Relieved Sentence Examples
He appeared relieved, and she felt guilty.
He was relieved to give it at last.
When she awoke, she was relieved but tired.
She crept in and turned on a light, relieved when it worked.
He looked relieved and reached up, pulling a leaf from her hair.
She gave a nervous wave, watching for his reaction and relieved when he offered a warm smile.
Their efforts relieved her of concern about the ceremony.
Elise appeared relieved then frowned.
She was relieved when an older gentleman cut in.
Disgusted, she was also relieved there was no pain.
AdvertisementShe frowned, and he couldn't tell if she were more disappointed or relieved at his news.
Kiera watched them, somewhat relieved not to be the center of attention any longer.
I was as relieved as a school kid passing a final.
He was almost relieved for the distraction.
And Boris, having apparently relieved himself of an onerous duty and extricated himself from an awkward situation and placed another in it, became quite pleasant again.
AdvertisementThey relieved me as much as possible.
The idea that Brandon felt relieved wasn't all that flattering - or comforting, for that matter.
She almost smiled, relieved he listened.
She smiled at his reply, relieved, then texted Dusty.
I was relieved to see that nothing had changed.
AdvertisementDeidre crossed to him quickly, almost relieved.
By the end of the conversation, she appeared relieved.
He was quickly measured and fitted and rejoined the others, relieved of a few more dollars.
Ryland looked relieved that the shiner was the extent of his injuries.
Carmen dressed in the nicest slacks that she owned and was relieved to discover that Alex and Katie were both dressed casually.
AdvertisementAs he absorbed her words, his expression went from tense to relieved, and then on to something sweet and sad.
This seemed to satisfy the official, who was obviously embarrassed over the entire debacle and infinitely relieved that at least half their problem was solved without any accusatory newspaper headlines.
A part of him was relieved.
Relieved, she focused on the blue skies, yellow suns, and thick emerald grass that reminded her of pictures from a tour book of Ireland.
Lana lay down, relieved to hear his voice again.
She let her breath out in a relieved sigh.
The young woman motioned to the sitting area, and Bianca went, relieved.
Dusty smiled, then chuckled, relieved.
Dusty met his gaze with his clear blues, concerned and relieved.
He sounded beyond relieved.
Katie looked relieved, but Carmen's stomach took an uncomfortable lurch.
She rubbed her face with a heavy sigh and sat, relieved.
Katie chuckled, and he was almost relieved at the sight of her smile. Her features had grown paler and gaunter under his watch. He feared the underworld would sink her spirit, too. One of them had to have some sort of hope they'd make it out alive.
Randy seemed relieved to be having company.
I know it's unchristian, but I'm relieved Burgess is gone.
The doctor walked into the room and Alex looked relieved.
She couldn't help feeling relieved the Black God didn't want her going with him this time.
Relieved, he pulled the blowing horse to a halt and grabbed Rissa by the scruff of her tunic, unceremoniously hauling her up and dumping her on the ground.
She took in Jame's words, surprised to feel relieved.
Jessi hugged her the best she could, relieved, and stepped back.
Jessi was relieved to hear the girl's exasperated sigh.
Her arm was hurting so bad, she was relieved to sit.
She was almost relieved he wasn't there.
Jessi drove to the mall, relieved he hadn't said her house.
Jessi sank into his hard body, beyond relieved at the feel of his smooth skin.
After not a little hesitation, Hastings consented to allow the Company's troops to be used to further the ambitious designs of his Oudh ally, in consideration of a sum of money which relieved the ever-pressing wants of the Bengal treasury.
He assisted at the taking of Wareham, and shortly afterwards compounded for his estates by a fine of X500 from which, however, he was afterwards relieved by Cromwell.
In December he relieved Taunton.
The severe west front is relieved by three rows of semicircular arches, and has a central porch (there were at one time three) supported by huge red marble lions, sculptured no doubt with the rest of the façade by Giovanni Bono da Bissone in 1281.
The state, the departments, and the communes were thus relieved from the payment of salaries and grants to religious bodies, an item of expenditure which amounted in the last year of the old system to 1,101,000 paid by the state and 302,200 contributed by the departments and communes.
The crop is modified into a large and very rugose triturating apparatus, while the gizzard, thereby relieved of its function, is reduced to the utmost.
Pope Liberius baptized him in 360; three years later the news of the death of the emperor Julian came to Rome, and Christians felt relieved from a great dread.
Tithe rent charge attached to a benefice is relieved from payment of one-half of the agricultural rates assessed thereon.
Then the 1st Guard Dragoons (since known as Queen Victoria's regiment), after a brilliant manoeuvre under heavy fire, to get into the best position for delivering a charge, rode down the whole French line of pursuers from left to right, and by their heroic self-sacrifice relieved the remnants of the infantry from further pursuit.
It was obvious that what they had failed to do by surprise was hopeless now that twenty-four hours had been given in which the Germans 1 Steinmetz was shortly afterwards relieved of his command and returned to Germany.
That night the divisions in line were relieved, the ist Canadian Div.
On this line it was relieved during the night by the 3rd Canadian Div.
They were relieved by the 2nd Div.
But since 1973 this remote lighthouse was relieved fortnightly by helicopter.
Menopause Menopause and the discomforts it brings can be relieved by wicking sleepwear.
But music has also other ends and uses, and on the whole four; namely amusement, virtue, occupation and purgation of the affections; for some men are liable more than others to pity and fear and enthusiasm, but from sacred melodies we see them, when they have heard those which act orgiastically on the soul, becoming settled by a kind of medicine and purgation (teapo - cs), and being relieved with pleasure.
In 1584 the long-suffering earl of Shrewsbury was relieved of his fourteen years' charge through the involuntary good offices of his wife, whose daughter by her first husband had married a brother of Darnley; and their orphan child Arabella, born in England, of royal descent on the father's side, was now, in the hopeful view of her grandmother, a more plausible claimant than the king or queen of Scots to the inheritance of the English throne.
In April 1585 Sir Amyas Paulet was appointed to the office of which Sadler, accused of careless indulgence, had requested to be relieved; and on Christmas Eve she was removed from the hateful shelter of Tutbury to the castle of Chartley in the same county.
This retort caused Nelson annoyance which he did not attempt to conceal, but he justly concluded that he had nothing further to do at Reval, and therefore returned down the Baltic. Nelson remained with the fleet till he was relieved at his own request, and was able to sail for England on the 18th of June.
But in 1607, by "the flight of the Earls" (see O'Neill), he was relieved of the presence of the two formidable Ulster chieftains, the earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell.
They were defeated at Bushy Run, and Colonel Bouquet relieved the fort on the 10th of August (see Pontiac).
After the Athenian debacle, the Segestans turned to Carthage; but when Hannibal in 409 B.C. firmly established the Carthaginian power in western Sicily, Segesta sank to the position of a dependent ally, and was indeed besieged by Dionysius in 397, being at last relieved by Himilco.
The soldiers forming the picket line, like showmen exhibiting a curiosity, no longer looked at the French but paid attention to the sight-seers and grew weary waiting to be relieved.
The woman would feel she was under attack and be relieved when her husband 's mother finally left.
I am relieved to hear that your men are on their way.
You will be relieved to know that I have limited this to the first three letters rather than the complete alphabet.
By having readily available support networks in place, the classroom teacher would be relieved of some unnecessary administrative burdens.
Then you may by eligible to receive oil conditionally relieved of duty under the Tied Oil Scheme.
The walls above the dado were subdued in tone, relieved by family portraits.
I am thankful to say the new medicine relieved her at once.
In Christian theology, God is even relieved of the responsibility for death.
I dart into the smoking booth, it 's thick with smoke and relieved smokers.
At least the Palestinian uprising has relieved some of the pressure from Israel.
Mr Fane drew attention to the fact that the vagrants relieved during the last fortnight were 138, as against 79 last year.
Food ingestion relieved symptoms in 71% of patients; 39% reported weight gain.
The citizens were relieved to see the oldtotalitarian regime overthrown.
If you are hosting a baby shower, you'll be relieved to know that a hot meal is not usually served at a baby shower.
While it may have relieved your child's symptoms, you may find yourself dealing with another set of problems.
Pressure points and relieved because the foam curves around your body, letting your body feel comfort as the mattress conforms to your body.
Greg hides but is happily relieved to come out and find that the rumor that spread wasn't the real "secret" but some story about Greg and a girls' locker room.
Now that you understand how to file for legal separation, you may feel a little less overwhelmed and depending on your situation, a bit more relieved.
Other painful ailments such as headaches and backaches may be also somewhat relieved through the consumption of ginger.Another weapon in the ginger arsenal is the ability to fight menstrual symptoms.
It is usually relieved with nonprescription medication or a massage of the affected area.
It was great news and she should have felt relieved.
He smiled and looked somewhat relieved.
She was relieved when he started looking at pre-owned cars.
She should have been relieved, but the idea of putting it off until later wasn't exactly reassuring.
The Trigla polyommata, or flying garnet, is a greater beauty, with its body of crimson and silver, and its large pectoral fins, spread like wings, of a rich green, bordered with purple, and relieved by a black and white spot.
Here he was shut in by a superior force of Spaniards, and made preparations to defend himself until relieved by the army which Orange was collecting on the eastern frontier.
The situation was, however, relieved through the sudden death of Requesens (March 1576).
Relieved from its load it does not, like other animals, seek the shade, even when that is to be found, but prefers to kneel beside its burden in the broad glare of the sun, seeming to luxuriate in the burning sand.
The fields of Tuscany for the most part bear wheat one year and maize the next, in perpetual interchanges, relieved to some extent by green crops.
The public worship endowment fund has relieved the state exchequer of the cost of public worship; has gradually furnished to the poorer parish priests an addition to their stipends, raising them to 32 per annum, with the prospect of further raising them to 40; and has contributed to the outlay incurred by the communes for religious purposes.
As the bishops had helped to free them from subservience to their feudal masters, so the war of investitures relieved them of dependence on their bishops.
Kassala was relieved on the 1st of April, and Stevani a few days later severely defeated the dervishes at Jebel Mokram and Tucruff.
Returning from Kassala Colon.el Stevani rejoined Baldissera, who on the 4th of May relieved Adigrat after a well-executed march.
It has a hot, humid climate, relieved to some extent by the south-east trade winds.
A British regiment, despatched to their assistance from Dinapur, was disastrously repulsed; but they were ultimately relieved, after eight days' continuous fighting, by a small force under Major (afterwards Sir Vincent) Eyre.
In a secret article of the treaty the sultan undertook in the event of a casus foederis arising, and in consideration of being relieved of his obligations under the articles of the public treaty, to close the Dardanelles to the warships of all nations " au besoin," which meant in effect that in the event of Russia being threatened with an attack from the Mediterranean he would close the Dardanelles against the invader.
In like manner (2) the officiant prepared himself for his task; but in his case the natural sanctity of the priest relieved him of the necessity of undergoing all that the common man had to pass through; in fact, this was one of the causes which brought him into existence, the other being the need of a.
With all the majesty and stately elaboration and musical rhythm of Milton's finest prose, Taylor's styleis relieved and brightened by an astonishing variety of felicitous illustrations, ranging from the most homely and terse to the most dignified and elaborate.
About the same time Edward Bruce took Rutherglen and laid siege to Stirling, whose governor, Sir Philip de Mowbray, agreed to capitulate if not relieved before the 24th of June 1314.
On returning from Tilsit to Paris he relieved Talleyrand of the ministry of foreign affairs, softening the fall by creating him a grand dignitary of the empire.
It ceased to appear at the end of July 1791.1 Success attended the Revolutions from its first to its last number, Camille was everywhere famous, and his poverty was relieved.
The naval situation was sensibly relieved by the destruction in Dec. by Adml.
But, relieved as it may be by reflections of this kind - dreams some may perhaps still call them - the study of ornithology has unquestionably become harder and more serious; and a corresponding change in the style of investigation, followed in the works that remain to be considered, will be immediately perceptible.
Many of the species of these spiders, moreover, are very conspicuously coloured, being either wholly black or black relieved by fiery red spots, forcibly suggesting that they are warningly coloured.
The administration of the postal service throughout the empire was taken over by the state, and municipal officials were relieved from the burden of maintaining the imperial posts.
At the moment of marching out to meet the enemy, Johnston was relieved of his command and was replaced by Gen.
The brilliant researches of Frankland on the organo-metallic compounds, and his consequent doctrine of saturation capacity or valency of elements and radicals, relieved Kolbe's views of all obscurity.
They and their descendants were retained, in the words of a law of Theodosius, " quodam aeternitatis jure," and by no process could be relieved from their obligations.
Relieved of the fear of an immediate attack by the mandists the Egyptian officials at Khartum intrigued against Hicks, who in July tendered his resignation.
The equability of heat throughout the day is masked and relieved by the afternoon sea breezes.
The town surrendered; but the citadel held out until, on the 8th of September, it was relieved by Andrea Doria.
It was long, however, before the latter relieved Turkey of his presence.
Cyr, who had relieved Macdonald on his extreme left, had only 17,000 men left under arms against upwards of 40,000 Russians under Witgenstein; and to the south Tschitschagov's army, being no longer detained on the Turkish frontier, peace having been made, was marching to join Tormassov about Brest-Litewski with forces which would bring the total of the two well over ioo,000 men.
Marching always ready to fight wherever his enemy might stand or move to meet him, his mind was relieved from all the hesitations which necessarily arise in men less confident in the security of their designs.
Wellesley began to land his troops, unopposed, near Figueira da Foz at the mouth of the Mondego; and the Spanish victory of Baylen having relieved Cadiz from danger, Spencer now joined him, and, without waiting for Moore the army, under 15,000 in all (which included some Portuguese)"with 18 guns, advanced towards Lisbon.
For several years after his retirement from office, he devoted himself to his law practice, and in 1856 succeeded James Buchanan as United States minister to England, where he remained until relieved by Charles Francis Adams in May 1861.
The extreme pain and rapid swelling of the vocal cords - with threatened obstruction to the respiration - that characterize acute laryngitis may often be relieved by the sedative action of this drug upon the circulation.
He relieved his dejection ' Ouvres, i.
He resigned the premiership on the 27th of April 1909, but was not finally relieved of his office until the formation of the KhuenHedervary cabinet on the 17th of January 1910.
As Meissen was relieved from the attacks of the Sla y s by the movement of the German boundary to the east, its prosperity increased.
Cloete was at once sent by sea to Port Natal, and on the 26th of June Captain Smith was relieved.
At that critical hour it was at his own expense that Hunyadi fortified Belgrade, now the sole obstacle between Hungary and destruction, with the sole assistance of the Franciscan friar Giovanni da Capistrano, equipped the fleet and the army which relieved the beleaguered fortress and overthrew Mahommed II.
The prime minister was not, however, as yet to be relieved of an impossible responsibility.
Cronje sent only detachments to oppose them, but these detachments were broken through by a sword-in-hand charge of the whole division, and Kimberley was relieved on the r5th.
Ladysmith was relieved on the 28th of February.
Four days later he reduced a detachment at Reddersburg, and then went south and invested Colonel Dalgety and a mixed force at Wepener, which was relieved after ten days by General Hunter's Ladysmith division, brought round to Aliwal North from Natal.
The lack of transportation facilities has been partly relieved by the construction of a branch of the Southern Pacific (American) from Nogales southward to Guaymas and the Sinaloa frontier, from which it has been extended to Mazatlan.
Relations came to his aid, and presently his anxieties were relieved by Francis Martin, bursar of Trinity, who gave him liberal help. Benson took his degree in 1852 as a senior optime, eighth classic and senior chancellor's medallist, and was elected fellow of Trinity in the following year.
The estimated cost was between three and four millions sterling, to be met by a toll, and it was urged that a uniform depth, independent of tides, would be ensured above the dam, that delay of large vessels wishing to proceed up river would thus be obviated, that the river would be relieved of pollution by the tides, and the necessity for constant dredging would be abolished.
The Danes went from the town and ravaged the neighbourhood, so that in the end the king and his witan agreed to give sixteen thousand pounds to be relieved of the presence of the enemy.
The next day Eshowe was relieved.
At first a fall of the roof occurs locally, here and there throughout the mine, and these falls may succeed one another until the settlement of portions of the roof has so far relieved the strain that the remaining areas are supported by the stronger pillars, and by the fallen rock masses.
Godley relieved Birdwood at Anzac.
This also permitted of the troops in the trenches being relieved and rested at frequent intervals.
In June the stockade was enlarged so as to include 262 acres, but the congestion was only temporarily relieved, and in August the number of prisoners exceeded 32,000.
This was done by dividing the communities into choirs, which relieved each other by turn in the church.
Meanwhile, reinforcements under General Ahmad Feizi Pasha reached Hodeda, Manakha was retaken, Sana relieved, and by the end of January 1893 the country with the exception of the northern mountainous districts was reconquered.
It was captured during the Russian campaigns of 1828 and 1854, also in 1878, but was then recaptured by the Turks, who subjected the Russian garrison to a long siege; the place was ultimately relieved, but a massacre of Christians then took place in the streets.
This contract relieved Peru of its crushing burden of foreign indebtedness, and turned an apparently heavy loss to the bondholders into a possible profit.
Nowhere is the eye relieved by the evidences of cultivation or fertility.
In the grand advance of Halleck's armies which followed Shiloh, Grant was relieved of all important duties by his assignment as second in command of the whole force, and was thought by the army at large to 'be in disgrace.
The Hermus valley began to suffer from the inroads of the Seljuk Turks about the end of the 11th century; but the successes of the Greek general Philocales in 1118 relieved the district for the time, and the ability of the Comneni, together with the gradual decay of the Seljuk power, retained it in the Byzantine dominions.
Editors seemed tc be incapable of rising above the dead level of political strife, anc their utterances were not relieved even by a semblance of fairness Readers turned away in disgust, and journal after journal passe out of existence.
No new skill was developed, and what remained of the old was expended chiefly upon the manufacture of meretricious objects, disfigured by excess of decoration and not relieved by any excellence of technique.
On the same day on which McClellan was relieved from his command, Porter, his warm friend and supporter, was suspended.
In the last action he was severely wounded by the explosion of a powder-wagon and he was soon after shut up in Devizes by Waller, where he defended himself until relieved by the victory of Roundway Down on the 13th of July.
To some extent the Spartans were undoubtedly relieved, in that it no longer fell to them to organize distant expeditions to Asia Minor, and this feeling was strengthened about the same time by the treacherous conduct of their king Leotychides in Thessaly.
He was relieved of his post soon afterwards in consequence, but the event justified Sherman's view.
His reception and entertainment of Odysseus, who when cast by a storm on the shore of the island was relieved by the king's daughter, Nausicaa, is described in the Odyssey (vi.-xiii.).
He retained his usual vigour of understanding till near the age of eighty, when his nephew Jacques relieved him of his public duties.
He was afflicted with asthma, and his retirement was relieved only by the society of a few chosen friends.
Charles now sought to increase his authority in Italy, where Frankish counts were set over various districts, and where Hildebrand, duke of Spoleto, appears to have recognized his overlordship. In 780 he was again in the peninsula, and at Mantua issued an important capitulary which increased the authority of the Lombard bishops, relieved freemen who under stress of famine had sold themselves into servitude, and condemned abuses of the system of vassalage.
In other words, water which has a specific gravity of 1 0280 at the surface would at the same temperature have a specific gravity of 1 0450 at 2000 and I 0540 at 3000 fathoms. If the whole mass of water in the ocean were relieved from pressure its volume would expand from 319 million cub.
It suffered again in 1900, when in May the number of persons relieved rose to one-third of the total population.
These prefects were at first soldiers, but later mostly lawyers who relieved the emperors of various civil and criminal jurisdiction.
Thus there seems to be a measure of uncertainty as to what the Church of Rome now calls " dogma " - only in part relieved by 1 Three writers mentioned in Wetzer's and Welte's Kirchenlexikon.
Thus relieved about his left, but realizing that D'Erlon had returned to Ney, the emperor had perforce to finish the battle singlehanded.
He was to have been superseded, but put to sea before the officer who was to have relieved him arrived - an action which might have been his ruin if he had not signalized his cruise by the capture of the British frigate "Guerriere" (38).
In June 1874 he was appointed to the command of the "Monarch" in the Channel Fleet, from which he was relieved in March 1876 by his promotion to flag rank.
At the open end, as a first approximation to be corrected later, there are no pressure changes, for any tendency to excess can be relieved by immediate expansion into the outer air, and any tendency to defect can be filled up by an inrush from the outer air.
As regards internal politics, it may be remarked that the queen and Prince Albert were much relieved when Peel, who had come in as the leader of the Protectionist party, adopted Free Trade and repealed the Corn Laws, for it closed a dangerous agitation which gave them much anxiety.
In 1840 he was appointed director of a Lehrerseminar, a post which relieved him from pecuniary troubles.
In the west Khurshid's lieutenant, Omar Vrioni (a Mussulman Greek of the race of the Palaeologi), had inflicted a series of defeats on the insurgents, recaptured Levadia, and on the 30th of June relieved the Acropolis; but the rout of the troops which Mahommed Pasha was bringing to his aid by the Greeks in the defile of Mount Oeta, and the news of the fall of Tripolitsa, forced him to retreat, and the campaign of 1821 ended with the retirement of the Turks into Thessaly.
Its publication then relieved Adml.
In 1508 he had conceived a work on lines more to the taste of the learned world, full of apt and recondite learning, and now and again relieved by telling comments or lively anecdotes.
Disbursements for rent, rates and taxes naturally vary according to the special conditions; in a large number of cases public land is provided free of cost, and in a smaller number of cases the institutions, in view of their useful public functions, are relieved of the ordinary burden of taxation.
Her brother, Louis XIII., only consented to the marriage on the condition that the English Roman Catholics were relieved from the operation of the penal laws.
Chodkiewicz was one of the few magnates who remained loyal to the king, and after helping to defeat the rebels in Poland a fresh invasion of Livonia by the Swedes recalled him thither, and once more he relieved Riga besides capturing Pernau.
Besieged from May until October, it was at length relieved by the cutting of the dikes, thus enabling ships to carry provisions to the inhabitants of the flooded town.
Here it need only be said that it was mainly due to his efforts that France was so early relieved of the burden of the allied army of occupation.
It was a work of so much expectation, by yourself, by your friends, and by the public, that I trembled for its appearance, but am now much relieved.
But the city itself has a different aspect; its situation is relieved by numerous gentle hills, which show up its fine public buildings to great advantage; its main streets are wide and well kept, and it has an air of prosperity, activity and comfort.
At Aduatuca (near Aixla-Chapelle) a newly-raised legion was cut to pieces by the Eburones under Ambiorix, while Quintus Cicero was besieged in the neighbourhood of Namur and only just relieved in time by Caesar, who was obliged to winter in Gaul in order to check the spread of the rebellion.
Here, too, many of the insane of the state were formerly confined; but by an act of 1903 the counties were entirely relieved of this care, and the insane were removed to the state hospital.
Washington skilfully evacuated his Brooklyn lines on the night of the 29th, and in a measure relieved the depression which the defeat had produced in his army.
He sailed on the 29th of December 1779 with the trade for the West Indies under his protection, captured a Spanish convoy on his way off Finisterre on the 8th of January, defeated a smaller Spanish force near Cape St Vincent on the 16th, relieved Gibraltar on the 19th, and left for the West Indies on the 13th of February.
At home Howe relieved Gibraltar for the last time in September and October 1782.
His embarrassment was relieved however by an offer from Tycho Brahe of the position of assistant in his observatory near Prague, which, after a preliminary visit of four months, he accepted.
The first act of parliament that relieved dissenters (other than Jews and Quakers) from these restrictions was the Marriage Act of 1836.
Such a cough is relieved by the sedative action on the central nervous system.
This subdivision is already necessary in Maryland, where the mountain belt is represented by the Blue Ridge, which is rather a narrow upland belt than a ridge proper where the Potomac cuts across it; while the piedmont belt, relieved by occasional monadnocks stretches from the eastern base of the Blue Ridge to the coastal plain, into which it merges.
With the passing of the low pgessure centre, the winds shift to west or northwest, the temperature falls, and all nature is relieved.
The religious tone of his novels is relieved by tolerance and a broad spirit of humour, and the simpler emotions of humble life are sympathetically treated.
But the strain produced by these conditions was relieved by information that new negotiations had been begun for the cession of all 'Creek lands in Georgia.
In the civil wars of 1641 the place was besieged by O'Neal and the Northern Irish forces; but it was gallantly defended by Sir Henry Tichbourne, and after a long blockade was relieved by the Marquess of Ormond.
The same nobleman relieved it a second time, when it was invested by the Parliamentary army under Colonel Jones.
Next day the siege begins, and after forty days the famished inhabitants urge the governor Ozias to surrender, which he consents to do unless relieved in five days.
It was Captain Hood who conducted the negotiations which relieved the squadron from the consequences of its failure.
After Shapur's cruel victories in Syria, however, he was defeated by Odaenathus, who relieved Edessa, and Mesopotamia became for ten years practically part of an Arabian Empire (see Palmmyra), as it was to be four centuries later.
This court was formerly very much overworked, but it was relieved by an act of the 24th of June 1895 establishing a superior court (now of seven judges) with appellate jurisdiction.
These, though more recent, have taken precedence of the former, the work of which they have, moreover, greatly relieved; they are indeed composed of the highest dignitaries of the church, the cardinals (q.v.), and are, as it were, subdivisions of the consistory, a council in which the whole of the Sacred College takes part.
Its mud and pantile dwellings are here and there relieved by a mosque tower, but the aspect of the town is far from inviting.
The country was no sooner relieved from the pressure of external war than it was torn by internal discords.
A great part of Ashanti is covered with primeval and almost impenetrable forest.1 Many of the trees, chiefly silk-cotton and hardwood, attain splendid proportions, the bombax reaching a height of over 200 ft., but the monotony is oppressive, and is seldom relieved by the sight of flowers, birds or beasts.
Kumasi relieved, there remained the task of crushing the rebellion.
The fort was held by a little garrison of Europeans and loyal Sikhs, until it was relieved by General Neill on June 11th of that year.
The total upward pressure on this piston is calculated to be equal to 150,000 lb; hence the shaft-bearings are practically relieved from pressure when the wheels are running.
He never forgot the generosity with which Hervey, who was now residing in London, relieved his wants during this time of trial.
But any destitute German subject must be relieved by the local union in which he happens to be at the time, the cost of the relief being defrayed by the local or provincial union in which he has his domicile.
The exuberance of the epoch of Liberation gave place to a dull lethargy in things political, relieved only by the Philhellenism which gave voice to the aspirations of Germany under the disguise of enthusiasm for Greece.
The progress of the Russo-Japanese War, however, soon relieved Germany of all anxiety as to the safety of her eastern frontiers, and produced a corresponding change in her attitude.
The active share taken by Great Britain, however, relieved Austria from the necessity of having recourse to further measures.
The Tisza cabinet could not be relieved of its functions till June 1905, when it was succeeded by a nonparliamentary administration under the premiership of General Baron Fejervary, formerly minister for national defence.
But he now relieved Syracuse from the Carthaginian blockade; his mercenaries gained a victory over Acragas; and he sailed again for Africa, where fortune had turned against his son Archagathus, as it now did against himself.
Then follows the bier, borne on the shoulders of friends, who are relieved by the passers-by, such an act being deemed highly meritorious.
There was no military spirit in a population unused to arms, nor any disinclination to be relieved from an arbitrary and persecuting rule.
Thus was the pasha relieved of his two most formidable enemies; and shortly after he defeated Shahin Bey, with the loss to the latter of his artillery and baggage and 300 men killed or taken prisoners.
Sixtus took refuge in evasion, and temporized until death relieved him of the necessity of coming to a decision (27th of August 1590).
But the difficulties of the ministry were somewhat relieved by a split in the Radical party, still further accentuated by the elections of 1879, which enabled Estrup to carry through the army and navy defence bill and the new military penal code by leaning alternately upon one or the other of the divided Radical groups.
The nocturnal enuresis or urinary incontinence of children and of adults is frequently relieved by this drug.
If he erred he was liable to prosecution, and even if the matter were passed by the Bureau he would not be relieved of the responsibility for infringement of the regulations, although the fact might be pleaded in mitigation.
The most satisfying of Darer's paintings done in Venice are the admirable portrait of a young man at Hampton Court (the same sitter reappears in the "Feast of Rose Garlands"), and two small pieces, one the head of a brown Italian girl modelled and painted with real breadth and simplicity, formerly in the collection of Mr Reginald Cholmondeley and now at Berlin, and the small and very striking little "Christ Crucified" with the figure relieved against the night sky, which is preserved in the Dresden Gallery and has served as model and inspiration to numberless later treatments of the theme.
But the sameness is relieved along the western coast of the shires of Sutherland and Ross and Cromarty by groups of cones and stacks, and farther south by the terraced plateaus and abru p t conical hills of Skye, Rum and Mull.
The sombre colouring is relieved by vegetation along the edges of the nearly flat beds which project like great cornices and serve as nesting-places for sea-fowl.
In the spring of 1313 Edward Bruce invested Stirling castle, the key of Scotland; on midsummer day he accepted a pact for the surrender of the place if not relieved within a year.
By 1342 Roxburgh, Stirling and Edinburgh castles were again in Scottish hands, though the Knight of Liddesdale captured and starved to death, in Hermitage castle, his gallant companion in arms, Sir Alexander Ramsay, who had relieved the garrison of Dunbar.
A year after his marriage he had been stricken down by severe illness, from the effects of which he was never completely to recover; financial cares followed, which were relieved unexpectedly by the generosity of the hereditary prince of Holstein-Augustenburg and his minister, Graf Schimmelmann, who conferred upon him a pension of moo talers a year for three years.
In co-operation with Hoche and the army of the Moselle, Pichegru, now general of division and in command of the army of the Rhine, had to reconquer Alsace and to reorganize the disheartened troops of the republic. They succeeded; Pichegru made use of the élan of his soldiers to win innumerable small engagements, and with Hoche forced the lines of Haguenau and relieved Landau.
The period of Goethe's life which succeeded his return from Italy was restless and unsettled; relieved of his state duties, he returned in 1790 to Venice, only to be disenchanted with the Italy he had loved so intensely a year or two before.
The work of packing is a most disagreeable and unhealthy operation which is best relieved by erecting the chambers at a higher level and placing the casks underneath, communication being made by means of traps in the chamber-bottom, so that the packers can do their work FIG.
Among the humble-bees (Bombus) the workers help the queen, who takes her share in the duties of the nest; the distinction between queen and workers is therefore less absolute than in the hive-bees (Apis), whose queen, relieved of all nursing and building cares by the workers, devotes her whole energies b FIG.
The queen may be altogether relieved of the work of the nest as the season advances, so that she can devote all her energies to egg-laying, and the colony grows rapidly.
But his health was now entirely broken by his strenuous labours, and on the 6th of December 1862 he was, at his own request, relieved of his post.
The depressing effect of the heat and humidity is greatly relieved by afternoon breezes from the sea, and the nights are invariably comfortable and generally cool.
The end friction of the polar axis is relieved by a ring of conical rollers shown in section beside the principal figure.
Wearied out at last, he begged to be relieved of his office of preacher, quitted the court, and resided for the last few months of his life at Cracow, where he died on the 27th of September 1612.
But Doria now veered round to the French or popular faction and entered the service of King Francis I., who made him captain-general; in 1524 he relieved Marseilles, which was besieged by the Imperialists, and helped to place his native city once more under French domination.
Lux Mundi and the Bampton lectures led to a situation of some tension which was relieved when in 1893 Dr Gore resigned his principalship and became vicar of Radley, a small parish near Oxford.
She carefully read the proofs of his work and relieved him of anxiety in connexion with his property.
But his friend Narses so insisted on the blow to the reputation of the imperial arms which would be produced by the surrender of Rimini that he carried the council of war with him, and Belisarius had to plan a brilliant march across the mountains, in conjunction with a movement by the fleet, whereby Rimini was relieved while Osimo was still untaken.
As recently as 1882,when the grand Llama of Tashilumpo was not relieved by the hot springs of Barchutsan, religious services were held to propitiate the serpent-deities (Oldham, 203).
Duchesne relieved Ruggeri Laderchi's IX.
After Culloden, however, it was seen that all serious danger of a Stuart restoration was passed; and in 1778 Catholics who abjured the Pretender and denied the civil authority of the pope were relieved from their most pressing disabilities.
After the defeat of the Liberal government in 1895, the church was for ten years relieved from this anxiety, nor had the attack been renewed up to 1911.
She was relieved by the arrival of Odysseus, who returned after an absence of twenty years, and slew the wooers.
For these reasons there was a crisis in the tea industry of Assam, which was relieved to some extent by the reduction of the English duty on tea in 1906.
During the years1882-1892the average output was over 14,000 tons, and its average value about £770,000, but in 1893 a decline began in the output (not however accompanied closely by a decline in the value), slightly relieved about 1905.
Level plains, with rich open meadows and cultivated lands, the monotony of which is in some parts relieved by beech woods, are separated by slight ridges with a general direction from N.W.
Relieved from all fear of Spanish attacks from the north, the new republic of Chile entered upon a period of internal confusion and dissension bordering upon anarchy.
Wales was relieved from the burden of toll-gates, while the few rioters who were captured were only lightly punished.
The soil is thin and porous and does not retain moisture, consequently the long, dry season turns the country into a barren desert, relieved only by vegetation along the river courses and mountain ranges, and by the hardy, widelydistributed carnahuba palm (Copernicia cerifera),which in places forms groves of considerable extent.
The next year Sir Harford Jones was relieved as envoy by Sir Gore Ouseley.
In 1442 he relieved successively Saint Sever, Dax, Marmande, La Reole, and in 1444 Henry VI.
Stanley's expedition was on its way to relieve him, it is clear from Emin's diary that he had no wish to leave his province, even if relieved.
The swelling, heat and pain may sometimes be relieved by mere change of position altering the flow of blood to the inflamed part.
By raising the hand nearly to a level with the head both the constant pain and the severity of the throbs may be relieved, as the blood is not sent with such great force into the arteries and returns more readily through the veins.
For example, the pain of a gum-boil is generally relieved more by warmth, because the yielding tissues of the gum, mouth and cheek can be readily relaxed by heat and their vessels dilated; but when the pain is dependent upon inflammation in the hard unyielding socket of a tooth, cold generally gives greater relief.
According to ancient authorities, she was a goddess who relieved men from pain and sorrow, or delivered the Romans and their flocks from angina (quinsy); or she was the protecting goddess of Rome and the keeper of the sacred name of the city, which might not be pronounced lest it should be revealed to her enemies; it was even thought that Angerona itself was this name.
His cabinet promised only slightly better terms to the foreign bondholders, but it relieved the financial tension in some degree; and by coming to an agreement with Germany in East Africa and with Great Britain in South Africa as to the delimitation of frontiers, he minimized the risks of conflict with either country.
These are combined in wreaths, scrolls and frets, as exquisite in design as they are beautiful in colour, and relieved by the pure white marble in which they are inlaid, they form the most beautiful and precious style of ornament ever adopted in architecture.
The Seven Years' War might well, moreover, have been another Thirty Years' War if Pitt had not furnished Frederick with an annual subsidy of £700,000, and in addition relieved him of the task of defending western Germany against France.
They have in a similar manner been relieved of their jurisdiction in testamentary matters, and in matters of defamation and of brawling in churches; and the only jurisdiction which they continue to exercise over the general laity is with regard to their use of the churches and churchyards.
The churchwardens, who are representative officers of the parishes, are also executive officers of the bishops in all matters touching the decency and order of the churches and of the churchyards, and they are responsible to the bishops for the due discharge of their duties; but the abolition of church rates has relieved the churchwardens of the most onerous part of their duties, which was connected with the stewardship of the church funds of their parishes.
The English governor of Stirling had promised that, if he were not relieved by that date, he would surrender the castle, and Edward II.
Delhi, once more attacked by a Mahratta army under the Mahratta chief Holkar in 1804, was gallantly defended by Colonel Ochterlony, the British resident, who held out against overwhelming odds for eight days, until relieved by Lord Lake.
But it was soon relieved of the suspension.
Relieved of the danger of invasion by a Latin force which had defeated him in 1204 but was recalled to Europe by a Bulgarian invasion, he set to work to form a new Byzantine state in Asia Minor, and in 1206 assumed the title of emperor.
His consort, Elizabeth of Austria, "the mother of the Jagiellos," bore him six sons and seven daughters, and by her affection and good counsel materially relieved the constant anxieties and grievous burdens of his long and arduous reign.
They form a region of salt lakes and stagnant marshes, relieved by wide flat spaces of open plateau country.
Long sweeps of grassy upland bestrewn with boulders lead from the stream beds up to the snowfields, yellow, grey or vivid green, according to the season and the measure of sunlight, fold upon fold in interminable succession, their bleak monotony being only relieved by the grace of flowers for a short space during the summer months.
They suffered hunger, cold and misery, and were in constant fear of death, till the spring of 1868 when they were relieved by the British troops.
Distinguished in figure and manners, he was seen surrounded by crowds - it is said thousands - of students, drawn from all countries by the fame of his teaching, in which acuteness of thought was relieved by simplicity and grace of exposition.
Advancing from Bombay Sir Hugh Rose relieved Saugor on the 3rd of February, after it had been invested by the rebels for upwards of seven months.
Rupert had relieved York and joined forces with the marquess of Newcastle's army that had defended that city, and the Parliamentarians and Scots who had besieged it had drawn off south-westward followed by the Royalists.
Like Drente on the north and Gelderland on the south, Overysel consists of a sandy flat relieved by hillocks, and is covered with waste stretches of heath and patches of wood and high fen.
Bunyan was finally relieved from the internal sufferings which had embittered his life by sharp persecution from without.
Further fighting followed on this proclamation, which was by no means successful, and although peace was declared in the country in December 1882, the colonial authorities were very glad in 1884 to be relieved of the administration of a country which had already cost them L 3, 000,000.
On the 15th of February Kimberley was relieved by General French, and the Boer general, Cronje, evacuated Magersfontein, and retreated towards Bloemfontein.
This must have relieved Newton's mind from a great deal of anxiety about pecuniary matters, as we find him in November 1676 subscribing £40 towards the building of the new library of Trinity College.
The predominant landowners preferred the grant of an excise, which would be taken out of all pockets, to a land-tax which would exclusively be felt by those who were relieved by the abolition of the tenures.
Prince Eugene relieved Turin from a French siege, and followed up the blow by driving the besiegers out of Italy.
Lucknow, where a small British garrison was besieged in the residency, was twice relieved, once temporarily by Sir James Outram and General Havelock, and afterwards permanently, by Sir Cohn Campbell, who had been sent out from England to take the chief command.
The necessities of the khedive of Egypt B had been only temporarily relieved by the sale to gyp. Lord Beaconsfields government of the Suez Canal shares.
Burke's literary industry in town was relieved by frequent excursions to the western parts of England, in company with William Burke.
Before leaving office the Rockingham government repealed the Stamp Act; confirmed the personal liberty of the subject by forcing on the House of Commons one resolution against general warrants, and another against the seizure of papers; and relieved private houses from the intrusion of officers of excise, by repealing the cider tax.
The severity of the treatise is relieved by characteristic touches of humour, and by quaint anecdotes and allusions furnished from his wide reading and perfect memory.
Such conditions as myalgia, bronchitis, "chronic rheumatism" and pleurisy are often relieved by its use.
Telling of stories was a recognized form of entertainment at all feasts and gatherings, and it was the necessity of the reciter which gradually worked them into a regular form, by which the memory was relieved and the artistic features of the story allowed to be more carefully elaborated.
The appointment itself inspired confidence, and Dallas's prompt measures still further relieved the situation.
A fortnight later President Davis relieved him of his command.
Moreover, the accession to the throne of France of Henry of Navarre had altogether altered the situation of affairs, and relieved the pressure upon the Dutch by creating a diversion, and placing Parma and his army between hostile forces.
The patient suffers from intense thirst, which cannot be relieved, as drinking is immediately followed by rejection of the swallowed fluid.
From 1431 to 1454 the struggle against the English went on energetically; and the king, relieved in 1433 of his evil genius, La Trmoille, then became a man once more, playing a kingly part under the guidance of Dunois, Richemont, La Hire and Saintrailles, leaders of worth on the field of battle.
Catherine, relieved by the loss of an inconvenient preceptor, and by the disappearance of the other leaders, became mistress of the Catholic party, of whose strength and popularity she had now had proof, and her idea was to make peace at once on the best terms possible.
The rich bourgeoisie began more achieve- and more to monopolize the magistracy; and though the country-people were somewhat relieved from the burden which had been crushing them, the working-classes remained impoverished, owing to the increase of prices which followed at a distance the rise of wages.
By three battles, victories for the enemies of FranceRossbach in Germany, 1V57, Plassey in India, 1757, andQuebec in Canada, 1759 (owing to the recall of Dupleix, who was not bringing in large enough dividends to the Company of the Indies, and to the abandonment of Montcalm, who could not interest any one in a few acres of snow), the expansion of Prussia was assured, aiid the British relieved of French rivalry in the expansion of their empire in India andon the North American continent.
It suffered again in 1900, when in April the number of persons relieved rose above 100,000.
Soon, however, he had a serious quarrel with William Fraser, a member of his council, and consequently he was relieved of his office in 1709, although he was afterwards consulted by the company on matters of importance.
Parties and Conflicts, rgoo191o.--The loss of nearly all that remained of her colonial empire, though in appearance a crowning disaster, in fact relieved Spain of a perennial source Conflicting Tendencles.0f weakness and trouble, and left her free to set her own house in order.
He introduced sumptuary laws; relieved the poor by distributions of bread and meat, proceeded with great severity against informers and embezzlers; began the construction of various public works and buildings; and proclaimed a general amnesty for political crimes.
It suffered no less severely in 1900, when in May the number of persons relieved rose to onefourth of the total population.
She relieved the distressed in far-off lands as well as at home, her helping hand being stretched out to the Dyaks of Borneo and the aborigines of Australia.
In the few months between the fall of Khartum and his death the mandi, relieved from the incessant strain of toil, copied in his private life all the vices of Oriental despots while maintaining in public the austerity he demanded of his followers.
In Great Britain the first trading charters were granted, not to English companies, which were then non-existent, but to branches of the Hanseatic League, and it was not till 1597 that England was finally relieved from the presence of a foreign chartered company.
At his request he was relieved from active service in March 1919.
These were fed and clothed by the settler in return for their labour, and the government was relieved of the expense of their support and supervision.
It stands upon the great Canterbury plain, which here is a dead level, though the monotony of the site has been much relieved by extensive plantations of English and Australian trees.
In January 1822 it was decided in a family council, with the knowledge though not in the presence of Nicholas, that Constantine's petition to be relieved of the burden of the crown, for which he felt himself unfitted, should be granted.
She should feel relieved, but anxious would better describe her response.
She released her breath and prepared herself for the next, relieved the encounter wasn't as bad as she expected.
While the pair was discouraged at the lack of success of their efforts, both were relieved to be leaving the dank and intimidating enclosure and moved quickly down the tunnel.
It was physical discomfort, not mental, and he was relieved to feel she was in no great mental pain from the loss of her boyfriend.
Deidre was relieved to see the Immortal script, until she saw it wasn't Gabriel's name on her back.
She vaguely remembered it from her tour of the castle and was relieved to see several small groups congregated around all but one of the five fireplaces in the room.
He was relieved it was over with in so short a time; he had more battles to plan and more potential allies to recruit, now that the Council was done with its stranglehold on him.
Gabe sounded more relieved than Rhyn thought the encounter warranted. He looked closely at his friend, wondering what might be bothering him.
Sackler and Dean spent the afternoon listening to the exaggerated tale of a variety store owner who had been held up at gunpoint, and supposedly relieved of $1,500.
Mr Franklin was the first bandmaster, he being relieved in 1862 by Mr Courtney.
Ward had a goal chalked out for offside and to be honest we were relieved to see the flag, it looked very close.
The burning may be relieved by taking potassium citrate, available from the chemist.
Oberst Von Hoffmann, although relieved was made the town commandant of Eindhoven.
These escorts, normally destroyers, were relieved by ships from Portland Command.
Also the covering cruiser HMS Bermuda was relieved by the Canadian destroyer HMCS Athabaskan and the British destroyer HMS Grenville.
In three cases, symptoms were relieved by resuming venlafaxine, followed by a more gradual discontinuation.
After two hours ' playing dodgem through Tehran's insane morning traffic I was genuinely relieved to find myself still alive.
It is built of red brick, relieved by freestone dressings.
Men relieved themselves where they were, many had dysentery.
This time the symptoms were not relieved and a further month elapsed before a full recovery was achieved.
The main symptom of ME is utter exhaustion to the point of collapse which is not relieved by sleep.
The flanking wall is relieved by projecting pilasters, and a plain frieze and cornice.
I'm almost relieved to see a common pigeon taking a breather next to a stone frieze of a giant heron.
Co-founder Sarah Stone said signing relieved the frustration in babies.
If we had a busy half-hour, I used to go outside for a cigarette thinking that it relieved the stress.
Although relieved the headache had subsided, Carol now felt ' wrecked ' and unable to attend work today.