Relaxed Sentence Examples
She relaxed and began to enjoy the evening.
Sitting down with a book, she propped her feet up on the table and relaxed, calmed by the sounds of the ocean and the warm sun.
Kris relaxed, as if expecting a refusal.
His body relaxed in response.
Dusty relaxed and smoothed her hair back like he might a child's.
He appeared relaxed, despite the danger.
Darkyn was quiet and still, his body relaxed for the first time since she'd known him.
His head remained shoved under a pillow, and his body relaxed, as if he were falling back asleep.
As his grip on her relaxed, she stepped away from him, a flush creeping up her neck.
His breath warmed the back of her neck with long relaxed puffs.
AdvertisementThat the skin around Wynn's eyes relaxed in genuine warmth made Gabe realize she'd survived partially because she really was different.
She relaxed and pressed her bare legs into the sand in front of her.
Finding no one there, she relaxed and began fixing breakfast.
He relaxed visibly with her in his arms.
The sense of peace descended upon her again, and she relaxed against him, content to her soul to be surrounded by his scent and heat.
AdvertisementDestiny gradually relaxed and Carmen stopped reading.
The restlessness was gone from his blood, his body relaxed in a way he couldn't remember feeling.
He took a long breath and relaxed, satisfied with his choice once more.
Her body relaxed instantly.
Everyone relaxed and the conversation did a one-eighty.
AdvertisementA few more minutes - let him get completely relaxed.
She moved away from him and stared down at his relaxed features.
His golden eyes were calm, his large frame relaxed with the feline grace that made her hormones wild.
The growing night chill had driven Linda into Lon's arms, and she relaxed near the fire.
His features were emotionless, his body not yet relaxed completely again.
AdvertisementHe looked so relaxed that she hated to wake him.
Even relaxed in bed, he seemed ready to take on the world.
It was in his relaxed stance, the steadiness of his gaze.
Kiera hefted it and relaxed, cheered to be doing something other than thinking or pacing.
She relaxed after a nice, long soak in the bathtub, her thoughts wandering among the stars.
She relaxed and enjoyed the continuation of light banter.
Her muscles felt relaxed for the first time in weeks.
She gave a harsh laugh and relaxed once more, her head falling back again.
Damian and Eden were closer, his deceptive display of relaxed power causing the air to hum with even more magic.
The patient is quite unconscious, the eyes are motionless, the pupils dilated, the skin cold and moist, the limbs relaxed, the pulse is slow and barely perceptible, the respirations very slow and convulsive.
Not all these provinces suffered alike, but on the whole plague steadily strengthened its hold on India generally, and hardly relaxed it in any part.
The old ecclesiastical policy of Elizabeth, which had hitherto borne such good fruit in Wales, was now gradually relaxed under the later Stuarts and definitely abandoned under Anne, during whose reign only Englishmen were appointed to the vacant Welsh sees.
With the trend moving towards a more casual workplace, a more relaxed dress shirt is appropriate in many workplace environments.
Today, with relaxed dress codes accepted nearly everywhere, men and women sport baseball caps in many places, including inside buildings when they aren't appropriate.
The restaurant is located on the second floor of a spacoius building and has a relaxed atmosphere.
She relaxed in his arms, comfortable in surrendering to his lead.
Giddon looked completely relaxed, right down to his lazy smile.
She relaxed her grip on his shirt and allowed him to guide her back to the couch.
Thankfully, he seemed relaxed.
Howie relaxed a little.
The sense of communicating with him through their magics relaxed her, made her drowsy.
She soon felt relaxed and drowsy.
Engulfed in his heat and scent, she relaxed.
Dusty was a stickler for formality from his men, while Jule's hemisphere was far more relaxed.
He winked with a faint smile, and she relaxed.
During exercises, the government's premier contingency operations compound in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee was populated only by maintenance crews and a few relaxed guards.
Brady relaxed, unable to clear his head or move his body.
As the meal progressed, their conversation remained open and relaxed.
He drank in the sights and sounds of the bucolic world around him and for the first time in days felt relaxed.
She relaxed, leaning into his kiss – enjoying the full length of his body against hers.
Josh relaxed his grip and she jerked her arm free.
She relaxed in the luxury of leather seat covers and a smooth ride, content simply to watch him drive.
She sat in the doctor's office waiting for the results of the test, and when he came in smiling, she relaxed.
His arms relaxed and he gazed down at her somberly.
Darian was too intense to appear relaxed, but he was waiting with a predator's patience to see what she'd do.
Darian relaxed, aware he'd won the hardest battle yet.
Darian relaxed, pleased to see her genuinely laughing after their otherwise traumatic night.
He held her until she cried herself free of tears, and her body relaxed in his arms.
His body burned for her, while her body relaxed even further as she drifted asleep.
Sofi appeared relaxed in the cell, her head resting against the wall and her brilliant eyes focused on Jenn.
He relaxed at the familiar voice and spotted the speaker.
She sighed and relaxed, her head falling back against his shoulder.
The man before him relaxed visibly.
He could not help but consider several of them as he took in Memon's inky black eyes and relaxed frame.
Sirian appeared refreshed and relaxed, the opposite of how she felt.
Her breathing was deep, her face relaxed.
He was wary but not on guard, his stance relaxed and eyes narrowed.
She relaxed against him and sighed.
He appeared to be relaxed.
In fact, he appeared to be relaxed – in his element.
He slowly relaxed and kissed her neck again.
She had barely relaxed when the amber-eyed man sauntered out the door.
She breathed deeply of the moist night air and relaxed, stretching her feet toward the edge of the porch.
Now that the storm had passed, her taut muscles relaxed and she felt weak.
Overwhelmed with fatigue, she relaxed with her back against the solid support of his body.
He was studying her, his air relaxed for once.
He wore only judo pants again this morning, his relaxed body reminding her too much of what it felt like to lie beneath him the day before.
Surprised he backed down, Jessi would've relaxed, if her body wasn't on edge.
Barefooted and clean, he was relaxed for the first time in a week.
Jessi's body was supple and relaxed in his arms, her gray eyes wide and her features flushed.
She relaxed some over dinner, even joking with her cousins.
She'd never felt as at peace or sated or relaxed as she did now, and she couldn't imagine any other man making her feel the way he did last night or this morning.
His muscular frame was relaxed.
Jessi relaxed some, leaning against the pole at her side.
Completely unguarded, her gray eyes were large and clear in the early morning light and her features relaxed.
His life at this period was a struggle against crushing poverty, but his scholarly ambition was never relaxed.
But after his death in 1715 the republic relaxed her hold upon his conquests.
During the religious confusion of the Reformation, the practice of fasting was generally relaxed and it was found necessary to reassert the obligation of keeping Lent and the other periods and days of abstinence by a series of proclamations and statutes.
An Act passed in 1770, which relaxed the rigour of strict entails and afforded power to landlords to grant leases and otherwise improve their estates, had a beneficial effect on Scottish agriculture.
To the web is attached a trap-line which when drawn taut holds the snare stretched and tight, and when relaxed loosens the whole structure so that the threads fall together.
In this retreat, although military operations were skilfully conducted, the Allies lost 7000 men, and discipline, as in that to Corunna, became much relaxed.
The Spanish colonies suffered from the strict system of monopoly and protection, which was only slightly relaxed by the later Bourbon kings, and from the arbitrary proceedings of the Inquisition.
Through many weary months he never relaxed his hold on Lee's army, and, in spite of repeated.
Throughout the existence of the new parliament Gladstone never relaxed his extraordinary efforts, though now nearer eighty than seventy, on behalf of the cause of self-government for Ireland.
As all these animals are killed by the poison of the snake before they are swallowed, and as their muscles are perfectly relaxed, their armature is harmless to the snake, which begins to swallow its prey from the head, and depresses the spines as deglutition proceeds.
Religious qualifications for suffrage and office-holding were somewhat relaxed, except in the case of 4 The number of representatives from 1832 to 1908 varied from 240 to 635, and the length of session from 58 to 206 days (since 1861 none of under 100 days), with an almost continual increase in both respects.
This corruption was fatally apparent in the army, the feudal basis of which was sapped by the confiscation of fiefs for the benefit of nominees of favourites of the harem, and by the intrusion, through the same influences of foreigners and rayahs into the corps of janissaries, of which the discipline became more and more relaxed and the temper increasingly turbulent.
During his absence the Greeks were hard pressed, and at last he so far relaxed his anger as to allow his friend Patroclus to personate him, lending him his chariot and armour.
They recognized that the "Turkification" of distant provinces containing no Turkish population was a task beyond their power, and the policy was therefore relaxed in certain districts.
His travels, however, if they enriched his mind, relaxed his character, and he brought home easy morals as well as exquisite manners.
In spite of the reform of the civil law in other respects (June 1 1911) these provisions remained in force until the republic. Owing to the opposition of the Christian Socialist party, they were even then not abolished; but they were relaxed by numerous dispensations in individual cases.
By the same law, besides other less important provisions, the amount of the bank's tax-free issue of notes was raised from 400 to 600 millions of kronen, and the conditions formerly attached to the issue of 10 and 20 kronen notes were sensibly relaxed, A 4% bank-rate had been uninterruptedly in force from May 8 1908 to Oct.
Though he was not a good teacher, his influence both on his pupils and on those few intimate friends for whom alone he relaxed the gravity of his manner was profound, and, little as he-was known to the white inhabitants of Lexington, he was revered by the slaves, to whom he showed uniform kindness, and for whose moral instruction he worked unceasingly.
The European wars of the French revolutionary period interfered with the traffic with Spain, and so relaxed the bonds of a commercial system which hampered the manufactures of Mexico and drained away its wealth.
The first religious ardour cooled, the strictness of the rule was relaxed, until by the 10th century the decay of discipline was so complete in France that the monks are said to have been frequently unacquainted with the rule of St Benedict, and even ignorant that they were bound by any rule at all.
With their growth in wealth and dignity the Cluniac foundations became as worldly in life and as relaxed in discipline as their predecessors, and a fresh reform was needed.
Here also, when discipline became relaxed, traders, who had the liberty of admission, were allowed to display their goods.
But in practice this rule is relaxed both in England and in Scotland, and (where it exists) to a still greater extent in America.
This plan, which was first adopted by St Bruno and his twelve companions at the original institution at Chartreux, near Grenoble, was maintained in all the Carthusian establishments throughout Europe, even after the ascetic severity of the order had been to some extent relaxed, and the primitive simplicity of their buildings had been exchanged for the magnificence of decoration which characterizes such foundations as the Certosas of Pavia and Florence.
A great wave of secularity rolled over the Church, engulfing the religious orders with the rest; love waxed cold, fervour languished; learning declined, discipline was relaxed, bitter rivalries broke out, especially between Franciscans and Dominicans.
The tension was relaxed with the fall of the Zanardelli government, and comparatively cordial relations were gradually re-established.
Gradually the tension between natives and foreigners relaxed, and mutual confidence was established.
The legislation of Alfred probably belongs to the later part of the reign, after the pressure of the Danes had relaxed.
From that date onwards the stringency of the censorship was gradually relaxed, and the army eventually set up an organization to supply correspondents with information, so that in dealing with the German advance in the spring of 1918 they were able to write with freedom.
In the later phases of the war the rule was occasionally relaxed, but generally speaking it held until the Armistice.
But in 1769 and the succeeding years of English control, this policy was relaxed, and immigration from the seaboard colonies, especially from Virginia, began.
Dreyfus was not finally declared innocent until 1906, and Labori never once relaxed his efforts on behalf of the unfortunate officer.
And again, when they challenged His disciples for not observing the regular fasts, He gently reminded them that they themselves relaxed the discipline of fasting for a bridegroom's friends.
The worst severities of the penal code had been, in a certain measure, relaxed, but the Catholics were still in a state of vassalage, and they were still pariahs compared with the Protestants.
He himself was moderate and enlightened in his views on this matter, and it was through his influence that the harshness of the anti-Catholic policy was relaxed in 1607.
The truly devout Moslems on the other hand were scandalized by the growing luxury which relaxed the austere morals of the first Moslems, and this also was imputed to Othman.
The pressure of the trade gilds was relaxed.
In winter, however, the Parthians were powerless to wage war, as the moisture of the atmosphere relaxed their bows.
For example, the pain of a gum-boil is generally relieved more by warmth, because the yielding tissues of the gum, mouth and cheek can be readily relaxed by heat and their vessels dilated; but when the pain is dependent upon inflammation in the hard unyielding socket of a tooth, cold generally gives greater relief.
The tension which has been relaxed will again be tightened; there will be a gradual resolution of things into elements, and of elements into the primary substance, to be consummated in a general conflagration when once more the world will be absorbed in God.
The two active elements interpenetrate the two lower or more relaxed, winding through all parts of matter and so pervading the greater masses that there is no mechanical mixture, nor yet a chemical combination, since both " force " and " matter " retain their relative characters as.
He even sent ambassadors to Rome to protest against ecclesiastical corruption, as well as to checkmate the Venetian diplomatists who threatened Europe with Ottoman of fhe vengeance if the Portuguese commercial monopoly were not relaxed.
After a life of constant struggle and an obloquy which never relaxed, the sensational close of Zola's career was the signal for an extraordinary burst of eulogy.
Such are the similar effects of terror on man and the lower animals, causing the muscles to tremble, the heart to palpitate, the sphincters to be relaxed, and the hair to stand on end.
During their centuries of slavery, they were organized into castes, as musicians, metal workers, masons, &c.; but after about 1850 the bonds of caste were gradually relaxed and gipsies began to intermarry with Rumans.
From the 6th century the season was kept as a period of fasting as strict as that of Lent; but in the Anglican and Lutheran churches the rule is now relaxed.
But as the mean density exceeds that of water, and probably falls but little from the centre to the surface, these gases are gases only in the sense that if the pressure of neighbouring and outward parts gravitating towards the centre were relaxed, they would expand explosively, as we see happening in the eruptive prominences.
Under the strong rule of Abdur Rahman these outlying territories were closely welded to Kabul; but after the accession of Habibullah the bonds once more relaxed.
He was easily able to clear himself of these charges; but the hatred of his enemies was not relaxed, and in the summer of 335 he was peremptorily ordered to appear at Tyre, where a council had been summoned to sit in judgment upon his conduct.
When the particular kind was not specified by the law or by agreement, the payments were made according to convenience in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, wool, butter, bacon, corn, vegetables, yarn, dye-plants, leather, cloth, articles of use or ornament, &c. As the clan system relaxed, and the fine lost its legal power of fixing the amounts of public tributes, which were similarly payable to the flaith, and neglected its duty of seeing that those tributes were duly applied, the flaith became able to increase these tributes with little check, to confuse them with rent, to confuse jurisdiction with ownership, and to exalt himself at the expense of his fellowclansmen.
James at first relaxed the penalties under which the Roman Catholics suffered, then he grew frightened by the increase of their numbers and reimposed the penalties.
As soon as the demand for a vigorous prosecution of the war relaxed, the Whigs could but rely on their domestic policy, in which they were strongest in the eyes of posterity but weakest in the eyes of contemporaries.
It was to be an order of Descalzos or Barefoots, in opposition to the relaxed parent body, the Calzados.
After the death of St Patrick the bond between the numerous church families which his authority supplied was greatly relaxed; and the saint's most formidable opponents, the druids, probably regained much of their old power.
Spain was so far relaxed as to permit the re-establishment of the orders of St Vincent de Paul, St Philip Neri and one other among those approved by the Holy See, so that throughout the country the bishops might have at their disposal a sufficient number of ministers and preachers for the purpose of missions in the villages of their dioceses, &c. In practice the phrase one other was interpreted by the bishops, not as one for the whole of Spain, but as one in each diocese, and at the request of the bishops congregations of all kinds established themselves in Spain, the number greatly increasing after the loss of the colonies and as a result of the measures of secularization in France.i The result was what is usual in such cases.
Our information on the whole subject is but scanty down to the reign of Henry VII., who continued the enactment against the exportation of stallions, but relaxed it in the case of mares above two years old.
After the partition, the invention of the Armenian alphabet, and the translation of the Bible into the vernacular, 410, drew the Armenians together, and the discontinuance of Greek in the Holy Offices relaxed the ecclesiastical dependence on Constantinople, which ceased entirely when the Patriarch, 491, refused to accept the decrees of the council of Chalcedon.
The central power had become weakened and the central organization relaxed while the electorate had lost most of the advantages which formerly distinguished it from other German fiefs.
She settled into the seat and relaxed, diverting her attention to Destiny, who didn't appear to notice that something unusual was happening.
As the evening continued and the wine took hold, conversation relaxed to a more congenial level.
He appeared relaxed despite the danger.
She nuzzled his neck, the scent of his blood intoxicating enough that her body relaxed in response.
Dressed in a mock turtleneck of some expensive fabric and slacks, the seated Immortal was relaxed and bright-eyed, despite accompanying them on the hunt that led them to the meat locker a couple of hours ago.
Andre was listening patiently, relaxed and interested.
Barefooted and relaxed, Fate flashed a wide smile.
Gabriel's head was tilted to the side, as if listening, and Rhyn's form had relaxed.
Ully stopped a short distance from them, as if expecting them to launch into a battle despite their relaxed poses.
The lesser immortal relaxed some and joined him, pouring him a glass of ice water.
She relaxed, leaning into his kiss – enjoying the full length of his body against hers.
In fact, he appeared to be relaxed – in his element.
The relaxed, elegant atmosphere adds to the feeling of serenity inside the cabin.
As he became confident, he reached further forward until eventually he laid out in a completely relaxed position.
This Week I'm Loving Diesel's Behave Bag A weekend away should be a relaxed affair, and your luggage should reflect this.
The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed - a really nice place to sup ale.
Its atmosphere of relaxed chic means anything goes and you can be as social or reclusive as you like.
Fact six Tommy's more noted for his down-to-earth, relaxed attitude than his fashion sense.
The cottages are built of wonderful honey-toned Cotswold stone, and the whole village exudes an aura of charm and relaxed timelessness.
Large covered terrace with built-in barbecue for relaxed dining al fresco looking over the large pool.
After a relaxed walk around the oriental style bazaar we were taken to Samarkand School No 45.
Generally a day of relaxed birding with nothing new to report.
Set in a charming coastal village, this hotel has two restaurants, one fine dining, the other a more relaxed bistro.
The Blue Pumpkin is a relaxed, informal brasserie, light and airy with sun streaming in.
The result is a relaxed, truly continental-style cafe.
The right way to smoke a fine cigar top First choose the moment for a relaxed smoke.
Make sure that you appear relaxed and open, not closed and defensive.
Chichester Interest Holidays - Relaxed and friendly guided coastal walking holidays in Cornwall for small groups of adults.
Baby Massage Classes Helps relieve colic, constipation, restlessness and lets mother and baby bond in a relaxed calm environment.
The financial constraints on builders will be relaxed by raising the public sector comparator.
It is written in a relaxed, almost conversational style which entices you to keep turning the page.
Its clientele seem more cosmopolitan, more relaxed than you find in the center of town.
Lands End 5 pocket, natural, relaxed and stretch denim from Lands End Direct Merchants, no exceptions, no hassle.
Whilst the needles are in place, you may well feel pleasantly relaxed or slightly drowsy.
After dinner, we all relaxed until... Nigel was summoned into ladies underwear and Lynda's knicker elastic snapped.
Once you are very relaxed, the doctor will gently insert the flexible endoscope.
The nursing team offer a friendly and relaxed environment in which to gain skills and fully develop as a cancer nurse.
One of my fellow examinees told me he'd been working for the exam for eighteen months, and he looked pretty relaxed!
As you begin the exhalation say to yourself ' I am more relaxed now than I was at no.
I walked in to the staff room to be greeted by smiling faces, relaxed chatter and much laughter.
The sound of water, beautiful fishes and exotic plants all makes your mind cool and relaxed beside feeling fresh.
Much smaller than its better-known neighbor, Mallorca, the Balearic island of Menorca makes an ideal place for a relaxed spring getaway.
Cut in a relaxed fit, it has long sleeves with roll-up button tabs and underarm gussets for mobility.
The comprehensive syllabus ensures that you become a competent helmsman, leaving you free to enjoy your holiday relaxed and in safety.
Your shoulders should be relaxed, not hunched forward or rigidly held back.
A new Monte Carlo Markov chain method has the capacity to perform Bayesian phylogenetic inference in a relaxed clock framework.
Holmes is employed, presumably, for providing the relaxed, natural informality the earnest Smith fails to display.
After a while of experiencing our relaxed state and open hearts, she relaxes too and gets very inquisitive.
Sliding doors to the shaded lanai with an attractive outdoor dining area complete with a fan for relaxed entertaining beside the pool.
Again, this is probably owing to your relaxed mind suffering less from the intrusive thoughts of a fully conscious mind.
Here you will find a relaxed, peaceful lifestyle.
After just one week we had already seen 262 species in a very relaxed manner.
I'm more relaxed, more sociable, and not so moody!
Perfect for layering over a t-shirt and to wear with Lucky Wang's drawstring pants for a cool relaxed look.
Used as part of a planned care regime, OptiFlo helps maintain catheter patency, so the wearer feels refreshed, relaxed and reassured.
And because generally I have this wonderfully relaxed attitude, I reserve the right utterly to see red over certain pet peeves.
These include skiing in nearby Glenshee and relaxed golf on the beautifully picturesque 18 hole Braemar golf course.
Posture can also indicate status with higher status people tending to adopt a more relaxed open posture can also indicate status with higher status people tending to adopt a more relaxed open posture.
These informal workshops aim to encourage self-expression in a relaxed atmosphere.
This will give you the opportunity to sample the night life and meet other prospective students in a more informal and relaxed setting.
I'm back at work today, feeling relaxed and happy; if a little spaced-out from the jet-lag.
Our attitude as a clan is to promote good sportsmanship and to take a relaxed approach to competitive online gaming.
His relaxed style immediately landed in television's top 20, giving Ralph Kramden and company unexpectedly strong competition.
This is not suburban relaxed campus planning, but a limited area of land whose tight boundaries place high value on available land.
Friday evening's informal supper was an ideal opportunity for meeting in a relaxed atmosphere.
The slightly more relaxed tempo is a trick of studio production of course.
The Eagles Don Henley, who has been remarkably relaxed so far, has just got a little tetchy.
It's relaxed, almost naïve, simplicity belies deeper undercurrents.
I can't imagine jumping with a more friendly, relaxed and knowledgeable bunch than the guys I found at freefall university.
It helps to appear calm and relaxed, and seems unkind to eat and drink in front of children who cannot.
He relaxed himself amid the soft upholstery of an arm-chair... .
Mitchel McLaughlin, usually so urbane and relaxed, is showing the strain, like his coarser colleague, Alex Maskey.
Externally, this decoction has been advantageously employed as a gargle in chronic sore throat with relaxed uvula, and also as a fomentation.
A relaxed lagoon pool setting offering breathtaking vistas of Bali âs heartland.
Service from the young and all female front of house staff was relaxed and informal but they all seemed well-informed about the food.
This impediment remained in force until 1863, although the provisions were relaxed during French rule from 1795 to 1814, and also during the time Belgium formed part of the kingdom of the Netherlands (1815 to 18 3 o).
On the rug-covered bench where Pierre had seen him in the morning sat Kutuzov, his gray head hanging, his heavy body relaxed.
Relaxed, passive stretching prepares your muscles for the quiescent period which follows your workout.
The hotel combines a luxurious feel with a relaxed ambiance, a beautifully finished hotel with all the amenities.
You'll be able to see our whole range of products, and try on items in quiet, relaxed surroundings.
Summary A great introduction to North American birding at a (fairly) relaxed pace.
The recording conveys a relaxed attitude by the group, who seem very much into their tunes.
Nerve Relaxants are herbs that quickly calm the person to a state where the body and mind becomes relaxed.
The crowd was relaxed, old friends arrived, caipirinhas were consumed, and some great LSS moments were relived on video.
The relaxed atmosphere in our AA rosette award winning restaurant adds to the enjoyment of any occasion.
His first song revealed a slow, relaxed pace alongside rough-and-ready vocals and open-hearted lyrics.
I walked home along the seafront to Hove afterward, hunger sated, mind relaxed, intending to return before too long.
When you watch it you can see that the actors are n't as relaxed, they 're so self-conscious in front of the camera.
The Rainbow Room gives children of all needs the chance of sensory stimulation or alternatively a relaxed environment in which to relax.
In a shadowy corner, the Master relaxed back in his chair.
We played relaxed games throughout the next half hour during which we shag em showed his true nationality.
The have more time, they take more time for relaxed socializing in family groups.
I 'm back at work today, feeling relaxed and happy; if a little spaced-out from the jet-lag.
But where the Arkle can be formal and rather stifling, the Brasserie has a more relaxed, robust and approachable character.
His stilted manner has softened over the years into something much more relaxed.
His relaxed style immediately landed in television 's top 20, giving Ralph Kramden and company unexpectedly strong competition.
Friday evening 's informal supper was an ideal opportunity for meeting in a relaxed atmosphere.
It 's relaxed, almost naïve, simplicity belies deeper undercurrents.
I ca n't imagine jumping with a more friendly, relaxed and knowledgeable bunch than the guys I found at freefall university.
The atmosphere at the site is relaxed and friendly, with staff upbeat about future prospects for the business.
He relaxed himself amid the soft upholstery of an arm-chair....
Enjoy garden history voyages of discovery, or relaxed ' Gardens & Golf ' holidays.
The smell of bread and kebabs wafted in the open air and tho there was great activity the atmosphere was quite relaxed.
I always feel relieved and relaxed after experiencing a catharsis.
A common simile that can be used to describe someone calm or relaxed is "cool as a cucumber".
Once you are sure that your baby is in great hands at the day care center you have chosen, you can head to work confident and relaxed.
If you prefer a more relaxed shindig, a barbecue baby shower just might be the thing.
Remain relaxed, and don't give in to the urge to finish your little one's words or phrases.
Be relaxed, positive, and matter-of-fact about the whole process.
His relaxed state should be followed by a sound, peaceful slumber.
His breathing and purring, when relaxed, are sometimes a little congested/labored sounding, though he doesn't appear in any discomfort.
I've noticed he sneezes more when he is very relaxed and lying on his stomach or side, with his head tucked under his arms, or totally relaxed; head at an angle and facing the ceiling.
However, when a cat is relaxed and comfortable, he will stretch out, exposing his underside.
Cats tend to purr when they are in a relaxed environment where their security remains unquestioned.
Although purring is most common when a cat is relaxed and stationary, some pet owners report that their cat will purr when walking.
Your cat is usually signaling how relaxed she is in her present state.
This way, she will be more relaxed when it comes time for ear cleaning.
Some cats are inherently blessed with a relaxed personality, and the introduction of a new pet causes only minimal stress.
Their attitude may be more relaxed when it comes to a single vomiting episode.
They're casual, they're relaxed, and they can add a really comfortable atmosphere to your outdoor space.
Country furniture brings to mind natural elements, a simple, relaxed type of lifestyle and the love and closeness of family.
Catnip, which makes kitties wild, actually makes humans relaxed to sleepy.
Once you get the go-ahead, try one and see if you become more relaxed.
These informal living rooms feature a more relaxed seating arrangement and usually feature a television for the family to enjoy together.
Then cottage chic style interior design may be just the thing to infuse your home with relaxed elegance.
Alice was everyone's favorite presenter - they thought she was natural, relaxed, and "cute."
In the past, Alice had trumped David with her presentation style, but this time, they both presented their work in an engaging and relaxed manner.
Arms should stay close to your sides, with shoulders relaxed.
A home office with a library should include a relaxed reading nook with a leather armchair or wingback chair and ample reading light.
If your home theater room doubles as a living area, then choose comfy sofas with ottomans or hidden recliners for truly relaxed movie viewing.
Cool colors - blues, greens, and soft purples - give a room a relaxed and calm ambience.
The rustic textures and natural color palette is infinitely appealing and fits in with a relaxed lifestyle that is perfect for families.
Living room design ideas for this type of relaxed modern room often calls for the use of fun color palettes and whimsical, artsy design elements.
When a more relaxed, casual environment is needed, many people look to a rustic design for their living areas.
Relaxed prints such as floral, stripes and plaids are commonly seen in cottage style fabrics.
All of these design ideas will help you create a look that is a blend of relaxed, livable elements offering an intricate, fresh feel.
An English cottage has a cozy ambiance that is relaxed and perfect for a home spa bathroom.
People spend a lot of their lives in bed, so make sure that it's a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable.When purchasing sheets try to get the best you can afford.
Are you relaxed, happy, anxious, or sad?
Just think about how pale blue walls with white trim and fixtures can create a soothing and relaxed atmosphere.
The look should be relaxed and comfortable.
Mix and match items to keep the look fresh and relaxed.
Knowing how to decorate with a beach theme will allow you to have a space that's fresh, relaxed and comfortable.
Casual, relaxed meals and rooms can still feature a touch of elegance.
They can work daytime or night, provided your day time attire stays more casual and relaxed.
Unlike lipstick, lip gloss creates a casual and relaxed palette that is perfect on those days that a little bit of shine is in order.
The style is meant to be soothing, cooling and refreshing; much like the world after a fresh rainfall, uniquely relaxed and yet invigorated with new life.
While bold colors and unusual designs are always intriguing, the beauty of relaxed, lived in, slightly imperfect makeup never goes out of style.
The combination of bright citrus and rich musk is enigmatic, yet relaxed.
In other words, a bohemian styled dress calls for equally relaxed looking makeup, while a more formal looking dress may call for a look that is equally formal.
It is vital for the model to be comfortable, relaxed and confident in front of the camera in order to achieve the best results.
Not only will she look 'sexier' but she'll hopefully feel more relaxed.
Make sure your model is comfortable and relaxed.
When taking family portraits, you'll want to pick a time when everyone is likely to be relaxed and in a good mood.
They'll feel more relaxed and your shots will look more natural.
Therefore, the photographer needs to be skilled in making people feel comfortable and relaxed so they can put their best face forward in their pictures.
Once you and your subject are relaxed, you can make adjustments accordingly.
But when you act relaxed, confident, and happy, your date is likely to be a success even if the food doesn't taste as good as you'd hoped.
You may be doing a lot of walking to various exhibits, demos, and classes, so comfortable clothing and footwear can help ensure you're relaxed and able to focus on having a good time.
Your upper body will be upright but relaxed.
Even though the resort is small, with only six chair lifts on 500 acres, you know that you'll experience a relaxed and carefree atmosphere that feels a little like home.
Once the perceived threat is no longer present, your body will return to its relaxed state.
Sometimes people who experience chronic levels of anxiety, their bodies do not return to the relaxed state after the threat has disappeared.
You can lessen the effects of stress on the body by training your body to return to its relaxed state quickly.
Visualization is about slowing down and picturing yourself in a time and place where you will be relaxed and peaceful.
The StressEraser reverses this process and makes the sufferer more relaxed.
In addition to the actual massage itself, the general setting of most massage areas helps to relieve stress and promote a relaxed feeling.
Kava Kava is effective in reducing anxiety because it helps heightened physiological responses from stress return to a relaxed state.
Think of the things you enjoy the most or try something new as you find natural stress reliever methods that quickly melt away the tension leaving you feeling relaxed, calm, and refreshed.
Drinking a cup of herbal tea often relieves a tension headache as it promotes a relaxed feeling.
When you are ready to return from your mini mind vacation, you will feel relaxed and be stress free.
Sit or lay in a comfortable relaxed position.
The end result is clearer thinking, a stress-free body, relaxed muscles, and more energy.
It can be a box, bag, basket, or even just a drawer where you hold things that make you feel relaxed.
If you're making the kit for yourself, think about the sounds, smells and sights that make you feel the most relaxed.
Incorporating stress relief into each day keeps you relaxed, healthy, and ready to confront the challenges of living.
You can sit or lie down, use guided imagery, or just let your mind roam free; no matter what method you choose, the result is a relaxed state.
You might just find yourself feeling much more relaxed.
Once they are naturally relaxed, you then consciously relax them even more.
If you've tried it all and still can't get your mind and body relaxed, it's time to get away and take a vacation.
Not only will it break up your exercise routine, but the rush you'll get from trying something new will definitely help you feel more relaxed.
Treating individual symptoms, such as taking a brief nap if you experience anxiety-related fatigue or taking a cool drink if you get anxious hot flashes, can help you start to feel more relaxed and in control.
Taking advantage of quick stress relievers can help you stay relaxed and stress free at work, making your job more enjoyable.
This is where the use of meditation timers allows individuals to truly achieve a relaxed state of mind.
The goal is to put yourself in a relaxed state.
What many of them do not realize is that in just ten minutes they could reduce their stress levels and feel relaxed, refreshed and energized.
In that time you release the stress form your body and feel relaxed, renewed and recharged.
The time you spend will help you feel relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.
Whether you choose to spend that time with family or friends, relax with a good book or enjoy some time at the beach you will be more relaxed and happy with your life.
Learning how to overcome test-taking anxiety can help you feel more confident and relaxed at test time.
Building your comfort zone and becoming more relaxed is a certain road to some great new buds.
The Relaxed Fit is not too tight and fits just right on the body.
Make sure you are well rested, well hydrated, and relaxed for the day of your session.
Afterwards, you'll both be feeling calm, relaxed, and if you're lucky, a sense of connection.
Chat Center for teens provides a fun, relaxed online space where teenagers can find friendship and maybe even young love.
Those that plan on having a relaxed night can certainly afford to wear more "dress".