Relying Sentence Examples
Antonio, relying on the popular hostility to a Spanish ruler, presented himself as a candidate.
They need to be able to irrigate without relying solely on rain.
Relying on the support of the Monothelite party, he made some pretensions to the throne on the outbreak of the first great rebellion against Justinian; these led to his relegation to Cephalonia by Tiberius Absimarus, and subsequently to his banishment, by order of Justinian, to Cherson.
Supported by the estates of the electorate, and relying upon the recess of the diet of Regensburg in 1541, he encouraged Bucer to press on with the work of reform, and in 1543 invited Melanchthon to his.
Toledo, relying on the immellse military strength of its position, was more often in rebellion than in subordination.
The rest of us followed on Friday relying on our mates to have blagged a good billet.
Is it simply that we are relying on the fn below taking up more CPU?
Consequently, relying entirely on maps (rather than guide books) can sometimes pose problems for off-road cyclists.
Even relying on previous delinquency alone does not comply with EC law if there is no examination of each individual case.
The firefighters ' dispute has also exposed the strategy of just relying on union leaders to secure a victory.
AdvertisementWhat hast thou attained relying on reason only?
But the latter used this privilege wisely and well-not, after the manner of De Blainville and others subsequent to him, relying solely or even chiefly on the character afforded by the posterior portion of the sternum, but taking also into consideration those of the anterior, as well as of the in some cases still more important characters presented by the pre-sternal bones, such as the furcula, coracoids and scapulae.
Still he held on, making a national struggle in the national legislature, and relying very little upon the rights of States so eagerly grasped by Jefferson and Madison.
It split the citizens into two parties; the Eidgenots relying on the Swiss, while the Mamelus (mamelukes) supported the duke.
In 1839 he made an unsuccessful contest for the United States senatorship. In December of that year the Whigs, relying upon his record in Congress as a sufficient declaration of political faith, nominated him for vice-president on the ticket with William Henry Harrison, expecting that the nomination would win support for the party in the South.
AdvertisementAlfalfa, stock raising and dairying, afforestation, " dry-farming " and irrigation are, however, proving that the West can maintain prosperity by not relying upon ordinary agriculture.
They seem quite prepared to rest motionless through the day, relying on their excellent camouflage to escape notice.
Governments used to relying upon force to quell dissent are unlikely to make the reforms necessary to preserve social cohesion.
Lori Reid employs color photos for her examples rather than relying on line drawings.
We learned to keep ourselves clear, rather than relying on somebody else having made a machine foolproof.
AdvertisementRelying on Tory votes to get the education bill through parliament was too much even for party grandees like former Labor leader Neil Kinnock.
This project provides the first purpose-built hibernaculum for bats at Whipsnade, however, we are not relying on this alone.
For many churches it is highly individualized, relying upon the one-on-one approach.
The supposed justification appears to be a fear of Applicants relying on spurious medical conditions.
Double lap slates have no nibs, relying on the nails or hooks for their fixing.
AdvertisementSeveral authors justify the probability postulate without relying on the sleeping pill argument.
They do not use their tongues to catch prey in water, relying instead on their minute teeth to grab onto the prey.
Relying on the existing dog as the sole means of socializing a puppy is unlikely to prevent behavioral problems developing.
The chief consequence of relying on an abstraction is political quietism.
Consumers are increasingly relying on the internet for more sophisticated activities, reports Jupiter Research.
In addition, they are right to do so, since relying solely on Russian gas and fair business conduct appears too risky.
If you are relying on visual examination and find any black scurf at all, a Monceren tuber treatment will be cost-effective.
Improved dermatophilosis control would enable smallholders and farmers relying on draft animals to raise their level of income and secure their sources of food.
However, if you like to plan your travel online and you expect to have Internet access during your camping excursions, relying on the online version may be best for you.
However, since Samsung doesn't have retail stores across the country, you are relying on the individual knowledge of the cell phone dealers.
Unlike its predecessor, this version does not feature a physical QWERTY keyboard, instead relying on its massive touchscreen display.
More and more people are relying much more heavily on their mobile phones, making it easier to reach someone via their cell phone than through a home or work number.
In this case, a resistive touchscreen or no touchscreen at all (relying on physical keys instead) may be more appropriate.
His knowledge of Roman and foreign law, and the general width of his education, freed him from the danger of relying too exclusively upon narrow precedents, and afforded him a storehouse of principles and illustrations, while the grasp and acuteness of his intellect enabled him to put his judgments in a form which almost always commanded assent.
Onias was accused by his enemies of having given the information which led to this outrage and when, relying upon the support of the provincial governor, they proceeded to attempt assassination, he fled to Antioch and appealed to the king.
King John and his baronage, relying on the fact that such evocation of cases to a superior, court had never before been known, refused to allow that it was valid.
They remained an exclusive party, relying on Tb the mob but with no influence over it.
They will make your party come alive with excitement while still maintaining a professional demeanor and not relying on cheesy antics and props.
I would not criticize a naval architect for relying on Department of Transport information available at the time.
With the game now safe Portsmouth could relax and play the ball about and the Bluebirds were left relying on occasional breakaways.
New legislation enabled the Force to use DNA as evidence, instead of relying on direct evidence in order to convict a suspect.
Values through car churchill insurance wheels zero tolerance ' ago mainly relying.
The moral argument, relying upon the third intuition named, certifies.
Pliny, relying wholly on characters taken from the feet, limits himself to three groups - without assigning names to them - those which have " hooked tallons, as Hawkes; or round long clawes, as Hennes; or else they be broad, flat, and whole-footed, as Geese and all the sort in manner of water;foule " - to use the words of Philemon Holland, who, in 1601, published a quaint and, though condensed, yet fairly faithful English translation of Pliny's work.
In vain did the pope explain his reasons and yield certain points; the fathers would listen to nothing, and, relying on the decrees of the council of Constance, which amid the troubles of the schism had proclaimed the superiority, in certain cases, of the council over the pope, they insisted upon their right of remaining assembled, hastily beat up the laggards, held sessions, promulgated decrees, interfered in the government of the papal countship of Venaissin, treated with the Hussites, and, as representatives of the universal Church, presumed to impose laws upon the sovereign pontiff himself.
These teachers, genuinely touched with a sense of the scantiness of our knowledge, of our confidence in abstract terms, of the insecurity of our alleged "facts," case-histories and observations, alienated from traditional dogmatisms and disgusted by meddlesome polypharmacy - enlightened, moreover, by the issue of cases treated by means such as the homoeopathic, which were practically "expectant" - urged that the only course open to the physician, duly conscious of his own ignorance and of the mystery of nature, is to put his patient under diet and nursing, and, relying on the tendency of all equilibriums to recover themselves under perturbation, to await events (Vis medicatrix naturae).
Relying upon the known custom of performing certain observances in a practically, or even entirely, nude condition, it seems plausible to infer that the ephod was a scanty wrapping, perhaps a loincloth, and this view has found weighty support.
The man who could have had such success, who could have made the Treaties of Westphalia and the Pyrenees, who could have weathered the storm of the Fronde, and left France at peace with itself and with Europe to Louis XIV., must have been a great man; and historians, relying too much on the brilliant memoirs of his adversaries, like De Retz, are apt to rank him too low.
The United States Government replied that, relying on these assurances, it would maintain strict non-intervention, at the same time openly avowing the general sympathy of its people with a Mexican republic, and that "their own safety and the cheerful destiny to which they aspire are intimately dependent on the continuance of free republican institutions throughout America."
Banish it, father, from their soul, and grant them to obtain wisdom, whereon relying thou rulest all things with justice."
We need to make sure that our patients or potential patients know the true facts about us and are n't relying on assumptions.
Can I use it in a stand-alone mode relying only on its own real time clock?
He applied to the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus, relying on section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789.
If you're looking to purchase well-reviewed quality monitor models, then conducting a review search is a great way to glean information about certain products by relying on the experience of others.
By using one or either of these rating systems, you can pick the best towel at the best price instead of relying on a manufacturer or brand name that may or may not deliver the results you want.
This means the graphics card has its own memory to push graphics instead of relying on system memory, which could slow down your computer when using graphic-intensive programs.
The same can be said for lime juice; squeezing a fresh lime rather than relying on a mixture, such as Rose's Lime Juice, is preferable, but packaged goods are an option when you're in a pinch.
Dry your clothing on the line instead of relying on your clothes dryer to save money and energy.
The simplicity of the image lends itself to surfaces where it can be etched or embossed to become one with the surface, relying on shape rather than color to make its statement.
She is the figurehead, relying on her popularity to aid in the marketing of the perfume.
Therefore, unless an extra thick coat of foundation is slathered on, it is worth it to use another sunscreen instead of relying on foundation.
Zombies are yet another easy to create costume, relying mostly on tattered rags and special effects makeup.
Spray foundation gives the skin more even coverage by relying on the same airbrush technology that is used for spray tanning.
Rather than relying on accidental good fortune, it's important to understand that proper posing makes a good image spectacular no matter the subject.
Rather than relying on parents or guidance counselors to share scholarship opportunities with you, taking this responsibility for yourself can make a big difference.
While it's true that a number of sites offer free and convenient ecards, relying on email to announce your special day just isn't a good idea.
Instead of relying solely on the stores' respective suggestions, try creating a unique compilation of gifts that reflect your personal style and tastes.
Although new and exciting ideas for Valentine's Day cakes can be hard to come by, there's nothing wrong with relying on old favorites or celebrating the classic themes of the holiday.
Without it, she would be relying on handouts and government assistance, which would also raise the ire of the general public.
There's no shame in relying on family members and close friends for support, love, and commiseration.
Have you had a chance to actually meet this dog yet or are you relying on the owner's comments about the dog's temperament.
No matter which of the As Seen on TV dog nail trimmers you choose, you'll likely find that the task of keeping your dog's nails trimmed will be much easier than when you were relying on standard clippers to do the job.
If you worry about the chemical soup used in the production of some agricultural products, like cotton and produce, relying on the organic label can be a way to help control your exposure to potentially harmful substances.
Instead of relying on what could be ambiguous or misleading labeling practices, check objective resources for the facts.
The NOP rule also provides specific guidance regarding how crops are managed for nutrient needs, relying specifically on methods such as organic compost and animal manure rather than fertilizers.
This leads to the sleeper relying on their mouth as the main airway passage, which can lead to snoring if the mouth has tissues which are vibrating.
Being a responsible rider and not relying on operators to notice every potentially unsafe situation.
Consequently, more and more people are relying on coupons to score big savings to Sea World San Diego.
You can choose to post a lot of multimedia on your MySpace or none at all, relying on the pure beauty of a couple of Halo 3 landscape pictures to impress.
Spiderman is much more agile, relying on his webshooters and spider senses, whereas Venom possesses a lot more strength along with the ability to leap over buildings and suck enemies in for health regeneration.
If you're planning to pull a trailer, you'll certainly have more space than if you're relying just on your bike's saddlebags to store your gear, but space will still be at a premium.
While most RV experts don't recommend relying on a single source for estimating camper values, the NADA Guide and Kelly Blue Book publications can be an excellent starting point.
Authoritarian parents are strict disciplinarians, often relying on physical punishment and the withdrawal of affection to shape their child's behavior.
In the case of selenium toxicity resulting from high-selenium soils, toxicity can be prevented by relying on food and water acquired from a low-selenium region.
As the name implies, dependent personalities exhibit a pattern of dependent and submissive behavior, relying on others to make decisions for them.
Communication of language begins with spoken sounds combined with gestures, relying on two different types of skills.
The practice of relying on parents to report results of the skin testing has also come under criticism from some members of the medical community.
They call for better diagnostic procedures conducted by trained personnel rather than relying primarily on subjective observations by parents and teachers.
While this genre of dance has largely disappeared as the Native Americans have become more and more integrated into American culture, buying food at grocery stores instead of relying on a harvest, the rain dance still survives.
Today relying on memory alone is not necessary.
Cool teenage hairstyles are an easy way to update your look without relying on expensive fashions or accessories.
More and more companies are relying on the Internet to advertise jobs and look for qualified applicants.
Follow your gut instinct when relying on websites for job leads or pursuing a position with a company.
All those numbers tend to get jumbled when you are mostly relying on your memory.
It is far better to adhere to due dates as opposed to relying on grace periods.
Do your own calculations, without relying on your lender, to ensure you can afford the mortgage you may be in for the next 30 years.
If you stay home, can you cook from scratch instead of relying on expensive convenience foods?
If not actively trying to get pregnant, it is not advisable to follow a rhythm method of contraception since relying on key dates in the cycle can be confusing.
This can lead to making unwise decisions, relying more on wive's tales than on medical advice.
A push up bra-style bikini top, or triangle top allows women to make the most of their assets, while relying on a pair of fuller bottoms to make sure the overall look isn't too risque, even for the beach.
With everyone looking for bargains, a lot of individual sellers and shops might try to lure people in with promises of discounts, relying on people to not realize that the "discounts" aren't genuine.
Under those circumstances, you are usually stuck relying on some kind soul to return the suit to you - preferably without you having to get out of the water.
Getting vitamins and minerals first from food sources is better than relying upon pills because nature packages vitamins and minerals with other vitamins and minerals the body needs.
Relying on a virtual dressing room isn't a bad idea, but you should be aware that there are times when you should rely on it and times when it's better to head out to the store.
You don't need to buy - this is just a way to understand the cuts and fabrics in person, without relying on the fashion magazines.
If you are trying to keep your home heating bill to a minimum, a space heater that operates with gas can provides you with a way to heat all or part of your home without relying solely on your central heating system.
If you will be relying on space heaters for your primary source of heat, wall mounted units may be your best choice.
Due to these advancements, many lovers are relying on it to get them off the hook in case they forget a special holiday such as Valentine's Day.
Unfortunately, games like this fall prey to one very large problem of relying on stereotypes, and the odds that they actually resemble anyone you would actually meet are slim.
Scorpio and Virgo can increase their compatibility by relying heavily on the things they have in common.
More and more families across the United States are choosing to educate their children at home instead of relying on public or private educational institutions.
In this variation, it is more feasible to make up more creative and difficult rules, sometimes relying on wordplay and sequences.
It is far preferable to treat the constipation naturally and solve the problem instead of relying on prescription and over the counter drugs to prompt your child's body to pass stool.
It's also a good idea to use an external microphone as opposed to relying on the camera's built-in version.
The sample reading is very broad, relying heavily on basic astrology and pulling characteristics from your zodiac profile.
Relying heavily on a free summary may reduce your motivation to read the book.
Find fun and affordable ways to entertain yourself, such as hosting a family board game night, instead of relying on cable/satellite television, movies, the Internet or video games to stay amused.
If you go to the zoo on a regular basis, investing in a zoo membership may be a better way to save money than relying on zoo coupons.
Points do expire, however, so interested customers should carefully read all the program's terms and conditions before relying on these rewards for school supply savings.
Instead of relying on your sense of intuition to help you get from paycheck to paycheck, a budget tells you how much money you need to spend on your bills and how much is left over for you to enjoy.
Many frugal housewives also take pride in cooking from scratch, since this is significantly cheaper than relying on boxed mixes and other convenience foods.
Although statistics can be valuable tools in many circumstances, it’s important to make sure you understand a few basic math terms before relying too heavily on this information.
Instead of relying on your bag to play off your shoes, go ahead and update your look with subtle metallic eye shadow or perhaps a shimmering highlighter swept across your cheekbones.
The downside to relying on soap opera magazines for updates is that the information is not always timely given that the publications are printed on a weekly basis.
Degrassi successfully integrates old and new characters, relying on the natural drama inherent with being a teenager to keep fans invested.
Fans relying on the book series for spoilers may be disappointed at how different the two are from each other.
Relying on the power of their large, bat like wings and grasping claws, these dragons were meant to instill fear in those who viewed them.
A Japanese character as a tattoo can run dangerously close to being a cliché, so choosing a symbol for your tattoo should lie in picking a personal concept rather than relying on the visual representation of a word.
As the number of options on the market increases, relying on brand names and user reviews is the best way to choose among them.
Most will continue to pursue their own interests and will remain creative thinkers around their own ideas rather than relying on the ideas of others.
Instead of exclusively relying on manufacturer's reps, distributors, retailers or wholesalers to move your product, you can create an in-house team that, if properly motivated, will greatly add to your bottom line.
Relying upon a phone system to operate your business based on the Internet has its hazards.
One of the problems of outsourcing offshore is managing a talent pool that you never see, relying instead on offshore managers to do the tasks.
By relying on these sales letters for guidance you will increase the likelihood of your writing the perfect letter without a lot of effort.
Come up with at least a couple new theme days as opposed to relying on what was done last year.
It is a useful technique for regulating behaviors toward normal responses, rather than relying on self-starvation or bingeing.
We did the work for you so you can make the best decision when relying on this popular fast food restaurant for your next meal.
Relying strictly on Lean Cuisine is likely to leave you both hungry and lacking in certain areas of nutrition.
So, if you are only relying on specialty foods for your diet without changing the basic foods and amounts, you may gain weight.
When your body needs energy, it uses a process called ketosis to convert body fat to fuel rather than relying on dietary carbohydrates.
If you are relying on yogurt for your primary source of calcium, you might want to consider an additional calcium supplement.
Being familiar with different types of exercise can help you create a well-rounded fitness program instead of relying on just one physical activity.
You will find that even a personal trainer will encourage you to keep track of your own progress, rather than relying upon him or the gym where you work out.
You are also better off just relying on using your own body for resistance to engage and work the core.
In addition to relying on friends and acquaintances for tips, you might also want to consider attending public lectures on health, fitness and wellness.
To make sure that you are relying on your muscles rather than momentum, use careful, controlled movements.
As a result, you determine how difficult your workout is by your energy and movements rather than relying on the weights to control the intensity of your workout.
It is an optional plan that many people take advantage of rather than relying on medical coverage related to their retirement benefits or paying for private coverage.
Be cautious when relying on a website you aren't familiar with for important information.
Instead of only relying on women to pull out the sexy attire, guys can contribute, too.
Trying bras on, rather than relying on the sizing tag, can help ensure your purchase is comfortable and flattering.
The truly free downloading services are getting fewer and farther between, and so in most instances, getting free music online means relying upon a P2P network.
In an interview that made waves across the country Suleman dubbed Gosselin a "cheater" for relying on plastic surgery to get her body back in bikini shape.
The California Podiatric Medical Association warns against relying on ultraviolet sterilizers, because they may not kill all the germs.
Although western medicine can effectively treat these conditions, some people opt for natural home treatments prior to relying on medicinal products.
The liver, kidney and intestines do less work detoxing, relying instead on the skin to take up the task at least partially.
Dean's mother had raised her only son alone after her husband's death, relying on life insurance proceeds and a series of part-time jobs.
Relying solely on his mortal senses, the Other unleashed a bolt of purple lightening.
Commodore Chauncey showed a preference for relying on his long guns, and a disinclination to come to close quarters.
Herein he divided the class A y es into two subclasses, to which he applied the names of Insessores and Grallatores (hitherto used by their inventors Vigors and Illiger in a different sense), in the latter work relying chiefly for this division on characters which had not before been used by any systematist, namely that in the former group monogamy generally prevailed and the helpless nestlings were fed by their parents, while the latter group were mostly polygamous, and the chicks at birth were active and capable of feeding themselves.
In the Principles of Ethics Spencer, though relying mainly on the objective order of nature and the intrinsic consequences of actions for the guidance of conduct, conceives the ethical end in a manner intermediate between the hedonist and the evolutionist.
The first of these is a methodical treatise, setting forth Machiavelli's views on military matters, digesting his theories respecting the superiority of national troops, the inefficiency of fortresses, the necessity of relying upon infantry in war, and the comparative insignificance of artillery.
Relying upon a Sibylline oracle that three Cornelii should be rulers of Rome, Lentulus regarded himself as the destined successor of Cornelius.
Bathsheba, relying upon David's promise that Solomon should succeed him, vigorously advanced her son's claims with the support of Zadok the priest, the military officer Benaiah, and David's bodyguard; Adonijah, for his part, had David's old priest Abiathar, the commander Joab, and the men of Judah.
The novice is classified according as his destination is the priesthood or lay brotherhood, while a third class of "indifferents" receives such as are reserved for further inquiry before a decision of this kind a strict retreat, practically in solitary confinement, during which he receives from a director, yet relying on Thine infinite kindness and mercy and impelled by the desire of serving Thee, before the Most Holy Virgin Mary and all Thy heavenly host, I, N., vow to Thy divine Majesty Poverty, Chastity and Perpetual Obedience to the Society of Jesus, and promise that I will enter the same Society to live in it perpetually, understanding all things according to the Constitutions of the Society.
The Church Missionary Society, besides relying on the above-named Zenana Bible and Medical Mission and Church of England Zenana Missionary Society for women's work at several of its stations in India and China, sent out 500 single women in the fifteen years ending 1900; and the non-denominational missions above referred to have (including wives) more women than men engaged in their work - especially the China Inland Mission, which has sent out several hundreds to China.
In March 1425 he met his second parliament, relying on a council of barons with no great earl but Mar.
Lethington, who had deserted her mother, dreaded her arrival; she forgave him, and for a time, relying on him and her brother, contrived to secure a measure of tranquillity.
Prince Charles was left in neglect and obscurity; till, unchecked by Murray, relying on hasty Jacobite promises brought by him, and encouraged by the French victory of Fontenoy, he started with seven companions for the west highland coast on the 21st of July 1745.
Hosain gave battle, vainly relying on the promised aid from Kufa, and fell with almost all his followers on the 10th of Muharram 61 (loth of October 680).
The high cost of carriage, and the need of encouraging commerce in a community relying on external sources for its food supply, help to explain the comparatively low rates adopted.
But in February the Greeks revolted in Thrace, relying on the assistance of John (Kaloyan), king of Bulgaria, whose overtures of alliance had been unwisely rejected by the emperor.
Feudal masters could not afford to act with the ruthless cruelty of slaveholders relying on government and civilization to back their claims to a complete sway over their human chattels.
The Boers further added that if the Swazis were relying on the British, they were leaning on a broken reed, and would find themselves left in the lurch.
Ephorus, relying on Hesiodic tradition of an aboriginal Pelasgian type in Arcadia, elaborated a theory of the Pelasgians as a warrior-people spreading (like "Aryans") from a "Pelasgian home," and annexing and colonizing all the parts of Greece where earlier writers had found allusions to them, from Dodona to Crete and the Troad, and even as far as Italy, where again their settlements had been recognized as early as the time of Hellanicus, in close connexion once more with "Tyrrhenians."
When Cavour heard the news he hurried to the king's headquarters at Monzambano, and in violent, almost disrespectful language implored him to continue the campaign at all hazards, relying on his own army and the revolutionary movement in the rest of Italy.
Rather than relying on a big display, make the cake the center of attention, and keep it simple.
Meanwhile Major Thruston - a man justly loved by his soldiers, in whom he had complete confidence - hurried to the garrison at Luba's, near the Ripon Falls, relying on his personal influence to control the men, and risking his life in the heroic attempt.