Relative-humidity Sentence Examples
Observations on the Sonnblick agree with those at low-level stations in showing a diminution of dissipation with increase of relative humidity.
At Karasjok, Simpson found a slight decrease in I_ as relative humidity increased, but no certain change in I +.
Only a fourth to a half of the days of the different months are wholly or partly clear even in the north, and in the same district the monthly means of relative humidity vary from 65 to 70.
The relative humidity of the air along the shores of the Gulf is high, so that exposure to the direct and reflected rays of the sun and radiation from the hot soil are encountered in a moist atmosphere.
The mean relative humidity is between 75 and 80 for all seasons save spring, when it is least and may be from 65 upward.
Air having a low relative humidity is the most effective for drying purposes.
A record of 6 months (1891) showed an average daily relative humidity of 30 6 in the morning and 15.6 in the evening, and the humidity sometimes falls to 5.
The high temperature and great relative humidity make the summer climate of the Red Sea one of the most disagreeable in the world.
Hygrometer - a meter for measuring the relative humidity in the air.
The air conditioning unit is fitted with a humidifier and dehumidifier to control the relative humidity in the room.
AdvertisementThis makes good air exchange essential to maintain the optimum relative humidity for plant growth.
Heating causes the relative humidity of the compressed air to be reduced.
The mean relative humidity in July was 67.2% .
Snowflakes can also fall through layers of different relative humidity where they can both build up and lose mass.
For occupant comfort, the internal relative humidity had to be maintained at about 55 %, which significantly increased the reverberation time.
AdvertisementAt all seasons of the year Simpson found A rise notabl y with increase of relative humidity.
In the monsoon region relative humidity is high, viz.
It soon brightened up and with the relative humidity at 86% my wife took my advice and hung out the washing.
The mean relative humidity in July was 67.2 %.
The temperature had risen from a minimum of 15.0C to 19.5C with relative humidity on 90 %.
AdvertisementMost greenhouse owners purchase a simple thermometer and hygrometer that can be installed inside the greenhouse so they can keep an eye on temperature and relative humidity.
The cellar should have a relative humidity between 60 and 70 percent.
Gockel found a diminution of ionization with rise of relative humidity.