Remotely Sentence Examples
There was nothing remotely friendly or soft about Charles.
How many times have any of us been involved in an event remotely exciting?
He hadn't been attacked by anything remotely human or animal.
He seemed immune to most emotions remotely human.
On the outbreak of the French Revolution the king and queen were not at first hostile to the new movement; but after the fall of the French monarchy they became violently opposed to it, and in 1793 joined the first coalition against France, instituting severe persecutions against all who were remotely suspected of French sympathies.
At the Bibliotheque Nationale, where he obtained a post, he rendered great service by his wide knowledge of foreign languages, and read voraciously everything that related, however remotely, to his favourite studies.
In addition to the three classes, Equisetales, Lycopodiales and Filicales, under which recent Pteridophytes naturally group themselves, a fourth class, Sphenophyllales, existed in Palaeozoic times, clearly related to the Horsetails and more remotely to the Ferns and perhaps the Club-mosses, but with peculiarities of its own demanding an independent position.
Xander's eyes glowed with hunger, and his fangs were receding in a way not remotely human.
Wolff's formalism is the bastard outcome of the speculation of Leibnitz, and is related to it as remotely as Scholasticism is to Aristotle.
Important as the Revival of Learning undoubtedly was, there are essential factors in the complex called the Renaissance with which it can but remotely be connected.
AdvertisementIf what the Watcher said was remotely true, she was a powerful weapon in the hands of the Others, and he had limited otherworldly ability to protect her from them.
He growled, a sound that made his chest vibrate against hers in a way not remotely human.
The only thing remotely personal she owned—her photo viewer—had been destroyed on the Peak.
Nothing about Xander was remotely … nice.
We try to deal will all support issues remotely by telephone, email or remote access.
AdvertisementA soft comforting nightlight that can be remotely activated.
The Unix virus payload can then install a backdoor which can be remotely directed.
The ability to remotely troubleshoot, configure, and update handsets can improve the bottom line by reducing costs.
Mozart had produced nothing remotely comparable by the same age.
These are remotely configured and in most cases can also be remotely upgraded.
AdvertisementAnybody or anything that was remotely connected with the Romans was killed or destroyed.
They are in no position to judge whether Borat or his movie is remotely credible or fair.
Fogging machine A machine which is able to be operated remotely to place detonators on a rail.
The solution also included WinScribe's telephone dictation module to provide fee earners with facilities for dictation when working remotely.
Trigger logic and timing is derived using leading-edge discriminators in remotely controlled 16-channel VME modules.
AdvertisementHarrison, tho, is not remotely fazed by such a reputation.
Giant octopus attack A remotely operated submarine in Canada has captured rare footage of it being attacked by a giant octopus.
He should never be called on to do anything remotely heroic.
Hummingbird Exceed provides the performance boost necessary for students to remotely access graphically intensive CAD design tools from PCs in their homes.
Down time losing meet a future on an earnings the talks remotely.
Access rights can be set remotely in the network neighborhood.
I don't know how you could think that what they say is even remotely plausible.
Graphics [back to top of page] How can I run graphics programs remotely?
I watch a lot of horror film none have been remotely scary.
The analysis can even be extended to remotely identify the physical machine being used, through extracting clock skew.
But now they've become so slick that they can read and record your card details and PIN number remotely.
Longer term studies have used repeat visits by remotely operated vehicles and manned submersibles.
The mechanical connection from the turbine shaft may be through an engine-mounted gearbox or through a power takeoff shaft to a remotely mounted gearbox.
The backup system allows an operator to remotely control a VHF or other band transceiver over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN ).
Many deep-sea trawlers now have active trawl doors that can be adapted remotely whilst on the seabed.
This latter animal is closely related to one which Cuvier termed Pangolin gigantesque, and had he restored it according to his " law of correlation " he would have pictured a giant " scaly anteater," a type as wide as the poles from the actual form of Chalicotherium, which in body, limbs and teeth is a modified ungulate herbivore, related remotely to the tapirs.
Wallace suggests that the remotely ancient representatives of the human species, being as yet animals too low in mind to have developed those arts of maintenance and social ordinances by which man holds his own against influences from climate and circumstance, were in their then wild state much more plastic than now to external nature; so that " natural selection " and other causes met with but feeble resistance in forming the permanent varieties or races of man, whose complexion and structure still remained fixed in their descendants (see Wallace, Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, p. 319).
Computers can connect to and control highly specialized scientific instruments, and equipment can be accessed remotely.
Nothing even remotely resembling a masked crusader, then?
But now they 've become so slick that they can read and record your card details and PIN number remotely.
Some are remotely hosted live statistics packages which require you to place a link on your pages.
We also use a service that collects data remotely by using " web beacons " or tags embedded in our site 's content.
They were also able to deploy a remotely operated vehicle under the ice, and flew aerial photography transects using the ship 's helicopters.
Links to working examples of remotely hosted webmaster tools are provided where available for your convenience.
You've got stacks of diapers, a versatile stroller, a cute-as-a-button crib and anything else that is remotely baby related.
If the thief looks like you, even remotely, this method of theft can lead to criminal charges against you for the thief's actions.
The current exiting the solar panel is used locally or remotely.
You can order remotely, or you can make arrangements to bring a client to visit their Alpharetta, Georgia based showroom.
Taking a portrait of yourself, unless you are holding your camera at arm's length, will involve some kind of delay or method of tripping the shutter remotely.
This long cord screws into the camera and allows you to press the shutter button remotely.
Using remotely triggered strobe lights that can be positioned to cast light from the side or even from behind your subject is usually preferable.
The last thing you want is to feel uncomfortable or even remotely constricted.
There are over 4,000 ingredients in tobacco products, none of which are remotely good for a person's health.Tobacco products include cigars, cigarettes, and pipes as well as chewing tobacco and other smokeless products.
With distance learning, there are also added challenges to consider, such as communicating through e-mail and remotely tracking progress of projects.
Out-of-state residents can choose to filter programs that will allow them to complete all study requirements remotely if necessary.
Unfortunately, the best tailors will usually be in major metropolitan areas, so if you're not in a big city, you may have to work with someone remotely.
It's best to try to save yourself from making two smaller orders if you remotely suspect you'll need more than the first 100 or so.
This is a definite one to pick up if you're even remotely interested in it.
The only remotely successful Sonic title to hit the Saturn was Sonic 3D Blast (pictured right).
Most people who even remotely considered themselves "connoisseurs" have already explored these wines themselves and know that there is so much more to Chianti then it's bad reputation of the 1950's and 1960's.
Instead, they are basically applications that run within the Safari web browser, being run remotely from a mobile website.
This helps from a processing standpoint for the phone, but it means that the information is being handled remotely rather than locally.
Some of these can operate remotely, so they don't have to have your phone in their physical possession.
This means that it can be synchronized in real-time with your company's internal network; your administrative assistant can adjust your schedule remotely.
There is an entire industry built around putting low-quality clip art on sites with page after page of ads that you have to click through in order to find anything even remotely good.
Learning remotely can also be a good motivator for someone who has always wanted to learn to dance, but is too timid to go out dancing in public right away.
Not all outsourced workers live overseas, and being able to work remotely means that employers can hire the right candidate for the job, no matter where they happen to live.
So much of the work performed in an office can now be communicated and performed remotely, opening up opportunities for highly-organized individuals to work from home in this capacity.
It also isn't remotely practical for swimming since it would be impossible to keep the straps in place while moving.
This is very helpful when shopping for an engagement ring remotely.
If the answer is remotely near to yes, than it's in your best interest to ask permission.
Most online writing positions can be performed remotely which gives writers the freedom to telecommute and turn in their work from anywhere in the world.
These topics can include anything that is even remotely technical, from building architecture to large-scale bank databases.
This particular test provides you with "coordinates", that you use to try to remotely view the "target".
These early readings proved that Cayce not only had the ability to "view" these individuals remotely, but he could correctly diagnose their illnesses and determine a cure if one was available.
The evolution of the Internet and broadband, multimedia streaming technology has brought us to a place where anyone, regardless of location, can remotely investigate a haunted site with ghost cams.
By plugging into web cams remotely, these armchair investigators are able to log any paranormal activity that takes place and potentially capture a real ghost on camera.
That's no knock against flats, of course - it's just that heels are usually the shoes of choice to wear with long, flowing gowns, little black dresses and anything remotely dressy and upscale.
Of course, no soap opera would be even remotely complete without a cast full of hunks and babes.
There are literally thousands of species, and many do not look like they could be even remotely related.
Others are actual employees of travel companies who work remotely at home.
This can be useful when working remotely as it allows you to use a timer, perhaps to time a particular job or school assessment without the need to have access to a stop watch.
Other yogis may live remotely, and becoming a member of a specialized yoga site helps with both the routine and in building an online community.
A targeted job search is more likely to get results than when someone sends out resumes to anything they may be even remotely qualified for.
However, just because you want to be thinner does not mean you should buy into any diet that sounds remotely like a bad idea.
For around $40 per month (depending upon the website), you can work remotely with a certified personal trainer.
Much like working remotely with a personal trainer, there are nutritionists available to get you on track with your meal plans.
This can range from bagpipe music to traditional Celtic folk music to anything remotely Pogues-like.
The ability to remotely post updates to your Twitter page when you are mobile is an amazing technological achievement, and it opens up the door to a whole range of possible applications.
Although it only started taking place in 2004, the Social Networking Conference quickly became the central place to be for anyone even remotely interested in doing business using social media and technologies.
This is especially true for businesses where services can be provided remotely or products can be shipped globally.
It doesn't get any easier than using remotely hosted guestbooks, which are stored on an offsite server instead of on your web space.
Take a look at the remotely hosted guestbooks listed below.
If you're not sure you want a remotely hosted guestbook, Bravenet now offers the ability to embed the guestbook directly into any page on your site.
If you're a beginner, consider using a remotely hosted guestbook until your design skills improve.
Many businesses use FTP sites to make resources available to their employees remotely or to allow work to be uploaded to the central computer.
He looked pissed as it was, his unusual golden eyes swirling in a way not even remotely human.
A look around her bedchamber with its black, stone walls, ceiling and floor revealed nothing remotely edible.
He stepped aside, happy for reasons she couldn't remotely comprehend.
She breathed deeply and closed her eyes, aware the portals wouldn't respond if she was remotely upset.
She was pleased by the news, despite knowing none of his brothers remotely deserved to be saved.
There was dark grey and sterility in the absence of anything remotely friendly, homey, or welcoming.
She maneuvered through the complex network systems available to her remotely.
I can unlock them remotely, and you can send her in for supplies.
The only thing remotely personal she owned—her photo viewer—had been destroyed on the Peak.
That he was remotely normal now made her realize how strong he was.
Darian smiled, doubting the White God would remotely agree with the two women before him but proud of them nonetheless.
Nothing about Xander was remotely … nice.
It's also the only part of me that's remotely human.
For short historical periods, indeed, many phenomena are so remotely connected with the ordinary business of life that we may ignore them.
He was remotely a disciple of Schelling, learnt much from Herbart and Weisse, and decidedly rejected Hegel and the monadism of Lotze.
Whether this view be adopted or not, and whether the Turbellaria be regarded as nearly related or only remotely connected, there can be little doubt that the Nemertines resemble the Turbellaria more nearly than they do any other group of animals.
The exact significance of these roots is a matter for speculation, but it seems possible that they are epiphysial structures remotely comparable with the epiphysial (pineal) complex of the craniate vertebrates.
This appears to indicate B that the Polyzoa are remotely allied to other phyla in which this type of larva prevails, and in particular to the Mollusca and Chaetopoda, as well as to the Rotifera, which are regarded as persistent Trochospheres.
He seems to have been interested in the poetic diction of Milton and Thomson, and a few of his verses are remotely inspired by Shakespeare and Gray.
Arcadia, on the other hand, in the heart of Peloponnese, retained till a late date a quite different dialect, akin to the ancient dialect of Cyprus, and more remotely to Aeolic. This distribution makes it clear (r) that the Doric dialects of Peloponnese represent a superstratum, more recent than the speech of Arcadia; (2) that Laconia and its colonies preserve features alike, -n and -w which are common to southern Doric and Aeolic; (3) that those parts of " Dorian " Greece in which tradition makes the pre-Dorian population " Ionic," and in which the political structure shows that the conquered were less completely subjugated, exhibit the Ionic -a and -ov; (4) that as we go north, similar though more barbaric dialects extend far up the western side of central-northern Greece, and survive also locally in the highlands of south Thessaly; (5) that east of the watershed Aeolic has prevailed over the area which has legends of a Boeotian and Thessalian migration, and replaces Doric in the northern Doris.
In the 16th century a spirit of universal questioning was rife, and it is this utter unsettlement of opinion which is reflected in the discussions of doubts on matters only remotely connected with " the faith once for all delivered unto the saints " (Jude 3).
Carlyle's memory recalled the Porteous Riots of 1736, and less remotely his friendship with Adam Smith, David Hume, and John Home, the dramatist, for witnessing the performance of whose tragedy Douglas He Was Censured In 1757.
The characteristic triliteral roots of all the Semitic languages seemed to separate them widely from others; but certain traits have caused the Egyptian, Berber and Cushite groups to be classed together as three subfamilies of a Hamitic group, remotely related to the Semitic. The biliteral character of Coptic, and the biliteralism which was believed to exist in Egyptian, led philologists to suspect that Egyptian might be a surviving witness to that far-off stage of the Semitic languages when triliteral roots had not yet been formed from presumed original biliterals; Sethes investigations, however, prove that the Coptic biliterals are themselves derived from Old Egyptian triliterals, and that the triliteral roots enormously preponderated in Egyptian of the earliest known form; that view is, therefore, no longer tenable.
This action on the vessels is so marked as to constitute the drug a haemostatic, not only locally but also remotely.
As regards his conception of the Law of Nature, he takes it in the main immediately from Grotius and Pufendorf, more remotely from the Stoics and the Roman jurists.
The curious male sporophylls may perhaps be remotely comparable to those recently discovered in Mesozoic Cycadophyta, of the group Bennettiteae.
Any other guy, who crept remotely near Martha, much less had sex with her, fell head over heels in love.
As for Econ Scrutiny, we're doing nothing remotely illegal and have the blessing of your so-called big names.
Nothing short of an encounter with the risen Christ has remotely explained his major about-face.
Remote Display Control shows actions on a Pocket PC on the monitor of a remotely connected desktop or laptop.
Nothing exists that even remotely looks like Twitter before the Internet.
He works from home and has a night job remotely monitoring real-time security cameras after hours at an office building.
The backup system allows an operator to remotely control a VHF or other band transceiver over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
You will not be able to activate the home menu or remotely turn off the console from the Wii Remote.
Never in my twenty-nine years of white bread life had I encountered anything remotely similar to the fear I felt as that knife pressed in me.
If, indeed, they apply to me even remotely, I do not see that I deserve any laudation on that account.
How long will it be before the driver controls them remotely from his office?
Worker Chang, located in China, is willing to do the same job, remotely, for a dollar an hour.