Rely on Sentence Examples
Usually we rely on Betsy's sole decision as a method of choosing a case but the wide spread interest in this kidnapping caused her to share it with all of us.
Your concern is touching, but I know I can rely on my friends here in the wagon.
What if he was in the hospital for a while and had to rely on you?
The key Howie had left fit the door in the rear so I couldn't rely on my headlights to see.
We had to rely on our wits as well as our bodies to get into and out of some really rough places.
Now one thing I thought was that in our 2nd innings was that we could rely on Constant to give almost nothing.
On his refusal Florence rose as one man, and he, feeling that he could not rely on his troops, abandoned Tuscany on.
The defenders were dispirited and torn by sedition and dissensions, and the emperor could rely on little more than 8000 fighting men, while the assailants, 200,000 strong, were animated by the wildest fanatical zeal.
Experience soon showed that .when the needful allowance was made for the time required to bring them out of harbour (two tides) and for the influence which the Channel currents must have upon their speed, it would be extremely 'rash to rely on a calm of sufficient length.
We learn from these prologues that the best Roman literature was ceasing to be popular, and had come to rely on the patronage of the great.
AdvertisementCorso Donati, who for some time was the most powerful man in Florence, made himself many enemies by his arrogance, and was obliged to rely on the popolo grasso, the irritation against him resulting in a rising in which he was killed (1308).
This, together with the weakness due to military reforms but recently begun, drove him to rely on foreign aid; which, in the actual conditions of Europe, meant the aid of Russia.
Indeed his dominion became an object of uneasiness to the jealous statecraft of Byzantium, and Constantine Porphyrogenitus, writing for his son's instruction in the government, carefully enumerates the Alans, the Petchenegs, the Uzes and the Bulgarians as the forces he must rely on to restrain it.
It may be asked why, after being with Wood on the 11th of June, did Lennox still rely on Moray's version of Mary's letter?
Gloucester even contemplated the dethronement of the king, but found that in this matter he could not rely on the support of his associates, one of whom was Henry, earl of Derby, the duke of Lancaster's son.
AdvertisementThe sirdar made an attempt to raise a battaliQn of Albanians, but the few men obtained mutinied when ordered to proceed to the Sudan, and it was deemed advisable, after the ringleaders had been executed, to abandon the idea, and rely on blacks to stiffen the fellahin.
Thus Gardiner and the archbishop maintained opposite sides of the king's church policy; and though Gardiner was encouraged by the king to put up articles against the archbishop himself for heresy, the archbishop could always rely on the king's protection in the end.
But in the case of a pupil who had passed through a good secondary school it would be as safe to rely for supplementary information under this head on the testimony of his teachers, as it is to rely on their evidence with regard to the fundamental and all-important element on which no examina- .tion supplies direct information - personal character.
Beyond the fact that it was found at Nippur during the fourth of the American expeditions, there does not appear to be any exact record of its provenance; and, in order to determine its date, it is necessary to rely on the external and internal evidence furnished by the tablet itself.
It is therefore safest to rely on the texts collected by Mommsen, cumbered though they are by the various readings given to him by various authorities.
AdvertisementThus the eastern men, who had reluctantly supported the War of Independence, now became the sponsors for the national government, and Washington was compelled to rely on the party of slavery, not only in Virginia but in the whole South, in order to administer the affairs of the nation.
The rulers of the country were henceforth unable to rely on that numerous sturdy and independent peasantry of which the armies of 'Lizka and the Prokops had mainly consisted.
This was known to the court of Spain, and the Bohemians also knew that the king could therefore rely on no aid from that quarter.
At Bucharest, whither he advanced after some weeks' delay, it became plain that he could not rely on the Vlach peasantry to rise on behalf of the Greeks; even the disconcerting expedient of his Vlach ally Theodore Vladimiresco, who called on the peasants to present a petition to the sultan against Phanariot misrule, failed to stir the people from their apathy.
Most of the good effect of the provision, however, is negatived by the qualification that neutral powers cannot rely on the absence of notification if it is clearly established that they were in fact aware of the existence of a state of war.
AdvertisementBut Warwick meant to rely on the Protestant tratlon ot extremists; by January r55o the Catholics had been the duke of expelled from the council, and the pace of the Ref ormation increased instead of diminishing.
As soon as the demand for a vigorous prosecution of the war relaxed, the Whigs could but rely on their domestic policy, in which they were strongest in the eyes of posterity but weakest in the eyes of contemporaries.
The new government had perforce to rely on the Whigs, who took their seats on the government side of the House, Lord Lansdowne being included in the cabinet.
He relies on the validity of his perceptions of physical facts; but the saint and the theologian are no less entitled to rely on the validity of their moral and spiritual experiences.
The refusal of the soldiers to coerce the Assembly showed that the monarchy could no longer rely on the army; and a few days later, when the lesser nobility and the lower ranks of the clergy had united with the third estate whose cause was their own, the king yielded, and on the 27th of June commanded both orders to join in the National Assembly, which was thereby recognized and the political revolution sanctioned.
The necessity for strengthening the Spanish forces in Africa had for some time been apparent; but Seor Maura had not dared to face the Cortes with a demand for the necessary estimates, for which, now that the crisis had become acute, he had to rely on the authorization of the council of state.
Too many sites rely on visitors' burning curiosity to explore and figure it out.
It sounds so pious to say, "I'll just rely on the Lord," but it isn't scriptural.
In fact approximately 64,000 children rely on us to let them know that their parents need help when they press their panic alarm buttons.
Even at commercial rates, any new bunkhouse would have to rely on other custom, which would mostly be taken from existing bunkhouses.
Run the stove (which most cant by emptying the boiler) and rely on your ducting and burn less fuel.
There are crabs that do not rely on a hard carapace to protect them.
In the meantime, specifiers have to rely on test data from manufacturers or third-party certification.
Some of the countries discussed are significant exporters while others rely on imported hard coal for their energy supplies.
A Network Center strategy to revitalize ITV through additional program investment will rely on a continuing strong commitment to the channel from these companies.
Comfort also means being able to rely on a roomy, versatile luggage compartment of over 400 liters.
Being increasingly computerized, this work can rely on random sampling methods.
But we should not rely on inter-imperialist contradictions to prevent the ' war against terrorism ' spreading.
Or do some at least prefer the convenience of professional advice they know and can rely on?
On the other hand to rely on such an outcome is to descend headlong into parliamentary cretinism.
Some prelingually deaf people have English as a preferred language and rely on speechreading.
In sheer desperation in the final quarter they had to rely on their fitness to pull them through edging us by 2 goals.
Some rely on insects for spore dispersal, whilst others use people or animals to ensure their spread.
The only gen we could rely on were other trip reports we found on the internet.
Use of volumetric glassware for solvents other than water should not rely on the water calibration.
Islet tissue also contains a cells which manufacture the antagonistic hormone glucagon, but these a cells rely on the b cells for guidance.
A bolus of intravenous glucose and rely on innate insulin production.
Learn the basics so you can feel confident about your own abilities and to be able to rely on yourself when situations become hairy.
Here in the great metropolis, we rely on different harbingers to mark the turn of the seasons.
When they are hunting divers hunters usually rely on large numbers of decoys to attract the ducks.
The loss is not only botanical but includes invertebrates and other animals which rely on the habitat.
May Cu-ilicu rely on you, may he be made joyful by you!
Local authorities said that they often had to rely on relatively junior staff undertaking this work, many of them recently qualified.
Chat rooms rely on the use of abbreviations and acronyms to save keystrokes (and time) when typing messages.
Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who rely on him.
Therefore, these algorithms rely on a locally linear internal model of the black box.
Many packages rely on very low-level functionality to be able to do the tasks they set out to do.
He has to rely on a kind stranger who takes him in despite his apparent madness.
You may want to rely on ready meals just for this period, that only need heating up in the microwave.
At many points in your career you will not be able to rely on the services of librarians, newspaper morgues and so on.
Farmers rely on locally available natural resources to maintain soil fertility and to combat pests and diseases.
The defendants cannot rely on their own obstinacy to assert that mediation had no reasonable prospect of success.
Trade union officialdom increasingly began to see that they could not rely on Liberal politicians and that they needed their own representatives in Westminster.
Do n't overstep yourself or rely on all your dreams coming true.
In turn, the livelihoods of thousands of poor pastoralists who rely on the animals for their survival are also affected.
Standard experimental phonetics and laboratory phonology tend to rely on subjects who are highly literate and who speak standard varieties, or similar.
Conventional systems rely on measuring Raman scattering by optical phonons.
Current systems rely on proprietary protocols and it is not possible to simply plug in new data sources or new services.
Science, if it is to be based on a purely rational endeavor, cannot rely on non-natural explanations.
We cannot rely on others to make our decisions for us, with particular reference to God.
The majority of drug rehab centers rely on a widely used concept of group therapy.
Our weakness will be up front where we cannot afford to rely on Karl Bayliss as the old warhorse's knees become less reliable.
In fact, millions of people living in Asia and South America rely on glacial runoff for drinking water and irrigation.
A shortage of ice could also affect hooded and harp seals which rely on the ice to rear pups.
Reading blogs is a bit hazardous tho as many, like me, rely on the odd topical snippet thrown in.
Since then successive generations of school children have come to rely on this method of identification.
Until then we have only supposition to rely on to place Charlie in history.
New implementations of TCP rely on the theory that the loss rate is proportional to the TCP throughput.
The rest of us could rely on nothing but whispered rumor, adding to an already towering myth.
The trustees appeared to rely on the Chairperson, who was also the founding trustee, to run the Charity.
One drawback to this form of instrument is that the two webs cannot be viewed simultaneously, and therefore the observer must rely on the steadiness of rate of the clockwork and uniformity in the conditions of refraction whilst the eye is moved from one eyepiece to the other.
And as the motive power of this formidable mechanism of force they could rely on the native suspiciousness of the Parisian populace, exaggerated now into madness by famine and the menace of foreign invasion.
In this resolution he was influenced by the discovery that he could not rely on the expected support of Germany, and the discovery made him waver in his devotion to the German alliance, which had been the main pivot of his foreign policy; but his personal attachment to the emperor William prevented him from adopting a hostile attitude towards the empire he had helped to create.
For my own part, I should not like to think that I ever rely on the protection of the State.
You do n't have to rely on pushy sales people or incomplete information.
Our weakness will be up front where we cannot afford to rely on Karl Bayliss as the old warhorse 's knees become less reliable.
We rely on donations made to the center, without which we could not operate.
This presents an obvious evidential difficulty for an Employer seeking to rely on clause 61.3.
Sites that rely on Javascript or cookies can be rendered unusable to theses users.
And as always, we will rely on the strength of the American people to remain resolute in the face of adversity.
The use of EA in rotorcraft control applications will rely on considerable development of the current theory.
Others rely on genes that are known to scramble genomes.
Plants with showy flowers with strong scents rely on insects to carry the pollen.
Do n't rely on the xml site map strategy Google is promoting.
The developing spermatogonia rely on the Sertoli cells for all of their nourishment.
Does the membership rely on the stand-down times for other reasons?
Golf course superintendents often rely on cultural methods for take-all patch management.
It may be unwise to rely on these initiatives alone.
You have almost no rights that you can rely on to be upheld by a court.
But it 's just as wonderful to know that other people feel they can rely on me and trust me.
The capricious appliances at the old cabin are hard to rely on.
Some parents rely on family members to take care of their children, but this isn't always an option.
Video monitors rely on a small camera that is mounted on a table or wall and directed towards a specific area where baby will be.
A lot of baby toys rely on flashing lights, sounds and battery power in order to entertain your child.
Pediatricians and other health care professionals rely on more than one measure of a newborn's health.
This interest paved the way for the development of the modern IVF technology people rely on to make their families complete.
When making your selection, don't rely on pictures alone.
You cannot rely on the wholesaler's expertise to guide you to the product you really want.
Does the seller offer one or will you rely on the manufacturer's agreements?
You simply cannot rely on a photo and a hundred word description.
Now don't rely on the owners of the piano to be 100 percent truthful unless they come highly recommended.
If you already have a business, then rely on your customers to communicate what they would like to see in the store.
While cordless phones are great for making calls that don't waste your minutes, many people rely on cell phones daily.
This is a great accessory because Blu-ray movies will look phenomenal, especially action flicks or movies that rely on heavy visuals.
Don't rely on the standard Sunday through Saturday advertisements that appear in your Sunday newspaper.
Even independent technology review publications and websites rely on advertising that may bias the writing, despite attempts to remain objective.
Many people think they don't see a difference, and while you can't rely on what you see in the store, you will see a difference when you get the TV home and hook it to your own cable.
Because the nutrients that cats need are already present in whole prey, their systems do not convert and produce necessary nutrients from their foods, but rely on the prey's digestive system to do this for them.
Cats should not get many grains, but the food should rely on certain vegetables for a feline's low carbohydrate needs.
Do the work yourself and you won't need to rely on anyone else's opinion.
If your cat has a health condition such as diabetes, you should rely on your veterinarian's advice for a cat food.
In addition to vodka martinis and cosmopolitans, there are many classic drinks that rely on vodka.
Instead of having to get your merchant account from one company and your payment processing solution from another, you can rely on EXC for both.
If a dispute arises, the non-custodial parent can rely on his or her records to show that the payments were made as ordered.
The last thing you want is to rely on information that is out of date when you file for divorce.
In order to truly match a set of retro lawn furniture to your home, you will need to rely on your personal preferences.
As the feed costs to the farmers go up, so the prices of meat, eggs, and other products that rely on grain will follow.
Units that rely on passive composting rather than these technical aids often require more frequent attention to avoid insect invasion or strong odors.
This causes people to rely on more medications and visit hospitals much more often than they would if they were breathing clean air.
If you plan to rely on wind energy as the sole source of power for your home or office, you'll need equipment beyond a simple windmill that will allow you to store wind energy for use during times that the wind is not blowing.
Not every location has a sufficient quantity of wind to rely on this type of energy with any source.
Tent and RV campers rely on solar panels that are flexible to run small appliances and portable radios as well as to re-charge flashlights.
Likewise, there will be no solid waste generation, which occurs when you rely on coal-powered energy sources.
Areas like Alaska that goes days without sunlight could not rely on solar energy as a main power source.
Using renewable energy can also be appealing to consumers and businesses that do not want to rely on a utility company to provide power.
As with most herbs and vitamin supplements, one shouldn't rely on acai berries for good health.
A number of herbal formulations rely on the synergy between a variety of ingredients to increase the body's relaxation response and reduce anxiety.
Don't Rely on the eBay Picture - Some photographers on eBay are better than others.
You should also rely on your common sense, of course.
Whenever you shop online, you must rely on the photos provided by the website to gauge the quality and colors of your purchases.
Professional makeup artists can rely on MAC makeup for their creative applications, knowing that the quality of the products will serve both the artist and photographer well.
Whether you opt for a full line of MAC products or rely on a multi-pupose product like their pigments, you won't be disappointed.
Whether eye shadow, lip color, blush, or skin care products, MAC makeup has the colors and quality that consumers and makeup professionals rely on.
Women the world over rely on waterproof mascara to achieve lengthy, voluminous lashes that will stand up to a few tears, survive tumultuous weather and even handle a dip in the pool.
For those who rely on prescription glasses or contact lenses, this is indeed a miracle!
For example, economy-size packages of towels are useful around the house, and spray and applicator bottles are perfect to rely on for travel and purse portability.
A product that I rely on in a pinch needs to be easy to apply in a pinch, too!
For individuals who rely on makeup specifically to cover imperfections, there's practically nothing more efficient than this product.
Some women rely on other products not specifically formulated for removing eye makeup.
I rely on it so frequently that it eventually wears down to a stub.
Life is so much easier when you have a product that you can rely on at all times, and for me, one of those daily essentials is the Laura Mercier Stickgloss.
If need be, seek out a family member or friend that can help create your look, and rely on their expertise while dressing for your magical night.
These may well be considered your signature scents - those that you rely on time and again, that you wear regularly and maybe even garner you some attention in the process.
Not only do these beauties look different without their artistically applied cosmetics, many of their famed features tend to disappear without the makeup techniques their stylists rely on to either enhance or exaggerate their assets.
As mentioned, I don't rely on the included applicators; instead, I use a selection of high quality eye makeup brushes, which pick up just the right amount of color and allow me greater precision and control of where my makeup is applied.
It flatters virtually every eye color, and many professional makeup artists rely on it.
The sultry appeal of smoky eye makeup doesn't always have to rely on black and charcoal; you can create sexy smoky eyes with green shadow and still retain the same drama and allure.
While many men rely on a traditional shaver, some opt for full facial waxing for smoother results and less maintenance.
Many women rely on waterproof gel eyeliner to define their eyes and to create a variety of high fashion makeup looks.
Most others rely on ads to pay the bandwidth costs.
Plus, you have the trusted sources of Merriam-Webster and the parent company, Encyclopaedia Britannica to rely on.
Whether you need to look up a quick word, want to learn about the English language or rely on Merriam Webster for all your language needs, you can search with confidence based on their over-150 years of experience putting together lexicons.
So take advantage of the free resources to learn a new language so you don't have to rely on an online dictionary every time you need to translate a word.
From simple sharpening to extensive manipulations, free Photoshop tools offer users access to applications like the ones professionals rely on every day.
You can only try your hardest to be prepared when the opportunity for taking a perfect picture presents itself, and then rely on a little luck to see that it happens.
Amateur shutterbugs typically rely on the camera's built-in flash to light their shots, advanced shooters should avoid using flash and instead, manipulate natural light to bring out the details and texture in a photo.
Northern French dishes are influenced by Flemish cooking styles, and rely on potatoes, pork, and beer.
A chef that can rely on quality prepared foods like pre-made desserts is a chef that can put more focus on the preparation of the entrees.
Because of this added protection, growers do not have to rely on pesticides and so can opt for a more organic growing process.
The only draw back with using soymilk is that it is missing the fat content of milk, so some recipes that rely on that fat content, like pudding, will not have the same consistency.
A teen scrapbook can be daunting, and sometimes you just have to rely on a quote from someone else to speak for your teen.
When Mother Nature and Ullr, the Snow God, are less than generous with their seasonal snow, ski resorts can rely on a snow making machine, also known as a snow gun, for creating snow.
A Nordic skier can not rely on the forces of gravity.
Trends come and go, but there are some basic rules you can rely on for every fall season.
Since most preteens do not have an income and have to rely on their parents for movie money, this means the amount of movies she can go see are limited.
Some of the tastiest meatless meals don't rely on substitution or complicated ingredients.
If you incorporate cheese and milk into your diet, you can rely on their natural proteins and other vitamins and minerals.
Guests will rely on the registry to guide them in selecting a gift.
They rely on numerology, the position of the sun or moon and other factors that may or may not contribute to the day being a lucky one.
Check out the company's creditials by doing a quick Internet search - don't just rely on their testimonials page.
Since the DJ's equipment had to be inside the adjacent reception hall, so he was to rely on a signal from the wedding coordinator.
Instead of elaborate details, they rely on stunning colors to make a statement that will truly make your wedding stand out.
Regardless of whether the wedding is indoors or outdoors, your best bet in planning a successful weekend wardrobe is to rely on layered items and separates.
Do you rely on caffeine to maintain your energy level?
While some people rely on specific gestures or words to tell if someone is lying, it is more important to look for the change that can occur when a person tells a lie.
However, many decorators prefer to make fondant themselves rather than rely on purchasing it themselves.
Don't rely on the luck 'o the Irish to make your cake stand out - come up with a plan for a design worth any leprechaun's pot of gold.
Tabloids, both in print and on the web, rely on these celebrity scandals to keep themselves in business.
Their popularity has forced many parents to rely on Internet sources in order to secure Star Wars T-shirts for their kids.
Many ski-clothing manufacturers rely on synthetic insulation because it retains heat even when it gets wet.
Many schools rely on services like Turnitin to check for plagiarism.
When you're living away from home for the first time, it can be a drag to rely on your parents for money.
Our admissions process does not rely on standardized test scores or previous GPAs to guide our decision making.
Accreditation is important particularly for students who plan to transfer to another program and for those who want to rely on their credentials in the academic world or workplace.
Colleges or universities that rely on regional accreditation accept only regionally-accredited college credits for transfer.
A comprehensive list of textbooks is useful to rely on as a search guide.
Routes may also be erratic since the ships rely on sometimes uncertain weather to plan their itineraries, and also because of the weather, passengers susceptible to seasickness may have some unpleasant moments on these small vessels.
They do not have to rely on you to relieve themselves or to go outside to chase squirrels.
As for neutering the boarding puppy this week, your friends should rely on their vet's advice.
In the end, you'll need to rely on what your instincts tell you.
You can generally rely on the adult Welsh to exercise some common sense and calmer manners.
Many people now rely on a GPS to help them find particular destinations.
Breeders can also learn to do this for themselves with the proper kit or equipment, but it's easier to rely on a veterinarian's expertise.
Rottweiler rescues rely on foster homes to take in dogs and get them ready for their new forever home.
Definitions of nudity, which are subject to historical and cultural variation, rely on assumptions about what counts as clothing.
Many musicians rely on guitar tabs to learn the basic structure of songs they may play live, or simply play for the heck of it.
Guitar chords prove more beneficial for songs that rely on strumming chords rather than picking at notes.
Since it doesn't rely on the musician's ability to read music, tablature is very popular for beginning players and players who only play music as a hobby.
Often times, people rely on their homes to fund their retirement.
Consult with multiple resources and rely on the experts and your home improvement projects should turn out fine.
Municipal - We rely on many citywide municipal plumbing systems every day for things like waste disposal, and water reclamation and treatment.
If you have some latitude regarding the color of your tiles, this won't be a problem, but if you need some verification that those attractive terracotta tiles really are . . . terracotta, don't rely on photos.
If you've never spray painted before, or you were disappointed with your last spray painting results, you can rely on these tips to help you make your next project look professional.
Ask for samples from a variety of manufacturers, and don't rely on color swatches on websites as everyone's computer monitor color resolutions are slightly different.
A bracelet may rely on a single cord (generally a thicker material), or several cords could be knotted, braided, or twisted together for more elaborate bracelets.
Their always in style 3 button wool suits have been a top seller for years, and men all over the country continue to rely on their high level of quality.
Many men rely on one or two basic styles.
You'll find picture tutorials that give you a visual aid to rely on in addition to the text.
The Internet has opened new vistas of possibilities for men who previously had to rely on information from theatrical circles to learn how to perfect their look.
While they are in business to make a sale, the high-end shops rely on good word of mouth and repeat customers, so it behooves them to give you real assistance and help you select the best ties for your look.
However, if your ultimate goal is to wear these clothes time after time, year after year, then you can rely on the old "cost per wear" analysis that takes into account the item's price and the frequency it will be worn.
Almost all online retailers feature a size chart, so if you're shopping for something unfamiliar, you can rely on your measurements to choose the right one.
Over 95 percent of people living in rural parts of the United States rely on groundwater for drinking and cooking.
Sizing was different, so you have to rely on measurements to choose an item.
With wrap blouses, you sometimes have to rely on hidden safety pins to make sure your bra and too much cleavage don't wind up on display.
Many sundresses don't have the most supportive structure, which is why it's more important than ever to rely on your underwear to provide the support you need.
This will ensure that your own customers always rely on you for the same quality merchandise that you expect from the wholesaler.
Not all women need it, of course, but many rely on these instant slimming tools to take inches off the body in mere seconds.
Shop smart and your closet will soon bloom with flattering, fashionable attire you'll rely on for years.
Both types rely on electricity and gasoline with some differences.
These facilities provide the security of having someone nearby round-the-clock without having to rely on the total care that is associated with nursing homes.
Wisecracking Humor Like puns, wisecracks rely on clever twists with words.
With a little flexibility and patience, you'll be able to reap the benefits of having transportation whenever you need it without having to rely on loved ones.
Short hair styles seem to rely on precise hair management in order to get the same look.
If you are unstable on your feet or rely on a wheelchair for mobility, exercise can improve your overall health.
Some people who rely on these medications regularly will need to take more, at dangerous levels, to get the same results.
They rely on coffee and tea to pick them up and it can be disconcerting the first time you wake feeling fresh, energized.
If you rely on sleep medicines to sleep, you should consult a physician to be sure that your sleeplessness is not a symptom of a more serious problem.
Restless leg syndrome treatments mostly rely on pharmaceutical interventions.
However, do not rely on it for hours when you need a break to sleep.
You should never rely on them for going to sleep.
Many individuals rely on sleeping medications to sustain a good night's sleep.
They can't rely on flash and brand names to draw in their primary sales, so they use their high-quality offerings to keep repeat business from both the standard and business (wholesale) consumer.
People rely on them to be an efficient, cost-effective resource to top off their daily look with a little style and spunk!
Resort guests can rely on buses to travel from where they're staying to most locations within the Walt Disney Word Resort, including the theme parks, water parks, and Downtown Disney.
Every round you complete, you get a bit of your health back, but don't rely on this too much, as the opponents get more aggressive as each round progresses.
But don't rely on the "Drama Pieces" to drive your victorious battle.
Most games at AnimixGames rely on the arrow keys and spacebar instead of point and click to operate.
As a runner trained by the best in parkour, you rely on stealth and acrobatics rather than machine guns and knives.
Born November 16th, 1952 in Sonobe, Japan, Shigeru Miyamoto never had a television as a child, and thus had to rely on his own imagination to keep him occupied.
He can rely on his testers to a certain extent, but it's not a problem that lets you sleep soundly at night.
Don't rely on the built in speakers to give you that 'home theatre' experience though.
Occasionally they will rely on third party distributors and will out-source this portion of the video game publishing role.
You need to rely on your knowledge of the song to try and play it by ear.
There are all sorts of different ways to have a video game home based business, but by and large, you're going to have to rely on the internet and web traffic to make money.
Microsoft can rely on 360 exclusive games like Halo 3 to keep them selling consoles.
How far you take these strategy guides and how much you choose to rely on them is largely a matter of personal preference.
It is unrealistic to rely on the video game industry to solely release titles that are appropriate for all age groups, especially considering that the average video game player is between 25 and 35 years old.
Small time sellers, like those on auction sites, rely on the higher prices that consumer demand creates.
The bottom line on most Wii Fit reviews is that you shouldn't rely on the game to be your entire exercise routing or rely on it to lose 100 pounds.
In Wii Play, you'll have to rely on your skill and experience, however, if you want to achieve the best scores.
Those fortunate enough to get the fully loaded system or have $100 to spare can rely on the 20 GB hard drive.
Since actual systems make minimal profits for retailers (less than 3%), they rely on game and accessory sales to help push profits of major systems.
They also rely on their expertise about the subtle undertones and flavors in the wines and dishes that they make.
Most wine lovers don't have that cool basement so they rely on a wine refrigerator to maintain the low temperature required for wine storage.
The company will continue to sell these collectibles; but, once the back stock is gone collectors will have to rely on other venues to acquire these pieces.
If you don't want to rely on book values as the final authority on RV values, it can be a good idea to seek professional opinions before making a purchasing or selling decision.
The iPhone does come equipped with WiFi, meaning that you can hop on the net at a "hotspot", but you otherwise have to rely on "EDGE" (or "3G") for your data.
As with most downloads from the Internet, you will only want to rely on reliable and trustworthy sources.
Just as you should rely on a single source when looking for cool BlackBerry themes, you should also shop around for your BlackBerry cover, skin, or case too.
They may rely on service from others rather than their exert their own efforts.
These children may learn both to model their parents' insensitivity and to rely on intrusive, demanding behavior of their own in order to get attention.
Other biochemical tests rely on the fact that heme precursors become less soluble in water (able to be dissolved in water) as they progress further through the heme biosynthesis pathway.
In order to confirm a diagnosis of enterobacterial infection, physicians usually rely on patient history, physical examination, and laboratory tests.
When their feelings are not under strict control, when events are unpredictable, or when they must rely on others, compulsive personalities often feel a sense of isolation and helplessness.
Traditional assessments rely on specific, structured procedures and instructions given to all test-takers by the test administrator (or to be read by the test-takers themselves).
Traditional standardized tests rely on specific, structured procedures, which with young children presents some problems.
Babies who do not suck their thumbs or fingers often rely on pacifiers.
Therefore, doctors typically rely on a set of symptoms and the presence of influenza in the community for diagnosis.
The physician may rely on one or several tests to determine the diagnosis.
Children rely on their vision in their learning processes; if they have difficulty seeing this handicap affects academic performance.
In an attached relationship, babies rely on their primary caregiver to help them navigate the world.
Most color vision deficient persons compensate well for their abnormality and usually rely on color cues and details that are not consciously evident to persons with typical color vision.
Don't rely on worn-out cliques or oversimplify the grief that the person is feeling.
Remember that transcribers can make mistakes, so don't rely on only one record for a date or spelling of a name.
For that, you'll have to rely on your own family history and genealogy research!
Reputable genealogists rely on valid sources, often called "proofs," as verification of their research.
The verdict isn't final, and many commercial shampoo brands still rely on sulfates for their foaming abilities.
This is particularly true for the African American hair type that may rely on more moisturizing and fortifying product formulas.
This is especially remarkable when many volumizing products rely on harsh chemicals and stiff results to give hair form and shape, but O'Rourke's products reflect his South African experience with natural techniques for phenomenal results.
The most extreme casual hair updos won't employ any styling products at all, so you're going to rely on the health of your hair to carry the weight of your look.
Your casual updo can rely on tendrils and falling locks, which will make for a carelessly attractive hair style with minimal effort and expense.
Just as so many individuals rely on fashion as a way to express themselves, hair has become an equally important part of the equation.
Wavy gals can still wear the look, but will probably need to rely on straightening irons to create the celebrity-inspired sedu straight locks that define the precise edge of this cut.
Couture designers such as Chanel, Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent often rely on chic straight locks to fierce up their seasonal runway displays.
Whether you're tired of the length of your leg hair or find the coloring unattractive, to rid yourself of the burden, you'll need to rely on a hair removal technique.
For those who rely on replacement blades, blades tend to last a bit longer than a disposable razor, so use your best judgment and toss them when you see even the slightest wear or dulling of the blade.
While some women find a shaving cream is essential, others may rely on bar soap or conditioner.
For swimmers, less hair means a quicker stride in the water, while body builders rely on hairless physiques to help show off the definition of their muscles.
Many people even rely on them daily to help add volume and body to their hair.
It's often easier to rely on the knowledge and experience of others when you face specific challenges growing your hair out.
In the meantime, make sure tresses are well taken care of and rely on hair accessories to break any grow out ruts.
Most salons have several dryers, while some rely on just a couple.
Today most hair salon's rely on a computer for booking appointments as well as checking out customers.
Scour consignments shops for furniture with unique lines and rely on slipcovers and toss pillows to change the look as needed.
With a curl-defining serum and a heavy gloss emollient, you can control curls during the heat and humidity without having to rely on ponytail after ponytail.
If you're not sure of a which cut to get, yet want to add some change to your styling routine, why not rely on accessories to create cute summer hairstyles?
If you need to add some extra bounce to a blunt cut, rely on a perm or hot rollers to pump up the volume.
If you'd rather keep locks traditional and long, rely on texture and accessories instead.
This may be a natural transition for a stay at home mom, but if you've come to rely on two incomes you'll have to adjust your budget and cut some corners.
Some of the jobs rely on talents, skills and personality traits.
If the website doesn't end in ".gov", which signifies an official government website, then do a little more research to what the web page actual entails before deciding to rely on the information provided.
Sustainable careers, therefore, should be careers that you can rely on existing for several years, particularly if job hunting is not one of your favorite tasks.
If you don't want to rely on gut instinct and referrals alone, contact the Better Business Bureau.
While you want to be able to rely on your mortgage lender for advice, you also have to be well-informed before you start shopping around.
It's simply too big of a purchase to throw caution to the wind and rely on some inspection forms you find online.
Ultimately, the lender must rely on the fact that the potential borrower will be able to maintain a steady income in order to make the monthly payments.
Finally, print out and rely on the mortgage shopping worksheet provided by the Federal Reserve Board.
Certainly, a time may come when you're able to fold a model by heart, but at the beginning, you will always rely on step-by-steps.
Women rely on pregnancy tests to give them reliable results and the First Response Pregnancy Test is one of the most popular home pregnancy tests on the market.
Do you want an ob-gyn who is very medical and tends to rely on interventions or do you want an ob-gyn who is more natural focused?
When pressed to make an important decision, people born under the fire birth sign will often rely on a "lucky guess" over a logical conclusion.
Women whose cycles are always less than 27 days should not rely on calendar estimates at all.
Freelancers can find assignments through previous professional contacts or rely on their own marketing campaigns.
Research has shown that within five years of giving birth, 75% of teen moms must rely on government assistance programs to make ends meet.
Don't rely on something you read on the Internet for such an important decision.
Physicians used to rely on the date of a woman's cycle to calculate a likely conception date by just adding 14 days to the start of the last period.
Fashion Bug is a trusted clothier that many women rely on for trendy clothing.
This means that among women who rely on the sponge as their birth control, there was one pregnancy out of every 10 women who used it correctly.
But don't rely on that symptom aloneā¦team it up with a few more signs to make your assessment.
Women who want to know if they are pregnant immediately will have to rely on the advancement of more sensitive pregnancy tests in the future.
While some designers like Ed Hardy rely on a traditional rock n' roll print to see their fashions, Katin takes a more varied approach.
There are revealing swimsuits that rely on netlike material for their sheer qualities, while others are fully see-through only when wet.
Solar Tan Thru Swimsuits rely on an unusual, patented fabric that is made utilizing an advanced knitting technology.
Of course, it's not just the big names that rely on Speedo.
To accomplish this feat, many swimsuit designers rely on a complex mix of technologically sound features, boning and contouring, and even specifically made panels, in order to design a suit with slimming effects.
In actuality, sparse bikinis rely on a fairly complicated design that needs a good underwire support system.