Relational Sentence Examples
Why is the relational data model in the case study not normalized?
Everyman tales of romantic and relational plight immediately resonate within anyone who has warm blood circulating in their veins.
Open Office version 2 includes a fine relational database.
A mink-infested footman waited outside; valets, butlers, database database object oriented relational vs second-men and maids came to attention.
There is a formal-symbolic logic engaged with the elaboration of a relational calculus.
Such a loss was secondary, relational or indirect and was therefore irrecoverable at common law and also under the statute.
Authors may wish to consider a simplified version of the relational data model, perhaps one that is fully normalized.
In sum, what emerges is the essentially relational nature of the motor system.
If my identity is fundamentally relational then salvation must take the form of restored relationships.
Many of the features of todays databases would have no place in a purely relational database.
AdvertisementThe database is hierarchical, not relational, and is particularly suited to hierarchical file structures.
There are expressions like +, - but also relational ones like =, and!= .
Sometimes we forget how powerful this is. d. relational This is the person who is very relational and warm is likable.
The relational database schema comprises 3 core tables holding sequences, accessions and taxonomy.
A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom.
AdvertisementBut when difference is relational, it is also an empty tautology.
There are expressions like +, - but also relational ones like =, and !=.
Sometimes we forget how powerful this is. d. Relational This is the person who is very relational and warm is likable.
In a relational database, the data consists of a set of tables.
Projects have proposed different solutions, based on various relational database schemata.
AdvertisementAll manner of suffering and psychosocial challenge may be conceptualized as relational in nature.
It is too simplistic to assume focusing on gender issues and medical treatment will solve all the client 's relational difficulties.
Saussure 's concept of the relational identity of signs is at the heart of structuralist theory.
Among advocates of relational subordination of women, with more or less fixed roles, see esp.
Almost all known tractable subproblems are either structural or relational.
AdvertisementIn the second part we consider a new relational reduction to tractable constraint languages.
Her database database object oriented relational vs undeniable beauty only exasperated him.
The relational friction between my father and I has reached an unbearable point.
Being candid and honest about your past can bridge a relational gap and bring your child confidence at the same time.
Boys exhibit more physical and verbal aggression, whereas antisocial behavior in girls is more indirect and relational, involving harmful social manipulation of others.
There are many "turnkey" dating sites - which are, programmatically speaking, just a relational database hooked up to a user interface.
With autistic preschoolers, your reading should focus on relational stories.
Object performance activities are also called relational activities and the goal is to reinforce object permanence with your preschooler.
Not only that, but the fit children performed better on relational memory tests.
The view of inference with which he complements it is only less satisfactory because of a failure to distinguish the principle of nexus in syllogism from its traditional formulation and rules, and because he is hampered by the intractability which he finds in certain forms of relational construction.
The main thrust of my work is relational, lifestyle evangelism.
She is the one who certified him when he wasn't ready.This is just one glimpse at the relational complexities woven into the Battlestar Galactica storyline.