Remembrance Sentence Examples
Teacher is well and sends her kind remembrance to you.
I send my kind remembrance to your father and mother, and to your teacher.
His chief claim to remembrance is that it was he who first put Schiller's earlier dramas on the stage, and it is to him that the poet's Briefe an den Freiherrn von Dalberg (Karlsruhe, 1819) are addressed.
The gay remembrance of a life well spent.
The remembrance of the fatal day of Vendemiaire 1795 perhaps helped to paralyse the majority.
The fifth and sixth volumes of the Origins of Christianity (the Christian Church and Marcus Aurelius) show him reconciled with democracy, confident in the gradual ascent of man, aware that the greatest catastrophes do not really interrupt the sure if imperceptible progress of the world - reconciled also in some measure, if not with the truths, at least with the moral beauties of Catholicism, and with the remembrance of his pious youth.
In his will he desired to be buried without any state and without a monument, "but at the utmost a plain stone with this superscription only, Vermis sum, acknowledging myself to be unworthy of the least outward regard in this world and unworthy of any remembrance that hath been so great a sinner."
But the altered name of Lombard also denoted henceforth some of the proudest of Italians; and, though the Lombard speech had utterly perished their most common names still kept up the remembrance that their fathers had come from beyond the Alps.
The student of his life understands that Disraeli's claim to remembrance rests not only on the breadth of his views, his deep insight, his long foresight, but even more on the courage which allowed him to declare opinions supplied from those qualities when there was no visible likelihood of their justification by experience, and therefore when their natural fate was to be slighted.
The figures of the Seven have here entirely disappeared, the remembrance of them being merely preserved in the name of the Agpaovp y y6s (050,u s).
AdvertisementPeter Bayle is severe on certain historical inaccuracies of Davila, and it is true that Davila must be read with due remembrance of the fact that he was not only a Catholic but the especial protege of Catherine de' Medici, but it is not to be forgotten that Bayle was as strongly Protestant.
By way of enforcing this point Paul repeats the tradition he had received direct from the Lord, and already handed on to the Corinthians, of how " the Lord Jesus on the night in which he was betrayed " (not necessarily the night of Passover) " took bread and having given thanks brake it and said, This is my body, which is for your sake; this do in remembrance of me.
You can leave a remembrance for him on The Virtual Wall.
It is in the simple narrative and naive egotism of Le Mie prigioni that he has established his strongest claim to remembrance, winning fame by his misfortunes rather than by his genius.
The " true mother of his mind as well as of his health " was a maiden aunt - Catherine Porten by name - with respect to whom he expresses himself in language of the most grateful remembrance.
AdvertisementActive support was impossible, because the Hungarians, among whom the events of 1848 had obliterated the remembrance of the earlier days of Turkish conquest, were full of sympathy for the Turks.
Harry's tone - his default tone, to use a neologism - was of wistful remembrance for the hills he loved.
A service of ever-increasing popularity is the Remembrance Sunday Commemoration Service.
Remembrance What did the psalmist find in the house of God?
In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be, he shall not be afraid of evil tidings.
AdvertisementInstead the card was signed by his wife and children ' with fond remembrance from those who loved him ' .
The philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the remembrance of his own castoff griefs as an atmosphere, and calls it sympathy.
His "Ronnie R.I.P." tattoo on his upper left arm is in remembrance of the uncle who first introduced him to rap music.
When it is time for her to give her bridesmaids a special gift as a remembrance of her wedding day and to show her appreciation for their friendship and love, a beautiful heart shaped crystal jewelry box is often the perfect gift choice.
Inspired by this experience, he started his famous seven-volume novel Remembrance of Things Past.
AdvertisementPeople brought cards, poems, flowers, meaningful items in remembrance of the lives lost.
There are many options available for you to to have a remembrance of your pet for the rest of your life.
A headstone will be a memorial to a loved one for many years to come and with a little planning, will be a long lasting tribute and place of remembrance.
Pets In Remembrance - This website offers a variety of affordable pet caskets, including pet remembrance products.
Writing the remembrance poem also ensures that you say everything you want to say.
Don't be too critical when writing a remembrance poem.
Also in the fifties, Bradbury published Dandelion Wine (1957), a novel that is neither science fiction, fantasy nor mystery, but simply a strangely beautiful remembrance of life in a small Illinois town.
Heavenly White Doves has a large selection of remembrance poems and bible verses.
It is said that Eve took a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden as a remembrance of her time in Paradise.
The 1980s had its share of bad fashion beauty and hair trends that are sure to make everyone giggle upon remembrance.
Many churches use votive candles as a form of remembrance.
The votive candle also has religious connections and is used in many churches as a form of prayer or remembrance candle.
Wearing traditional costumes is a great symbol of pride and remembrance of your heritage.
If you're more comfortable speaking, you can also record your remembrance.
Whichever way you choose to see this sort of tattoo, it can be very cathartic for those who have lost a loved one to get a tattoo in remembrance.
A common reason to get a tattoo is in remembrance of a loved one.
Komen Foundation have specialty watches that you can purchase to help out good causes or to take home a special token of remembrance.
Beading for the Soul acknowledges the power of beads and how they might be used for protection, healing, strength, good, prayer, bonding and remembrance.
Both in France and in America, as well as many other nations, Armistice Day (or Remembrance Day) commemorates the soldiers who served in World War I, but also those who served in subsequent wars.
They are the survivors of a plane crash, which they have ritualized into their remembrance.
The lively if rather garrulous book on which his title to remembrance rests, appeared at Vienna in 1784, in the author's own Latin, and in a German translation by Professor Krail of the university of Pest.
Charles's chief claim to remembrance is that he was the first ruler to adopt the system of hiring his soldiers out to foreign powers as mercenaries, as a means of improving the national finances.
She wrote to Elizabeth and the duke of Guise two letters of almost matchless eloquence and pathos, admirable especially for their loyal and grateful remembrance of all her faithful servants.
The Benedictine rule supplanted the Irish so inevitably that the personnel ceased to be Irish, that even in St Columban's own monastery of Luxeuil his rule was no longer observed, and by Charlemagne's time all remembrance of any other monastic rule than the Benedictine had died out.
Similarly, just because fear, hope and remembrance add to the intensity of consciousness, the Epicurean can hold that bodily pain and pleasure is a less durable and important thing than pain and pleasure of mind.
A few fragmentary passages remain, of which it will be sufficient to cite a word or two to call them to remembrance.
These strands and belts were the only visible records of the Iroquois, but they required the trained interpreters who could draw from their strings and figures the acts and intentions locked up in their remembrance" (Major Rogers, Account of North America, London, 1765).
Another governor was D'Entrecasteaux, whose name is kept in remembrance by a group of islands east of New Guinea.
The career on which Colbert now entered must not be judged without constant remembrance of the utter rottenness of the previous financial administration.
This last, the Anabaptist doctrine of the Lord's Supper, was to the effect that brothers and sisters in Christ should partake in remembrance of the death of Christ, and that they should thereby renew the bond of brotherly love as the basis of neighbourly life.
He was willing to continue the service only if the use of the elements should be dropped and the rite made simply an act of spiritual remembrance.
These and numerous other works and editions of the Bible are known only to students, but as a pioneer in a branch of Biblical study which received a wide development in the 19th century, Calmet is worthy of remembrance.
The British who fled before the Teutonic and Scandinavian invasions of the 6th and 8th centuries, had carried with them to Armorica, and fondly cherished, the remembrance of Arthur and his deeds, which in time had become interwoven with traditions of purely Breton origin.
They form the base of that Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum on which he used in later years to declare that he founded his claim to remembrance.
In the majority of cases the cremation ashes are strewn or buried in the gardens of remembrance.
Who took the decision to detonate a bomb at the War Memorial in Enniskillen on Remembrance Sunday?
The Eucharist, then, is a remembrance of God's deliverance of His people from the greater bondage of sin.
In London there is a large memorial called the cenotaph in Whitehall, and each Remembrance Sunday a big ceremony is held there.
The Parish Council strongly supports the continuance of the Remembrance Service at the Stone Cross.
He shrugged the old feelings of remembrance away and stepped out into the street the marshmallow demons were approaching down.
These unique Books of Remembrance, written on cream goatskin parchment and bound in deep blue goatskin parchment and bound in deep blue goatskin leather, lie in the Memorial Cabinet.
Such personal introspection leads to remembrance of the Creator and inspires a commitment to spiritual improvement over the next twelve months.
War veterans reacted with outrage last night as remembrance parades were targeted by health and safety killjoys.
The writer has remembrance of him during the latter part of this period.
Great essayist a grateful remembrance of many many years ' places to go.
In loving remembrance of dear Mrs Foster, from Gracie.
The devotee spends his time in prayers, worship and constant remembrance of the deity of his choice.
As well as traditional graves we have a garden of remembrance memorial garden where ashes may be buried under standard roses.
A commemorative serviette produced as a ' Souvenir in Affectionate Remembrance of the miners who lost their lives in the Bentley Pit disaster ' .
Last November she became the first transsexual to march in the annual Remembrance Day parade at the Cenotaph when she accompanied fellow Falklands veterans.
But a logical division like this is not logy necessarily conducive to the ascertainment and remembrance of the historical progress and present significance of the science.
His main idea was that the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not the repetition of the sacrifice of Christ, but the faithful remembrance that that sacrifice had been made once for all; and his deeper idea of faith, which included in the act of faith a real union and communion of the faithful soul with Christ, really preserved what was also most valuable in the distinctively Lutheran doctrine.
King Abenner, troubled by this and by the remembrance of the prediction, selects a secluded city, in which he causes a splendid palace to be built, where his son should abide, attended only by tutors and servants in the flower of youth and health.
I found this a somewhat mechanical and reductive approach, which was too confident in finding singular interpretations for each phase of Titanic remembrance.
His Remembrance of Things Past was number 4 of the list of the top 100 gay books compiled in the USA in 1999.
Only eyes would shine every now and then with a glimpse of remembrance of the life they once had.
Remembrance of the early Irish days is in these other brief extracts.
To write about love, life and leisure also means remembrance of past times.
Instead the card was signed by his wife and children ' with fond remembrance from those who loved him '.
Show slide 2 - a video clip of a remembrance ceremony, by clicking on the black rectangle.
A small group of the Harrogate branch membership attended the remembrance parade at the cenotaph on Sunday.
Remembrance Day By Amy Snow, aged 11, a Scout from 1st North Cray.
A remembrance service was held on the platform on the Sunday.
Your name will be included in our ' Tree of Life ' remembrance Book.
This association is especially important in the ritual of remembrance, helping to console the bereaved.
A commemorative serviette produced as a ' Souvenir in Affectionate Remembrance of the miners who lost their lives in the Bentley Pit disaster '.
When he returned, Crippen made several attempts to prevent the sending of tokens of remembrance.
Charles laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in remembrance of those who fought in the Far East during the Second World War.
Internet businesses come and go, and you don't want to lose your wedding photos or the only remembrance of your trip across Europe when a website shuts down.
Go to the menu buttons, "Remembrance Gallery" and "How to Create Precious Keepsakes" to view several sample scrapbook pages and other unique suggestions on how to use Just a Cloud Away Remembrance Kits.
There is also a "Remembrance Idea Sheet" on the "Product Page" which provides suggestions on how to get started, especially if you do not have a picture of your baby.
One of the reasons for creating Just a Cloud Away Remembrance Kits was to have "all" family members on one page, hence the Heaven and Earth page.
The Just a Cloud Away Remembrance Kits were intended for families to work together in creating a special keepsake for their baby.
The Just a Cloud Away Remembrance Kits can be given as a sympathy gift instead of traditional flowers that are eventually thrown away.
High school graduation photo invitations can provide a very personalized way to invite your guests to your celebration as well as create a unique remembrance of the occasion.
The site also features pet memorials, grave markers and a pet remembrance registry.
Reading a short remembrance poem invades thought processes for just the right amount of time to have a true impact on them.
If you're not interested in writing a remembrance poem for the memorial service, there are many on the Internet you can use instead.
As an additional claim to remembrance, he was the first to solve Leibnitz's problem of the isochronous curve (Acta Eruditorum, 1690).
Remembrance of these characteristics - remembrance, too, that his mind, which was neither English nor European, worked in absolute detachment - should accompany the traveller through all the turns and incidents of Disraeli's long career.
There she became more and more Jansenist in opinion, and her piety and the remembrance of her influence during the disastrous days of the Fronde, and above all the love her brother, the great Conde, bore her, made her conspicuous.
For some years Natal had watched with anxiety the attitude of increasing hostility towards the British adopted by the Pretoria administration, and, with bitter remembrance of the events of 1881, gauged with accuracy the intentions of the Boers.
His brother Mikhail (1674-1730) was a celebrated soldier, who is best known for his governorship of Finland (1714-1721), where his admirable qualities earned the remembrance of the people whom he had conquered.
Earle's chief title to remembrance is his witty and humorous work entitled Microcosmographie, or a Peece of the World discovered, in Essayes and Characters, which throws light on the manners of the time.
But many suppose that the tradition arose from confused remembrance of the use by a later author of Luke's " we " document or travel-diary.
Hence they held his death in grateful remembrance; the pope canonized him in 1173, and more churches were dedicated to him during the next two centuries than to any other English saint.
At the same time this tendency to make prominent a scheme of external duties has always been counteracted in Christianity by the remembrance of its original antithesis to Jewish legalism.
As often occurs with old men, it was only after some seconds that the impression produced by Prince Andrew's face linked itself up with Kutuzov's remembrance of his personality.
A note of Fox, however, on the margin of a copy of The Decline and Fall records a very distinct remembrance of the historian's previous vituperation of the ministry; within a fortnight of the date of his acceptance of office, he is there alleged to have said that " there was no salvation for this country until six heads of the principal persons in administration were laid upon the table."
But the real work on which his title to remembrance rests is the influence he exercised on the thought and practice of the navy.
In remembrance of these victims of popular wrath Jalal-uddin founded the order of the Maulawi (in Turkish Mevlevi) dervishes, famous for their piety as well as for their peculiar garb of mourning, their music and their mystic dance (sama), which is the outward representation of the circling movement of the spheres, and the inward symbol of the circling movement of the soul caused by the vibrations of a Sufi's fervent love to God.
But his chief claim to political remembrance is based on his tenure, from 1900 to 1905 (after 1902 as a Cabinet minister), of the office of Chief Secretary for Ireland.
After he had gone Pierre continued pacing up and down the room for a long time, no longer piercing an imaginary foe with his imaginary sword, but smiling at the remembrance of that pleasant, intelligent, and resolute young man.
Perhaps Gerbert's chief claim to the remembrance of posterity is to be found in the care and expense with which he gathered together MSS.
These physical discomforts rendered rational thought and remembrance near impossible.
In some places, within my own remembrance, the pines would scrape both sides of a chaise at once, and women and children who were compelled to go this way to Lincoln alone and on foot did it with fear, and often ran a good part of the distance.
Theologian, tutor, university reformer, a great master of a college, Jowett's best claim to the remembrance of succeeding generations was his greatness as a moral teacher.