Relate Sentence Examples
What had really taken place he did not wish to relate because it seemed to him not worth telling.
She would relate everything I told her to Quinn.
How does this relate to how our brains work?
Dreams always relate to something on your mind, don't they?
But the firing and shouting did not relate to them.
These terms relate to the modes of nutrition.
This must relate, however, to the fort only, because Arab travellers of the 10th century mention Hovakend or Hokand, the position of which has been identified with that of Khokand.
The Judaean annals then relate Hazael's advance to Gath; the city was captured and Jerusalem was saved only by using the Temple and palace treasure as a bribe.
Howie was able to follow her to a vehicle and relate the plate number!
I'd call a tip, relate details to the authorities.
AdvertisementThe Arabian historians relate their conflict with Zenobia.
It is not necessary to relate the scandals of Marozias and Theodoras female reign, the infamies of John XII.
They relate almost entirely to electrical phenomena, such as the magnetic rotation of light, the action of gas batteries, the effects of torsion on magnetism, the polarization of electrodes, &c., sufficiently complete accounts of which are given in Wiedemann's Galvanismus.
And in reality it would be difficult to account for this feature except on the supposition that one who had lived through the events had been accustomed, when required to give a comprehensive sketch of the history of the ministry and sufferings of Jesus, to relate the facts in the main as they happened; and that a hearer of his has to a considerable extent reproduced them in the same order.
The typical speeches in Chronicles are of little value for the periods to which they relate, and where they are inconsistent with the evidence from earlier writings or contain inherent improbabilities are scarcely of historical worth.
AdvertisementHis chief enactments relate to the payment of citizens for State service.
Of still greater importance for the history of Napoleon are Fain's Memoires, which were published posthumously in 1908; they relate more particularly to the last five years of the empire, and give a detailed picture of the emperor at work on his correspondence among his confidential secretaries.
No truths brought to light by biological investigation were better calculated to inspire distrust of the dogmas intruded upon science in the name of theology than those which relate to the distribution of animals and plants on the surface of the earth.
About this time an attack upon the city was made by the Achinese fleet, under the raja of Pedir in Sumatra; and Xavier's early biographers relate a dramatic story of how he roused the governor to action.
None of these books relate to law; and the better opinion seems to be that there were two Tribonians, apparently contemporaries, though possibly some of the attributes of the jurist have been, by a mistake of the compilers or transcribers of the Lexicon of Suidas, extended to the man of letters of the same name.
AdvertisementThe above observations relate to transmitted light, but Fraunhofer extended his inquiry to the light reflected.
But these two masters of English were not perhaps the best qualified to relate the story.
The census figures relate to the calendar year preceding 1st June 1900, and hurried and careless answers about the preceding year's crop are almost sure to have been given by many farmers in the midst of the summer's work.
The former, of which the three published volumes relate wholly to ancient music, and thus represent a mere fragment of the author's vast plan, exhibits immense reading and industry, but is written in a dry and unattractive style, and is overloaded with matter which cannot be regarded as historical.
The remaining books relate the exploits of Neoptolemus, Eurypylus and Deiphobus, the deaths of Paris and Oenone, the capture of Troy by means of the wooden horse, the sacrifice of Polyxena at the grave of Achilles, the departure of the Greeks, and their dispersal by the storm.
AdvertisementThese figures are based chiefly on the London expenditure and relate to a collection which is probably more varied than any other, but not specially large in numbers, containing on an average a little over 3000 individuals.
It isn't just that we can communicate better but that we actually relate to each other better.
A deep saucer of black blood was taken from his hairy arm and only then was he able to relate what had happened to him.
The three subjects to which Smith's writings relate are theory of numbers, elliptic functions and modern geometry; but in all that he wrote an "arithmetical" made of thought is apparent, his methods and processes being arithmetical as distinguished from algebraic. He had the most intense admiration of Gauss.
A curious idea, at one time revived by Henry Kingsley, is that the adventures of Robinson are allegorical and relate to Defoe's own life.
They relate that, after the death of his parents, Charles was driven by the machinations of the two sons of Margiste to take refuge in Spain, where he accomplished his enfances (youthful exploits) with the Mussulman king Galafre under the feigned name of Mainet.
The men who had thus abandoned the depot rejoined the main body of the expedition under Wright, who at length moved to Cooper's Creek, and, incredible to relate, neglected to search for the missing explorers.
His Ada, which have scarcely any historical value, relate that he left Ireland, and came to France with his companions.
Below, the following " Discovery Postcards " by Pingree relate to published scientific papers in deep sea oceanography.
Napoleon rode on, dreaming of the Moscow that so appealed to his imagination, and "the bird restored to its native fields" galloped to our outposts, inventing on the way all that had not taken place but that he meant to relate to his comrades.
The manner in which you speak to your child should relate to your child's age.
The adolescent years bring more opportunities for children to relate with their parents as well as more independence.
Giant time-sucks usually relate to the Internet or prolonged social conversations.
Months relate to time of conception, not actual birth dates.
Then I busted his chops how he wouldn't be able to, I don't know, relate.
If d is measured for two gases in succession for the same frequency N, we have 72 p 2P1 d22 71 p i p s d12' where the suffixes denote the gases to which the quantities relate.
Nevertheless, part of the later Maya records may be genuine - for instance, when they relate .the war about three centuries before the Spanish conquest, when the king of Chichen-Itza destroyed the great city of Mayapan.
A colony of Attic cleruchs was established by Pericles, and many inscriptions on the island relate to Athenians.
Other versions of the Death-myth in Polynesia relate that Maui stole a march on Night as she slept, and would have passed right through her to destroy her, but a little bird which sings at sunset woke her, she destroyed Maui, and men lost immortality.
Our selected divisions relate only to the High Alps between the Col de Tenda and the route over the Radstddter Tauern, while in each of the 18 subdivisions the less elevated outlying peaks are regarded as appendages of the higher group within the topographical limits of which they rise.
The most valuable parts of the work are those which relate to poetry, of which he had a much more intimate knowledge than of sculpture and painting.
Borneo has possessed a diamond industry since the island was first settled by the Malays; the references in the works of Garcia de Orta, Linschoten, De Boot, De Laet and others, to Malacca as a locality relate to Borneo.
It is painful to relate that twice in the course of the year which followed the publication of this great work he was arrested and carried to sponging-houses, and that he was twice indebted for his liberty to his excellent friend Richardson.
The preceding remarks relate to auroras as a whole; the different forms differ considerably in their diurnal variation.
A pillar of earth before the dam is called the Bride of the Nile, and Arab historians relate that this was substituted, at the Moslem conquest, for a virgin whom it was the custom annually to sacrifice, to ensure a plentiful inundation.
There are altogether 423 verses, gathered from various older sources, and strung together without any other internal connexion than that they relate more or less to the same subject.
St Paul had not been one of his personal disciples in Galilee or Jerusalem; he had no memories to relate of His miracles and teaching.
This little treatise stands almost alone in Proverbs; the great mass of its aphorisms relate to vices and faults which, though possible in any tolerably well-organized community, were specially prominent in the cities in which the Jews dwelt after the conquests of Alexander.
Verses 12-15 relate to the portions of the mealand peace-offerings which fell to the lot of the priests, and connect, therefore, with chap. ix.; possibly they have been wrongly transferred from that chapter.
Kidd, "A Cursory Analysis of the Works of Galen, so far as they relate to Anatomy and Physiology," Trans.
But his contempt for the annalistic form makes him at times careless in his chronology and arbitrary in his method of arranging his material; he not infrequently flies off at a tangent to relate stories which have little or no connexion with the main narrative; his critical faculty is too often allowed to lie dormant.
The deleted sentences usually relate to eminent persons; they sometimes repeat scandal, sometimes give the author's own opinion.
It may be mentioned that, while by-laws relating to the good government of the county have to be confirmed by the secretary of state, those which relate to the suppression of nuisances have to be confirmed by the Local Government Board.
These relate for the most part to nuisances and infectious disease, having special reference to ships.
All revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives, but to such bills the Senate may propose amendments provided they relate solely to raising revenue.
It becomes the function of philosophy, dealing with these utterances, to relate them to the results of other spheres of experience, and to determine their real meaning in the more exact terms of thought.
Subsequently, after his trial, Garnet said he " could not certainly affirm " that Greenway intended to relate the matter to him in confession.
I will also relate the manner in which we dedicated ourselves to God when we had been made new through Christ.
Number is concrete or abstract according as it does or does not relate to particular objects.
The above definitions of logarithms, &c., relate to cases in which n and p are whole numbers, and are generalized later.
The self is found to be a cause of force, free in its action, on the ground that we are obliged to relate the volition of consciousness to the self as its cause, and its ultimate cause.
And whether the laws of our reason are the laws of all intelligence and being - whether and how we are to relate our fundamental, intellectual and moral conceptions to what is beyond our experience, or to an infinite being - are problems which Cousin cannot be regarded as having solved.
Fossil insects, however, formed the subject of his special studies (History of the Fossil Insects of the Secondary Rocks of England, 1845), and many of his published papers relate to them.
Several historians relate that she had been the mistress of Francis I.
Biographers have delighted to relate how painfully Demosthenes made himself a tolerable speaker, - how, with pebbles in his mouth, he tried his lungs against the waves, how he declaimed as he ran up hill, how he shut himself up in a cell, having first guarded himself against a longing for the haunts of men by shaving one side of his head, how he wrote out Thucydides eight times, how he was derided by the Assembly and encouraged by a judicious actor who met him moping about the Peiraeus.
Greek and Roman writers seem to have possessed very little definite information about the island, though much of what they relate corresponds to the state of society disclosed in the older epics.
In this case the revelations of the spectroscope relate only to the constitution of the gaseous envelope, and not to the body below the envelope, from which the light emanates.
There were many curious examples of the taboo with regard to actions connected with royalty, and also in the words used which relate to Malagasy sovereigns and their surroundings.
Max Muller says (speaking of the Greeks), " their poets had an instinctive aversion to everything excessive or monstrous, yet they would relate of their gods what would make the most savage of Red Indians creep and shudder " - stories, that is, of the cannibalism of Demeter, of the mutilation of Uranus, the cannibalism of Cronus, who swallowed his own children, and the like.
Schoolcraft mentions a Red Indian story explaining how " the bear does not die," but this tale Schoolcraft (like Herodotus in Egypt) " cannot bring himself to relate."
As has been said earlier, the history of Africa reaches back but a short distance, except, of course, as far as the lower Nile valley and Roman Africa is concerned; elsewhere no records exist, save tribal traditions, and these only relate to very recent events.
His sole aim is honestly to relate what he knew of the glorious struggles of his nation.
His biographers relate miracles due to his sanctity worked during his lifetime and at his shrine.
Other important investigations relate to maxima and minima.
I told her Howie had a flashback but I didn't relate the rest of his whacky conversation.
I proceeded to slowly relate the full detail of what Howie had recorded, repeating the description of the man, car and license plate number.
I'd like, if I may, to relate a small anecdote.
Page always looks on the bright side of life and audiences quickly relate to his genuinely affable nature with some serious cheekiness thrown in.
Foundation Modules In order for a project to be considered appropriate it must relate to School of Computing advanced modules.
John Matthews shows you how to use these archetypes of the shamanic tradition to relate to your life today.
This can relate to the prevalence of asthma itself or the prevalence or severity of asthma exacerbations.
Relate Sourcing Request [BUY] Printed baby bibs I would like to import printed baby bibs with our own artwork...
A point of order may only relate to an alleged breach of these Council Rules of Procedure or the law.
Many of these relate to specific concordats with individual countries and you have to apply directly through the equivalent organization your home country.
Relate what an ideal mixer does to two signals in the time domain to what happens in the frequency domain, using convolution.
By measuring genetic divergence between populations using molecular markers, I hope to relate this host specificity to the process of incipient speciation.
How exactly we read Ecclesiastes as a whole and relate the joy passages to the vanity passages remains a controversial point.
I relate these general themes to Pedro Almodóvar's Hable con Ella [Talk to Her] (2002 ).
Each man considers himself to be the genuine champion of inductive empiricism in the attempt to relate faith to history.
The reviews listed below relate to the Victorian era.
A major conceptual task is to relate cultural genesis to natural genesis.
Disparity of particle sizes following crushing has also been shown to relate to the strong hysteresis observed in unloading and reloading tests on soils.
How does this localisation relate to the notions of cultural and media imperialism?
Their area of focus will be the safety of nuclear installations, including all issues that could relate to or impact on facility safety.
The more serious allegations which the Committee were able to investigate relate to the subsequent interrogation in depth of 11 individuals.
Relate the color of an ionic compound to the color of an ionic compound to the color of an ionic compound to the color of its positive or negative ions.
People who can relate to my crying jags, my lashing out at those I love.
The garden should relate to the new internal layout of the house.
Station and light maintenance depot exemptions generally relate to a named station or light maintenance depot exemptions generally relate to a named station or light maintenance depot.
Press releases of the time relate to Edwin winning over 80 gold, silver or bronze medals.
For a list of services that relate to the Accidents at Work look at the right-hand navigation.
Most relate to heroin and misuse of the synthetic opiate, methadone.
These may relate to the memory of former parishioners or friends who have died or they may simply be personal choice.
I really tried to relate to the central character but found him so unapproachable even when Jake Gyllenhaal was giving such a wonderful performance.
These phenotypic variations have been shown to relate to the specific mutation generated, to environmental influences and to independently segregating modifier genes.
Another popular activity that can take the place of a baby shower game is to invite each guest to relate one favorite memory that she has of the guest-of-honor.
Many relate a sort of narrative that tells the story of the birth of the child as well as circumstances involving his or her death.
Family and friends-Family and friends may be asked to sign a memory book and relate a personal story that they remember fondly about the baby and his or her family.
Try and relate it as closely as you can to your core business, but make it easy for people to remember.
This can relate to anything from where you will be using the charger to how many batteries you have or how often you will be charging.
It is possible the trauma from the dogs chasing her has caused her to relate moving to a traumatic experience.
Cat vocalizations appear to have some universal quality with which many cat owners relate.
The combination of words works to create images that relate to the cool night air, both visually and physically.
While adults may find the drone of constantly bad days and self-centered escapades, kids often find "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" a story that they can relate to.
One reason that kids love "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series is that they can relate to Greg's struggles.
Jeff's father's attempts to make his son more manly, and Greg's further rebuffs at becoming more manly represent a classic struggle to which few teens can't relate.
Before he began to write the series, Kinney filled a notebook with 77 "idea pages", that he thought could relate to events in a book featuring Greg.
Relevant - The book includes topics that kids can relate to their everyday experiences.
Remember that your customers usually do not relate problems with transactions to the processing company, but instead directly to you.
What makes these services Christian is that they reference Christian ideals in their literature, particularly the passages in the Bible that relate to borrowing and lending.
It's important to be sure that you choose someone you can relate to well and someone you can trust.
That respect may relate to personal space and boundaries, lifestyle choices, or minor preferences such as fashion or food.
One method that is often used to present recycling facts in an easy to understand and interesting format, is to relate the information to a distance.
There are many websites that offer a range of facts that relate to different aspects of recycling.
They also have all the information on the funding opportunities created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that relate to home solar kits.
Examples are given on how to act, and a reason is spelled out in a simple, easy to comprehend language that kids are able to relate to.
Folk artists are typically from rural or pre-industrial societies and relate to craftsmen more than fine artists.
Women everywhere can relate to frustratingly rubbing away at their lashes in an effort to remove every last bit of mascara.
This might relate to the amount of independence you feel at work, if your employer's mission statement lines up with your personal beliefs, and how valued you feel at your job.
There are plenty of other ways that exercise and reduction of stress relate.
Some will relate their symptoms to the weather, a bad mood, too much exercise, or a bad mattress leading to a bad night's sleep; meanwhile unrecognized stress could be the culprit.
Start with basic friendships and learn to relate to females this way.
However, shows with teen appeal are more likely to feature teenage characters and relate to the issues young viewers face.
Write poems or read them if you want something to relate to; it can help you understand that your feelings are perfectly normal and appropriate.
For the sports enthusiast, gifts that relate to his favorite game or team will be a big hit.
Teens often use poems for a best friend on their Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter pages to relate to how they are feeling. even has a feature that allows you to search for only videos that relate to your keyword, as opposed to searching for websites, images and video links like the search engine normally does.
Another Bible based activity is picking a topic like lust, envy, or passion and having the members of your Bible study group try to find passages that relate best to that topic.
For example, many graduation poems out there talk about hopes for the future or pride in the present because both of those thoughts relate to graduation.
The appliances a person should purchase first relate directly to the recipes he or she would like to use most often.
In response, the best man acknowledges the groom's toast to the bridesmaids and goes on to relate some amusing anecdotes about his relationship to the groom.
Relate any humorous, but not embarrassing, stories that you might know.
At an informal wedding, bookmarks that relate back to special events, such as a trip or first date movie, may make cute keepsakes.
You may want to come up with a main idea and relate the rest of your speech back to that element.
Make simple centerpieces that relate back to your wedding theme.
This reading can be drawn from a religious book or text and relate back to thankfulness, meals, family or love.
Classic games, like Pictionary and charades, can coordinate easily with a themed shower - simply write down suggestions for drawings and actions that relate back to the main subject matter.
Regardless of where your inspiration comes from, you must relate the wisdom you write back to the couple.
Instead, draw upon your life views and relate it back to the couple.
In a support group, you'll meet people who can relate to your struggle on a personal level and who will keep you accountable in recovery.
Some live a life based on many lies while others make up stories that relate to their life.
I also had to move from our simple life in Texas to LA, so I can relate to how Christina felt.
Regular, everyday people just can't relate.
Pinksy, of course, was just giving an example in which the general public could relate because everyone has seen or heard of Cruise's love for Scientology and erratic behavior.
Being only 10 years old herself, it was easy for her to relate to her audience.
A lot of money-saving tips for college students relate to spending in the dorm.
Some of the most frequent time-management problems relate to class schedules and extracurricular overlaps.
It can be tough for students to juggle coursework from multiple disciplines that may not relate to one another.
If the owner is able to relax and relate well to the newcomer, so are the pets, and things tend to go better.
There are plenty of resources online that relate to the Allman Brothers.
The top line corresponds to the E string with the highest pitch, and the remaining lines relate to the other strings all the way down to the low pitched E string.
The variety of items available for sale on eBay that relate to Gene Simmons and KISS is staggering.
The more you know about how the laws in your area relate to your project, the better you'll be able to decide how you want to proceed.
Celtic designs were often drawn from nature, others relate directly to their spiritual beliefs.
Why not have a bracelet that is formed from birthstones that relate to other occasions, for instance a marriage, engagement or Christening?
You may see skis, snowy mountaintops, boughs of holly, candy canes, candles, penguins, wreaths and other images that relate to the season, but don't necessarily have anything to do with Christmas itself.
None of these details relate solely to high-end fashion, but there is a certain level of attention, time and care that goes into designer looks; the same cannot always be said for their lower-end counterparts.
Unfortunately, most women can probably relate to that feeling of discomfort that comes along with wearing a garment that is too something - too snug, too itchy or, yes, too darn tight.
See if the members seem happy and take note of the way the staff members relate to them.
Tailor the trivia questions around things that the seniors can relate to.
The cognitive symptoms relate to memory and thought processes, while the behavioral symptoms describe the way a person feels and acts.
Another gift idea is books or a magazine subscription that relate to retired life or continue to stimulate the mind.
Consider giving gifts that help with the transition to retirement, such as gifts that relate to new hobbies or advice books.
This area of medicine focuses on obstructive sleep apnea and snoring, specifically, and other conditions as they relate to the patient.
This is a time when you can learn how you relate to the status quo, and determine if it's time to change your sleeping habits for the better.
This way you'll be able to get lowdown before you purchase and you'll be able to relate your shopping experience to others.
Parts that relate specifically to the style of your Ray Bans, such as a missing piece of the frame, may be more difficult to come by.
All of the styles are given names that relate to spiders.
In fact, if you're an old school fan and you liked the classic RPGs like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III (Japanese 6), then you are more likely to relate to the attitude this game portrays.
These largely relate to how a cell phone network operator divides up its given wireless spectrum among customers, ensuring that one person's cell phone is not intercepting another person's phone call.
Most physicians say the diseases that relate to minority health are best treated with nationally accepted standards of care.
Most of the symptoms relate in some way to the aberrant control of muscles.
Children learn to relate to peers by engaging in peer relationships.
Often a vicious circle develops where a rejected child is given fewer and fewer opportunities by his peers to relate and thereby learn new skills.
It can interfere with their ability to relate to others in meaningful ways and to feel empathy.
The most commonly recognized symptoms of celiac disease relate to the improper absorption of food in the gastrointestinal system.
Most of the risks and short-term side effects associated with amniocentesis relate to the sampling procedure and have been discussed above.
Favoritism becomes a factor when some parents find it much easier to relate to a child with a flexible temperament or one whose temperament matches their own than to a child who does not fit in as well.
Besides the tissue changes generated by hormone stimulation, the only other symptoms relate to sexual desire and function.
In addition, dogs typically relate to humans according to a hierarchical model of dominance and submission, and many of the techniques of dog training are intended to teach the dog to respect human authority.
The idea is to establish enough of a movement vocabulary that the audience can relate to the dance routine, but then to push the edges of the unexpected just often enough to keep them engaged and thoughtful about the piece.
The directions of a bagua map each directly relate to a life aspect and to the specific area of your house found at the corresponding direction.
The east direction of your house or space correlates to the way you relate to children, your creative activities and your ability to complete things.
Basic understanding of how the five elements of feng shui relate to one another in the creative cycle is needed to successfully balance these elements in your home or office.
An example of an irrational number in mathematics, the Golden Ratio is a constant that represents a ratio of two quantities and how they relate to one another.
Mathematically known as Phi, the Golden Ratio is a constant number that stands for the ratio of two quantities and how those quantities relate to each other.
Different salons specialize in different looks, and it is always best to find a stylist to whom you can relate well.
Almost anyone can relate to the spiked rush of confidence resulting from flawless hair, a gorgeous outfit or a great hair day.
Anyone with fine hair can relate to the desire for fuller locks.
Choosing a theme for the scavenger hunt helps you relate it to a current topic of study in one of the content areas.
For example, if you're studying the Civil War in your social studies curriculum, create a list of facts or websites for the scavenger hunt that relate to the war.
Relate teaching ideas to their personal life to help them make the connection.
Look at what the company stands for, then figure out how to relate what you have learned to your own characteristics.
See LoveToKnow Crafts for more ideas that relate to favorite hobbies.
It's important to choose a realtor whom you trust and relate well with, since you will potentially be spending a lot of time together.
Talk to your doctor about any feelings you may have that relate to postpartum depression.
They typically relate best to people who are much older than themselves.
They are often admired for their sense of humor and ability to relate well to others.
Almost all the threads and topics relate to pregnancy, although there is a "Random" section for other discussions.
Make sure your work understands your new priorities as they relate to your baby.
These costs relate to negative consequences for children and mothers, including health care, foster care, and incarceration.
Young girls will relate more to candy-colored terry coverups than the draped items worn by their mothers and/or middle aged women.
Many may be genetic and evolutionary, while others can relate to thyroid issues or autoimmune disorders.
If you've ever spent time searching for your car keys, you can relate to the importance of having a place for everything and everything in its place.
The concept behind Not Your Daughter's Jeans is one that just about every woman in the world can relate to.
Gameplay is similar to the original but the questions relate to pop culture and some of the questions may be contained on the DVD.
That way, he'll enjoy play the game because he can relate it to some he really likes.
Not all themes have to relate to the season.
Instead, take something you are interested in and find ornaments for your tree that relate back to that theme.
Most parents can relate to their children's interest in active role-playing games.
At both of these sites, you'll begin by filling out a personality profile designed to give you objective feedback about yourself and to help you understand how you relate to other people.
Exactly how does sexual harassment relate to dating?
This is because we have no prior experience to relate to and as a result, our senses are on alert to pay attention.
Other times, you may only find two or three that relate to your boyfriend so you may be unsure.
Knowing more about how a girl deals with her feelings will help you relate more to her in a positive way.
Normally, you'll see diamonds listed in quarter increments rather than points or millimeters because they are easier for consumers to relate to.
The precise orientation of the weaving on the ring may relate to a specific family pattern or more general motifs such as love, romance, eternity, togetherness, and other characteristics that perfectly accentuate a marriage.
Unfortunately, the measurements don't relate to inches or centimeters.
You will want to do regular Google searches for the term "freelance writing Maryland" and other key words that relate to that topic.
Even if they are fantastical or mythical, they need to have motivations that readers can relate to.
The stories are short, the books are generally beautifully illustrated, and the characters are easy for both the young and the young-at-heart to relate to.
A successful feature writer knows how to choose quotes, anecdotes, descriptions, and examples that her audience can easily relate to.
Hannah Montana is one of the hottest Disney productions to which young girls can relate.
This handbag style is, at least in terms that relate to fashion, an everyday carryall that usually offers plenty of room, making it practical for everyday use.
Whether it's a quick run around the block or an energetic game of tennis, these two instinctively know how to relate to one another!
From there, move on to the glyph and determine the role "matter" plays when juxtaposed to "spirit" and this will relate the sign's "values".
Instead, you'll find horoscopes that directly relate to subjects that teens are interested in; school, relationships and the like.
An individual with a sun in Scorpio may not relate as heavily to this zodiac position if several other of his major planets are located in different signs.
She can usually avoid confrontation because of her ability to relate to most people and see a situation from another person's point of view.
As long as Scorpio can accept that Capricorn won't always understand or even relate to her feelings, this should be a long-lasting and rich relationship.
Scorpio, on the other hand, may not relate to Taurus' practicality.
It's common for other people to relate and gravitate towards this sign's inherent enthusiasm for life and wildly romantic nature.
Preschoolers enjoy themes that they can relate to, and most relate well to television, cartoon, book, and movie characters.
Encourage your child to become involved in extra activities that relate to science.
There are still plenty of boy toys that he can relate to, and we've listed a few favorites.
Because kids are savvy these days, they recognize the many spoofs in this film and relate to Shrek and the inside jokes, such as when Fiona makes the bird explode while singing to it-a parody of Sleeping Beauty.
Researchers have shown that boys and girls really do relate differently and that gender differences are a very real part of how we interact with each other.
Puzzles are a wonderful teaching tool that help children relate to objects and places.
While not quite a game, maps, atlases and globes are wonderful learning tools that can help her relate to the world by visualizing their placement on the planet.
They relate well to others and often have great empathy for the feelings of another.
Learning your parenting style and making adjustments can help you to make better parenting choices as you relate to your children.
Pascagoula locals understand why the area is haunted, and relate it back to Hal, a worker at the Ingalls Shipyard in Pascagoula who was laid off from work one rainy Friday night.
However, the following mysteries relate very real events that took place involving real ships, planes and people who went missing.
Shipping charges relate simply to the actual delivery from the dealer to the purchaser and may not even include delivery within the home, but only to the curb.
For many people, it helps to relate the debt snowball method to dieting.
However, most exceptions relate to being mentally ill, suffering from a terminal illness, or being the main caretaker of a mentally or physically ill family member.
Difference Between provides a more detailed explanation of these key terms and how they relate to understanding statistical data.
It's no surprise she has such a following, considering her desire to create was born of something we can all relate to - painful feet.
The struggles they faced as she wanted to work and had to balance a chosen job with her family life was something husbands and wives everywhere could relate to.
The Emmys recognize many types of daytime programming, several of which relate directly to soap operas.
The show emphasized family values that modern families could relate to.
Other spoilers relate to what vampires may come to town, what lies in the tomb and who else knows the secrets?
He's got a lot of crazy things that he does and that works out for Jones because they can relate to each other and Baze can pull him in.
Chinese and Japanese symbol tattoos both relate to a level of spirituality and tranquility not generally associated with the philosophies of the West.
The four points can relate to the four compass points of North, South, East and West.
Getting a butterfly tattoo on your lower back may be more meaningful if you relate personally to some of the stories found in songs and folklore relating to butterflies.
Many religions and cultures (Christianity and Buddhism especially) relate this process to spiritual evolution.
The serial codes relate to the case and registered design number.
Kid's yoga programs often include a discussion on the ways that yoga can relate to a child's daily life.
This echoes the benefits of tantric yoga and guided meditation, which relate the sensual, sexual, and mental processes to the purely physical practices of asanas.
Helping your child learn effective ways to deal with the disorder will not only help him cope, it may help other teenagers relate to him and understand the daily struggles and setbacks he endures.
Many parents of autistic children can relate to the experiences the Miller family has with communication, behavior and perspective.
Knowing the symptoms will enable you to better relate to those you know with autism and to look out for more signs in your own child's development so you can take medical action, if needed.
Nearly everyone can relate to feeling physically uncomfortable due to sensory input.
The organization uses some terms that many people on the spectrum find offensive, and while many families can relate to the hardships associated with the conditions, the portrayal seems skewed to the negative.
The online newspaper covers other topics relating to the prevalence of autism as it may relate to environmental factors.
What does idiot savant mean and how does it relate to the autism spectrum of disorders?
Many adults can relate to people with Aspergers, and the strong identification can lead an adult with deficits in social skills to look to AS as a possible answer.
Objectives relate to different facets of learning, and typical IEP goals for a student in kindergarten address the child's needs and strengths.
Some students may need help with daily living skills, and a plan may include goals that relate to everyday activities.
When better to capture online purchasers than when they're already on the sites that relate to your business?
This type of resume works well for those looking to make a transition to a completely new type of career, because it affords an opportunity to highlight career accomplishments that relate to the job currently being sought.
There's no reason to share that you like reading, bowling, or taking long hikes with employers on your resume unless such activities specifically relate to the job you are applying for.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to draft a letter regarding your impressions about my abilities as they relate to working in the (fill in the type of job you are applying form) profession.
The summary should include a few sentences that relate to each major section included in the plan.
While these prices relate to dealership retail values for new cars, buying habits also affect the Canadian price of used cars.
You can either look for books with pretty covers or choose books that relate to the overall theme of your project.
Cub Scout crafts usually relate to the specific lessons the boys are learning in scouts.
Decorate each page with crayon drawings that relate to the coupon.
The phrases relate to foods containing five milligrams of sodium or fewer per serving.
The band easily declares their Christian faith, but they also wants to create music that a broad and diverse group of people can relate to.
It's a song with a message nearly everyone can relate to, although some listeners prefer the harder side of the band when it comes to musical style.
Everyone can relate to lyrics like that because they're cute and fun.
Many can relate to each word she sings and take them to heart for their own lives.
While most holidays have at least a few songs or pieces of music that relate to it, Halloween may have the most, second only to Christmas.
One group should be things to do around the house (such as cleaning, painting, and decorating) and the other list should relate to items you need to purchase.
Kids will expect the foods they eat at a Halloween party to relate back to the ghoulish holiday.
As you think about these questions, jot down some ideas about how these interests might relate to a party.
Watching "normal" people who want to lose weight makes some viewers relate to them and want to do the same.
They relate a bit of their personal story and explain what the tattoo will represent.
Also, relate here how you see your show progressing through additional seasons.
As someone who had struggled with weight issues in the past, Sweeney is able to relate to the contestants and provides a great deal of encouragement and positive energy to the show.
There was a lot of emphasis on their adopted status throughout the show, and both co-hosts used this to try and relate to the families.
Viewers gravitate to makeover reality shows because many people can relate to them.
He seems to relate well to the contestants and encourages them when they seem to be slacking off.
Very popular fairy tales share certain traits such as familiar characters that readers can relate to or easily imagine and strong plots that lead readers to draw conclusions from characters' actions.
It allows viewers to actually relate to the fierce biomechanical warriors in a human way.
Minya made Godzilla likeable because suddenly humans could relate to him as a parent caring for his child.
When you do, you will naturally use words that relate to your employer or business.
The fact that teenage girls can really relate to the main character is a big plus.
Google will place ads on your blog that relate to your subject matter.
You can also affiliate with Amazon, and link directly to special books that relate to your topic.
Even if you feel like an ordinary parent sending ordinary kids to an ordinary school, it's likely that your observations and experiences will be interesting to readers, even if that's mainly because they can relate to you and your family.
You'll want to come up with something both catchy and easy to remember, and have it relate to your topic as well.
Adding pictures, videos and links to articles and websites that relate directly to the fan page is also a great idea.
Images can do wonders for your web page; however, images are only effective if they relate to the content or material.
Your web page needs to relate to your personal interests.
Using the theme you selected, create five or six smaller topics that relate to the theme.
Check out these fast facts that relate to location specific SEO.
One of the best ways to optimize the content on your website is to find keywords that relate to your business and incorporate them into your website copy.
If you use keywords that don't relate to the content on your page, you will quickly get demoted in Yahoo search and web search results of other search engines as well.
I proceeded to relate the information Martha had conveyed.
I'll attempt to relate my thoughts and feeling as accurately as possible.
Or to relate to anyone.
The materials thus obtained formed the basis of his historical and biographical works, which relate chiefly to the period of the Reformation.
If w now relate to the edge of the grating, on which there are altogether n lines, no- = 2a sin w, and the value of the last term in (I o) becomes no- sin 3w sin O'tan 0', - 1 1 - 6 mnX sin' w tan 0'.
Its contents relate to the destruction of the world through war and natural catastrophes - for the heathen a source of menace and fear, but for the persecuted people of God one of admonition and comfort.
The Versus practically reproduce in outline Bwda's account of Ca dmon's dream, without mentioning the dream, but describing the poet as a herdsman, and adding that his poems, beginning with the creation, relate the history of the five ages of the world down to the coming of Christ.
I can even now point out the place where the blessed Polycarp used to sit when he discoursed, and describe his goings out and his comings in, his manner of life and his personal appearance and the discourses which he delivered to the people, how he used to speak of his intercourse with John and with the rest of those who had seen the Lord, and how he would relate their words.
The only points of sure information which we possess relate to (1) his relations with Ignatius, (2) his protests against heresy, (3) his visit to Rome in the time of Anicetus, (4) his martyrdom.
Yet, for the most part, they either relate to objects thoroughly incapable of poetic treatment, where the writer's endeavour is rather to expound the matter fully than to render it poetically beautiful, or else expend themselves on short isolated subjects, generally myths, and are erotic in character.
He published a memoir on the integration of partial differential equations and a few others, which have not been noticed above, but they relate to subjects with which his name is not especially associated.
The works of Wallis are numerous, and relate to a multiplicity of subjects.
Many even of these readings merely relate to variations of spelling, pronunciation or grammatical forms; others substitute a more decent expression for the coarser phrase of the text, but in some instances the suggested reading really affects the sense of the passage.
It has contributed nothing whatsoever to our knowledge of any Hebrew individual of this period,' and consequently what elements of history underlie the stories in Genesis, in so far as they relate to the Hebrew patriarchs, must still be determined, if at all, by a critical study of the Old Testament.
The standards of the British Empire, so far as they relate to the imperial and metric systems, are in the custody of the Board of Trade.