Religious-leader Sentence Examples
After a period of oppression, Samuel suddenly reappears as a great religious leader of Israel, summons the people to return to Yahweh, and convenes a national assembly at Mizpah.
As years went by his influence as a religious leader became unique.
He was born in 1877, and, under the care of his mother, a daughter of the ruling house of Persia, was given not only that religious and oriental education which his position as the religious leader of the Ismailiahs made indispensable, but a sound European training, a boon denied to his father and grandfather.
Justin Martyr could not have been mistaken as to the fact that the bulk of his countrymen were followers of a religious leader named Simon, whose disciple Menander he seems to speak of as an elder contemporary of his own.
Like a religious leader found to have committed indiscretions, the followers of the property boom will become depressed by the subject.
This work, scarcely begun in Mecca, was really started after the migration to Medina by the formation of a party of men - the Muhajirun (Refugees or Emigrants) and the Ansdr (Helpers or Defenders) - who accepted Mahomet as their religious leader.
Religious wedding ceremonies are traditionally fairly solemn and serious, so having silly or crazy vows could offend the church or religious leader.
Community service has become a focal point of our nation, thanks to recent political and religious leader who emphasize the importance of bring good into the lives of others.
They do this by losing their birth names and taking on a new one, chosen by their religious leader.
He later became the First Minister of Bajor, a powerful political figure second only to the religious leader of the planet, the Kai.
AdvertisementBaltar's roles as scientist, politician, war criminal and religious leader are paradoxical in nature and are all directly related to his need to survive.