Relationships Sentence Examples
Since his wife left, he's avoided relationships because he's afraid of giving his heart again only to drive another love away.
Romantic relationships with humans were fraught with difficulties.
Are we going to have one of these relationships where we have to constantly prove our love to each other?
It's just physical, because they don't have time to have real relationships.
That could be attributed greatly to the fact that she had avoided any relationships.
This helps support their relationships."
The mechanism for the statement of the genealogical relationships of the groups of the animal kingdom was thus completed.
There are, and probably always will be, differences of opinion as to the exact way in which the various kinds of animals may be divided into groups and those groups arranged - in such an order as will best exhibit their probable genetic relationships.
Certain additional small groups should probably be recognized as independent lines of descent or phyla, but their relationships are obscure - they are the Mesozoa, the Polyzoa, the Acanthocephala and the Gastrotricha.
It must, however, be acknowledged that these relationships are very imperfectly understood.
AdvertisementDuring the autumn of 1877 he went to London, Paris and Berlin on a confidential mission, establishing cordial personal relationships with Gladstone, Granville and other English statesmen, and with Bismarck.
In many parts of the country soils exhibiting such relationships, and known as sedentary soils, are prevalent, the transition from the soil to the rock beneath being plainly visible in sections exposed to view in railway cuttings, quarries and other excavations.
Underlying all the apparent confusion of fact and practice were certain fundamental principles and relationships, which were alike everywhere, and which really gave shape to everything that was feudal, no matter what its form might be.
The development of the compound microscope rendered possible the accurate study of their life-histories; and the publication in 1851 of the results of Wilhelm Hofmeister's researches on the comparative embryology of the higher Cryptogamia shed a flood of light on their relationships to each other and to the higher plants, and supplied the basis for the distinction of the great groups Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Phanerogamae, the last named including Gymnospermae and Angiospermae.
Leidy adhered strictly to Cuvier's exact descriptive methods, and while an evolutionist and recognizing clearly the genetic relationships of the horses and other groups, he never indulged in speculation.
AdvertisementHe greatly extended the commercial relationships of the Dutch, opening up trade with Tong-king, China and Japan.
The Rocky Mountains have the same relationships but the whole precipitation is much less than in the Selkirks.
It has now been followed by over a hundred others forming a network of international relationships which shows that, at any rate, the wish for peace is universal among mankind.'
As the Turbellaria (Planarians) are the most primitive division of the Platyelmia, the problem of the affinities of this phylum resolves itself into that of the relationships of the Turbellaria.
It is evident that the relationships which prohibited marriage were different from those recognized by the Church; but the only fact which we know definitely is that it was customary, at least in Kent, for a man to marry his stepmother.
AdvertisementThe relationships had now to be readjusted, the most popular view recognized Horus as the son and iger of Osiris.
The advent in 1351 of Hofmeister's brilliant discovery of the changes proceeding in the embryo-sac of flowering plants, and his determination of the correct relationships of these with the Cryptogamia, fixed the true position of Gymnosperms as a class distinct from Dicotyledons, and the term Angiosperm then gradually came to be accepted as the suitable designation for the whole of the flowering plants other than Gymnosperms, and as including therefore the classes of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons.
The difficulty of tracing the relationships of algae is largely due to the inadequacy of our knowledge of the conditions under which they pass through the critical stages of their life-cycle.
The only names used to express particular relationships are father and mother, son and daughter, brother and sister.
Of course there were many false methods of attacking the art-problem, and many other relationships, true and false, between the complexity of the settings of the various parts of the Mass and of motets.
AdvertisementThe flora and also (though to a less degree) the fauna present not only Asian and Central African affinities, but, what is more interesting, Mascarene, South African and Antipodean-American relationships, indicating a very different distribution of land and water and necessitating other bridges of communication than now exist.
He must be perfectly unembarrassed in the service of God, not bound by the common ties of life, nor entangled by relationships, which if he transgresses he will lose the character of a man of honour, while if he upholds them he will cease to be the messenger, watchman and herald of the gods.
Their zoological relationships are probably with Celebes and with Australia.
Thus the Church ever receives God and has a twofold nature; its sacraments through material and earthly elements impart a divine power; its teachings agree with the highest truths of philosophy and science, yet add to these the knowledge of mysteries which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive; it sanctifies human relationships, but the happiness of earth at purest and best is only a shadow of the divine bliss which belongs to the redeemed soul.
Many wingless insects - such as lice, fleas and certain earwigs and cockroaches - are placed in various orders together with winged insects to which they show evident relationships.
Among these deities all kinds of relationships are displayed; consorts must be provided for the unwedded, and the family conception, as distinct from the regal, presents a divine father, mother and child.
They were of Norman, Saxon or Welsh descent, and became so exclusive in their relationships that dispensations were frequently requisite for the canonical legality of marriages among them.
The Cirripedia present some examples of sexual relationships which are only paralleled, in the animal kingdom, among the para sitic Myzostomida.
The discovery of ether brought with it a reconstruction of our ideas of the physical universe, transferring the emphasis from the mathematical expression of static relationships to a dynamic conception of a universe in constant transformation; matter in equipoise became energy in gradual readjustment.
In his Misere de la philosophie (1847) he lays down the principle that social relationships largely depend upon modes of production, and therefore the principles, ideas and categories which are thus evolved are no more eternal than the relations they express, but are historical and transitory products.
Society, he considered, was an ordinance of heaven, and was made up of five relationships - ruler and subject, husband and wife, father and son, elder brothers and younger, and friends.
The chemical constitution of quinine and the allied alkaloids is not definitely settled, although certain relationships are well established.
The division is in many respects convenient for descriptive purposes, but recent researches show that it does not accurately represent the relationships of the different families.
On the other hand, the study of the anatomy and development of the zooids has thrown much light upon the manner in which the corallum is formed, and it is now possible to infer the structure of the soft parts from a microscopical examination of the septa, theca, &c., with the result that unexpected relationships have been shown to exist between corals previously supposed to stand far apart.
And as the legal manumission dissolved a son's previous agnatic relationships, so, too, the person baptized gave up father and mother, &c., and became one of a society of brethren the bond between whom was not physical but spiritual.
For a general account of the structure, development and relationships of insects, see Arthropoda and Hexapoda, while details of the form, habits and classification of insects will be found in articles on the various orders or groups of orders (Aptera, Coleoptera, Dipteria,Hemiptera,Hymenoptera,Lepidoptera,Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Thysanoptera), and in special articles on the more familiar divisions (ANT, BEE, Dragon-Fly, Earwig, &c.).
To take the Echinoidea now living, and to divide them into Endocyclica and Exocyclica, Branchiate and Abranchiate, Gnathostomata and Atelostomata, is easy and convenient; or again to distinguish as Palechinoidea those pre-Jurassic genera which do not conform to the fixed type of twenty vertical columns found in the later Euechinoidea, is to express an interesting fact; but all such divisions obscure the true relationships, and the corresponding terms should be recognized as descriptive rather than classificatory.
The Antilocapridae (prongbuck), whose relationships appear to be rather with the Cervidae than with the Bovidae, are on the other hand apparently a North American group. The chevrotains (Tragulidae), now surviving only in West and Central Africa and tropical Asia, are conversely a purely Old World group.
Just in so far as it presupposes the apprehension of moral facts, it must presuppose a knowledge of the system of social relationships upon which some at least of those facts depend.
Fabry in 1893; and the close orbital relationships of cometary groups, accentuated by the pursuit of each other along nearly the same track by the comets of 1843,1880 and 1882, singularly illustrated the probable vicissitudes of their careers.
The fauna of Madagascar, while deficient in most of the characteristic tropical forms of life, is one of great interest to the naturalist from its remote affinities, much of its animal life having Asiatic rather than African relationships.
The avi-fauna is much richer than the mammalian, and, although wanting the 'largest birds as well as the most brilliantly coloured, comprises two hundred and sixty species, half of which are endemic. Many of the birds are remarkable not so much for their shape or colouring as for their distant relationships; many belong to peculiar genera, and some are so isolated that new families have had to be formed for their reception.
Cousins have shown conclusively the close relationships between the language of the Malagasy and those of the Malayo-Polynesian regions; similar connexions exist, especially in grammatical construction, between the Malagasy and Melanesian languages.
These features are in entire accordance with Oriental usage and give expression to current belief, existing relationships, or to a poetical foreshadowing of historical vicissitudes.
The close alliance between pharmacology, therapeutics and clinical medicine has induced many authors to treat the subject from a clinical point of view, while its relationships to chemistry and physiology have been utilized to elaborate a chemical and physiological classification respectively as the basis for systematic description.
The course aims to examine the cultural context of the built environment and the relationships between design and society.
Relationships where there is a significant power differential are considered dubious.
In this collection, loving reflections provide wisdom and encouragement to help overcome anxiety, gain self-esteem, and improve relationships.
These relationships constitute the dynamic aspect of meaning, which is purely arbitrary.
In these relationships you can be too argumentative and defensive.
Whereas, women in relationships suffered more backache and insomnia!
Blunkett, the class buffoon, says that immigrants speaking English at home would help " overcome the schizophrenia which bedevils generational relationships " .
As judged by bootstrap proportions, decay indices, and leaf stabilities, well-supported relationships of the Indian caecilians are recovered from the alignment.
You can come across as being rather carefree and disinterested in serious relationships.
Or those who were wise enough to adapt and start singing about relationships and rocking the casbah.
Like Berkeley, Brunton does not consider personal relationships, free will, or physical causality.
Without doubt, our relationships have been strengthened by the secondment of CIPFA's Phil Sinnett as IPFA's acting Chief Executive.
The Home Office is to consult on a specific offense to help young people coerced into relationships.
This section extends the availability of non-molestation orders to those in domestic relationships who have never cohabited or have never been married.
Here is the most complete concordance showing the relationships of Hebrew words to the NIV.
Thus liberation and escape are core values of the culture, including liberation form confinement, cars, offices, schedules, relationships.
Close relationships with trading and buying consortiums means Dane can also help its clients with a wide range of supplier contacts.
I wasn't really aware if any of the relationships in which Henry and Daphne indulged were fully consummated.
Both of Gary's relationships seem to be going well, tho he isn't entirely convinced.
Ashes to ashes The eminent cultural critic Lewis Mumford saw even more striking parallels between a culture's relationships with death and life.
It delves into the dark underbelly of human relationships to expose the sometimes harmonious, sometimes discordant emotions that affect us all.
The single biggest challenge identified by the mediators was to maintain neutrality in the context of the diversity of their relationships with various disputants.
Human cadaver dissection gives a fascinating insight into the spatial relationships of the structures within the human body.
For thousands of years men have been cut off from the feminine divine - is this affecting their relationships with women?
Only when dichotomic relationships between the visually dominant and the invisible are broken down will it be possible to attempt to recontextualise the landscape.
Salesmen in Unilever uniforms act as mobile advertisements, and by traveling door-to-door develop personal relationships with shopkeepers.
The most important relationships are those between two people - forming the dyad.
She draws on her skills as a glass maker and jeweler to explore the intriguing dynamics in relationships.
Michael uses slip-decorated earthenware to investigate the relationships between proportion, volume and formal arrangement.
There are also indirect relationships between climate change and the mangrove ecosystem through changes in sea level.
In the Department I someone can find information on the Polish-Soviet relationships and reports on activity of the Russian emigrants ' committees abroad.
Roberts also enumerates the varied fortunes of Sassoon's personal relationships with his friends.
Continued to promote and achieve very good student / staff relationships in the school which foster a positive ethos and promote effective learning.
Looking at possible relationships between emotional expressivity and autonomic nervous system activity.
The cost is not only financial, as operators also run the risk of damage to their corporate reputations and customer relationships.
Your good-hearted acceptance and tolerance of others ' foibles goes a long way in maintaining harmony in your relationships.
The process can be very informal or relatively formal or relatively formal depending on the state of the application and the relationships established between the participants.
Extracting relationships from data, manipulation, solving simple equations, rearranging formulae.
I am also advising funders on a range of relationships.
Employe fundraising fundraising is a great opportunity for team building, raising morale and strengthening relationships in the office place.
They have close professional relationships with consultants in medical gastroenterology, anesthesia, radiology and oncology.
Purposes and values To a large extent strengthening local governance is about improving relationships between those who govern and those who are governed.
Unresolved grievances can lead to bad feelings and adversely affect relationships and performance.
I see conflict resolution as implying that all human relationships can be made harmonious.
Family insults may be especially hurtful in the context of children's homes as family relationships were often strained, uncertain and sometimes severed.
As they become increasingly inebriated they argue over money and assess their relationships with alcohol and their families.
There are many examples of business deals going wrong or relationships turning sour over culturally insensitive actions.
Through this program, we have also formed strong relationships with global systems integrators, management consultants, and industry leaders in storage technology.
With regular e-mails you can build relationships and gather market intelligence.
They were all couples in established relationships using condoms for vaginal intercourse.
The Ruskin Laboratory, which coordinates many aspects of the School's research, has developed interdisciplinary working relationships within Oxford, and beyond.
All close relationships are lit up by an almost intolerable, piercing clarity in which they are scarcely able to survive.
However, it is rare that relationships in biology, including enzyme kinetics, follow a straight line.
In addition, it contains all relationships between simple and complex lexemes.
Reviews In an increasingly competitive business market, building customer relationships can differentiate your business from the pack.
You were constituted legally married tho there were no physical relationships whatever.
I get angry when I see right wing moralists, like some here tonight, decry our relationships.
The semantic relationships between items and the complex forms in which they are root morphemes were also shown to be predictive of response times.
Alliances tend, in reality, to be a series of bilateral relationships between airlines rather than truly multilateral.
In these pages, you discover how to set up tables and relationships to ensure that the database is properly normalized.
Dose and duration relationships have not been outlined in detail and conjugated equine oestrogens have been used as the predominant estrogen.
Relationships remain open-ended, unresolved or simply passing liaisons of sexual convenience.
You can use this oracle to gain insights about love and relationships, finances, career planning, and much more!
Tests offer us a new record about relationships, but the hype sometimes overpowers the hope.
The results of these experiments are in no way diagnostic, nor can they be used to determine parentage or sibling relationships.
Working with partners English partnerships has close relationships with many key players in the design field.
Her strong penchant for adventure and conquest will drive her to have countless relationships.
The relationships between SPLCV-US and other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses were investigated by using phylogeny of derived AV1 and AC1 amino acid sequences.
Relationships between polychlorinated biphenyls and health status in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranded in the United Kingdom.
Recent titles include Saving Sex which gives practical, down-to-earth answers to real teenagers ' questions about relationships and sex.
A talk which looks at population dynamics, predator prey relationships and factors (biotic and abiotic) affecting animal populations.
People who do n't prioritize their relationships tell me that they often end up fighting during the little time they do have together.
My mother who is a piano teacher was once taken in by an infant prodigy who had the most incredible grasp of harmonic relationships.
Despite our open and co-operative relationships with many other countries in the world, we remain jealously protective of our position and affluence.
From a research perspective, one cannot infer causal relationships from the temporal proximity of events captured in a factor structure.
Reasons to consult a clinical psychologist The Coaching & Mentoring Network maintain relationships with a range of therapists offering specialist coaching assessments.
With active relationships with some 70 other countries, NGOs and civil society, it has a global reach.
His justice requires readjustment of many unjust relationships in the world.
This understanding has been powerfully reinforced by many new insights into relationships between human social activity and the natural environment as a whole.
If my identity is fundamentally relational then salvation must take the form of restored relationships.
We seek to build relationships over many years with our clients.
Her favorite themes were marriage breakdowns, unusual psychology and sexual relationships.
Relationships between understanding rheology and solving practical engineering problems will be explored.
Learn about many aspects of dating, flirting, seduction, romance, love, relationships and related topics.
Diagnostic labels can affect a child's self-image and his or her relationships in school and at home.
Human beings are essentially social, and throughout life we exist and are formed by the various social relationships that we build with others.
To relinquish one of these relationships, because of the philosophical difficulties associated with it, does not satisfactorily solve the problem.
Experience also indicates that major programs also tend to be segmented into major subcontracts (or teaming relationships ).
The focus of our courses includes economic self sufficiency, citizenship, personal autonomy and relationships.
Life speeds up and mobility increases making even familial relationships more superficial and brief.
To create a thesaurus, these relationships are applied to each term.
Prior to that, in her naturally timid disposition, she might have felt at a disadvantage within the existing family relationships.
KendraBase enables this " universal translator " effect by enabling people to link ideas together with their own relationships.
The point I am really making is that she was becoming a trifle callous in all her relationships at this time.
Relationships and common formulae from elementary trigonometry, including the basic properties of sine and cosine.
It is reported that some monozygotic twins have problems in establishing their identity and experience delayed language development and problems forming other relationships.
The backdrop allows her to consider the difficulties of modern relationships for denizens of a sprawling metropolis and its sinister underbelly.
Thus, if economic relationships are fundamentally unequal, then political and ideological relationships will both reflect - and help to reinforce - inequality.
And such untruths go to the very heart of relationships where trust is so important.
Phylogenetic relationships among a large number of adenoviruses infecting vertebrates from fish to humans are shown in Fig.
The question, however, is of academic rather than of practical interest, and whichever way it is answered does not affect our general conception of the nature and relationships of the group.
The numerical predominance of certain families or their absence affords criteria for marking out boundary lines and tracing relationships.
While some observers have studied in detail the structure and life-history of a few selected types (insect anatomy and development), others have made a more superficial examination of large series of insects to classify them and determine their relationships (systematic entomology), while others again have investigated the habits and life-relations of insects (insect bionomics).
Thus in social relationships we speak of "instinctive" liking or distrust; we are told that the Greeks had "instinctive" appreciation of art; we hear of an instinct of reverence or "instinctive" beliefs.
Putting aside fantastic theories, these observers endeavoured to give in their classifications a strictly objective representation of the facts of animal structure and of the structural relationships of animals to one another capable of demonstration.
In its chemical relationships tantalum is associated with vanadium, columbium and didymium in a sub-group of the periodic classification.
The broad geological and geographical relationships of the country have already been outlined, but the more important sub-divisions may now be taken up with more detail, and for that purpose five areas may be distinguished, much the largest being the Archean protaxis, covering about 2,000,000 sq.
Secondly, the group uses DNA sequences to estimate the topology and timing of deep evolutionary relationships among the pulmonate land snails and slugs.
T-Mobile 's ' front three ' solus retail partners are currently renegotiating the terms of their relationships with the operator.
Feeding relationships The main interactions in an ecosystem involve food, which all living organisms need as fuel to respire for energy.
Some people in same-sex relationships may also get better pension rights.
It can increase your chances for honest relationships, and help you to feel better about yourself and your self-control in everyday situations.
Diagnostic labels can affect a child 's self-image and his or her relationships in school and at home.
Showing love in deeds The quality of personal relationships within the school is characterized by a selfless generosity.
New products and channel relationships will shorten the time-to-deployment of increasingly common speech apps in defined industries and functional areas.
He has undertaken research into the working relationships between local authority solicitors and social workers in child care cases.
There 's also the exciting aspect of regular overseas travel â making contact with key clients and solidifying relationships !
Your sense of rhythm, beauty, time and spacial relationships give you some high caliber finesse.
Moreover, the meeting may have had an impact on the quality of spousal relationships.
Experience also indicates that major programs also tend to be segmented into major subcontracts (or teaming relationships).
Family trees and subfamily sequence comparisons reveal the evolutionary relationships among receptors.
Through study of species relationships and the documentation of hybridization events a clearer picture of the systematics of this important group is emerging.
Children 's temperament affected the tenor of family relationships.
I 'm terrified of failure in relationships or marriage.
Analysis of species relationships omitting the four known tetraploid species, using 29 morphological characters was carried out using different outgroups.
Table 3 shows some examples of constraints based on thesaurus relationships.
The phrase ' totality of relationships ' was first used at this meeting.
We greatly value our clients ' patronage and strive to establish trustful relationships with each and every individual.
Traditional astrology recognizes five significant relationships, based upon the twelvefold division of the zodiac signs.
Her off-screen relationships with the likes of Johnny Depp and her unconventional lifestyle and beliefs are also explored.
Attempting to untangle the possible familial relationships is a nightmare.
Nothing should stop me from Jihad, be they vanities of the world, or close relationships.
And they mark important new relationships as do wedding rings and royal crowns.
All the best relationships are two-way, focussed on win-win strategies.
Our working relationships are built on expertise rather than status or function.
A goal for this year is to abolish poor relationships in my life.
Gaining any amount of improvement in her psychosocial health would aid her chances of forming lasting relationships.
The actor's ambiguously defined sexuality was the subject of much speculation, but he refused to comment on his private romantic relationships.
Barrett believes that it's just his karma for all his romantic relationships to end in ruin.
Your relationships will be tested-both within your company and with your family and friends.
This means engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a good diet, continuing great outside relationships and so on.
This helps the child maintain important family relationships, while at the same time providing legal protection and guidelines for all parties involved.
If you have any brothers or sisters, then you already know something about sibling relationships.
No matter the age difference or the number of siblings you might have, relationships differ from one child to another.
Continue to foster sibling relationships in as many ways as possible.
Your baby's first relationships will be with you and your partner.
It is illegal to discriminate, and while of course you want to maintain good working relationships, what's fair for some needs to apply to everyone in your work place.
Blind dates are awkward at best, but real relationships have come out of them.
One of those relationships may turn out to be Mr. or Ms. Right!
In others, it's planning how to space your children and worrying about sibling relationships.
Adult Adoptees-This forum may offer support for those who've just found out about their adoption, stories on discovering their adoption, and birth and adoptive family relationships.
A home study typically consists of a background check as well as checking into other personal aspects of your life, such as your financial situation, personal relationships, and job status.
You can lay the foundation for healthy kid-pet relationships long before the baby arrives.
It has a profound effect on every aspect of our lives from our education to our relationships.
If I can help parents to settle their babies quickly and help them sleep well, we will see healthier relationships within the family and generally better physical health too.
Since sells groceries, it's easier for an Internet entity to develop relationships with companies that can sell to virtually the whole world.
Big Daddy Carpet has great relationships with the carpet companies to buy in bulk.
We also have his sister, the tortoise shell named Gala, and both of them have developed loving relationships with their own fluffy toys.
They have long term relationships with their vendors and suppliers.
You get bonus points for having long-standing relationships with creditors.
Reputable agencies either have or are willing to start relationships with virtually every creditor.
At that time, lending practices were not standardized and lenders based their decisions of whether or not to lend on various criteria including personal relationships with the borrower.
However, creditors do not have to work with you through these relationships.
Don't expose children to your romantic relationships.
It's inappropriate to ask your children questions about a parent's romantic relationships, financial situation, or housekeeping skills.
Markman, Ph.D., is known around the world for his work on relationships and divorce prevention.
Stanley, Ph.D., is a widely respected expert on relationships, marriage, and commitment.
The authors of Fighting for Your Marriage have written a number of other books on marriage and relationships.
James show readers how to move on from their unsuccessful past relationships and finally find the love of their lives.
This is often the most difficult aspect of any divorce because children will not always understand the complexities that go along with human relationships.
With support and guidance, children can overcome the negativity surrounding divorce and turn it into a life lesson they can carry on through adulthood and their relationships.
It teaches them about healthy relationships.
As your children start to date, they will look for similarities in their relationships found in their parents' marriage, which may raise red flags.
Even in long-term relationships, overt displays of affection may upset children during the divorce.
When relationships are worth saving, hard work and perseverance go a long way toward mending the ties that once bound two lives.
Millions of divorced couples across America have expressed remorse over having gone into divorce proceedings too soon and smothered the still-smoldering coals of their relationships.
Frank discussions peppered with appropriate displays of affection along with peer-based therapy can help teens cope with an ongoing divorce while equipping them to make their own personal relationships last the duration of their lives.
Remember that you are not the only one who has to endure the stress of jobs, other relationships and daily living.
Disagreements come up in all relationships, but co-parenting can present even more difficulties in resolving the conflicts.
Communication is more than simply talking to one another verbally; good communication is able to keep relationships positive, open, and full of trust.
They attend furniture expos where the Amish dealers sell their wares and develop business relationships.
It is also necessary to think about the complexity of the relationships between the plants and animals in any given ecosystem.
Consultants should also have working relationships with a variety of businesses, which can take some of the guesswork out of deciding on a particular contractor or equipment supplier for the project.
The company believes in strong customer service and strives to create lasting relationships with clients.
Architects study the relationships between color, texture, lighting and all the aesthetic details a interior designer must understand.
Team captains each chose two other players to fill out their teams - the order of the picking spoke volumes about the relationships between the designers.
Chi connects all things - Though most of us find our strongest connections with people and animals, we are also connected to things we possess and our abstract relationships.
High levels of stress affect your health and your personal relationships.
Fire - The Fire element fosters leadership qualities and helps to promote positive relationships.
Use items with any red tone, including pinks and oranges if you are looking to cultivate positive relationships and enhance you leadership skills.
The company specializes in factory-direct relationships, and the cost savings are passed onto the consumer.
A color wheel helps you understand the relationships of colors.
The real difference between working on a set and working in a salon is the joy of having long term relationships on an individual basis.
Mark is sold through the relationships of Independent Sales Representatives.
Online dating safety is a real concern as many people turn to their computers to find love and more and more lasting relationships come from online dating.
Online dating is a fun and effective way to meet people and build relationships.
It is open to people looking for all kinds of relationships, from casual encounters to friendship to long-term dating and marriage.
The site has tests to help you discover what it is you need in a relationship, why other relationships have failed and who on the site is the best match for you.
The site also offers dating advice based on your past relationships.
The focus should be on the family and the relationships between members, not the background you are using for your photo shoot.
You may know all about studies on how stress can negatively affect your health, mental stability, and relationships but you just can't seem to take control of it.
Relationships can be fantastic stress relievers if we let the people we care about there be there for us.
This unresolved anger is destructive to the person harboring it and to the relationships around them.
Unresolved anger doesn't just drive a destructive wedge into relationships here on earth.
You may feel unhappy about the direction of your life, or you may feel frustrated by some of your personal relationships.
Improving communication can often make relationships more peaceful and less stressful, and discussing problems can defuse conflicts before they become a chronic source of stress in a relationship.
Relationship stress is a bit trickier than physical stress because by its very nature, many things in relationships are intangible.
As if things weren't complicated enough, much of the conflict in relationships come from old wounds; things that linger in the unconscious mind.
Incorporating a stress reduction activity into your daily routine can benefit your health, career, and relationships.
Fatigue and irritability caused by chronic stress can strain relationships and decrease work performance, putting marriages and employment at risk.
Anger management can help you recognize excessive anger and gain control over your angry emotions before they cause damage to your life or relationships.
Anger management relaxation techniques can help prevent anger from ruining your relationships, career, or education.
It can damage relationships, negatively affect health, lead to loss of employment, and result in legal problems.
Identifying the main sources of stress in your life involves examining your relationships, physical health, financial stability, and psychological health.
Social stressors are those involving relationships with other people or the community.
Improving your relationships is an important step toward stress free living.
We must work to live, but the stress we encounter while working may be making us ill, affecting our job performance, personal lives and relationships.
Relationships and happiness are also affected by stress.
This can break up friendships, romantic couples, and coworker relationships.
If anger is adversely affecting your life and your relationships, it may be time to check out what treatment options you have at one of the many anger management facilities specializing in this type of therapy.
Look at your lifestyle, daily routine, relationships, finances, and occupation to look for unrecognized reasons for stress.
This condition can interfere with everyday life and relationships.
As we grow up and change, so do our relationships.
In teen relationships, to have a girlfriend doesn't have to mean you are in love.
But don't be disappointed if it doesn't, some relationships are best left at friends.
Although, there are some basic guidelines for being a good partner you should keep in mind, based in the roots of strong relationships.
The goal is to develop and maintain close, supportive, personal relationships with others of the same age.
In addition to having close relationships with peers, maintaining a close family relationships is also crucial becauase it helps develop a healthy sense of self.
Get informed before you make any decisions about sexual relationships, if possible, and remember there are adults who you can talk to and who will answer your questions without being judgmental.
Social clubs, performing arts programs, and sports teams allow teens to form other meaningful relationships.
Don't try to be someone else if you want to form genuine relationships.
The goal in 7th grade, as always, is to build on previously learned material and explore relationships between numbers.
Cosmo is also a popular magazine geared toward young, single women who are interested in fashion, beauty, dating and relationships.
These qualities are important in romantic and platonic relationships.
Relationships with friends and others in the school environment become substantial in a teens' life and affect their sense of self.
Do you need advice about dating and relationships?
Remember, trust is important in relationships.
The shows tend to focus on relationships, romance, magic and humor.
Many parents believe the pre adolescent years are too early to talk about sex and relationships; however one must remember this is the age they are hearing about it on the streets, or rather, in the school hallways.
And it's also a really good foundation for relationships to grow.
I mean I'm only 15 but still it really hurts to not feel wanted while all of my friends are in loving caring relationships.
Another important consideration to sexual relationships is the current laws in your state about sex and minors.
Parents worry about their young teens knowing how to handle romantic relationships, and many of the adolescents themselves are nervous as to how to do things correctly.
Maintaining relationships can be difficult, especially in the teen years.
Emphasize the importance of committed relationships and how sex is a love expression for those with a wedding ring.
The thing is, open relationships are tricky and it's hard for couples not to get jealous and fall apart.
By helping him realize that having things in common are important in a relationship, you are equipping him to get some practice in when it comes to later dating and relationships.
For that reason, it is important to respect your son's growing and changing relationships, while doing all you can to help him maintain that balance between love's excitement and proper boundaries.
Chat sites can be used to discuss school, relationships and for flirting.
Relationships with their peers and with the opposite sex will begin to develop on a more intimate level, and the overall sense of wonder and feeling part of something great will begin to take root.
High school lesbians must actively seek out the resources and supportive relationships they need to feel comfortable and safe at school, home, and in the world at large.
Because of this and their lack of interest in activities, relationships with friends and family can suffer.
Pushing it down and pretending you aren't hurt can cause problems later on in relationships with other people.
Teens are looking for independence, relationships, acceptance, understanding, and a feeling of beauty or attractiveness, and the advertisers know it.
Cute love teenage poems can express all of the complex emotions teens feel during their first relationships or crushes.
Go Ask Alive is a site where teenagers can ask questions about health, sex, fitness, alcohol or relationships.
When someone mentions a poem, the first thing that comes to most people's minds is a love poem, or a poem about relationships, but this simply isn't true.
Many career offices will have special relationships with community retailers to employee high school students.
Honesty is alwaysthe best policy when it comes to friendships and almost all other relationships as well.
High school graduation is not only a culmination of four years of education to get a diploma, but it's also a time when friends come together and meaningful relationships start to change.
Exercise doesn't have to be something that is a big deal, just going outside and playing basketball or catch for an hour every day can greatly improve your health, as well as your relationships with your family members.
In many studies, teens were less likely to return to their defiant ways when they returned home, and they had safer, healthier and more positive relationships with friends and family.
In general, summer camps help teens form special memories and relationships that could last them a lifetime.
Teens are attempting to navigate their feelings and understand the changes within themselves, as well as their relationships to others during this time.
During this time, teens also develop more friendships, and relationships include romantic and sexual feelings.
Sometimes a quote or a poem from someone famous regarding relationships is great to add at this point, so see what you can come up with.
Women have long associated jewelry with close relationships, from the friendship bracelets that we wore in elementary school, to the engagement ring we received that has caused all of this wedding planning!
A number of popular country artists have sung memorable songs honoring relationships, parents, and children through the years.
While they should still reflect joyfulness and hope, they are not expected to be as emotionally charged as those from close family are - although it is still appropriate for most close relationships.
A marriage involving children from prior relationships is about more than just the bride and the groom coming together - it is about creating an entirely new family unit.
Immediate family members, like siblings, children, grandchildren, or other close relationships typically dictates more money than others.
Close familial relationships will usually be the most, starting around 100 dollars and going up from there, depending on your financial situation.
The alcohol use may put a strain on family relationships or friendships.
Underperforming relative to ones abilities, not getting the job done, problems with professional relationships, not delivering, unexplained absences, and tardiness are often present with alcohol abuse.
Overtime, this leads to a process of isolation for the victims and their families with relationships getting progressively worse over time.
I also found that I had a knack for making friends and getting into relationships.
Blackouts, DUI's, hangovers, missing work or school, and troubles with family and other relationships are all indicative of a drinking problem.
To be able to find joy in life, fun things to do, and worthwhile relationships encourages the alcoholic through the process of hating recovery to enjoying its benefits.
Do you keep drinking even if you are losing jobs, friends, or family relationships?
Vicodin addictions can ruin lives, relationships, financial situations, and business relations.
This can aggravate tense relationships with friends, family, or other loved ones.
It could save your life and your relationships with others.
An alcoholic's addiction can interfere with personal relationships, work, health, and life in general.
For example, life may be stressful due to work, school, family or relationships, but CBT assumes that an individual can learn to get around those stressors and deal with the problem at hand (say, bulimia) on a personal level.
Not caring about the risk posed to work or relationships.
Someone characterized as alcohol abuser knows that drinking alcohol interferes with work and relationships yet continues to drink.
This is the stage when work, relationships and finances begin to suffer.
Over one-quarter of depressed individuals (27 percent) had problems at work or in their personal relationships because of depression.
The Borderline Personality Disorder is characterized by unstable personal relationships.
Without a concerted effort for intervention and detox, the problem will likely worsen over time and lead to strains in relationships, work situations and families, as well as cause permanent internal damage or even death.
In this case, the addict will have many costs beyond financial hardships, including ruined relationships, health problems and anxiety.
Drinking can become a serious problem that destroys careers, finances and relationships.
People who have alcoholism symptoms tend to have fewer close friends and more problems maintaining relationships with loved ones.
There are many reasons why alcoholism destroys relationships and marriages.
As a chronic disease, alcoholism destroys relationships (including marriages) and lives.
They may also be less likely to have close friends and relationships, as well as less ability to trust others.
Alcoholism destroys relationships and marriages, but it can also be the catalyst for change and healing.
It becomes BDD when the preoccupation is time consuming and contributes to considerable disruption in important area of someone's life, such as work, school and relationships.
Additionally, it is not unusual for someone with BDD to become socially isolated and experience considerable diffculties with intimate relationships, school and employment.
April Masini masquerades as Ask April, dishing about what it takes to make relationships work.
In addition, April is the guidance behind the widely heralded online dating and relationship magazine,, and has been interviewed extensively on the topics of dating, relationships, and celebrities.
Although Hollywood relationships seemed doomed from the beginning, there are some that go the distance.
Aniston went through a string of relationships, including an on-again, off-again relationship with John Mayer.
Celebrities all go into relationships with the cards stacked against them.
They need to keep that in mind, and move ahead putting everything they have into the relationships from the very beginning, to be sure they start out on the right foot.
It has even been rumored that his relationships with Penelope Cruz and Nicole Kidman ended because of his religious beliefs, and his marriage to Katie Holmes has been influenced by her decision to join Scientology.
Much of these relationships remain unconfirmed, and he has stated on his website that he finds such talk "irrelevant and unhealthy."
Khloe Kardashian and her sister Kourtney appeared on FOX and Friends in June 2011 to discuss their television show and family relationships.
He has been casting for 30 years, so he has a lot of experience and a huge amount of relationships with some of the bigger agencies in LA.
Her struggles with relationships, her children, and her personal well-being have been well documented, but Britney Spears continues to churn out high-quality pop music that her fans adore.
Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock each have children from previous relationships.
Depp has, however, had his fair share of high profile relationships, and was engaged to Sherilyn Fenn, Jennifer Grey, Winona Ryder and Kate Moss.
After her relationship with Carlo de la Torre ended, Cameron went on to high-profile, long term relationships with both Matt Dillon and Jared Leto.
While Johansson had typically kept her personal life under the radar, tabloids began to report on her relationships with Benicio del Toro, Derek Jeter and Jared Leto.
After lengthy relationships with Winona Ryder and Kate Moss, Depp has settled down with girlfriend Vanessa Paradis and the couple has two children together.
Andrew Firestone didn't find love on The Bachelor, but that doesn't mean he's unlucky in relationships.
Though some of her relationships have been widely publicized overseas (notably her partnerships with English actor Darren Day and banking heir Anthony de Rothschild), Fisher has always managed to maintain a relatively quiet personal life.
In 2007, Dr. Drew took on another nationally syndicated call-in radio program based in Los Angeles, aimed at adult relationships and mental health.
There have only been two husbands of Marie Osmond, though the two relationships could not have been more different.
Ouch. You have to feel for the girl, after confessing that in all of her relationships she was the "dumpee," to have it happen again in front of millions has got to be beyond humiliating and hurtful.
Britney Spears finds a new man, but will this relationship end up as a complete train wreck like her relationships in the past?
The Julia Roberts biography includes many celebrity relationships, including marriages and engagements.
As no surprise, some speculate the constant media speculation on their relationship was a factor in the break up as Vince has said on numerous occasions that he likes to "…keep his relationships quiet."
Since the average person isn't privy to all of the intimate details of these relationships, the breakups usually appear to be sudden.
It may, however, have less to do with a curse than with the type of relationships these actresses are in.
The conclusion is that where there is wealth, talent, and a moderate amount of charm, height is hardly at the forefront of celebrity relationships.
Points In Case features articles and columns from current college students who take a humorous and often cynical view of college life, education and relationships.
Relationships. Whether you make friends for life with your roommate or you develop a great academic relationship with your advisor, college offers the experience of deeper relationships than the ones you were able to achieve in high school.
The client-planner relationship is key to the course of study, and students who enroll can expect to conduct networking with a variety of contacts and learn how to enable and foster successful long-term professional relationships.
Returning to college facilitates relationships with a wide variety of business professionals, from your classmates to your instructors.
Not only will you be exposed to different examples of business models, communication issues and troubleshooting, but you can develop relationships with your peers that can help you either with job searching or employee hiring.
According to The Princeton Review, staff members also cultivate relationships with university administrators, parents, educators, college counselors, and advisors, and use their feedback and resources to help figure rankings.
Married individuals looking to put the spark back into their relationships with God and their spouses often find a way to re-kindle their passion onboard a Christian cruise.
Consequently, onboard activities such as workshops and team sports are tailored to strengthen existing relationships.
These trips are designed to accommodate men and women who aren't in romantic relationships.
However, while vow exchange ceremonies on the high seas are still trendy, these days most Christian cruises cater to married couples seeking to enrich their relationships through faith-based activities.
These types of trips focus on enhancing relationships and are not designed to solve individual problems.
Large agencies, such as AAA, may have special relationships with the cruise line if they book a lot of cruises.
As I have often said, I learn something new every day, which is a blessing because this strengthens both the bonds and the relationships I share with my dogs.
Anklets, bracelets, and earrings are all general and suitable as gifts among friends, while cuff links and other jewelry gifts for men are usually considered intimate and should be reserved for deeper relationships.
Claddagh bracelet silver Celtic jewelry comes in a wide range of styles featuring this popular Irish icon, making it suitable for many different styles of jewelry and types of relationships.
This may make it easier for a young adult to date without having any misunderstandings about physical relationships.
Many friends exchange jewelry to highlight their relationship, but friendship pendants are available for a wide range of friendly relationships, including best friends, sisters, and mother/daughter designs.
The business is all about forging strong relationships, so if they can easily alter a design to suit your customers' needs and it goes over well, the two of you will continue to work together.
The relationships we have in our later years and our day-to-day interactions with others can be of great benefit.
Not only will you have fun, but you'll learn new skills and develop new relationships while you're at it.
Visiting Angels has established relationships with key product and service providers for seniors and passes discounts on to senior clients.
People who have regular contact with others are generally healthier than those who lack these kinds of personal relationships.
People eager to explore new relationships may be interested in joining a free date service for seniors.
If the community where you live provides that assistance, it eliminates the need to move to a new facility and start building relationships all over again.
Playing certain games fosters group activity and social interaction, while others foster the development of one-to-one relationships and friendships.
This overwhelming feeling of low energy can have a big impact on everyday life and relationships.
Many relationships form from conversations through emails and online chats and develop into more meaningful connections.
Not only do many romantic relationships develop online, but many friendships do as well.
Not only do you want to be sure that what is promised is actually being delivered, but it is important to take in the whole picture and consider the impact of relocating on your lifestyle and family relationships.
Campuses are community settings designed to foster new relationships, but are also staffed with experienced professionals who can provide the assistance needed for residents to enjoy a high quality of life.
This is a community that fosters new relationships and offers plenty to do.
This community fosters close relationships among residents with plenty of activities and social gatherings.
As for seniors in long-term relationships or who are married, remember that dating is an important part of keeping the relationship alive.
The Snoring Can Be Harmful to Health and Relationships podcast explores the importance of taking the common snore seriously, both for your health and for your closest interpersonal relationships.
These issues may interfere with family life and other relationships.
Snoring can become problematic in relationships sending one partner or the other to the sofa in search of 'peaceful' rest.
Untreated snoring can significantly disrupt sleep, leading to poor job performance, irritability, depression, anxiety, and strained relationships.
It can cause problems at work, in relationships and leave you exhausted and irritable.
Other dentists have developed relationships with other experts in sleep apnea treatment.
If a negative emotion is a result, it might mean there is a problem in a relationship, but if the dream causes good feelings, this may be an indication that your love relationships are improving.
This leaves little time for maintaining a normal schedule and managing the tasks and relationships in daily life.
It can also cause tension in relationships when two people cannot sleep in the same room anymore.
Some seek remedies for snoring to improve relationships and better health.
The lab is backed by over 40 years of experience in the optical field, and has established relationships with some of the biggest lens companies in the market, such as Varilux, Zeiss, Esilor, Hoya and many more.
It's pssible that women were drawn to this game because it allowed them to form teams ("guilds") with other online gamers, forging real relationships and making real human contact through the game, working on common goals and objectives.
Once again, not unlike The Sims and World of Warcraft, the Animal Crossing series of video games focuses primarily on forming and maintaining relationships.
For this iteration, players will have the opportunity to take their uniquely created superstars through a true story mode, complete with rivalries, relationships, and specialty matches.
If your school has intern relationships with major developers and publishers, this benefit will work well for you.
These companies and organizations may have deals in place with certain carriers, so it is worthwhile to see if you'd enjoy significant savings through these special relationships.
Of the many different relationships people form over the course of the life span, the relationship between parent and child is among the most important.
Youngsters who emerge from infancy with a secure attachment stand a better chance of developing happy and healthy relationships with others.
Families may wish to seek counseling regarding the effects of the syndrome on relationships within the family.
Parental examples of honesty in interpersonal relationships are critical if a child is to develop an ethic of truthfulness.
This will help the child to develop a moral sense of right and wrong and to value honesty in interpersonal relationships.
The child with WS may have difficulty forming relationships with peers, preferring the company of younger children or adults.
For parents, a stepfamily can provide social support for new couples and new, emotionally rewarding relationships with biological and stepchildren.
This grief may remain unresolved and affect stepfamily relationships.
Sertraline appears to significantly improve productivity, social activities, and relationships compared.
It is not uncommon for a girl's period to be delayed when she is having problems with school, work, or relationships.
Adolescents with CD tend to have better relationships with their peers and are less likely to develop antisocial personality disorder in adulthood than those with childhood-onset CD.
They have difficulty developing peer relationships with members of their own sex as well as romantic relationships with the opposite sex.
Orthognatic surgery-Surgery to alter the relationships of the teeth and/or supporting bones, usually in conjunction with orthodontic treatment.
It defines a child's ability to establish and maintain high quality and mutually satisfying relationships and to avoid negative treatment or victimization from others.
In addition, relationships with peers typically involve more give-and-take than relationships with adults and thus provide an opportunity for the development of social competencies such as cooperation and negotiation.
For other children, however, being ignored or rejected by peers may be a lasting problem that has lifelong consequences, such as a dislike for school, poor self-esteem, social withdrawal, and difficulties with adult relationships.
Some children have difficulty with all types of social relationships, while others do well in their neighborhoods or in one-on-one friendships but experience problems with the peer group at school.
Murray for children (ten years old and older) as well as adults, uses a standard series of 31 picture cards in assessing perception of interpersonal relationships.
This can lead to academic failure and difficulty in making friends and developing relationships outside the home.
Such assessment should include parent-adolescent relationships; peer characteristics; school, home, and community environment; and overall health of the individual.
Alcohol use disorder (AUD)-The repetitive, long-term ingestion of alcohol in ways that impair psychosocial functioning and health, leading to problems with personal relationships, school, or work.
This can limit a person's ability to work and cause strain in personal relationships.
Teach the child to deal with quarrels with other children without physical fighting and set the child a good example in relationships with others.
Inform themselves about such problems as drug abuse, bullying, or violence in dating relationships, and learn to identify the signs of these problems in their children.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)-A pattern of behavior characterized by impulsive acts, intense but chaotic relationships with others, identity problems, and emotional instability.
Family systems theory maintains that emotional relationships in families are usually triangular.
The chief risk in family therapy is the possible unsettling of rigid personality defenses in individuals or relationships that had been fragile before the beginning of therapy.
Genogram-A family tree diagram that represents the names, birth order, sex, and relationships of the members of a family.
It is not unusual for people with social phobia to turn down job offers or avoid relationships because of their fears.
However, by junior and senior high school, retained students tend to have more behavior problems, more difficulties with peer relationships, lower self-esteem, and poorer attendance.
Children of divorced parents will have a wide range of relationships with their parents and parents' partners depending on custody arrangements and the commitment of the non-custodial parent to maintaining a relationship with the child.
Child custody laws exist to provide a legal structure for relationships between children and their divorced parents.
In the early 2000s one parent often lives out of state for a variety of reasons, including employment, extended family relationships, and standard of living.
Parents in same-sex relationships may have concerns regarding custody issues due to their sexual orientation.
It can, however, severely interfere with a young person's ability to study, play, participate in sports and other social activities, and develop close relationships with others.
Rather, experts think of the passage from childhood into and through adolescence as composed of a set of transitions that unfold gradually and that touch upon many aspects of the individual's behavior, development, and relationships.
They do not see their parents as all-knowing or all-powerful, and often have a great deal of emotional energy wrapped up in relationships outside the family.
Accompanying the biological, cognitive, and emotional transitions of adolescence are important changes in the adolescent's social relationships.
Finally, whereas children's peer relationships are limited mainly to pairs of friends and relatively small groups-three or four children at a time, for example-adolescence marks the emergence of larger groups of peers, or crowds.
One of the most important social transitions that takes place in adolescence concerns the emergence of sexual and romantic relationships.
Family relationships change most around the time of puberty, with increasing conflict and decreasing closeness occurring in many parent-adolescent relationships.
Research suggests that this distancing is temporary, and that family relationships may become less conflicted and more intimate during late adolescence.
Performance intelligence suggests the ability to perceive relationships and fit separate parts together logically into a whole.
They are likely to fail in developing social relationships with peers, have limited ability to initiate conversation if they do learn how to talk, and show a need for routine and ritual.
Researchers have learned about the cyclical patterns of different types of sleep and their relationships to breathing, heart rate, brain waves, and other physical functions.
It includes the level of peer popularity and the ease with which a child or adolescent can initiate and maintain satisfactory peer relationships.
Peer acceptance and relationships are important to children's social and emotional development.
Research on imaginary companions suggests that young children who create them do so to compensate for poor social relationships, according to a study published in the May 2004 issue of the International Journal of Behavioral Development.
These skills are crucial in initiating and maintaining relationships and in resolving conflicts.
Children learn to relate to peers by engaging in peer relationships.
Rejected children are frequently discontent with themselves and with their relationships with other children.
Teaching a child the missing skills is often more effective in improving peer relationships than working only on reducing negative behavior.
Social influences such as peer pressure, parental support, cultural and religious background, socioeconomic status, and interpersonal relationships all help to shape personality and influence psychological makeup.
In addition to disorder-specific symptoms, children with psychosocial dysfunction usually have difficulty functioning normally in social situations and may have trouble forming and maintaining close interpersonal relationships.
The child's relationships with peers and adults outside the family are affected by the tics.
They begin to understand relationships as they try to put a square object in a round opening or a large object in a small space.
Further, their chronic health complaints may damage interpersonal relationships with family and friends.
Less mature socially, abused children show difficulty in developing trusting relationships with others.
They often have a history of violent and irresponsible behavior, aggressive and even violent relationships.
Borderline personalities are unstable in interpersonal relationships, behavior, mood, and self-image.
They are prone to sudden and extreme mood changes, stormy relationships, unpredictable and often self-destructive behavior.
They also tend to be prone to extreme mood swings between self-admiration and insecurity, and tend to exploit interpersonal relationships.
They tend to have no close relationships outside the family circle and are upset at their inability to form meaningful relationships.
However, when these feelings get very intense, last for a long period of time, and begin to interfere with school and relationships, it may be a sign of a personality disorder that can, however, be treated.
These actions include disobeying parents and teachers, non-life-threatening alcohol or drug use, promiscuity, and exercising poor judgment in relationships and activities.
Asperger's syndrome is characterized by difficulties with social relationships and skills and with poor coordination and restricted range of interests.
This is clearly seen in the adolescent's increased facility and interest in thinking about interpersonal relationships, politics, philosophy, religion, and morality.
Hearing is very important for the development of emotional relationships between a child and the family.
It focuses on the baby's individuality and unique adaptive or temperamental style and is designed to develop parent-infant and clinician-family relationships.
Working mothers who are single or in nontraditional relationships have a more difficult time maintaining family stability even apart from the demands of their jobs.
Motor development has a powerful impact on the social relationships, thinking, and language of infants.
The earliest documentation of homosexuality in Western civilization occurs in ancient Greece, where same-sex relationships were considered normal by society.
Although there were some homosexual relationships between adult males, most were between men and boys.
Parents should develop good working relationships with their doctor, other specialists, and therapists, and should consult them as needed.
Following the birth of a child with Edwards' syndrome, families may wish to seek counseling regarding the effects on relationships within the family.