Remnants Sentence Examples
Hopefully it was the remnants of the coma and would wear off.
Quinn remained in his lab, cleaning up the remnants of his scientific adventures.
The Indian population consists of Paiute, Shoshoni and the remnants of a few other tribes of Shoshonean stock.
It is nevertheless certain that some of the old traditions were preserved by the remnants of the old population now reduced to a subject condition, and that these finally leavened the whole lump, so that once more - this time under a Hellenic guise - Crete was enabled to anticipate mainland Greece in nascent civilization.
The last of these attempts resulted in the " Dorian conquest " of the "Achaeans " and " Ionians " of Peloponnese, and in the assignment of Argolis, Laconia and Messenia to the Heracleid leaders, Temenus, Aristodemus and Cresphontes respectively; of Elis to their Aetolian allies; and of the north coast to the remnants of the conquered Achaeans.
Along the Ohio river are remnants of several interesting stone forts.
The team will be looking for remnants of the island's original inhabitants.
A hundred years ago, there had been a homestead known as Thistle Farm there, but no remnants remained.
Charles Emmanuel made his will law, and erased the remnants of free institutions from his state.
For the purposes of scientific topography observation of the natural features and outlines is followed by exact investigation of the architectural structures or remnants, a process demanding high technical competence, acute judgment and practical experience, as well as wide and accurate scholarship. The building material and the manner of its employment furnish evidence no less important than the character of the masonry, the design and the modes of ornamentation.
AdvertisementStill, remnants of the old hazards remain.
The forty ancient counties, remnants of various historical groupings and partings, are occasionally bounded by rivers.
The Aleutian Range, of whose crest the Aleutian Islands are remnants, fills out the system near the coast.
The Aleutian Islands, like the Alexander Archipelago, are remnants of a submerged mountain system.
Rounded hills, level meads and persistent flat-topped ridges, composed of rocks of varying structure, rise to about the same level and give the impression that they are the remnants of a former continuous surface.
AdvertisementOccasional limited areas of rugged mountains rise above this level, and innumerable stream valleys have been incised below it; but from the northern base of the St Elias and Alaskan ranges to the southern foothills of the Rocky Mountain system, and throughout their length, the remnants of this ancient level are to be seen.
The earliest, which is well preserved, is of Charles II., but remnants of older figures survive.
Thus we have a general " upland surface," above which the mountain remnants tower, and below which the rivers have been entrenched.
The Indians are remnants of the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy tribes, the Passamaquoddies being a little the more numerous.
Increase of wealth and the influence of returned emigrants tend to soften Maronite character, and the last remnants of the barbarous state of the community - even the obstinate blood-feud - are disappearing.
AdvertisementEntering by the west (or Akcha) gate, one passes under three arches, which are probably the remnants of a former Jama Masjid.
The remnants of Robespierres faction became alarmed at this Thermidor reaction, in which they scented royalism.
It looks like there's remnants of a torn off bumper sticker on the back fender and a dent on the rear right side.
The distinctive remnants of a curvilinear churchyard are still to be seen within the later walled yard.
In so doing, China hoped to save remnants of forest cover on the upper headwaters.
AdvertisementThey are relatively pristine remnants of the nebula from which the entire solar system was formed.
At the one end of this small stage lay what seemed the tattered remnants of a man.
The two surviving remnants of the trunk are enclosed by a stone wall built in 1795 to deter souvenir hunters.
We need to deal with other explosive remnants of war.
This is a struggle not against the foundations of capitalism but for purging all the remnants of feudalism.
Only a few remnants remain for only a few precincts.
The Slavonic kingdoms of the south had lost their independence; they had ceased to produce anything worth having, whilst the Greeks brought with them the old literature from Byzantium and thus drove out the last remnants of Slavonic. They also treated Rumanian as an uncouth and barbarian language, and imposed upon the Church their own Greek language, Greek literature and Greek culture.
Straggling remnants still maintained their independence, but the mass of the Hottentots took service with the colonists as herdsmen, while others became hangers-on about the company's posts and grazing-farms or roamed about the country.
When, however, a little later, Falkenhayn was recalled from Palestine after his complete failure there, Mustapha Kemal held a high command under Liman Pasha, and after the conquest of Palestine Mustapha Kemal took over from Liman Pasha in Adana the remnants of the Turkish forces.
The Exmoor is a horned breed of Devonshire moorland, one of the few remaining remnants of direct descent from the old forest breeds of England.
Subsequent military operations broke up the remnants of the revolt, and in the beginning of 1858 the authority of the queen was restored throughout India.
Remnants of a former inner zone of more ancient rocks may be seen in the Apuan Alps, in the islands off the Tuscan coast, in the Catena Metallifera, Cape Circeo and the island of Zannone, as well as in the Calabrian peninsula.
These remnants lie at a comparatively low level, and excepting the Apuan Alps and the Calabrian peninsula they do not now form any part of the Apennine chain.
It has been maintained that they were formerly spread over the whole of the Scandinavian peninsula, and they have even been considered the remnants of that primeval race of cave-dwellers which hunted the reindeer over the snow-fields of central and western Europe.
Thus the critical period passed by unused, and when the tempests had finally dispersed the defeated remnants of the Great Armada the Dutch had found a general, in the youthful Maurice of Nassau,worthy to be the rival in military genius even of Alexander of Parma.
In this contest the Firbolgs were overthrown with great slaughter, and the remnants of the race according to Keating and other writers took refuge in Arran, Islay, Rathlin and the Hebrides, where they dwelt until driven out by Picts.
In the Angevin Vendee the incapable leaders let themselves be beaten at Aubiers, Beauprau and Thouars, at a time when Cathelineau was taking possession of Saumur and threatening Nantes, the capture of which would have permitted the insurgents in La Vende to join those of Brittany and receive provisions from England; Meanwhile, the remnants of the Girondin federalists were overcome by the disguised royalists, who had aroused the whole of the Rhne valley from Lyons to Marseilles, had called in the Sardinians, and handed over the fleet and the arsenal at Toulon to the English, whilst Paoli left Corsica at their disposal.
In the first of these campaigns lie swept away the remnants of the old Roman-Germanic empire, and out of its shattered fragments created in southern Germany the vassal states of Bavaria, Baden, Wurttemberg, Hesse1805.
Alphonso swept all through that region, already more than half depopulated, slaying the lingering remnants of the Berbers, and carrying back the surviving Christians to the north.
The last remnants of its maritime power were shattered in the battles of Cape Finisterre and Trafalgar, and the English seized Buenos Aires.
These protests were overruled by the majority of the ministers, who invoked dynastic and monarchical considerations in favor of a desperate stand, however hopeless, in defence of the last remnants of the colonial empire of Spain.
In 1859, when the remnants of the rebels disappeared into Nepal, the Nana was among the fugitives.
These mountains consist of detached remnants of a sheet of quartz conglomerates, interbedded with sandstones, containing crinoid stems and obscure brachiopods.
Here it need only be said that the masses of vegetable substance, more or less carbonized and chemically altered, of which coal is composed, frequently contain cells and fragments of tissue in a condition recognizable under the microscope, as for example spores (sometimes present in great quantities), elements of the wood, fibres of the bark, &c. These remnants, however, though interesting as revealing something of the sources of coal, are too fragmentary and imperfect to be of any botanical importance.
There can be little doubt that the Indian Lower Gondwana rocks, in which the boulder-beds and the Glossopteris flora occur, must be regarded as belonging to a vast continental area of which remnants are preserved in Australia, South Africa and South America.
But he couldn't avert his eyes from the white-sheeted form, the last remnants of the warmth of life slipping away.
He quickly finished his blood, went to the bar, and poured scotch in the glass to hide the remnants.
The remnants of a sub-circular churchyard are still apparent and this holds a number of interesting early memorials.
We also support addressing the issue of explosive remnants of war in the context of strengthening the convention.
These forest remnants take the form of small copses of Holm Oak where the total number of trees is less than thirty.
The remnants of the arch are known as the sacral cornu, and are located on either side of the hiatus.
Afghanistan continues to face an armed insurgency, led by remnants of the country's former Taleban regime.
A third type of cave passage is found in ancient, fossil remnants, located in the higher beds.
With the shattered remnants of the regiment, now broken up into groups, the wild charge continued.
Those with living livestock hurried about tending the pathetic remnants of their herds with cloth over their noses to keep out the smell.
The remnants of architecture achieve a melancholy reverie as ivy creeps up a lonely column.
Patches of acid peat with heather and acid grasses or with cotton sedge are found on the remnants of the former bogs.
The shape and size of those hills resemble what one might expect for eroded remnants of structures the shape of the Egyptian sphinx.
Despite this setback, there are still some remnants of 12th century stonework.
Inside there is an unusual late medieval roof, a wooden font, a stone stoup and remnants of the screen.
The undulating tablelands are remnants of an elevated and warped landscape.
Tablets should be taken with a little liquid, and possible remnants of the chewable tablets should be taken with a little liquid, and possible remnants of the chewable tablets should be washed down with a little liquid.
The only remnants of antiquity are two houses of the, 6th century in Little Bolton, of which one is a specially good example of Tudor work.
Although it has been postulated that the inhabitants of the modern village are of Albanian origin (Arvanites), this is contradicted by the fact that modern Megarians lack any knowledge of the Albanian dialect (Arvanitika), remnants of which still survive in the populations of neighboring towns such as Mandra, Eleusis, and Magoula.
Of Cartesianism towards the close of the 17th century the only remnants were an overgrown theory of vortices, which received its death-blow from Newton, and a dubious phraseology anent innate ideas, which found a witt y executioner in Locke.
A theory, which seems to have some probability in its favour, is that these mines were worked by the Khmer people during the period of power, energy and prosperity which found its most lofty expression in the now ruined and deserted city of Angkor Thom; while another attributes these works to the natives of India whose Hindu remains are found in Java and elsewhere, whose influence was at one time widespread throughout Malayan lands, and of whose religious teaching remnants still linger in the superstitions of the Malays and are preserved in some purity in Lombok and Bali.
The latter, the remnants of which are represented to-day by Great Salt, Sevier and Utah Lakes, had a drainage basin of some 54,000 sq.
Some light has been thrown on the connexion between the Tibetan race and certain tribes of central India, the Bhils and Kols; and it seems more probable that these tribes are the remnants of a Mongolian race which first displaced a yet earlier Negroid population, and was then itself shouldered out by a Caucasian irruption, than that they entered India by any of the northern passages within historic times.
He prosecuted successfully the conflict with the adherents of Benedict XIII., who, till the day of his death' clung to the remnants of his usurped authority (see BENEDICT XIII.).
In a letter to the people of Toulouse, undoubtedly written at the end of 1146, St Bernard calls upon them to extirpate the last remnants of the heresy.
Nothing can be further from the desire or intention of Leninism than the preservation of the remnants of civilization.
The Inheritance marks the last remnants of a financial empire which dwindled away during her final years.
The rollback also removed SP1; absolutely no remnants of SP1 existed anywhere in the system.
The shape and size of those hills resemble what one might expect for eroded remnants of structures the shape of the Egyptian Sphinx.
However the American way is to use massive force to subdue the enemy then attack the remnants.
Tablets should be taken with a little liquid, and possible remnants of the chewable tablets should be washed down with a little liquid.
Along the promenade, in parties of fifty, the remnants of practically all the last regiments were wearily trudging along.
However, 'top and tail' washes are required to freshen the baby up, particularly if covered in any unwanted remnants of the birth.
These are basically remnants from leftover carpet sales that are contained in a small roll.
There are many legends about the origins of the breed ranging from them being the remnants of Marie Antoinette's pets to having a Norwegian Forest Cat ancestor.
Next, use fine grain sandpaper to remove any remnants of paint and to smooth over any nicks or marks in the piece.
What gives rustic country its appeal is its visually quiet style, lack of opulence and reminders of comforting remnants of our past.
For budget embellishments, scour the remnants bin at your fabric store.
This will ensure you have a smooth base to work with and will not compromise your color shades with the stubborn remnants of that morning's makeup application.
Pure laziness is one of the most common reasons for going to bed with remnants still lingering on the eyes and lips.
While some ships boast mahogany or rosewood accents and paneling, such remnants of authenticity are more likely a result of sporadic renovations and upgrades than deliberate design.
Follow with an abrasive pad to clean any stubborn glue remnants.
Yet, in the majority of cases, one or more removal methods are required to remove all paper and glue remnants.
Remnants of organic fabrics are ideal for making booties.
An indirect inguinal hernia is caused when remnants of early fetal genital development stay within the body after this development is complete.
Coral calcium is derived from limestone deposits containing rich amounts of calcium carbonate, and potentially, remnants of fossilized coral.
The shoulder pad is one of the few remnants from the 80s that still manages to remain occasionally relative in the present day, though it is certainly not as ubiquitous today as it was then!
If needed, you can create your own belt from black velour remnants and gold foil.
In order to prevent soap stains, be sure to remove all remnants of soap thoroughly.
Sari totes are great because they are made of remnants from discarded saris, so you are supporting a cottage industry and the ethos of "reduce and reuse."
You can easily find a free pattern online and then use scraps or remnants to construct the bag that best reflects your gypsy style.
Remnants of the group went into hiding, and the day remains in infamy in both Christian and world history.
You might also be able to purchase carpet remnants at less than cost.
Cozumel was part of the Mayan Empire from the 1st century AD to the Spanish invasion and many artifacts and remnants of buildings still exist on the island from this period.
For 64 years, the Gruen Watch Company consistently produced quality timepieces, but in 1958, the last remnants of the original company failed, marking the end of an American legacy.
Among these was Southwestern Bell, which changed its name to SBC Communications, Inc. Eventually SBC merged with the remnants of AT&T in 2005, leaving Bell South the last surviving baby bell.
While they are thicker than liquids, they are smooth with no discernable food remnants.
The name Run-Rig refers to an old Scottish farming technique, the remnants of which can still be seen on the Isle of Skye, where most of the band members are originally from.
In the new Battlestar Galactica the remnants of the human Colonials are still trying to outrun the Cylons while searching for the 13th Colony of Man, a habitable planet also known as Earth.
Distant figures on the fringe of the galaxy, the remnants of the Emperor's machinations threaten them.
While all this is going on, Lana witnesses two Kryptonian aliens disembark from a spaceship found among the remnants of a meteor shower.
Acne scar treatment can help reduce the remnants of that embarrassing teenage acne.
His fathers took a prominent part in Athenian politics, and in 479 held high command in the Greek squadron which annihilated the remnants of Xerxes' fleet at Mycale; through his mother, the niece of Cleisthenes, he was connected with the former tyrants of Sicyon and the family of the Alcmaeonidae.
At Pollina, the ancient Apollonia, are the remnants of a Doric temple, of which a single column is still standing.
Of the former the remnants are now seen in Brittany and the Ardennes; of the latter the Cvennes and the Montagne Noire are the last traces visible on the surface.
At the end of the Peloponnesian War Lysander restored the scattered remnants of the old inhabitants to the island, which was used by the Spartans as a base for operations against Athens in the Corinthian War.
In 1854-1855, when it became evident that the Whig party in the North was moribund, Seward helped to lead its scattered remnants into the Republican fold.
Its grey houses have a neglected, almost a dilapidated appearance, from the friable stone of which they are constructed; and there are no buildings of antiquarian interest or striking architectural beauty, except, perhaps, the ruined citadel and the remnants of the town walls.
By these measures the counts became citizens, the rural population ceased to rank as serfs, and the Italo-Roman population of the towns absorbed into itself the remnants of Franks, Germans and other foreign stocks.
As an immediate result of this catastrophe, Florence shook off the Medici, and established a republic. But Clement, having made peace with the emperor, turned the remnants of the army which had sacked Rome against his native city.
The mob, egged on by the republicans, attacked the palace where the king was lodged, and he escaped with difficulty, returning to Piedmont with the remnants of his army.
It was replaced by the Glossopteris flora which is assumed to have originated in a vast continental area (Gondwana land), of which remnants remain in South America, South Africa and Australia.
The problems of geography had been lightened by the destructive criticism of the French cartographer D'Anville (who had purged the map of the world of the last remnants of traditional fact unverified by modern observations) and rendered richer by the dawn of the new era of scientific travel, when Kant brought his logical powers to bear upon them.
There were no doubt in the earliest times popular songs orally transmitted and perhaps books - of annals and laws, but except in so far as remnants meat- of them are embedded in the biblical books, they have Scrip- entirely disappeared.
Some have sought to find in the Morioris of Chatham Island the remnants of this Papuan-Polynesian population, expelled by Te Kupe and his followers.
There were eserted cities falling into ruins, and others, like Chichen-itza, xmal and Tuloom, which were still inhabited by remnants of heir former Maya populations.
Just after the uprising of1729-1730the French, with the help of the Choctaws, had destroyed the Natchez nation, and the shattered remnants were absorbed by the neighbouring tribes.
It proved a disastrous failure, and on the return of the shattered remnants (1171) a great constitutional reform seemed necessary.
To the north of Aleppo and Antioch live remnants of pre-Aramaean stocks, mixed with many half-settled and settled Turkomans (Yuruks, Avshars, &c.) who came in before the Mahommedan era, and here and there colonies of recently imported Circassians.
At this period a young man named Moshesh (born about 1790), who was of the family of Monaheng and already noted as hunter and warrior, gathered round him the remnants of several broken clans, out of which he welded the existing Basuto nation.
In the embryo, however, what have been regarded as remnants of limbs may be seen.
In the lower strata were discovered the remnants of Cyclopean or prehistoric architecture already mentioned.
The north and Phaleric walls were perhaps founded by Cimon, and were completed about 457 B.C. in the early administration of Pericles; the middle wall was built about 445 B.C. The lines of the north and middle walls have been ascertained from the remnants still existing in the 18th century and the scantier traces now visible.
They are admirably arranged, and the remnants of ancient art which they contain have fortunately escaped injudicious restoration.
The remnants of the abolished new troops were collected and formed into regiments affiliated to the Janissaries under the name of seymen-i-jedid; the dignitaries of state were called upon to take an oath of fidelity and loyalty.
Often mentioned during the Punic Wars, it was captured by Agathocles in 310, and was the refuge of Hannibal and the remnants of his army after the battle of Zama in 202.
Remnants have been found of their former existence in the neighbourhood of Pretoria; and portions of the Bushveld Sandstone have recently been relegated to the Karroo formation.
They are also employed in Egypt, being remnants of Lhe plant used in the days when the juice passed through bone-black before going to the evaporators.
However this may be, remnants of their primitive superhuman qualities cling to the Celtic heroes long after they have been transfigured, under the influence of Christianity and chivalry, into the heroes of the medieval Arthurian romance, types - for the most part - of the knightly virtues as these were conceived by the middle ages; while shadowy memories of early myths live on, strangely disguised, in certain of the episodes repeated uncritically by the medieval poets.
Both these groups seem to have reached their climax but recently, while the tortoises, crocodiles and sphenodon are on the descending scale, mere remnants of formerly much more numerous and cosmopolitan development.
It disappeared, and the small remnants of the imperial possessions on the mainland, Naples and Calabria, passed under the authority of the "patricius" of Sicily, and when Sicily was conquered by the Arabs in the Toth century were erected into the themes of Calabria and Langobardia.
The missing link which has hitherto been lacking in the evidence has been found by Barns in the influence of Celtic missionaries who streamed across from Europe until they came in touch with the remnants of the Old Latin Christianity of the Danube.
Then the 1st Guard Dragoons (since known as Queen Victoria's regiment), after a brilliant manoeuvre under heavy fire, to get into the best position for delivering a charge, rode down the whole French line of pursuers from left to right, and by their heroic self-sacrifice relieved the remnants of the infantry from further pursuit.
The confusion in and around St Privat, where troops from four several corps were all intermingled, became so extreme that no further infantry-advance could be attempted; so under cover of the fierce artillery duel the remnants of the unfortunate 6th corps drifted away towards Metz down the many ravines leading into the river valley.
The most interesting genera are, however, the Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene Gelocus and Prodremotherium, which have perfectly selenodont teeth, and the third and fourth metacarpal and metatarsal bones respectively fused into an imperfect cannon-bone, with the reduction of the lateral metacarpals and metatarsals to mere remnants of their upper and lower extremities.
In 1854 the newly organized Republican party, formed largely from the remnants of the Whig party and including most of the Free Soil Democrats, with the aid of the temperance issue elected Myron Holley Clark (1806-1892) governor.
He destroyed the remnants of paganism that lingered on here, and by his preaching gained the rustic population to Christianity.
Of the tribes which occupy the mountains of Siam some are the remnants of the very ancient inhabitants of the country, probably of the Mohn-Khmer family, who were supplanted by a later influx of more civilized Khmers from the south-east, the forerunners and part-ancestors of the Siamese, and were still farther thrust into the remoter hills when the Lao-Tai descended from the north.
The greater part of Nestorian Christendom was now swallowed up by Islam, so that only remnants of this once extensive church have survived until modern times.
At the end of the 6th century all the provinces of the Empire had become independent kingdoms, in which conquerors of Germanic race formed the dominant nationality., The remnants of the Empire showed an uncommonly tough vitality.
In less than twenty years after the death of its founder, it collapsed before a combined attack of all Poland's enemies, and simultaneously a terrible pagan reaction swept away the poor remnants of Christianity and civilization.
Some remnants of the Boii are mentioned as dwelling near Bordeaux; but Mommsen inclines to the opinion that the three groups (in Bordeaux, Bohemia and the Po districts) were not really scattered branches of one and the same stock, but that they are instances of a mere similarity of name.
Sumner now came into action, and overhaste involved him in a catastrophe, his troops being attacked in front and flank and driven back in great confusion with nearly half their number killed and wounded; and their retreat involved the gallant remnants of Mansfield's corps.
He is the industrious compiler who gathered up the remnants of the learning of his predecessors and transmitted them to posterity.
Until the end of 1863 the events in these three regions remain distinct episodes; after that the whole theatre of war is comprised in the "anaconda policy," which concentrated irresistible masses of troops from all sides on the heroic remnants of the Confederacy.
The danger threatening this important point caused Lee to send thither General Early with the remnants of Jackson's old Valley troops.
The mandibles are normally five-jointed, with remnants of an outer branch on the second joint, the biting edge varying from strong development to evanescence, the terminal joints or " palp " giving the organ a leg-like appearance and function, which disappears in suctorial genera such as Paracytherois.
The " brush-formed " organs of the Podocopa are medially placed, and, in spite of their sometimes forward situation, Miller believes among other possibilities that they and the penis in the Cypridinidae may be alike remnants of a third pair of legs, not homologous with the penis of other Ostracoda (Podocopa included).
In December 1812, while "the last shattered remnants of Napoleon's Grand Army struggled across the ice of the Niemen," the tsar Alexander I.
Evi-Jently, therefore, the Appalachians as we now see them are not the still surviving remnants of the mountains of late Palaeozoic deformation; they owe their present height chiefly to the Tertiary upwaroing and uoliftinr.
Smaller lakes were formed by the deposition of washed drift around the longest-lasting ice remnants; when the ice finally melted away, the hollows that it left came to be occupied by ponds and lakes.
Heavy terminal moraines and outwashed fluviatile plains have been laid on the cuesta remnants, increasing their height as much as 100 ft.
Some of the high plateaus in the north are capped with remnants of heavy lava flows of early eruption.
This, however, is now known not to be the case, as remnants of the formation, isolated by erosion, lie under the old glacial drift in Illinois, and perhaps elsewhere.
The summits of some of the big mountains, such as the Cascades, appear to be remnants of a peneplain developed in post-Miocene time.
The several ranges of the Cordillera show very different types of structure and were formed at different ages, the Selkirks with their core of pre-Cambrian granite, gneiss and schists coming first, then the Coast Ranges, which seem to have been elevated in Cretaceous times, formed mainly by a great upwelling of granite and diorite as batholiths along the margin of the continent and sedimentary rocks lying as remnants on their flanks; and finally the Rocky Mountains in the Laramie or early Eocene, after the close of the Cretaceous.
The Celtic element, never quite extinct in those hills and, like most forms of barbarism, reasserting itself in this wild age - not without reinforcement from Ireland - challenged the remnants of Roman civilization and in the end absorbed them.
Few or no remnants of Bogomilism have survived in Bosnia.
Mainly on the north side of the stream, in an open glade, rise the picturesque and extensive ruins, the church with its stately tower, and the numerous remnants of domestic buildings which enable the great abbey to be almost completely reconstructed in the mind.
In the vicinity of the town are remnants of the monastery of Saul, a foundation ascribed to St Patrick, and of Inch Abbey (1180), founded by Sir John de Courcy.
He was among those who fell in the great fight of 907; but his son Arnulf, surnamed the Bad, rallied the remnants of the race, drove back the Hungarians, and was chosen duke of the Bavarians in 911, when Bavaria and Carinthia were united under his rule.
The stadholder and his family fled to England, and the disorganized remnants of the allied forces under the duke of York retreated into Germany.
A series of heavy combats revealed his Pontefract in 1536, during the Pilgrimage of Grace, the archbishop, and Grant pursued the dwindling remnants of Lee's was compelled to join the rebels, but he did not sympathize with purpose army t o the westward.
Belgium lies upon the northern side of an ancient mountain chain which has long been worn down to a low level and the remnants of which rise to the surface in the Ardennes, and extend eastward into Germany, forming the Eifel and Westerwald, the Hunsriick and the Taunus.
Remnants of a mansion of the 14th century, Damory Court, are seen in a farmhouse, and an adjoining Perpendicular chapel is used as a barn.
The church preserves some remnants of Norman work and a Perpendicular south chapel of rare beauty.
A crafty prince, with all the tenacity of his race, Basil succeeded in incorporating with Muscovy the last remnants of the ancient independent principalities, by accusing the princes of Ryazan and Syeversk of conspiracy against him, seizing their persons, and annexing their domains (1517-1523).
Regarding the existing flat-topped heights among the eastern Grampians as remnants of what was once the general character of the surface, we can trace every step in the gradual obliteration of the tableland and in the formation of the most rugged and most individualized forms of isolated mountain.
These remnants attain their most colossal size and height on the cliffs of Old Red Sandstone.
The city walls, begun in 1671 and completed about 1740, were almost entirely demolished between 1863 and 1880, only a few insignificant remnants having survived the American military occupation of 1899-1902; but it is still usual to speak of the "intramural" and the "extramural" city.
Though not personally extravagant, his salary, and the small income from his large estates, never sufficed to meet his generous maintenance of his representative position; and after his retirement from public life the numerous visitors to Monticello consumed the remnants of his property.
The vacoa or vacois, (Pandanus utilis) is largely grown, the long tough leaves being manufactured into bags for the export of sugar, and the roots being also made of use; and in the few remnants of the original forests the traveller's tree (Urania speciosa), grows abundantly.
The Philippines appear to be the remnants of a somewhat complex system of mountain arcs, which from their similarity of form and direction seem to be in some way connected with the mountain ranges of Annam.
After the battle of Philippi (42), he took refuge with Sextus Pompeius in Sicily, where the remnants of the republican forces were collected.
The modern Hungarians (excluding Slavonic elements) are probably a mixture of these Magyars with the remnants of older invaders such as Huns, Petchenegs and Kumans.
Remnants of these glaciers are still to be seen, - as notably on Mt.
And in several cities of the Languedoc, each of the two classes composing the population retained its separate laws and customs. It is matter of dispute whether vestiges of Roman institutions had survived in these parts down to the time when the new constitutions sprang into being; but all investigators are pretty well agreed that in no case did such remnants prove of any practical importance.
In its ancient stories were remnants of primitive religion, of tabu, of anthropomorphic gods, of native forms of worship, of magic and divination, of local and tribal cults.
This severance, it is true, may be geologically recent, and some geologists see, in the five rapids of the San Juan, remnants of a connecting ridge which the river has swept away.
On the island of Peru, in the Gilbert group, in 1869 there was still the remnants of a large proah which, from the description given, appears to have been like those used in the Indian Archipelago.
Saga had to be abandoned owing to the break farther S., and the 50th Div., or what was left of it, retired into the Val d'Uccea and on to the ridge of the Stol, which was reached later by the remnants of the 43rd, who had held their own bravely, but were in great part cut off when they attempted to come back across the Isonzo.
Army was being carried out with much skill, and Di Robilant's troops succeeded in bringing away with them a great amount of material, but several detachments were cut off, including remnants of the Carnia force, which had been attached to the IV.
After Munster had fallen the harassed remnants of the Anabaptists were gathered together under Menno Simonis, who joined them in 1537.
On the other side the White Sea was connected by Lakes Onega and Ladoga with the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic. In the depths of the Baltic and of Lakes Vener and Vetter there actually exist animals which belong to the arctic fauna and are remnants of the ancient ice-sea.
There are also some remnants of tribes in the province of Chiloe, which inhabit the island of that name, the Chonos and Guaytecas archipelagoes and the adjacent mainland, who have the reputation of being good boatmen and fishermen; and there are remnants of a people called Changos, on the desert coast, and traces of Calchaqui blood in the neighbouring Andean foothills.
But little by little it vanished from Iran, with the exception of a few remnants (chiefly in the oasis of Yezd), the faithful finding a refuge in India at Bombay.
A portion of the nation is, however, said to have remained behind, and Procopius tells a story that these remnants sent an embassy to Gaiseric, asking that their kinsfolk in Africa should renounce their claims to the lands which their forefathers had held in the old homes of the race.
Between the Naushirwanis of the Kharan desert and Mashkel, and the fish-eating population of the coast, enclosed in the narrow valleys of the Rakshan and Kej tributaries, or about the sources of the Hingol, are tribes innumerable, remnants of races which may be recognized in the works of Herodotus, or may be traced in the records of recent immigration.
The true subterranean fauna may be regarded as chiefly of Pleistocene origin; yet certain forms are possibly remnants of Tertiary life.
At the beginning of his reign the religious fervour which had sustained the Almoravide dynasty was rapidly subsiding; in Portugal independent Moorish chiefs ruled over cities and petty states, ignoring the central government; in Africa the Almohades were destroying the remnants of the Almoravide power.
There are still remnants of Marano families in Portugal.
Bruce threw his infantry reserve into the battle, the arrows of the English archers wounded the men-at-arms of their own side, and the remnants of the leading line were tired and disheartened when the final impetus to their rout was given by the historic charge of the "gillies," some thousands of Scottish campfollowers who suddenly emerged from the woods, blowing horns, waving such weapons as they possessed, and holding aloft improvised banners.
The region is made up in general of high ranges deeply glaciated, preserving some remnants of ancient glaciers, and having fine " Alpine " scenery, with many sharp peaks and ridges, U-shaped valleys, cirques, lakes and waterfalls.
On the Volga they mingled with remnants of the old Bulgarian empire, and elsewhere with Finnish stems, as well as with remnants of the ancient Italian and Greek colonies in Crimea and Caucasians in Caucasus.
The cathedral of St Martin was begun in 1063 by Bishop Anselm (later Pope Alexander II.); but the great apse with its tall columnar arcades and the fine campanile are probably the only remnants of the early edifice, the nave and transepts having been rebuilt in the Gothic style in the 14th century, while the west front was begun in 1204 by Guidetto (lately identified with Guido Bigarelli of Como), and "consists of a vast portico of three magnificent arches, and above them three ranges of open galleries covered with all the devices of an exuberant fancy."
It is covered in places by tablelands and ridges of the Desert Sandstone, the remnants of a sheet which doubtless once covered the whole of the Western Plains.
Although defeated on several occasions by the Free State forces, the mutineers were not finally dispersed until near the end of 1900, when the last remnants were reported to have crossed into German territory and surrendered their arms. In other parts of the country the state had difficulties with native chiefs, several of whom preserved their autonomy.
In the generally bare interior highlands, large trees, species of Ficus (Amontana, Aviavy, Nonoka, Adabo, &c.), often mark the position of the old towns; and some of these, as Ambohimanga, Vohilena, &c., are surrounded by remnants of the original forest, which formerly covered large portions of the interior.
Confronted by a pale weakly boy like the dauphin Charles and the remnants of the discredited council, the situation of the states was stronger than ever.
For ten years the remnants of the armies Grandes of England, Navarre and Brittanythe Grandes Corn; Compagnies, as they were calledravaged the pagn CS.
The principle of autocracy triumphed everywhere over the remnants of local or provincial authority, in the sphere of industry as in that of administration; while the gild system became much more rigid.
As for of Bur- the remnants that were left, French provinces and gundy.
Makran is the home of remnants of an innumerable company of mixed people gathered from the four corners of Asia and eastern Africa.
The precise date of the separation is fixed as later than the Miocene, since the fringe of the marine Miocene deposits along the southern coast of Victoria is broken, from Flinders to Alberton; and this gap was no doubt due to the subsidence of the land; of which the islands in the Bass Strait are remnants, which then connected Tasmania with the continent.
Since the methods of preparing the vegetable and animal fats are comparatively crude ones, they usually contain certain impurities of one kind or another, such as colouring and mucilaginous matter, remnants of vegetable and animal tissues, &c. For the most part these foreign substances can be removed by processes of refining, but even after this purification they still retain small quantities of foreign substances, such as traces of colouring matters, albuminoid and (or) resinous substances, and other foreign substances, which remain dissolved in the oils and fats, and can only be isolated after saponification of the fat.
Many of the Ecaudata have remnants of oviducts, or Miillerian ducts, most developed in Bufo, which genus is also remarkable as possessing a problematic organ, Bidder's organ, situated between the testis and the adipose or fat-bodies that surmount it.
In wrath at this trick, according to Hesiod, or in other versions for the purpose of exterminating the remnants of people who escaped the deluge of Deucalion, Zeus never bestowed, or later withdrew, the gift of fire.
It was strange being Quinn's room although the only remnants of him were his machines.
The cut had almost closed, though remnants of blood remained.
The field of the labor movement is today still encumbered with huge remnants of the old bankrupt organizations.
The wooded escarpment of Wenlock Edge, today managed by the National Trust, is the remnants of the Royal ' Long Forest ' .
Whenever I've visited this quaint graveyard there have always been the remnants of such a wreath.
Their ages range from 300 to 1,000 years and include many pollards, remnants of former grazing regimes.
Fragments Shattered shards scattered remnants Cut me drew my blood.
The majority - in European Russia - are remnants of the Mongol invasion of the 13th century (see Mongols), while those who inhabit Siberia are survivals of the once much more numerous Turkish population of the Ural-Altaic region, mixed to some extent with Finnish and Samoyedic stems, as also with Mongols.
Where now firm open fields stretch from the village to the woods, it then ran through a maple swamp on a foundation of logs, the remnants of which, doubtless, still underlie the present dusty highway, from the Stratton, now the Alms-House Farm, to Brister's Hill.
Fragments Shattered shards Scattered remnants Cut me drew my blood.
Rough cedar posts that still had remnants of limbs supported the porch roof, and an old vine rocker sat beside the door.
Not till the 13th of February were the miserable remnants of the population permitted to rebuild their houses and cultivate their fields once more.
The arrangements of the stage and orchestra as we now see them belong to Roman times; the cavea or auditorium dates from the administration of the orator Lycurgus (337-323 B.C.), and nothing is left of the theatre in which the plays of Sophocles were acted save a few small remnants of polygonal masonry.
Among the mixed and other coloured races in the census returns figure 1592 Bushmen, 3597 Hottentots and 1147 Koranna; these people are found chiefly in the southwestern regions and are remnants of the true aboriginal population.
The new Arab invaders who soon pressed forward into their seats found the remnants of the Nabataeans transformed into fellahin, and speaking Aramaic like their neighbours.
The remnants of this monument are still kept up. It stands half a mile to the east from Nish, and is called to this day by the Turkish name "Tyele-Koula," "the Tower of Skulls."
Opinions differ as to the true import of these glosses; some scholars hold that the Salic Law was originally written in the Frankish vernacular, and that these words are remnants of the ancient text, while others regard them as legal formulae such as would be used either by a plaintiff in introducing a suit, or by the judge to denote the exact composition to be pronounced.
By the end of June, Ahmad Feizi Pasha was in a position to advance on Manakha, where he organized an efficient transport, rallied the scattered remnants of Ali Riza's army, and with the newly arrived troops had by the middle of July a force of some 40 battalions available for the advance on Sana.
The balance of the afternoon was spent on household chores and packing away the last remnants of the holiday.
They too were not pleased and, to Dean's chagrin, tracked the front hall with the remnants of the piss-poor shoveling job on the front walk.
It was strange being in Quinn's room although the only remnants of him were his machines.
The remnants of the Bavenda retreated north to the Waterberg and Zoutpansberg, while Mosilikatze made his chief kraal at Mosega, not far from the site of the town of Zeerust.
Remnants of a heron-like bird, Proherodius, of a gull-like creature, Halcyornis, a raptorial Lithornis; and a supposed Passerine from Glarus in Switzerland, called Protornis = Osteornis, complete the list.