Remind Sentence Examples
I just need you to remind Darian of something.
You remind me of her sometimes.
I remind you of your father.
It's kind of like when you wake up from a terrible nightmare, and then something happens to remind you of it.
I wanted to remind this troubled soul of the good he'd wrought but thoughts of Betsy prevented my saying the words.
Remind me never to ask your opinion on what I'm wearing.
It is often necessary to remind her that there are infinitely many things that the wisest people in the world cannot explain.
Let me remind you, the easel set up by the door has a pledge sheet on it.
Someone would laugh and it would remind him of her laugh, turn their head to the side and it would be the way she always moved.
While he was pleased that Bird Song was starting the day on a pleasant note, the knot in his stomach remained to remind him of their pending trip to the mine.
AdvertisementOf what other story does this remind you?
Anyway, this is to remind you there's always a safe place for you, whenever you're ready.
A small woman in a brown robe rushed to remind him of the rules.
He needs someone to remind him that there is more to his life than war.
Go. Remind Jared what happens if he disobeys me.
AdvertisementThe mention of Christian theology may remind us that, for the majority of theists in medieval and modern times, theism proper has ranked only as a secondary wisdom.
Now that he was already an officer and a wounded hero, would it be right to remind him of herself and, as it might seem, of the obligations to her he had taken on himself?
Brontornis, and remind us of the Eocene Gastornis of Europe.
Sometimes, I have to remind myself that not every project needs to be a major one.
Before any of them were able to remind him to call next time before he dropped in, he was gone.
AdvertisementThe queen had more than once to remind her foreign secretary that his despatches must be seen by her before they were sent out, and though Palmerston assented, the queen's complaint had to be continually repeated.
He says it will remind me not to use it.
Propertius is a less accomplished artist and a less equably pleasing writer than either Tibullus or Ovid, but he shows more power of dealing gravely with a great or tragic situation than either of them, and his diction and rhythm give frequent proof of a concentrated force of conception and a corresponding movement of imaginative feeling which remind us of Lucretius.
I have to remind myself to be open to possibilities and not be a naysayer, since all my experience informs me of what could go wrong.
Of course, there are always a few people around to eye your diapered three-year-old judgmentally and remind you that "In Europe, parents train babies to use the potty before they can stand!"
AdvertisementA collector is paid to remind you of payments due and to try and help you find a way to pay them back.
He gave her the look, the one she knew was meant to remind her of his rules, before he dumped the bottle into the sink.
Rhyn said nothing more, aware it was all he might ever have to remind him of the mortal intended to be his mate.
If the stranger really did take him away from this place, he didn't want to go alone, with nothing to remind him of the woman who gave up her life for him.
You wanna remind your friend I have a means of contacting Jonny and he's expecting to hear from me?
The changeability of colour may remind us of the " calices versicolores " which Hadrian sent to Servianus.
These details of his education (which, like most else that is known about him, come from his own mouth) are not only interesting in themselves, but remind the reader how, not far from the same time, Rabelais, the other leading writer of French during the Renaissance, was exercising himself, though not being exercised, in plans of education almost as fantastic. At six years old Montaigne was sent to the college de Guienne at Bordeaux, then at the height of its reputation.
Some of his short lyrics are very elegant, and remind us of Herrick and Carew - e.g.
Show your yellow book to any new Hospital Doctor or to your Dentist to remind them you take anticoagulants.
You can serve appetizers rather than entrees and give them special names that remind them of Star Trek.
I had to politely remind him that half our team was English.
If you take theophylline for asthma, remind your doctor as he/she may want to monitor the level of theophylline in your blood.
I love to have mine before my window, and the more chips the better to remind me of my pleasing work.
They remind me of, well, every ska punk band ever.
It's easy to miss the road to our house, but there is a milestone on the highway to remind you where the exit is.
While it just isn't practical to keep every piece of clothing your baby wore, you'll certainly want to keep a few pieces to remind you of how sweet and tiny he or she was.
Also, he may remind you of other clothes he needs that you forgot to include on your list or he may simply see something he likes that you also find attractive.
Getting a catalog might remind you of a company you liked but haven't purchased from in a while.
While you cannot record events or deadlines or remind yourself of exact events to occur on a given day with this type of wall calendar, it is a great product to remind senior citizens or others with memory problems of the correct date.
Peruse these images to remind yourself just how little she used to be.
It's stories like this sick kitten saga that remind us how lucky we are to have access to competent feline health care.
It can take months and sometimes a full year to tame a feral cat, so be patient and remind yourself often of the end goal you have in mind.
He or she can also remind parents that when it comes to deciding where children will live, the Court considers what is best for them.
Document activities - Take many pictures with your kids and co-parent to make a photo album you can look at over the years to remind you of special events and memorable moments.
Remind him of the co-parent's preferences for certain colors, themes, sports, music, etc. to show he has put thought into the selections.
Remind him that this situation isn't the child's fault and it's not fair to her that she has to witness such violence between her parents.
They remind one of the reed chair seats in a typical French country kitchen as well as the fields of grasses that blow through Provence.
Lavender and soft greens remind the viewer of meadows, filled with wildflowers.
Having these things around will help to remind you of the reasons why you work so hard when you are having an off day.
Therefore, remind your friend that you care about her no matter what, and that she can't go through her life fearful.
You may need to remind yourself that it's only wax.
Carry a Relay For Life keychain to remind you of the importance of the event.
You can always personalize to make it a truly cherished poem and memento that will remind your volunteer just how special she is to you.
Candles are often used in religious ceremonies or at home to remind Christians of their faith during this special time of year.
Children are especially enchanted by angels, so make at least one angel ornament for each child at your home and let them keep their special angels near their beds to remind them of Christmas all year.
Finally, remind your child that biting others, even in play, is not safe.
You don't want to overdo it, because all words can lose their impact when said too much, but don't wait for birthdays or other special occasions to verbally remind your darling that they are your darling.
All the three orders of Greek architecture - the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian - are found freely employed in the various edifices of the city, but rarely in strict accordance with the rules of art in their proportions and details; while the private houses naturally exhibit still more deviation and irregularity., In many of these indeed we find varieties in the ornamentation, and even in such leading features as the capitals of the columns, which remind one rather of the vagaries of medieval architecture than of the strict rules of Vitruvius or the regularity of Greek edifices.
Demands tending towards the Magyarization of the joint army had been advanced and had found such an echo in Magyar public opinion that Count Andrassy was obliged solemnly to warn the country of the dangers of nationalist Chauvinism and to remind it of its obligations under the Compact of 1867.
They were to call together the officials of the district and explain to them their duties, and to remind the people of their civil and religious obligations.
In depth of philosophic insight, in the method of Socratic questioning often adopted, in the earnest and elevated tone of the whole, in the evidence they afford of the most cultured thought of the day, these dialogues constantly remind the reader of the dialogues of Plato.
It has the same moderately long, plump body, with a low dorsal crest, the continuation of the membrane bordering the strongly compressed tail; a large thick head with small eyes without lids and with a large pendent upper lip; two pairs of well-developed limbs, with free digits; and above all, as the most characteristic feature, three large appendages on each side of the back of the head, fringed with filaments which, in their fullest development, remind one of black ostrich feathers.
At the present time the Dutch flag flies nowhere on the mainland of India, though the quaint houses and regular canals at Chinsura, Negapatam, Jaffna, and many petty ports on the Coromandel and Malabar coasts remind the traveller of familiar scenes in the Netherlands.
Some of the names just mentioned remind us that in France, as in Germany and Holland, the Reformation was closely connected with the revival of learning.
In the variety, size and density of their growth these forests remind one of the tropics.
Thus the stranger entering it for the first time will find little to remind him of its past history.
There are other features in the portrait which remind us strongly of Marcion.
Themistocles acted as choragus, and one of the objects of the play was to remind the Athenians of his great deeds.
The quotation may remind us that the analogy between ethics and mathematics ought to be traced further back than Locke; in fact, it results from the influence exercised by Cartesianism over English thought generally, in the latter half of the 17th century.
The remark may serve to remind us of our modern disadvantage for a full appreciation of Demosthenes.
Foolish and criminal as these disturbances were, they served to remind the English people that Ireland would not cease to be troublesome under Home Rule.
Polybius is careful constantly to remind us that he writes for those who are CALXoµaO€is lovers of knowledge, with whom truth is the first consideration.
At least he had the decency to remind her she was off the clock and therefore not a whore - or was she?
That is all I will say, ikir, except to remind you that the White and Black Gods cannot kill one another directly.
Do you want me to … uh, remind you how?
She never lost control of herself or failed to remind him that it wasn't her fate at risk each night.
Bird Song remained nearly empty during the week and half full weekends when get-away folks from Grand Junction, and sometimes even Colorado Springs or Denver, left the kiddies with grandma and snuck over the mountains for a little R and R. An occasional ice climber continued to remind the group of the receding memories of the recent tragic past.
Maternity clothes would only serve to remind him that she was pregnant, rather than underline the fact that they were sharing a miracle.
You will go to Memon in Landis and remind him of the agreement we made.
It was bad enough that she alone knew they were there to remind her to screw him over.
You should also remind him/her of their commitment to you.
I'd like to remind you of a poster produced by the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, which I found particularly poignant.
They remind a little bit of early Pixies mixing gentle but haunting ballads which suddenly explode into guitar noise.
Many of us have ordered souvenir booklets - remind us to show them to you.
Remind the justices to see robert the inaugural Brian.
These products remind me of the " automatic battery changer " whose sole function was to change its own batteries!
They remind us of the inner jogo and teaches us to conquer ourselves before we seek dominion over others.
And what's more, we will regularly e-mail you to remind you to update your contact list.
We do wish to use this opportunity to remind everybody to drink sensibly.
How does the shape of a mountain remind you of a wolf's fang?
Great ones to burn to remind you of summer include floral (rose or jasmine) or citrus based oils like bergamot.
He keeps it to remind himself of how a really good hot hatchback should feel.
They remind me of him, upstanding, decent and calculated not to offend, but really rather heartless and without exception absolute bores.
Warning Of Bogus Workmen, Rugby 06/05/2006 Police remind householders to always check the credentials of people calling at their home to undertake work.
While the movie was on I had to remind myself to breathe sometimes and I had the jitters for ages after the movie finished.
Moreover, Russia wants to remind the US that the partnership forged after September 11th has become somewhat lopsided.
Most Outstanding Contribution went to Duran Duran who then went onto remind us of all their classic hits in their 10 minute medley.
They also remind us that the origins of 20th century militarism in Ireland lie in the 1912-14 period of Tory-led armed conspiracy.
The main purpose of Book I is to explain Keplers laws of planetary motion, so lets remind ourselves of these.
However, this cameo from Jones is starting to remind this observer of the NatWest Series final when England managed to scramble a draw.
My visit to just one of the many orphanages in Kashmir was enough to remind me painfully of the tragic costs of the conflict.
Since the barony then fell into abeyance, the Bedford adopted the symbol of the eagle to remind themselves that they had no overlord.
The Hon. Treasurer wishes to remind members who have not yet paid their 1959 subs, that these SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAID by NOW.
Does this remind you of a certain young and very talented fast player we purchased a couple years ago?
And I need hardly remind the politicians present of the consequences of failing to listen to those whom they serve.
But she had to remind the others every now and then in case the boredom made them think up dangerous pranks.
This verse also serves to remind us how these prepositions can become precious to us - by faith.
Remind your doctor if you are taking probenecid or metoclopramide as these drugs may affect the level of Ciproxin in your blood.
They rarely remind us of all the delays, design problems and failings of conventionally procured projects.
They remind us today of various cults or religious racketeers, of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
We respectfully remind guests that a booking with us is a legally binding contract.
I think they are fantastic and remind us that wearing wool socks that need to be darned is perhaps a thing of the past.
Pop-up boxes remind learners of unfamiliar terminology in a clear visual glossary.
Your father, I scarcely like to remind you, since it is so trite a commonplace, is older than yourself.
A description such as " Save Kidderminster Hospital " or " No to George Bush " would remind voters of what you stand for.
All this sounds rather weighty, although very necessary, so let's remind you what else we do.
Your wife drapes a blond wig over your monitor to remind you of what she looks like.
Health and Safety Can I remind you not to park on the yellow zig zags outside school at any time.
For example, the notion of conflict (7r6Xeµos) as the father of all things and of harmony as arising out of a union of discords, and again of an endeavour by individual things to maintain themselves in permanence against the universal process of destruction and renovation, cannot but remind one of certain fundamental ideas in Darwin's theory of evolution.
His love of the woodland and his political fervour often remind us of Shelley, and his delicate perception of Hellenic beauty, and the perfume of Greek legend, give us almost a foretaste of Keats.
The gods are represented as resolving to banish from the heavens the constellations, which served to remind them of their evil deeds.
In the Nirat poetry, a favourite form of verse, both are often used, a stanza in Klong serving as a sort of argument at the head of a set of verses in Kap. This Nirat poetry takes the form of narrative addressed by a traveller to his lady-love, of a journey in which every object and circumstance serves but to remind the wanderer of some virtue or beauty of his correspondent.
They remind us today of various cults or religious racketeers, of the Jehovah 's Witnesses.
Why the reticence to remind Bush of the rationale for the war?
These will remind motorists and their families daily about the impact of the choice they made.
We also send out reminder emails in December to remind clients to make changes for the new year.
It would be salutary to remind ourselves of the story so far.
Can Christians now seize the moment to remind people how different from Pullman 's ' Almighty God ' is the God whom they worship?
If that is the case, the incident serves to remind us that Jesus has the authority to pass God 's judgment.
Perhaps it would be timely to remind you of some facts about Oxford University 's track record in relation to the new animal lab.
I remind representatives of the undertakings of 9 confidentiality that they have signed.
There is a gap in the houses, still there today to remind us of unfortunate victims.
Handily enough, daybeds are also extremely popular in beach houses, so even before you add the cover, a daybed in itself can remind you of a favorite trip to the beach.
If so, you may want to design your office to remind you of what motivates you.
The initial spritz may remind some of sunscreen, as it did me, though perhaps with some depth.
Lipstick kisses make us giddy, feel good, and remind us that we can show our affections even when we're apart.
Remind your model of why she has decided to come in today.
Don't put in a CD with songs that remind you of moments in your life that have caused some level of stress (this includes happy stress such as getting married) because it will only distract you.
The best way to get started on an exercise program is to gently remind yourself that you don't need to do a lot in order to reap the benefits.
This little novelty item might remind you of a passion for auto racing and the stress relief that comes with sports and exercise.
They are attractive enough to sit on a desk and handy enough to use every day to remind people of your services and goods.
Remind yourself that life never gives you more than you can handle.
Use a kitchen timer to hold you to your schedule and remind you when it's time to move on to the next task.
Remind these employees that their consistent lack of preparedness and general disorganization cause stress to everyone else working alongside them.
Many of them will be happy to help and if they aren't, remind them that this is the time for giving and when they don't give they may not get.
This can be from memories you have from when it first happened, flashbacks when confronted with triggers that remind you of the event, and/or nightmares about it.
Jealousy is hard to deal with-- just remind yourself that he's with you, and he chose to be with you, not someone else.
I wouldn't begin to even try to tell you - I see so many different things that remind me of my own high school days in magazine (the 70's) so that's not going to help you very much.
Remind her it's ok to look silly from time to time and that's part of growing up.
Maybe if you remind her that you still exist, and tell her- without accusing or guilt tripping- that you feel hurt, you two can work things out.
One important thing to remind him is that the girls his age are starting to notice him in a new way as well.
Remind your teen that these temporary puberty changes are short-lived.
You may want to remind them to keep it clean.
Write a graduation poem on a post-it note or sheet of paper, then hang it in your locker throughout your senior year, it will help remind you what is important every day as you go through your last year of high school.
To prevent eating disorders in pre teenager models, it is important to promote healthy self-esteem and remind girls that they will not always be called back for every audition or win every show.
Many teens like to send love quotes in a text message to their boyfriend or girlfriend to remind the other person that they care.
If he notices you bullying someone else, the friend could remind you that you're trying to stop the behavior.
Stuffed animals are popular graduation gifts because they remind friends of the good times.
Fill the box with non-perishable food items that will remind the teen of home, such as a special coffee flavor from the local coffee shop or locally made candy.
Wildflower seed packets remind all who see the garden that love is blooming.
Offering the couple a date night with movie or concert tickets is a great way to remind them that the fun continues even after they're married!
The thoughtful thank-you will remind them of the lovely time they had at your wedding.
The best wedding favors are ones that wedding guests can put to use when they leave the wedding or that remind them of the event.
If so, pick up elements that remind you of your honeymoon destination to incorporate into your wedding reception decoration ideas.
The purpose is to gently remind the victim that they're not alone in their frustration, that there are other people who are concerned about their welfare and happiness.
If necessary, keep a list of smoking side effects on your fridge, hang pictures of smokers' lungs around your home and office, and do whatever it takes to remind you how unhealthy this habit is.
A solar system shower curtain, which similarly uses bright graphics and text to teach or remind anyone of details of the solar system - not just the planets, but factoids as well.
Express to her the value of dressing within certain boundaries, and remind her that you are financing the purchase.
I would love to remind you again about the "TAO" of the dog.
Spring and summer seem to be the time to remind us all how to train our puppies and dogs to do recalls.
Just in case you think, "Oh, look how cute this puppy is", let me remind you just how much work is ahead.
The flowers remind one of those of the netted Iris.
They lie close together on the stem, and remind one of the old double white Rocket.
When unfolding they remind one of a finely-cut umbelliferous plant in spring; when fully grown the midribs are red; and in autumn the leaves glow off into a bright color after the fashion of American shrubs.
Plant these beauties in early Spring or late Fall in locations that you can either see from inside your home, or farther out on your property where their beauty will lure you out and remind you of the coming Spring.
Label the spine to remind you what is in there.
When the winter doldrums have you down, you will only need to look to your plants, patiently waiting for warm weather to remind you that spring is never far off.
The lyrics are fantastic and will remind young players that it helps when your songs are about something significant.
However, they remind you to allow for at least a 10 percent overage because usage varies depending on the size and shape of the room.
A casual or dressy jewelry selection can remind you of the holiday during the weeks before Easter.
At the very least, the jewelry can remind you of the meaning of Easter during Lent.
She designed keepsakes for the singers to remind them of their American Idol experience.
Faith-inspired jewelry is one of the best ways to show someone how you feel and to give them an extra measure of wearable comfort to remind them that someone cares.
Parents who want to encourage their child to pray should talk to them about how to pray and how the jewelry can remind them to pray.
Either give one for a gift, or wear one to remind you of that someone special.
Gardening together as a family is a great way to stay connected to the earth and to remind you why we choose organic products in the first place.
A materials safety tips sheet can remind you of what is most important when it comes to safe home remodeling.
Safety sayings are bits of information that remind everyone how important it is to think about how stay safe.
Thinking of them as you go about your daily life is a good way to remind yourself to always be careful, because safety matters.
To remind children about how to stay safe during the summer months, you need to make learning about it enjoyable.
A discussion or quiz can be used to remind students that the people they are interacting with online may not be who they appear.
They are used by parents and teachers to help remind youngsters about the safety rules.
You may need to remind them of important appointments, accompany them to doctor visits and tend to financial or household matters.
Quotes that make you smile can help remind you that retirement and humor go hand in hand.
If you're feeling unsure about changing careers and applying for jobs, remind yourself that you are an invaluable resource with many advantages over your younger counterparts.
You may even consider momentos that remind the retiree of her hopes and dreams.
Based out in California, this company manages to marry form and function with cute designs and frames that remind you wearing reading glasses doesn't have to be boring!
If you are the kind of person who prefers a subtle look, not a bold one, then choosing among the shades offered here will remind you of pouring over paint colors; it's that much fun, and the selection is vibrant!
You may not have planned to visit Monster's Inc Laugh Floor because it's tucked away near Tomorrowland, but seeing it on the map could remind you.
In Wii Play, there is a fun Easter egg that may remind you of a similar secret found in Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64 video game system.
The physics will remind you of San Francisco Rush, so don't worry about scratching the paint because you can't.
This game will remind players of Wii Bowling on Wii Sports.
Is it me, or does this remind you of Ocean's Eleven?
Each of these characters offers a slightly different set of moves that he or she can perform, including several special moves that remind players of specific scenes in the movie or of stereotypical characteristics of that character.
Zasalamel is a scythe wielding brute who will remind you of Rock and Astaroth, but is a bit faster.
Many racks have grape leaves or clusters welded on as embellishments to remind you that the rack is for wine, not that you couldn't figure that out on your own.
Gift reminders - A gift reminder can be set up on their online gift concierge to remind you of upcoming gift needs.
Since many cookie jars are popular because they remind collectors of their childhoods the savvy collector will consider contemporary jars that will be memorable for the current generation.
Many collectors love to surround themselves with items that remind them of a special pet, or of a pet they wish were part of their family.
Whether you're a novice or you've been on a number of motorcycle camping trips, it's important to remind yourself that the key to having a fun experience when camping by motorcycle is planning.
I don't need to remind you to be very careful when shopping on eBay.
They are encouraged to remember and create tangibles, such as paintings, stories, and even quilts, to remind them of the deceased.
It can be helpful to remind the child that the task that causes frustration will become easier to perform with practice.
They should remind the child that a few months may be needed before he or she notices substantial improvement in symptoms.
Remind the child that six months or more may be needed before he or she notices substantial improvement in symptoms.
Again, a list is helpful to remind the parent of their own questions.
Part of the appeal is not only that line dancing steps are easy to learn - it's also the way that it's danced, in a large group with many people to remind each other of the next step.
Take the day off work and have a special day with your family doing things that remind you of the child.
This dot is within the teardrop to remind you that as in life, the each side of the Tao symbol is dependent upon the other.
People choose to wear certain colors when they feel the need to remind themselves of the chi power assigned to the symbol.
While a symbol can remind you of an element, the symbol cannot activate an element, unless it happens to be made out of the proper element.
Charts are a wonderful way to remind you to fill in all the blanks.
It will remind you at a later date where you found the information.
Realtors like to remind potential home buyers that location is what really matters and that's usually true, especially if you do not want a long commute to work or you want to be close to friends and family.
Some kits have an alarm clock to remind you the time to take your temperature each day, as it should be done around the same time.
The last seven pills are placebo pills, serving to remind you to take the pill everyday.
PillPak solves this problem with an alarm that you can set for the same time each day to remind you to take your pill.
It is certainly scary to have a very quick and unassisted labor and childbirth, but remind yourself that your child and you, are, according to the statistics, likely to come through the event healthy and happy.
I meet a lot of young swimmers all the time, and I just remind them to have fun and make lots of great memories.
Florescent neon clothes, jelly shoes and feathered hair may bring back memories from that decade, but it's those well-loved toys that can remind you of your childhood.
Keeping a written list of things that need to be done helps to remind you of things that need to be accomplished.
Add to the list as you think of something you want to remember and your list will remind you later when life gets hectic.
This seems pretty obvious, but in the beginning you may have to remind yourself that you're not just playing defense and you can actually attack as well.
Board games remind us that adulthood doesn't have to be entirely serious.
A simple votive candle in a heart candle holder is a lovely way to remind someone close to your heart that you are thinking of them.
If you're following instructions they should note this and remind you to save off a bit of wax when you pour the candle.
Children write letters to Santa Claus to tell him what they want for Christmas and to remind him how well they have behaved during the year.
Your cards will not only express your holiday sentiments, they'll remind everyone of the brave soldiers who help preserve freedom throughout the world.
From a blessing for the Christmas tree to prayers to say before opening gifts, these prayers remind the listener of the meaning in the season and to be thankful for God's blessings.
Give yourself a break and remind yourself that you really don't have to do it all.
They decorated with evergreen branches to remind themselves that life continued even during the dismal winter months.
Creating a holiday landscape with images of Christ's birth is a beautiful way to remind passersby about the reason for the season.
Remind your actors that although the scene of Jesus' birth was serene, it was full of excitement and hope.
You hung on each other's words when you were first falling in love; remind your sweetie that what they say still has weight and impact, even after ten, twenty or fifty years.
Even though I never controlled her, she felt the need to remind me no one could control her.
Remind yourself that his answering your questions is only a temporary feel good and that questioning him is destructive to building a trusting relationship.
To do this you would have to remind yourself that the past is the past and you are not going to focus in the past.
Take time to mourn the loss of the union you had with your mate and remind yourself that you walked away for a reason.
My advice is simple, the next time she confides in you about how clients are disrespecting her, remind her that she can stop this unwanted attention simply by wearing her wedding ring.
You can purchase an inexpensive memory box and place things inside of it that remind you of your sweetheart.
Include some scents in your care package that will remind him of you.
Send a romantic book or movie to remind him or her of the romance you share.
You could also just draw him a picture to hang on his wall that will remind him of you.
It's designed to quicken the pulse of the reader, to remind them of the passion and heat of desire.
Think about the times you've been romantic with him, and put some items in the gift basket that will remind him of those times.
Some of these guidebooks fall under the heading of "common sense" - for example, they may simply remind men of how to act polite, even when in the semi-anonymous environment of online dating sites.
For this reason, it's good to reconnect with your loved ones to remind yourself that you are not alone and people do care about you.
Use simple words and phrases to remind your special someone of that big idea of "LOVE" and let his or her imaginations and memories do the rest.
Slip little notes of love in his suitcase, lunch, briefcase, pillow, car, wallet, or shirt pocket where he will find them unexpectedly to remind him of your affections.
Use your sense of humor to keep her focused on the here and now and remind her to take life less seriously.
To get her phone number, simply ask for it and remind yourself you have a 50/50 chance for success.
Choose the ones that remind you of your sweetie as well as all the special moments you've shared together.
She also will most likely remind you and your spouse that if issues arise that you both can't work out together, you are more than welcome to make an appointment with her again.
Naturally, if the party will be a surprise, the invitation will need to remind guests that the party is a surprise for the couple.
Regardless of what they wear, so long as their promise remains pure it will continue to remind them of the sacred vows they've made.
Diamond eternity rings can be used as traditional bands, or as a little something extra to remind your significant other that you still "do."
With the right fake diamond, you can have this first ring around for many years to remind you of happy memories.
While some may find this to be a bit too literal or sentimental, it's a perfect way to remind your partner of your affections.
No more losing track of where you've submitted items, because a simple search through your sent folder will remind you to whom you've sent submissions.
When you suffer boredom due to your repetitious meal plan, just remind yourself that the diet is only temporary and, someday soon, your menu selections will widen and your symptoms will be gone.
If there is one thing luxury designers continue to remind the public, it is that being wealthy is terribly in right now.
And when you try and mouth some cheeky line about renting a summer house at the Hamptons, the boss' daughter will just look you and your obsolete handbag over and remind you, "Isn't that like so ten billion seasons ago?"
You may need to remind yourself that this sign has lived through each of the other eleven signs and has gained infinite wisdom and insight into not just the human side of life, but the spiritual side.
Taurus needs to constantly remind himself that he's far from perfect.
Remind the children that they are not responsible in any way for the divorce.
For them, it is best to simply remind them to help out when they are needed.
Keeping a posted list of consequences will remind children of their commitment.
Write up simple morning, after school, and evening routines for your children to help remind them of what they need to do and be prepared for the next day.
Instead, repeatedly remind your child that she is loved by both parents, and that both parents will remain active in her life.
Remind your child that having a pet is a privilege that involves responsibilities.
Make a chart to remind her what she needs to do each day to keep a happy pet.
If a project needs to be followed up on regularly (such as watering plants or feeding the insects), set up reminders for yourself so you can remind your child to do the work.
To prepare youself for the job ahead or to remind yourself of your parenting priorities, the following traits of a good parent may serve as a helpful guide.
For very young children who are not able to read yet, you can use pictures to remind them of what they need to do.
Each child who crosses the finish line receives a finishers medal and a finishers t-shirt, keepsakes to remind him or her of his or her accomplishment.
Try to be a day maker and remind your child how special they are each and everyday.
Many of these kids outdoor games will remind parents and grandparents of old fashioned fun combined with a little friendly competition.
Their stares are blank and black and remind you of the darker side of New Moon.
One of the best parts about high school movies is that whether they make us laugh or cry, they remind us of a large period of our lives.
When using Favorpals, we remind our members that the intention is not just to get a good deal but also to give one.
Remind children not to leave their tokens and tickets unattended, especially during the busy weekend hours.
Maybe you need a hint of summer in your life to keep you sane and remind you of a vacation to come, or happen to love that chocolate-colored shirt with your black gauchos.
It will be with you forever and always remind of you of its special significance.
Many years ago, they were seen as harbingers of death and doom as they would remind undeveloped civilizations that there are things they just could not understand or grasp.
For some, it's a way to remain focused on home or to remind them to reach for their dreams.
A tattoo is a permanent piece of ink that will forever remind you of your mental place and interests at the time that you got inked.
While it may go without saying, it never hurts to remind yourself that not every tattoo artist is created equal.
The piercings may be a reminder, a memorial or simply a mark of distinction which helps to remind the wearer of where they were at a certain point in their life.
When made to appeal realistic, these tattoos can be quite breathtaking and remind the viewer of a bygone era.
A countdown timer to a wedding for instance, could be customized to the bride and groom and remind visitors to a blog or website of the special date.
Businesses also use online counters to remind customers of events such as the launch of a new line or a new promotion.
Weddings - Many people put a countdown clock on their blogs or websites to remind people of the number of days left until their special day.
This means that if you are setting an alarm to remind you of a particular purpose, you can write a note to remind you what this is.
If your grandfather always carried a pocket watch, an antique timepiece with words that remind you of him can be the perfect gift.
The Classic line of watches features watches that remind one of days gone by.
Remind employees to print only when necessary.
Remind them who you are or about something discussed during your meeting.
Keep a "tickler file" to remind you of lose ends requiring follow-through.
However, it's a good idea to remind the reader why you are qualified for the position.
Remind yourself that the project is going to take the same amount of time to complete no matter when you begin it.
When you wonder how certain people seem to be able to accomplish so much more than you every day, it's important to remind yourself that you and the other people all have the same 24 hours in every single day.
Remind yourself that an unpleasant task doesn't take any longer to complete right now than it will a week from now.
Remind them of something positive you did with them in the past, such as a project you worked on together, a trip you went on with them or an event you both participated.
Recap your message at the end of your letter to remind the reader of the purpose of your letter and of any actions they need to take.
Business letters persuade, request, inform, apologize, recommend, remind, invite and follow up.
It should have been mailed about two weeks after the first letter and should remind the consumer that he received a letter two weeks previously and he did not respond.
A second direct marketing letter will remind them that you have a great offer and will remind them of its benefits.
While tracing the location of a vehicle may remind you of spy movies you've seen, the truth is that vehicle tracking devices have very legitimate and important uses.
Short quotes that remind cheerleaders of the real purpose of all their hard work and dedication can be the key to persevering when the pressure of the game or the competition gets high.
Take classes on tours of the library and remind them of all the resources that are available.
Include this as a task on their daily check list, and remind them that they will have less to do if they don't clutter in the first place.
Use a cup or so in each bath, and remind the recipient to use a drain basket to catch any solid parts that you included in your recipe.
Add whatever whole spices remind you of the holidays.
Remind him of his favorite hobby during busy days at the office by creating a unique lamp.
Years later, this piece will remind you of your child's youth.
A good determinant in making your decision is to remind yourself that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
At home, this may simply entail jotting down a note to remind yourself what your planned snacks for the day will be, while obligations away from home might require more planning.
Many reviews and reader commenters are quick to remind you that even if a system works, it may not work for the long term.
Keep your chest upright and forward-facing with your shoulders squared throughout the movement; sometimes it helps to look at a spot just above eye level to remind you not to drop your chest toward the floor.
A secret of housewives for many years, the "pasta sauce" biceps curl is just a clever way to remind you to look in your pantry for a couple of hand weights.
As she goes about disposing of the bad guys, she takes the time to remind people about the great deals that are offered at Esurance.
Firm control shapers can also remind you to stand straight and tall, improving your posture and making you look even thinner.
Get them in black, and they'll remind you of leggings.
Well, she's back with a new album of R&B pop hits-to-be to remind you, starting with this one, the first single.
Punky, poppy, and fun, these California girls will sometimes remind your of The Breeders and sometimes remind you of Bikini Kill.
I need not remind you about the importance of downloading music legally!
The first 25 seconds of Follow (the first movement of the Odyssey) sounds good and will remind of you many Incubus songs.
Listening to particular songs can bring you right back into the world of th