Removing Sentence Examples
Removing his hat, he glided into the booth.
Removing the laundry from her room, she walked down the hall and hesitated at Cade's bedroom door.
Removing the bridle, he released the horse in the corral.
In 18J4 he left Berlin to become professor of physics in Basel University, removing nine years afterwards to Brunswick Polytechnic, and in 1866 to Karlsruhe Polytechnic. In 1871 he accepted the chair of physical chemistry a t Leipzig.
Rutherford, who showed that on removing oxygen from air a gas remained, which was incapable of supporting combustion or respiration.
On the 14th of June 1909 a bill was passed removing the disabilities hitherto attaching to some 15,000,000 of Old Believers.
Its investigations justified the law making the block system compulsory, thus removing the worst danger of railway travel.
This soil is spongy, and, undergoing alternate contraction and expansion from being alternately comparatively dry and saturated with moisture, allows the heavy blocks to slip down by their own weight into the valley, where they become piled up, the valley stream afterwards removing the soil from among and over them.
An attack made by the Moslems of Candia on the British garrison of that town, with the connivance of the Turkish authorities, brought home to the powers the necessity of removing the Ottoman troops, and the last Turkish soldiers quitted the island on the 14th of November 1898.
He had left Paris during the whole of 1520, and, removing to Meaux, was appointed (May r, 1523) vicar-general to Bishop Brigonnet, and published his French version of the New Testament (1523).
AdvertisementThey have been known to enter human dwellings, removing all the Iverminous insects contained therein.
In 1820 Webster took an important part in the convention called to revise the constitution of Massachusetts, his arguments in favour of removing the religious test, in favour of retaining property representation in the Senate, and in favour of increasing the independence of the judiciary, being especially notable.
London street and stable dung was carried to a distance by water, and appears from later writers to have been got for the trouble of removing.
The new symbol, which occupies the second position, was made by removing the upper loop of B, thus producing a symbol somewhat resembling an ordinary lowercase b.
In the case of urban leases, however, ejectment (q.v.) - called in Scots Law " removing " - will not be authorized unless the tenant received 4 0 days' warning before the term of removal.
AdvertisementThe rationale of this treatment is not fully understood, but the action appears to consist in the separation or decomposition of the aromatic hydrocarbons, fatty and other acids, phenols, tarry bodies, &c., which lower the quality of the oil, the sulphuric acid removing some, while the caustic soda takes out the remainder, and neutralizes the acid which has been left in the oil.
One of the great mistakes made by the Franks was the breach of the alliance in 1147 - a breach which was widened by the attack directed against Damascus during the Second Crusade; and the conquest of Damascus by Nureddin in 1154 was ultimately fatal to the Latin kingdom, removing as it did the one possible ally of the Franks, and opening the way to Egypt for the atabegs of Mosul.
This office he filled with great prudence and probity, removing many abuses in the administration of justice in Egypt.
As censor he raised the character of the senate, removing unfit and unworthy members and promoting good and able men, among them the excellent Julius Agricola.
When, as with some plants like Verbascum, the thick hard stems are liable to cause the leaves to wrinkle in drying by removing the pressure from them, small pieces of bibulous paper or cotton wool may be placed upon the leaves near their point of attachment to the stem.
AdvertisementThere is considerable difficulty in removing mounted specimens of algae from paper, and therefore a small portion preserved on mica should accompany each specimen, enclosed for safety in a small envelope fastened at one corner of the sheet of paper.
The Cuban coast was uninterruptedly full of infection, and the danger of an outbreak in each year was never absent, until the work of the United States army in 1901-1902 conclusively proved that this disease, though ineradicable by the most extreme sanitary measures, based on the accepted theory of its origin as a filth-disease, could be eradicated entirely by removing the possibility of inoculation by the Stegomyia mosquito.
The situation was however materially altered by the end of August 1826; for the Greeks, driven to desperation, had formally invited the mediation of England, thereby removing Canning's objection to an unasked intervention.
Vatke considered it a celebration of the spring solstice, Baur a means of removing the impurity of the old year.
In 1687 the town surrendered this charter to James II., who in a substituted one, which, however, was never acted upon, reserved to the Crown the right of removing any member of the corporation from office.
AdvertisementThere is a fine monument to Prince Michael (1860-1868) who succeeded in removing the Turkish garrison from the Belgrade citadel and obtaining other Turkish fortresses in Servia by skilful diplomacy.
It consists of a definite contractile sac or sacs lying on the dorsal side of the alimentary canal near the oesophagus, and in preparations of Terebratulina made by quickly removing the viscera and examining them in sea-water under a microscope, he was able to count the pulsations, which followed one another at intervals of 30-40 seconds.
This oxide is produced by heating lead in contact with air and removing the film of oxide as formed.
In the summer of 1660 he left England for France, where he lived in seclusion under the name of John Clarke, subsequently removing elsewhere, either (for the accounts differ) to Spain, to Italy, or to Geneva.
Columbium compounds are usually prepared by fusing columbite with an excess of acid potassium sulphate, boiling out the fused mass with much water, and removing tin and tungsten from the residue by digestion with ammonium sulphide, any iron present being simultaneously converted into ferrous sulphide.
Conscious of her unpopularity she banished, and afterwards put to death, three Gothic nobles whom she suspected of intriguing against her rule, and at the same time opened negotiations with the emperor Justinian with the view of removing herself and the Gothic treasure to Constantinople.
One of the most recent developments of algebra is the algebraic theory of number, which is devised with the view of removing these difficulties.
In the West these buildings were raised over the tomb, which was left intact; but in the East there was no hesitation in disturbing the graves of the saints and removing the bodies to a basilica built to receive them.
The correspondence of the two shows that they were far from being on cordial personal terms with one another, but Hood always discharged his duty punctually, and his capacity was so great, and so signally proved, that no question of removing him from the station ever arose.
At first, after removing his goods from Cirey, he hired the greater part of the Chatelet town house, and then the whole.
The depth to which open working can be pushed depends upon the size and value of the mineral deposit and upon the expense of removing the over-burden.
The responsible authorities on the spot perceived that the process of gradually removing the huge accumulations of impedimenta that were massed about the landing-places and of reembarking the troops must take place during the dark hours and step by step, every effort being made to keep the Turks unaware of what was in progress.
The work of removing stores, war material, animals and personnel was to be carried out on successive nights, the fighting force ashore was to be gradually reduced, the front line of trenches was to be held up till the very last - the final night being fixed provisionally for the 8th-9th - and the detachments vacating it were to hurry straight off to the beaches.
Haynes has systematically and patiently uncovered the remains of the great temple of El-lil, removing layer after layer of debris and cutting sections in the ruins down to the virgin soil.
Cyrus now claimed to be the legitimate successor of the ancient Babylonian kings and the avenger of Bel-Merodach, who was wrathful at the impiety of Nabonidus in removing the images of the local gods from their ancestral shrines to his capital Babylon.
The shoots are cut back to buds close to the stem, which should be encouraged to form alternately at equal distances right and left, by removing those buds from the original shoot which are not conveniently placed.
Furthermore, with the large furnaces which gas-firing makes possible mechanical appliances may be substituted for manual labour in many operations, such as removing and replacing broken retorts, mixing and conveying the charge, drawing and casting the metal, charging and emptying the retorts, and removing the residues and products.
A solution of the oxide in the chloride has the property of dissolving silk, and hence is employed for removing this fibre from wool.
The relative weakness of territorial power in the North, after the fall of Henry the Lion of Saxony, diminished without however removing this motive for union, but the comparative immunity from princely aggression on land left the towns freer to combine in a stronger and more permanent union for the defence of their commerce by sea and for the control of the Baltic.
The frequency of these phenomena is in some degree a source of security, for the minor vibrations are believed to exercise a binding effect by removing weak cleavages.
The engraver, who is very rarely the designer, then cuts the otitlines into the block with a knife, afterwards removing the superfluous wood with gouges and chisels.
Caesar, on his return from Alexandria, seeing the expediency of removing Dolabella from Rome, took him as one of his generals in the expedition to Africa and Spain.
Whatever this increased illumination may be, it can be precisely imitated by removing the mirror and placing a second lighted candle at the place occupied by the optical image of the first candle in the mirror, that is, as far behind the plane as the first candle was in front.
Several methods are in use for removing the silver.
The allegations made in Sacheverell's report on the examination of Coleman prompted the country party to demand the exclusion of James, duke of York, from the succession to the throne, the first suggestion of the famous Exclusion Bill being made by Sacheverell on the 4th of November 1678 in a debate- "the greatest that ever was in Parliament," as it was pronounced by contemporaries - raised by Lord Russell with the object of removing the duke from the King's Council.
The son attended the public schools of New York until he was ten, and then became a clerk in his step-father's store, removing in 1836 with his mother and step-father to New Carlisle, Indiana.
The brightness of the image is sometimes in creased by silvering the glass; and on removing a small portion of the silver the observer can Object see the image with part of the pupil while he sees the paper through the unsilvered aperture with the remaining part.
The bringing of the liquid to the mark is effected by removing the excess by means of a capillary.
As the "ring" could be destroyed only by removing the corrupt judges who were its tools, Tilden, after entering the Assembly in 1872 to promote the cause of reform, took a leading part in their impeachment.
The king was secured a minimum civil list of £1500 a year out of the native revenues; pensions were accorded to other members of the Buganda royal family; the salaries of ministers and governing chiefs were guaranteed; compensation in money was paid for removing the king's control over waste lands; definite estates were allotted to the king, royal family, nobility and native landowners; the native parliament or " Lukiko " was reorganized and its powers were defined; and many other points in dispute were settled.
Recognizing the value of an intellectual centre, he made Reykjavik not only the political, but the spiritual capital of Iceland by removing all the chief institutions of learning to that city; he was the soul of many literary and political societies, and the chief editor of the Ny Felagsrit, which has done more than any other Icelandic periodical to promote the cause of civilization and progress in Iceland.
Real toleration in public opinion grew slowly through the 18th century, removing the religious tests of voters; and a constitutional amendment in 1821 explicitly forbade such tests in the case of office-holders.
Fore-sights are made right and left; tangent sights are interchangeable, the graduations are cut on the horizontal edges above and below, so that the sight can be changed from right to left or vice versa by removing and reversing the bar.
The introduction of trunnionless guns recoiling axially through a fixed cradle enabled sights to be attached to the non-recoil parts of the mounting, so that the necessity of removing a delicate telescopic sight every round disappeared, and Q?'
In some cases the operation of filtration is performed for the sake of removing impurities from the filtrate or liquid filtered, as in the purification of water for drinking purposes; in others the aim is to recover and collect the solid matter, as when the chemist filters off a precipitate from the liquid in which it is suspended.
In the course of time it was noticed that certain materials, such as charcoal, had the power to some extent also of softening hard water and of removing organic matter, and at the beginning of the 19th century charcoal, both animal and vegetable, came into use for filtering purposes.
Innumerable forms of filters made with these and other materials were put on the market, and were extolled as removing impurities of every kind from water, and as affording complete protection against the communication of disease.
This speedily came to naught, and Alcott returned (1844) to his home near that of Emerson in Concord, removing to Boston four years later, and again living in Concord after 1857.
The figure is such as would be produced by removing a piece of a rectangular prism, and is called a briquette.
The question then arises whether, by removing the limitation as to the position of the ordinates, we can reduce their number.
The counter-revolution provided, therefore, a favourable excuse for removing him from power.
Lastly, on June 7th, while Stakelberg was proceeding southward on his ill-defined errand, Kuropatkin, imposed upon by the advance of the Takushan column to Siu-yen, forbade him to concentrate to the front, only removing the veto when he learned that the 4th Army had halted and entrenched at Siu-yen.
He accorded at first only a few trifling reforms, which were far from removing the popular discontent, while he retained the unpopular minister, Count Detlew von Einsiedel (1773-1861), and continued the encouragement of the Roman Catholics.
The birth of the princess royal, on the 21st of November 1840, removing the unpopular King Ernest of Hanover from the position of heir-presumptive to the British crown, Birth of the was a subject of loud congratulations to the people.
Henri Moissan obtained the metal of 99% purity by electrolysing calcium iodide at a low red heat, using a nickel cathode and a graphite anode; he also showed that a more convenient process consisted in heating the iodide with an excess of sodium, forming an amalgam of the product, and removing the sodium by means of absolute alcohol (which has but little action on calcium), and the mercury by distillation.
The fungus hibernates in the soil and enters through broken or injured roots, hence care should be taken when removing the bulbs that the roots are injured as little as possible.
It deserves to be noted that in 1872 an important step was also taken towards removing entirely the duties on purely revenue articles, tea and coffee being then admitted free of duty.
The amir then took up his residence in Brusa, removing in 1855 to Damascus.
In 1874 he was arrested and imprisoned, but escaped in 1876 and went to England, removing after a short stay to Switzerland, where he joined the Jura Federation.
The name of any particular member of the series is derived from that of the corresponding member of the paraffin series by removing the final syllable "-ane," and replacing it by the syllable "ylene."
Crude potash is used for the manufacture of glass, and, after being causticized, for the making of soft soap. For many other purposes it must be refined, which is done by treating the crude product with the minimum of cold water required to dissolve the carbonate, removing the undissolved part (which consists chiefly of sulphate), and evaporating the clear liquor to dryness in an iron pan.
For such offences as witchcraft, fraud, removing landmarks, and adultery the criminal had his heart cut out on the altar, or his head crushed between two stones, while even lesser punishments were harsh, such as that of slanderers, whose hair was singed with a pine-torch to the scalp.
For sixty years there was no change whatever, and only three amendments, those of 1852 (removing the property qualifications of representatives, senators and the governor), were adopted until 1877, when twelve amendments were adopted, - the most important being those providing for biennial (instead of annual) state elections in November (instead of March), and those doing away with the previous requirement that representatives, senators and the governor " be of the Protestant religion."
Walsingham had long been convinced, like parliament and the majority of Englishmen, of the necessity of removing Mary; bitt it was only the discovery of Babington's plot that enabled him to bring pressure enough to bear upon Elizabeth to ensure Mary's execution.
The absolute was left with no other function than that of removing all the differences on which thought turns.
The younger Mayhew, soon after removing to Martha's Vineyard, devoted himself to missionary work among the Indians, his work beginning at about the same time as that of John Eliot; he was lost at sea in 1657 while on his way to secure financial assistance in England, and his work was continued successfully by his father.
He studied at Woodhouse Grove, at the University of London, and, after removing to America in 1832, at the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania in 1835-1836.
Mt Taylor in western New Mexico is of similar age, but here dissection seems to have advanced farther, probably because of the weaker nature of the underlying rocks, with the result of removing the smaller cones and exposing many lava conduits or pipes in the form of volcanic necks or buttes.
The only way of removing the president from office is by impeachment, an institution borrowed from Great Britain, where it had not become obsolete at the time when the United States constitution was adopted.
The weir is opened by removing the sliding panels or rolling Scale 'kW.
In removing the valves of the shell from an Anodonta, it is necessary not only to cut through the muscular attachment of the body-wall 4 ?"
In the Prologue to the "Parson's Tale" (so) there is, on the other hand, a mistake of Chaucer's own, which no judicious critic would think of removing, the constellation Libra being said to be "the moon's exaltation" when it should be Saturn's.
He removed with his parents to Stoughton in 1723, attended the country school there, and at an early age learned the cobbler's trade in his father's shop. Removing to New Milford, Connecticut, in 1743, he worked as county surveyor, engaged in mercantile pursuits, studied law, and in 1754 was admitted to the bar.
In September 1791 France annexed Avignon and the Venaissin, thus removing for ever that territorial pawn with whose threatened loss the French monarchs had for centuries disciplined their popes.
He was sent in 1753 to King's College, Aberdeen, removing two years later to Marischal College.
Where the cultivation of large specimens has to be carried on, a span-roofed house of greater height and larger dimensions may sometimes prove useful; but space for this class of plants may generally be secured in a house of the smaller elevation, simply by lowering or removing altogether the staging erected for smaller plants, and allowing the larger ones to stand on or nearer the floor.
Cuttings of growing plants are prepared by removing with a sharp knife, and moderately close, the few leaves which would otherwise be buried in the soil; they are then cut clean across just below a joint; the fewer the leaves thus removed, however, the better, as if kept from being exhausted they help to supply the elaborated sap out of which the roots are formed.
One of the expedients for inducing a state of fruitfulness in trees is the ringing of the branches or stem, that is, removing a narrow annular portion of the bark, by which means, it is said, the trees are not only rendered productive, but the quality of the fruit is at the same time improved.
Take up bulbs and tuberous roots and dry them in the shade before removing them to the store-room.
Examine the fruitroom every week, removing promptly all decaying fruit.
Slug-worms or saw-fly larvae require treatment by washing with soapsuds, tobacco and lime-water or hellebore solution, and Aphides by syringing from below and removing all surplus young twigs.
If the pig iron is to follow path 2, the purification which converts it into wrought iron or steel consists chiefly in oxidizing and thereby removing its carbon, phosphorus and other impurities, while it is molten, either by means of the oxygen of atmospheric air blown through it as in the Bessemer process, or by the oxygen of iron ore stirred into it as in the puddling and Bell-Krupp processes, or by both together as in the open hearth process.
On its way from the blast furnace to the converter or open hearth furnace the pig iron is often passed through a great reservoir called a " mixer," which acts also as an equalizer, to lessen the variation in composition of the cast iron, and as a purifier, removing part of the sulphur and silicon.
If by pre-heating the blast we add to the sum of the heat available; or if by drying it we subtract from the work to be done by that heat the quantity needed for decomposing the atmospheric moisture; or if by removing part of its nitrogen we lessen the mass over which the heat developed has to be spread - if by any of these means we raise the temperature developed by the combustion of the coke, it is clear that we increase the proportion of the total heat which is available for this critical work in exactly the way in which we should increase the proportion of the water of a stream, initially too in.
Beside this their chief and easy work of oxidizing carbon, silicon and phosphorus, the conversion processes have the harder task of removing sulphur, chiefly by converting it into calcium sulphide, CaS, or manganous sulphide, MnS, which rise to the top of the molten metal and there enter the overlying slag, from which the sulphur may escape by oxidizing to the gaseous compound, sulphurous acid, S02.
It should also be nearly free from sulphur, because of the great difficulty of removing this element in the puddling process.
The " refinery process " of fitting pig iron for the puddling process by removing the silicon without the carbon, is sometimes used because of this difficulty in making a pig iron initially low in both sulphur and silicon.
The ebullition from the formation of carbonic oxide puffs up the resultant phosphoric slag enough to make most of it run out of the furnace, thus both removing the phosphorus permanently from danger of being later deoxidized and returned to the steel, and partly freeing the bath of metal from the heat-insulating blanket of slag.
By rapidly stirring molten iron oxide into molten pig iron in a furnace shaped like a saucer, slightly inclined and turning around its axis, at a temperature but little above the melting-point of the metal itself, the phosphorus and silicon are removed rapidly, without removing much of the carbon, and by this means an extremely pure cast iron is made.
It is by forming calcium sulphide that sulphur is removed in the manufacture of pig iron in the iron blast furnace, in the crucible of which, as in the electric furnaces, the conditions are strongly deoxidizing But in the Bessemer and open-hearth processes this means of removing sulphur cannot be used, because in each of them there is always enough oxygen in the atmosphere to re-oxidize any calcium as fast as it is deoxidized.
But this ancient furnace does its fourfold work of deoxidizing, melting, removing the gangue and desulphurizing, so very economically that it is not likely to be driven out in other places until the exhaustion of our coal-fields shall have gone so far as to increase the cost of coke greatly.
Wolffenstein (Ber., 1894, 27, p. 2307) prepared practically anhydrous hydrogen peroxide (containing 99.1% H 2 0 2) by first removing all traces of dust, heavy metals and alkali from the commercial 3% solution.
After removing the uranium, it was found that the bismuth separated with a very active substance - polonium; this element was afterwards isolated by Marckwald, and proved to be identical with his radiotellurium; that the barium could be separated with another active substance - radium; whilst a third fraction, composed mainly of the rare earths (thorium, &c.), yielded to Debierne another radioactive element - actinium, which proved to be identical with the emanium of Giesel.
The result was that the income from customs and excise rose from about 230 million marks in 1878-1879 to about 700 millions in 1898-1899, and Bismarcks object in removing a great burden from the states was attained.
His speech in favour of reserving to the crown the right of absolute veto under the new constitution drew down upon him the wrath of the advanced politicians of the Palais Royal; but in spite of threats and abuse he continued to advocate a moderate liberal policy, especially in the matter of removing the political disabilities of Jews and Protestants and of extending the system of trial by jury.
The slave wars had not directly touched the great cities; Verres plundered and impoverished everywhere, removing anything of value, especially works of art, that took his fancy, and there is hardly a city that had not to complain of what it suffered at his hands.
For removing rock in reducing a surface to a level, or in quarrying, cuts were made with a pick, forming straight trenches, and the blocks were then broken out between these.
He had to fight for his throne and then reorganize the country, removing his capital or residence from Thebes to a central situation.
The first-named put an end to an anomalous situation and gave a practically valid sanction to the presence of Britain in Egypt, removing all ground for the reproach that Great Britain was not respecting its international obligations.
A period of considerable tension ensued, the Turks removing the boundary posts at Rafa and sending strong reinforcements to the frontier.
He made extracts from the existing law, preserving the old words, and merely cutting out repetitions, removing contradictions, retrenching superfluities, so as immensely to reduce the bulk of the whole.
The central authority was gradually made effective, and a definite system of payment, by removing the original cause of brigandage, and the establishment of a strict discipline learnt perhaps from the English troops, gradually stamped out the most serious of the many evils under which the country had suffered.
In raising funds and equipping and supplying troops the governor showed great energy and resourcefulness, and his plans and organizations for caring for the needy widows and children of Pennsylvania soldiers killed in battle, and for aiding and removing to their homes the sick and wounded were widely copied throughout the North.
This, in accordance with the wider view of the effect of naturalization in the United Kingdom, may mean that naturalization in pursuance of a colonial law confers the full character of a British subject, only without removing disabilities, such as that to hold land, under which the naturalized person may have lain as an alien in any other British possession.
He supported the Divorce Bill in parliament, but opposed the Deceased Wife's Sister Bill and the bill for removing Jewish disabilities.
He was the President's chief adviser in the attack on the United States Bank, and was transferred to the treasury department in September 1833 for the special purpose of removing the government deposits.
C - Thermit weld before removing riser and pouring gate.
The crude oxide of the metal is obtained from cerite, by evaporating the mineral with strong sulphuric acid, removing excess of acid and dissolving the residue in ice-cold water; sulphuretted hydrogen is passed through the solution, which is then filtered, acidified with hydrochloric acid, and precipitated as oxalate by oxalic acid; the oxalate is then converted into oxide by ignition.
The Roman conquest of Achaea enhanced the prosperity of Argos by removing the trade competition of Corinth.
His earliest legislative effort, in the five-day session of 1769, had been marked by an effort to secure to masters freedom to manumit their slaves without removing them from the state.
Nor is it only in distant corners of the great continent that this criticism applies, though constant improvements are removing the grounds for it.
In the same way the villagers had to go through the work of harrowing with their harrows, and of removing the harvest in their vans and carts.
Rengade (Comptes rendus, 1907, 1 44, P. 920), by partially oxidizing the metal in a current of dry oxygen and removing excess of metal by distillation in vacuo, has obtained oxides of composition Rb202 (yellowish white), Rb203 (black) and Rb204 (yellow).
In many places streams or springs are credited with the power of removing barrenness which, in primitive thought, is often ascribed to supernatural malevolence.
This secret scheme the faithful secretary at once carried to Philip, who characteristically resolved to meet it by quietly removing his brother's aider and abettor.
If, without removing the electrified body, the plate or knob of the electroscope is touched, the leaves collapse.
The arrangement is, however, modified by taking the mode of connection as the basis of the primary classification, and by removing the subject of connection by reduplication to the section of aggregate combinations.
Removing the summation signs in equation (52) in order to restrict its application to two points and dividing by the common time interval during which the respective small displacements ds and ds were made, it becomes Pdsfdt = Rds/dt, that is, Pv = Rv, which shows that the force ratio is the inverse of the velocity ratio.
When it is found that the fibre separates readily from the woody shove " or core, the beets or small bundles are ready for removing from the dams. It is drained, and then spread, evenly and equally, over a grassy meadow to dry.
In fact, the great aim of his life was to reconcile Christendom by removing all unimportant differences.
Rosette " copper is obtained as thin plates of a characteristic dark-red colour, by pouring water upon the surface of the molten metal, and removing the crust formed.
But, besides removing the psychological slag which clung to Kant's ideas from their matrix and presenting reason as the active principle in the formation of a universe, his successors carried out with far more detail, and far more enthusiasm and historical scope, his principle that in reason lay the a priori or the anticipation of the world, moral and physical.
All the working parts of the instrument were supported on the base, so that on removing a glass shade which serves as a Leyden jar they can be got at and adjusted in position.
He advocated peace, and his influence carried the day, thus removing a difficulty which, though apparently of minor dimensions, might have changed the whole course of Japan's modern history.
Large quantities of turpentine are extracted from this pine in Sweden and Russia by removing a strip of bark, terminating below in a deep notch cut in the wood, into which the turpentine runs, and from which it is scooped as it accumulates; but the product is not equal to that of the silver fir and other species.
It is the opinion of almost all who have studied the subject that any natural bed may in time be destroyed by overfishing (perhaps not by removing all the oysters, but by breaking up the colonies, and delivering over the territory which they once occupied to other kinds of animals), by burying the breeding oysters, by covering up the projections suitable for the reception of spat, and by breaking down, through the action of heavy dredges, the ridges which are especially fitted to be seats of the colonies.'
The therapeutic measures employed in these different cases may be directed towards alleviating the symptoms, such as itching, pain, cough and swelling, in which case the treatment will be merely symptomatic; or they may be directed towards removing the root of the disease, viz.
Thus in acute gout the most common and most trusted remedy for removing the pain is colchicum, but at present we do not know what action it has upon the system, or why it gives so much ease in the pain of gout while it has comparatively little effect upon pain due to other causes.
Nitrite of amyl has the power of dilating the arteries; it has consequently been employed with much success in lowering the blood pressure and removing the pain in angina pectoris.
In the same way itching is often caused by the presence of insects or other irritants upon the skin, and it tends reflexly to cause rubbing, which is useful by removing the irritant.
In the same way, the reflex act of coughing is useful in removing either foreign bodies or excessive secretion from the air passages; but when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated and inflamed, it produces a feeling of tickling and a desire to cough sometimes very violently; yet the coughing simply tends to exhaust the patient, because there is really little or nothing to bring up. The same is the case in inflammation of the lung substance itself.
The treatment of inflammation of mucous membrane is based upon the same principles as inflammation of the skin, and there too we usually associate means (I) for removing microbes, (2) for destroying them, (3) for lessening the irritation they produce, and (4) for repairing any mischief they have done.
Pain may be stopped by removing the cause of irritation, as, for example, by the extraction of a carious tooth or by rendering the nerveendings insensitive to irritation, as by the application of cocaine; by preventing its transmission along the spinal cord by antipyrin, phenacetin, acetanilide, cocaine, &c.; or by dulling the perceptive centre in the brain by means of opium or its alkaloids, by anaesthetics, and probably also, to a certain extent, by antipyrin and its congeners.
Another method of removing grease is to immerse and remove strips of paper by which the surface available for the contamination is in effect increased.
The force is well controlled, and the work of cleaning and removing snow after a heavy fall is thoroughly and efficiently carried out.
When cadmium is not present the copper may be precipitated by boiling the acidulated ammoniacal solution with test lead and titrating, as before described, without removing the lead and copper from the solution.
With potassium bichromate solution, which is yellow, the iron solution becomes green from the chromium chloride or sulphate formed, and the end of the reaction is determined by removing a drop of the solution on the stirring-rod and adding it to a drop of a dilute solution of potassium ferricyanide on a white tile.
Removing to Belleville, Illinois, in the same year, he was elected to the state House of Representatives as a Democrat in 1840, and in1841-1843was secretary of state of Illinois.
This consists for the most part of the smaller mammals and poultry; although the association in packs enables these marauders to hunt down antelopes and sheep. When unable to obtain living prey, they feed on carrion and refuse of all kinds, and are thus useful in removing putrescent matter from the streets.
Experiments made by removing mussels from salt water to brackish, and finally to quite fresh water show that it is even more tolerant of fresh water than the oyster; of thirty mussels so transferred all were alive after fifteen days.
Lord Derby's second administration of 1858 lasted but a single year, Palmerston having casually been defeated on a measure for removing conspiracies to murder abroad from the class of misdemeanour to that of felony, which was introduced in consequence of Orsini's attempt on the life of the emperor of the French.
Gordon, who succeeded him in 1874, abandoned the station on account of its unhealthy site, removing to Lado.
The committee are also charged with the duties of appointing or removing the clerk of the peace, and they have jurisdiction in matters relating to justices' clerks, the provision of accommodation for quarter sessions or justices out of session, and the like, and their expenses are paid by the county council out of the county fund.
Among the miscellaneous powers of an urban council with respect to streets may be mentioned the power to widen or improve, and certain powers incorporated from the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, with respect to naming streets, numbering houses, improving the line of streets, removing obstructions, providing protection in respect of ruinous or dangerous buildings, and requiring precautions to be taken during the construction and repair of sewers, streets and houses.
In 1710 he started in practice in Lincolnshire, removing in 1717 to London.
He learned Latin and Greek at Rochelle, and continued his studies at Leiden, subsequently removing to Paris.
Attempts, indeed, were made to bring him to trial, but they were unsuccessful, and in 1852 his church unanimously withdrew from the local "consociation," thus removing any possibility of further action against him.
Another method consists in mixing the powdered bark with milk of lime, drying the mass slowly with frequent stirring, exhausting the powder with boiling alcohol, removing the excess of alcohol by distillation, adding sufficient dilute sulphuric acid to dissolve the alkaloid and throw down colouring matter and traces of lime, &c., filtering, and allowing the neutralized liquid to deposit crystals.
Removing to Athens in early youth, he became the pupil of the Socratic Aeschines, but presently joined himself to Plato, whom he attended to Sicily in 361.
Hittorf's phosphorus is another crystalline allotrope formed by heating phosphorus with lead in a sealed tube to redness, and removing the lead by boiling the product with nitric and hydrochloric acid.
Hypophosphorous acid, HP(OH) 2, discovered by Dulong in 1816, and obtained crystalline by Thomson in 1874 (Ber., 7, P. 994), is prepared in the form of its barium salt by warming phosphorus with baryta water, removing the excess of baryta by carbon dioxide, and crystallizing the filtrate.
It may be obtained by brominating conine, and then removing the elements of hydrobromic acid with alkalis.
In 1836 he took a professorship in the theological college of Montauban, removing in 1847 to Paris as preacher at the Oratoire.
In order to compete against this very high rate, the merchants of Johannesburg began removing their goods from the Vaal river by waggon.
Baeyer by removing the elements of hydriodic acid from iodocyclo-hexane on boiling it with quinoline.
He soon succeeded in removing the trammels imposed upon his authority, and made himself king in everything but name.
Pitt, whose mind was open to wider considerations, proposed to throw open commerce to both nations by removing all the restrictions placed on the trade of Ireland with England and with the rest of the world.
Ministers saw in the Luddite organization only another conspiracy against the state; and, so far from seeking means for removing the grievances that underlay popular disaffection, th.e activity of parliament, inspired by the narrowest class interests, only tended to increase them.
This policy had been foreshadowed in the instructions drawn up by Castlereagh for his own guidance at Verona; but Canning succeeded in giving it a popular and national color and thus removing from the government all suspicion of sympathy with the reactionary spirit of the Holy Alliance.
In removing it from a dangerous leaning towards one side, there may be a risk of oversetting it on the other.
Starting with a solid hydrocarbon of definite composition, it would be theoretically possible to decompose it entirely into carbon, hydrogen, ethylene and methane, and, by rapidly removing these from the heating zone before any secondary actions took place, to prevent formation of tar.
There is no doubt that the question of rapidly removing the gas, as soon as it is properly formed, from the influence of the highly-heated walls of the retort and residual coke, is one of the most important in gas manufacture.
Upon removing the material from the vessel and exposing it to the atmosphere the sulphide of iron undergoes a revivifying process, the oxygen of the air displacing the sulphur from the sulphide as free sulphur, and with moisture converting the iron into hydrated oxide of iron.
In these cases the producers are arranged outside the iron-works, glass-works, &c., in an open yard where all the manipulations of feeding them with coal, of stoking, and of removing the ashes are performed without interfering with the work inside.
The door b serves for removing the slags and ashes from the bottom of V, as far as they do not fall through the grate.
The annual flooding now appears to be actually beneficial to the stonework, by removing the disintegrating salts and incrustations.
The solution is best prepared by dissolving the hydrate in hydrochloric acid and removing the excess of acid by evaporation, or by passing chlorine into the solution obtained by dissolving the metal in hydrochloric acid and removing the excess of chlorine by a current of carbon dioxide.
Removing after 1768 to Bordentown, New Jersey, he became a member of the council of that colony in 1774.
Means were to be taken for removing the councils from Paris to St Cloud, where pressure could more easily be applied.
The fundamental aim of jurisprudence is to realize external freedom by removing the hindrances imposed on each one's free action through the interferences of other wills.
In the milder varieties of this complaint, such as those occurring sporadically, and where the symptoms are probably due to matters in the bowels setting up the dysenteric irritation, the employment of diaphoretic medicines is to be recommended, and the administration of such a laxative as castor oil, to which a small quantity of laudanum has been added, will often, by removing the source of the mischief, arrest the attack; but a method of treatment more to be recommended is the use of salines in large doses, such as one drachm of sodium sulphate from four to eight times a day.
In 1835 he left Mere, and returned to Dorchester, where he started another school, removing in 1837 into larger quarters.
On removing, washing and gently drying the metal and heating it in a glass tube, a white crystalline sublimate is formed on the cool part of the tube; under the same conditions antimony does not produce a crystalline sublimate.
It is used for lifting or removing such loose substances as coal, gravel and the like.
Man may prepare himself for this influx by removing the obstacles which prevent the union of the intellect with the human vessel destined for its reception.
From 1904 onwards the French undertook works on the Niger between Bamako - whence there is railway communication with the Senegal - and Ansongo with a view to deepening the channel and removing obstructions to navigation.
This explanation is incomplete, as it leaves out of account the action of the polarizer and analyser, and it was with the purpose of removing this defect that Fresnel and Arago undertook the investigations mentioned above and thus supplied what was wanting in Young's explanation.
Righi has, however, pointed out that this experiment may be explained by the fact that the function of the quartz plate and analyser is to eliminate the constituents of the composite stream of white light that mask the interference actually occurring at the positions of the lateral systems of fringes, and that any other method of removing them is equally effective.
His results prompted Bessemer to try the purer iron obtained from Cumberland haematite, but even with this he did not meet with much success, until Robert Mushet showed that the addition of a certain quantity of spiegeleisen had the effect of removing the difficulties.
Not the least of the anxieties of the colonial office during this period was the situation in the West Indies, where the canesugar industry was being steadily undermined by the European bounties given to exports of continental beet; and though the government restricted themselves to attempts at removing the bounties by negotiation and to measures for palliating the worst effects in the West Indies, Mr Chamberlain made no secret of his repudiation of the Cobden Club view that retaliation would be contrary to the doctrines of free trade, and he did his utmost to educate public opinion at home into understanding that the responsibilities of the mother country are not merely to be construed according to the selfish interests of a nation of consumers.
As the expenses of Territorial government were partly borne by the United States, statehood was voted against in 1860, and again (virtually) in 1864 after Congress had passed an Enabling Act; but in 1866 a constitution framed by the legislature was declared carried by the people by a majority of loo votes in 7776, and Nebraska was admitted as a state (in spite of President Johnson's veto) in 1867, after her legislature had accepted a fundamental condition imposed by Congress removing the limitation of the suffrage to whites by the new constitution.
This impression was strengthened by the action of England at Berlin in insisting that Russia should evacuate the occupied territory before reforms were introduced, and so removing the only security for their introduction.
By using these glasses and employing minerals with special optical properties, it is possible to correct objectives so that three colours can be combined, leaving only a quite slight tertiary spectrum, and removing the spherical aberration for two colours.
In most cases the purification consisted in removing the free fatty acids from rancid oils and fats, the caustic soda forming a soap with the fatty acids, which would either rise as a scum and lift up with it impurities, or fall to the bottom and carry down impurities.
Removing his white lab coat, he carefully folded it and placed it on the back of the chair.
They were removing their boots in the mud room when Sarah joined them.
When you start removing your clothes, naive or not, you've got to realize you're doing something wrong.
Dean thought about it for all of ten seconds after Weller left, but once more on his bicycle, all thoughts of his future were restricted to immediate concerns of removing himself and his wife from the list of prime suspects in Jerome Shipton's attempted murder.
There were two refrigerators for holding blood, needles for drawing, IV tubing for transfusions and a multitude of surgical instruments for removing bullets and knife tips.
Simple database search solutions can be sterile, removing the possibility of serendipity.
Long before they had an opportunity of removing the goods thus acquired, the career of the Avenger had terminated.
There are two main reasons for removing the adenoids.
Now is the time to give your patio surface a clean, removing any algae which can be slippery.
Heat through and serve, removing the star anise.
After removing the arils from the seed they should be sown onto a standard potting compost.
Do you know what the rules are about removing asbestos?
Removing and Avoiding Excess and Obsolete Inventory Excess and obsolete inventory is a constant problem for many companies ' balance sheets.
Other jobs carried out during the day included fitting two wicket posts and removing contaminated ballast.
The tiny splinter barbs do no impair the penetration of the hook and alleviates damage to the fish when removing the hook.
Dustin followed up, removing the other barnacle in similar fashion.
Work began on removing the remaining oil from the sunken battleship HMS Royal Oak.
I have made a minor update to my acne page, mentioning a new tool I've seen for removing blackheads.
As used in professional skin clinics, this stainless steel blackhead remover is the most effective way of removing blackhead remover is the most effective way of removing blackheads from the pores.
This involves removing part of the brain in more severe cases in the region of the abnormal blood vessels.
Control of established plants is by removing the docks bodily after plowing or during bare or bastard fallowing.
Please bring warm clothes, stout boots and gloves as there will be sawing and removing thorny scrub involved.
The private sector is already working at removing capacity bottlenecks in some Member States [12] .
Care should, therefore, be taken to avoid breakage whilst removing nails.
In spring, our tasks include broadleaf planting and removing non-native trees.
This function locks the runnable object while removing the callback and unlocks it when done.
And you can continue to take photos and videos without removing the casing.
The report states that a ' cuffing ' effect may occur to the deflated catheter balloon when removing 100 per cent silicone catheters.
The rest of us get busy removing cellophane from the remainder.
The argument in favor of removing the cervix pre-dates cervical smears.
In essence, hand engraving is the art of removing metal by cutting with a small chisel held in one's hand.
Employers will also be barred from including waiver clauses in temporary contracts, which have the effect of removing rights to claim unfair dismissal.
He who eats during the harvest is not removing clods.
We have also looked in detail at the savings to be made from removing the 85 Rule and the 25% lump sum commutation.
Uppsala were noted for their care in removing contaminants.
Richie, on board to run the piston corer, removing a mud core from the barrel.
The wing nut action is for removing the cork from the bottle once the helix has been twisted into the cork from the bottle once the helix has been twisted into the cork normally.
All the greens were rebuilt with Tifdwarf Bermuda grass and the fairways resurfaced with Bermuda grass removing all the existing crab grass and weeds.
In removing dual criminality for different offenses, we would ensure that people would not be able to escape justice by crossing borders.
He also granted decree for removing against the defender in terms of the second crave of the initial writ.
These pads have a very slight cutting action that allows them to correct most defects without removing too much paint.
Yet their decapitation strategy only succeeded in removing one Tory minister (Tim Collins) and there was no widespread desertion from Labor.
Disconnect wiring and hoses Before attempting to remove the unit, disconnect wiring and hoses Before attempting to remove the unit, disconnect the battery or batteries, removing the earth terminal first of all.
The increase in efficiency and cost savings on removing the need for hardcopy documentation distribution from a medium-to-large sized organization can be enormous.
Powerful reports are generated by CPS on request removing the drudge of both marking and collating tests.
If this is not effectively removing the stains, try using dry cleaning solvent.
Removing soil from pool dig A mini dumper was also hired to make the removal of soil easier.
We are now removing these duplicates by merging in the Oxford data.
Think about inventing a flexible yet discrete device for decisively removing earwax.
Removing the narrowing in the artery with an operation called a carotid endarterectomy may reduce the risk of further strokes.
Most early excavators took great care to scrub all vessels within an inch of their lives, effectively removing all traces of contents.
The vehicle was supporting considerable weight from the house superstructure, but without removing it they could not extricate the driver.
Anyone know of issues with removing the faceplate with the power on.
Assist with the clean up of the beach by removing inter tidal flotsam.
However, it is possible to keep this solely for its beautiful foliage by removing the flower buds as they appear.
At the moment there are no facilities in the United Kingdom that are capable of removing such substances from the insulating foam of fridges.
The duty did not extend to preventing the formation of ice or removing an accumulation of snow.
The condition is treated by removing the gallbladder, which is not essential to maintain good health.
I checked into the first and quite possibly the cheapest guesthouse I found and fell thankfully onto the bed without removing my rucksack.
If George W is so gung-ho on removing Saddam Hussein from power why didn't he focus on it a year ago?
They successfully completed their main objective of removing and replacing a faulty gyroscope on the International Space Station.
Skin and flake the haddock, removing any stray bones you come across, and set aside.
We will be removing hawthorn from the chalk grasslands and laying a hedge.
The second row of seats can all be folded away in a single movement without removing the headrests.
Removing the garter from the bride's usually hidden leg.
As an added bonus, removing the black husks also eliminates the mess that they can leave in the garden.
Removing the contaminated soils was technically impractical, and removing contaminated ground water did not address the source of the contaminants.
The work would have included removing the infill above Valley Aqueduct and carrying out repairs to that Aqueduct and the one over Crime Lane.
As such, we have the skills required to manage your Domino infrastructure thereby removing the necessity for you to maintain in-house Domino expertise.
Threw large amounts of stuff onto the landing and started removing the real junk.
He worked dismantling pipes lagged with asbestos and on land removing asbestos lagged with asbestos and on land removing asbestos lagging.
He worked dismantling pipes lagged with asbestos and on land removing asbestos lagging.
Asda is gradually removing GMOs from all its own brand foods and is also labeling soya lecithin and oil.
Finely peel the lemons, removing only the outer waxy layer, squeeze the juice.
Bleach brush variants erase to white, gradually lightening by removing color.
Washing without removing makeup first is like taking a shower with your clothes on.
Explain this in terms of removing harmful microorganisms from the mouth.
You know the Biblical saying about first removing the mote from your own eye?
These combs resemble those used up to the present day for removing nits from the hair.
Last night West Berkshire council gave planning consent to the project, removing the last bureaucratic obstacle to construction of the laser.
However, provision of conversion tools should not be seen as a means of removing the onus on retailers to provide proper price information.
If you crack a fitting while removing it, don't panic!
A vestibule was made by removing some pews at the back of the church.
The unit will help treat the wastewater produced by 19,000 people every day to an even higher standard by removing the nutrient phosphate.
Pill poppers Do you have difficulty in removing pill poppers Do you have difficulty in removing pills from their packaging?
When a filter is in use this should be lowered by removing compressed air from the pneumatic pistons.
Unfortunately, removing nasal polyps does not always prevent them from growing back.
This way we slowly remove what is holding us back, as if we were removing dirt from something precious through polishing.
Neuraminidase (NA) treatment alters the glycocalyx by removing terminal sialic acid residues.
They destroy our souls by removing us from our soul's only rightful source.
Tools for riveting, nailing or screwing or removing rivets, nails, screws or similar uses.
Not to mention the dreadful unhygienic mess that nesting rooks can cause and the difficulty of removing the nests once established!
The work was varied by walking the pasture of the whole dale and removing Spear thistle rosettes.
When used as directed, piperazine is effective at removing virtually 100% of large roundworms.
Each section is fitted with built-in climbing rungs in one face, removing the need for a separate ladder.
Other work being done on the day will include removing sycamore saplings that are beginning to dominate the area.
Don't use pointed scissors for removing nose hairs.
Bring to the boil, removing any scum from the surface.
It can convert to a belt position booster seat by removing the harness for larger children.
Many charters gave towns the right to collect their own taxes thus removing corrupt sheriffs from doing so.
A unique wooden shovel powered by the hoist aids in removing the grain from the kiln floor.
However, removing the silt is no easy task!
There is a lot more to it than just removing the slime, esp if thrush or anyhting is a regular occurance.
The issue of removing watchtowers and restricting helicopter flights is a clear sop to the IRA of South Armagh.
The test involves removing a few cells from the neck of the cervix, using a smooth wooden or plastic spatula.
Carry out woodland tasks such as removing invasive species, tree thinning etc.
By making the edges more defined and removing unwanted specks, the image becomes clear and crisp.
The Baja Web site assures that getting rid of the microchip is a simple and harmless procedure, something like removing a splinter.
If a mixer leaks around the base of the swivel spout, take off the spout by removing the fixing screw.
Of the civil remedies available the accelerated possession procedure provides the most effective means of removing squatters.
The process of adding or removing access rights is quite straightforward.
A very powerful solvent based paint stripper / graffiti remover for removing paints & graffiti from hard surfaces.
Sadly, removing tariffs without eliminating subsidy will continue to distort world prices resulting in food surpluses from highly mechanized farms in industrialized countries.
An alternative method of removing your cosmetic shell is to use a rubber suction extractor, which your orbital prosthetist can supply.
Both are involved in the removal of dangerous by-products, the former removing superoxide and the latter peroxides.
More aggressive treatments including surgical removing of the lining of the lung are, fortunately, rarely needed.
The cork is processed by boiling, removing the tannic acid and making the material more elastic and pliable.
The north aisle contains a 17th century bier and a fire hook for removing the thatch of houses which had caught fire.
The air inlet is provided with a dust filter, accessed by removing two thumbscrews.
The charity says that people should not be worried about using a power toothbrush, which can be more effective at removing plaque.
After removing the topsoil the ground turned into a layer of rock.
Now I use tweezers, like women plucking eyebrows, for removing unwanted nasal hairs.
Apps can do whatever output mangling they choose, including removing almost all whitespace to make the document completely unintelligible.
However, the kidneys are continuously removing urea from the blood and producing urine as a result.
A type of surgery to remove only the fibroids without removing the uterus is called a myomectomy.
Deciding on varicose vein surgery Removing varicose vein surgery Removing varicose veins is generally a safe surgical procedure.
In the year 2003/2004, £ 20,000 was spent by the council in removing abandoned vehicles.
By removing operational and time constraints, rope access services are often able to extend the ' time window ' available to undertake work.
Baker on the influence of moisture on chemical combination have shown the difficulty of removing the last traces of water.
Punishment can, therefore, be justified only in so far as it (1) protects society by removing temporarily or 1 Talio, in juridical Latin, the abstract noun from talis, such, alike, hence "retaliation."
The consequences of this marriage were to alienate many of the most powerful of the nobility, especially the earls of Arran and Home, and to make Margaret entirely dependent on the house of Douglas; while it furnished the council with a pretext for removing her from the regency and guardianship of the king in favour of Albany in July 1515.
Regis, by removing the paradoxes and adjusting the metaphysics to the popular powers of apprehension, made Cartesianism popular, and reduced it to a regular system.
As a consequence of the report of this Commission the Railway Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act of 'goo was passed, putting upon the Board of Trade the duty of making " such rules as they think fit with respect to any of the subjects mentioned in the schedule to this act, with the object of reducing or removing the dangers and risks incidental to railway service."
The unpopularity of Lysimachus after the murder of Agathocles gave Seleucus an opportunity for removing his last rival.
Soaps of smaller moment are the pearl ash soaps used for removing tarry stains; ox-gall soaps for cleaning carpets; magnesia, rouge and chalk soaps for cleaning plate, &c.
Its objects embrace (a) admonition to those who fail in the payment of their just debts, or otherwise walk contrary to the standard of Quaker ethics, and the exclusion of obstinate or gross offenders from the body, and, as incident to this, the hearing of appeals from individuals or meetings considering themselves aggrieved; (b) the care and maintenance of the poor and provision for the Christian education of their children, for which purpose the Society has established boarding schools in different parts of the country; (c) the amicable settlement of " all differences about outward things," either by the parties in controversy or by the submission of the dispute to arbitration, and the restraint of all proceedings at law between members except by leave; (d) the " recording " of ministers (see above); (e) the cognizance of all steps preceding marriage according to Quaker forms; (f) the registration of births, deaths and marriages and the admission of members; (g) the issuing of certificates or letters of approval granted to ministers travelling away from their homes, or to members removing from one meeting to another; and (h) the management of the property belonging to the Society.
It was noticed that certain Indian tribes of South America played with a ball composed of a resilient and elastic substance, which afterwards was found to possess the power of removing lead pencil marks from paper and came into commerce as " Indian Rubber."
On his arrival in Paris he had a long audience with Napoleon, in which he urged many arguments in favour of removing those obstacles which prevented the two countries from being brought into closer dependence on one another, and he succeeded in making a considerable inpression on his mind in favour of free trade.
In devising a system of ventilation it is customary to subdivide the workings so that the resistance to the ventilating current in each split shall be nearly equal, or so that the desired amount of air shall be circulated in each without undue use of regulating appliances which add to the friction and increase the cost of removing the air.
In the case of the machine patented by Michael Owens of Toledo, U.S.A., for making tumblers, lamp-chimneys, and other goods of similar character, the manual operations required are (r) gathering the molten glass at the end of a blowing iron; (2) placing the blowing iron with the glass attached to it in the machine; (3) removing the blowing iron with the blown vessel attached.
In Mexico filters filled with dry powdered megass have been found very efficient for removing the large quantity of impurities contained in the juice expressed from the very vigorous but rank canes grown in that wonderfully fertile country, but unless constant care is taken in managing them, and in changing them at the proper time, there is great risk of inversion taking place, with consequent loss of sugar.
As a step towards removing this difficulty we notice that the energy of a vibration such as is represented by a spectral line has the peculiarity of being unable to exist (so far as we know) without suffering dissipation into the ether.
Indeed the two states may contradict each other, as in the case of the 4th-century Christian pilgrim to Jerusalem who boasted that she had not washed her face for eighteen years for fear of removing therefrom the holy chrism of baptism.
The only way of removing the, president from office is by impeachment, an institution borrowed from Great Britain, where it had not become obsolete at the time when the United States constitution was adopted.
In his Guesses at the Riddle of Existence (1897), he abandons the faith in Christianity expressed in his lecture of 1861 on Historical Progress (where he forecast the speedy reunion of Christendom on the "basis of free conviction"), and writes in a spirit "not of Agnosticism, if Agnosticism imports despair of spiritual truth, but of free and hopeful inquiry, the way for which it is necessary to clear by removing the wreck of that upon which we can found our faith no more."
The cotton gin cut the cost of removing seeds from cotton.
All these problems that technology will solve have made our underlying differences worse—but removing these problems will not eliminate those underlying differences.
Zherkov, not removing his hand from his cap, turned his horse about and galloped off.
Do not break your ranks on the plea of removing the wounded!
They all knew very well that the enchanting countess' illness arose from an inconvenience resulting from marrying two husbands at the same time, and that the Italian's cure consisted in removing such inconvenience; but in Anna Pavlovna's presence no one dared to think of this or even appear to know it.
Also pulsatile irrigation is more effective in removing thick mucus.
These efforts have been very effective in removing the influence of the diurnal cycle from pulsation period measurements.
Surveying route for additional work, removing ragwort plants.
Removing a picture To remove a picture just hover over it with the mouse and click the red cross in the top right corner.
It was agreed to confirm with them that the quote included removing all debris from the site.
Strong currents and heavy sediment had quickly covered the wreckage removing all traces of the flight recorders.
For example, removing the mite swollen buds from blackcurrants will help prevent reversion virus.
They destroy our souls by removing us from our soul 's only rightful source.
Not to mention the dreadful unhygienic mess that nesting rooks can cause and the difficulty of removing the nests once established !
From earlier articles you may remember my description of the difficulty involved in removing rusted bolts from the wooden frame.
Price £ 21.27 Disposable Knife Holder Enables the use of safety razor blades for section cutting removing the need for knife sharpening.
Bird droppings and tree sap also damage your cars paintwork and need removing on a regular basis, if not as soon as possible.
My work involved removing thin muscle fiber bundles, and then measuring their fiber length and sarcomere length.
Dental scaler Removing the hard calculus from teeth helps eliminate the places where bacteria can lurk in the mouth.
Do n't use pointed scissors for removing nose hairs.
We 're just asking that they play their part in removing the scourge of fuel poverty from some of Scotland 's most vulnerable households.
Simple database search solutions can be sterile, removing the possibility of such serendipity.
Making a shrunken head was done by removing the skin from the skull.
However, removing the silt is no easy task !
Improving the efficiency of the lower river system, particularly in the tidal reaches, by removing silt deposition regularly.
Careful setting up of the squish clearance by removing either or both cylinder head or base gasket could result in a quicker engine.
Deleting a package does not mean removing it from the stow directory or discarding the package tree.
We should be putting more effort into removing our own underdog status, not clinging onto it.
Most involve undoing bolts at the back of the washing machine and removing brackets and various packaging.
Apart from being wasteful, just removing the old Exchange servers may have unpleasant side-effects.
By using acids derived from sugar cane the skin is helped by removing the dry uppermost layer.
Deciding on varicose vein surgery Removing varicose veins is generally a safe surgical procedure.
Kerry was also accused of misconduct, allegedly violating debate rules by removing a pen from his jacket.
The further step of removing warheads from missiles would also add a new vulnerability to our deterrent posture.
For example, two separate technologies for removing toxic heavy metals from industrial wastewater are now being commercialized by Israeli groups.
It has been known for sixty years that removing part of these ovaries surgically (wedge resection) can restore normal ovarian function.
How can they do this by removing wharfage space?
There are no simple and effective ways of removing whipworm eggs from the soil around your house.
Removing the band at this stage can damage the delicate wrapper leaf.
Surgery involves removing the tumor and surrounding tissue, whereas chemotherapy zaps cancer cells with highly toxic chemicals.
The state willbanishbut not execute its enemies--removing dissidents and avoiding martyrs.
A Caesarean birth involves cutting open your uterus and removing your baby through your stomach.
My baby wasn't interested in the mobile at all, so I ended up removing it and stuffing it in a drawer somewhere.
The wonderful idea behind a jungle nursery is that it is easily transformed into a preschooler's haven by removing the crib and replacing it with a toddler bed or full-size bed.
If you've tried all the other methods such as removing your daughter's diapers and letting her soil herself, and this has given you little progress and far too many carpet stains, then it's time to sit back and reevaluate the situation.
Using a mild moisturizing soap to clean his diaper area is your best bet in removing any residual stool.
Many parents advocate removing the child from the situation until he or she has calmed down.
For some children, simply removing them from the situation will work.
This can make for a far better concert experience by removing one of the most unpleasant parts of going to live events from the equation.
When removing lawn ornaments from your grass, be exceedingly careful.
Finally, of course, you will need all the tools required for applying and removing cosmetics.
Unplug or otherwise deactivate the charger before removing the battery from the charger.
After washing your tablecloth, dry it on a low dryer setting, removing it before it is totally dry to avoid wrinkles.
This can include removing mold or algae from paving that might otherwise be a hazard, causing injury through slipping, or to remove extreme dirt from a vehicle that has been used off-road.
Before removing your old toilet or going out to purchase a new one, pull out the tape measure and find out what the rough-in measurement is.
A drive around your neighborhood might reveal a recent renovation or home purchase, and that could mean that someone will be removing children's playground equipment.
A two-stage gas powered snow blower is a powerful snow removing tool that typically costs $600 and up.
Unlike single-stage blowers, two-stage blowers usually feature a polymer-based chute and a steel blade that's more suitable for removing heavy, wet snow.
Kitten-proof your home by removing any dangerous or toxic items and plants.
This frightened our family and we could not watch her continue to hurt them, so we took action by removing her totally from them and taking her to a new home.
If you notice one of the cats becoming more aggressive, try removing that cat from the situation to another area in the house.
We have tried removing her from the lap each time she starts this pattern, but she is persistent and just climbs up in the lap again, and again, and again.
Cats will return to the same area and spray again and again unless you clean the area thoroughly in this way, and that means removing any and all scents.
Cat-tergent is very effective in immediately removing cat odor and stains that are fresh.
If there does seem to be a blockage, the vet may do a fine needle aspiration of the bladder by inserting a thin needle into the extended bladder and removing some of the urine.
If the cat enjoys the treat, slowly begin removing the amount of kibble you feed your cat, and replace it with the raw food.
Removing the debris in your cat's ear serves to upset the mites' ideal living space.
Keep your mailbox empty by removing mail as soon as it arrives if your mailbox doesn't have a lock.
Start by removing the damaged fabric from the cushion.
Every now and then give them a cleaning by removing them from the chair, brushing off any dirt, and giving them a light scrub with soap and water.
Whenever necessary, give outdoor cushions a cleaning by removing them from the chair frame, brushing off any dirt and dust, and giving them a light scrub with soap and water.
However, it can also be harvested from live trees and removing the growth actually helps the tree to survive longer.
Biodiesel is created by removing glycerin from soybean oil.
Avoid drag by rolling up the windows when driving on the highway and by removing unnecessary weight from the car.
Making compost at home is a good way to recycle garden and kitchen waste and also saves money through removing the need to purchase expensive soil fertilizers and conditioners.
Speak to a specialist about removing any private or personal data if security is an issue.
Next, you need to heat treat or carbonize the bamboo to increase its strength by removing moisture.
Use a little care when removing leaves or stems from your potted plants.
Naturopaths-Naturopaths are natural health practitioners who believe in disease prevention and focus on removing the root causes of disease, which may include diet, spinal mal-alignment, poor posture, muscle tension or psychological causes.
While not removing them entirely from circulation, such restriction ensures that patients are taking these strong herbs under the direct supervision of a trained herbalist.
While kidney cleansing or detoxification is not as well known perhaps as liver or colon cleansing, the kidneys are also an important organ for removing toxins and wastes from the body.
Gone were the new cabinets she had promised her clients, and in came the old cabinets, repainted a stark white (AFTER Tym and David had spent a day removing the cabinets).
Remove the furniture from your office - Removing the furniture from your office will allow you to come up with new design ideas for your new home office.
Layered beds are visually more interesting than beds covered in standard bedspreads and they allow you to adjust your body temperature by adding and removing covers throughout the night.
Removing all unnecessary items from your bedroom is an invaluable design idea.
Removing a large, cumbersome bathtub can add a couple of extra, and very welcome, square feet to the floorplan of your room.
One of the most popular techniques for a Tuscan kitchen is a wash created by removing paint with a rag or sponge.
Don't forget to include the expense of removing and relocating your old cabinets into your budget.
Try removing one cabinet door and see how much bigger and more friendly the space looks.
Once that is done, start with the major structural changes you need to make to the room including painting, adding or removing walls, doorways, windows, etc. and installing new flooring, lighting or electrical.
When removing your eyelash extensions, always be gentle.
This can be easier than actually removing the original procedure, and can help to reduce the level of long-term permanent makeup complications.
Removing waterproof makeup can be a tricky business, indeed.
An easy way to do this is to shake the loose powder compact prior to removing the lid.
Removing waterproof varieties doesn't have to be a fight; waterproof formulas just need extra oomph to remove the leftover ingredients that can clog pores and cause unwanted, unattractive breakouts.
Here are a few that work well in removing even the most stubborn waterproof cosmetics!
The brand's renowned waterproof makeup remover does a reliable job of removing every trace of waterproof makeup.
Some women rely on other products not specifically formulated for removing eye makeup.
Oily-skinned individuals love gels in all forms; they're great for removing makeup and soothing a slick face.
There's nothing like removing all of that makeup with a cool, refreshing cleanser that gets the job done quickly and efficiently.
Free of artificial fragrances, color, parabens and mineral oil, it's ideal not just for removing all types of eye makeup (including waterproof), but also for cleansing the face.
Self-tanners have made magnificent progress over the years, and removing the human error element from application means consistent and beautifully bronzed skin is only a spray away!
Baby oil is also gentle and moisturizing to the skin, which is important after removing any heavy makeup.
L'Oreal's Concentrated Lash Boosting Serum is a drugstore formula that contains Arginine to condition and nourish lashes and prevent lash loss when removing makeup.
Powder will finish off your base by removing shine.
You can, however, also attempt to stop the program from loading on startup by removing it from the startup menu.
With a talking online dictionary, you can click to hear exactly how the word should be pronounced, removing any questions.
Retouching a photo simply means digitally altering an image to correct a 'flaw' such as removing a mole.
Beginner users can take advantage of its one-click photo enhancement features, and advanced users have professional tools for adding borders, blending photos, adding filters, removing objects, and using photo makeover tools.
Vitamin C is water-soluble and will be effective in removing the free radicals from the fluids in your body.
Brush your turkey with this glaze just after removing it from the oven.
After 15 minutes, turn the oven off, open the door and let them cool completely before removing them from the oven.
This is called blanching and it partially cooks the asparagus without removing all of the valuable vitamins and nutrients.
Drain and pat the chicken dry, removing any spices that are stuck to the bird.
Just bear in mind that when you are removing the dairy products from your recipe, you will have to replace the missing fat.
Some of the topics covered include editing purchased digital scrapbooking paper, creating a faux stitching effect on your photos, removing red eye from portrait shots, and colorizing a black and white photo.
In addition, you could have trouble removing your prints at a later date.
The release lever helps you to manually release the heel piece when removing your boot from the binding.
Removing yourself from a difficult situation will give you a chance to figure things out and return to it with a new perspective and energy to handle it much more effectively.
Moderators can ensure the safety of a chat room by policing users and removing those who engage in inappropriate behavior.
In this scenario, removing high achieving children from a school with more than its share of disadvantaged children, could make a school's ranking plummet.
Then, watch as your friend tries to figure out how to begin removing the cups.
Removing the excess fluid is a great way to make the tofu act more like a sponge while soaking in a savory marinade and makes it more absorbent to flavors from the other foods cooked with it.
They diminish the oxidation process that can occur within cells, removing harmful free radicals.
Formal weddings call for a floor-length dress; however, to make them cooler, consider removing the lining that adds bulk and weight.
Always wash your hands after removing or applying the Nicoderm patch.
Flexible split-ring system-The split ring design allows you to simply fit the curtain over your existing rod, many times replacing the curtain without ever removing the rod.
With this particular feature, you can install the curtain without removing the rod.
Let the cake cool for 5-10 minutes before removing it from the pan.
After removing it from the freezer, use a sharp serrated knife to carve the cake into the frog shape you drew.
This divorce is getting nasty fast, as Sir Paul goes from defending his wife from gold digger accusations to sending her legal letters about removing cleaning products from the house.
Two piece pajamas are an excellent choice for potty training children as well, since they can quickly pull pants up and down, without removing their shirts.
The same process applies to removing suspected tick populations inside of your home.
A slicker brush is a good tool for removing loose undercoat and a pin brush should be used for regular brushing several times a week.
This allows the kibble to become crisp and dry, and removing the extra moisture will slow down spoilage.
Since dogs like to go to the bathroom in the same spot, by removing the top layer and leaving the bottom layers of paper, the dog will be drawn back to the spot by scent.
The key to natural preservation of homemade dog biscuits lies in removing as much of the moisture as possible during the baking process.
Removing the extra moisture also helps preserve them longer.
Remove the biscuits from the oven and allow them to cool for a few minutes before removing them from the cookie sheet.
Removing the moisture acts as a natural preservative.
Past methods of removing tattoos have often left scars.
N. depressa may be propagated by dividing old plants into small portions and placing them in small pots in a gentle heat until they start into growth, and then removing them to a cooler atmosphere.
By removing the point of growth so soon as the young plant is established in September, and again six weeks or so later, bushy plants having six or eight shoots result, and towards the end of the year should be potted into 5-inch pots.
The evergreen Polypodiums associate well with flowering plants that do not require frequent removing, and they may be made to cover bare spaces beneath trees, or to overrun stumps.
On walls, moderate pruning is needed, mainly shortening rampant shoots and removing weak wood.
Water from bottom, by placing pots in a tray of water then removing them when the soil is damp.
Removing these havens for disease will reduce the chance of seeing blight, mildew, gray mold fungus, root rot, and wilt in next year's garden.How much plant material should you remove?
Many experts recommend removing all plant material - roots, leaves, and stems - from the vegetable garden every fall, because vegetables are vulnerable to so many diseases and pests.
Others feel that removing diseased or particularly vulnerable plants is enough.
Removing the entire tomato plant after harvest, including the roots, helps control foliar diseases such as early blight.
Removing dead foliage also removes a warm, comfortable home for small animals like mice.
Removing these branches before they are ready to drop can deprive the tree of important nutrients.
If you have a coconut palm, you should consider removing the coconuts before they fall to the ground.
Start by removing dead, damaged, diseased, rubbing, or crossing branches.
For the other two types, you may stop removing the flowers six weeks after blooms first appear.
It also has an added advantage of removing the root from the ground so the weed doesn't grow back.