereby renewing Howie's credibility.
We are constantly renewing ourselves, cell by cell, second by second, every minute of our lives.
As ever, Lin and I look forward to renewing old friendships and kindling new ones.
The NHS is not renewing a License from the Copyright Licensing Agency from central budgets.
Painted bands will need renewing at intervals as the paint wears off.
He or she may be barred from getting a passport or renewing a professional license.
Methane Gas - Methane gas is being explored as a naturally renewing source of energy because it burns more cleanly than other fuel sources and may be used to replace standard oil based fuel.
Beach Weddings has become an especially popular company for those renewing their vows, as many couples went the elaborate route the first time around and are now just hoping for a bit of romance and minimal complications.
Couples may choose to have vow renewal ceremonies for many reasons, and these ideas for renewing your vows can make this second ceremony just as meaningful and romantic as your initial wedding day.
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For example, you may find a spring rain to be refreshing and renewing but the one you are expressing it to may find that to be dreary and depressing, so know your audience.
Sensual touching can be a very useful method for establishing or renewing intimacy in any relationship.
When renewing wedding vows for any number anniversary.
AdvertisementAn eternity ring may be purchased to celebrate the birth of a baby, a special anniversary, the renewing of wedding vows or simply to demonstrate on-going love.
Therefore, with skin that is constantly renewing itself, you must make sure the artist can manipulate the epidermis to create the butterfly that you are hoping for.
By renewing their vows in Las Vegas, the couple can allow the kids to have fun while still keeping the wedding romantic.
Thanks to a constantly renewing supply to meet the rising demand, prices are down and quality is up, but many people don't feel informed enough to make a purchase.
Supporters of detox diets, like naturopathic doctor and author of Detoxification, Linda Page, assert that benefits of detoxifying include renewing and recharging the body, while jump-starting a healthier lifestyle.
AdvertisementContact Old Republic for information on renewing a policy provided to you by the seller of your home.
Renewing your current policy for savings by not switching to another insurance company.
The national lingerie fit specialist travels the country renewing women's self-confidence in the bedroom by instructing them on how to choose the pieces that work for them.
She cited the stress of being a celebrity as the reason for not renewing her show.
When these programs are picked up, their runs are very limited so the network can gauge their popularity before renewing.
AdvertisementToday, these refining and renewing products are easier on the skin and simpler to use.
Following morning cleansing is the use of renewing facial lotions, creams, or gels.
The evening routine similarly involves cleansing, renewing, and hydrating, but may use different products than the morning routine.
Not only is it beautifully scented, it also contains alpha hydroxy acids, which steps up the skin's exfoliating and renewing processes.
Dean smiled as the two walked away and then gingerly mounted his bike, renewing a few aches and minor pains.
Pope Damasus himself displayed great zeal in adapting the catacombs to their new purpose, restoring the works of art on the walls, and renewing the epitaphs over the graves of the martyrs.
Before the truce expired a disputed succession to the duchy of Brittany gave Edward an excuse for renewing hostilities with France.
From the flash of the rifles, it was clear that the French main position was still intact, and as every body of troops within thirty-six hours' call had been engaged there seemed little prospect of renewing the struggle next morning.
Even after the adoption in Europe of the Christian era, a great variety of methods of dating - national, provincial and ecclesiastical - grew up and prevailed for a long time in different countries, thus renewing in modern times the difficulties experienced in ancient times from diversities of reckoning.
Declaring the treaty of Altranstadt void and renewing his alliance with Russia and Denmark, he quickly recovered the Polish crown.
Taking up his abode in Fetter Lane, London, on his return, and continuing to reside there for the sake of intellectual society, even after renewing his old ties with the earl of Devonshire, who lived in the country till the Restoration,4 he worked so steadily as to be printing the De corpore in the year 1654.
The new emperor proved unfriendly to the Venetians and made difficulties about renewing their privileges.
The god declared him to be his son, renewing thus an old Egyptian convention or belief; Olympias was supposed to have been in conyerse with Ammon, even.
He regulated affairs in Antioch, and tried to strengthen the north of Palestine generally against the arm of Zengi's successor, Nureddin, by renewing the old and politic alliance with Damascus interrupted since 1147, and by ceding Tellbashir, the one remnant of the county of Edessa, to Manuel of Constantinople.
The successive publication of Tables for the Purchasing and Renewing of Leases (1802), of The Doctrine of Interest and Annuities (1808), and The Doctrine of Life-Annuities and Assurances (1810), earned him a high reputation as a writer on life-contingencies; he amassed a fortune through diligence and integrity and retired from business in 1825, to devote himself wholly to astronomy.
He replied by renewing his relations with Russia, and in 1838 Lord Auckland set the British troops in motion against him.
The irish lords were pardoned on renewing their- oaths of fealty; the king did not wish to entangle himself in costly campaigns beyond St Georges Channel till he had made his position in England more stable.
Domestic malcontents did not scruple to hint that the king, like his father-in-law before him, had made war on France, not with any hope of renewing the glories of Crecy or Agincourt, still less with any design of helping his allies, but purely to get first grants from his parliament, and then a war indemnity from his enemies.
In the same year the necessity of renewing the charter of the Bank of England afforded Sir Robert Peel an opportunity of reforming the currency.
By his death vanished all hope of renewing the extraordinary fortune which for twenty years placed the descendant of the great emperor, the Carbonaro and dreamer, at once obstinate and hesitating, on the throne of France.
Towards the Church she held a courteous but firm policy, renewing relations between the Frankish kingdom and the pope; and she so far maintained the greatness of the Empire that tradition associated her name with the Roman roads in the north of France, entitling them les chausses de Brunehaut.
There he had the opportunity for renewing the good understanding with Napoleon which had been begun in 1857.
We must notice, first, how in arranging the terms of peace he opposed the king and the military party who wished to advance on Vienna and annex part of Austrian Silesia; with greater foresight he looked to renewing the old friendship with Austria, and insisted (even with the threat of resignation) that no territory should be demanded.
He continued to have nightmares over the incident, renewing our concerns over his fragile mental wellbeing.
We all look forward to renewing acquaintances on July 18th in London.
Police are renewing their appeal for information about a fatal road traffic collision which occurred last Saturday Night.
A variety of things to make and do, recycling, renewing, useful gifts, use old denim, .. .
Only where a planned maintenance program of work is more than 18 months away will the Responsive Repairs team consider renewing a bathroom fitment.
At the time of the Inquiry, the trustees were on the point of renewing the lease with their new landlord.
The action of the council of Constance in renewing the condemnation of the doctrines of Wycliffe pronounced at Rome in 1413, and in condemning and executing John Huss and Jerome of Prague, is dealt with elsewhere (see Wycliffe; Huss; Jerome Of Prague).
To find them thus renewing their reputation by reverting to Chinese models, is not only another tribute to the perennial supremacy of Chinese porcelains, but also a fresh illustration of the eclectic genius of Japanese art.
Berthelier was executed in 1519, and Ame Levrier in 1524, but Bezanson Hugues (d.1532) took their place, and in 1526 succeeded in renewing the alliance with Fribourg and adding to it one with Bern.
On the other hand Czechoslovakia was desirous of renewing economic and political relations with Hungary, the more so as agricultural Hungary might be regarded as the complement of industrial Czechoslovakia, supplying her with natural products and providing a market for Czechoslovak manufactures.
Founded in 1947 by J.I. Rodale, The Rodale Institute promotes organic and regenerative agriculture as a means of renewing environmental and human health.
Subtle and natural enough for both men and women to wear, its special water formulation allows the skin to breathe and hydrate, continually renewing your complexion.
Renewing love and commitment after marital difficulty, such as infidelity, illness, or other hardships.
Regardless of the reason for renewing vows, a couple should understand that a renewal ceremony will not replace their wedding day.
It is also beneficial for healing and renewing aged skin.
It might be her second wedding; while brides getting married for a second time or renewing their vows can wear white if they want to, many second-time brides opt for other colors.
Topical fluoride is the most effective mineral for renewing or remineralizing the surface layers of enamel and dentin as they wear out and are eaten away by acids from food and bacteria.
The points of dispute between them related mainly to Matildas bequest, and to the kingdom of Sicily, which the pope had rendered independent of the empire by renewing its investiture in the name of the Holy See.
The crisis dragged for three months, and before its definitive solution by the formation of a Depretis-Crispi ministry, Robilant succeeded (I 7th March 1887) in renewing the triple alliance on terms more favorable to First re- Italy than those obtained in 1882.
The elections of 1909 returned a strong Giolittian majority, but the Premier found himself faced with the necessity for renewing the steamship conventions which were about to lapse.
Hence a prolonged halt arose, utilized by the troops in renewing their equipment and so forth, but ultimately the Young German party, led by Blucher and the principal fighting men of the army, triumphed, and on the 1st of January 1814 the Silesian army (50,000) began its passage of the Rhine at Kaub.
In 461 they contracted an alliance with Athens, thus renewing a connexion established by Peisistratus.
When the news of the death of Abu`1-Abbas reached Abdallah, who at the head of a numerous army was on the point of renewing the Byzantine war, he came to Harran, furious at his exclusion, and proclaimed himself caliph.
Henry Wilde, in 1875, in depositing copper on iron printing-rollers, recognized this principle and rotated the rollers during electrolysis, thereby renewing the surfaces of metal and liquid in mutual contact, and imparting sufficient motion to the solution to prevent stratification; as an alternative he imparted motion to the electrolyte by means of propeller blades.
Living in the Netherlands he became very intimate with Eliza beth's envoy, Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, but he failed to get assistance for renewing the war either from the English queen or in any other quarter.
It was he too who by renewing the traditional alliances and resuming against Bavaria, Fer- -
Crown Prince Gustaf, who during the illness of King Oscar was appointed regent, took the initiative of renewing the negotiations between the two countries, and on the 5th of April in a combined Swedish and Norwegian council of state made a proposal for a reform both of the administration of diplomatic affairs and of the consular service on the basis of full equality between the two kingdoms, with the express reservation, however, of a joint foreign minister - Swedish or Norwegian - as a condition for the existence of the union.
This second questioning was afterwards forbidden; but the prohibition was got over by merely suspending and then renewing the sessions for questioning.
Owen's name does not occur in the document renewing Talbot's powers in February 1416; according to Adam of Usk he died in 1415.